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锐劲特防治水稻二化螟的效果及技术   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
范仰东  莫小平 《昆虫知识》1999,36(3):161-164
锐劲特对水稻三化螟有显著的防治效果。每 666.7m_2用锐劲特 30mL,防治适期较宽,最佳防治时间在1~2龄幼虫高峰期。使用不同防治方法都能有效控制二化螟为害。锐劲特对稻象甲成虫有很好的兼治效果。  相似文献   

许美昌  庄学泉 《昆虫知识》1990,27(5):275-277
通过1986~1988年的调查,旱直播水稻主要害虫的发生特点是:苗期稻蓟马、稻象甲为害突出,后期稻纵卷叶螟发生较重,褐稻虱的发生相对较轻。为了保护旱直播水稻的正常生长和稳产高产,应区别对待,因地制宜地掌握苗情和虫情,适期使用有效农药,开展综合防治。  相似文献   

绿色功夫和锐劲特对食用菌害虫的防治效果测定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
室内毒力测定和菇房药效试验表明,绿色功夫和锐劲特对食用菌害虫眼蕈蚊和果蝇有较强的毒力和较好的防治效果。绿色功夫对眼蕈蚊和果蝇的LC50分别为5.08mg/L和2.45mg/L。锐劲竺对眼蕈蚊和果蝇的LC50分别为8.75mg/L和8.50mg/L。菇房防治效果显示:用质量浓度12.5mg/L和6.25mg/L的绿色功夫液浇淋和务菌代防治效果达88.6%、81.8%和75.9%、65.1%。用质量浓  相似文献   

锐劲特对家蚕毒性的测定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
姚全甫 《昆虫知识》1998,35(6):343-345
螟虫和稻飞虱是我区水稻生产上的主要害虫,常用甲胺磷和扑虱灵等农药防治,效果虽较好但除虫单一、高毒,对桑蚕危害大。法国罗纳普朗克公司研制生产的锐劲特新农药,在我地杀灭水稻螟虫、稻飞虱等害虫均具有理想防治效果。为了推广使用此农药,我们于1995~1996年用锐劲特农药对家蚕毒性进行了生物测定,现将结果总结如下。回材料与方法回.互供试药剂:5%锐劲特胶悬剂(法国罗纳普朗克公司驻上海办事处提供);50%甲胺磷乳油偷江菱湖化学厂生产)。1.2供试品种:为“薪杭白云”,2~3龄健康家蚕。1.3试验时间:于1995和1996年的中秋…  相似文献   

雷惠质  江建云 《昆虫知识》1992,29(3):165-168
<正> 水稻害虫对我国水稻的高产、稳产影响极大,一般年份损失约10%,大发生年达20%。据中国科学院动物研究所报道,全国稻区已知的稻虫种类有250多种,其中严重危害的有二化螟、三化螟、稻纵卷叶螟、褐飞虱、白背飞虱和黑尾叶蝉等6种;某些年份或局部地区危害较重的有大螟、稻苞虫、稻蓟马等31种;其余种类危害较轻或偶而见到。我国稻虫种类虽多,但其中以  相似文献   

Bt与锐劲特混用防治水稻二化螟的效果评价   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
范仰东  莫小平 《昆虫知识》2001,38(4):273-275
Bt与锐劲特混用对水稻二化螟有较显著的防治效果。每 667m2 用Bt2 5g加锐劲特 1 5mL ,防治第 1 ,3代二化螟 ,适期在 2~ 3龄幼虫盛期 ,一般情况下 1次施药即能控制全代二化螟的危害  相似文献   

植物精油在害虫防治上的应用   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
本文就应用植物精油防治害虫的研究集中在下列四方面进行了综述:1.精油对昆虫的吸引作用;2.精油对昆虫的忌避、拒食和生长发育抑制作用;3.精油对昆虫的毒杀作用;4.不同精油或精油与化学农药的混用及其产生的增效作用。  相似文献   

锐劲特对家蚕持效期的生物测定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
姚全甫  胡国文 《昆虫知识》1998,35(5):274-276
法国罗纳普朗克公司研制生产的锐劲特农药防治螟虫、稻飞虱等主要害虫均具有理想的效果。1995~1996年我们用此农药对家蚕持效期进行了生物测定试验,现将结果总结如下。1材料与方法1.1供试药剂:5%锐劲特胶悬剂(法国罗纳公司驻上海办事处提供);50%甲胺磷(浙江菱湖化学厂生产)。1.2供试家蚕:为“薪杭白云”。试验分别在1995~1996年的秋蚕2~3龄期进行。1.3试验方法:对家蚕持效期的测定,在室外桑树叶片上喷5%锐劲特750、1500、3000、6000、12000倍稀释液;50%甲胺磷1500倍稀释液。即有效成分分别为6667、33.33、16.67、8.…  相似文献   

水稻三种主要害虫复合为害损失的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
张文庆  古德祥 《昆虫知识》1994,31(6):321-323
三化螟、稻纵卷叶螟和稻飞虱类是南方水稻的主要害虫,常在水稻生长中后期同时造成为害。网室接虫试验表明:水稻产量损失率与三种害虫的密度呈线性关系,回归方程式为:y=0.0870+032431x1+0.5075x2+0.1583x3。文中对多种病虫复合为害损失预测模型的一般形式及复合防治指标的应用进行了讨论。  相似文献   

植物性杀虫剂印楝对同翅目害虫的防治研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,由于人们对农药使用引起的害虫抗药性、农药残留和环境毒性等问题的认识,植物性杀虫剂的研究越来越受到重视,是传统农药的理想替代品之一。本以植物性杀虫剂印楝为研究对象,综述了其对同翅目叶蝉、蚜虫、飞虱和粉虱等主要类群中,农业重要害虫的防治作用研究结果,展望了印楝应用于害虫综合防治中的前景。  相似文献   

红树林湿地是中国东南沿海的关键生态系统之一。近年来, 我国红树林陆续出现多种害虫种群暴发成灾的现象, 使红树林湿地的可持续利用面临严重挑战。本文归纳了近20年来中国红树林生态系统的主要害虫种类, 危害较严重的有海榄雌瘤斑螟Acrobasis sp., 毛颚小卷蛾Lasiognatha cellifera, 丽绿刺蛾Latoia lepida, 白囊袋蛾Chalioides kondonis, 蜡彩袋蛾Chalia larminati和小袋蛾Acanthopsyche subferalbata等; 对红树林虫害的防控现状进行总结, 目前开展的防控工作主要以生物农药、 昆虫生长调节剂、 昆虫天敌等生物防治方法为主, 结合灯光诱杀等物理防治手段的运用, 对暴发期的害虫种群可以取得较好的控制效果; 并从红树林生态系统健康水平和昆虫群落多样性等方面对害虫种群的成灾原因进行初步探讨; 最终提出以虫害可持续控制为目标的红树林生态系统生境调控策略, 以期为提高红树林湿地虫害管理水平以及促进红树林的可持续发展提供重要的理论参考和科学指导。  相似文献   

Social insects present unique challenges to chemically based management strategies, especially because fast‐acting compounds commonly applied for many pest insects may not be the most effective for colony elimination. The reproductive caste of a colony is the most protected from direct damage by insecticides, and compounds that cause rapid mortality among foragers frequently do not impact the reproductive members or even markedly reduce overall colony size. With recent bans on persistent insecticides that previously have been used to control social insects, especially termites, new compounds must be used. Island and coastal ecosystems are particularly sensitive to the effects of widespread pesticide use and concerns about unintentional water pollution and runoff are common, and international attention is being paid to developing sustainable pesticide options for agricultural and urban pest insects in particularly sensitive environments. Given the precarious status of many native insects and arthropods care must be taken to minimize exposure to potentially harmful insecticides and the non‐target impacts of these chemicals. However, recent developments in the synthesis and discovery of highly selective insecticides with low mammalian and non‐target toxicity provide viable alternatives to the broad‐spectrum persistent organochlorine insecticides that have been largely deregistered. Novel technologies, particularly synthetic analogues of biologically active compounds, yield new chemical control options and management strategies for island and other sensitive ecosystems; case studies from Australia, the Galapagos Islands and New Zealand highlight current challenges and successes.  相似文献   

Biochar amendments to soils had aroused much interest for having potential for greenhouse gas mitigation, soil improvement and increased crop productivity. However, little attention had been focused on the influence of biochar amendments on herbivorous insect pests. This study investigated whether a biochar amendment affected developmental and reproductive performances of the rice brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens) feeding on rice plants. The biochar from the pyrolysis of wheat straw was used for treatments of soils (from a fallow rice field), and the treated soils were applied to grow rice seedlings in small vials, in which Nlugens life history was observed. The nymphal development time was delayed and nymph‐to‐adult survival decreased with a high level of 200 g/kg biochar application. Herbivore lifetime fecundity decreased with increasing amounts of biochar, from 256 eggs under the control down to 69 eggs under the high level (200 g/kg) of biochar application. Egg‐hatching rate significantly decreased at the highest biochar level (200 g/kg), compared to the other lower biochar levels. Our results suggest that biochar amendment to rice fields may have negative impacts on the rice brown planthoppers when applied at level of 200 g/kg of soil.  相似文献   

围食膜: 害虫生物防治的潜在靶标   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
吉洪湖  袁哲明 《昆虫学报》2005,48(6):968-974
围食膜是昆虫中肠细胞分泌的一层特有的非细胞结构,由蛋白质、粘多糖和几丁质组成,是昆虫中肠细胞抵御随食物摄入的病原微生物入侵的第一道天然屏障。昆虫病毒增效蛋白、几丁质酶、荧光增白剂和外源凝集素等生物防治促进因子通过与围食膜上特异位点的结合,可破坏围食膜结构,改变其通透性,促进病原微生物对害虫的感染。该文综述了与昆虫围食膜密切相关的生防促进因子的增效活性及其作用机理,阐明了以围食膜为害虫生物防治靶标的应用前景。  相似文献   

水稻黑条矮缩病传毒昆虫的防治实践与研究   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
水稻黑条矮缩病 (RBSDV)是由传毒媒介灰飞虱Laodelphaxstriatellus (Fall n)传播所致 ,治虫防病是目前防治水稻黑条矮缩病的重要手段。生产实践证明 ,防治该病应以控制灰飞虱种群数量增长为首选目标 ,把带毒灰飞虱尽可能地扑灭在迁移到水稻秧苗进行传毒侵染之前。因此掌握防治适期 ,选用高效低毒农药 ,切断初次侵染来源 ,才能达到控制该病发生的目的。  相似文献   

Tibraca limbativentris is a major stink bug pest in paddies of the Neotropics. In Argentina, its populations overwinter in twelve host-plant species that occur inside rice fields. However, it's unknown if there are local scale variations in the abundance of T. limbativentris. Likewise, the role of host-plant community composition (HpCC) as a factor involved in the winter host-plant selection by the insects is poorly understood. The aims of this work were (a) to assess variations at local scale on the abundance of T. limbativentris in the context of winter HpCC and incidence of entomopathogenic fungi (EPFs) and (b) to assess the abundance of T. limbativentris considering the relationship between the height of plants of rice cultivars present in target sites during summer, and the height of the hosts selected by T. limbativentris during winter in grassland adjoining rice plots. Sampling was carried out during summer–winter in different commercial rice fields, to assess winter abundance of T. limbativentris, HpCC in grasslands adjacent to rice plots and incidence of EPFs. Height measurements of winter hosts and summer rice plants in target plots were taken. Our results show that HpCC differed at the local scale, with significant differences in stink bug abundance between winter hosts in each site. Also, we found differences in the action of EPFs species recorded on the insects and variations in plant height between host species. A positive correlation was obtained between the height of the different rice cultivars used during spring–summer in target sites and the height of the hosts selected by T. limbativentris near to these plots during winter. This shows that the height of the rice cultivar could be a factor related to the local selection of winter hosts by T. limbativentris. These results serve as a framework for future research, contributing to integrated pest management for target sites.  相似文献   

The rice leaffolder Cnaphalocrocis exigua (Crambidae, Lepidoptera) is an important agricultural pest that damages rice crops and other members of related grass families. C. exigua exhibits a very similar morphological phenotype and feeding behaviour to C. medinalis, another species of rice leaffolder whose genome was recently reported. However, genomic information for C. exigua remains extremely limited. Here, we used a hybrid strategy combining different sequencing technologies, including Illumina, PacBio, 10× Genomics, and Hi – C scaffolding, to generate a high-quality chromosome-level genome assembly of C. exigua. We initially obtained a 798.8 Mb assembly with a contig N50 size of 2.9 Mb, and the N50 size was subsequently increased to 25.7 Mb using Hi – C technology to anchor 1413 scaffolds to 32 chromosomes. We detected a total of 97.7% Benchmarking Universal Single-Copy Orthologues (BUSCO) in the genome assembly, which was comprised of ~52% repetitive sequence and annotated 14,922 protein-coding genes. Of note, the Z and W sex chromosomes were assembled and identified. A comparative genomic analysis demonstrated that despite the high synteny observed between the two rice leaffolders, the species have distinct genomic features associated with expansion and contraction of gene families and selection pressure. In summary, our chromosome-level genome assembly and comparative genomic analysis of C. exigua provide novel insights into the evolution and ecology of this rice insect pests and offer useful information for pest control.  相似文献   

定量评价天敌控害功能的生态能学方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戈峰  欧阳芳 《昆虫知识》2014,51(1):307-313
由于昆虫的能量完全来自于寄主,因此昆虫摄入的能量相当于食物的被取食消耗量。生态能量学方法的基本原理就是捕食性天敌完全依靠捕食猎物(害虫)而获取能量。显然,捕食性天敌摄入的能量就相当于为猎物(害虫)的被捕食消耗量,也即是捕食性天敌摄入量等于猎物(害虫)的被捕食消耗量。由此,可通过研究捕食性天敌和害虫种群的能量动态,定量分析捕食性天敌对害虫的控制作用。本文详细论述了生态能量学方法的基本原理、测算方法,并以棉田捕食性瓢虫类捕食作用为例,介绍了该方法的应用,为定量评价天敌的控害作用提供了一种新方法。  相似文献   

水稻田间不仅在水面上部水稻植株中有丰富的节肢动物群落,水体中也有很多水生昆虫。弄清海南稻田水生昆虫群落组成和种群发展动态,可以为海南稻田环境监测提供研究基础。本研究于2021年在海南省南繁区和非南繁区10个地市进行了稻田水生昆虫种类调查,共捕捉到水生昆虫4目10科29种。在南繁区的三亚和非南繁区的文昌稻田进行了整个生长季水生昆虫群落动态研究,结果显示水生昆虫群落在三亚和文昌稻田不同生长期都可以存在,每生长期种类为15~19种,数量为每百丛12.7±0.7~33.3±1.00头,种类和数量最多的时期为分蘖期。水生昆虫群落多样性指数为2.100~2.581,均匀性指数为0.726~0.924,优势集中性指数为0.092~0.137。三亚和文昌群落物种相似度为0.947,优势种相似度为1.000。截斑脉蜻Neurothemis tullia稚虫,真龙虱Cybister sp.可能是稻田水体环境变化的敏感种类。稻田环境变化和污染可能影响水生昆虫种类,对海南稻田水生昆虫群落的监测和变化机理有待进一步的研究。  相似文献   

昆虫的生物光电效应与虫害治理应用   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12       下载免费PDF全文
农业虫害的治理需要依据为害昆虫的特性提出与环境适宜、生态兼容的技术体系和关键技术。为害昆虫表现了对敏感光源具有个体差异性和群体一贯性的趋光性行为特征,并通过视觉神经信号响应和生理光子能量需求的方式呈现出生物光电效应的作用本质。利用昆虫的这种趋性行为诱导增益特性,一些光电诱导杀虫灯技术以及害虫诱导捕集技术广泛地应用于农业虫害的防治,具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

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