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The chemical composition of the investigated gorgonians showed a high level of individual variation and the colonies, according to their major contributors, were assigned to 10 distinct chemical profiles, among which A, C, E, and G were the most abundant ones. From the metabolites identified in the present study, either by means of GC/MS or using NMR techniques after conventional separation procedures, the novel cyclic ether 5,10-epoxymuurolane is found in significant quantities in D and I chemical profiles. Furanotriene, isofuranotriene and furanodiene could be referred as the most common metabolites of the genus, since they are found in 6 out of 10 chemical profiles. Isosericenine is, also, a significant contributor of H and I chemical profiles. A number of sesquiterpene hydrocarbons, such as curzerene, bicyclogermacrene, valencene, beta-bourbonene and beta-elemene, along with the oxygenated sesquiterpenes elemanolide and furoventalene, are present at varying concentrations in the majority of the chemical profiles. Metabolites of high discriminant value are: alpha-himachalene for the K chemical profile, alpha-santalene and its oxygenated derivatives for the G chemical profile and the three geometrical isomers of germacrone for the F chemical profile. Several chemical profiles showed narrow geographic distribution. Most of the chemical profiles are located in the north, while F inhabits mainly southern sites and the others are equally distributed. Finally, 91% of the chemical profiles of the gorgonian colonies appeared to grow in all depths, while 9% did not inhabit deep-water environments. Most chemical profiles are less frequent at higher water depths with the exception of chemical profiles A and C.  相似文献   

Screening of 61 species of Cercospora grown on a potato-agar medium showed the presence of the phytotoxin cercosporin in 24 of them, and of dothistromin in 8. Some strains of C. beticola produce a yellow phytotoxin (CBT). The new metabolites cercosporin esters, ligustrone A, B, C, taiwapyrone, 3-methoxy-2,5,7-trihydroxy-1,4-naphthaquinone, cis-4,6-dihydroxymellein and ( ? )-11-acetyldehydrocurvularin were isolated besides the known cynodontin, ( ? )-dehydrocurvularin, (+ )-mellein and cis-3S,4S-4-hydroxymellein.  相似文献   

Distribution of the genus Leptospira in soil and water   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The distribution of the aerobic spirochetes Leptospira in surface waters, soil, and aquatic animals was investigated. Isolates from water and soil exhibited physiological characteristics common to members of the "biflexa complex," none were capable of infecting experimental animals, and leptospires could not be isolated from the eight genera of aquatic animals examined. The isolation frequencies from surface waters were: stream, 100%; lake, 65%; spring, 28%; bog lake, 5%; and marsh, 0%. With the exception of the stream, more isolations were obtained from the soil adjacent to the water than from the water. Leptospires were most frequently associated with soils of high moisture and organic matter content.  相似文献   

Extracts from plantlets of different species of the genus Drosera, grown as in vitro cultures, were evaluated for the level of phenolic secondary metabolites from the group of naphthoquinones and flavonols. The profiles of natural products in the extracts obtained from different species were monitored by HPLC with UV detection at 260 and 330 nm. On the basis of the data obtained, Drosera binata, the species with the highest amount of plumbagin, was selected for further studies. The most effective method of extraction of quinones was established and the composition of phenolic secondary metabolites in the tissues was determined. For the identification of phenolic compounds, HPLC-UV and HPLC-ESI/MS were applied.  相似文献   

The emergence of wattle wilt disease on non-native Acacia mearnsii trees in Africa, caused by the indigenous fungus Ceratocystis albifundus, has highlighted a need to better understand the diversity, ecology and distribution of Ceratocystis species in natural African environments. In this study we applied phylogenetic inference to identify and characterize isolates of Ceratocystis collected in a natural savanna ecosystem in South Africa. Three new species were recognized and are described as C. cryptoformis sp. nov. in the C. moniliformis complex, as well as C. thulamelensis sp. nov. and C. zambeziensis sp. nov., both residing in the C. fimbriata complex. Incorporating the new species into global phylogenies of Ceratocystis provided insights into the patterns of evolution and biogeography of this group of fungi. Notably, the African continent was identified as an important centre of diversification of Ceratocystis spp., from which several lineages of these fungi were shown to have radiated.  相似文献   

A pair ofYersinia enterocolitica serotype O∶3 strains — incubated in growth medium with 10% NaCl and 2 mM glycin betaine at 4 °C, were used to study the plasmid role in the infection of BALB/c mice. The isogenic plasmid-bearing strain, but not its plasmidless derivative, caused enteric infection and histological changes in intestines, stomach and liver of the mice. Two strainsY. enterocolitica andYersinia pseudotuberculosis were incubated at different temperatures (4 and 25 °C) in media, supplemented with different concentrations of NaCl. Two concentrations of betaine as osmoprotector were tested. The initial strains and their substrains were characterised by protein profiles using sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Results show that in salinity conditions, the presence of osmoprotectant (betaine) as well as the temperature of cultivation plays a great role in the expression of some bacterial proteins. The manner in which the different strains answer to the stress situations is specific for each of them.  相似文献   

Although a series of signaling cascades involved in spatial memory have been identified, their link to spatial memory and strain-dependent expression has not been reported so far. Hippocampal levels of the abovementioned signaling proteins were determined in laboratory inbred strain C57BL/6J, the wild-derived inbred strain PWD/PhJ and the wild caught mouse Apodemus sylvaticus (AS) by immunoblotting. The resulting hippocampal protein levels were correlated with results from MWM. Hippocampal signaling protein (hSP) levels were tested also in yoked controls. Within-strain comparison between trained and yoked controls revealed significant differences between levels of Phospho-CaMKII (alpha), Phospho-CREB, Egr-1, c-Src, Phospho-ERK5, Phospho-MEK5 and NOS1 in all of the three strains tested. In addition, the three strains revealed different involvement of individual hSP levels clearly indicating that individual mouse strains were linked to individual hSPs in spatial memory. Phospho-ERK5 levels were not detectable in hippocampi of yoked controls of each strain. We learn from this study that a series of hSPs are associated with spatial memory and that different hSPs are linked to spatial memory in different strains that show different outcome in the MWM. Even correlational patterns in the individual hSPs differed between mouse strains. This is of importance for the interpretation of previous studies on the abovementioned signaling cascades as well as for the design of future studies on these hippocampal proteins. It is intriguing that individual mouse strains, laboratory or wild caught, may use different signaling pathways for spatial memory in the Morris water maze.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural details of envelope formation are described comparatively for several species of the genus Trachelomonas. The first-formed envelope component in T. oblonga var. punctata Prings. is an external “skin”. Next, a fibrillar layer is produced between the skin and the cell surface. Ferric hydroxide and manganese compounds are precipitated on this inner layer to form a thick envelope, species-specific in size, shape, ornamentation and collar characteristics. The original skin is then lost.

A similar sequence of events occurs during envelope formation in other species, but differences exist in the details of the process and in the texture and complexity of construction of the mature envelopes. T. volvocina Ehrenb. has a fibrillar inner layer and granular precipitation, but produces a complex three-layered envelope with a honeycombed central layer. This is compared with the superficially similar three-layered envelope of an unnamed species from a wild collection, and subtle differences in ultrastructural patterning are discussed. T. pertyi Prings. forms a two-layered spiny envelope, less highly organised than that of T. volvocina. The spiny and porous envelopes of T. hispida (Perty) Stein em. Defl., T. echinata Singh and T. lefevrei Defl. are quite different in texture, being composed of flaky material woven into a spongy matrix. The presence of large amounts of iron in the mature envelopes of all the species under study was confirmed by microanalysis in the electron microscope using X-ray spectroscopy.

Details of envelope ultrastructure are discussed in relation to taxonomy, cell metabolism, the problem of why Trachelomonas cells form envelopes when those of other euglenoid genera do not, and the problem of cell control of species-specificity of envelope characters. Electron microscopy has added considerably to our knowledge of the structural details of trachelomonad envelope formation, but it has been less successful in helping to elucidate some of the enigmas associated with this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The examination of lid development in drupes which represent four sections of the genus Potamogeton is presented. Lids are present in all the studied fruitlets. The lid is an atypical structure for drupes. There are interspecific differences in the shape of the mature dehiscence layers of the lids. The dehiscence layers develop centrifugally in the Potamogeton pericarps. The Potamogeton fruitlets open by the pressure developed from the germinating embryo. The splitting of the pericarp takes place through two regions of mechanically weak layers with small pectin rich walled cells. The fruitlet opening mechanisms in the different Potamogeton sections are similar.  相似文献   

Distribution and conservation of mobile elements in the genus Drosophila   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
Essentially nothing is known of the origin, mode of transmission, and evolution of mobile elements within the genus Drosophila. To better understand the evolutionary history of these mobile elements, we examined the distribution and conservation of homologues to the P, I, gypsy, copia, and F elements in 34 Drosophila species from three subgenera. Probes specific for each element were prepared from D. melanogaster and hybridized to genomic DNA. Filters were washed under conditions of increasing stringency to estimate the similarity between D. melanogaster sequences and their homologues in other species. The I element homologues show the most limited distribution of all elements tested, being restricted to the melanogaster species group. The P elements are found in many members of the subgenus Sophophora but, with the notable exception of D. nasuta, are not found in the other two subgenera. Copia-, gypsy-, and F-element homologues are widespread in the genus, but their similarity to the D. melanogaster probe differs markedly between species. The distribution of copia and P elements and the conservation of the gypsy and P elements is inconsistent with a model that postulates a single ancient origin for each type of element followed by mating-dependent transmission. The data can be explained by horizontal transmission of mobile elements between reproductively isolated species.   相似文献   

Cerato-platanin (CP) is a protein produced by Ceratocystis platani, the causal agent of canker stain disease of plane trees. CP is the first member of the 'cerato-platanin family', and its role as a pathogen-associated molecular pattern (PAMP), inducing defence responses both in host and nonhost plants, is established. However, the primary role of CP and its homologues in the fungal life remains unknown. In the present work, we investigated the regulation of the cp gene during the in vitro growth of C. platani in different conditions and under the effect of potential stress factors. Fungal growth and conidiogenesis were also analysed. Results showed that cp is a single-copy gene whose expression level is strictly associated with hyphal growth and with chlamydospores formation. The analysis of a 1368 bp 5'-flanking region revealed putative motifs that could be involved in the regulation of gene expression in response to stress and developmental cues. Taking into account the localization of CP in the fungal cell wall and the recently published 3D structure of the protein, our results support a role for CP in growth and developmental processes of C. platani.  相似文献   

In this study, ethyl acetate and aqueous fractions from 117 collections of Australian macrofungi belonging to the mushroom genus Cortinarius were screened for antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Overall, the lipophilic fractions were more active than the aqueous fractions. The ethyl acetate fractions of most or all collections of 13 species, namely Cortinarius ardesiacus, C. archeri, C. austrosaginus, C. austrovenetus, C. austroviolaceus, C. coelopus, C. [Dermocybe canaria]2, C. clelandii, C. [D. kula], C. memoria-annae, C. persplendidus, C. sinapicolor, C. vinosipes and forty seven collections of un-described Cortinarius species exhibited IC50 values of ?0.09 mg/mL against S. aureus. In contrast, most or all collections of only four species, namely C. abnormis, C. austroalbidus, C. [D. kula], C. persplendidus, and eleven un-described Cortinarius collections exhibited similar effects against P. aeruginosa (IC50 ? 0.09 mg/mL). Anthraquinonoid pigments isolated from C. basirubescens together with emodin physcion and erythrogluacin were assessed for their antimicrobial activity. The fungal octaketides austrocortilutein, austrocortirubin, torosachrysone, physcion and emodin were found to strongly inhibit the growth of S. aureus (IC50 0.7–12 μg/mL) whereas only physcion and emodin exhibited potency against P. aeruginosa (IC50 1.5 and 2.0 μg/mL, respectively).  相似文献   

木霉是一类具有重要生防价值的丝状真菌。文中首先对分离自浙江省绍兴市和广东省佛山市共12株棘孢木霉Trichoderma asperellum进行平板拮抗评价,然后采用顶空固相微萃取气质联用法(HS-SPME-GC-MS)检测拮抗性较好的两株菌的挥发性次级代谢产物。结果表明,棘孢木霉ZJSX5003和GDFS1009菌丝生长迅速,对尖孢镰孢菌Fusariumoxysporum抑制率分别达73%和74%。挥发性次级代谢产物主要是醇类和酮类,其中包含异丁醇、异戊醇、3-甲基-3-丁烯-1-醇、3-羟基-2-丁酮、2,3-丁二醇和6-正戊基-2H-吡喃-2-酮(6-PAP)。进一步通过体外抑菌试验,证实6-PAP具有较好的抑制尖孢镰孢菌的效果,为开发以木霉菌代谢产物如6-PAP为主要成分的生防制剂提供指导。  相似文献   

Qualitative and quantitative differences in the urinary excretion of volatile and acidic metabolites in germfree and conventional rats were examined by capillary gas chromatography and gas chromatography/mass spectrometry. A number of carbonyl compounds, including several short-chain aliphatic ketones and acetophenone, were higher in the conventional urines, while many heterocyclic compounds (furan derivatives, benzothiazole and others) were lower. Both qualitative and quantitative differences were observed in the urinary excretion of acidic metabolites. Three meta-hydroxy phenolic acids appeared only in the conventional rat urines, while levels of many other aromatic and aliphatic acids were also higher.  相似文献   

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