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The trophic interactions of the marine rotifer Synchaeta cecilia were investigated by determining its feeding and growth rates on a wide variety of marine phytoplankton and by determining its susceptibility to predation by the calanoid copepod, Acartia tonsa. Reproduction of S. cecilia was sustained in four-day feeding trails by 13 of 37 algal species tested. Growth-supporting species included species of Cryptophyceae, Dinophyceae, Chlorophyceae and Haptophyceae in sizes from 4 to 47 μm. Within these taxa, other species in the acceptable size range failed to support growth. No species of Cyanophyceae, Bacillariophyceae, or Chrysophyceae supported growth of the rotifer. S. cecilia can be maintained on unialgal cultures of Cryptophyceae but growth is enhanced by a combination of two or three species; a mixture of Chroomonas salina (Cryptophyceae), Heterocapsa pygmaea (Dinophyceae), and Isochrysis galbana (Haptophyceae) has sustained laboratory stocks of S. cecilia for over four years. The expected response of S. cecilia to food quantity was observed: as food concentration was increased from 58 to 1154 μg C 1−1, the population growth constant increased from 0.17 to 0.60 d−1 at 20°C. This is equivalent to population doubling times of 4.0 and 1.1 days at H. pygmaea densities of 500 and 104 cells ml−1, respectively. The susceptibility of S. cecilia to predation was investigated by determining its rate of capture by the omnivorous marine copepod Acartia tonsa. At prey densities of 5 to 35 μg C 1−1 (0.3 to 1.9 individuals 1−1), A. tonsa readily ingested S. cecilia at rates up to 3 μg C copepod−1 day−1.  相似文献   

Karl E. Havens 《Hydrobiologia》1990,198(1):215-226
During summer, Chaoborus punctipennis larval densities in the water column of fishless, eutrophic Triangle Lake become very high, and coincidently, the spined loricate rotifer Kelfcottia bostoniensis becomes the dominant zooplankter. Research was done to test the hypothesis that selective predation by Chaoborus on soft-bodied rotifers controls species dominance in the mid-summer zooplankton of this lake. In situ predation experiments showed positive selection by Chaoborus for the soft-bodied Synchaeta oblonga, negative selection for K. bostoniensis, and intermediate selection for Polyarthra vulgaris, a species with rapid escape tactics. However, during a 21 day in situ mesocosm experiment, zooplankton dominance and succession in Chaoborus-free enclosures was identical to that in enclosures with Chaoborus at lake density. Despite the selective predation, Chaoborus larvae may not exert significant top-down control on rotifers, whose intense reproductive output during mid-summer in temperate eutrophic lakes results in new individuals at rates that exceed predatory losses.  相似文献   

Iyer  Nandini  Ramakrishna Rao  T. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):325-332
Using population densities and growth rates as criteria, we studied interactions between the epizoic rotifer Brachionus rubens and each of three cladoceran species differing in size and reproductive rates — Daphnia carinata, Moina macrocopa and Ceriodaphnia rigaudi. In all mixed — species experiments, B. rubens existed in both the epizoic mode, attached to the cladoceran host, and in the free-swimming mode. Rotifer population growth rates were significantly depressed in the presence of M. macrocopa, presumably as a consequence of exploitative and interference competition. The largest cladoceran, D. carinata probably did not suppress B. rubens, because the epizoic component of the rotifer population escaped from the deleterious effects of mechanical interference. Peak population numbers and initial population growth rates reached by all three cladocerans were lower in the presence of B. rubens, probably because of the adverse effects of the epizoic infestation, which was maximal on D. carinata and least on C. rigaudi. In mixed-species cultures of D. carinata and M. macrocopa, the presence of B. rubens helped D. carinata coexist with M. macrocopa, which otherwise would have suppressed the Daphnia.  相似文献   

Ovie  S.I.  Egborge  A.B. M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,477(1-3):41-45
Six densities (0.5 × 106, 1.0 × 106, 1.5 × 106, 2.0 × 106, 3.0 × 106, and 4.0 × 106 cells ml–1) of the micro-alga Scenedesmus acuminatus, were fed to the cladoceran, Moina micrura, in 40-litre glass aquaria. Moina population increased with increasing cell densities of Scenedesmus only up to treatment 3 (i.e. 1.5 × 106 cells ml–1) where a peak population of 11303 individuals per litre was obtained. Moinapopulation growth was inhibited at higher algal densities. The percentage of egg-bearing females and the number of eggs per egg-bearing females, followed a similar pattern. Comparatively, the peak production density of approximately 11000 Moina per litre, is interesting from a mass production point of view and indicates that S. acuminatus is a satisfactory micro-alga food for M. micrura.  相似文献   

Rotifer composition and density, chlorophyll-a content, secchi depth and temperature were investigated with high sampling frequency (every third day in summer, weekly in winter) in the eutrophic lake Bielersee from April 1981 to April 1982. Long intervals between sampling, especially from spring to autumn, lead to contradictory interpretation of abundance dynamics of both total rotifer community and single species. Short intervals between sampling revealed a sequence of mass developments of the different species. As an example, alternating gradation phases are shown for Synchaeta grandis and Synchaeta stylata.  相似文献   

The effects of supplemental feeding by tourists on wild Japanese monkey's home range size and location, and troop size and composition were studied for two monkey troops, Troop A and Troop B, living along the Irohazaka loop road, Nikko National Park, central Japan. Changes were documented based on data gathered from 1982 to 1996 by the use of radio telemetry. Troop A's home range size shrank and changed from separate winter and summer ranges to a single, year-round home range, with its core located in a high elevation area where supplemental feeding by tourists was heavy. Troop B's home range also shrank and shifted to a lower elevation where supplemental feeding by tourists was heavy. Troop A's population size increased between the winters of 1983–1984 and 1990–1991 in conjunction with an increase in human encounter rates, and then decreased. Troop B's size increased until the winter of 1993–1994, and then decreased. The instability of troop size between 1993 and 1996 may be explained by documented factors such as a decrease in the adult sex ratio, an increase in the infant-female ratio, and an increase in juvenile mortality and/or emigration, all of which may have been influenced by supplemental feeding by tourists.  相似文献   

The effects of light regime, feeding regime and tentacle number on the zooplankton feeding capability of Hydra viridis were tested in the laboratory. Feeding was measured by exposing Hydra to a known volume of Artemia salina nauplii and recording the number captured and ingested. In all cases there was a correlation between the number of Artemia captured and the number ingested. H. viridis with 7 tentacles captured and ingested more Artemia than Hydra with 6 tentacles. However, changes in light and/or feeding regimes did not alter the number of tentacles/Hydra. Varying light and feeding regimes altered the number of Zoochlorellae/cell and Hydra growth rate. There was no effect on the number of Artemia captured or ingested and no effect on the percent ingestion of captured Artemia. These data suggest that, under these conditions, zooplankton feeding by H. viridis is independent of nutritional history.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the numerical response, functional response and prey preference of Asplanchna sieboldi to five different prey brachionids. We also analysed the feeding behaviour of the predator in terms of encounters, attacks, capture and prey ingested per unit time. 2. The five prey species (Brachionus havanaensis, B. rubens, B. patulus, B. macracanthus and B. calyciflorus) differed in their body size and spine length. 3. The population growth rates of A. sieboldi ranged from 0.074 ± 0.03 to 0.431 ± 0.02 depending on prey type and density. There was a significant impact of the spine length rather than body size per se on the population growth rates of the predator. 4. The maximum number of prey consumed depended on both body size and spine length. In the functional response analyses, the plateau was reached at a prey density of 4–8 ind. mL?1. 5. There was a significant impact of prey density on the prey preference of the predator.  相似文献   

An in situ test of the effects of food quality on Daphnia population growth   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The temporal variation of the surface deposit feeders in a mudflat of Chuwei Mangrove Forest showed a significant input of populations from the recruitments in the spring. The chemical analysis of the sediment in the top 8 cm showed that the sedimentary organic content had a subsurface maximum value in the deeper layer in most cases. Most of the temporal variations in the organic carbon and nitrogen contents occurred in the top few centimeters. The high C:N ratio and low organic nitrogen content in the sediment suggests the supply of carbon (or energy) to the benthos was low. The increase of labile protein content in the deep layer might be due to the downcore transport of sediment nutrients by the bioturbation. Laboratory growth experiment suggests that some the chemical characters examined in this study may represent the sediment nutrients to the animals.  相似文献   

The influence of parental culture temperature regime on population parameters of offspring was investigated. Fecundity and net reproduction are influenced by the temperature conditions of the previous generation.  相似文献   

Costantini  M. Letizia  Rossi  Loreto 《Hydrobiologia》2001,443(1-3):129-136
Grass shrimps are very common in various aquatic habitats, and are generally considered omnivorous. But, despite the numerous studies on interspecific trophic interactions, few studies have evaluated their feeding strategy, especially by experimental approaches.In this study, we determined, in the absence of both intra and interspecific competitive interactions, the feeding preferences of the freshwater grass shrimp Palaemonetes antennarius for the most common potential resources in its habitat. Plant and animal items were offered as food to each adult shrimp in multiple-choice laboratory experiments. Resource selection was determined under conditions of low and high food availability and related to the shrimp body size. The role of microbial colonisation in favouring detritivory was also investigated.Results of these experiments showed that P. antennarius consumed only animal items, mostly preferring the isopod Proasellus coxalis. In addition, palatability of the unselected plant remains and non-living prey was not improved by the microbial enrichment. Shrimps also resorted to cannibalism at low ration. By contrast, at high ration they specialised on a narrower range of resources, directing more their feeding efforts towards isopods. The preference ranking of the selected food types was inversely related to the average mass of the prey and varied with the shrimp body size. In particular, the number of live isopods in the diet increased exponentially with the shrimp mass at food high ration, which resulted not to be limiting. In conclusion, food availability influences the food niche of P. antennarius whose feeding strategy in the laboratory is facultative specialisation on dead and live animals rather than omnivory. Ease of handling and/or capture seems to play a role in the food preference ranking.  相似文献   

The rotifer Brachionus calyciflorus can utilize the cyanobacterium Anabaena flos-aquae as either a sole or supplementary food source in laboratory culture. Positive population growth rates accompany food densities of 10 or 100 µg dry weight ml–1, but slightly negative rates are found at a lower density (1.0 µg ml–1). These results are consistent for rotifers feeding on two strains of A. flos-aquae, UTEX-1444 and NRC-44-1, with slightly enhanced survivorship and reproduction with the latter food. A 1:1 mixture (by dry weight) of Euglena gracilis and A. flos-aquae (NRC-44-1) produces survivorship comparable to that of control rotifer cohorts fed E. gracilis alone, but elicits significantly greater fecundity and population growth rates than found with the control food suspension at the same biomass density.  相似文献   

William R. DeMott 《Hydrobiologia》1995,307(1-3):127-138
Two comparable methods were used to study the feeding of four species of Daphnia on large spherical particles which differed in size and hardness. The first method used gut analysis to estimate the selectivities of daphnids feeding in a broad size range of a single particle type, including polystyrene beads (4–60 µm diameter) in the laboratory and Eudorina colonies (10–90 µm) in the field. In the second method, Daphnia of different sizes fed in a mixture of 6.5 µm Chlamydomonas and one of eight test particles. Smaller daphnids were less effective in feeding on large test particles. Nonlinear regression was therefore used to estimate the Daphnia body size at which the clearance rate on a test particle was reduced to 50% of that for Chlamydomonas. The results of both methods show that prey size and hardness are both very important in determining daphnid feeding selectivity. For a given particle size, soft algae (naked and gelatinous flagellates) are more readily ingested than hard algae (diatoms and dinoflagellates), and hard algae are more readily ingested than polystyrene beads. Daphnia can feed effectively on algae that are 2–5 times larger than the largest ingestible bead.  相似文献   

Carbon incorporation rates of Simocephalus vetulus were measured to study the effects of the physical state of the animals, size of the animal, varying temperature and light conditions. Physical state of the animal showed little effect on incorporation rates after the first hour. Incorporation rates increased in proportion to the third power of animal size. Experimental animals collected at temperatures of 12, 20 or 25°C fed maximally at 10, 15 and 25°C respectively, when subjected to a feeding temperature range of 5 to 30°C. We have interpreted this as an indication that S. vetulus is able to acclimate and incorporate maximally at various temperatures after prolonged exposure to that temperature. When fed over an irradiation range of 0 to 4.68 × 10–3 cal cm–2 s–1 incorporation rates were indirectly proportional to irradiance. This suggests a response to decreased irradiance in the weedy, littoral habitat of these animals.  相似文献   

Optimum growth conditions and inoculation regimes were determined for severalFrankia strains isolated from both Alnus and Casuarina host plants. Growth conditions were estabilished that allowed a reduction in generation time to less than 15 hours for certain Alnus derivedFrankia. Differences in plant growth response were observed with differing inoculum levels and soil mixtures. Elite strains of Alnus derivedFrankia were isolated that elicited similar growth reponses in allAlnus species tested; however, differences were observed betweenFrankia strains and plant growth response of variousCasuarina species tested.  相似文献   

Four experiments were conducted to evaluate Microcystis as food for zooplankton in Lake Kasumigaura, and the following results were obtained. (1) Moina micrura (Cladocera) showed little growth and no reproduction when the animal was reared with Microcystis cultured in the laboratory. The animal did not grow nor reproduce well when Chlorella was mixed with Microcystis as food. (2) Moina micrura assimilated Microcystis much less than Chlorella when the animal fed on single species of Microcystis or a mixture with Chlorella. (3) Microcystis collected from Lake Kasumigaura could not be utilized by Moina micrura even though the colonies were broken up into edible sizes. However, the alga turned into utilizable food when it was decomposed. (4) No inhibitors of Moina micrura population growth could be found in the non-filtered water of Lake Kasumigaura where Microcystis was blooming heavily. Decomposed Microcystis seemed to be utilized by zooplankton as an important food source in Lake Kasumigaura.  相似文献   

De Lange  H.J.  Arts  M.T. 《Aquatic Ecology》1999,33(4):387-398
A field survey was conducted to study the relationships amongst the composition of the seston, the nutritional value of the seston for herbivorous zooplankton (Daphnia), and selected water clarity parameters. Sixteen ponds in a wetland area and seven larger lakes, all located in south central Saskatchewan, Canada, were sampled for seston. The phytoplankton species were identified, and various biochemical seston variables were measured. A biotest using the zooplankter Daphnia magna, was employed to assess the nutritional value of the seston. The best seston variable to explain Daphnia growth was the phospholipid content (simple linear regression analysis: R 2 adj = 0.50). The water absorbance ratio A250/A365 was a good predictor of lipid content of the seston. Both the absorbance ratio A250/A365 and the dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration were negatively correlated with Daphnia growth. We hypothesize that the penetration of visible and ultraviolet radiation is an important determinant of seston quality, especially the phospholipid content, and that this has important implications for determining ultimate growth rates of herbivorous zooplankton.  相似文献   

Described are a method and apparatus that allowin situ measurement of predation on zooplankton byMysis relicta. The method, which can be generalized to other predators, involves lowering paired large-volume (30-1) plankton traps to the depth of interest, with subsequent trapping of the ambient zooplankton assemblage in each trap and release of predators into one of the traps. The statistical adequacy of the method was shown by error propagation theory to depend on the percentage of available prey consumed, on the number of prey captured by the traps, and on the distribution of zooplankton within the volume of water captured by the traps. Repeated casts of the apparatus showed that, in contrast to other studies of zooplankton distribution, various zooplankton categories were statistically underdispersed (evenly dispersed in space) or at least not more statistically dispersed (clumped) than was a random distribution at a space scale of 1 m. An error analysis of many replicated feeding experiments showed that the errors obtained were reasonably small and that they conformed with or were less than those predicted by error propagation theory that assumed random distribution of zooplankton. Thus, these results supported the practical application of the method and corroborated the conclusion of random dispersion or underdispersion drawn from the experiment of repeated casts of the apparatus.  相似文献   

Ceratium hirundinella cells in Lake Constance divided during the second half of the night. Growth rates are calculated from the fraction of cells undergoing cell division. Potential growth rates are compared with observed changes in population density. The discrepancy between both is discussed as a possible function of fungal parasitism.  相似文献   

B. J. Hann 《Hydrobiologia》1987,145(1):219-224
Among the Cladocera, the occurrence of interspecific hybrids in nature has been reported frequently but rarely adequately documented. During the course of a survey of the genetic variation and population structure of several species ofSimocephalus in ponds in southern Ontario, Canada, readily distinguishable congeners often co-occurred in a pond. Occasionally, clones were recovered that were intermediate in phenotype (as determined from both morphological and electrophoretic analyses) between two species. Two different hybrid clones have been examined in detail to determine the parentals involved in the crosses. Evidence from field and laboratory studies is presented to document the hybrid nature of these clones. Factors favouring formation and long-term survival of hybrids in littoral zone and pelagic species are discussed.  相似文献   

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