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Summary Meiotic pairing frequencies of the Un and D genomes of Ae. ventricosa and the R of S. cereale could be easily established at metaphase I in Aegilops ventricosa — Secale cereale amphiploid plants as well as in its parental species by using the C-banding technique procedure. The results show a high diminution of chromosome pairing for all genomes in the amphiploid with respect to its parental species probably due to C-heterochromatin content and/or genotypic or cryptic interactions between the three genomes.  相似文献   

Summary A mutant form of weedy rye characterized by male and female sterility and having a hereditary block in the chromosome synapsis has been found and described. Genetic analysis has shown the synapsis block to be determined by the recessive allele of a gene designated as sy-1. Electron microscopy of surface-spread microsporocyte nuclei revealed the complete absence of the synaptonemal complex over the whole meiotic prophase I, although the axial cores were perfectly formed by each chromosome. Only univalents were observed at metaphase I, their average number ranging from 13.1 to 14.0 per cell. A precocious distribution of univalents at the poles is observed at metaphase I. All of the later stages of meiosis were irregular and resulted in the formation of abnormal microspores. Thus, the mutant proves to be asynaptic because of the blocked initiation of synapses at prophase I.  相似文献   

Summary The degree of preferential pairing of homologous chromosomes was estimated in a series of tetraploid hybrids of Lolium temulentum x Lolium perenne by means of cytological and genetic analyses. The correlations between the frequency of bivalents at first metaphase of meiosis in the hybrid tetraploids and the degree of preferential pairing calculated from the segregation pattern of isozyme alleles in a test cross was extremely high. The results showed clearly that suppression of heterogenetic pairing in these Lolium tetraploids is achieved by a genetic system involving the A chromosomes as well as the B chromosome system which has been known for some time. Certain similarities with the genetic system controlling pairing in polyploid wheats are discussed.  相似文献   

Diploid-like chromosome pairing in polyploid wheat is controlled by several Ph (pairing homoeologous) genes with major and minor effects. Homoeologous pairing occurs in either the absence of these genes or their inhibition by genes from other species (Ph I genes). We transferred Ph I genes from Triticum speltoides (syn Aegilops speltoides) to T. aestivum, and on the basis of further analysis it appears that two duplicate and independent Ph I genes were transferred. Since Ph I genes are epistatic to the Ph genes of wheat, homoeologous pairing between the wheat and alien chromosomes occurs in the F1 hybrids. Using the Ph I gene stock, we could demonstrate homoeologous pairing between the wheat and Haynaldia villosa chromosomes. Since homoeologous pairing occurs in F1 hybrids and no cytogenetic manipulation is needed, the Ph I gene stock may be a versatile tool for effecting rapid and efficient alien genetic transfers to wheat.Contribution no. 93-435-J from the Kansas Agricultural Experiment Station, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506-5502, USA  相似文献   

Summary A Neurospora crassa mutation, mei-2, affecting recombination and pairing of homologous chromosomes during meiosis, was characterized for its effect on repeat-induced point mutation (RIP). We found that RIP, which depends on recognition of DNA sequence homology, is not inhibited by mei-2, suggesting that the defect in chromosome pairing of this mutant is not due to a defect in DNA pairing and that DNA pairing is not dependent on chromosome pairing.  相似文献   

We studied the expression and inheritance of two spontaneous mutations found in different populations of rye Secale cereale L. that cause high univalent frequency in meiosis and low fertility. Both mutations were inherited as monogenic recessives. For each of the mutations the corresponding gene symbols (sy7 and sy10) were suggested although their allelism has not been studied. These mutants differ in chiasma frequency and in the number of univalents per meiocyte. Electron microscopy of the wholemount surface-spread synaptonemal complexes (SCs) from microsporocytes of both mutants revealed that during meiotic prophase I random synapsis began and progressed that involved not only homologous but also nonhomologous chromosomes. SCs were formed with frequent changes of pairing partners (switches) and intrachromosomal foldbacks of unpaired axial elements. As a result, incompletely synapsed, non-homologous and multivalent SCs were formed in mutants by the stage analogous to pachytene in normal plants. In sy7 a maximum in the number of switches and foldbacks were observed at zygotene, whereas in sy10 this occurred at pachytene. We suggest that it is the process of recognition of homology that is impaired in both mutants. This leads to indiscriminate synapsis and prevents chiasma formation. Both mutants may be classified as desynaptic.  相似文献   

B chromosomes from an experimental population of the Japanese JNK strain of rye, isogenic for its Bs, have been backcrossed into twelve different inbred lines. The experiment is a way of studying the effects of the Bs against a range of different homozygous A chromosome backgrounds. This publication deals with pairing effects of both the As and the Bs, and their interactions, and with pollen mitosis. At meiosis there is a genotypic component to B effects, and they do not appear to act solely through a physical disturbance within the nucleus. In pollen the Bs are always present in more than 50% of the grains regardless of their pairing behaviour during meiosis; this result fits with a parasitic model of the activity of rye Bs.  相似文献   

Summary Despite an average difference of about 50% in DNA amount, homoeologous chromosomes pair effectively at first metaphase in the diploid interspecific hybrid between Lolium temulentum and Lolium perenne. However, in the presence of accessory B chromosomes and diploidising genes pairing at metaphase I is severely reduced. Reconstruction of serial electron micrographs through pollen mother cell nuclei show that synaptonemal complexes are formed at pachytene between not only homoeologous but also non-homologous chromosome segments resulting in multivalent formation. These associations are largely ineffective in terms of chiasma formation and degenerate at late pachytene. It is highly probable that the pairing determinants exercise their control on chromosome pairing largely by prohibiting the siting of crossovers in homoeologously paired chromosome segments.  相似文献   

Summary Integeneric hybridizations were carried out between Secale cereale L. (2n = 14, RR) and three Elymus species, namely, E. caninus (L.) L. (2n = 28, SSHH), E. brevipes (Keng) Löve (2n = 28, SSYY) and E. tsukushiensis Honda (2n = 42, SSHHYY). Chromosome pairing was studied at metaphase I in the parental species and the hybrids. Meiotic configurations of the hybrids were 20.74 1+0.14 II for E. caninus x S. cereale (SHR), 16.35 I+2.17 II+0.09 III for E. brevipes x S. cereale (SYR) and 25.84 I+1.10 II+0.02 III for E. tsukushiensis x S. cereale (SHYR), in addition to some secondary associations in the different hybrids. It is concluded from the study that (1) a certain, different homoeologous relationship exists among S, H and Y genomes in the investigated Elymus species; (2) low homoeology is present between genomes of Elymus (S or H or Y) and rye (R); (3) the Secale genome affects homoeologous chromosome pairing between different genomes in E. brevipes and E. tsukushiensis.  相似文献   

Summary The progeny of polyembryonic Secale cereale L., was used to study the in vitro response of the immature embryos. The formation of embryogenic calli was very high, and this response and its distribution was statistically different to that shown by the normal regenerated plants and the original population. This behaviour seems to be related to a genetic condition which favours the presence of supernumerary embryos, in vivo as well as in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary Hybrids between different Aegilops species and Secale cereale were studied at metaphase I by means of a C-banding technique. On the basis of differences in the C-banding patterns of some of the chromosomes of these hybrids it was possible to carry out an accurate analysis of several types of Aegilops-Aegilops and Aegilops-Secale chromosome associations and, consequently, to establish intraspecific and intergeneric genome relationships. Genomes present in the majority of polyploid Aegilops species are shown to maintain similar patterns of evolutionary affinity to those reported for their proposed diploid parents although in some species there are differences indicating either that differentiations occurred during the evolution of the polyploid species or, on the contrary, that the diploid donors proposed are not the correct ones. On the other hand, differences in the relationships not only between the R genome and different Aegilops genomes but also among different homoeologous groups have been found.  相似文献   

直接杂交与幼胚培养方法结合获得了小麦与东方山羊草、尾状山羊草属间杂种。F1杂种细胞遗传学研究发现,东方山羊草的染色体组显著促进部分同源染色体配对,完全掩盖了小麦ph1b基因的作用,尾状山羊草的染色体组一定程度抑制部分同源染色体配对,尤其强烈抑制小麦ph1b基因的作用。表明东方山羊草的S染色体组上存在类似于小麦的ph1b基因,尾状山羊草的C染色体组上存在类似于小麦的Ph1基因  相似文献   

Summary The meiotic identification of nine pairs of chromosomes at metaphase I of meiosis of Triticum aestivum (B genome, 4A and 7A) has been achieved using a Giemsa C-banding technique. As a result, the analysis of the pairing of each chromosome arm in disomic and monosomic intervarietal hybrids between Chinese Spring and the Spanish cultivar Pané 247 could be carried out. Differences in the chiasmata frequencies per chromosome arm cannot be explained on the basis of relative arm lengths only. Possible effects of arm-to-arm heterochromatic differences on meiotic pairing are discussed.  相似文献   

Chromosome pairing behaviour of the allotetraploid Aegilops species sharing the D genome, Ae. crassa (DDMM), Ae. cylindrica (DDCC) and Ae. ventricosa (DDNN), was analyzed by electron microscopy in surfacespread prophase-I nuclei. Synaptonemal-complex analysis at zygotene and pachytene revealed that synapsis in the allotetraploids was mostly between homologous chromosomes, although a few multivalents were also formed. Only homologous bivalents were observed at metaphase-I. It is concluded that the mechanism controlling bivalent formation in these species acts mainly at zygotene by restricting pairing to homologous chromosomes, but also acts at pachytene by preventing chiasma formation in homoeologous associations. These observations are discussed in relation to mechanisms of diploidization of polyploid meiosis.  相似文献   

Allotetraploid Aegilops species sharing the U genome, Ae. columnaris (UUMM), Ae. ovata (UUMM), Ae. triaristata (UUMM), Ae. triuncialis (UUCC) and Ae. variabilis (UUSS), regularly form bivalents at metaphase I of meiosis. The pattern of zygotene and pachytene pairing was analyzed by whole-mount surface-spreading of synaptonemal complexes under the electron microscope. The data indicated that at the zygotene stage the chromosomes were almost exclusively associated as bivalents; only a few multivalents (7%) were observed. These observations are discussed in relation to mechanisms of diploidization of polyploid meiosis.  相似文献   

The variation in recombination frequency (rf) is important to plant breeders since their major objective is to obtain favorable recombinants of linked genes. One source of variation in rf is sex. Sex differences for recombination frequencies were studied in four of the seven chromosomes of Secale cereale L. cv Ailés using isozyme and storage protein loci and were determined on the basis of reciprocal crosses between heterozygous plants of cv. Ailés and homozygous plants of the inbred line Riodeva. The differences were found to be strongly segmentspecific. In some cases the level of crossing-over in male and female meiosis was about the same (between Pgm1 and Ndh1 loci on chromosome arm 4RS). However, for most of the chromosome segments in 1R, 3RL and 6RL the male rf was significantly higher than the female rf. Different hypotheses about the mechanisms of plant sex differences for recombination are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The genetics and linkage relationships of several isozymatic and morphological markers have been investigated in different cultivars of rye (Secale cereale L.). The inheritance and the variability among cultivars of three new isozymatic zones are described: GOT2 and LAP, each of them under the control of a two-allele single locus, namely Got2 and Lap, respectively; and 6PGD1 controlled by two loci, 6Pgd1a and 6Pgd1b, which have alleles in common. Four linkage groups have been found: Acp2-Acp3, Got3-Mdh2-Lper4, Mdh1-6Pgd2-Pgi2, and Pgm-Eper2-[Eper1-Eper3]. The assignment of these four groups to the chromosomes 7R, 3R, 1R, and 4R is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis of esterase polymorphism in rye inbred lines with isoelectric focusing in polyacrylamide flat gels yielded evidence for the existence of at least ten esterase loci, Est 1Est 10. The loci can be attributed to four different linkage groups (Est 1/ Est 2/Est 3/Est 5/Est 6/Est 7), (Est 4), (Est 8/Est 9), and (Est 10). Loci Est 5/Est 6/Est 7 and Est 8/Est 9, respectively, are tightly linked with a maximum recombination frequency of 0.2% and can therefore be regarded as compound loci which possibly originated in tandem duplications.  相似文献   

Summary Chromosome association at first meiotic metaphase in tetraploid hybrids between Lolium perenne and L. multiflorum was compared with that in autotetraploid L. perenne. The hybrids were found to have significantly higher levels of bivalent frequency, and lower levels of multivalent and chiasma frequency. A significant increase in multivalent frequency with increasing chiasma formation was found in both groups, but the increase was much less in the hybrids. These differences in chromosome associations between the two groups must therefore reflect differences in chiasma distribution and it is suggested that the results indicate a significant degree of preferential bivalent pairing in the hybrids.  相似文献   

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