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Published sequence data of MHC genes, cDNAs and MHC products were analyzed for their sequence homologies. Alignment statistics revealed that class I gene products consist of four mutually homologous domains, and that class II beta gene products is composed of three mutually homologous domains. Not only extracellular domains but also newly discovered C-terminal shorter domains of class I and class II beta gene products were found to have evolved from a one-domain-long beta 2-microglobulin-like protein by repeated exon duplications and splittings.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study the genetic basis of histocompatibility antigens encoded by the mouse minor histocompatibility (H) locusH-3. Both class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) and class II MHC-restricted helper T cells (TH) specific for antigens encoded by genes within theH-3 locus were isolated and analyzed. Typing a number of mouse strains for expression of antigens recognized by these TH and CTL suggested that there was a different strain distribution pattern of expression of the antigens recognized by TH compared with those recognized by CTL. Separation of the genes whose products stimulate TH from those whose products stimulate CTL was suggested by: (1) analysis of the strain B10.FS(92NX)/Grf that has undergone recombination within theH-3 region; (2) genetic segregation studies of (B10.UW-H-3 b/Sn×C57BL/10Sn)F2 mice; and (3) F1 complementation studies in which CTL specific for products of the TH-defined gene(s) could not be detected, even in the absence of immune responses to products of the CTL-defined genes. Taken together, these data suggest that in addition to two genes (B2m andCd-1) within theH-3 region whose products typically stimulate class I MHC-restricted CTL, there is at least one additional gene whose product selectively stimulates class II MHC-restricted TH. This new gene is located telomeric from the CTL-defined genes and between the lociwe andun on chromosome 2. These data demonstrate a novel degree of complexity of theH-3 “locus” and suggest selective presentation of minor H gene products in the context of class I or class II MHC proteins.  相似文献   

Hybrid human-murine major histocompatibility antigens have been constructed and expressed on the surface of both human RD and murine L cell lines after DNA mediated gene transfer. These antigens linked the polymorphic domains (alpha 1 and alpha 2) of H-2Kb and the carboxy-terminal domains (alpha 3, transmembrane, and intracellular) of HLA-A2. Previously we demonstrated that these antigens were serologically intact and were recognized by allospecific cytolytic T lymphocytes. However, the cell lines expressing the hybrid antigen were less well lysed than the native H-2Kb expressing cell lines. In this study, we extend these observations and demonstrate that virally restricted cytolytic T lymphocytes specific for vesicular stomatitis virus and for Sendai virus can recognize cell lines expressing the hybrid antigen, whether expressed on murine (L cell) or human (RD cell) lines. Furthermore, the data show a profound influence by the carboxy-terminal domains upon the polymorphic T-cell restricting epitopes.  相似文献   

Presentation of antigenic peptides by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules on the surface of antigen-presenting cells is an effective extracellular representation of the intracellular antigen content. The intracellular proteasome-dependent proteolytic machinery is required for generating MHC class I-presented peptides. These peptides appear to be derived mainly from newly synthesized defective ribosomal products, ensuring a rapid cytotoxic T lymphocyte-mediated immune response against infectious pathogens. Here we discuss the generation of MHC class I antigens on the basis of the currently understood molecular, biochemical and cellular mechanisms.  相似文献   

IFN-gamma is an immunomodulatory agent which is known to induce or enhance the expression of class II histocompatibility Ag (Ia Ag) on many lymphoid cells and cell lines of diverse origin. However, we have observed that IFN-gamma did not induce the expression of Ia Ag on Ia- human T cell lines. Neither did IFN-gamma enhance the expression of Ia Ag on Ia+ T cells. However, IFN-gamma was able to enhance the expression of class I histocompatibility Ag (HLA-A,B,C Ag) on a number of the T cell lines tested. Experiments with 125I-labeled IFN-gamma showed a relatively small degree of specific binding to these T cell lines. More extensive studies on two of the T cell lines demonstrated 1000 and 2600 IFN-gamma binding receptor sites/cell and binding affinities of 4.0 X 10(-10) M and 7.3 X 10(-10) M. Thus, although IFN-gamma can bind to human T cell lines and enhance class I histocompatibility Ag on these cells, IFN-gamma alone does not appear to regulate expression of class II histocompatibility Ag on T cell lines.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that the H-2K and H-2D transplantation antigens are expressed differentially in different tissues of mouse. Our previous investigations also established that in thioglycolate-stimulated peritoneal macrophages the H-2Dk antigen exists in distinct cell surface and intracellular forms. These two forms are glycosylated differently. In this report, we have found that (1) H-2Dk antigen is phosphorylated whereas H-2Kk antigen is not, and (2) only the cell surface form of H-2Dk antigen is phosphorylated in thioglycolate-stimulated macrophages derived from C3H/Heha mice. This differential phosphorylation of H-2 antigens will provide a model system for further studies on the molecular mechanism and function of phosphrrylation of H-2 antigens.  相似文献   

Although class II antigens encoded by genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) are important as recognition structures for immunoregulatory cell interactions, the precise functional role of these molecules in the biological responses of B lymphocytes is unknown. In the studies described here, we have examined the effects of six monoclonal antibodies reactive with human class II MHC antigens on B cell activation and proliferation. Peripheral blood IgM+ B cells purified by fluorescence-activated cell sorter (FACS) techniques were stimulated with anti-mu antibodies, protein A-bearing Staphylococcus aureus (SAC), or in T cell-dependent activation cultures. The B cell proliferative responses induced by these stimuli were inhibited 68 to 90% by low concentrations (1 to 5 micrograms/ml) of antibodies reactive with class II MHC antigens. Antibodies specific for DR and DQ antigens were both effective inhibitors of B cell proliferation. This inhibition was not due to the binding of antibody to B cell Fc-IgG receptors, because IgM and IgG anti-class II antibodies were equally potent as inhibitors. When responses of B cells fractionated on the basis of cell size by forward angle light scatter were analyzed, anti-DR and anti-DQ antibodies inhibited the proliferation of small, resting IgM+ cells induced by T-independent as well as T-dependent stimuli. Activation-dependent increases in B cell size and RNA synthesis were similarly inhibited. In contrast, the responses of large B cells (that had been preactivated in vivo) to T cell-derived B cell growth factors were not affected by anti-class II antibodies. These data suggest that class II MHC molecules do not serve merely as cellular interaction structures but also directly participate in early events of the B cell activation cascade that precede cell enlargement or increased RNA synthesis. After activation and expression of receptors for growth factors, however, B cell class II MHC antigens no longer mediate signals required for mitogenesis.  相似文献   

Products of rabbitRLA-11 histocompatibility genes were isolated from rabbit lymphoid tumor cells (RL-5) and characterized. The tumor cells were grown in culture with radioactive amino acids and were lysed by treatment with the detergent NP-40. Glycoprotein molecules were isolated by affinity chromatography using immobilized lentil lectin. Chromatography on purified sheep anti-rabbit beta-2-microglobulin yielded a 43,000 dalton glycoprotein fraction, designated RLA-11gp, which was noncovalently associated with beta-2-microglobulin. N-terminal amino acid sequence analysis using radiochemical methods allowed assignment of 28 of the N-terminal 35 residues. The data revealed 89% homology of the RLA-11gp N-terminus with that of the human HLA-B7 and 82% with the mouse H-2Kb histocompatibility antigens. Comparison of the RLA-11 gp N-terminal sequence data obtained in this work to sequence data reported for major histocompatibility complex antigens of other species revealed no amino acid substitutions unique to the rabbit antigens.  相似文献   

Previous studies of cattle MHC have suggested the presence of at least four classical class I loci. Analysis of haplotypes showed that any combination of one, two or three genes may be expressed, although no gene is expressed consistently. The aim of this study was to examine the evolutionary relationships among these genes and to study their phylogenetic history in Cetartiodactyl species, including cattle and their close relatives. A secondary aim was to determine whether recombination had occurred between any of the genes. MHC class I data sets were generated from published sequences or by polymerase chain reaction from cDNA. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that MHC class I sequences from Cetartiodactyl species closely related to cattle were distributed among the main cattle gene "groups", while those from more distantly related species were either scattered (sheep, deer) or clustered in a species-specific manner (sitatunga, giraffe). A comparison between gene and species trees showed a poor match, indicating that divergence of the MHC sequences had occurred independently from that of the hosts from which they were obtained. We also found two clear instances of interlocus recombination among the cattle MHC sequences. Finally, positive natural selection was documented at positions throughout the alpha 1 and 2 domains, primarily on those amino acids directly involved in peptide binding, although two positions in the alpha 3 domain, a region generally conserved in other species, were also shown to be undergoing adaptive evolution.  相似文献   

An automatic protein design procedure was used to compute amino acid sequences of peptides likely to bind the HLA-A2 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I allele. The only information used by the procedure are a structural template, a rotamer library, and a well established classical empirical force field. The calculations are performed on six different templates from x-ray structures of HLA-A0201-peptide complexes. Each template consists of the bound peptide backbone and the full atomic coordinates of the MHC protein. Sequences within 2 kcal/mol of the minimum energy sequence are computed for each template, and the sequences from all the templates are combined and ranked by their energies. The five lowest energy peptide sequences and five other low energy sequences re-ranked on the basis of their similarity to peptides known to bind the same MHC allele are chemically synthesized and tested for their ability to bind and form stable complexes with the HLA-A2 molecule. The most efficient binders are also tested for inhibition of the T cell receptor recognition of two known CD8(+) T effectors. Results show that all 10 peptides bind the expected MHC protein. The six strongest binders also form stable HLA-A2-peptide complexes, albeit to varying degrees, and three peptides display significant inhibition of CD8(+) T cell recognition. These results are rationalized in light of our knowledge of the three-dimensional structures of the HLA-A2-peptide and HLA-A2-peptide-T cell receptor complexes.  相似文献   

Class I-like molecules have been immunoprecipitated from Xenopus leukocytes and erythrocytes with alloantisera directed against major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-linked antigens. The heavy chains, depending on the allele examined, have molecular weights of 40 000–44 000 of which 3000 daltons are asparagine-linked carbohydrates, probably present as one N-linked glycan. The presumed analogue of 2-microglobulin has a molecular weight of 13 000 and bears no asparagine-linked glycans. Family studies show that the heavy chains are encoded by genes residing in or closely linked to the MHC.Abbreviations used in this paper MHC major histocompatibility complex - CML cell-mediated lympholysis - MLR mixed leukocyte reaction - APBS amphibian phosphate-buffered saline - kd kilodalton - LG Xenopus laevisXenopus gilli species hybrids - IEF isoelectric focusing Founded and supported by F. Hoffmann-La Roche & Co., Limited Company, CH-4005 Basel, Switzerland.  相似文献   

The polymerase chain reaction was used to isolate clones with class I major histocompatibility complex sequences from fish (carp), amphibian (axolotl), and two species of reptile (lizard and snake). The lizard and snake clones were used to isolate class I cDNA clones. All the sequence showed the expected evolutionary relatedness. The carp and axolotl clones and one lizard cDNA clone lacked the first systeine in the 3 domain which in other class I heavy chains forms an intradomain disulfide bond. A small number of amino acid residues are conserved in the class I heavy chain sequences from all five classes of vertebrates. In the first two domains they are symmetrically clustered and contribute to intra-and interdomain contacts. None of these invariant residues are at peptide-binding, T-cell receptor-interacting, or CD8-binding positions.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession numbers: A2, M81089; C4,M8109 M81092; S1, M81093; LC1, M81094; LC5, M81095; LC13, M81096; LC25, M81097; LC27, M81098; SCI, M81099; SC2, M81100.  相似文献   

Utilizing a 'sandwich' ELISA assay we have been able to demonstrate that mAb W6/32, B1G6 and IL-A19 are reactive with three different monomorphic determinants on bovine class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Sequential immunoprecipitations performed with the mAb revealed that class I molecules on PBM comprise a single population with respect to reactivity with the mAb in that the beta 2m-associated proteins bear all three epitopes. By contrast, TCGF-driven lymphoblasts and cells transformed by Theileria parva (Tp) additionally express molecules of Mr 45000 bound to beta 2m which are recognized by mAb B1G6 and IL-A19 but not by W6/32. These two subclasses of molecules were further distinguished on the basis that, when tunicamycin was added to cultures in the preparation of cells for analysis, mAb W6/32 precipitated class I heavy chains of Mr 39000 while the extra molecules detected only by mAb B1G6 and IL-A19 were of Mr 37000 and 39000. On thymocytes, the mAb W6/32-non-reactive class I molecules are present in low amounts and are expressed by cells in the medulla area, unlike BoT1 (analogous to human CD1) molecules which are expressed by the cortical cells. Our studies also revealed that the supposed beta 2m-specific mAb B1G6 does not recognize the beta 2m-associated molecules (BoT1) precipitated by mAb TH97A and thus the specificity of mAb B1G6 in cattle is for an epitope on bovine beta 2m which is strongly influenced by the nature of the heavy chain with which the beta 2m is associated.  相似文献   

Summary. Utilizing a 'sandwich' ELISA assay we have been able to demonstrate that mAb W6/32, B1G6 and IL-A19 are reactive with three different monomorphic determinants on bovine class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules. Sequential immunoprecipitations performed with the mAb revealed that class I molecules on PBM comprise a single population with respect to reactivity with the mAb in that the β2m-associated proteins bear all three epitopes. By contrast, TCGF-driven lymphoblasts and cells transformed by Theileria parva (Tp) additionally express molecules of Mr 45000 bound to β2m which are recognized by mAb B1G6 and IL-A19 but not by W6/32. These two subclasses of molecules were further distinguished on the basis that, when tunicamycin was added to cultures in the preparation of cells for analysis, mAb W6/32 precipitated class I heavy chains of Mr 39000 while the extra molecules detected only by mAb B1G6 and IL-A19 were of Mr 37000 and 39000. On thymocytes, the mAb W6/32-non-reactive class I molecules are present in low amounts and are expressed by cells in the medulla area, unlike BoT1 (analogous to human CD1) molecules which are expressed by the cortical cells. Our studies also revealed that the supposed β2m-specific mAb B1G6 does not recognize the β2m-associated molecules (BoT1) precipitated by mAb TH97A and thus the specificity of mAb B1G6 in cattle is for an epitope on bovine β2m which is strongly influenced by the nature of the heavy chain with which the β2m is associated.  相似文献   

The antigens stimulating the autologous mixed-lymphocyte reactions (AMLR) were studied in experiments employing specific blocking antisera and through panels of secondary stimulating cells differing in the MHC. Antisera directed to the entire I region, I-A, I-EC, or A?Eα were all effective in blocking the primary AMLR. A principal role for those determinants encoded in I-A was indicated by secondary stimulation experiments. In secondary cultures, I-EC encoded determinants generated weaker responses in the absence of I-A homology.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that activated murine T lymphocytes express intracellular vesicles containing the class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) antigen H-2K. Evidence has also been provided that such vesicles may be part of a cellular pathway of spontaneous H-2K antigen internalization and recycling, which is specific to T-lymphoid cells. Dual fluorescence flow cytometry has now been used to establish that H-2K antigen is acidified upon internalization in concanavalin A-stimulated but not lipopolysaccharide-stimulated murine splenocytes, thus providing further support that in T lymphoblasts this class I MHC antigen may travel intracellular routes similar to those reported for other cell surface receptors.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies and alloantisera were used in an indirect immunohistochemical assay to determine the expression of class I and class II Major Histocompatibility Complex (MHC) antigens by equine placental cells and the endometrial tissues at the fetal-maternal interface. MHC class I antigens were expressed at high density on the surface of the trophoblast cells of the chorionic girdle at days 32-36, just prior to their invasion of the endometrium. The mature gonadotrophin-secreting cells of the endometrial cups, which are derived from the chorionic girdle cells, had greatly reduced levels of MHC class I antigen expression while no MHC class I antigens were detectable on the non-invasive trophoblast cells of the allantochorion, except in small isolated patches. MHC class I antigens immunoprecipitated from chorionic girdle cells with either monoclonal antibodies or alloantisera had a relative molecular mass of 44,000, which was identical to that of MHC class I antigens precipitated from lymphocytes with the same reagents. MHC class II antigens were not detected on any trophoblast cells, although they were expressed at high levels by the endometrial glandular and lumenal epithelium immediately bordering the endometrial cups. MHC class I antigens were also expressed at high levels by endometrial tissues in the area of the cups. The high level of MHC class I antigen expression by endometrial glands within and bordering the cups was in sharp contrast to the greatly reduced class I antigen expression by the mature endometrial cup cells themselves.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In placental mammals, natural killer (NK) cells are a population of lymphocytes that make unique contributions to immune defence and reproduction, functions essential for survival of individuals, populations and species. Modulating these functions are conserved and variable NK-cell receptors that recognize epitopes of major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. In humans, for example, recognition of human leucocyte antigen (HLA)-E by the CD94:NKG2A receptor is conserved, whereas recognition of HLA-A, B and C by the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIRs) is diversified. Competing demands of the immune and reproductive systems, and of T-cell and NK-cell immunity-combined with the segregation on different chromosomes of variable NK-cell receptors and their MHC class I ligands-drive an unusually rapid evolution that has resulted in unprecedented levels of species specificity, as first appreciated from comparison of mice and humans. Counterparts to human KIR are present only in simian primates. Observed in these species is the coevolution of KIR and the four MHC class I epitopes to which human KIR recognition is restricted. Unique to hominids is the emergence of the MHC-C locus as a supplier of specialized and superior ligands for KIR. This evolutionary trend is most highly elaborated in the chimpanzee. Unique to the human KIR locus are two groups of KIR haplotypes that are present in all human populations and subject to balancing selection. Group A KIR haplotypes resemble chimpanzee KIR haplotypes and are enriched for genes encoding KIR that bind HLA class I, whereas group B KIR haplotypes are enriched for genes encoding receptors with diminished capacity to bind HLA class I. Correlating with their balance in human populations, B haplotypes favour reproductive success, whereas A haplotypes favour successful immune defence. Evolution of the B KIR haplotypes is thus unique to the human species.  相似文献   

Mutational studies of T cell receptor (TCR) contact residues on the surface of the human class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule HLA-A2 have identified a "functional hot spot" that comprises Arg(65) and Lys(66) and is involved in recognition by most peptide-specific HLA-A2-restricted TCRs. Although there is a significant amount of functional data on the effects of mutations at these positions, there is comparatively little biochemical information that could illuminate their mode of action. Here, we have used a combination of fluorescence anisotropy, functional assays, and Biacore binding experiments to examine the effects of mutations at these positions on the peptide-MHC interaction and TCR recognition. The results indicate that mutations at both position 65 and position 66 influence peptide binding by HLA-A2 to various extents. In particular, mutations at position 66 result in significantly increased peptide dissociation rates. However, these effects are independent of their effects on TCR recognition, and the Arg(65)-Lys(66) region thus represents a true "hot spot" for TCR recognition. We also made the observation that in vitro T cell reactivity does not scale with the half-life of the peptide-MHC complex, as is often assumed. Finally, position 66 is implicated in the "dual recognition" of both peptide and TCR, emphasizing the multiple roles of the class I MHC peptide-binding domain.  相似文献   

The chicken major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genes are organized into two genetically independent clusters which both possess class I and class II genes: the classical B complex and the Restriction fragment pattern-Y (Rfp-Y) complex. In this study, we have examined the role of Rfp-Y genes in transplantation immunity. For this we used three sublines, B19H1, B19H2 and B19H3, derived from a line fixed for B19. Southern blots, PCR-SSCP assays using primers specific for Rfp-Y genes, and Rfp-Y class I allele-specific sequencing show that the polymorphisms observed in B19H1, B19H2 and B19H3 are due to the presence of three different Rfp-Y haplotypes. The Rfp-Y class I (YF) alleles in these three haplotypes are highly polymorphic, and RT-PCR shows that at least two YF loci are expressed in each subline. The three sublines show Rfp-Y-directed alloreactivity in that Rfp-Y-incompatible skin grafts are rejected within 15 days, a rate intermediate between that seen in B-incompatible rejection (7 days) and that observed for grafts within the sublines (20 days). We conclude that Rfp-Y has an intermediate role in allograft rejection, likely to be attributable to polymorphism at the class I loci within this region.The sequence data reported are available in the GenBank database under the accession numbers AY257165 (YFVw*15), AY257166 (YFVw*16), AY257167 (YFVIw*15), AY257168 (YFVIw*17), AY257169 (YFw*16), and AY257170 (YFw*17)  相似文献   

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