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J. W. Patterson 《Oecologia》1990,84(2):232-237
Summary Female reproductive cycles were examined in two subspecies of the live-bearing lizard Mabuya striata from Central Africa, an area with distinct rainy and dry seasons. The low altitude M. s. striata was reproductive throughout the year apart from a brief period at the start of the rainy season, and probably produced three clutches a year. Most females of the high altitude M. s. punctatissima were non-reproductive in the rainy season, came into reproductive condition in the early dry season, and gave birth in the late dry season. For some females, there was a second reproductive cycle starting in the late dry season with birth in the rainy season. For the low altitude M. s. striata it appears that availability of moisture may affect reproduction. For the high altitude M. s. punctatissima it appears that the low temperatures and short hours of sunshine of the early dry season constrain reproduction, and that reproductive cycles are timed to avoid birth occurring in the early dry season.  相似文献   

A simple technique of sequential estimation was proposed for capture-recapture census by thePetersen method. In theory this technique makes it possible to secure automatically a required precision level for the population estimate to be obtained, irrespective of the population size. Some problems about its practical application were discussed.  相似文献   

Summary A simple technique of sequential estimation was proposed for capture-recapture census by thePetersen method. In theory this technique makes it possible to secure automatically a required precision level for the population estimate to be obtained, irrespective of the population size. Some problems about its practical application were discussed. This study was supported by science research fund from the Ministry of Education.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to ascertain whether the impact of lizards on spiders varies temporally, and if so, whether this variability is related to rainfall. We compared annual censuses of orb-spider populations on 24 islands with diurnal lizards present, and on 20 islands with diurnal lizards absent, to rainfall over a 10-year period. A strong positive correlation (Pearson r=0.877) was found between mean spider density on nolizard islands and the number of days of rain that occurred 2 months prior to spider censuses; correlation coefficients declined with longer and shorter time periods prior to censuses. Correlation coefficients between mean spider density on lizard islands and rainfall showed a similar pattern but were generally lower than those for no-lizard islands. The strength of the impact of lizards on spiders, measured as the ratio of mean spider density on no-lizard islands to mean spider density on lizard islands, varied considerably and was positively correlated with rainfall; the correlation was highest with number of rain days 6 months prior to spider censuses (r=0.741). Repeated-measures analysis of variance on the time series of spider densities showed that the lizard factor (present versus absent) varied significantly among years. Split-plot ANOVA with rainfall as a covariate indicated that spider density and the impact of lizards on spider density were both significantly correlated with rainfall. We discuss several hypotheses on the causal mechanisms that integrate abiotic and biotic factors.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological organization of monoaminergic cells and fibers in the hypothalamus of the lizards Lacerta sicula and Lacerta muralis was investigated by fluorescence histochemistry. An extensive monoaminergic system emanates from the nucleus organi paraventricularis (NOP), a circumventricular organ of the medial and posterior hypothalamus containing numerous monoaminergic perikarya. Fluorescent processes extending from these cells end as intraventricular thickenings. An extensive fiber system presumably arising from the NOP innervates the accompanying nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami (NVH) as well as the nucleus periventricularis hypothalami (NPH) and the median eminence. A monoaminergic fiber path of extrahypothalamic origin enters the preoptic/anterior hypothalamus, terminating in the nucleus paraventricularis (NP). A discrete pathway of catecholaminergic fibers courses through the hypothalamus along the ventral border of the optic tract. Levels of fluorescence intensity are highest in the spring and in castrated animals and lowest in lizards during testicular regression.Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Dr. rer. nat. Present address: Abt. Molekulare Genetik, Max Planck Institut für experimentelle Medizin, 3400 Göttingen, Federal Republic of Germany  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to analyze the relative roles of high temperature and photoperiod as environmental factors of seasonal infertility in swine. The results of five years (2003-2007) of ultrasound pregnancy diagnosis carried out in 266 indoor farms were analyzed. For all farms, the data covered the entire study period. The farms were situated in four French regions. The data of 22,773 batches and 610,117 sows were included. Seasonal infertility was defined as the relative difference between the fertility rate in ‘summer’ (inseminations in weeks 25-42) and ‘winter’ (inseminations in weeks 1-18 of the same year). In each region, two meteorological variables were defined, based on the data of a reference weather station: the number of hot days (maximum temperature ≥ 25 °C) and tropical days (maximum temperature ≥ 32 °C and minimum temperature ≥ 18 °C). The mean fertility was 85%. The median seasonal infertility was 2.8% and more than 7.1% for a quarter of farms. Seasonal infertility did not vary with areas or baseline fertility (defined for each studied farm as the average winter fertility over five years). Seasonal infertility differed with the year (p < 0.001). Seasonal infertility was significantly higher during 2003 than in the other four years, which did not differ among each other. In the four regions, 2003 was the year with the highest number of hot days and 2007 with the least. Our study strengthens the hypothesis of a prominent role of photoperiod in seasonal infertility and of an additional role of heat stress the hottest years.  相似文献   

Summary Principal and reduced major axes, and Bulmer's (1975) tests have been suggested as methods for detecting the presence of density dependence in a series of population censuses that are unsuitable for analysis by alternative means e.g. by k-factor analysis. These alternative methods are tested using census data, some of which are previously unpublished, from natural populations known from independent evidence to be subject to density dependent processes. All the methods fail to detect density dependence reliably, irrespective of sample size and the dynamics of the population. We conclude that none of the methods tested is sufficiently reliable to be useful as a test of density dependence in sequential censues of animal populations.  相似文献   

Quantifying relative diver effects in underwater visual censuses   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Diver-based Underwater Visual Censuses (UVCs), particularly transect-based surveys, are key tools in the study of coral reef fish ecology. These techniques, however, have inherent problems that make it difficult to collect accurate numerical data. One of these problems is the diver effect (defined as the reaction of fish to a diver). Although widely recognised, its effects have yet to be quantified and the extent of taxonomic variation remains to be determined. We therefore examined relative diver effects on a reef fish assemblage on the Great Barrier Reef. Using common UVC methods, the recorded abundance of seven reef fish groups were significantly affected by the ongoing presence of SCUBA divers. Overall, the diver effect resulted in a 52% decrease in the mean number of individuals recorded, with declines of up to 70% in individual families. Although the diver effect appears to be a significant problem, UVCs remain a useful approach for quantifying spatial and temporal variation in relative fish abundances, especially if using methods that minimise the exposure of fishes to divers. Fixed distance transects using tapes or lines deployed by a second diver (or GPS-calibrated timed swims) would appear to maximise fish counts and minimise diver effects.  相似文献   

Henk Wolda 《Oecologia》1989,81(4):437-442
Summary Activity seasons of tropical organisms often start, on the average, at or about the beginning of the rainy or dry seasons. The hypothesis that the onset or cessation of the wet season provides the seasonal cues necessary of the initiation of the activity season of some tropical organisms is tested with data on Panamanian cicadas. Seasonal adult activity patterns are described for cicada species in Panama, mostly from Barro Colorado Island (BCI), some from Las Cumbres. In all species the correlation between the timing of the beginning and the end of the cicada season was low and not significant, so that the actual beginning data of a cicada season in a particular year had little or no predictive value for the end date. Seven out of eleven species on BCI started their average activity season at the average beginning of the dry season (one species) or rainy season (six species). Nevertheless, in 13 years, correlations between the start or end of the cicada seasons and that of the meteorological seasons were low and not significant. At best, the beginning and end of the rains played a minor role as seasonal cues governing cicada emergence or the termination of the cicada season. It is speculated that photoperiod might be a major seasonal cue governing emergence, through its effects on the host plants.  相似文献   

European hamsters (Cricetus cricetus) show pronounced seasonal changes in their physiology and behavior. The present study provides a detailed analysis of the temporal relationship between seasonal cycles of reproduction and body mass and seasonal changes of two circadian parameters, i.e., locomotor activity and 6-sulphatoxymelatonin (aMT6s) excretion, in individual animals kept under natural light conditions. Our results demonstrate a characteristic pattern of locomotor activity and aMT6s excretion observed around the summer solstice, i.e., from mid-May to mid-July. During this time, locomotor activity was characterized by a high level of activity and an early activity onset, while the nightly elevation of melatonin was reduced to baseline levels. These seasonal changes in aMT6s excretion and locomotor activity were only loosely related to changes in the reproductive status of the animals, but correlated well with a period of the annual cycle during which the animals were sensitive to short days. They may therefore reflect a specific state of the circadian pacemaker system within the SCN and can thus be a valuable tool to further characterize molecular and physiological mechanisms of photoperiodic time measurements in European hamsters.  相似文献   

季节性变化对雌性恒河猴生殖功能的影响   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
目的 研究季节性变化对雌性恒河猴生殖功能的影响。方法 采用随机抽样法和放射免疫测定法 ,分析了不同时期雌性恒河猴性皮肤变化、月经周期和生殖激素变化的特点。结果  ( 1)性征的季节性变化 :在生殖季节雌性恒河猴几乎都出现性皮肤反应 ,出现比较规则月经周期 ,在非生殖季节只有部分雌性恒河猴出现性皮肤反应 ,月经周期不规则 ,行经频率低 ,有的出现长时间的闭经 ;( 2 )生殖激素的季节性变化 :在生殖季节促性腺激素和性类固醇激素的分泌水平都出现周期性的变化 ,而非生殖季节促性腺激素和性类固醇激素的分泌水平没有显著的差异。结论 雌性恒河猴性皮肤变化、月经周期和生殖激素存在明显的季节性差异 ,这种差异导致了雌性恒河猴生殖功能的季节性变化  相似文献   

The seasonal variation of mortality in Sri Lanka was studied in relation to meteorological variables. Time series data of the total monthly number of deaths in men and women from 1976 to 1980 were analyzed by power spectrum analysis of the fast Fourier transformation method in the areas of Colombo (lowland area, altitude 7 m) and Nuwara-Eliya (highland area, altitude 1890 m), respectively. In the Colombo area, where the mean temperature was always high (mean, 27.5 °C), a seasonal variation in mortality of 6 months was validated by power spectrum analysis with peak times in June and November. These mortality peaks corresponded to those of the amounts of rainfall which also showed an identical predominant period of 6 months. In the Nuwara Eliya area, where the mean temperature was always low at about 15–16 °C, a seasonal variation of approximately 3 months was found in addition to the 6 months' periodicity. The comparison of the power spectrum pattern of mortality with those of meteorological variables suggested that the amount of rainfall was associated with the seasonal variation of mortality in the Nuwara-Eliya area. In conclusion, the seasonality of mortality in Sri Lanka, a typical tropical zone country, was related to seasonal variation in the amount of rainfall, or a humidity factor, but not to mean temperature.  相似文献   

Allosyncarpia ternata (an angiosperm) and Callitris intratropica (a gymnosperm) are two fire-sensitive tree species of the Australian monsoonal tropics. Studies using historical aerial photography have revealed recent expansion of A. ternata rainforests. There has simultaneously been a widespread collapse of C. intratropica populations in northern Australian savannas, presumably because of cessation of traditional Aboriginal landscape burning. To explain the demography behind these contrasting trends, stand structure, survival, and growth of the two species were recorded over a 16-year period at the boundary of a rainforest patch and also in adjacent savanna, in Kakadu National Park. Ages of the largest trees of each species, estimated by using a Bayesian analysis of tree-diameter increments, were approximately 433 years for A. ternata and 235 years for C. intratropica on the rainforest boundary, and 417 years for C. intratropica in the adjacent savanna. Densities of juveniles (seedlings and re-sprouts <0.5 m high) were 325–6,000 times higher for A. ternata than for C. intratropica. Life-table calculations indicated there was sufficient recruitment of A. ternata, but not C. intratropica, to overcome observed mortality rates and maintain a stable population. This is almost certainly because A. ternata re-sprouts prolifically after fire whereas C. intratropica is an obligate seeder. These results highlight the critical need for careful fire management to maintain populations of a characteristic Australian gymnosperm over much of its range.  相似文献   

Polinices pulchellus held in the laboratory produced egg collars all year round. Egg collar production was greatest during July and August and only occurred in females >8-10 mm shell length. The largest individuals (14-16 mm shell length) had the highest fecundity and ceased egg-laying in late September, whilst 8-14 mm individuals laid egg collars until November. Small females (4-6 mm) grew rapidly during the warmer, summer months (April to August), became sexually mature and began laying egg collars in mid-September. Both the range of egg collar wet weights and the maximum wet weight of an individual egg collar increased with female size class. Temperature strongly affected the length of time between the laying of egg collars and the hatching of larvae (9-10 days at 19-20 °C and 14-15 days at 13-14 °C). A close relationship was also found between egg collar wet weight and the number of veliger larvae released.  相似文献   

A class of models of a nutrient-producer-consumer community is studied analytically and numerically. The analytical study focuses upon the role of total system nutrient and consumer density dependence in governing system behavior and especially, on the persistence and extinction of the population. The numerical study demonstrates that the relationship between consumer density dependence, total system nutrient, and dynamic system behavior can be complicated. Features of the model system include behavior determined solely by total system nutrient, behavior where the relationship between total system nutrient and density dependence governs system dynamics, and behavior where nutrient enrichment or deplation cannot modify ultimate system structure. A conclusion, robust for the model consumer density dependent formulation, indicates that, in the case of ample total nutrient, persistence of the community is independent of consumer density dependence.  相似文献   

Summary Several null models are proposed for testing whether size or habitat differences in West IndianAnolis lizards are greater than expected by chance. The models differ primarily in choice of the pool from which species are sampled to form random communities. Regardless of choice of pool, size differences in the Lesser Antilles are greater than null models predict; the pool using species on the known source (Puerto Rico) gives a greater variance in ratios but about the same mean ratio (for males), or a greater mean ratio (for females), compared with the pool composed of species on the islands being tested (the Stronget al., 1979, Galápagos procedure). On satellite islands of the Greater Antilles, sizes do not differ more than expected from null models. Pools composed of mainland-source species give null communities with more small or more large ratios than those composed of island species, depending upon whether four-species islands are included or excluded, respectively. Colwell and Winkler's unmodified Narcissus hypothesis is contradicted by these results in procedures where species not likely to be able to occur on small islands are included in the species pool. Using the most biologically reasonable, but not other, choices of source pool, species on satellite islands of the Greater Antilles differ more in structural habitat then expected by chance. In contrast to some of the results on size, here mainland-source pools are more likely to produce a statistically significant difference between real and random communities, as predicted by the Narcissus hypothesis. However, exclusion of structural habitat categories not found on satellite islands is necessary to achieve this significance.  相似文献   

Aggressive encounters are accompanied by a release of stress hormone, and this corticosterone (CORT) secretion could influence aggressive behavior in subsequent encounters. We investigated the modulating effects of CORT on aggressive behavior in the context of a 5-day social experience in male green anole lizards. In Experiment 1, we measured plasma CORT levels in animals that were exposed for different times to aggressive males. In Experiment 2, using metyrapone, a CORT synthesis blocker, we tested whether CORT secretion in response to the aggressive stimulus plays a role in experience-dependent facilitation of aggressive behavior. We hypothesized that aggressive encounters would increase plasma CORT levels, and that blocking CORT synthesis with metyrapone treatment during the aggressive encounter would cause an animal to become more aggressive. We also tested whether blocking CORT would interfere with the influence of 5-day social experience on animals' behavior in a subsequent aggressive encounter. Animals that were exposed to another male showed higher plasma CORT levels immediately after the 10 min encounter than animals exposed to the non-social video, and this high level was maintained through day 5. Within the aggressive video groups, in Experiment 2, there was a distinctly different pattern in displays depending on drug condition: vehicle-injected animals showed gradual increases followed by decreases in aggressive behavioral responses to the video as the five days proceeded (habituation), while animals injected with metyrapone started out with high aggressive behavior and did not decrease behavioral responses at later trials (no habituation). Finally, when tested with a novel conspecific on day 6, animals previously injected with metyrapone showed no higher aggression than did animals previously injected with vehicle and exposed to the aggressive video. These results suggest that blocking CORT synthesis during the exposure to the aggressive video induced animals to remain aggressive toward the repetitive stimulus without habituating, while not becoming more aggressive than controls toward a novel challenger.  相似文献   

Recovering populations may experience positive density-dependent feedbacks that contribute to population increases. Diadema antillarum, a keystone herbivore on Caribbean coral reefs, suffered a well-documented mass mortality in 1983-84. High densities of adults of this long-spined urchin could provide effective refuge from predation for juveniles under a spine canopy, as has been suggested for other urchin species. We evaluated the effect of adult density on juvenile persistence of D. antillarum experimentally, and examined size-frequency distributions of recovering local populations for evidence of positively density-dependent juvenile persistence at St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. Juvenile persistence was significantly higher in high adult density treatments, and bimodal population size distributions also suggest potential positive effects of adult density on juveniles. This positive feedback could accelerate the recovery of this important coral reef grazer.  相似文献   

Systems analysis of density-dependent population processes was conducted in an experimental population of the azuki bean weevil,Callosobruchus chinensis. Density-dependent population change was formulated for two separate processes; adult production of eggs and hatching of the eggs outside the beans, and survival of the first instar larvae inside the beans and their emergence as new adults. The formulation of each process was based on a common basic equation modified from the logistic-difference equation. Parametric values were estimated from experimental data onC. chinensis in a laboratory population. Simulations of the model showed good fits not only to observed population changes both outside and inside the beans, but also to the observed reproduction curve reflecting the population change as a whole within one generation in an experimental population. Furthermore, population dynamics from generation to generation were simulated from the model reproduction curve. The simulation showed a slight dumped oscillation and converged to a carrying capacity, which fitted well with the experimental population dynamics.  相似文献   

The interaction of iguanid lizard (Dipsosaurus dorsalis) blood cells and promastigote forms of Leishmania adleri Heisch 1954 was observed in vitro by means of wet mount preparations. Some parasites were phagocytized within a short time after their addition to the preparations. Parasites were engaged and engulfed either individually or in masses. Rapid decrease in size of the parasites occurred. The process of phagocytosis of the parasites was found to be very similar to that of mammalian leishmanias in similar preparations with mammalian cells. Cell cultures prepared from peritoneal exudates of lizards (Basiliscus vittatus) were inoculated with L. adleri promastigotes. Resultant intracellular amastigotes were observed up to 36 hr at 25 and 35 C.  相似文献   

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