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The pollen morphology of two species of the Neotropical genus Ceratostema (Ericaceae) was examined by light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The Ceratostema species examined have 3-colporate pollen grains united in permanent tetrahedral tetrads that show a common condition encountered in the Ericaceae. But the septal exine was absent between two neighboring grains in each pollen tetrad of Ceratostema. The pollen tetrads without septa are the first report for the Ericaceae as well as other angiosperm families.  相似文献   

In the Iberian Peninsula and Balearic Islands pollen dimorphism was found inTeucrium fruticans L.,T. pseudochamaepitys L., andT. rotundifolium Schreber. Generally, this dimorphism shows two sizes of pollen grains, the smaller more or less collapsed. The percentage of pollen viability is calculated. Differences in size between viable and nonviable pollen grains are similar, being about 40% inT. fruticans andT. pseudochamaepitys, and about 26% inT. rotundifolium. With regard to pollen viability, the percentage of male sterility is higher inT. fruticans, in which from male sterile (ms) plants, 100% nonviable pollen was obtained from every flower observed. InT. pseudochamaepitys andT. rotundifolium with rare exceptions, the percentage of nonviable pollen does not seem to be significant.  相似文献   

Pollen grains of five species and two interspecific hybrids ofTrillium from eastern Asia have been examined with scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. All species from eastern Asia, excludingT. govanianum, are characterized by inaperturate pollen and an unstratified and granulated exine structure. Pollen of the Himalayan species,T. govanianum, is, however, monocolpate and intectate. The palynological evidence suggests that the Asiatic species, excludingT. govanianum, are closely related to each other and toT. erectum in North America, andT. govanianum is independent of the other species in the genus.  相似文献   

M. Ramsey 《Oecologia》1995,103(1):101-108
The extent, frequency and causes of pollenlimited seed production were examined in partially selffertile populations of Blandfordia grandiflora for 2 years. Percentage seed set of open-pollinated plants (50–57%) did not differ within or between years, and was about 19% less than experimentally cross-pollinated plants (70–75%). Floral visits by honeybees did not differ through the flowering season and the number of pollen grains deposited on stigmas within 12 h of flowers opening exceeded the number of ovules per flower, indicating that the quality rather than the quantity of pollination limited seed set. Pollen limitation was caused by concurrent self- and cross-pollination and the subsequent abortion of some selfed ovules due to inbreeding depression. Natural seed set (55%) was intermediate between selfed (43%) and crossed (75%) flowers and was not increased when flowers that had been available to pollinators for 24 h were hand cross-pollinated, suggesting that ovules were already fertilized. Similarly, experimental pollination with both cross and self pollen within 24 h of flowers opening did not increase seed set relative to natural seed set, indicating that both cross- and self-fertilizations had occurred. In contrast, when selfing followed crossing by 48 h, or vice versa, seed set did not differ from crossed-only or selfed-only flowers, respectively, indicating that ovules were pre-empted by the first pollination. Collectively, these results indicate that under natural conditions self pollen pre-empts ovules, rendering them unavailable for cross-fertilization. This selfing reduces fecundity by 50%, as estimated from the natural production of cross seeds when selfing was prevented. Consequently, selection should favour floral traits, such as increased stigma-anther separation or protandry, that reduce interference between male and female functions that leads to selfing.  相似文献   

Recent studies have improved the infrageneric classification ofRhododendron, including my own investigations on flavonoids and anthocyanins as chemosystematic markers. From a synoptical comparison of morphological, anatomical and phytochemical characters a new system for the genus is proposed. Phylogenetic character progressions and relationships among subgenera, sections and subsections are discussed and illustrated. Key positions for subg.Candidastrum between chori subgenerumRhododendron andNomazalea, and for subg.Choniastrum between chori subgenerumHymenanthes andNomazalea are suggested.  相似文献   

Diameter and fertility of pollen grains were surveyed in nine species ofPuccinellia Parl. (Poaceae), mainly from the Iberian Peninsula, allowing information about reproductive behaviour and biological characteristics of pollen of these taxa. Maximum diameter was measured with an image processor and fertility was evaluated by staining the grains with Müntzing's mixture. Significant differences in both characters were found between the taxa. In consequence, maximum diameter and fertility proved to have some taxonomic relevance inPuccinellia.  相似文献   

Froment  A. 《Plant Ecology》1981,46(1):193-200
It is now difficult to manage the semi-natural groupings of heathland because of the tendency for succession towards forest stages.Several experiments were conducted in the Hautes Fagnes region (Belgium). After the vegetation was mapped, plots were treated by mowing, burn-beating, and burning.The changing floristic composition was followed from 1972 to 1980 in permanent quadrats. Burn-beating is an excellent method of management for old heath, because it reestablishes the properties of the heath ecosystem.Nomenclature follows de Langhe et al., 1978. Nouvelle flore de la Belgique, du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, du Nord de la France et des Régions voisines, 2e éd.  相似文献   

Pollen limitation through insufficient pollen deposition on stigmas caused by too infrequent pollinator visitation may influence the reproductive outcome of plants. In this study we investigated how pollinator visitation rate, the degree of pollen limitation, and flower longevity varied spatially among three sites at different altitudes within a population of the dwarf shrub Dryas octopetala L. in alpine southern Norway. Significant pollen limitation on seed set only occurred at the mid-elevation site, while seed set at the other sites appeared to be mainly resource limited, thus indicating a spatial variation in pollen limitation. There was no association between the spatial variation in the extent of pollen limitation and pollinator visitation rate to flowers. However, pollinator visitation rates were related to flower longevity of Dryas; sites with low visitation rates had long-lived flowers and vice versa. Thus, our results suggest within-population spatial co-variation between pollinator visitation rates, pollen limitation, and a developmental response to these factors, flower longevity.  相似文献   

采用实地观测的方法,对南充市金城山三个不同生境中柔毛淫羊藿的开花物候特征及其生殖特性进行了研究。结果表明:柔毛淫羊藿花期为3月上旬至4月上旬,其种群、个体、花序和单花的花期分别历时30~41、22~34、9~18和4~8 d。三个生境中柔毛淫羊藿种群的开花物候进程基本相同,均呈单峰集中开花式样,因而能够吸引更多的传粉者访问而达到生殖成功。开花物候指数与坐果数之间的相关分析结果表明,坐果数与始花日期存在显著的负相关关系,与花期持续时间和开花数均呈极显著的正相关关系。揭示了药用植物柔毛淫羊藿的开花物候特征与生殖特性。  相似文献   

Flowering phenology and clonal growth are known to affect resource and pollen availability, and therefore select for adaptive or constrained sex allocation strategies to some degree. However, the consequences of temporal sex allocation patterns for reproductive fitness across the flower, inflorescence, and genet levels have rarely been examined. Moreover, experimental tests of the underlying regulatory mechanisms are scarce. We examined the association of flowering phenology and inflorescence position with temporal sex allocation and reproductive success in the protandrous perennial clonal herb, Aconitum kusnezoffii, over four consecutive growing seasons by examining more than 39 000 flowers. We also conducted controlled experiments to test the effects of resource and pollen limitation on the female reproductive success of lateral inflorescences. We found that some male functions were positively correlated with flowering phenology, whereas female reproductive success was negatively correlated with flowering phenology and inflorescence position. Lateral inflorescences invested more in male function than terminal inflorescences and therefore yielded fewer and smaller seeds. Resource limitation may serve as the key mechanism underlying this differentiated pattern. Decreased female reproductive success was consistently observed at the flower and inflorescence levels as flowering occurred later in the growth season. Late-blooming lateral inflorescences specialized in the male function, and their female reproductive success was constrained by early-blooming terminal inflorescences. This might be the first attempt to systematically demonstrate sex allocation strategy differentiation in a protandrous plant species at the inflorescence level. In addition, our study provides empirical evidence of dichogamy selecting for specialized sex allocation strategies among inflorescences.  相似文献   

以青藏高原高寒草甸中三种同域分布的喉毛花为研究对象,通过比较三个种的植株性状和繁殖分配,探讨繁殖分配的种间差异及其与植株个体大小的关系。结果表明:(1)三个种的植株高度、顶花大小和单株花数目、繁殖分配均存在种间差异,这可能与其各自的交配系统和具体的生境以及相应的生活史对策有关;(2)在三种喉毛花中,投入到营养器官和繁殖器官的绝对资源量均呈显著正相关,未检测到植株生长和繁殖间的权衡关系;(3)三个种的个体大小与繁殖器官生物量均呈显著正相关,而与繁殖分配均呈显著负相关,这表明个体越大,繁殖投入越高,而繁殖分配越低,与以往研究结果一致,这可能是由于繁殖分配与个体大小之间存在异速关系。  相似文献   

Pollen limitation occurs when plants produce less fruits and/or seeds than they would with adequate pollen receipt. If the addition of cross-pollen to stigmas increases fruit/seed production, it is interpreted as an evidence of pollen limitation. Much of the limitation may be associated with the quality rather than quantity of pollen; however, most studies do not discriminate between the two, which may lead to misinterpretation of the results. We studied the effects of quality and quantity of pollen on the reproduction of a northern Spanish population of Crataegus monogyna. The treatments included self- and cross-pollination, and supplementation to open and bagged flowers. The response variables considered were number of pollen grains per stigma, pollen tubes per style, and initial and final fruit set. In the Cantabrian range, C. monogyna requires insect pollinators to set fruit and is partially self-incompatible. We found that the number of pollen tubes did not differ between cross- and self-pollination treatments; however, self-pollinated flowers set less fruits than flowers that received pure cross-pollen or were supplemented with both cross- and self-pollen. The experimental design allowed us to infer qualitative rather than quantitative pollen limitation. Comparison of the number of pollen grains and tubes, and initial and final fruit set among pollination treatments suggested post-zygotic embryo selection against selfed progeny.  相似文献   

Pollen viability has been investigated in 20 blackberry species using 3 methods, (1) cotton blue, (2) TTC, and (3) germination in a sucrose solution. Significant differences were found between species. Correlations between high pollen viability and high seed set were also obtained.  相似文献   

James L. Luteyn 《Brittonia》1992,44(2):240-243
Plutarchia, a shrubby páramo genus, is here reported for the first time in Ecuador where two species are recognized: P. angulata A. C. Smith and the new P. ecuadorensis Luteyn. These two species are keyed, described, and the new species illustrated.  相似文献   

Growth responses to temperature and resource limitation in three dipteran species with similar life histories were compared. With respect to current life history theory, two points are raised. First, growth rate in real time increased steeply with temperature in all species, following the standard pattern. However, when expressed in physiological time growth rate increased as temperature decreased in the yellow dung fly Scathophaga stercoraria, remained approximately constant in Sepsis cynipsea, and increased in Drosophila melanogaster. These responses can be understood as adaptations to climate and seasonality. It is concluded that some patterns of adaptation may be more easily interpreted if, and some may even go undetected unless, they are analysed in physiological time. Second, a decrease in body size, development rate and growth rate when resources are limited is believed to be nearly universal and generally predicted by life history models. Despite their similar life histories, the three species investigated showed qualitatively different growth responses to larval food shortage. At unlimited resources, yellow dung flies showed the fastest initial larval body mass gain per unit time, while those of S. cynipsea and D. melanogaster were lower and about equal. The period of no body mass gain at the end of larval development was longest in S. stercoraria and shortest in S. cynipsea. When facing resource limitation, S. stercoraria emerged smaller but earlier (thus nearly maintaining their growth rate), S. cynipsea smaller after the same development period, and D. melanogaster smaller and later (showing reduced and much reduced growth, respectively). It is concluded that whether growth really slows when resources are limited depends on the precise ecological circumstances of the species in question. More refined models, particularly those where mortality costs are independent of time, and more experiments are necessary to account for the variation in growth and size and age at maturity present in nature. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the reproductive biology of endangered plants is essential for their effective conservation. It also provides important information for understanding the evolutionary processes that affect speciation, thus helping the definition of proper units for conservation in endangered plants with problematic taxonomy. We studied the reproductive potential and possibility for hybridization in the endangered genus Saintpaulia (Gesneriaceae) by examining flowering phenology, flower and seed production and pollination of three sympatric cross‐compatible Saintpaulia species in the East Usambara Mts., Tanzania. The synchrony observed in flowering in S. confusa and S. difficilis may enable hybridization between these two species, whereas partial phenological separation may contribute to the integrity of S. grotei. Although the level of flower abortion is high in S. confusa, each pollinated flower yields about 1000 seeds. Saintpaulia confusa produces fruits following both self‐ and cross‐pollination but spontaneous self‐pollination seems not to occur. Thus, seed production depends on sufficient pollinator service. Floral heteromorphy (i.e. enantiostyly) and bee pollination are likely to further enhance cross‐pollination, suggesting that the genus predominantly outcrosses. Thus, Saintpaulia populations are likely to suffer from negative effects of inbreeding if they become small and isolated.  相似文献   

Summary Pollen of Pisum sativum was exposed to doses of 900 to 6,000 r of X-rays prior to pollinating a multiply marked genotype. The first generation progeny closely resembled that produced with unirradiated pollen. In the second generation, five loci were monitored, and the results showed that irradiation enhanced the proportion of maternal information transmitted to the progeny; the practical implications of the data, as well as the mechanism underlying the effect are discussed.  相似文献   

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