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The effects of bull exposure on postpartum reproduction have been previously studied in beef, but not in dairy cattle. The objective of this experiment was to investigate effects of bull exposure on postpartum reproductive characteristics during early lactation in high-producing Holstein dairy cattle. Forty-five multiparous dairy cows (9764 +/- 140 kg milk/lactation) were randomly grouped at the time of calving. Treatment 1 (NBE) was never exposed to the bull, treatment 2 (2 x BE) experienced fenceline contact with a mature Holstein bull twice daily during routine detection of oestrus, and treatment 3 (CBE) was in continuous proximity to the bull. All cows were observed for oestrous behaviour twice daily for 1/2 h following milking. Blood samples were collected every other day for progesterone (P4) assay. Postpartum ovarian reactivation, indicated by the occurrence of the first sustained rise in P4, was later (P = 0.02) during the postpartum period in both bull-exposed (2 x BE, CBE) treatments compared to the NBE treatment. Time postpartum until completion of the first ovarian cycle tended (P = 0.08) to be shorter in NBE cows compared to bull-exposed cows. Peak P4 concentrations were higher (P = 0.05) in NBE cows compared to bull-exposed cows prior to the second postpartum ovulation. Results indicate an extended period to ovarian reactivation in dairy cattle exposed to a bull, but bull exposure had no effect on long-term reproductive performance of exposed cows.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to hasten the resumption of ovarian activity early postpartum in lactating dairy cows, using equine chorionic gonadotropin (eCG), to enhance follicular growth, followed by hCG, to induce ovulation. Primiparous Holstein dairy cows (n=21) were assigned equally into eCG, eCG-hCG and Control groups. Cows in the eCG and eCG-hCG groups received an i.m. injection of eCG (500 IU Folligon?) on Day 6 postpartum. Cows in the eCG-hCG group were also given an i.m. injection of hCG (500 IU Chorulon?), once dominant follicle reached the diameter of 13-16 mm following eCG injection. Cows in Control group did not receive any treatment. Daily blood sampling and ultrasound examination were conducted, starting at Day 6 postpartum until confirming the third ovulation. Follicles ≥10 mm in diameter were detected on Day 11.5±1.48, 10.1±0.52 and 11.1±1.36 after calving in Control, eCG and eCG-hCG groups, respectively (P>0.05). The first wave dominant follicle ovulated in 71.4% of cows treated with eCG and eCG-hCG. In contrast, none of the first wave dominant follicles ovulated in Control cows. By Day 20 postpartum, all cows in eCG group, 6/7 cows in eCG-hCG group and none of the cows in Control group ovulated (P<0.05). Short estrous cycles (≤16 days) were detected in 2/7, 1/7 and 6/7 cows in eCG, eCG-hCG and control groups, respectively (P<0.05). In conclusion, injection of eCG on Day 6 postpartum could assist the early resumption of ovarian activity by enhancing ovarian follicle growth and early ovulation in postpartum cows. In this context, subsequent hCG injection may not provide any more beneficial effect.  相似文献   

The present study examined ovarian changes preceding the resumption of the ovarian cycle in postpartum dairy cows with different parities under similar body nutritional conditions. In postpartum primi- (n=6), bi- (n=4), and multiparous (n=6) Holstein dairy cows, ovarian ultrasonographic observations starting at 7 days after calving were performed every other day and then daily after the confirmation of clinical signs of oestrus for the detection of postpartum first ovulation. Blood samples were collected at the same time as ultrasonography and analyzed for oestradiol and progesterone to monitor ovarian activity. To evaluate the nutritional condition of the cows, body weight and body condition score (BCS, 1=emaciated to 5=obese) were measured weekly and blood samples for the analysis of glucose, insulin, and non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA) were collected at the same time until postpartum second ovulation. Dominant follicles (>8mm in diameter) of the first follicular wave were detected at 7 days after calving in all cows. The first wave follicle ovulated in five of six multiparous cows, whereas no first wave follicle ovulated in any of the primiparous cows. The days to first ovulation after calving in primiparous cows (31.8+/-8.3 days) were significantly greater (p<0.05) than those in multiparous cows (17.3+/-6.3 days), but were not significantly different from biparous cows (28.8+/-8.6 days). There was a significant relationship between parity and days to first ovulation after calving (p<0.05). BCS was maintained at a level of more than 2.5 during the postpartum period in all cows and there was no influence of parity on postpartum changes in BCS, glucose, insulin, or NEFA throughout the experiment. The present study demonstrated a negative relationship between parity and number of days from calving to first ovulation in dairy cows under similar body nutritional conditions. It is possible that the influence of parity on the resumption of ovarian cycle is modulated by the factors different from the nutrition-related changes during the postpartum period in dairy cows.  相似文献   

A strategy widely adopted in the modern dairy industry is the introduction of postpartum health monitoring programs by trained farm personnel. Within these fresh cow protocols, various parameters (e.g., rectal temperature, attitude, milk production, uterine discharge, ketones) are evaluated during the first 5 to 14 days in milk (DIMs) to diagnose relevant diseases. It is well documented that 14% to 66% of healthy cows exhibit at least one temperature of 39.5 °C or greater within the first 10 DIM. Although widely adopted, data on diagnostic performance of body temperature (BT) measurement to diagnose infectious diseases (e.g., metritis, mastitis) are lacking. Therefore, the objective of this study was to identify possible factors associated with BT in postpartum dairy cows. A study was conducted on a commercial dairy farm including 251 cows. In a total of 217 cows, a vaginal temperature logger was inserted from DIM 2 to 10, whereas 34 cows did not receive a temperature logger as control. Temperature loggers measured vaginal temperature every 10 minutes. Rectal temperature was measured twice daily in all cows. On DIM 2, 5, and 10, cows underwent a clinical examination. Body temperature was influenced by various parameters. Primiparous cows had 0.2 °C higher BT than multiparous cows. Multiparous cows that calved during June and July had higher BT than those that calved in May. In primiparous cows, this effect was only evident from DIM 7 to 10. Furthermore, abnormal calving conditions (i.e., assisted calving, dead calf, retained placenta, twins) affected BT in cows. This effect was more pronounced in multiparous cows. Abnormal vaginal discharge did increase BT in primiparous and multiparous cows. Primiparous cows suffering from hyperketonemia (beta-hydroxybutyrat ≥ 1.4 mmol/L) had higher BT than those not affected. In multiparous cows, there was no association between hyperketonemia and BT. The results of this study clearly demonstrate that BT is influenced by various parameters in dairy cows. Therefore, these parameters have to be considered when interpreting measurements of BT in dairy cows. This information helps to explain the high incidence of type I and II errors when measuring BT and clearly illustrates that measures of BT should not be used as a single criterion to decide whether or not to provide antibiotic treatment to dairy cows. However, research-based test characteristics of other parameters (e.g., vaginal discharge) alone or in combination with BT are still lacking.  相似文献   

Cystic ovarian disease is a major cause of reproductive failure and economic loss for the dairy industry. Many cysts that develop during the early postpartum period regress spontaneously. However, it is difficult to decide at what point it would be more cost effective to treat ovarian cysts than to wait for spontaneous recovery. The objective of this study was to analyze risk factors for the development of the ovarian cystic condition during early and late postpartum, and for its persistence or recovery during the pre-service period in lactating dairy cows. Using multiple logistic regression, we analyzed data derived from 873 lactating dairy cows from a single herd. An ovarian cyst was diagnosed if it was possible to observe a single follicular structure with an antrum diameter > or = 25 mm in the absence of a corpus luteum in three sonograms performed at 7-day intervals. The cystic condition was denoted as early if the cyst was diagnosed 43-49 days postpartum, and late if detected 57-63-day postpartum. Spontaneous cyst regression before 60-day postpartum was regarded as early cystic recovery. For the early cystic group, there were no significant effects of lactation number, body condition score on prepartum Day 60, at parturition or on postpartum Day 30, or of body condition loss from parturition to 30-day postpartum. Cows calving in summer were 2.6 times more likely to develop ovarian cysts than those giving birth in winter. The risk of having a cyst was 1.9 times higher in cows with an abnormal puerperium. A 1-kg increase in milk yield raised the risk of cysts by a factor of 1.05. A 1-unit increase in body condition score (scale from 1 to 5) from prepartum Day 60 to parturition increased the risk of cyst development 8.4 times. Milk production and lactation number were negatively correlated with spontaneous early cyst recovery. A 1-kg decrease in milk production increased the probability of cyst recovery by a factor of 1.06, and a 1-unit drop in lactation number was associated with a 1.4-fold increased probability of cyst recovery. For the late cystic group, there were no significant effects of abnormal puerperium and body score data, except for a prepartum change in body score. Calving season (Odds ratio: 2.3), lactation number (Odds ratio: 1.36), increased milk production (Odds ratio: 1.05) and increased body condition score during the prepartum period (Odds ratio: 4.3) were all related to an increased risk of ovarian cysts. The probability of having a late cyst was 36.6 times greater in cows with early cysts. These findings suggest that it would be profitable to treat multiparous cows having cysts very early in the postpartum period, while treatment of primiparous cows should be delayed, at least until the end of the pre-service period, to provide the opportunity for spontaneous recovery.  相似文献   

Reproductive tract defense and disease in postpartum dairy cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
LeBlanc SJ  Osawa T  Dubuc J 《Theriogenology》2011,76(9):1610-1618
This paper briefly reviews recent data and concepts on the development and mitigation of infection and inflammation in the reproductive tract of dairy cows during the first 2 mo after calving. The incidence of metritis is typically between 10 and 20%, of clinical endometritis or purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) approximately 15%, and of subclinical or cytological endometritis a further 15%. Worse postpartum negative energy balance is associated with more severe or prolonged uterine inflammation. Changes in feed intake, expression of genes for pro-inflammatory cytokines, notably interleukin (IL) 1, IL6 and IL8, circulating concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) or nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), and innate immune function precede both metritis and endometritis by several weeks. Infections with Escherichia coli and Arcanobacterium pyogenes are associated with both metritis and PVD. There are new data to suggest that specific virulence factors in E. coli associated with adherence may be important in metritis and PVD. Cytological endometritis and PVD are overlapping but largely distinct conditions, and there are emerging data that cervicitis exists both concurrent with and separate from endometritis. Much remains to be learned about what initiates and sustains harmful inflammation of the reproductive tract. Such information is necessary to develop effective treatments for the various forms of disease and, more importantly, to develop means to prevent endometritis and cervicitis. In particular, vaccination against specific uterine pathogens and interventions to modulate innate immune response appear to be important avenues for investigation. Presently, commonly recommended best management practices for cows in the transition period are likely to be helpful to mitigate the risk of reproductive disease.  相似文献   

The hypothesis was that supplementation during the late prepartum period will differentially affect reproductive and productive variables according to parity. Primiparous (n=22) and multiparous (n=22) pregnant autumn calving Holstein cows were stratified in two groups according to parity (primiparous or multiparous) and within each group were randomly assigned to two treatments: (a) low supplemented (LS) or (b) high supplemented (HS) prepartum diet. The LS group was offered 5.2 kg/cow/day (DM basis) of wheat silage, and the HS group 4.7 kg cow/day (DM basis)/of corn silage and 3.6 kg (DM basis) of wheat bran+12 g of urea. Both groups grazed on natural pastures. After calving, all cows received the same diet. The experimental period was from 3 weeks before calving to 7 weeks postpartum (PP); body condition score (BCS) and blood samples for hormonal analyses were obtained weekly and ovarian ultrasonography was conducted three times per week. The loss in BCS around calving was less pronounced in HS cows, but only multiparous supplemented cows maintained BCS throughout the study. Non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) increased during the prepartum period in the LS but not in the HS cows, with peak values occurring on day 14 PP in all groups. During the remainder of the experiment NEFA was greater in LS than in HS cows. Prepartum treatment did not affect the proportion of cows that had ovulations from the first dominant follicle postpartum, but decreased the interval to first ovulation in multiparous cows (22.9 compared with 38.2 days; P<0.05). This was associated with greater plasma IGF-I concentrations at the time the dominant follicle of the first follicular wave reached its maximum diameter (8.0 compared with 3.6 nmol/L; P<0.05). However, prepartum treatment had no effect on onset of ovarian activity in primiparous cows. Supplementation had no effect on milk production or milk protein percentage but increased milk fat percentage. We conclude that feeding a high-supplemented prepartum diet to multiparous cows allowed them to maintain BCS around calving, and this was associated with greater concentrations of IGF-I and an earlier onset of estrous cycles after calving.  相似文献   

This paper briefly reviews recent data and concepts on the development and mitigation of infection and inflammation in the reproductive tract of dairy cows during the first 2 mo after calving. The incidence of metritis is typically between 10 and 20%, of clinical endometritis or purulent vaginal discharge (PVD) approximately 15%, and of subclinical or cytological endometritis a further 15%. Worse postpartum negative energy balance is associated with more severe or prolonged uterine inflammation. Changes in feed intake, expression of genes for pro-inflammatory cytokines, notably interleukin (IL) 1, IL6 and IL8, circulating concentrations of beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA) or nonesterified fatty acids (NEFA), and innate immune function precede both metritis and endometritis by several weeks. Infections with Escherichia coli and Arcanobacterium pyogenes are associated with both metritis and PVD. There are new data to suggest that specific virulence factors in E. coli associated with adherence may be important in metritis and PVD. Cytological endometritis and PVD are overlapping but largely distinct conditions, and there are emerging data that cervicitis exists both concurrent with and separate from endometritis. Much remains to be learned about what initiates and sustains harmful inflammation of the reproductive tract. Such information is necessary to develop effective treatments for the various forms of disease and, more importantly, to develop means to prevent endometritis and cervicitis. In particular, vaccination against specific uterine pathogens and interventions to modulate innate immune response appear to be important avenues for investigation. Presently, commonly recommended best management practices for cows in the transition period are likely to be helpful to mitigate the risk of reproductive disease.  相似文献   

To study the ovarian response to the long-term effect of PGF, 16 cows were treated with 25 mg tromethamine dinoprost (Pronalgon F; Pfizer, Tokyo, Japan) for 21 days after natural ovulation. Five control cows were treated with sterile physiological saline. The follicle and corpus luteum (CL) development were monitored using a real-time ultrasound instrument. In addition, the plasma concentration of progesterone (P4) was determined. In nine of the 16 Pronalgon-treated cows, the first dominant follicle (1st DF), second dominant follicle (2nd DF), and third dominant follicle ovulated consecutively (group A). In five cows, the 1st and 2nd DFs ovulated consecutively (group B). The developing CL started to regress approximately 5 days after each ovulation without maturation in groups A and B. In the two remaining Pronalgon-treated cows, there was no further ovulation after natural ovulation (group C). In one cow in group C, the 1st DF became atretic and the 2nd DF became cystic with the diameter of the cystic follicle reaching 31.2 mm on Day 30. In another cow, the 1st DF became cystic with a diameter of 30.9 mm on Day 18. Although P4 began to increase after each ovulation in all of the Pronalgon-treated cows, it decreased immediately after each ovulation without a large increase, peaking at approximately 1 ng/mL. Furthermore, the number of days when P4 was >1 ng/mL from natural ovulation to Day 21 was 2.6 ± 0.7 days, which was significantly less than that in the control cows (16.0 ± 0.6 days). These results indicate that the long-term effect of PGF has an important role in ovulation of all dominant follicles and might induce cystic ovaries in cows.  相似文献   

Milk progesterone concentration (P4), milk yield, milk composition, ovarian structures and pregnancy status were studied in 108 cows treated with two doses of PGF 14 days apart and inseminated at fixed time (TAI) 80-82 h later. The synchronization protocol was started at 70+/-1.4 days after parturition. Milk P4 profiles revealed that anestrus, failure of luteolysis following treatment with PGF and failure to ovulate following luteolysis were the main reasons for low pregnancy rate with TAI. Anestrous cows had a higher percentage of milk fat (P<0.05) and higher fat to protein ratio (P<0.01), and cows that did not undergo luteolysis had higher milk yield (P<0.05) and lower percentage of milk protein (P<0.05) than cows that responded to PGF treatment. Cows that did not undergo luteolysis and cows that did not ovulate following luteolysis had lower milk P4 during the luteal phase preceding the second PGF injection (P<0.01 and P<0.05, respectively). Pregnancy rates 24 and 47 days after TAI in cows that responded as expected to the synchronization treatment were 62% and 54%, respectively. Pregnancy was precluded in non-responsive cows. The largest follicle at the time of TAI in cows experiencing late embryonic mortality was smaller (P=0.02) than in cows that successfully maintained pregnancy. Results suggest that a primary reason for low pregnancy rate in dairy cows after administration of PGF and TAI is inappropriate ovarian function prior to, or following treatment.  相似文献   

The diagnostic value of 2 plasma acute-phase proteins, haptoglobin and alpha1-acid glycoprotein, and plasma N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase enzyme activity were studied in 29 newly calved dairy cows. Nineteen had developed acute metritis with putrid vaginal discharge within 2 wk after calving; 10 were clinically healthy controls. Plasma haptoglobin concentration remained low in most cows with acute postpartum metritis. Only the 3 most severely affected cows exhibited a strong haptoglobin response. These were later culled due to poor condition and reduced fertility. This suggests that in acute uterine infection a highly increased haptoglobin concentration indicates poor prognosis for repeat conception. Plasma alpha1-acid glycoprotein concentration increased in acute postpartum metritis, the response pattern being less prominent than that for haptoglobin. The alpha1-acid glycoprotein concentrations did not correlate with severity of disease, and, consequently, the capacity of alpha1-acid glycoprotein in differentiating genital infections was relatively poor. The highest alpha1-acid glycoprotein concentrations were detected in cows with retained placenta and/or dystocia. Plasma N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase activity levels did not differ between the cows with acute postpartum metritis and healthy control cows.  相似文献   

Two studies were conducted to evaluate the concentration of serum progesterone in pyometritic cows and relate it to palpation of ovarian structures per rectum . In Trial 1, serum samples from 34 pyometritic cows were assayed for progesterone. Mean serum progesterone concentrations were 6.8 +/- 0.7 ng/ml. In Trial 2, each of 54 pyometritic cows was paired with a control cow on the basis of days post partum (18-50 days). Mean concentration of progesterone was 9.7 +/- 1.0 ng/ml for the pyometritic cows and 5.7 +/- 0.8 ng/ml in control cows (P<0.005). Progesterone concentration was greater (P<0.005) in both groups of cows with palpable corpora lutea (CLs). Ninety-six percent of the pyometritic cows had palpable CLs compared to 57% of the control group. Comparing serum progesterone only in cows with a palpable CL, the mean concentration was still greater (P<0.005) in the pyometritic group (10.6 +/- 1.0 ng/ml) than the control group (6.6 +/- 1.0 ng/ml). Compatability of rectal palpation findings and concentrations of serum progesterone were 92.6% for the pyometritic group and 72.2% for the control group. Progesterone concentration increased (P<0.05) by increased days post partum in Trial 2 (n=54) but not in Trial 1 (n=23). In both Trials 1 and 2, uterine size due to pyometra increased (P<0.05) with increased days post partum. No other associations were found.  相似文献   

At calving forty-eight Holstein and Guernsey cows were assigned according to age and breed to one of six postpartum periods (1 or 2, 3 or 4, 5 or 6, 7 or 8, 12 or 13 and 18 or 19 days postpartum). Thirty-six of the cows (6 cows per postpartum period) received a single intramuscular injection of 100 μg GnRH. The other twelve cows (2 cows per postpartum period) served as controls and received a single intramuscular injection of the carrier vehicle for GnRH.Four of 36 cows administered GnRH and three of the 12 control cows ovulated by the day following treatment. Four of the cows were 12 or 13 days postpartum (1 control and 3 GnRH treated) and three were 18 or 19 days postpartum (2 controls and 1 GnRH treated). Six of the seven cows that ovulated the day following treatment had a follicle > 1.0 cm the day prior to treatment. Follicular growth was detected in the earlier postpartum periods but ovulation the following day was not detected for either control or GnRH treated cows. Following estrus or silent estrus, plasma progesterone concentrations increased to about 4 ng/ml on day 13. However, in cows ovulating the day following GnRH treatment, plasma progesterone declined from about 3 ng/ml on day 9 to approximately 1 ng/ml on day 13 postestrus. In addition, LH in plasma was higher (P < .01) ? through 13 days following estrus or silent estrus in cows ovulating the day after GnRH treatment in comparison to cows during the first or subsequent postpartum estrous cycles.In summary, in addition to days postpartum other factors including follicular development and maturity are probably involved in GnRH induced ovulation.  相似文献   

Two experiments were performed to assess the effects of immunization against androstenedione on ovarian function in cows during the first 100 days after calving and in gilts at the onset of puberty.Seven Holstein-Friesian cows were immunized against androstenedione-11α-human serum albumin (AND-HSA) at 3 weeks before and at 3 weekly intervals after calving and compared with ten cows immunized against HSA. Titres against androstenedione were significant but low and variable (1: 280-1: 4). Two cows with the highest titres exhibited abnormal ovarian function which could be attributable to treatment. One cow developed a large follicular cyst and nymphomania. The other cow exhibited mild super ovulation in her first cycle after calving and multiple ovulations during later cycles. Other cows in the AND-HSA group also had a tendency to develop larger than normal follicles and follicular cysts.Groups of twelve prepubertal gilts were immunized against either androstenedione 11α-hemisuccinyl bovine serum albumin (AND-BSA) or BSA at 100, 121 and 142 days of age. Titres against AND were significant but were low and variable (1: 2500-1: 10). There was no effect of immunization against AND on onset of ovulation, puberty or ovulation rate in the first or second ovulatory cycles.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum in high-producing dairy cows in commercial dairy farms under subtropical conditions. The cows were kept in a free-stall or tie-stall barn. Milk samples were collected from cows twice weekly, and progesterone in the skim milk was assayed by double-antibody ELISA. Cows were examined rectally and vaginoscopically at 2-week intervals after calving. Body condition score (BCS) and body weights were taken before and after calving. A cow was considered to have resumed ovarian cyclicity on the day of ovulation if followed by regular ovarian cycles. Thirty seven percent (n=20/54) of the cows had normal resumption of ovarian cyclicity (resumption within 45 days after calving), and 63% (n=34/54) had delayed resumption (resumption did not occur until >45 days after calving). Delayed resumption Type I (one or more ovarian cycles with luteal phase >20 days, i.e. prolonged luteal phase; 31.5%) and delayed resumption Type II (first ovulation did not occur until > or =45 days after calving, i.e. delayed first ovulation; 24.1%) were the most common types of delayed resumptions. Almost half (46.3%) of the cows did not resume their ovarian cyclicity until >65 days postpartum. Cows with delayed resumption Type I had a higher incidence of abnormal cervico-vaginal discharge (64.7%) and incomplete uterine involution (94.1%) compared to cows with normal resumption (P<0.01). The BCS of cows with delayed resumption Type II were lower than those of normal resumption cows at 5 weeks and later in the postpartum period (P<0.05). Approximately two-thirds of high-producing cows had delayed resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum. Prolonged luteal phase and delayed first ovulation were two important ovarian dysfunctions that delayed postpartum resumption of cyclicity in high-producing dairy cows.  相似文献   

Thirty-two lactating Holstein cows were assigned to 1 of 4 groups in a randomized block design using a 2 X 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rbSt; 25 mg/day) or placebo was administered beginning at Day 35 or 70 postpartum. All cows began treatment approximately 3 days post-estrus. Blood samples were collected at least once daily for a 70-day period to determine the concentration of progesterone and the duration of the luteal and follicular phases. During estrous cycles 1 and 3, frequent blood samples were taken (every 10 min for 8 h) 24 and 60 h after the onset of luteal regression. These samples were assayed for luteinizing hormone (LH), and samples coincident with the second LH pulse detected were assayed for estradiol. Ultrasonography was used to determine the size of the largest ovarian follicle from Day 17 until ovulation in estrous cycles 1 and 3. Luteal life span, length of the follicular phase, and diameter of the largest follicle were not affected by treatment with rbSt. Administration of rbSt increased the concentration of progesterone in plasma during the first two luteal phases (p less than 0.01). Progesterone was elevated during the mid-luteal phase of cycle 3 in rbSt-treated cows that began treatment about Day 35 postpartum but not in cows that began treatment on Day 70 postpartum (Treatment X Stage X Day, p less than 0.01). During the first follicular phase studied, LH pulse frequency was higher (p = 0.06) in rbSt-treated cows than in cows receiving the placebo.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In cattle, the first postpartum dominant follicle grows slower and produces less oestradiol in animals with high numbers of bacteria contaminating the uterine lumen. However, only bacteria that are uterine pathogens are correlated with severe clinical disease and an increased inflammatory response. It is unknown whether the effect on the ovary in relation to uterine bacterial contamination is associated with the presence of recognised uterine pathogens. Therefore, the present study examined the relationship between pathogenic bacteria in the postpartum uterine lumen, follicle growth and function and the formation of a competent corpus luteum. In addition, peripheral plasma concentrations of immune mediators were quantified. Swabs were collected from the uterine lumen of cattle on day 7 postpartum. Bacteria were cultured and identified and bacterial growth was scored semi-quantitatively. Animals were categorized into high or low recognized uterine pathogen contamination groups based on the number of colonies. Ovarian structures were monitored by daily transrectal ultrasonography and blood samples were collected. In animals with high numbers of uterine pathogens on day 7 postpartum, the diameter of the first postpartum dominant follicle was smaller and plasma oestradiol concentrations were lower. In addition, these animals had smaller corpora lutea, which produced less progesterone. Furthermore, animals with a high day 7 uterine pathogen growth density had higher peripheral concentrations of acute phase proteins. Thus, contamination of the uterus with recognized uterine pathogens is associated with ovarian dysfunction during the postpartum period. Furthermore, infection results in an increase in the production of inflammatory mediators.  相似文献   

Cows that are diagnosed as anestrus (defined as >3 weeks postpartum, not detected in estrus by 1 week before commencement of seasonal breeding and without a palpable corpus luteum) have a lower probability of being inseminated, a lower conception rate to insemination and hence a lower probability of pregnancy within the breeding period. A current progesterone (P) and estradiol benzoate (EB) treatment for anestrus results in an 85% insemination rate, but only 57% of cows not conceiving to that first insemination are subsequently detected in estrus 14-28 days later. Resynchrony after an initial anestrous treatment has been used to increase the probability that cows not conceiving to first insemination will subsequently be detected in estrus. Anestrous cows (n=971) were initially treated with an intravaginal P-releasing device for 6 days and given 1 mg EB 1 day after device removal (day of EB treatment=Day 0). Cows detected in estrus between Days 0 and 3 were assigned randomly to be treated with reinsertion of a used P-releasing device for 8 days (commencing on Day 15), with 0.5 mg EB at reinsertion and again 1 day after removal (EB-RS), treatment as for EB-RS group but with substitution of 250 microg GnRH for EB at device reinsertion (GnRH-RS), or left as untreated controls (no-RS). Resynchrony treatments increased the proportion of non-pregnant cows detected in estrus from Days 14 to 28 compared to no-RS (79.1, 69.8, and 55.1% for EB-RS, GnRH-RS, and no-RS, respectively; P<0.05). Fewer cows were pregnant by Days 28 and 56 following GnRH-RS than EB-RS and no-RS. The final pregnancy rate was higher following EB-RS treatment than no-RS or GnRH-RS treatment (95.0, 88.3, and 88.6%; P<0.05). In conclusion, EB-RS enhanced reproductive performance of anestrous cows compared to no-RS.  相似文献   

Shrestha HK  Nakao T  Suzuki T  Higaki T  Akita M 《Theriogenology》2004,61(7-8):1559-1571
The primary objective of this study was to investigate the effects of abnormal ovarian cycles during the pre-service postpartum period on subsequent reproductive performance of high-producing Holstein cows. The study was conducted in a commercial dairy farm with approximately 150 lactating cows, in a subtropical region of Japan. Animals were kept in free-stall barn, and fed a total mixed ration. Cows that calved from June 2001 to July 2002 were included in the study. Milk samples were collected twice weekly from 2 to 11 weeks postpartum, and progesterone concentrations in skim milk were determined by ELISA. After a voluntary waiting period of 40 days, cows detected in estrus were bred by artificial insemination (AI). Pregnancy was confirmed by palpation per rectum 40-70 days after AI. Out of a total of 91 cases, 39 (42.9%) had normal ovarian cycles (ovulation within 45 days after calving, followed by normal ovarian cycles), 32 (35.2%) had prolonged luteal phase (i.e. luteal activity for >20 days), and 12 (13.2%) had anovulation or delayed first ovulation (i.e. first ovulation did not occur until >45 days after calving). The remaining (8.8%) had other types of abnormalities. When compared with cows with a normal ovarian cycle, prolonged luteal phase cows had a lower 100 days AI submission rate, conception rate and pregnancy rate (84.2% versus 56.3%; P<0.05, 50% versus 16.7%; P<0.05 and 42.1% versus 9.4%; P<0.01, respectively), and longer intervals to first AI and to conception ( 67+/-6 days versus 98+/-7 days and 95+/-9 days versus 136+/-11 days; P<0.01 for each). Similarly, when compared with cows with normal ovarian cycles, those with anovulation had lower 100 days conception rate and pregnancy rate (50% versus 0%; P<0.05 and 42.1% versus 0%; P<0.01, respectively), and longer intervals to first AI and to conception ( 67+/-6 days versus 93+/-12 days; P<0.05 and 95+/-9 days versus 155+/-14 days; P<0.01, respectively). Survival analysis of the data for calving to conception interval showed that cows with prolonged luteal phase or anovulation were getting pregnant at a slower rate, and took longer to get pregnant than the cows with normal resumption of ovarian cyclicity postpartum. In conclusion, abnormal ovarian cycles during the pre-service period postpartum adversely affected reproductive performance, including AI submission rate, pregnancy rate, interval to first AI, and calving to conception interval in high-producing Holstein cows.  相似文献   

Incidence of assisted births, retained fetal membranes (RFM), and metritis were recorded in one hundred dairy cows from parturition through 14 days post-calving. Manual removal of RFM was not attempted. All RFM were excised inside the vulva and observations of natural RFM expulsion were recorded. Fifteen of 100 cows (15%) had assisted births, 27 (27%) had RFM, 8 (8%) had primary metritis not associated with other postpartum reproductive problems, and 26 (26%) had secondary metritis. Uterine swabs for culture were collected during the study from cows with postpartum reproductive problems. E . coli was the most common organism isolated (69.4%). Sensitivities of all isolates to penicillin, tetracycline, and triple sulfa were 44.0%, 59.5%, and 36.9% respectively. One of two antibiotic treatments were administered to cows with these postpartum reproductive problems. Treated animals received either 5 g. tetracycline powder IU on day 1 of treatment plus 10.5 million units procaine penicillin G IM on days 1, 2, and 3; or 4 Sulfaurea boluses IU on day 1. Despite the antibiotic treatments, 26 of 34 cows having either assisted birth and/or RFM developed metritis (76%). Neither treatment regimen was superior to the other. The poor results of antimicrobial therapy suggested the futility of routine administration of therapeutic agents for postpartum reproductive problems. Treatment failure was attributed to ineffective drugs or inadequate dosage regimens.  相似文献   

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