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Marine research has always been a field in science which was particularly open to, and at times dependent on, international cooperation, and this has become even more obvious during the last decade when issues of global change became central to any discussion. The global nature of scientific and other problems, required the development of new concepts and led to the establishment of new structures in research, coordination and funding on an international level. In Europe the 12 member European Community often served as a nucleus for larger networks and initiatives (e.g. COST, EUREKA), and in 1989 the EC itself launched a specific programme on marine research and technology (MAST). The various initiatives are not meant to replace, national efforts but to complement them — where added value arises from international cooperation, e.g. in global programmes like IGBP, WCRP and their various core projects. The focus of support for these programmes through international funding agencies and networks is not primarily on additional research money but more on structural support and coordination. In contrast, the MAST targeted projects on the North Atlantic margin and the Mediterranean also receive substantial basic support, and are designed to fill gaps left by other international research projects. Both EC and other projects profit from the coordinating measures offered by the EC Commission. A more efficient use of facilities (research vessels, special equipment) can be achieved by having central information services. Well-integrated international projects also require additional efforts in standardization of instrumentation, methods and units, with respect to sampling, sample processing and data treatment. Furthermore, the scope of the task to tackle questions of global change demands the development of new technologies like ROVs, biosensors, automatized sample and data acquisition and treatment, etc. Full exploitation of the results in scientific, political and economical terms is only facilitated through special concertation. Mathematical modelling of ecosystems is still in its infancy and needs further cooperative development in order to provide tools for forecasting and management. Finally, training and exchange of personnel on a European, and possibly wider, level needs to be intensified in order to meet the requirements of modern science.  相似文献   

DNA测序技术是遗传工程的核心技术之一,发展快速和低成本的基因测序技术成为研究焦点。美国、欧盟等发达国家和地区大力支持DNA测序技术的创新研究,并投入了大量的科研经费。在美国,国家卫生研究院(NIH)下属的国家人类基因组研究院(NHGRI)、美国能源部(DOE)以及美国科学基金委(NSF)等机构是进行DNA测序技术相关项目经费分配的主要政府部门。DNA测序作为生命科学研究的关键技术也是欧盟框架计划资助的重要内容之一,其以多个欧洲国家间合作以及产学研合作的形式开展。中国在DNA测序技术领域也开展了一些研究。  相似文献   

The oceans are the Earth's largest ecosystem, covering 70% of our planet and providing goods and services for the majority of the world's population. Understanding the complex abiotic and biotic processes on the micro- to macroscale is the key to protect and sustain the marine ecosystem. Marine microorganisms are the ‘gatekeepers’ of the biotic processes that control the global cycles of energy and organic matter. A multinational, multidisciplinary approach, bringing together research on oceanography, biodiversity and genomics, is now needed to understand and finally predict the complex responses of the marine ecosystem to ongoing global changes. Such an integrative approach will not only bring better understanding of the complex interplay of the organisms with their environment, but will reveal a wealth of new metabolic processes and functions, which have a high potential for biotechnological applications. This potential has already been recognized by the European commission which funded a series of workshops and projects on marine genomics in the sixth and seventh framework programme. Nevertheless, there remain many obstacles to achieving the goal – such as a lack of bioinformatics tailored for the marine field, consistent data acquisition and exchange, as well as continuous monitoring programmes and a lack of relevant marine bacterial models. Marine ecosystems research is complex and challenging, but it also harbours the opportunity to cross the borders between disciplines and countries to finally create a rewarding marine research era that is more than the sum of its parts.  相似文献   

Caring for patients'' health problems relies increasingly on sharing information between clinical departments and disciplines and with managers. The medical record of the future will need to provide a flexible and shareable framework for recording and analysing the consultation process. The advanced informatics in medicine (AIM) programme seeks to encourage research and development in telemedicine in areas that are beyond the scope of any one country. It includes many European projects attempting to define the best storage and transmission formats for such diverse data types as laboratory results, biosignals, x ray images, and photographs, and in clinical specialties varying from intensive care to medicine for elderly people. One example, the good European health record project, is developing a model architecture for computerised health records across Europe that is capable of operating on a wide variety of computer hardwares and will also be able to communicate with many different information systems. The ultimate European health record will be comprehensive and medicolegally acceptable across clinical domains, hold all data types, and be automatically translated between languages.  相似文献   

Exposure of biological cells to a sufficiently strong external electric field results in increased permeability of cell membranes, referred to as “electroporation.” Since all types of cells (animal, plant and microorganism) can be effectively electroporated, electroporation is considered to be a universal method and a platform technology. Electroporation has become a widely used technology applicable to, e.g., cancer treatment, gene transfection, food and biomass processing and microbial inactivation. However, despite significant progress in electroporation-based applications, there is a lack of coordination and interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge between researchers from different scientific domains. Thus, critical mass for new major breakthroughs is missing. This is why we decided to establish cooperation between research groups working in different fields of electroporation. Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST), which funds networking and capacity-building activities, presents a perfect framework for such scientific cooperation. This COST action aims at (1) providing necessary steps toward EU cooperation of science and technology to foster basic understanding of electroporation; (2) improving communication between research groups, resulting in streamlining European research and development activities; and (3) enabling development of new and further development of existing electroporation-based applications by integrating multidisciplinary research teams, as well as providing comprehensive training for early-stage researchers. Results of this COST action will provide multiple societal, scientific and technological benefits from improving existing electroporation-based applications to adding new ones in the fields of medicine, biotechnology and environmental preservation.  相似文献   

An appreciation of the potential applications of molecular biology is of growing importance in many areas of life sciences, including marine biology. During the past two decades, the development of sophisticated molecular technologies and instruments for biomedical research has resulted in significant advances in the biological sciences. However, the value of molecular techniques for addressing problems in marine biology has only recently begun to be cherished. It has been proven that the exploitation of molecular biological techniques will allow difficult research questions about marine organisms and ocean processes to be addressed. Marine molecular biology is a discipline, which strives to define and solve the problems regarding the sustainable exploration of marine life for human health and welfare, through the cooperation between scientists working in marine biology, molecular biology, microbiology and chemistry disciplines. Several success stories of the applications of molecular techniques in the field of marine biology are guiding further research in this area. In this review different molecular techniques are discussed, which have application in marine microbiology, marine invertebrate biology, marine ecology, marine natural products, material sciences, fisheries, conservation and bio-invasion etc. In summary, if marine biologists and molecular biologists continue to work towards strong partnership during the next decade and recognize intellectual and technological advantages and benefits of such partnership, an exciting new frontier of marine molecular biology will emerge in the future.  相似文献   

The European eel panmicitic population has been declining at least since the 1980s throughout its distribution area. The stocks are now ten times lower than they were initially. The causes of this decline are reviewed in this paper: marine causes such as Gulf Stream shifts are thought to reduce survival of leptocephali larvae during their transoceanic migration, but inland causes are also suspected, i.e. overfishing of all continental stages, obstructions to upstream and downstream migrations, habitat loss, water quality, parasite and xenobiotic contamination, which together contribute to reducing quality and quantity of spawner escapement from European inland waters to sea. Restoration programs have been conducted in several inland hydrosystems in Europe. If local fisheries have been sustained mainly by stocking elvers and glass eels, no significant restoration of the population has been observed suggesting that restoration plans are inefficient, despite significant efforts and relevant technologies (fish passage). The causes for the failure of restoration projects are listed and discussed, and it is shown that the minimum scale to work at is the catchment area. But international cooperation is required to coordinate programs, to determine common objectives and policies. Concepts for sustainable restoration and management are provided and discussed together with the general interest of eel population as a biointegrator of the quality and integrity of inland hydrosystems.  相似文献   

AKEROYD, J. R. & WALTERS, S. M. 1987. Flora Europaea: the background to the revision of Volume One. Flora Europaea, published 1964-80, is a synthetic catalogue of Europe's vascular plants. Its publication has provided a relatively stable taxonomic and nomenclatural framework for the study of the flora of the continent, and has stimulated much further research and publication. The revision of the first volume of Flora Europaea, at Reading University, has been necessary in order to accommodate new information, to satisfy the continued demand for a complete Flora of Europe, and to update the original text. The revision is being carried out in cooperation with other European and Mediterranean floristic projects.  相似文献   

The European Workshop for Rheumatology Research met this year in Leiden, The Netherlands. The Workshop provided a platform to feast on new technologies and how they have taken research programmes forward. While there will be the inevitable delay during which mechanisms are devised for analysing the huge amount of information generated by these technologies, there is a lot already to look forward to. Highlights included genomic, reverse genomic and proteomic approaches to understanding disease pathogenesis and to identifying new therapeutic targets. Opportunities for exploring whether pharmacogenomics has a place in the clinic are now a reality, and phage display technology has been applied to in vivo arthritis models to identify human synovial microvascular 'post codes'.  相似文献   

Porphyrias are uncommon inherited diseases of haem biosynthesis for which the diagnosis and treatment varies in individual countries. Despite the existence of guidelines recommended by porphyria experts concerning the diagnosis and management of the acute porphyrias, and of specialist centres in most European countries, many clinicians still do not apply these guidelines. The European Porphyia Initiative (EPI) network was formed in 2001 in order to compare experience among countries to attempt to develop a common approach to the management of the porphyrias, particularly concerning recommendation of safe and unsafe drugs, and to facilitate international collaborative clinical and biological research. The main achievements of EPI during this period have been: * Drafting and agreeing to consensus protocols for the diagnosis and management of acute hepatic porphyrias. * Creation of a multilingual website, particularly focusing on guidelines for common prescribing problems in acute porphyria and on providing information for patients that is now available in 10 languages: (www.porphyria-europe.org). EPI's current objectives are to develop the EPI platform, expand to new countries, extend to non-acute porphyrias and design European research and clinical trials in porphyria. The project will focus on: 1. Setting up a European laboratory external quality assurance scheme (EQAS) for biochemical and molecular investigations and their interpretation 2. Establishing a consensus drug list in collaboration with the Nordic porphyria network 3. Improving patient counseling 4. Developing large multi-centre, multi-national research projects. Due to the rarity of the porphyrias, it would be very difficult for any one country to provide this data with a sufficient number of patients and within a reasonable timescale. The progress achieved will facilitate improvements in the treatment and development of new therapeutic strategies. It will set a pattern for establishing, and subsequently harmonising, between countries best clinical practice for a rare but important group of diseases, and will help to develop the optimal therapy and ensure its cost effectiveness.  相似文献   

Anthropology has a future and a very pertinent role to play, if we are sensitive to and aware of the new developments in the fields of medicine, biology and ecology which are undergoing dramatic changes. Most definitely these fields will need an anthropological dimension to be added. The natural history and diversity of Man remains the basis of anthropology, but it is time to reassess the training available to students today, in order to keep the discipline alive, growing and significant. Undoubtedly we must offer our students a broad, general basis of knowledge in the first years. Thereafter we must include biomedical disciplines such as anatomy, molecular biology, genetics, epidemiology, and other pertinent subjects, such as statistics, ecology, prehistory, etc. With these “tools” the future student would be well equipped to introduce anthropological aspects into many fields. As European universities cannot provide all these disciplines at a single institution at a level equivalent to PhD studies, we must work towards a tradition of exchange, co-operation and joint projects and universally acknowledged academic degrees such as a Masters and Ph.D. The Erasmus Biology Programme has already achieved some results in this respect and is ready with a proposal of a European Masters Degree in anthropology. The “tools” of modern science together with the more traditional training will enrich the discipline, but more importantly enable the anthropologist to address controversial and often frightening prospects left in the wake of for example gene technology and gene manipulation, in a competent and scientific manner. Many societies have allowed anthropologists to study their populations in detail. We, on the other hand, have an obligation to ensure that the data we have acquired and accumulated are not misused by those who practise racist, eugenic or nationalistic ideals. The ability to carry out these obligations lies to a great extent in a strong, dynamic and diverse organisation, such as an EAA which is open to renewal and willing to address future social and political issues. A fragmented EAA cannot cope with these. There must be room for all in our organisation, ranging from the traditional to the very specialised anthropologist. If we achieve the necessary unity, we will be able to participate in the challenges that the technology of the 20th and 21st centuries imposes on the daily lives of all of us. To err is characteristic of everyone but only idiots persevere in it (Cicero).  相似文献   

The European Workshop for Rheumatology Research met this year in Leiden, The Netherlands. The Workshop provided a platform to feast on new technologies and how they have taken research programmes forward. While there will be the inevitable delay during which mechanisms are devised for analysing the huge amount of information generated by these technologies, there is a lot already to look forward to. Highlights included genomic, reverse genomic and proteomic approaches to understanding disease pathogenesis and to identifying new therapeutic targets. Opportunities for exploring whether pharmacogenomics has a place in the clinic are now a reality, and phage display technology has been applied to in vivo arthritis models to identify human synovial microvascular 'post codes'.  相似文献   

The Atlantic killer whale (Orcinus orca) is a top‐level marine predator with a global range, being found in all of Earth's oceans. The potential interaction between killer whales and marine renewable energy projects requires surveillance and monitoring efforts that call for new technologies, with marine radar showing promise in the field. Marine radar images recorded at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) were used to track a pair of male killer whales undertaking Surface Active Behavior (SAB) with visual observations used as validation. Using a tidal prediction model, the tide‐adjusted, radar‐derived target speeds between SAB events provide estimates of swim speeds averaging 4 m/s and time between SAB events of 30 s. The similarities between the radar signatures of the animals and sea clutter, combined with their low occurrence compared to other imaged phenomena renders automatic detection with this system difficult. However, the combination of opportunistic radar imagery and independent visual observation has allowed the radar signature of one form of killer whale SAB to be documented. It is hoped that with a greater number of validated observations such as these that automated, radar‐based identification and the benefits it will bring to long‐term observations at MRE sites will be possible.  相似文献   

Genomics and marine microbial ecology.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

海洋半知类真菌次级代谢物研究概况   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
海洋真菌的次级代谢物的研究在20世纪90年代以来取得了很大进展,其中主要在海洋子囊菌和半知菌的菌体和发酵液中发现了很多结构新颖、具有独特生理活性的化合物,这些研究结果表明海洋真菌中蕴含了丰富的新型化合物,将是未来新药研究的重点领域.综述了近年来海洋子囊类真菌活性次级代谢物的研究情况.  相似文献   

Much has been learned from the large scale deployment of acoustic tags on aquatic species and associated networks of riverine and marine receivers. While effective in the linear environment of river systems, marine systems limit the ability to provide spatial information on fish movements and distributions due to a combination of costs, logistics, and lack of off-shore technology. At the same time, each year millions of dollars worth of tags are being released into the aquatic environment with extended battery/transmission life, yet detections are limited to coastal arrays. Here we explore new methods of tracking acoustically tagged species in the marine environment. A new miniaturized acoustic receiver, the Vemco Mobile Transceiver (VMT) can be carried by large marine organisms. In combination with satellite and archival tag technology, VMTs were deployed on northern elephant seals to monitor acoustic tags encountered during their migrations across the Northeast Pacific. Early results include acoustic detections of tagged great white sharks, salmon sharks, Chinook salmon, steelhead, lingcod, green sturgeon and other elephant seals. We also propose several alternative directions for future effort: 1) analyzing the growing number of passive acoustic survey recordings made from hydrophone arrays for acoustic tag detections, 2) working with acoustic technology providers to develop hull-mounted receiver systems for the thousands of ocean going vessels around the world and 3) integrating acoustic receiver technology into the thousands of moored and drifting oceanographic buoy arrays.  相似文献   

疏浚泥用于滨海湿地生态工程现状及在我国应用潜力   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
黄华梅  高杨  王银霞  娄全胜  谢健 《生态学报》2012,32(8):2571-2580
疏浚泥传统的海上倾倒方式现已成为海洋的主要污染来源,而将疏浚泥应用到滨海湿地生态工程具有重要的价值和意义。疏浚泥应用于滨海湿地生态工程在国外的系统研究超过40a,工程运用已有上百年的历史。综述了海洋疏浚泥运用于滨海湿地生态工程的研究前沿和工程运用现状,同时分析其典型的生态工程案例,以期为我国的技术推广提供参考。疏浚泥用于生态工程用途主要有:(1)生态保育下沉和侵蚀性海岸湿地:人为补给疏浚泥可以补偿因高程降低或者海岸侵蚀带来的负面影响,国际上通常采用疏浚泥薄层覆盖法。(2)生态修复受损的滨海湿地:疏浚泥作为基质恢复和重建其潮间带生境,修复因围垦等人类活动严重受损的湿地,从而恢复湿地植被群落;(3)建造人工生态岛:将疏浚泥堆置于便利处,形成自然疏浚泥岛,按照不同的设计高程创造出不同的生境,随着自然的演替,岛屿演替成为生物多样性高和生境丰富的岛屿。以国际上的疏浚泥生态工程运用为借鉴,结合目前我国海洋经济发展的现状和滨海湿地面临的一系列挑战,分析疏浚泥在我国滨海湿地生态重建和生态修复等工程方面的应用前景,为缓解我国海洋产业经济发展和滨海湿地生态环境保护之间的矛盾提供技术借鉴。  相似文献   

欧盟第七框架计划是当今世界上最大的官方重大科技合作计划,其研究以国际前沿和竞争性科技难点为主要内容,具有研究水平高、涉及领域广、投资力度大、参与国家多等特点.Biocircle项目是隶属于欧盟第七框架计划,参与国家24个,是一项国家联络点建设项目.通过介绍欧盟Biocircle国际合作项目,分析了欧盟国际合作项目的优势,并指出中国国际合作计划要更加主动更加开放,以期为中国的生物技术产业乃至于科技领域带来更多更好的促进机会.  相似文献   

Data support knowledge development and theory advances in ecology and evolution. We are increasingly reusing data within our teams and projects and through the global, openly archived datasets of others. Metadata can be challenging to write and interpret, but it is always crucial for reuse. The value metadata cannot be overstated—even as a relatively independent research object because it describes the work that has been done in a structured format. We advance a new perspective and classify methods for metadata curation and development with tables. Tables with templates can be effectively used to capture all components of an experiment or project in a single, easy‐to‐read file familiar to most scientists. If coupled with the R programming language, metadata from tables can then be rapidly and reproducibly converted to publication formats including extensible markup language files suitable for data repositories. Tables can also be used to summarize existing metadata and store metadata across many datasets. A case study is provided and the added benefits of tables for metadata, a priori, are developed to ensure a more streamlined publishing process for many data repositories used in ecology, evolution, and the environmental sciences. In ecology and evolution, researchers are often highly tabular thinkers from experimental data collection in the lab and/or field, and representations of metadata as a table will provide novel research and reuse insights.  相似文献   

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