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An industrially valuable tree, aspen, suffers from several fungal diseases and insect pests such as the large poplar borer (Saperda carcharias). The role of the beetle as a pest of aspen and hybrid aspen was investigated in five aspen and three hybrid aspen stands in Finland. Approximately 50% of the trees in the study had signs of the large poplar borer. Of these trees, 5% had insect exit holes. Approximately 70% of the trees with larval galleries had only one or two larval galleries. The trees with larval galleries were on average 2 m shorter than those without larval galleries. No significant difference could be detected in the diameter growth between these two groups. The proportion of decay was greater in hybrid aspen (27%) than in aspen (14%). These results show that the large poplar borer is an important pest of both aspen and hybrid aspen in Finland. No significant difference was observed between the aspen and hybrid aspen stands in the number of trees with larval galleries. Hybrid aspen therefore does not appear to be more sensitive to damage caused by the large poplar borer. Thus, a change from hybrid aspen to regular aspen in aspen cultivation is unnecessary, presuming that healthy saplings and an optimal rotation time are used.  相似文献   

The ability of the braconid parasite,Iphiaulax varipalpis Cary to control the beetleDyrphya nigricornis Olivier was evaluated. Field collected samples and specimens reared in polyethylene paper tubes under laboratory conditions (23.0°C±1.0 at 70% r.h) were used. Field parasitism was low (10.72%) while laboratory parasitism was high (57.66%). The parasite detected the hosts very easily in the laboratory. This ability is minimised in thick canopies ofCoffea arabica L. Host colonization was brisk (90 seconds) and confined to a near absolute area of discovery, measuring 4.18±0.41 cm. The parasite reproduces gregariously with female lifespan being approximately double the male period. The parasites are very active at the age of 10 days. As they age their potential fecundity (232 oocytes) reduces drastically with oviposition.   相似文献   

Summary The larvae of the aspen borer, Saperda calcarata, which feed on the inner bark and sapwood of living aspen stems, are unable to digest cellulose. However, they can be transformed into cellulose digesters by adding the active cellulase complex of the fungus, Penicillium funiculosum to their diet. S. calcarata larvae are preadapted to exploit the digestive potential of ingested microbial enzymes. We argue that ingested fungal enzymes may be responsible for cellulose digestion in many, perhaps most or even all, cellulose digesting cerambycid beetles.  相似文献   

The small poplar longhorn beetle, Saperda populnea is an important pest of Lombardy poplars (Populus nigra L.) in Turkey. A survey for natural entomopathogenic fungi of S. populnea larvae was made in Erzurum, Turkey, during the period 2004–2005. Larvae (13.5%) infected with a strain of the fungus Beauveria bassiana were found. The pathogenicity of B. bassiana strain 46 was conducted with different concentrations of conidia (106, 107 and 108 conidia/ml) of this isolate on S. populnea larvae. The lowest concentration (106 conidia/ml) caused about 56% mortality within 6 days. One hundred percent mortality was achieved after median lethal time (LT50) of 4.6 and 4.4 days for 107 and 108 conidia/ml, respectively. There were no significant differences between median lethal times. This is the first record of natural infection of S. populnea larvae by B. bassiana.  相似文献   

Rami Kfir 《BioControl》1990,35(3):403-410
One egg parasite, 7 larval parasites, 2 pupal parasites and 3 larval hyperparasites were recorded parasitizing the spotted stalk borer,Chilo partellus (Swinhoe) on maize and grain sorghum in South Africa.Trichogrammatoidea lutea Girault [Trichogrammatidae] parasitized eggs ofC. partellus mainly in mid-summer. The larval parasites were active throughout the season with occasional peaks of up to 75% parasitism.Apanteles sesamiae Cameron [Braconidae], proved to be the most abundant larval parasite. It was recorded fromca. 93% of parasitized larvae but its efficiency was reduced by the hyperparasite,Aphanogmus fijiensis (Ferriére) [Ceraphronidae], which reached sometimes up to 100% parasitism on cocoons ofA. sesamiae. The efficiency ofIphiaulax sp. [Braconidae], the 2nd most abundant larval parasite, was also hindered by the hyperparasite,Eurytoma sp. [Eurytomidae] Pupal parasites were sometimes very abundant reaching up to 100% parasitism without any interference by hyperparasites. The most abundant pupal parasites wereDentichasmias busseolae Heinrich [Ichneumonidae] andPediobius furvus (Gahan) [Eulophidae].   相似文献   

M. Campos  R. Gonzalez 《BioControl》1991,36(4):473-480
Under laboratory conditions (22±2°C, 60%±5% H.R.; and 16L.: 8D. photoperiod), the rearing of the 2 main parasitoids ofPhloeotribus scarabaeoides (Bernard, 1788) in Southern Spain:Cheiropachus quadrum (Fabricius, 1787) andRaphitelus maculatus Walker, 1834 (Hym.: Pteromalidae) has been carried out. Several densities of population of the parasitoids have been tested in order to determine their reproductive behaviour, and this is significant if the output of a rearing is to be increased. A great competition among the individuals of the same sex has been observed; in the case of the ΦΦ, a potential negative correlation with the increase of density of population, has been noted. The biotic potential belonging to the 2 principal parasitoids species with and without competition, are calculated, and the aspects concerning the parasitoid colonization of the olive tree beetle infestation spots, are discussed.   相似文献   

Z. Mendel 《BioControl》1986,31(2):113-125
Twenty six species of parasitoids were recorded from 15 species of bark beetles in Israel. Parasitoids were collected from infested cut branches of broadleaves and trap-trees of pine and cypress. Most of the parasitoids are oligophagous and range fromEcphylus caudatus, a monophagous species exclusive toHypoborus ficus, toHeydenia pretiosa, which develops on 11 species.Scleroderma domesticus, Agrilocida ferrieri andEupelmus nearurozonus are occasional parasitoids of bark beetles.Cephalonomia hypobori, Israelius carthami, S. domesticus, Entedon ergias, Cerocephala eccoptogasteri andRoptocerus xylophagorum are cryptoparasitoids and search for their host in the galleries. Known parasitoids are listed from 15 tree genera belonging to 8 botanical families. A typical range for the common parasitoids is presented with within-tree distribution of pine parasitoids. Relatively monophagous species are usually dominant parasitoids in a specific beetle population, whereas relatively polyphagous parasitoids vary in abundance among different host populations.Calosota spp., 2Eurytoma spp. andDendrosoter hartigii are usually present in small numbers. Information concerning the seasonal history of the parasitoids suggests that the major species may raise about 5 to 7 annual generations. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel No 1331-E, 1984 series  相似文献   

Foraging aphid parasitoids,Diaeretiella rapae M'Intosh, were exposed to sublethal doses of the insecticides pirimicarb, permethrin and malathion on brusslls sprouts plants. Observations on wasp distribution over time revealed that wasps spent less time on sprayed plants, relative to controls and, while on these plants, tended to concentrate activity on unsprayed surfaces. For permethrin and malathion, pesticide residues reversed the stereotypic upward foraging pattern of the wasp. Negative consequences of sublethal pesticide doses for parasitoid foraging efficiency are discussed.   相似文献   

Z. Mendel 《BioControl》1986,31(2):127-137
Information on parasitoids of bark beetles infesting conifers and broadleaves is presented to show the relations between host and parasitoid size, and parasitoid sex ratios. Sticky traps were employed to determine the sex ratios of parasitoid species operating on beetle-infested material. A wide range in body length was found for most species. Females ofCerocephala eccoptogasteri Masi,Cheiropachus quadrum Febr.,Eurytoma morio Boheman,Heydenia pretiosa Forster,Metacolus unifasciatus Forster,Rhaphitelus maculatus Walker andRoptrocerus xylophagorum (Ratz.) were usually significantly longer than their males, whereas the males of all fourDendrosoter spp. were significantly longer than the females. Body lengths of the males and females were almost identical inEntedon ergias Walker andEcphylus caudatus Rusch. The sex ratio varied markedly within most species; the mean ratio for 5 of them differed significantly from 1∶1. The sex ratio ofM. unifasciatus andE. morio was significantly related to host size. The sex-ratio of parasitoids trapped on sticky traps varied with time in relation to the phenology of the host beetle. Females were more numerous during the larvae development while males were more abundant between the pupal stage and emergence of the host. Male courtship behaviour ofDendrosoter caenopachoids Rusch.,D. protuberans (Nees),M. unifasciatus andR. xylophagorum is described. The effect of host size, the diversity in sex ratios, and possible interaction between parasitoid size and sex-ratio are discussed. Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, Bet Dagan, Israel. N° 1328-E, 1984 series.  相似文献   

Exploration for parasitoids ofCeratitis capitata (Wiedemann) [Diptera: Tephritidae] was conducted in Cameroon and Togo and parasitoids collected were released in Costa Rica. Collections yielded large numbers ofOpius perproximus Silvestri,Biosteres caudatus Szepligeti, andB. caudatus auct. [Opiinae: Braconidae]. Other Opiines collected wereB. fullawayi (Silvestri),B. desideratus (Bridwell), and an undescribed species ofOpius. Parasitization of tephritids in coffee ranged from 10–56%, with an average 35% parasitism in a research plantation and 17% in a commercial plantation. Parasitism in fruits other than coffee was less than 5%. The most commonly reared tephritids from coffee wereTrirhithrum coffeae Bezzi andC. (Pterandrus) anonae Graham.C. capitata occurred in low frequency in coffee; and adults were rarely observed. Other rearings includedT. albonigrum (Enderlein),T. sp. nr.validum Bezzi,T. nigerrimum auct. nec. Bezzi,C. (Pterandrus) colae Silvestri,C. (Pterandrus) flexuosa (Walker),C. (Ceratalaspis) spp.cosyra (Walker) group,C. (Pardalaspis) sp.punctata (Wiedemann) group,C. (Ceratalaspis) giffardi Bezzi,Dacus (Dacus) bivittatus (Bigot),D. (Didacus) ciliatus Loew, andGymnodacus sp.
Résumé Une récolte des parasites deCeratitis capitata (Wiedemann) [Diptères: Téphritidés] a été conduite au Cameroun et au Togo, et les specimens, recueillis ont été libérés au Costa Rica. Cette étude a mis, en évidence la présence d'un grand nombre d'Opius perproximus Silvestri, deBiosteres caudatus Szépligeti, et deB. caudatus auct. (Braconidés: Opiinés). Les autres opiinés collectés comprenaientB. fullawayi (Silvestri),B. desideratus (Bridwell), et une espèce non décrite du genreOpius. Le taux de parasitisme des téphritidés collectées sur le café variait de 10 à 56%, avec une moyenne de 35% dans une plantation expérimentale et 17% dans une plantation commerciale. Sur les autres fruits, le taux de parasitisme était inférieur à 5%. Les espèces de téphritidés élevées le plus fréquemment des grains de café étaientTrirhithrum coffeae Bezzi etC. (Pterandrus) anonae Graham.C. capitata n'était présente qu'en faible abondance dans le café et des adultes n'ont que rarement été observés. Les autres espèces rencontrées comprenaientT. albonigrum (Enderlein),T. sp. nr.validum Bezzi,T. nigerrimum auct. nec. Bezzi,C. (Pterandrus) colae Silvestri,C. (Pterandrus) flexuosa (Walker),C. (Ceratalaspis) spp. groupecosyra (Walker),C. (Pardalaspis) sp. groupepunctata (Wiedemann),C. (Ceratalaspis) giffardi Bezzi,Dacus (Dacus) bivittatus (Bigot),D. (Didacus) ciliatus Loew, andGymnodacus sp.

A total of 1,302 parasitoids representing 8 species and 4 families were recovered from 9,818 fruit fly host fruits sampled. The most common parasitoid species wasDiachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead). Average percent parasitism ranged between 0.44 and 29.23%. Parasitoid emergence data indicate thatAnastrepha ludens (Loew),A. obliqua (Sein),A. serpentina (Wiedeman),A. striata (Schiner) andToxotrypana curvicauda (Gerstaecker) were subject to parasitism. We provide information on the population fluctuation ofAnastrepha ludens, A. obliqua, A. serpentina, A. distincta (Greene),A. striata, A. fraterculus (Wiedeman),A. chiclayae (Greene),A. montei (Costa Lima),A. leptozona (Hendel) andA. tripunctata (Wulp).Anastrepha ludens andA. obliqua were the most common species, representing 95.3% of all fruit fly species caught in McPhail traps.   相似文献   

The natural history and mating system ofPlectrodera scalator exhibit several unusual characteristics. Larvae and adults feed on the wood and foliage, respectively, of the same plant,Populus deltoides. The population sex ratio, based on censuses of oviposition areas, is female-biased. Females are significantly larger than males, yet males are intensely aggressive. Larger males tend to win escalated battles, which involve grasping of antennae with mandibles, but smaller males can defeat larger males if they grasp their opponent's antenna first. Most escalated fights involve possession of a female, but prior possession does not play a role in determining the outcome of these fights. The size-dependent fighting advantage does not translate into a mating advantage for larger males. There is no significant difference in elytron length or body mass between mating and single males. Larger females are not preferred as mates. The mating system appears to be a mixture of female-defense and scramble-competition tactics. One advantage to males of aggression may be in its effect on sperm precedence. Males appear to be able to remove previously deposited sperm from a female's reproductive tract.  相似文献   

In vegetated terrestrial ecosystems, carbon in below- and aboveground biomass (BGB, AGB) often constitutes a significant component of total-ecosystem carbon stock. Because carbon in the BGB is difficult to measure, it is often estimated using BGB to AGB ratios. However, this ratio can change markedly along resource gradients, such as water availability, which can lead to substantial errors in BGB estimates. In this study, BGB and AGB sampling was carried out in Eucalyptus populnea-dominated woodland communities of northeast Australia to examine patterns of BGB to AGB ratio and vertical root distribution at three sites along a rainfall gradient (367, 602, and 1,101 mm). At each site, a vegetation inventory was undertaken on five transects (100 × 4 m), and trees representing the E. populnea vegetation structure were harvested and excavated to measure aboveground and coarse-root (diameter of at least 15 mm) biomass. Biomass of fine and small roots (diameter less than 15 mm) at each site was estimated from 40 cores sampled to 1 m depth. The BGB to AGB ratio of E. populnea-dominated woodland plant communities declined from 0.58 at the xeric end to 0.36 at the mesic end of the rainfall gradient. This was due to a marked decline in AGB with increased aridity whereas the BGB was relatively stable. The vertical distribution of fine roots in the top 1 m of soil varied along the rainfall gradient. The mesic sites had more fine-root biomass (FRB) in the upper soil profile and less at depth than the xeric site. Accordingly, at the xeric site, a much larger proportion of FRB was found at depth compared to the mesic sites. The vertical distribution patterns of small roots of the E. populnea woodland plant communities were consistently )-shaped, with the highest biomass occurring at 15–30-cm depth. The potential significance of such a rooting pattern for grass–tree and shrub–tree co-existence in these ecosystems is discussed. Overall, our results revealed marked changes in BGB to AGB ratio of E. populnea woodland communities along a rainfall gradient. Because E. populnea woodlands cover a large area (96 M ha), their contribution to continental-scale carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emission can be substantial. Use of the rainfall-zone-specific ratios found in this study, in lieu of a single generic ratio for the entire region, will significantly improve estimates of BGB carbon stocks in these woodlands. In the absence of more specific data, our results will also be relevant in other regions with similar vegetation and rainfall gradients (that is, arid and semiarid woodland ecosystems).  相似文献   

Biosteres arinsanus (Sonan) (=B. oophilus Fullaway) showed a strong preference forDacus dorsalis Hendel overCeratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in choice tests using papaya fruits infested with eggs of both hosts in laboratory studies. In laboratory and field studiesD. dorsalis was the most suitable host. A total of 13,871 parasitoids was produced fromD. dorsalis infested fruits compared with 2,772 fromC. capitata infested fruits.   相似文献   

The interaction betweenTrybliographa rapae andAleochara bilineata, 2 parasitoids of the cabbage root fly, is discussed. Larvae ofA. bilineata could not differentiate between cabbage root fly pupae containingT. rapae in its endoparasitic state and unparasitized pupae but could recognize pupae containingT. rapae once the latter had reached its ectoparasitic state. Attack byA. bilineata whileT. rapae was still in its endoparasitic state usually resulted in the staphylinid killing the eucoilid. IfT. rapae had reached the ectoparasitic state before the host pupa was attacked byA. bilineata larvae the eucoilid survived attack by the beetle larva. Multiparasitism, however, resulted in increased levels of mortality of both parasitoid populations.   相似文献   

Neohydronomus affinis was imported into Australia as a potential biological control agent for the floating aquatic weedPistia stratiotes. Quarantine studies demonstrated that this weevil was host specific toP. stratiotes and it was released into the field in 1982. Subsequently it was released as a control agent for this weed in several other countries. In AustraliaN. affinis reduced infestations ofP. stratiotes by 40% or more within 12–18 months. The results are discussed in relation to its effectiveness in other parts of the world. We concluded thatN. affinis effectively controlsP. stratiotes in tropical regions (to lat. 22°), but in cooler regions its effectiveness fluctuates with seasonal conditions.   相似文献   

A. Schopf 《BioControl》1991,36(4):593-604
The endoparasitic development ofG. liparidis was examined in 3 different host stages of gypsy moth larvae. Hatching ofG. liparidis-larvae occurred 3 to 5 days after oviposition in hosts parasitized during their premoulting period, and after 5 to 7 days in those parasitized in the 3rd midinstar state. The parasites generally moulted to the 2nd larval instar between the 11th and 13th day in the first group, and between the 13th and 15th day in the latter, when they had reached a volume of 0.04–0.05 mm3. The positive correlation between host ecdysis and the ecdysis of 1st stadium larvae to L2 suggested that host moulting influenced the development of the parasitoid larvae. Emergence from the host larvae occurred at 20°C after 27 days on average, and coincided with the parasites moulting to the 3rd instar. Five to 7 days after spinning their cocoons near the developmentally arrested host larva, the male, and 1 to 2 days later the female wasps eclosed. Due to the variation in the number of parasites per host, no difference was observed between the hosts parasitized at various stages; however, a tendency for later parasitized hosts to contain more parasite larvae was evident. The nutritional conditions of the moth parental generation influenced both host and parasite development. On the other hand no influence of host age was observed on emergence dates of larvae and wasps.   相似文献   

In the savanna around Lamto,Caryedon serratus develops, in the beginning of the dry season, on maturing seeds ofPiliostigma thonningii (Caesalpinioideae). A 2nd generation, and sometimes a 3nd one, develops in dry seeds. There is no pupal diapause during the rainy season and adults seems to spend this period in a semi-lethargic state. The parasitoid complex ofC. serratus is a chalcid-dominated one. It includes 5 species: one oophagous (Uscana caryedoni) and 4 larvo-nymphal parasitoids. Three species are regular (Anisopteromalus caryedophagus, Bracon sp. andU. caryedoni), the others are sporadic species (Proconura serratocida, Eurytoma caryedocida). Biological data are given for each species.   相似文献   

Abstract Baeoanusia xanthopleuron sp. n. and Avetianella coombsi sp. n. (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) are described from New South Wales and Queensland. Photomicrographs are provided to illustrate morphological characters of both species, and their systematic position is discussed on the basis of their morphology and biology. Both species are egg parasitoids of the wood borer Agrianome spinicollis (Macleay), an important pest of pecans in eastern Australia.  相似文献   

The egg parasitoid,Platytelenomus busseolae (Gahan) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) was recorded from egg masses of the corn stalk borer,Sesamia nonagrioides (Lefebvre) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on maize in the area of Istiaea, Central Greece. Natural parasitism was studied during the years 1986, 1987. A total of 3,382 egg masses, containing 205,227 eggs, was collected from corn fields. Parasitized eggs were found from end July to mid-October. In 1986. 76.2% of the egg masses and 42.8% of all eggs were parasitized, while in 1987, respective values were 27.6% and 12.9%. The inferior performance of the parasitoid in 1987 may be due to the unfavorable winter and summer conditions. Parasitism decreased when the host population was at its peak, but it increased again within 1 to 3 weeks. A small percentage of egg masses was completely parasitized (9.5% and 4.7% for the 2 years respectively). In 1987, the sex ratio, ♀♀/♂♂ was 1.5: 1 and 26.2% of the egg masses produced only ♂♂. Mated ♀♀ produced 3 times more ♀♀ than ♂♂. It seems that the parasitoid, under favorable weather conditions, can play a significant role in the control of the corn stalk borer.   相似文献   

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