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Second-year undergraduated students from 2008, 2009, and 2010 cohorts were asked to respond a questionnaire to determine their learning style preferences, the VARK questionnaire (where V is visual, A is aural, R is reading-writing, and K is kinesthetic), which was translated into Spanish by the author. The translated questionnaire was tested for wording comprehension before its application in the actual study. Using the results of the VARK questionnaire, students were classified as unimodal or multimodal and according to the first preferred sensory modality used for learning as V, A, R, or K learners. Multiple-choice questions (MCQs) and problems that required simple arithmetic calculations (arithmetic-type questions) were applied to the students. The relation between the main sensory modality used for learning and the grades obtained in each question type was analyzed both in unimodal and multimodal students. It was found that R unimodal students performed significantly better in arithmetic questions than A and K unimodal students (P < 0.001 by a Bonferroni multiple-comparison test after ANOVA). R unimodal students also performed better than R multimodal students in arithmetic questions (P = 0.02 by a Mann-Whitney U-test). However, no differences were observed after MCQs in either unimodal or multimodal students with different first sensory modalities used for learning. When MCQ scores between unimodal and multimodal students were compared, no differences were detected. It was concluded that the sensory learning style used for learning affects student outcome when students receive arithmetic questions but not when MCQs are applied.  相似文献   

Systems physiology, studied by biomedical engineers, is an analytical way to approach the homeostatic foundations of basic physiology. In many systems physiology courses, students attend lectures and are given homework and reading assignments to complete outside of class. The effectiveness of this traditional approach was compared with an approach in which a wireless classroom communication system was used to provide instant feedback on in-class learning activities and reading assignment quizzes. Homework was eliminated in this approach. The feedback system used stimulated 100% participation in class and facilitated rapid formative assessment. The results of this study indicate that learning of systems physiology concepts including physiology is at least, as if not more, effective when in-class quizzes and activities with instant feedback are used in place of traditional learning activities including homework. When results of this study are interpreted in light of possible effects of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on student learning in the test group, it appears that the modified instruction may be more effective than the traditional instruction.  相似文献   

It is challenging for biomedical engineering programs to incorporate an indepth study of the systemic interdependence of cells, tissues, and organs into the rigorous mathematical curriculum that is the cornerstone of engineering education. To be sure, many biomedical engineering programs require their students to enroll in anatomy and physiology courses. Often, however, these courses tend to provide bulk information with only a modicum of live tissue experimentation. In the Electrical, Computer, and Biomedical Engineering Department of the University of Rhode Island, this issue is addressed to some extent by implementing an experiential physiology laboratory that addresses research in electrophysiology and biomechanics. The two-semester project-based course exposes the students to laboratory skills in dissection, instrumentation, and physiological measurements. In a novel approach to laboratory intensive learning, the course meets on six Sundays throughout the semester for an 8-h laboratory period. At the end of the course, students are required to prepare a two-page conference paper and submit the results to the Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBC) for consideration. Students then travel to the conference location to present their work. Since the inception of the course in the fall of 2003, we have collectively submitted 22 papers to the NEBC. This article will discuss the nature of the experimentation, the types of experiments performed, the goals of the course, and the metrics used to determine the success of the students and the research.  相似文献   

Systems Biology aims to understand quantitatively how properties of biological systems can be understood as functions of the characteristics of, and interactions between their macromolecular components. Whereas, traditional biochemistry focused on isolation and characterization of cellular components, the challenge for Systems Biology lies in integration of this knowledge and the knowledge about molecular interactions. Computer models play an important role in this integration. We here discuss an approach with which we aim to link kinetic models on small parts of metabolism together, so as to form detailed kinetic models of larger chunks of metabolism, and ultimately of the entire living cell. Specifically, we will discuss techniques that can be used to model a sub-network in isolation of a larger network of which it is a part, while still maintaining the dynamics of the larger complete network. We will start by outlining the JWS online system, the silicon cell project, and the type of models we propose. JWS online is a model repository, which can be used for the storage, simulation and analysis of kinetic models. We advocate to integrate a top-down approach, where measurements on the complete system are used to derive fluxes in a detailed structural model, with a bottom-up approach, consisting of the integration of molecular mechanism-based detailed kinetic models into the structural model.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe the use of several strategies employing the philosophies of active learning and problem-based learning (PBL) that may be used to improve the teaching of metabolic biochemistry to medical and nutritional undergraduate students. The main activities are as follows: 1) a seminar/poster system in a mini-congress format (using topics of applied biochemistry); 2) a true/false applied biochemistry exam (written by peer tutors); 3) a 9-h exam on metabolism (based in real publications); 4) the Advanced Biochemistry course (directed to peer tutors, where students learn how to read and criticize real medical papers); 5) experiments about nutrition and metabolism, using students as volunteers, and about free radicals (real science for students); 6) the BioBio blog (taking advantage of the "web age," this enhances out of class exchanges of information between the professor, students, and peer tutors); 7) student lectures on public health issues and metabolic disorders directed to the community and lay people; and 8) the BioBio quiz show. The main objective of these activities is to provide students with a more practical and interesting approach to biochemistry, such as the application of theoretical knowledge to real situations (diseases, experiments, media information, and scientific discoveries). In addition, we emphasize the importance of peer tutor activities for optimized learning of both students and peer tutors, the importance of a closer interaction between students and teaching staff, and the necessity to initiate students precociously in two broad fields of medical activity: "real" basic science and contact with the public (also helping students--future doctors and nutritionists--to be able to communicate with lay people). Most activities were evaluated by the students through written questionnaires and informal conversations, along various semesters, indicating good acceptance and approval of these methods. Good student scores in the biochemistry exams and seminars indicated that these activities are also working as valid educational tools.  相似文献   

The teaching of biochemistry within medical disciplines presents certain challenges; firstly to relay a large body of complex facts and abstract concepts, and secondly to motivate students that this relatively difficult topic is worth their time to study. Here, nutrient biochemistry was taught within a multidisciplinary module as part of an undergraduate veterinary curriculum. The teaching approach was initially focussed on a mixture of didactic lectures and student-centred activities such as directed group/self learning. In subsequent years the core didactic lectures were replaced with enhanced podcasts covering the same material, along with the introduction of student presentations delivered within groups with both peer and facilitator assessment. These changes were accompanied by an increase in the time dedicated to this topic to allow sufficient time for students to work through podcasts and prepare presentations. The combination of these changes resulted in significant improvements in student performance within an in-course biochemistry long essay. These changes in the teaching approach, and particularly the introduction of extensive podcasts, was well received by students who perceived the process of going through the podcasts as time consuming but allowing them flexibility in both the pace that they studied this topic as well as the location and times that they studied it.  相似文献   

《生物化学》以生物体为对象,研究其生命的化学本质,是生命科学领域的核心课程。长期以来,由于生物化学课程知识点多、范围广和内容抽象,在一定程度上会影响学生学习的自信心,压抑其学习过程中的兴趣,致使学习的积极性不高。最近10~20年里,国外将科学(science)、技术学(technology)、工程学(engineering)及数学(mathematics)的教育与艺术学(arts),特别是与艺术学中的音乐结合实施教学,形成一种所谓的STEAM (STEM + Arts) 策略,对STEM教育进行辅助,取得了不错的效果。基于以上情况,结合国内生物化学教学实际,笔者尝试将生物化学歌曲应用于课堂教学过程中,辅助教学。生物化学歌曲可以将抽象难懂的生物化学知识转变成悦耳动听的歌曲,在教学过程中能激发学生的学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛,使学生在学习过程中爱上生物化学;在生物化学歌曲的创作过程中,能促进学生的思考创新,内化重点难点,使深奥的问题形象化;在学习过程中用歌声展现生物化学的魅力,让知识成为有趣的知识,让其成为有趣的学习者。本文介绍了国内生物化学歌曲发展壮大历程,结合具体实例从利用生物化学歌曲引入教学、理解生物化学内容、密切联系生活三方面评论了生物化学歌曲在辅助生物化学教学中的应用,并从歌词的改编、旋律的选择、歌曲的传唱、教学的设计等方面需要注意的问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

针对生物化学课程的特点,以改革当前传统的课堂讲授式教学模式作为突破口,采用基于问题学习(PBL)与图表结合的教学模式在《基础生物化学》中进行教学尝试。初步教学实践表明,通过PBL与图表教学法的互补结合,基本能克服《基础生物化学》教学活动中存在的两类矛盾,使传统的以"教"为主的教学模式,转变为以"学"与"教"相互平衡和促进的教学模式,使学生在掌握所学课程核心内容的同时又能获得学习方法、提高学习兴趣和学习主动性。  相似文献   

Students learn best when they are focused and thinking about the subject at hand. To teach physiology, we must offer opportunities for students to actively participate in class. This approach aids in focusing their attention on the topic and thus generating genuine interest in the mechanisms involved. This study was conducted to determine if offering voluntary active learning exercises would improve student understanding and application of the material covered. To compare performance, an anonymous cardiorespiratory evaluation was distributed to two groups of students during the fall (control, n = 168) and spring (treatment, n = 176) semesters. Students in both groups were taught by traditional methods, and students in the treatment group had the option to voluntary participate in two additional active learning exercises: 1) a small group discussion, where students would discuss a physiology topic with their Teaching Assistant before running BIOPAC software for the laboratory exercise and 2) a free response question, where students anonymously responded to one short essay question after the laboratory exercise. In these formative assessments, students received feedback about their present state of learning from the discussion with their peers and also from the instructor comments regarding perceived misconceptions. As a result of the participation in these activities, students in the treatment group had a better overall performance [χ(2) (degree of freedom = 1) = 31.2, P < 0.001] on the evaluation (treatment group: 62% of responses correct and control group: 49%) with an observed difference of 13% (95% confidence interval: 8, 17). In conclusion, this study presents sufficient evidence that when the opportunity presents itself, students become active participants in the learning process, which translates into an improvement in their understanding and application of physiological concepts.  相似文献   

生物化学是生命科学中最重要的基础专业课程之一。欲使教师讲好它,学生学好并非易事。在学生中经常流传着一句“生理生化,必有一挂”的口头禅,足见学生学习生物化学的难度。本文结合笔者在南京大学讲授生物化学25年多的实践及成功经验,与同行们分享生物化学的教学技巧和策略,如何上好第一次课,如何激发学生学习生物化学的兴趣,如何在教学中培养学生的科学思维,如何把传统课堂教学的手段与其他新型的教学方式结合,如何开展和组织“第二课堂”活动等,希望它们对同行们的生物化学教学有所启发和帮助。  相似文献   

生物化学是生命科学中最重要的基础专业课程之一。欲使教师讲好它,学生学好并非易事。在学生中经常流传着一句“生理生化,必有一挂”的口头禅,足见学生学习生物化学的难度。本文结合笔者在南京大学讲授生物化学25年多的实践及成功经验,与同行们分享生物化学的教学技巧和策略,如何上好第一次课,如何激发学生学习生物化学的兴趣,如何在教学中培养学生的科学思维,如何把传统课堂教学的手段与其他新型的教学方式结合,如何开展和组织“第二课堂”活动等,希望它们对同行们的生物化学教学有所启发和帮助。  相似文献   

随着互联网时代的到来,大规模开放式在线课程(慕课,MOOC)为教育改革提供了新的研究思路和方向。为了提高生物化学的学习效果,本文结合该课程知识点杂而多、理论性强和学生学习兴趣不高的特点,设计了一种基于BOPPPS教学的线上线下混合式教学模式,并在生物化学课程中进行了实践。BOPPPS中的情景案例激发了学生的学习兴趣,逐层递进的课堂练习让学生沉醉其中。研究结果表明,体验过混合式学习的学生与通过传统学习方式学习的学生相比,实验组学生对知识的理解深度明显好于对照组,在学习效果上也存在显著差异(P<0.05),试验组学生的平均成绩(81.13)比对照组学生的平均成绩(76.21)提升5分左右。问卷调查结果显示,与传统教学模式相比,学生更愿意接受新的教学模式,并愿意在未来的学期里支持继续使用新型的教学模式。学生认为,能从新的教学模式学到比传统的授课形式要多的知识,而且新的教学模式还促进了团队合作能力,提高了学生的学习兴趣,学生课前愿意花费较长时间自主预习。该方法激发了学生的学习主动性,促进了学生更好地学习。  相似文献   

课程是人才培养的核心要素,是学生从大学里受益最直接、最核心和最显效的途径。生物化学是生命科学中重要的核心课程。梳理我国生物化学课程教学改革的变迁对促进全国生物化学教育事业的发展具有实践意义。本文收集了自1985年以来,生物化学教学改革研究的文献5 871篇。按照国家主要教育方针政策和策略转变文件,将文献按其年份划分为1985~2006,2007~2012,2013~2016和2017~2021四个阶段。运用软件NVivo 11 Plus对文献题录文本和关键词进行相似性分析表明,生物化学课程教学研究与国家教育发展策略相适应,具有鲜明的时代特征。依据扎根理论,通过编码处理和客观分析,将生物化学教学研究划分为“教学策略”、“教学方向”、“教学对象”和“教学评价”四个范畴。详细阐述了“以学生为中心”的生物化学教学改革研究取得的成效:整合包括结构性思维、问题导向、团队合作、翻转课堂和线上线下混合的多种教学方法;结合包括多媒体、虚拟仿真和互联网的先进教学技术;发掘思政元素并将思政教育贯穿到生物化学教学全过程。从强化学生学习能力,关注学习效果和促进学生发展的多元角度促进我国生物化学教学事业的全面发展。  相似文献   

Risk heightens motivation and, if used appropriately, may have the potential to improve engagement in the classroom. We have developed a risk-based learning game for school pupils in order to test whether such learning games can improve later recall of information. The study was performed during a series of public engagement workshops delivered by undergraduate students. Undergraduate neuroscience students delivered 90-minute science workshops to 9–10 year old school pupils (n = 448) that were divided into ‘Risk’, ‘No risk’ and ‘Control’ classes. ‘Risk’ classes received periodic multiple-choice questions (MCQs) during the workshops which required small teams of pupils to assign tokens to the answer(s) they believed to be correct. Tokens assigned to the correct answer were returned to the group and an equal number given back as a prize; tokens assigned to incorrect answers were lost. Participation was incentivised by the promise of a brain-related prize to the team with the most tokens at the end of the workshop. ‘No risk’ classes received MCQs without the risk component whilst the ‘Control’ classes received no MCQs. When presented with a neuroscience quiz based on workshop content at the end of the workshop, pupils in the ‘Risk’ classes exhibited significantly greater recall of information one week later. Quiz scores were higher than scores from the day of the workshop which suggested pupils may have discussed the workshop content outside of the classroom, thereby increasing knowledge over and above what was learned during the workshop. This is supported by feedback from pupils in ‘Risk’ classes which indicated that ‘Risk’ workshops were more interesting than ‘No risk’ and ‘Control’ workshops. These data suggest that there is a role for risk in the classroom but further investigations are required to elucidate the causal mechanisms of improved retention of information.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel approach Bio-IEDM (biomedical information extraction and data mining) to integrate text mining and predictive modeling to analyze biomolecular network from biomedical literature databases. Our method consists of two phases. In phase 1, we discuss a semisupervised efficient learning approach to automatically extract biological relationships such as protein-protein interaction, protein-gene interaction from the biomedical literature databases to construct the biomolecular network. Our method automatically learns the patterns based on a few user seed tuples and then extracts new tuples from the biomedical literature based on the discovered patterns. The derived biomolecular network forms a large scale-free network graph. In phase 2, we present a novel clustering algorithm to analyze the biomolecular network graph to identify biologically meaningful subnetworks (communities). The clustering algorithm considers the characteristics of the scale-free network graphs and is based on the local density of the vertex and its neighborhood functions that can be used to find more meaningful clusters with different density level. The experimental results indicate our approach is very effective in extracting biological knowledge from a huge collection of biomedical literature. The integration of data mining and information extraction provides a promising direction for analyzing the biomolecular network  相似文献   

In this article, we report on an experiment designed to improve the learning of metabolic biochemistry by nutrition and medical undergraduate students. Twelve students participated in a monitored lunch and had their blood extracted for analysis 1) before lunch, 2) 30 min after lunch, and 3) 3 h after lunch. The subjects were divided in two groups. One group had a hyperglicidic meal [pasta plus orange juice: 80% carbohydrate, 10% protein, and 10% lipid (estimated values)] and the other group had a hyperlipidic meal (calabresi pizza plus diet soda: 36% carbohydrate, 18% protein, and 46% lipid). Individual quantities of food were based on body mass index, age, and sex. The blood parameters analyzed were glucose, triglycerides (TG), and urea. Glucose remained constant in the three measurements in both groups. The TG concentration in the pasta group was constant before and after lunch but increased significantly during the evening. In the pizza group, TG increased after lunch and remained constant in the evening. Levels of urea increased only in the evening, specially in the pizza group. These results were used for the final biochemistry exam. With the maximum score set as 10, the average score was 6.0 +/- 2.4 (n = 102). We considered this activity a unique way of evaluating important issues on metabolism, because students had several hours to work on the final exam (with free access to a bibliography). It was also a good didactic experience (problem-based learning like) for the subject students, because they had to work in all phases of the experiment (idealization, realization, and analysis) and participated actively in the elaboration and correction of the exam.  相似文献   

Traditional undergraduate science classes often include a laboratory component aimed at enabling the students to experience the classroom topics firsthand. Typically, these experiments are chosen because they have known outcomes that will clearly demonstrate particular aspects of scientific theory. While this approach has its benefits in skill development and concept reinforcement, the lack of novelty inherent in repeating experiments that have been repeated for many years does not accurately convey the feeling of true scientific discovery to the students. In this work, we have designed and implemented a series of experiments into an undergraduate biochemistry curriculum that incorporates the opportunity for scientific discovery, while simultaneously creating an environment for learning routine laboratory techniques. Through this set of experiments, students enrolled in the course were successful in identifying and beginning to characterize an unknown bacterial gene that confers increased tolerance to triclosan on its host.  相似文献   

生物化学不仅是生物类专业的基础课,也是发展最快的前沿课程之一。传统的线下教学模式面对生物化学的繁杂体系暴露出许多问题,通常教学效果不佳。随着互联网技术的发展,“互联网+”教育得到快速发展。慕课与微课等线上课程为许多高校提供了丰富的学习资源,钉钉课堂、腾迅课堂、雨课堂、微信交流平台等线上课程直播,也让学生足不出户就能实现同步学习。线上教学在新冠疫情期间成为全国大中小学院校的主要教学模式,但经过几年的推广,单纯的线上教学在教学效果方面也暴露出诸多问题。为充分发挥线上、线下教学的各自优势,混合式教学成为发展方向。华南农业大学在2019年初开始与智慧树平台合作,建立生物化学的教学慕课,在2020年新冠疫情期间,我校生物化学课程教学采用了“MOOC+线上见面课”的线上混合教学模式。教学反馈结果显示,学生单纯依靠MOOC并不能很好地完成生物化学的学习,但“MOOC+线上见面课”则获得了学生的普遍认可。该教学模式不仅能提高学生的学习兴趣和学习主动性,在一定程度上也能提升教学质量和学习效果,为今后“MOOC+线下课”的应用提供了参考。  相似文献   

基于小波神经网络的图像去噪算法   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
生物医学图像在成像时不可避免地受到噪声影响,因此噪声去除是生物医学图像处理的一项重要研究课题。将小波神经网络引入图像去噪领域中,通过多种技术优化网络学习过程,最终建立一种图像去噪新算法。实验结果表明,该算法在去除噪声上优于传统的中值滤波等方法,并具有较强的鲁棒性;同时能够最大限度地保护图像的细节信息,具有很好的保真度。  相似文献   

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