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Quercetin-3-rutinoside inhibits thrombus formation in a mouse model by inhibiting extracellular protein disulfide isomerase (PDI), an enzyme required for platelet thrombus formation and fibrin generation. Prior studies have identified PDI as a potential target for novel antithrombotic agents. Using a fluorescence enhancement-based assay and isothermal calorimetry, we show that quercetin-3-rutinoside directly binds to the b′ domain of PDI with a 1:1 stoichiometry. The binding of quercetin-3-rutinoside to PDI induces a more compact conformation and restricts the conformational flexibility of PDI, as revealed by small angle x-ray scattering. The binding sites of quercetin-3-rutinoside to PDI were determined by studying its interaction with isolated fragments of PDI. Quercetin-3-rutinoside binds to the b′x domain of PDI. The infusion of the b′x fragment of PDI rescued thrombus formation that was inhibited by quercetin-3-rutinoside in a mouse thrombosis model. This b′x fragment does not possess reductase activity and, in the absence of quercetin-3-rutinoside, does not affect thrombus formation in vivo. The isolated b′ domain of PDI has potential as an antidote to reverse the antithrombotic effect of quercetin-3-rutinoside by binding and neutralizing quercetin-3-rutinoside.  相似文献   


The preponderance of 3′-5′ phosphodiester links in nucleic acids is well known. Albeit less prevalent, the 2′-5′ links are specifically utilised in the formation of ‘lariat’ in group II introns and in the msDNA-RNA junction in myxobacterium. As a sequel to our earlier study on cytidylyl-2′,5′-adenosine we have now obtained the crystal structure of adenylyl-2′,5′-adenosine (A2′p5′A) at atomic resolution. This dinucleoside monophosphate crystallises in the orthorhombic space group P212121 with a= 7.956(3)Å, b = 12.212(3)Å and c = 36.654 (3) Å. CuKα intensity data were collected on a diffractometer. The structure was sloved by direct methods and refined by full matrix least squares methods to R = 10.8 %. The 2′ terminal adenine is in the commonly observed anti (χ2 =?161°) conformation and the 5′ terminal base has a syn (χ1 = 55°) conformation more often seen in purine nucleotides. A noteworthy feature of A2′p5′ A is the intranucleotide hydrogen bond between N3 and 05′ atoms of the 5′ adenine base. The two furanose rings in A2′ p5′ A show different conformations-C2′ endo, C3′ endo puckering for the 5′ and 2′ ends respectively. In this structure too there is a stacking of the purine base on the ribose 04′ just as in other 2′-5′ dinucleoside structures, a feature characteristically seen in the left handed ZDNA. In having syn, anti conformation about the glycosyl bonds, C2′ endo, C3′ endo mixed sugar puckering and N3–05′ intramolecular hydrogen bond A2′p5′ A resembles its 3′-5′ analogue and several other 2′-5′ dinucleoside monophosphate structures solved so far. Striking similarities between the 2′-5′ dinucleoside monophosphate structures suggest that the conformation of the 5′-end nucleoside dictates the conformation of the 2′ end nucleoside. Also, the 2′-5′ dimers do not favour formation of miniature classical double helical structures like the 3′-5′ dimers. It is conceivable, 2–5(A) could be using the stereochemical features of A2′p5′ A which accounts for its higher activity.  相似文献   

By employing phosphorothioate analogs of ATP in the presence of Mg2+ and Mn2+ as substrates in ATP hydrolysis, catalyzed by light and dithiothreitol-activated chloroplast ATPase, the structure of the reactive metal-nucleotide complex has been determined. Mg(SP)-ATPαS and Mn(SP)-ATPαS, in contrast to the corresponding RP-isomers, are substrates in ATP hydrolysis. No metal-dependent change of specificity was observed. Mg(SP)-ATPβS, having the Δ configuration, and Mn(SP)-ATPβS and Mn(RP)-ATPβS, consisting of a mixture of Δ and Λ configurations, were better substrates than Mg(RP)-ATPβS, the isomer with almost exclusive Λ chelate structure. The same results were obtained when the competitive effect of the analogs on hydrolysis of ATP was studied. The competitive effect of the diastereomers on tight binding of ATP by membrane-associated CF1, was investigated in the presence of Mg2+ and Cd2+. Mg(SP)-ATPβS and Cd(RP)-ATPβS, which both exhibit Δ structure, were more effective than Mg(RP)-ATPβS and Cd(SP)-ATPβS, showing the Λ configuration. No metal-dependent change of the preferred SP-ATPαS specificity was detected. These results permit the conclusion that the actual substrate used by chloroplast ATPase is the β,γ-Δ-bidentate nucleotide chelate. Moreover, a stereospecific direct ionic interaction between the protein and α-phosphate is likely.  相似文献   


5-Cyclohexyl-2′-deoxyuridine (I) is an example of a 5-substituted pyrimidine 2′-deoxynucleoside which exhibits no antiviral activity and which is not a substrate for either cellular or viral (herpes) kinases. Despite the fact that a cursory inspection of NMR spectra of the compound, taken in DMSO-d 6 solution, suggested that the compound had a normal conformation, we here show that in the crystal and in aqueous solution (analysed by 2D NMR techniques), the conformation of this nucleoside has a syn-glycosidic and C4′-exo (4E) sugar pucker conformation.  相似文献   

The amyloid precursor protein (APP) is a widely expressed type I transmembrane (TM) glycoprotein present at the neuronal synapse. The proteolytic cleavage by γ-secretase of its C-terminal fragment produces amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides of different lengths, the deposition of which is an early indicator of Alzheimer disease. At present, there is no consensus on the conformation of the APP-TM domain at the biological membrane. Although structures have been determined by NMR in detergent micelles, their conformation is markedly different. Here we show by using molecular simulations that the APP-TM region systematically prefers a straight α-helical conformation once embedded in a membrane bilayer. However, APP-TM is highly flexible, and its secondary structure is strongly influenced by the surrounding lipid environment, as when enclosed in detergent micelles. This behavior is confirmed when analyzing in silico the atomistic APP-TM population observed by residual dipolar couplings and double electron-electron resonance spectroscopy. These structural and dynamic features are critical in the proteolytic processing of APP by the γ-secretase enzyme, as suggested by a series of Gly700 mutants. Affecting the hydration and flexibility of APP-TM, these mutants invariantly show an increase in the production of Aβ38 compared with Aβ40 peptides, which is reminiscent of the effect of γ-secretase modulators inhibitors.  相似文献   

Almost all pre-miRNAs in eukaryotic cytoplasm are recognized and processed into double-stranded microRNAs by the endonuclease Dicer protein comprising of multiple domains. As a key player in the small RNA induced gene silencing pathway, the major domains of Dicer are conserved among different species with the exception of the N-terminal components. Human Dicer’s N-terminal domain has been shown to play an autoinhibitory function of the protein’s dicing activity. Such an auto-inhibition can be released when the human Dicer protein dimerizes with its partner protein, such as TRBP, PACT through the N-terminal DExH/D (ATPase-helicase) domain. The typical feature of a pre-miRNA contains a terminal loop and a stem duplex, which bind to human Dicer’s DExH/D (ATPase-helicase) domain and PAZ domain respectively during the dicing reaction. Here, we show that pre-miRNA’s terminal loop can regulate human Dicer’s enzymatic activity by interacting with the DExH/D (ATPase-helicase) domain. We found that various editing products of pre-miR-151 by the ADAR1P110 protein, an A-to-I editing enzyme that modifies pre-miRNAs sequence, have different terminal loop structures and different activity regulatory effects on human Dicer. Single particle electron microscopy reconstruction revealed that pre-miRNAs with different terminal loop structures induce human Dicer’s DExH/D (ATPase-helicase) domain into different conformational states, in correlation with their activity regulatory effects.  相似文献   

A three-step reaction strategy has been developed to examine the mechanism of extension of a mismatched primer in an oligoduplex substrate by rat neuronal extracts and DNA polymerase beta. The results revealed that in the case of duplexes with a mismatch at 3'-end of primer, significant extension by DNA polymerase beta has taken place only after the removal of the mismatched base, thus indicating the presence of a proof reading 3'-5' exonuclease activity in neuronal extracts of all ages. A closer examination of the neuronal exonuclease activity revealed that bases are excised from the 3' end in a sequential and nonspecific manner, although initial excision of a mismatched base was slightly faster. Further, the excision efficiency is seen to decrease with the age of the animal but apparently does not go below a critical level so as to become a rate-limiting factor for the DNA-repair activity.  相似文献   


Oligonucleotides containing 2′-(6-dimethylamino-2-naphthamide)uridine have been shown to be useful as a donor fluorophore in FRET to oligonucleotides labeled with fluorescein at the 2′-position as an acceptor molecule.  相似文献   

DNA damage incurred by a multitude of endogenous and exogenous factors constitutes an inevitable challenge for the replication machinery. Cells rely on various mechanisms to either remove lesions or bypass them in a more or less error-prone fashion. The latter pathway involves the Y-family polymerases that catalyze trans-lesion synthesis across sites of damaged DNA. 7,8-Dihydro-8-oxo-2′-deoxyguanosine (8-oxoG) is a major lesion that is a consequence of oxidative stress and is associated with cancer, aging, hepatitis, and infertility. We have used steady-state and transient-state kinetics in conjunction with mass spectrometry to analyze in vitro bypass of 8-oxoG by human DNA polymerase η (hpol η). Unlike the high fidelity polymerases that show preferential insertion of A opposite 8-oxoG, hpol η is capable of bypassing 8-oxoG in a mostly error-free fashion, thus preventing GC→AT transversion mutations. Crystal structures of ternary hpol η-DNA complexes and incoming dCTP, dATP, or dGTP opposite 8-oxoG reveal that an arginine from the finger domain assumes a key role in avoiding formation of the nascent 8-oxoG:A pair. That hpol η discriminates against dATP exclusively at the insertion stage is confirmed by structures of ternary complexes that allow visualization of the extension step. These structures with G:dCTP following either 8-oxoG:C or 8-oxoG:A pairs exhibit virtually identical active site conformations. Our combined data provide a detailed understanding of hpol η bypass of the most common oxidative DNA lesion.  相似文献   


Melia dubia, a fast-growing tree species with multi-various uses, is suitable species for agro and farm forestry. In an extensive survey in eight districts of Karnataka, India, it was observed that the majority of M. dubia natural populations are fragmented and tree number is very less. Sixty trees were selected to assess the genetic variability using SSR markers. Analysis revealed a moderate level of genetic diversity (Ho?=?0.47; He?=?0.69) and inbreeding as evinced by overall positive fixation index of 0.30. Mean Fst observed was 0.16 indicating moderate genetic differentiation among populations. The analysis of molecular variance ascribed 99% of total genetic diversity to within population variation. Cluster analysis by unweighted pair group method and genetic differentiation through structure analysis did not differentiate 10 populations as per geographic location, showing that moderate genetic diversity was not due to geographic distance. As genetic diversity was more within population, selection of individual plants would be more effective for genetic improvement to capture the natural variation within the population. An understanding of genetic diversity and differentiation of M. dubia natural populations will help in exploiting the genetic resource for tree improvement and also in formulating management and conservation strategies for this species.


Stereoselective introduction of a phosphate moiety into 2-deoxy-2-fluoroarabinofuranose derivatives at the anomeric position was investigated by two methods. One involved a stereoselective hydrolysis of 1-bromo-derivative, and the consecutive phosphorylation of 2-deoxy-2-fluoro-α-D-arabinofuranose via a phosphoramidite derivative. The other method involved stereoselective α-phosphorylation of the 1-bromo-derivative at the 1-position. The resulting α-1-phosphate was utilized to prepare 2′-deoxy-2′-fluoroarabinofuranosyl purine nucleosides by an enzymatic glycosylation reaction. This chemo-enzymatic method will be applicable to the synthesis of some 2′F-araNs, and three important 2′F-araNs were actually obtained in 30–40% yields from 1,3,5-tri-O-benzoyl-2-deoxy-2-fluoro-α-D-arabinose with high purity.  相似文献   

A CD8+ T cell clone specific to αs1-casein, one of the major allergens in milk, is shown to inhibit its own production of interferon (IFN)-γ by producing interleukin (IL)-10. Anti-IL-10 antibodies enhanced the production of IFN-γ induced by the antigen plus antigen-presenting cells from 12h onward after initiating the culture. This enhancing effect was observed only when the cells were stimulated in the presence of the antigen-presenting cells. Neither IL-2 nor IL-4 abrogated this enhancing effect. This reveals a new regulating mechanism for IFN-γ production from CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

Pain is an important and distressing symptom in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Our aim was to determine the prevalence of pain, its various types and characteristics, as well as its impact on depression and quality of life (QoL) in patients with PD. How pain differs in early- and advanced-stage PD and male and female PD patients was of special interest. One hundred PD patients on dopaminergic medications had a neurological examination and participated in a structured interview on pain characteristics and completed standardized questionnaires. A total of 76% of the patients had pain. The following types of pain were present: musculoskeletal pain accounted for 41% of the total pain, dystonic pain for 17%, central neuropathic pain for 22%, radicular pain for 27%, and other pains (non-radicular low back pain, arthritic, and visceral pain) made up 24%. One type of pain affected 29% of all the subjects, two types 35%, three types 10%, and four types of pain were reported by 2%. All types of pain were more prevalent in advanced-stage PD subjects than in early-stage PD subjects, except for arthritic pain (subclassified under”other pain”). The frequency and intensity of actual, average, and worst experienced pain were significantly more severe in advanced-stage subjects. PD subjects with general pain and in advanced stages were more depressed and had poorer QoL. Depression correlated with worst pain in the last 24 hours and with pain periodicity (the worst depression score in patients with constant pain). QoL correlated with average pain in the last 7 days. Pain is a frequent problem in PD patients, and it worsens during the course of the disease.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression is a major evolutionary and ecological force influencing population dynamics and the evolution of inbreeding-avoidance traits such as mating systems and dispersal. Mating systems and dispersal are fundamental determinants of population genetic structure. Resolving the relationships among genetic structure, seasonal breeding-related mating systems and dispersal will facilitate our understanding of the evolution of inbreeding avoidance. The goals of this study were as follows: (i) to determine whether females actively avoided mating with relatives in a group-living rodent species, Brandt’s voles (Lasiopodomys brandtii), by combined analysis of their mating system, dispersal and genetic structure; and (ii) to analyze the relationships among the variation in fine-genetic structure, inbreeding avoidance, season-dependent mating strategies and individual dispersal. Using both individual- and population-level analyses, we found that the majority of Brandt’s vole groups consisted of close relatives. However, both group-specific FISs, an inbreeding coefficient that expresses the expected percentage rate of homozygosity arising from a given breeding system, and relatedness of mates showed no sign of inbreeding. Using group pedigrees and paternity analysis, we show that the mating system of Brandt’s voles consists of a type of polygyny for males and extra-group polyandry for females, which may decrease inbreeding by increasing the frequency of mating among distantly-related individuals. The consistent variation in within-group relatedness, among-group relatedness and fine-scale genetic structures was mostly due to dispersal, which primarily occurred during the breeding season. Biologically relevant variation in the fine-scale genetic structure suggests that dispersal during the mating season may be a strategy to avoid inbreeding and drive the polygynous and extra-group polyandrous mating system of this species.  相似文献   

DeepMind’s AlphaFold2 software has ushered in a revolution in high quality, 3D protein structure prediction. In very recent work by the DeepMind team, structure predictions have been made for entire proteomes of twenty-one organisms, with >360,000 structures made available for download. Here we show that thousands of novel binding sites for iron-sulfur (Fe-S) clusters and zinc (Zn) ions can be identified within these predicted structures by exhaustive enumeration of all potential ligand-binding orientations. We demonstrate that AlphaFold2 routinely makes highly specific predictions of ligand binding sites: for example, binding sites that are comprised exclusively of four cysteine sidechains fall into three clusters, representing binding sites for 4Fe-4S clusters, 2Fe-2S clusters, or individual Zn ions. We show further: (a) that the majority of known Fe-S cluster and Zn binding sites documented in UniProt are recovered by the AlphaFold2 structures, (b) that there are occasional disputes between AlphaFold2 and UniProt with AlphaFold2 predicting highly plausible alternative binding sites, (c) that the Fe-S cluster binding sites that we identify in E. coli agree well with previous bioinformatics predictions, (d) that cysteines predicted here to be part of ligand binding sites show little overlap with those shown via chemoproteomics techniques to be highly reactive, and (e) that AlphaFold2 occasionally appears to build erroneous disulfide bonds between cysteines that should instead coordinate a ligand. These results suggest that AlphaFold2 could be an important tool for the functional annotation of proteomes, and the methodology presented here is likely to be useful for predicting other ligand-binding sites.  相似文献   

Adenosine-5′-methylphosphate (MepA) initiates the oligomerization of the 5′-phosphorimidazolide of uridine (ImpU) in the presence of montmorillonite clay. Longer oligomers form because the 5′-phosphate is blocked with a methyl group that prevents the formation of cyclic- and pyrophosphate-containing compounds. The MepA initiates 69–84% of the 5–9 charge oligomers, respectively. The montmorillonite catalyst also provides selectivity in the oligomerization reactions so that the main reaction pathway is MepA → MepA3′pU → MepA3′pU2′pU → MepA3′pU2′pU3′pU. MepA did not enhance the oligomerization of ImpA. The relative rates of the reactions were determined from an investigation of the products in competitive reactions. Selectivity was observed in the reaction of ImpU with equimolar amounts of MepA3′pU and MepA2′pU where the relative reaction rates are 10.3:1, respectively. In the reaction of ImpA with MepA3′pA and MepA2′pA the ImpA reacts 5.2 times faster with MepA3′pA. In the competitive reaction of ImpU and ImpA with MepA3′pA and MepA3′pU the elongation proceeds on MepA3′pA 5.6 times more rapidly than with MepA3′pU. There is no correlation between the extent of binding to the montmorillonite and reaction rates in the formation of longer oligomers. The formation of more than two sequential 2′,5′-linkages in the oligomer chain proceeds more slowly than the addition to a single 2′,5′-link or a 3′,5′-link and either chain termination or elongation by a 3′,5′-linage occurs. The central role that catalysis may have had in the prebiotic formation of biopolymers is discussed. Note added in proof: There are errors in the high resolution mass spectral data given in Section 4.2.1. The high resolution mass spectrum found for the cyclic dimer of UpUp (C-UpUp) was 657.02260. C18H21N4O16P2Na2 requires 657.02232. The high resolution mass spectrum found for the cyclic dimer of ApAp (C-ApAp) was 725.05850. C20H22N10O12P2Na3 requires 725.05839.  相似文献   

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