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The ability of concanavalin A (conA) to disrupt food vacuole elimination at the cytoproct of Tetrahymena pyriformis, strain GL-C, was investigated using fluorescence microscopy and thin section electron microscopy. ConA was found to induce "tails" in Tetrahymena. These tails were specifically stained by fluorescent conA. Thin section observations of conA-treated cells revealed that these tails were the result of abnormal egestion of food vacuole contents at the cytoproct. Tail formation appears to result from an inhibition of endocytosis of food vacuole membrane during egestion. Instead, the food vacuole membrane appears to be cast out of the cell, along with the contents of the vacuole. The mechanism of this inhibition may be related to an apparent absence of microtubules or microfilamentous mat in the cytoproct region of conA-treated cells. Although conA is ingested into food vacuoles in large amounts, conA appears to affect endocytosis only from outside the cell; ingested conA does not appear to be effective. ConA may exert its influence by binding to the cytoproct region. The ability of conA to induce tail formation is inhibited by sugars specific to it. Numerous membranous vesicles are found in association with the oral cilia and cytoproct region of conA-treated cells. These vesicles may be the conA-binding material reported to be secreted by Tetrahymena.  相似文献   

The presence of nano- to micromolar concentrations of 12-0-tetradecanoyl-phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) in suspension cultures of human promyelocytic leukemia cells, HL-60, or human monocytic leukemia cells, THP-1, resulted in the appearance of macrophage-like cells attached to the substratum. The terminally TPA-differentiated cells continued to synthesize histones at a low rate even though DNA replication had ceased. The pattern of synthesis of histone variants in differentiated cells differed from that in undifferentiated cells and resembled that of quiescent or density-arrested cells. In undifferentiated cells, all three histone-H3 variants are synthesized, while in quiescent cells, only the H3.3 variant is synthesized. When TPA-differentiated macrophages were placed in normal medium, the pattern of histone synthesis was not altered, thus substantiating previous findings that the differentiation is irreversible. Further, TPA-differentiated macrophages and macrophages isolated from a normal human donor exhibited identical pattern of histone synthesis. Altogether, the results indicate that changes in the synthetic rates of histones during the TPA-induced maturation of human leukemic cells is not directly due to TPA or terminal cell differentiation per se but is due to the cessation of cell proliferation and DNA replication.  相似文献   

Mouse germ cells isolated from male or female genital ridges at 121/2 days post coitum were cultured at room temperature for up to 6 days, with [3H]thymidine present in the culture medium for either the first 24 h or the last 24 h of each culture period. Germ cells were also isolated 131/2-161/2 days post coitum and cultured for 24 h in the presence of [3H]thymidine. The proportion of cells in metaphase, and the proportion of labelled interphase and metaphase nuclei, was recorded. The labelling index declined from 131/2 days onwards, after development either in vivo or in vitro. No labelled metaphase plates were seen after 24 h in the presence of [3H]thymidine, suggesting that under these culture conditions the duration of the G2 phase exceeded 24 h. The results showed that the culture system, in spite of the low temperature, allowed the germ cells to replicate their DNA and undergo mitosis for up to 6 days. Addition of db-cAMP to the culture medium proved highly toxic to male germ cells, and did not markedly increase the proliferation rate of female germ cells.  相似文献   

Changes in the substratum anchorage of cells and nuclei were examined during methotrexate (MTX)-induced cytodifferentiation of BeWo human choriocarcinoma cells. During this process cytotrophoblast-like cells (CTLs) transform into giant mono- and multinucleated syncytiotrophoblast-like cells (STLs). Cells treated with MTX for 24 h exhibited significantly faster rates of substratum detachment by EDTA, trypsin-EDTA, EDTA-glycine, and DMSO than did uninduced controls. The decrease in cell-substratum adhesiveness occurred prior to the onset of morphological transformation. By 48 h, when morphological transformation was first observed, there had occurred a marked change in nuclear-cytoskeletal anchorage to the substratum, as evidenced by a difference in sensitivity of Triton-extracted STL and CTL monolayers to detachment by KI. STL monolayers were completely detached within 5 min of exposure to 0.3 M KI, while CTL monolayers remained firmly attached to the substratum for at least 3 h. KI-extracted residues were examined by electron microscopy and found to consist of nuclear shells attached to intermediate filaments. When cytoskeletal residues and KI-extracted proteins of STL and CTL cells were compared by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), qualitative and quantitative differences were seen in a number of minor components. Thus the sensitivity of STL nuclear-cytoskeletal monolayers to removal by KI, an effective actin depolymerizing agent, may involve changes in the organization, stability, or interactions of actin with other components of the cytoskeletal framework.  相似文献   

Calmodulin has been labeled with rhodamine isothiocyanate (CaM-RITC) and used as a probe for the location of calmodulin in vivo. CaM-RITC retains its capacity to regulate the activity of brain phosphodiesterase in a Ca2+-dependent manner in vitro, indicating that the labeled protein is still active. After injection into living mammalian cells CaM-RITC incorporates rapidly into the mitotic spindle; the details of its localization there mimic closely the distribution of Calmodulin seen by immunofluorescence. In interphase cells the CaM-RITC is excluded from the nucleus, but shows no region of specific concentration within the cytoplasm. Neither a 2-fold increase in cellular CaM nor the injection of anti CaM has any observable effect on the progress of mitosis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to study the effect of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) over cell multiplication and the induction of an estradiol-17 beta (E2)-dependent marker, i.e., progestophilins in E-sensitive cells C2(9)RAP derived from a W/Fu rat pituitary tumor. These cells proliferate in isogeneic hosts under the influence of E2, while they proliferate in culture regardless of the presence of E2. C2(9)RAP cells were grown in medium supplemented with 10% horse serum. Progestophilin levels were measured 48 h after adding serum (20% horse, or castrated rat, or AFP-secreting tumor-bearing rat) and estrogen to the 10% horse serum-supplemented medium in which the cells were growing. Maximal induction of progestophilins was obtained at 3 X 10(-10) M E2 in cells grown in medium containing horse or castrated rat serum. In contrast, maximal induction of progestophilins required 3 X 10(-8) M E2 in cells grown in medium supplemented with the serum of Morris hepatoma 7777-bearing rats. This serum contained AFP levels comparable to those present at birth in the rat. 11-Methoxy-17 beta ethynylestradiol (R2858), a synthetic estrogen with little affinity for AFP, was also tested for its ability to induce progestophilins. The degree of maximal induction of progestophilins expressed as percentage of the respective control, was similar for all experimental groups, both with E2 and with R2858. In addition, we compared the free E2 levels in the culture medium with the progestophilin levels and the cell proliferation rate. We found that the progestophilin levels were maximal at free E2 concentrations above 11 pg E2/ml, whereas there was no correlation between the free E2 levels and the proliferation rate. Moreover, the proliferation rate of cells in medium supplemented with horse or castrated rat serum was maximal at concentrations of free E2 below 0.4 pg/ml; whereas cell proliferation was inhibited with hepatoma serum even at concentrations of free E2 of 44 pg/ml. We conclude that the effect of hepatoma serum on the E2 induction of progestophilins seems to be mediated by the effect of AFP on the availability of free estrogen, since it is abolished by the addition of both natural and synthetic estrogens. The inhibitory effect of hepatoma serum upon cell proliferation is not reversed by estrogens and thus seems to be mediated by mechanisms other than E2 trapping by AFP.  相似文献   

Cell surface proteins of rat myoblasts   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the course of cell fusion of a rat myoblast cell line, L6, the relative amount of a cell surface protein of molecular weight (MW) 200 000-250 000 (L200), detected on the two-dimensional gel electrophoretogram, increases to one of a few major cell surface proteins in the older culture in which myotubes are being formed. In the non-fusing variant (M3A) of L6, such a spot is not detectable. Instead, one protein of MW 90 000-100 000 (M100) is found in large quantities in M3A, but in a small amount in L6. These results suggest the possibility that these cell surface proteins, particularly L200, may play a key role in the development of muscle cells.  相似文献   

A panel of nine monoclonal antibodies against the characteristic erythrocyte membrane protein spectrin has been isolated. One antibody reacts with both the 240 000 and 220 000 D alpha- and beta-subunits of spectrin after denaturation. The same antibody reacts with a 240 000 D protein present in various hemopoietic and other cell lines, as well as some smaller polypeptides, as established by western blotting and immunoautoradiography. These results indicate that the alpha- and beta-subunits of spectrin, a polypeptide of 240 000, and some smaller polypeptides present in non-erythroid cell types possess a considerable region of sequence homology, but it is not yet clear just how extensively the spectrin-like molecules and other polypeptides are related.  相似文献   

The effects of calcium antagonists, diltiazem and verapamil, and calmodulin antagonists, chlorpromazine, N-(6-aminohexyl)-1-naphthalenesulfonamide hydrochloride (W-5) and N-(6-aminohexyl)-5-chloro-1-naphthalenesulfonamide hydrochloride (W-7), were tested on two responses of the sea urchin egg to insemination: (1) H+ release; (2) Ca2+ uptake. It was found that calcium antagonists inhibited both processes, while calmodulin antagonists only inhibited H+ release but not Ca2+ uptake. Verapamil and diltiazem were effective to inhibit H+ release when added to the egg suspension up to 120 sec and W-7 was effective around 150 sec after insemination. Calcium antagonists became ineffective earlier than W-7 in inhibiting H+ release. A calmodulin-dependent step may thus occur linking the Ca2+ uptake and H+ release. 4,4'-Diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (DIDS), an anion channel blocker, also inhibited both Ca2+ uptake and H+ release. This result suggests that an uptake of anion(s) occurs along with Ca2+ uptake.  相似文献   

Polyadenylated RNA isolated 18 h after infection of HeLa cells with adenovirus type 2 was both translated in vitro and microinjected into the cytoplasm of human transformed amnion cells. The hexon polypeptide could be specifically immunoprecipitated from the products of cell-free translation with a rabbit-anti-hexon serum. The same serum when used in immunofluorescence assays of microinjected cells revealed hexon protein synthesized 6 h after microinjection. The intensity of the staining persisted up to 16 h after injection of messenger RNA (mRNA). Newly-synthesized hexon protein was characteristically located mainly in the nucleus. Essentially the same results were obtained when normal amnion cells were microinjected.  相似文献   

Treatment of bovine lymph node lymphocytes with the tumor promoter, 12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol-13-acetate (TPA) leads to depressed [3H]thymidine incorporation in response to phytohemagglutinin (PHA). Radioautographic and morphological analyses showed that depression was at the level of blast-cell formation. Isotope-dilution experiments, and the use of [3H]deoxycytidine to label DNA indicated that the inhibition was not due to a block in thymidine transport in the treated cells. These experiments, as well as a bioassay designed to measure thymidine in the culture medium, showed that the apparent inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation and DNA synthesis was not the result of production of cold thymidine in the cultures. The results taken together support the idea that most TPA-treated cells are inhibited from responding to the mitogenic lectins. Those cells which do respond appear to form blast cells and synthesize DNA at the same rate as do untreated cells.  相似文献   

We have recently shown that newly administered vitamin A (retinol) is initially taken up by the parenchymal cells of the liver, and subsequently (within 1-2 h) transferred to non-parenchymal liver cells (NPC) (Blomhoff et al., ref. [10]). In the present study we have separated the NPC by different methods to determine the cell type responsible for this uptake of [3H]retinol. When liver cells were prepared between 5 and 18 h after intraduodenal administration of [3H]retinol, the radioactive retinol was recovered mainly in the stellate cells. Other liver cells (i.e., hepatocytes, endothelial cells and Kupffer cells) contained only small amounts of [3H]retinol. Further, fluorescence microscopy studies indicated that stellate cells contain large quantities of retinol. Our results show that newly administered [3H]retinol, which is initially located in the hepatocytes, is transferred to the stellate cells and stored there.  相似文献   

Chromosomal DNA is associated with polypeptides covalently bound to internal DNA ends. Since these polypeptides can only be released from chromosomal DNA by enzymes or other agents hydrolysing phosphodiester bonds they were termed 'the most tightly bound' (MTB) polypeptides in DNA. Antibodies developed against the MTB polypeptides are shown to form immunocomplexes with major 'nuclear matrix' polypeptides as well as with polypeptides which are still associated with 'nuclear matrix' DNA isolated by means of SDS/proteinase K and phenol. Immuno-complex formation is revealed by immunoblotting and by indirect immunofluorescence. Thus, since MTB polypeptides, major 'nuclear matrix' polypeptides and 'nuclear matrix' DNA-associated polypeptides share common antigenic sites they can be considered to be identical or at least closely related. This suggests that a fraction of distinct 'nuclear matrix' polypeptides is either transiently or permanently linked to DNA by covalent bonds. Consistently, isolated eukaryotic 'bulk' DNA is inevitably associated with residual 'nuclear matrix' polypeptides.  相似文献   

Nucleoli of normal and leukemic lymphocytes were studied by cytochemical and immunofluorescence methods to provide more information on the nucleolar presence and distribution of proteins B23 and C23. Annular nucleoli of human lymphocytes represent a very convenient subject for such studies, since they consist of one centrally located large fibrillar center surrounded by RNP components. In such nucleoli, protein C23 was present mainly in the central nucleolar region and protein B23 was found mostly in the periphery. The nucleolar area immunostained for protein B23 was usually larger than that stained for protein C23. The distribution of protein C23 appeared to be similar to that of intensely stained nucleolar argyrophilic components. No substantial differences were found between the distribution of proteins B23 and C23 in nucleoli of normal and leukemic lymphocytes. In lymphocytes of patients treated with chemotherapy, the immunofluorescence was diminished for protein B23 and particularly so for protein C23.  相似文献   

The effect of EDTA on the mating-type-specific agglutinins located on the flagellar surfaces of Chlamydomonas reinhardii gametes was investigated. The mating-type minus (mt-) gametes lost their agglutinability without apparent loss of motility soon after addition of EDTA at low concentrations (1-2 mM). At the same time, the cells released into the medium agglutinins which can elicit agglutinative responses of mating-type plus (mt+) gametes specifically. When EDTA was neutralized with Mg2+ or removed by centrifugation, the mt- cells quickly replaced agglutinins by protein synthesis: the recovery process was sensitive to cycloheximide, but not to tunicamycin. The EDTA-treated mt+ gametes lost their agglutinins much more slowly than the mt- gametes. The replacement of mt+ agglutinins was inhibited by both cycloheximide and tunicamycin.  相似文献   

Human diploid fibroblasts, TIG-1, cease to proliferate at about 60-62 population doubling level. In their senescent state used in this study, the percentage of nuclei labeled by [3H]thymidine for 48 h was around 1-2% in fresh medium containing 5-40% fetal bovine serum. The percentage of labelled nuclei increased up to 10-fold after infection with SV40. This increase reflects stimulation of cell DNA synthesis because: 1. The increase also occurred when ts A900 was used for infection at the non-permissive temperature, under these conditions viral DNA synthesis is inhibited; 2, the increase paralleled the stimulation of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA in a Hirt-precipitate fraction from SV40-infected cells. UV-irradiated SV40 had reduced ability to induce DNA synthesis. A viable deletion mutant of SV40, d1940, had almost the same activity to induce cell DNA synthesis as did wild-type SV40. Equilibrium density gradient centrifugation analysis of DNA labelled with 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) supported semiconservative replication rather than repair synthesis. We conclude that a considerable fraction of human diploid cells in a senescent population initiate host DNA replication by infection with SV40, although these cells cannot be stimulated with fetal bovine serum.  相似文献   

The possible role of normal chicken cellular sequences c-erb, c-myb and c-myc, together referred to as c-onc genes and related to the oncogenes of defective avian acute leukemia retroviruses (DLVs), was investigated by determining the accumulation of c-onc RNA in different avian cells an cell lines. Levels of c-myc and in some instances c-myb RNA are elevated in immature hematopoietic cells or cell lines from various lineages but more mature hematopoietic cells, as well as non-hematopoietic cells, contain only low levels. In contrast, the level of c-erb RNA is generally low, but high in a small number of normal bone marrow cells. The results indicate that the cellular homologues of the viral oncogenes are differentially expressed during hematopoiesis. They also indicate that the hypothesis that DLV target cells express their homologous c-onc genes might hold for c-erb, but is not valid in its simple form for c-myc and c-myb.  相似文献   

In sea urchin, unfertilized eggs have a very high level of dCMP-aminohydrolase (dCMPase) activity, which decreases gradually and at the pluteus stage it is only about a quarter of that found in the unfertilized egg. But in abnormal embryos and in disaggregated cells from embryos, no decrease in the dCMPase activity takes place. To understand the control mechanism involved in this enzyme activity during development, we have analyzed the effect of various drugs which interfere with information transfer, such as actinomycin C, puromycin, 5-azacytidine, 2-thio-uracil and p-fluoro-DL-phenylalanine on dCMPase activity in embryos of Paracentrotus lividus and Sphaerechinus granularis. Among these drugs only actinomycin induces a remarkable increase of the dCMPase activity in embryos with respect to unfertilized eggs. Puromycin has a differential and dose-dependent effect. Other drugs, although they affect normal development and macromolecular synthesis, do not significantly alter the dCMPase activity. On the basis of these results we suggest the presence of a repressor mechanism in the control of dCMP-aminohydrolase level during early embryogenesis of sea urchin.  相似文献   

Detection of melanogenic proteins in cultured chick-embryo melanocytes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The phorbol ester, 12-0-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA), was used as a reversible inhibitor of melanogenesis. Chick-melanocyte cultures of the black genotype, E/E, were grown in conditioned medium plus TPA. After growth in TPA and after its removal, the cells were pulse labeled with 3H-leucine. The membrane fraction, which included all tyrosinase activity as well as both mature and immature melanosomes, was solubilized with Triton X-100. The proteins were separated using two-dimensional electrophoresis and visualized by fluorography. One defined melanogenic protein, tyrosinase, was isolated, and its location was determined in the two-dimensional protein pattern. The protein patterns for both the TPA-inhibited cells and the cells in which the TPA effects were reversed after removal were compared. In addition to tyrosinase, at least nine TPA-sensitive proteins were found. These were designated as being putative melanogenic proteins which, along with tyrosinase, may be responsible for melanin-granule synthesis.  相似文献   

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