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Are intron positions correlated with regions of high amino acid conservation? For a set of ancient conserved proteins, with intronless prokaryotic but intron-containing eukaryotic homologs, multiple sequence alignments identified residues invariant throughout evolution. Intron positions between codons show no preferences. However, introns lying after the first base of a codon prefer conserved regions, markedly in glycines. Because glycines are in excess in conserved regions, this behavior could reflect phase-one introns entering glycine residues randomly in the ancestral sequences. Examination of intron positions within codons of evolutionarily invariable amino acids showed that roughly 50% of these introns are bordered by guanines at both 5'- and 3'-ends, 25% have a G only before the intron, and 5% have a G only after the intron, whereas about 20% are bordered by nonguanine bases.  相似文献   

Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and delta-aminolevulinic acid (ALA), playing important roles in agriculture, medicine and other fields, are multifunctional non-protein amino acids with similar and comparable properties and biosynthesis pathways. Recently, microbial synthesis has become an inevitable trend to produce GABA and ALA due to its green and sustainable characteristics. In addition, the development of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology has continuously accelerated and increased the GABA and ALA yield in microorganisms. Here, focusing on the current trends in metabolic engineering strategies for microbial synthesis of GABA and ALA, we analysed and compared the efficiency of various metabolic strategies in detail. Moreover, we provide the insights to meet challenges of realizing industrially competitive strains and highlight the future perspectives of GABA and ALA production.  相似文献   

Glutamate transport by the neuronal excitatory amino acid carrier (EAAC1) is accompanied by the coupled movement of one proton across the membrane. We have demonstrated previously that the cotransported proton binds to the carrier in the absence of glutamate and, thus, modulates the EAAC1 affinity for glutamate. Here, we used site-directed mutagenesis together with a rapid kinetic technique that allows one to generate sub-millisecond glutamate concentration jumps to locate possible binding sites of the glutamate transporter for the cotransported proton. One candidate for this binding site, the highly conserved glutamic acid residue Glu-373 of EAAC1, was mutated to glutamine. Our results demonstrate that the mutant transporter does not catalyze net transport of glutamate, whereas Na(+)/glutamate homoexchange is unimpaired. Furthermore, the voltage dependence of the rates of Na(+) binding and glutamate translocation are unchanged compared with the wild-type. In contrast to the wild-type, however, homoexchange of the E373Q transporter is completely pH-independent. In line with these findings the transport kinetics of the mutant EAAC1 show no deuterium isotope effect. Thus, we suggest a new transport mechanism, in which Glu-373 forms part of the binding site of EAAC1 for the cotransported proton. In this model, protonation of Glu-373 is required for Na(+)/glutamate translocation, whereas the relocation of the carrier is only possible when Glu-373 is negatively charged. Interestingly, the Glu-373-homologous amino acid residue is glutamine in the related neutral amino acid transporter alanine-serine-cysteine transporter. The function of alanine-serine-cysteine transporter is neither potassium- nor proton-dependent. Consequently, our results emphasize the general importance of glutamate and aspartate residues for proton transport across membranes.  相似文献   

Signal peptides are selectively recognized and degraded by membrane associated proteases called as signal peptide peptidases. The hydrolysis of the signal peptide occurs only after its cleavage from the precursor. The possible reasons for this selectivity have been investigated. The results indicate that in signal peptides, leucine residues are clustered to a large extent on the same side of the membrane spanning alpha helix as the polar residues, but are distinctly separated along the length of the axis. Such topological differences in the distribution of amino acids on the surface of the membrane spanning alpha helix may play a crucial role in selective degradation of signal peptides.  相似文献   

A collaborative study from two laboratories has been undertaken to re-evaluate the human follitropin β-subunit sequence (hFSHβ), since areas of uncertainty remain in the wake of two earlier reports. The first report was by Shome and Parlow (1974). The second, by Saxena and Rathnam (1976), proposed revisions for sequence not definitively placed in the first study, as well as some differences in other placements. We have re-examined the sequence of the hFSHβ with more recent methodology. This has led to revision of certain areas of the sequence and resolution of differences between the two earlier proposals. Specifically, an-Ile-Ser- is established at 21–22, Asp at 41, Arg at 44, Lys at 46, and Glu at 111. These were areas of disagreement in the earlier proposals. A definitive placement of the residues around tryptophan-27 has now been obtained by three laboratories. C-terminal heterogeneity was observed with subunits ending at residue 107, 109, or 111. N-terminal heterogeneity has been observed in all preparations examined to date. A significant population of molecules with a proteolytic nick between residues 38–39 is noted. This is very likely an artifact of the collection and processing. The preparations examined in the present studies showed no evidence of residues 112–118 proposed by Saxena and Rathnam.  相似文献   

Kainoid amino acids are agonists of the AMPA/kainate receptors and exhibit highly potent neuroexcitatory activity. From the results of extensive structure--activity relationship studies, we previously postulated that the C4-substituent of the kainoid amino acids interacts with an allosteric site of the glutamate receptor with electron-donating character. In order to investigate the mode of action in more detail, molecular orbital calculation for model compounds of the kainoid were performed. The results indicated that the HOMO energy level of the C4-substituent is involved in the potent neuroexcitatory activity, thus supporting our hypothesis.  相似文献   

Some aphid species induce leaf galls, in which the fundatrix parthenogenetically produces many nymphs. In order to ensure high performance, galls have to provide the aphids with sufficient nutrients, in particular, amino acids as a nitrogen source. We tested this hypothesis using six Tetraneura aphid species that induce closed galls. We extracted free amino acids from the whole gall tissues of unit weight and quantified the concentration of each amino acid. There were large differences in the total amino acid concentrations among galls of the Tetraneura species. Tetraneura species in which higher concentrations of total amino acids were found in the gall tended to produce larger numbers of offspring. Of the amino acids found, asparagine was predominant in the gall. The asparagine concentration in T. yezoensis galls was several hundred times as high as in control leaves. We discussed why such a high level of asparagine accumulates in aphid galls.  相似文献   

In order to estimate the influence of point mutations on the protein structure, 552 pairs of structurally aligned proteins with pairwise sequence identities greater than 60% were analyzed. We selected all isolated point mismatches from these alignments. The statistics of local conformational changes corresponding to these mismatches was studied. This study revealed two surprising aspects: (a) only an extremely minor fraction (< 3%) of all observed mutations leads to significant changes in local conformations; (b) observed substitutions, which affect local conformation are more frequently those of similar (high scoring) amino acid pairs rather than the substitutions thought of as "hazardous" (low scoring), although the overall average score of the changing substitutions is still lower than the corresponding average score for the substitutions that leave the structure unchanged.  相似文献   

It has been shown for 20 proteins that amino acid residues included into the protein folding nucleus, determined experimentally, are often involved in the theoretically determined amyloidogenic fragments. For 18 proteins, Φ-values indicative of the extent of residue involvement into the folding nucleus are on average higher for amino acid residues within amyloidogenic regions. Amyloidogenic fragments were predicted for 20 proteins by two methods chosen from four on the basis of comparison of prediction of amyloidogenic regions known from experimental data. Since theoretical folding nuclei are detected by the protein three-dimensional structure and amyloidogenic regions by the protein chain primary structure, the detected regularity makes possible predictions of folding nucleation sites on the basis of amino acid sequence.  相似文献   



Single amino acid repeats make up a significant proportion in all of the proteomes that have currently been determined. They have been shown to be functionally and medically significant, and are associated with cancers and neuro-degenerative diseases such as Huntington's Chorea, where a poly-glutamine repeat is responsible for causing the disease. The COPASAAR database is a new tool to facilitate the rapid analysis of single amino acid repeats at a proteome level. The database aims to simplify the comparison of repeat distributions between proteomes in order to provide a better understanding of their function and evolution.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequences of several actin regulatory proteins have recently been determined. Do these proteins function by mimicking actin-actin interaction sites?  相似文献   

Santangelo F 《Amino acids》2002,23(4):359-365
Summary.  The diet of industrialised countries is usually rich in amino acids, which are in part used as a source of calories. However, metabolic alterations are observed in diseased patients and a preferential retention of Sulphurated Amino Acids (SAA) occurs during the inflammatory response. Moreover, it has been demonstrated in a model of an acute sepsis phase of rats that the metabolism of Cysteine is modified. The liver converts Cysteine at a different ratio of Sulphate to Taurine (Tau) i.e. the sulphate production decreases while the Tau conversion increases. The Glutathione (GSH) concentration is greater in the liver, kidneys and other organs and the Cysteine incorporation into proteins is higher in the spleen, lungs and plasma (Acute Phase Proteins) while the Albumin level decreases. The pro-inflammatory cytokines such as Interleukin-1, Interleukin-6 and TNF-α are the main initiators that alter protein and amino acid metabolism. Another important phenomenon is the impairment of Methionine conversion to Cysteine during stress. For example, premature infants or AIDS patients are capable of synthesizing Cysteine from Methionine at a much lower rate. Thus, the metabolic flow through the trans-sulphuration path may be inadequate to meet the Cysteine demand under critical conditions. In this complex picture, an SAA supply may contribute to an immune system regulation. Received November 30, 2001 Accepted January 15, 2002 Published online August 30, 2002 Author's address: Francesco Santangelo, Zambon Group, via Lillo del Duca 10, I-20091 Bresso, Milan, Italy, Email: francesco.santangelo@zambongroup.com  相似文献   

Previous studies suggest that specific binding to the complex consisting of fibroblast growth factor receptor-1 (FGFR1) and the coreceptor beta-Klotho (KLB) is the premise for human FGF19 and FGF21 activating the downstream signaling cascades, and regulating the metabolic homeostasis. However, it was found that human FGF21 loses its ability to bind to FGFR1–KLB after iodination with Na125I and chloramine T, whereas human FGF19 retained its affinity for FGFR1–KLB even after iodination. The molecular mechanisms underlying these differences remained elusive. In this study, we first demonstrated that an intramolecular disulfide bond was formed between cysteine-102 and cysteine-121 in FGF21, implying that the oxidation of the cysteine to cysteic acid, which may interfere with the active conformation of FGF21, did not occur during the iodination procedures, and thus ruled out the possibility of the two conserved cysteine residues mediating the loss of FGF21 binding affinity to FGFR1–KLB upon iodination. Site-directed mutagenesis and molecular modeling were further applied to determine the residue(s) responsible for the loss of FGFR1–KLB affinity. The results showed that mutation of a single tyrosine-207, but not the other five tyrosine residues in FGF21, to a phenylalanine retained the FGFR1–KLB affinity of FGF21 even after iodination, whereas replacing the corresponding phenylalanine residue with tyrosine in FGF19 did not alter its binding affinity to FGFR1–KLB, but decreased the receptor binding ability of the iodinated protein, suggesting that tyrosine-207 is the crucial amino acid responsible for the loss of specifying FGFR1–KLB affinity of the iodinated FGF21.  相似文献   

Reactive oxygen-derived species and particularly OH radicals can degrade hyaluronic acid (HA), resulting in a loss of viscosity and a subsequent decrease in its effectiveness as a joint-lubricating agent. The production of OH in the vicinity of HA can be catalyzed by bound redox-active metals, which participate in the Haber-Weiss reaction. Damage to HA can also occur as a result of hypochlorite formed by myeloperoxidase (MPO). The protective reagents commonly used to inhibit oxidative stress-induced degradation of HA include antioxidative enzymes, such as SOD and catalase, chelators that coordinate metal ions rendering them redox-inactive, and scavengers of radicals, such as OH, as well as nonradical reactive species. In recent years, stable cyclic nitroxides have also been widely used as effective antioxidants. In many cases, nitroxide antioxidants operate catalytically and mediate their protective effect through an exchange between their oxidized and reduced forms. It was anticipated, therefore, that nitroxides would protect HA from oxidative degradation as well. On the other hand, nitroxides serve as catalysts in many oxidation reactions of alcohols, sugars and polysaccharides, including hyalouronan. Such opposite effects of nitroxides on oxidative degradation are particularly intriguing and the aim of the present study was to examine their effect on HA when subjected to diverse forms of oxidative stress. The results indicate that nitroxides protect HA from OH radicals generated enzymatically or radiolytically. The protective effect is attributable neither to the scavenging of OH nor to the oxidation of reduced metal, but to the reaction of nitroxides with secondary carbohydrate radicals-most likely peroxyl radicals.  相似文献   

We have isolated and characterised the nuclear gene that codes for the 30.4-kDa subunit of the peripheral arm of complex I from Neurospora crassa. The single-copy gene was localised on chromosome VI of the fungal genome by restriction fragment length polymorphism mapping. An extra copy of the gene was introduced into a strain of N. crassa by transformation. This strain was crossed with another strain in order to inactivate, by repeat-induced point mutations, both copies of the duplication carried by the parental transformant. Ascospore progeny from the cross were analysed and a mutant strain lacking the 30.4-kDa protein, nuo30.4, was isolated and further characterised. The mutant appears to assemble the membrane arm of complex I, while formation of the peripheral arm is prevented. Nevertheless, the mutant grows reasonably well – indicating that this well conserved protein is not essential for vegetative growth – and is able to mate with other strains both as male or female. Strains with multiple mutations are readily obtained from heterozygous crosses between different complex I mutants of N. crassa. On the other hand, homozygous crosses between several mutants, including nuo30.4, fail to produce ascospores. These results suggest that complex I plays an essential role during the sexual phase of the life cycle of the fungus. Received: 24 February 1997 / Accepted: 23 September 1997  相似文献   

A subset of familial Parkinson's disease (PD) cases is associated with the presence of disease-causing point mutations in human α-synuclein [huAS(wt)], including A53T. Surprisingly, the human neurotoxic amino acid 53T is present in non-primate, wild-type sequences of α-synucleins, including that expressed by mice [mAS(wt)]. Because huAS(A53T) causes neurodegeneration when expressed in rodents, the amino acid changes between the wild-type human protein [huAS(wt)] and mAS(wt) might act as intramolecular suppressors of A53T toxicity in the mouse protein, restoring its physiological structure and function. The lack of structural information for mAS(wt) in aqueous solution has prompted us to conduct a comparative molecular dynamics study of huAS(wt), huAS(A53T), and mAS(wt) in water at 300 K. The calculations are based on an ensemble of nuclear magnetic resonance-derived huAS(wt) structures. huAS(A53T) turns out to be more flexible and less compact than huAS(wt). Its central (NAC) region, involved in fibril formation by the protein, is more solvent-exposed than that of the wild-type protein, in agreement with nuclear magnetic resonance data. The compactness of mAS(wt) is similar to that of the human protein. In addition, its NAC region is less solvent-exposed and more rigid than that of huAS(A53T). All of these features may be caused by an increase in the level of intramolecular interactions on passing from huAS(A53T) to mAS(wt). We conclude that the presence of "compensatory replacements" in the mouse protein causes a significant change in the protein relative to huAS(A53T), restoring features not too dissimilar to those of the human protein.  相似文献   

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