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The evolution and functional diversification of animal microRNA genes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
microRNAs (miRNAs) are an abundant class of-22 nucleotide (nt) regulatory RNAs that are pervasive in higher eukaryotic genomes. In order to fully understand their prominence in genomes, it is necessary to elucidate the molecular mechanisms that can diversify miRNA activities. In this review, we describe some of the many strategies that allow novel miRNA functions to emerge, with particular emphasis on how miRNA genes evolve in animals. These mechanisms include changes in their sequence, processing, or expression pattern; acquisition of miRNA^* functionality or antisense processing; and de novo gene birth. The facility and versatility of miRNAs to evolve and change likely underlies how they have become dominant constituents of higher genomes.  相似文献   

The molecular evolutionary signatures of miRNAs inform our understanding of their emergence, biogenesis, and function. The known signatures of miRNA evolution have derived mostly from the analysis of deeply conserved, canonical loci. In this study, we examine the impact of age, biogenesis pathway, and genomic arrangement on the evolutionary properties of Drosophila miRNAs. Crucial to the accuracy of our results was our curation of high-quality miRNA alignments, which included nearly 150 corrections to ortholog calls and nucleotide sequences of the global 12-way Drosophilid alignments currently available. Using these data, we studied primary sequence conservation, normalized free-energy values, and types of structure-preserving substitutions. We expand upon common miRNA evolutionary patterns that reflect fundamental features of miRNAs that are under functional selection. We observe that melanogaster-subgroup-specific miRNAs, although recently emerged and rapidly evolving, nonetheless exhibit evolutionary signatures that are similar to well-conserved miRNAs and distinct from other structured noncoding RNAs and bulk conserved non-miRNA hairpins. This provides evidence that even young miRNAs may be selected for regulatory activities. More strikingly, we observe that mirtrons and clustered miRNAs both exhibit distinct evolutionary properties relative to solo, well-conserved miRNAs, even after controlling for sequence depth. These studies highlight the previously unappreciated impact of biogenesis strategy and genomic location on the evolutionary dynamics of miRNAs, and affirm that miRNAs do not evolve as a unitary class.  相似文献   

miRNA genes are thought to undergo quick birth and death processes in genomes and the emergence of a MIRNA‐like hairpin provides the base for functional miRNA gene formation. However, the factors affecting the formation of an active miRNA gene from a MIRNA‐like hairpin within a genome remain unclear. We performed a genome‐wide investigation of MIRNA‐like hairpin accumulation, expression, structural changes and relationships with annotated genomic features in the paleopolyploid soybean genome. Our results showed that adjacent gene and transposable element content, rates of genetic recombination at location of emergence, along with its own gene structure divergence greatly affected miRNA gene evolution. Further investigation suggested that miRNA genes from different duplication sources followed distinct evolutionary trajectories and that the accumulation of MIRNA‐like hairpins might be an important factor in causing long terminal repeat retrotransposons to lose activity during genome evolution.  相似文献   

Lineage-specific microRNA (miRNA) families may contribute to developmental novelties during evolution. However, little is known about the origin and evolution of new miRNA families. We report evidence of an Alu-mediated rapid expansion of miRNA genes in a previously identified primate-specific miRNA family, drawn from sequencing and comparative analysis of 9 diverse primate species. Evolutionary analysis reveals similar divergence among miRNA copies whether they are within or between species, lineage-specific gain and loss of miRNAs, and gene pseudolization in multiple species. These observations support a birth-and-death process of miRNA genes in this family, implicating functional diversification during primate evolution. In addition, both secondary structure conservation and reduced single nucleotide polymorphisms density attest to functional constraint of this family in primates. Finally, we observed preferential expression of miRNAs in human placenta and fetal brain, suggesting a functional importance of this family for primate development.  相似文献   

Molecular evolution of the rice miR395 gene family   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  

MicroRNA对多细胞动物复杂性进化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
戴中华  陈良标 《遗传》2010,32(2):105-114
MicroRNA(miRNA)是一种长度约为22个碱基的非编码单链小分子RNA。作为一类重要的转录后基因表达调控因子,miRNA参与了广泛的生物学过程,如发育时程调控、细胞分化、凋亡、肿瘤以及病毒抵抗等。然而,除了在个体发生过程中的重要功能外,越来越多的研究表明,miRNA在系统发生中也扮演着关键的角色。基因表达模式的不同被广泛地认为是物种内和物种间表型差异的根源,动物物种间miRNA的保守性和多样性研究提示miRNA对物种间表型差异以及动物进化起着重要的作用。文章介绍了miRNA产生过程和作用机制,重点探讨了miRNA在动物进化过程中的作用,从miRNA的进化速度、miRNA表达的时空特异性、miRNA作用靶位点变异以及miRNA基因的扩增与丢失4个方面论述miRNA介导的基因调控网络对多细胞动物发育复杂性进化的影响,推测miRNA在多细胞动物进化过程中驱动了复杂性的增加。  相似文献   

The Hox gene cluster has been a key paradigm for a generation of developmental and evolutionary biologists. Since its discovery in the mid-1980's, the identification, genomic organization, expression, colinearity, and regulation of Hox genes have been immediate targets for study in any new model organism, and metazoan genome projects always refer to the structure of the particular Hox cluster(s). Since the early 1990's, it has been dogma that vertebrate Hox clusters are composed of thirteen paralogous groups. Nonetheless, we showed that in the otherwise prototypical cephalochordate amphioxus (Branchiostoma floridae), the Hox cluster contains a fourteenth Hox gene, and very recently, a 14(th) Hox paralogous group has been found in the coelacanth and the horn shark, suggesting that the amphioxus cluster was anticipating the finding of Hox 14 in some vertebrate lineages. In view of the pivotal place that amphioxus occupies in vertebrate evolution, we thought it of considerable interest to establish the limits of its Hox gene cluster, namely resolution of whether more Hox genes are present in the amphioxus cluster (e.g., Hox 15). Using two strategies, here we report the completion and characterization of the Hox gene content of the single amphioxus Hox cluster, which encompasses 650 kb from Hox1 to Evx. Our data have important implications for the primordial Hox gene cluster of chordates: the prototypical nature of the single amphioxus Hox cluster makes it unlikely that additional paralogous groups will be found in any chordate lineage. We suggest that 14 is the end.  相似文献   

文昌鱼—研究脊柱动物起源和进化的模式动物   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
长久以来,文昌鱼一直被认为和生活在约5亿年前的脊椎动物的直接祖先相似。由于文昌鱼在进化上的重要性,它在动物学研究史上发挥着关键作用,近100多年来,文昌鱼作为研究对象曾数次受到动物学界青睐或冷落,大约10年前,随着分子生物学技术应用于文昌鱼研究,又激发了动物学家对文昌鱼的研究兴趣,又一次出现在文昌鱼研究的高潮,并且一直持续至今,分子生物学研究结果表明,文昌鱼样生物可能是环节动物样动物和最早的脊椎动物之间的进化中间体,因此,文昌鱼在动物学研究史上好像绕了个大圈又回到了原处,在被忽视一段时间之后,又重新占据脊椎动物起源和进化研究中心舞台的位置,成为研究脊椎动物起源和进化的模式动物。  相似文献   

Debate over the origin and evolution of vertebrates has occupied biologists and palaeontologists alike for centuries. This debate has been refined by molecular phylogenetics, which has resolved the place of vertebrates among their invertebrate chordate relatives, and that of chordates among their deuterostome relatives. The origin of vertebrates is characterized by wide‐ranging genomic, embryologic and phenotypic evolutionary change. Analyses based on living lineages suggest dramatic shifts in the tempo of evolutionary change at the origin of vertebrates and gnathostomes, coincident with whole‐genome duplication events. However, the enriched perspective provided by the fossil record demonstrates that these apparent bursts of anatomical evolution and taxic richness are an artefact of the extinction of phylogenetic intermediates whose fossil remains evidence the gradual assembly of crown gnathostome characters in particular. A more refined understanding of the timing, tempo and mode of early vertebrate evolution rests with: (1) better genome assemblies for living cyclostomes; (2) a better understanding of the anatomical characteristics of key fossil groups, especially the anaspids, thelodonts, galeaspids and pituriaspids; (3) tests of the monophyly of traditional groups; and (4) the application of divergence time methods that integrate not just molecular data from living species, but also morphological data and extinct species. The resulting framework will provide for rigorous tests of rates of character evolution and diversification, and of hypotheses of long‐term trends in ecological evolution that themselves suffer for lack of quantitative functional tests. The fossil record has been silent on the nature of the transition from jawless vertebrates to the jawed vertebrates that have dominated communities since the middle Palaeozoic. Elucidation of this most formative of episodes likely rests with the overhaul of early vertebrate systematics that we propose, but perhaps more fundamentally with fossil grades that await discovery.  相似文献   

小分子RNA(miRNA)是继siRNA之后发现的调节mRNA稳定和mRNA翻译并普遍存在于动植物体内的一类内源非编码RNA。这类非编码RNAs长约22 nt,在动植物的基因调控中起着重要的作用。它是近几年生命科学研究的热点之一。在2002年,miRNA被Science杂志评为十大科技突破之一。  相似文献   

The evolution of the mammalian jaw during the transition from non‐mammalian synapsids to crown mammals is a key event in vertebrate history and characterised by the gradual reduction of its individual bones into a single element and the concomitant transformation of the jaw joint and its incorporation into the middle ear complex. This osteological transformation is accompanied by a rearrangement and modification of the jaw adductor musculature, which is thought to have allowed the evolution of a more‐efficient masticatory system in comparison to the plesiomorphic synapsid condition. While osteological characters relating to this transition are well documented in the fossil record, the exact arrangement and modifications of the individual adductor muscles during the cynodont–mammaliaform transition have been debated for nearly a century. We review the existing knowledge about the musculoskeletal evolution of the mammalian jaw adductor complex and evaluate previous hypotheses in the light of recently documented fossils that represent new specimens of existing species, which are of central importance to the mammalian origins debate. By employing computed tomography (CT) and digital reconstruction techniques to create three‐dimensional models of the jaw adductor musculature in a number of representative non‐mammalian cynodonts and mammaliaforms, we provide an updated perspective on mammalian jaw muscle evolution. As an emerging consensus, current evidence suggests that the mammal‐like division of the jaw adductor musculature (into deep and superficial components of the m. masseter, the m. temporalis and the m. pterygoideus) was completed in Eucynodontia. The arrangement of the jaw adductor musculature in a mammalian fashion, with the m. pterygoideus group inserting on the dentary was completed in basal Mammaliaformes as suggested by the muscle reconstruction of Morganucodon oehleri. Consequently, transformation of the jaw adductor musculature from the ancestral (‘reptilian’) to the mammalian condition must have preceded the emergence of Mammalia and the full formation of the mammalian jaw joint. This suggests that the modification of the jaw adductor system played a pivotal role in the functional morphology and biomechanical stability of the jaw joint.  相似文献   

miR-34基因家族的分子进化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据miRNA基因在进化中高度保守的特点,利用生物信息学方法在目前已测序的动物物种中搜寻参与哺乳动物早期发育调控的mir-34基因的同源序列,在33个不同的动物物种中获得了miR-34基因的54条同源序列,其中18条为新发现的序列。表明miR-34是高度保守的,广泛存在于后生动物中。目前发现的mir-34基因80%位于基因间隔区,少数位于蛋白编码基因的内含子区和3′UTR上。不同动物中,mir-34基因成熟序列的同源性为68%,前体序列为38.89%。在无脊椎动物中只有一个mir-34,而在几乎所有的脊椎动物中都有mir-34a,mir-34b,mir-34c,形成miR-34基因家族。系统进化分析表明,脊椎动物中miR-34基因家族是通过基因的串联和局部重复形成的,这个过程中伴随着个别碱基的变异。  相似文献   

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