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Cytokines that are induced by infection may contribute to the initiation of immune responses through their ability to stimulate dendritic cells (DCs). In this paper, we have addressed the role of IL-15 in DC activation, investigating its expression by DCs in response to three different signals of infection and examining its ability to stimulate DCs. We report that the expression of both IL-15 and the IL-15 receptor alpha-chain are increased in splenic DCs from mice inoculated with dsRNA (poly(I:C)), LPS, or IFN-alphabeta, and in purified murine splenic DCs treated with IFN-alphabeta in vitro. Furthermore, IL-15 itself was able to activate DCs, as in vivo or in vitro exposure of splenic DCs to IL-15 resulted in an up-regulation of costimulatory molecules, markedly increased production of IFN-gamma by DC and an enhanced ability of DCs to stimulate Ag-specific CD8(+) T cell proliferation. The magnitude of all of the IL-15-induced changes in DCs was reduced in mice deficient for the IFN-alphabeta receptor, suggesting a role for IFN-alphabeta in the stimulation of DCs by IL-15. These results identify IL-15 as a stimulatory cytokine for DCs with the potential for autocrine activity and link its effects to expression of IFN-alphabeta.  相似文献   

Members of the IFN regulatory factor (IRF) family regulate gene expression critical to immune response, hemopoiesis, and proliferation. Although related by homology at their N-terminal DNA-binding domain, they display individual functional properties. The distinct properties result from differences in regulated expression, response to activating signals, and interaction with DNA regulatory elements. IRF-3 is expressed ubiquitously and is activated by serine phosphorylation in response to viral infection or TLR signaling. Evidence indicates that the kinases TANK-binding kinase 1 and inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase-epsilon specifically phosphorylate and thereby activate IRF-3. We evaluated the contribution of another member of the IRF family, IRF-5, during viral infection since prior studies provided varied results. Analysis of phosphorylation, nuclear translocation, dimerization, binding to CREB-binding protein, recognition of DNA, and induction of gene expression were used comparatively with IRF-3 as a measure of IRF-5 activation. IRF-5 was not activated by viral infection; however, expression of TANK-binding kinase 1 or inhibitor of NF-kappaB kinase-epsilon did provide clear activation of IRF-5. IRF-5 is therefore distinct in its activation profile from IRF-3. However, similar to the biological effects of IRF-3 activation, a constitutively active mutation of IRF-5 promoted apoptosis. The apoptosis was inhibited by expression of Bcl-x(L) but not a dominant-negative mutation of the Fas-associated death domain. These studies support the distinct activation profiles of IRF-3 in comparison to IRF-5, but reveal a potential shared biological effect.  相似文献   

IRF7 is known as the master regulator in virus-triggered induction of type I IFNs (IFN-I). In this study, we identify GBP4 virus-induced protein interacting with IRF7 as a negative regulator for IFN-I response. Overexpression of GBP4 inhibits virus-triggered activation of IRF7-dependent signaling, but has no effect on NF-κB signaling, whereas the knockdown of GBP4 has opposite effects. Furthermore, the supernatant from Sendai virus-infected cells in which GBP4 have been silenced inhibits the replication of vesicular stomatitis virus more efficiently. Competitive coimmunoprecipitation experiments indicate that overexpression of GBP4 disrupts the interactions between TRAF6 and IRF7, resulting in impaired TRAF6-mediated IRF7 ubiquitination. Our results suggest that GBP4 is a negative regulator of virus-triggered IFN-I production, and it is identified as a novel protein targeting IRF7 and inhibiting its function.  相似文献   

Secretion of interferon (IFN) by virus-infected cells is essential for activating autocrine and paracrine pathways that promote cellular transition to an antiviral state. In most mammalian cells, IFN production is initiated by the activation of constitutively expressed IFN regulatory factor 3, IRF3, which in turn leads to the induction of IRF7, the "master regulator" of IFN type I synthesis (alpha/beta IFN). Previous studies established that rotavirus NSP1 antagonizes IFN signaling by inducing IRF3 degradation. In the present study, we have determined that, in comparison to wild-type rotaviruses, rotaviruses encoding defective NSP1 grow to lower titers in some cell lines and that this poor growth phenotype is due to their failure to suppress IFN expression. Furthermore, we provide evidence that rotaviruses encoding wild-type NSP1 subvert IFN signaling by inducing the degradation of not only IRF3, but also IRF7, with both events occurring through proteasome-dependent processes that proceed with similar efficiencies. The capacity of NSP1 to induce IRF7 degradation may allow rotavirus to move across the gut barrier by enabling the virus to replicate in specialized trafficking cells (dendritic cells and macrophages) that constitutively express IRF7. Along with IRF3 and IRF7, NSP1 was found to induce the degradation of IRF5, a factor that upregulates IFN expression and that is involved in triggering apoptosis during viral infection. Our analysis suggests that NSP1 mediates the degradation of IRF3, IRF5, and IRF7 by recognizing a common element of IRF proteins, thereby allowing NSP1 to act as a broad-spectrum antagonist of IRF function.  相似文献   

IL-21 is known to enhance immunoglobulin production using human in vitro models. Using either PBMC or purified tonsilar B cells both stimulated with anti-CD40, IL-4+/-IL-21, this enhancement was shown to correlate with increased cell division especially for IgE and to a lesser extent for IgM and total IgG. Cell division was monitored by CFSE staining and maximum cell division was found at low initial cell plating densities. A correlation between increased cell division and IL-10-mediated enhancement of IgE production was also seen; however, increased cell division plays a smaller role with IL-10 than IL-21. This is further emphasized in that when IL-10 and IL-21 were added together there was a further synergistic increase in IgE seen, but no accompanying further increase in cell division. The mouse system was also examined for IL-21 effects as a function of cell concentration, and as in humans, IL-21 added to murine cells increased IgE production over IL-4/CD40 stimulated cells at lower cell concentrations; however, IL-21 significantly reduced IgE at higher plated cell concentrations.  相似文献   

Cyclic-di-GMP and cyclic-di-AMP are second messengers produced by bacteria and influence bacterial cell survival, differentiation, colonization, biofilm formation, virulence, and bacteria-host interactions. In this study, we show that in both RAW264.7 macrophage cells and primary bone marrow-derived macrophages, the production of IFN-β and IL-6, but not TNF, in response to cyclic-di-AMP and cyclic-di-GMP requires MPYS (also known as STING, MITA, and TMEM173). Furthermore, expression of MPYS was required for IFN response factor 3 but not NF-κB activation in response to these bacterial metabolites. We also confirm that MPYS is required for type I IFN production by cultured macrophages infected with the intracellular pathogens Listeria monocytogenes and Francisella tularensis. However, during systemic infection with either pathogen, MPYS deficiency did not impact bacterial burdens in infected spleens. Serum IFN-β and IL-6 concentrations in the infected control and MPYS(-/-) mice were also similar at 24 h postinfection, suggesting that these pathogens stimulate MPYS-independent cytokine production during in vivo infection. Our findings indicate that bifurcating MPYS-dependent and -independent pathways mediate sensing of cytosolic bacterial infections.  相似文献   

Joo CH  Shin YC  Gack M  Wu L  Levy D  Jung JU 《Journal of virology》2007,81(15):8282-8292
Upon viral infection, the major defense mounted by the host immune system is activation of the interferon (IFN)-mediated antiviral pathway that is mediated by IFN regulatory factors (IRFs). In order to complete their life cycle, viruses must modulate the host IFN-mediated immune response. Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV), a human tumor-inducing herpesvirus, has developed a unique mechanism for antagonizing cellular IFN-mediated antiviral activity by incorporating viral homologs of the cellular IRFs, called vIRFs. Here, we report a novel immune evasion mechanism of KSHV vIRF3 to block cellular IRF7-mediated innate immunity in response to viral infection. KSHV vIRF3 specifically interacts with either the DNA binding domain or the central IRF association domain of IRF7, and this interaction leads to the inhibition of IRF7 DNA binding activity and, therefore, suppression of alpha interferon (IFN-alpha) production and IFN-mediated immunity. Remarkably, the central 40 amino acids of vIRF3, containing the double alpha helix motifs, are sufficient not only for binding to IRF7, but also for inhibiting IRF7 DNA binding activity. Consequently, the expression of the double alpha helix motif-containing peptide effectively suppresses IRF7-mediated IFN-alpha production. This demonstrates a remarkably efficient means of viral avoidance of host antiviral activity.  相似文献   

The cloning and functional characterization of a novel interferon regulatory factor (IRF), IRF-10, are described. IRF-10 is most closely related to IRF-4 but differs in both its constitutive and inducible expression. The expression of IRF-10 is inducible by interferons (IFNs) and by concanavalin A. In contrast to that of other IRFs, the inducible expression of IRF-10 is characterized by delayed kinetics and requires protein synthesis, suggesting a unique role in the later stages of an antiviral defense. Accordingly, IRF-10 is involved in the upregulation of two primary IFN-gamma target genes (major histocompatibility complex [MHC] class I and guanylate-binding protein) and interferes with the induction of the type I IFN target gene for 2',5'-oligo(A) synthetase. IRF-10 binds the interferon-stimulated response element site of the MHC class I promoter. In contrast to that of IRF-1, which has some of the same functional characteristics, the expression of IRF-10 is not cytotoxic for fibroblasts or B cells. The expression of IRF-10 is induced by the oncogene v-rel, the proto-oncogene c-rel, and IRF-4 in a tissue-specific manner. Moreover, v-Rel and IRF-4 synergistically cooperate in the induction of IRF-10 in fibroblasts. The level of IRF-10 induction in lymphoid cell lines by Rel proteins correlates with Rel transformation potential. These results suggest that IRF-10 plays a role in the late stages of an immune defense by regulating the expression some of the IFN-gamma target genes in the absence of a cytotoxic effect. Furthermore, IRF-10 expression is regulated, at least in part, by members of the Rel/NF-kappa B and IRF families.  相似文献   

A Lyt-2+ lymphocyte is responsible for immune interferon (IFN gamma) production in mitogen-stimulated mouse spleen cell cultures. A Lyt-1+ helper cell is required for the induction of IFN gamma. Interleukin 2 (IL 2) can specifically replace the Lyt 1 cell requirement. IL 2 will also abrogate suppressor cell inhibition of IFN gamma production. IFN gamma production appears to be regulated by a dynamic interaction between helper cells (source of IL 2), suppressor cells (absorption of IL 2?) and IFN gammna-producer cells.  相似文献   

Sphingosine analogues display immunosuppressive activities and thus have therapeutic potential in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. In this study, we investigated the effects of the sphingosine analogue AAL-R (FTY720 derivative) on dendritic cell (DC) response upon TLR stimulation. Unlike its known immunosuppressive activity, AAL-R increased TLR7-mediated DC responses by elevating the levels of MHC class I and costimulatory molecules and type I IFN expression and by enhancing the capacity of DCs to induce CD8(+) T cell proliferation. Importantly, the stimulatory activity of AAL-R was dependent on type I IFN signaling, as type I IFN receptor-deficient DCs failed to respond to AAL-R. Also, AAL-R activated p38 MAPK to increase type I IFN synthesis and TLR7-mediated DC maturation. These findings enhance our understanding of sphingosine regulation of the host immune system, in particular upon pathogenic infections.  相似文献   

Dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3 grabbing nonintegrin (DC-SIGN) is a monocyte-derived dendritic cell (MDDC)-specific lectin which participates in dendritic cell (DC) migration and DC-T lymphocyte interactions at the initiation of immune responses and enhances trans-infection of T cells through its HIV gp120-binding ability. The generation of a DC-SIGN-specific mAb has allowed us to determine that the acquisition of DC-SIGN expression during the monocyte-DC differentiation pathway is primarily induced by IL-4, and that GM-CSF cooperates with IL-4 to generate a high level of DC-SIGN mRNA and cell surface expression on immature MDDC. IL-4 was capable of inducing DC-SIGN expression on monocytes without affecting the expression of other MDDC differentiation markers. By contrast, IFN-alpha, IFN-gamma, and TGF-beta were identified as negative regulators of DC-SIGN expression, as they prevented the IL-4-dependent induction of DC-SIGN mRNA on monocytes, and a similar inhibitory effect was exerted by dexamethasone, an inhibitor of the monocyte-MDDC differentiation pathway. The relevance of the inhibitory action of dexamethasone, IFN, and TGF-beta on DC-SIGN expression was emphasized by their ability to inhibit the DC-SIGN-dependent HIV-1 binding to differentiating MDDC. These results demonstrate that DC-SIGN, considered as a MDDC differentiation marker, is a molecule specifically expressed on IL-4-treated monocytes, and whose expression is subjected to a tight regulation by numerous cytokines and growth factors. This feature might help in the development of strategies to modulate the DC-SIGN-dependent cell surface attachment of HIV for therapeutic purposes.  相似文献   

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