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报道了云南省野生象牙参属植物的种类、分布、观赏特性及园林应用,并提出了开发建议.  相似文献   

目的:研究中国象牙参属植物种类分布及药用资源,探讨它们的分布特点及其药用价值.方法:通过野外调查,标本采集鉴定,馆藏植物标本的查阅和文献资料的整理进行研究.鲒果:中国象牙参属植物有14种3变种,其中有8种作为藏药和民间草药使用,具有补肺定喘,治咳嗽哮喘或温中散寒、止痛消食等功效等功效.结论:我国西南地区象牙参属药用植物资源丰富,值得进一步开发利用.  相似文献   

蜜腺是有花植物与传粉昆虫构建互惠关系的关键花部结构,解析不同繁殖特性物种间蜜腺结构的差异可为理解有花植物繁殖特性的演化提供理论依据。以传粉系统高度特化、异交实现有性生殖的早花象牙参(Roscoea cautleoides)和缺乏有效传粉者、主动自交实现有性生殖的无柄象牙参(R. schneideriana)为材料,通过野外测量2个物种蜜腺特性、超景深显微镜观察和石蜡切片染色,探究早花象牙参与无柄象牙参在蜜腺分布位置、外部形态及内部结构的异同。结果表明:2个物种均具有结构蜜腺,从外部形态来看,早花象牙参蜜腺体积较大、分泌糖浓度较高的花蜜,而无柄象牙参蜜腺体积较小、无花蜜分泌;从内部结构来看,早花象牙参蜜腺结构特化、各个组成部分有明显的区分,而无柄象牙参蜜腺出现一定程度的退化。该研究结果为揭示早花象牙参与无柄象牙参在花部特征、传粉机制及繁育系统的差异以及无柄象牙参蜜腺无花蜜分泌的可能机理提供了重要的形态学依据,也为深入地探讨植物与传粉动物间的协同进化关系以及理解蜜腺多样性的起源与维持机制奠定了科学基础。  相似文献   

植物有性杂交技术是开展植物杂交育种和遗传学实验分析的重要手段。目前,这一基本实验技术在很多高校教学中缺乏相关的实验内容。以双子叶模式植物拟南芥为实验材料,设计适合本科教学的实验课程。该课程从材料准备、操作步骤和F1代杂合植株鉴定详细介绍植物杂交技术。本实验教学设计将为广大农林院校本科生学习、掌握基础实验技能、丰富高校生物学实验课程提供重要参考。  相似文献   

差减抑制杂交技术在医学研究中应用较多,而在植物研究中的应用较少,近几年有所增加。本文介绍了目前差减抑制杂交技术在植物发育、逆境胁迫或人为诱导条件下差异基因表达以及不同组织中差异基因表达和突变等研究方面的应用。随着研究的不断深入,差减抑制杂交技术将在植物新基因的发现和克隆中发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

探讨种间传粉在杜鹃花属自然杂交物种形成中的作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
自然杂交是物种形成的一个途径, 在植物进化中起着重要的作用。自然杂交主要通过种间的基因交流, 花粉传递则是基因交流的主要途径。马缨花(Rhododendron delavayi)、大白花杜鹃(R. decorum)、迷人杜鹃(R. agastum)和露珠杜鹃(R. irroratum)是在云南广泛分布的杜鹃花种类, 马缨花与大白花杜鹃形态上区别明显, 而它们的可能杂交种迷人杜鹃和露珠杜鹃在形态上基本介于二者之间。本文对这4种杜鹃花的开花物候和访花昆虫的种类进行了观察,并进行了其繁育系统和种子萌发的实验。我们发现马缨花的花期从3月初至5月底, 迷人杜鹃与露珠杜鹃花期基本一致, 为3月初至4月初, 二者同大白花杜鹃基本不存在花期重叠, 大白花杜鹃的花期为4月中旬至5月底。4种杜鹃花的开花期不同年份稍有变化, 其单花开花周期都在一周以上。4种杜鹃花的传粉昆虫虽然种类和数量上有所不同, 但都以膜翅目和双翅目昆虫为主, 中华蜜蜂(Apis cerana cerana)是其共有的传粉昆虫。繁育系统研究发现, 除露珠杜鹃外, 其余3种自花不育, 而种间杂交不存在任何生殖障碍, 可以产生萌发率很高的种子。通过分析4种杜鹃花开花物候重叠、共有传粉昆虫及种间杂交可育等现象, 探讨了传粉昆虫和异花授粉的机制在自然杂交物种形成中的作用及杂交种的适应能力。  相似文献   

随机引物PCR技术在个体认定及亲权鉴定中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随机引物PCR技术(AP-PCR)检测人DNA指纹图用于法医学个体认定及亲权鉴定是一个非常有效和经济的方法。应用该技术对100例无关个体AP-PCR的DNA指纹进行分析和10个肯定亲生关系的家庭进行亲权鉴定,结果该技术的个体识别力非常高,亲权鉴定时的非父排除率也很高,且操作简便、快速,是一个值得推广的方法。  相似文献   

抑制消减杂交技术及其在植物基因表达研究中的应用   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
抑制消减杂交技术以其低假阳性率、高灵敏度等优点,越来越多地应用于植物不同发育阶段、植物突变体、不同外界因素即非生物因素和生物因素造成植物基因差异表达的研究。文章就此领域的研究进展作介绍。  相似文献   

个体身份确认是自然灾害、空难、爆炸、火灾、交通事故等事(案)件处置中的一项重要工作。利用稳定同位素分布的地域差异性对个体进行溯源,可以为个体身份确认提供重要信息。本文简要介绍了稳定同位素技术原理,系统阐述了用于个体溯源的元素类型和不同人体组织中稳定同位素蕴含的特征信息,并对该技术在个体溯源中的应用现状、存在问题以及未来发展进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

核酸杂交技术在植物类菌质体病害研究中的应用进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
田国忠   《微生物学通报》1991,18(5):295-298

Natural hybridization is very common in plants, and plays an important role in plant evolution. Besides the traditional methods including morphological analysis and hand crossing, molecular evidence is needed for studying natural hybridization.In order to analyze natural hybridization in Roscoea,HAT-RAPD technique was used toidentify putative hybrids from parental species by principal co ordinate analysis and hybrid index. The results indicated that the bands amplified by HAT-RAPD technique were more stable and reliable than that of RAPD. The result of principal co ordinate analysis and hybrid index showed that intermediate individuals were the hybrids of R.humeana and R.cautleoides, and showed closer relationships to R.humeana. These results suggested that HAT-RAPD could be used to study natural hybridization. As it is simple and easy to manipulate, HAT RAPD may prove to be a very effective technique in hybrid identification in the studies of plant evolution.  相似文献   

Species delimitation is a key foundation for exploring biodiversity. However, the existence of continuous phenotypic variation in widespread species challenges accurate species delimitation based on classical taxonomy. In this study, we investigated the cryptic diversity of a widespread herb (Roscoea tibetica Batalin) in a biodiversity hotspot (the Hengduan Mountains, China) using genotyping by sequencing, examining morphological traits, developing species distribution models, and simulating demographic history. Phylogenomic reconstruction, principal component analysis, and genetic structure inferences indicated that previously reported R. tibetica comprised two monophyletic lineages with a deep divergence. Several morphological diagnostic characteristics were discovered from field and common garden that corresponded to these independent evolutionary lineages. Species distribution models illustrated significant ecological divergence between both lineages. All evidence strongly supported that R. tibetica, as described in previous taxonomy, actually comprises two distinct species. Model test of gene flow and effective population size changes in fastsimcoal2, and a negative Tajima's D-value suggested that recent contact likely occurred between the two lineages. Our results proposed that cryptic diversity in previously reported R. tibetica was possibly associated with phenotypic plasticity in heterogeneous environments and morphological convergence in similar habitats. This study suggests that caution should be exercised when attempting to gain biological insight into species with large-scale morphological variation, and species delimitation should be done in advance.  相似文献   

Roscoea cangshanensis M. H. Luo, X. F. Gao & H. H. Lin, a new species of the Zingiberaceae from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated. The new species is related to R. forrestii Cowley in habit, but differs in having 2-lobed labellum, each lobe 2-lobulate, base narrowed to a stalk with white lines, and narrower leaf blade, (2–)7–24×1.5–2.5 cm, with base narrow to petiole-like. The new species is also similar to R. debilis Gagnep. in having leaf base narrow to petiole-like, labellum obovate-cuneate, 2.5–3.5×2.5–3.0 cm, with white lines at throat, but differs in having bracts non-tubular, shorter, 5–15 mm long, concealed in leaf sheaths, corolla tubes longer, 10–12.5 cm long, labellum 2-lobed with each lobe further 2-lobulate.  相似文献   

DNA barcoding is a useful tool to define operational taxonomic units based on standardized DNA regions. In this study, three chloroplast markers (rbcL, trnH-psbA and matK) and one nrDNA marker (ITS) were tested for species identification in Roscoea. The ITS and trnH-psbA regions showed high success rate of PCR amplification and bidirectional sequencing, as well as perfect discriminatory ability. On the contrary, rbcL possessed no genetic variation and matK was relatively difficult in PCR amplification and DNA sequencing. Combination of multiple markers greatly improved identification ability of DNA barcoding. ITS + trnH-psbA could effectively discriminate 90% species based on method of the Neighbor-Joining (NJ) tree. Awful PCR amplification and DNA sequencing of matK restricted its efficiency, although it showed rich genetic variability in Roscoea. Moreover, it might be more appropriate to treat Roscoea cautleoides var. pubescens as an independent species based on molecular data, namely R. pubescens Z. Y. Zhu.  相似文献   

The present study determined the prevalence and distribution of gastrointestinal helminths in domestic chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus) between November 2012 and August 2013. One hundred and twenty domestic chickens were purchased from villages in four districts of Phayao province; Mae Chai, Dok Khamtai, Chun and Chiang Kham. Morphological differences were used to identify the helminth species, and HAT-RAPD technique was used to differentiate among closely related species. The results revealed that the total prevalence of infection was 99.2%. Cestode and nematode infections showed the highest prevalence in rainy season, while trematode infections were low and only found in hot season. The species and their prevalence were: Ascaridia galli (50.8%), Heterakis gallinarum (86.7%), Prosthogonimus macrorchis (1.7%), Echinostoma revolutum (0.8%), Raillietina echinobothrida (48.3%), Raillietina tetragona (57.5%), Raillietina cesticillus (12.5%), Raillietina sp. (35.8%), Cotugnia chiangmaii (14.2%) and Cotugnia sp. (32.5%). The prevalence of helminth infections did not differ significantly between male and female chickens. HAT-RAPD analysis, the specific fragment of 400 and 250 bp indicated that Raillietina sp. and Cotugnia sp. found, respectively, differ from other closely related species. This study has confirmed that HAT-RAPD technique can be used to differentiate among related species combined with morphological observations.  相似文献   

Three types of intermediate morphological individuals were found in the sympatric distribution areas of Ligularia vellerea and Lsubspicata. These intermediate individuals were hypothesized to be the hybrids of these two species based on the detailed comparison of their morphological characters. To test this hypothesis, we compared the DNA sequence of Lvellerea, Lsubspicata and the intermediate individuals by using the internal transcribed spacer region of nuclear ribosomal and atpB rbcL intergenic spacer region of the chloroplast. Direct sequencing of ITS clearly had additives and then cloned sequencing cloned out two kinds of sequences that were identical to those putative parental species, thus these putative hybrids were approved. With different morphological characters among three types, their plastid donors were all Lsubspicata according to the maternal sequences of atpB rbcL.  相似文献   

The rumen flukes of 37 cows (Bos indicus) from Chiang Mai and Lamphun provinces were investigated, and the overall prevalence of infection was 78.38% (29/37). Three species were found: Paramphistomum epiclitum, Orthocoelium streptocoelium, and Fischoederius elongatus with prevalences of infection of 75.68%, 48.65%, and 40.54%, respectively. Genomic DNA was amplified by polymerase chain reaction based on the high annealing temperature-random amplification of polymorphic DNA (HAT-RAPD) technique. Five random 10-mer oligonucleotide primers (OPA2, OPA4, OPB18, OPC9, and OPH11) produced distinct banding patterns in three species. No genetic variations in these three species were identified using 10 arbitary primers.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Delayed selfing is the predominant mode of autonomous self-pollination in flowering plants. However, few delayed selfing mechanisms have been documented. This research aims to explore a new delayed selfing mechanism induced by stigmatic fluid in Roscoea debilis, a small perennial ginger.


Floral biology and flower visitors were surveyed. The capacity of autonomous selfing was evaluated by pollinator exclusion. The timing of autonomous selfing was estimated by emasculation at different flowering stages. The number of seeds produced from insect-pollination was assessed by emasculation and exposure to pollinators in the natural population. The breeding system was also tested by pollination manipulations.

Key Results

Autonomous self-pollination occurred after flowers wilted. The stigmatic fluid formed a globule on the stigma on the third day of flowering. The enlarged globule seeped into the nearby pollen grains on the fourth flowering day, thus inducing pollen germination. Pollen tubes then elongated and penetrated the stigma. Hand-selfed flowers produced as many seeds as hand-crossed flowers. There was no significant difference in seed production between pollinator-excluded flowers and hand-selfed flowers. When emasculated flowers were exposed to pollinators, they produced significantly fewer seeds than intact flowers. Visits by effective pollinators were rare.


This study describes a new form of delayed autonomous self-pollination. As the predominant mechanism of sexual reproduction in R. debilis, delayed self-pollination ensures reproduction when pollinators are scarce.  相似文献   

Floral organs are widely believed to enhance the pollination and reproductive success of angiosperms. However, the functional implication of some floral structures is still unknown. In this study, we explored the functional role of staminal appendages on male and female reproductive success of Himalayan Roscoea spp. and tested if their function differed between species with biotic pollination and autonomous selfing. Phenotypic manipulation is a powerful approach to test the functional effect of a particular trait on plant fitness. We compared various proxies of pollination success between intact flowers and flowers with manually excised staminal appendages. We found that the rate of visitation did not differ between intact and manipulated flowers. Our results revealed that in outcrossing Roscoea spp., the staminal appendages act as triggering devices to facilitate pollen release and deposition and also to manipulate the foraging position of pollinators to ensure both male and female reproductive success. In contrast, in autonomously selfing Roscoea spp., the removal of staminal appendages did not affect any aspect of pollination processes. Our results suggest that the staminal appendages are an integral component of outcrossing in Roscoea spp. and are maintained by selection pressure through both male and female reproductive success. This study provides important insights on how variation in breeding systems can provoke changes in the structure and function of floral organs among congeners.  相似文献   

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