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Data from four DNA regions (rbcL, matK, 26S rDNA, and ITS) as well as extant and fossil morphology were used to reconstruct the phylogeny and biogeographic history of an intercontinentally disjunct plant group, the cornelian cherries of Cornus (dogwoods). The study tests previous hypotheses on the relative roles of two Tertiary land bridges, the North Atlantic land bridge (NALB) and the Bering land bridge (BLB), in plant migration across continents. Three approaches, the Bayesian, nonparametric rate smoothing (NPRS), and penalized likelihood (PL) methods, were employed to estimate the times of geographic isolations of species. Dispersal and vicariance analysis (DIVA) was performed to infer the sequence and directionality of biogeographic pathways. Results of phylogenetic analyses suggest that among the six living species, C. sessilis from western North America represents the oldest lineage, followed by C. volkensii from Africa. The four Eurasian species form a clade consisting of two sister pairs, C. mas-C. officinalis and C. chinensis-C. eydeana. Results of DIVA and data from fossils and molecular dating indicate that the cornelian cherry subgroup arose in Europe as early as the Paleocene. Fossils confirm that the group was present in North America by the late Paleocene, consistent with the DIVA predictions that, by the end of the Eocene, it had diversified into several species and expanded its distribution to North America via the NALB and to Africa via the last direct connection between Eurasia and Africa prior to the Miocene, or via long-distance dispersal. The cornelian cherries in eastern Asia appear to be derived from two independent dispersal events from Europe. These events are inferred to have occurred during the Oligocene and Miocene. This study supports the hypothesis that the NALB served as an important land bridge connecting the North American and European floras, as well as connecting American and African floras via Europe during the early Tertiary.  相似文献   

Boreal owls Aegolius funereus (referred to as Tengmalm's owls in Europe) breed in boreal forests throughout the Holarctic region and in high-elevation subalpine forests further south. They are currently classified as seven subspecies; six found throughout Eurasia, and one in North America. The geographic distribution of boreal owls in North America and Eurasia is similar, as are their patterns of dispersal and irruption. Because a recent genetic study of boreal owls in North America found very little genetic differentiation among widely disparate locations, we expected that boreal owls in Eurasia similarly would have very little genetic differentiation. Using seven microsatellite markers, we analyzed genetic samples from 275 boreal owls in North America, 36 in Norway, and five in eastern Russia. We found no detectable genetic differentiation between Norwegian and Russian owls, but notable differentiation between North American and Eurasian owls. Low intra-continental genetic differentiation likely results from high rates of long-distance dispersal among subpopulations of boreal owls. In light of these results, we recommend further genetic sampling of boreal owls throughout Eurasia in order to determine whether six separate subspecies here are warranted.  相似文献   

Aim The role of long‐distance dispersal in the Indomalesian, Australasian and Pacific flora is currently hotly debated. The lack of well‐resolved phylogenetic trees for Pacific plants has been a major limitation for biogeographical analysis. Here, we present a well‐resolved phylogenetic tree for the tribe Aglaieae in the mahogany family, Meliaceae, and use it to investigate the origin, evolution and dispersal history of biotas in this area. The subfamily Melioideae, including the tribe Aglaieae (Meliaceae, Sapindales), is a plant group with good representation in the region in terms of biomass and species numbers, wide ecological attributes and known animal vectors. The family has a good fossil record (especially from North America and Europe). Genera and species in the tribe Aglaieae therefore provide an excellent model group for addressing this debate. Location Indomalesia, Australasia, Pacific islands. Methods Results from nuclear internal transcribed spacer ribosomal DNA analyses of 82 taxa, based on sequence alignment guided by secondary structure models, were combined with evidence from fossils and distribution data. We used strict and relaxed molecular clock approaches to estimate divergence times within Aglaieae. Putative ancestral areas were investigated through area‐based and event‐based biogeographical approaches. Information on dispersal routes and their direction was inferred from the investigation of dispersal asymmetries between areas. Results Our study indicates that the crown group of Aglaieae dates back at least to the Late Eocene, with major divergence events occurring during the Oligocene and Miocene. It also suggests that dispersal routes existed during Miocene–Pliocene times from the area including Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra and Borneo to Wallacea, India and Indochina, and from the area including New Guinea, New Ireland and New Britain further east to the Pacific islands at the peripheries of the distribution range. The origin of the Fijian species dates back to the Pliocene. Main conclusions Dispersal over oceanic water barriers has occurred during geological time and seems to have been a major driving force for divergence events in Aglaieae, with some old Gondwanan land masses (e.g. Australia) colonized only during recent times. Movement from the ancestral area was predominantly towards the east. Extant Fijian species of Aglaia are monophyletic and share morphological features rarely found in species of other areas, suggesting speciation within an endemic clade. Divergence of living taxa from their closest living relatives took place during both the Miocene and the Pliocene, and peaked in the Pliocene. The present‐day distribution of many species in the tribe must therefore have arisen as a result of dispersal rather than vicariance events. Furthermore, colonization from Indomalesia to Australasia and the Pacific has frequently been followed by speciation.  相似文献   

Aim  The present-day geographical distribution of parasites with a direct biological life cycle is guided mostly by the past dispersal and vicariance events that have affected their hosts. The Amphibia– Polystoma association (which satisfies these criteria) also exhibits original traits, such as host specificity and world-wide distribution. This biological model was thus chosen to investigate the common historical biogeography of its widespread representatives.
Location  North and South America, Eurasia and Africa.
Methods  We investigated the phylogeny of 12 species of neobatrachian parasites sampled from North and South America, Eurasia and Africa. Hosts belonged mostly to hyloids and ranoids of families Bufonidae, Hylidae, Leptodactylidae, Ranidae and Hyperoliidae. Phylogenetic reconstructions were inferred from maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony analyses from complete ITS1 sequences.
Results  The group of American species appeared paraphyletic with one species at the base of a Eurafrican clade, within which two lineages were seen: one composed of only Eurasian species, and the other of European and African species, with the two European species basal to an African clade.
Main conclusions  The route of Polystoma evolution is deduced from the phylogenetic tree and discussed in the light of host evolution. We conclude that Polystoma originated in South America on hyloids, after the separation of South America from Africa. The genus must have colonized North America in Palaeocene times and Eurasia by the mid-Cainozoic, taking advantage of the dispersal of either ancestral bufonids or hylids. Africa, however, appears to have been colonized more recently, during the Messinian period.  相似文献   

Aim The role of dispersal versus vicariance for plant distribution patterns has long been disputed. We study the temporal and spatial diversification of Ranunculeae, an almost cosmopolitan tribe comprising 19 genera, to understand the processes that have resulted in the present inter‐continental disjunctions. Location All continents (except Antarctica). Methods Based on phylogenetic analyses of nuclear and chloroplast DNA sequences for 18 genera and 89 species, we develop a temporal–spatial framework for the reconstruction of the biogeographical history of Ranunculeae. To estimate divergence dates, Bayesian uncorrelated rates analyses and four calibration points derived from geological, fossil and external molecular information were applied. Parsimony‐based methods for dispersal–vicariance analysis (diva and Mesquite ) and a maximum likelihood‐based method (Lagrange ) were used for reconstructing ancestral areas. Six areas corresponding to continents were delimited. Results The reconstruction of ancestral areas is congruent in the diva and maximum likelihood‐based analyses for most nodes, but Mesquite reveals equivocal results at deep nodes. Our study suggests a Northern Hemisphere origin for the Ranunculeae in the Eocene and a weakly supported vicariance event between North America and Eurasia. The Eurasian clade diversified between the early Oligocene and the late Miocene, with at least three independent migrations to the Southern Hemisphere. The North American clade diversified in the Miocene and dispersed later to Eurasia, South America and Africa. Main conclusions Ranunculeae diversified between the late Eocene and the late Miocene. During this time period, the main oceanic barriers already existed between continents and thus dispersal is the most likely explanation for the current distribution of the tribe. In the Southern Hemisphere, a vicariance model related to the break‐up of Gondwana is clearly rejected. Dispersals between continents could have occurred via migration over land bridges, such as the Bering Land Bridge, or via long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

Eupatorium were examined by sequencing the internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and restriction site analysis of chloroplast DNA. Molecular data provided strong evidence that (1) this genus originated in North America, (2) the genus diverged into three morphological species groups, Eutrochium, Traganthes and Uncasia in North America, and (3) one of the North American Uncasia lineages migrated into temperate Europe and eastern Asia over the Bering land bridge. The estimated divergence times support a late Miocene to early Pliocene migration from North America to Eurasia via the Bering land bridge. A European species was sister to all of the eastern Asian species examined. The disjunct distribution pattern of the genus Eupatorium is incongruent with the classical Arcto-Tertiary geoflora concept. Received 13 September 1999/ Accepted in revised form 4 January 2000  相似文献   

Methods in historical biogeography have revolutionized our ability to infer the evolution of ancestral geographical ranges from phylogenies of extant taxa, the rates of dispersals, and biotic connectivity among areas. However, extant taxa are likely to provide limited and potentially biased information about past biogeographic processes, due to extinction, asymmetrical dispersals and variable connectivity among areas. Fossil data hold considerable information about past distribution of lineages, but suffer from largely incomplete sampling. Here we present a new dispersal–extinction–sampling (DES) model, which estimates biogeographic parameters using fossil occurrences instead of phylogenetic trees. The model estimates dispersal and extinction rates while explicitly accounting for the incompleteness of the fossil record. Rates can vary between areas and through time, thus providing the opportunity to assess complex scenarios of biogeographic evolution. We implement the DES model in a Bayesian framework and demonstrate through simulations that it can accurately infer all the relevant parameters. We demonstrate the use of our model by analysing the Cenozoic fossil record of land plants and inferring dispersal and extinction rates across Eurasia and North America. Our results show that biogeographic range evolution is not a time-homogeneous process, as assumed in most phylogenetic analyses, but varies through time and between areas. In our empirical assessment, this is shown by the striking predominance of plant dispersals from Eurasia into North America during the Eocene climatic cooling, followed by a shift in the opposite direction, and finally, a balance in biotic interchange since the middle Miocene. We conclude by discussing the potential of fossil-based analyses to test biogeographic hypotheses and improve phylogenetic methods in historical biogeography.  相似文献   

Knowing the age of lineages is key to understanding their biogeographic history. We aimed to provide the best estimate of the age of Cichorieae and its subtribes based on available fossil evidence and DNA sequences and to interpret their biogeography in the light of Earth history. With more than 1,550 species, the chicory tribe (Cichorieae, Asteraceae) is distributed predominantly in the northern Hemisphere, with centres of distribution in the Mediterranean region, central Asia, and SW North America. Recently, a new phylogenetic hypothesis of Cichorieae based on ITS sequences has been established, shedding new light on phylogenetic relationships within the tribe, which had not been detected so far. Cichorieae possess echinolophate pollen grains, on the surface of which cavities (lacunae) are separated by ridges. These lacunae and ridges show patterns characteristic of certain groups within Cichorieae. Among the fossil record of echinolophate pollen, the Cichorium intybus-type is the most frequent and also the oldest type (22 to 28.4 million years old). By using an uncorrelated relaxed molecular clock approach, the Cichorieae phylogenetic tree was calibrated with this fossil find. According to the analysis, the tribe originated no later than Oligocene. The species-rich core group originated no later than Late Oligocene or Early Miocene and its subtribes diversified no later than Middle/Late Miocene or Early Pliocene—an eventful period of changing geological setting and climate in the Mediterranean region and Eurasia. The first dispersal from Eurasia to North America, which resulted in the radiation of genera and species in North America (subtribe Microseridinae), also occurred no later than Middle or Late Miocene, suggesting the Bering land bridge as the route of dispersal.  相似文献   

Numbers of species and genera,endemic genera,extant primitive genera,relationship and distribution patterns of presently living Chenopodiaceae(two subfamilies,12 tribes,and 118 genera)are analyzed and compared for eight distributional areas,namely central Asia,Europe,the Mediterranean region,Africa,North America,South America, Australia and East Asia. The Central Asia,where the number of genera and diversity of taxa are greater than in other areas,appears to be the center of distribution of extant Chenopodiaceae.North America and Australia are two secondary centers of distribution. Eurasia has 11 tribes out of the 12,a total of 70 genera of extant chenopodiaceous plants,and it contains the most primitive genera of every tribe. Archiatriplex of Atripliceae,Hablitzia of Hablitzeae,Corispermum of Corispermeae,Camphorosma of Camphorosmaea,Kalidium of Salicornieae,Polecnemum of Polycnemeae,Alexandra of Suaedeae,and Nanophyton of Salsoleae,are all found in Eurasia,The Beteae is an Eurasian endemic tribe,demonstrating the antiquity of the Chenopodiaceae flora of Eurasia.Hence,Eurasia is likely the place of origin of chenopodiaceous plants. The presence of chenopodiaceous plants is correlated with an arid climate.During the Cretaceous Period,most places of the continent of Eurasia were occupied by the ancient precursor to the Mediterranean,the Tethys Sea.At that time the area of the Tethys Sea had a dry and warm climate.Therefore,primitive Chenopodiaceae were likely present on the beaches of this ancient land.This arid climatic condition resulted in differentiation of the tribes Chenopodieae,Atripliceae,Comphorosmeae,Salicornieae,etc.,the main primitive tribes of the subfamily Cyclolobeae. Then following continental drift and the Laurasian and Gondwanan disintegration, the Chenopodiaceae were brought to every continent to propagate and develop, and experience the vicissitudes of climates, forming the main characteristics and distribution patterns of recent continental floras. The tribes Atripliceae, Chenopodieae, Camphorosmeae, and Salicornieae of recent Chenopodiaceae in Eurasia, North America, South America, southern Africa, and Australia all became strongly differentiated. However, Australia and South America, have no genera of Spirolobeae except for a few maritime Suaeda species. The Salsoleae and Suaedeae have not arrived in Australia and South America, which indicates that the subfamily Spirolobeae developed in Eurasia after Australia separated from the ancient South America-Africa continent, and South America had left Africa. The endemic tribe of North America, the tribe Sarcobateae, has a origin different from the tribes Salsoleae and Suaedeae of the subfamily Spirolobeae. Sarcobateae flowers diverged into unisexuality and absence of bractlets. Clearly they originated in North America after North America had left the Eurasian continent. North America and southern Africa have a few species of Salsola, but none of them have become very much differentiated or developed, so they must have arrived through overland migration across ancient continental connections. India has no southern African Chenopodiaceae floristic components except for a few maritime taxa, which shows that when the Indian subcontinent left Africa in the Triassic period, the Chenopodiaceae had not yet developed in Africa. Therefore, the early Cretaceous Period about 120 million years ago, when the ancient Gondwanan and Laurasian continents disintegrated, could have been the time of origin of Chenopodiaceae plants.The Chinese flora of Chenopodiaceae is a part of Chenopodiaceae flora of central Asia. Cornulaca alaschnica was discovered from Gansu, China, showing that the Chinese Chenopodiaceae flora certainly has contact with the Mediterranean Chenopodiaceae flora. The contact of southeastern China with the Australia Chenopodiaceae flora, however, is very weak.  相似文献   

The North American historic phytogeographic distribution of mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) and Japanese knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum), two invasive perennial species introduced from Eurasia and East Asia respectively, was recreated using herbarium records. The putative initial introduction of these two species differs by c.a. 400 years, but their patterns of geographic distribution, introduction pathways, and local dispersal pathways are similar. Both species showed the expected logistic growth relationship between range size and the time following introduction, with lag phases of nearly 400 and 50 years for mugwort and Japanese knotweed respectively. The intrinsic growth rate was greater in Japanese knotweed than mugwort for the US, Canada, and North America. Both species were frequently found along waterway, railroad, and road rights-of-way. Introduction pathways differed, with Japanese knotweed commonly labeled as an ornamental escape (151 collections), while mugwort was commonly cited as an inadvertent component of ship ballast (20 collections). These potential founding populations were located across the final distribution for both species, suggesting anthropogenic large-scale dispersal across North America with local secondary spread. Range expansion appears to be active for both species in the US while nearing the carrying capacity in Canada. Managers of mugwort and Japanese knotweed can make use of this information on their range expansion dynamics and dispersal pathways by reducing anthropogenic dispersal and focusing resources on satellite populations and invasion corridors.  相似文献   

藜科植物的起源、分化和地理分布   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
全球藜科植物共约130属1500余种,广泛分布于欧亚大陆、南北美洲、非洲和大洋洲的半干旱及盐碱地区。它基本上是一个温带科,对亚热带和寒温带也有一定的适应性。本文分析了该科包含的1l族的系统位置和分布式样,以及各个属的分布区,提出中亚区是现存藜科植物的分布中心,原始的藜科植物在古地中海的东岸即华夏陆台(或中国的西南部)发生,然后向干旱的古地中海沿岸迁移、分化,产生了环胚亚科主要族的原始类群;起源的时间可能在白垩纪初,冈瓦纳古陆和劳亚古陆进一步解体的时期。文章对其迁移途径及现代分布式样形成的原因进行了讨论。  相似文献   

Fungi in the basidiomycete species complex Heterobasidion annosum are significant root-rot pathogens of conifers throughout the northern hemisphere. We utilize a multilocus phylogenetic approach to examine hypotheses regarding the evolution and divergence of two Heterobasidion taxa associated with pines: the Eurasian H. annosum sensu stricto and the North American H. annosum P intersterility group (ISG). Using DNA sequence information from portions of two nuclear and two mitochondrial loci, we infer phylogenetic relationships via parsimony, Bayesian and median-joining network analysis. Analysis of isolates representative of the entire known geographic range of the two taxa results in monophyletic sister Eurasian and North American lineages, with North America further subdivided into eastern and western clades. Genetically anomalous isolates from the Italian presidential estate of Castelporziano are always part of a North American clade and group with eastern North America, upholding the hypothesis of recent, anthropogenically mediated dispersal. P ISG isolates from Mexico have phylogenetic affinity with both eastern and western North America. Results for an insertion in the mitochondrial rDNA suggest this molecule was obtained from the Heterobasidion S ISG, a taxon sympatric with the P ISG in western North America. These data are compatible with an eastern Eurasian origin of the species, followed by dispersal of two sister taxa into western Eurasia and into eastern North America over a Beringean land bridge, a pattern echoed in the phylogeography of other conifer-associated basidiomycetes.  相似文献   

Dispersal and vicariant hypotheses have for decades been at odds with each other, notwithstanding the fact that both are well-established natural processes with important histories in biogeographic analyses. Despite their importance, neither dispersal nor vicariant methodologies are problem-free. The now widely used molecular techniques for generating phylogenies have provided a mechanism by which both dispersal- and vicariance-driven speciation can be better tested via the application of molecular clocks; unfortunately, substantial problems can also exist in the employment of those clocks. To begin to assess the relative roles of dispersal and vicariance in the establishment of avifaunas, especially intercontinental avifaunas, I applied a test for clocklike behavior in molecular data, as well as a program that infers ancestral areas and dispersal events, to a phylogeny of a speciose, cosmopolitan avian genus (Anthus; Motacillidae). Daughter-lineages above just 25 of 40 nodes in the Anthus phylogeny are evolving in a clocklike manner and are thus dateable by a molecular clock. Dating the applicable nodes suggests that Anthus arose nearly 7 million yr ago, probably in eastern Asia, and that between 6 and 5 million yr ago, Anthus species were present in Africa, the Palearctic, and North and South America. Speciation rates have been high throughout the Pliocene and quite low during the Pleistocene; further evidence that the Pleistocene may have had little effect in generating modern species. Intercontinental movements since 5 million yr ago have been few and largely restricted to interchange between Eurasia and Africa. Species swarms on North America, Africa, and Eurasia (but not South America or Australia) are the product of multiple invasions, rather than being solely the result of within-continent speciation. Dispersal has clearly played an important role in the distribution of this group.  相似文献   

Plant disjunctions have provided some of the most intriguing distribution patterns historically addressed by biogeographers. We evaluated the three hypotheses that have been postulated to explain these patterns [vicariance, stepping‐stone dispersal and long‐distance dispersal (LDD)] using Munroa, an American genus of grasses with six species and a disjunct distribution between the desert regions of North and South America. The ages of clades, cytology, ancestral characters and areas of distribution were investigated in order to establish relationships among species, to determine the time of divergence of the genus and its main lineages, and to understand further the biogeographical and evolutionary history of this genus. Bayesian inference recovered the North American M. pulchella as sister species to the rest. Molecular dating and ancestral area analyses suggest that Munroa originated in North America in the late Miocene–Pliocene (7.2 Mya; 8.2–6.5 Mya). Based on these results, we postulate that two dispersal events modelled the current distribution patterns of Munroa: the first from North to South America (7.2 Mya; 8.2–6.5 Mya) and the second (1.8 Mya; 2–0.8 Mya) from South to North America. Arid conditions of the late Miocene–Pliocene in the Neogene and Quaternary climatic oscillations in North America and South America were probably advantageous for the establishment of populations of Munroa. We did not find any relationship between ploidy and dispersal events, and our ancestral character analyses suggest that shifts associated with dispersal and seedling establishment, such as habit, reproductive system, disarticulation of rachilla, and shape and texture of the glume, have been important in these species reaching new areas. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2015, 179 , 110–125.  相似文献   

Nyssa (Nyssaceae, Cornales) represents a classical example of the well‐known eastern Asian–eastern North American floristic disjunction. The genus consists of three species in eastern Asia, four species in eastern North America, and one species in Central America. Species of the genus are ecologically important trees in eastern North American and eastern Asian forests. The distribution of living species and a rich fossil record of the genus make it an excellent model for understanding the origin and evolution of the eastern Asian–eastern North American floristic disjunction. However, despite the small number of species, relationships within the genus have remained unclear and have not been elucidated using a molecular approach. Here, we integrate data from 48 nuclear genes, fossils, morphology, and ecological niche to resolve species relationships, elucidate its biogeographical history, and investigate the evolution of morphology and ecological niches, aiming at a better understanding of the well‐known EA–ENA floristic disjunction. Results showed that the Central American (CAM) Nyssa talamancana was sister to the remaining species, which were divided among three, rapidly diversified subclades. Estimated divergence times and biogeographical history suggested that Nyssa had an ancestral range in Eurasia and western North America in the late Paleocene. The rapid diversification occurred in the early Eocene, followed by multiple dispersals between and within the Erasian and North American continents. The genus experienced two major episodes of extinction in the early Oligocene and end of Neogene, respectively. The Central American N. talamancana represents a relic lineage of the boreotropical flora in the Paleocene/Eocene boundary that once diversified in western North America. The results supported the importance of both the North Atlantic land bridge and the Bering land bridge (BLB) for the Paleogene dispersals of Nyssa and the Neogene dispersals, respectively, as well as the role of Central America as refugia of the Paleogene flora. The total‐evidence‐based dated phylogeny suggested that the pattern of macroevolution of Nyssa coincided with paleoclimatic changes. We found a number of evolutionary changes in morphology (including wood anatomy and leaf traits) and ecological niches (precipitation and temperature) between the EA–ENA disjunct, supporting the ecological selection driving trait evolutions after geographic isolation. We also demonstrated challenges in phylogenomic studies of lineages with rapid diversification histories. The concatenation of gene data can lead to inference of strongly supported relationships incongruent with the species tree. However, conflicts in gene genealogies did not seem to impose a strong effect on divergence time dating in our case. Furthermore, we demonstrated that rapid diversification events may not be recovered in the divergence time dating analysis using BEAST if critical fossil constraints of the relevant nodes are not available. Our study provides an example of complex bidirectional exchanges of plants between Eurasia and North America in the Paleogene, but “out of Asia” migrations in the Neogene, to explain the present disjunct distribution of Nyssa in EA and ENA.  相似文献   

Bees are among the most important pollinators of angiosperm plants. Many bee species show narrow host‐plant preferences, reflected both in behavioral and morphological adaptations to particular attributes of host‐plant pollen or floral morphology. Whether bee host‐plant associations reflect co‐cladogenesis of bees and their host plants or host‐switches to unrelated host plants is not clear. Rophitinae is a basal subfamily of Halictidae in which most species show narrow host‐plant preferences (oligolecty). We reconstructed the phylogenetic relationships among the rophitine genera using a combination of adult morphology (24 characters) and DNA sequence data (EF‐1α, LW rhodopsin, wingless; 2700 bp total). The data set was analyzed by parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian methods. All methods yielded highly congruent results. Using the phylogeny, we investigated the pattern of host‐plant association as well as the historical biogeography of Rophitinae. Our biogeographical analysis suggests a number of dispersal/vicariance events: (1) a basal split between North America and South America (most likely a dispersal from South America to North America), and (2) at least two subsequent interchanges between North America and Eurasia (presumably via the northern hemisphere land bridges). Our analysis of host‐plant associations indicates that Rophitinae specialized on a closely related group of angiosperm orders in the Euasterid I clade (mainly Gentianales, Lamiales and Solanales). However, there is little evidence of cocladogenesis between bees and plants and strong evidence of host switches to unrelated host plants. Based on our phylogenetic results we describe two new tribes of Rophitinae: Conanthalictini new tribe (including the genus Conanthalictus) and Xeralictini new tribe (including Xeralictus and Protodufourea). © The Willi Hennig Society 2007.  相似文献   

Abstract The present paper reviews advances in the study of two major intercontinental disjunct biogeographic patterns: (i) between Eurasian and western North American deserts with the Mediterranean climate (the Madrean–Tethyan disjunctions); and (ii) between the temperate regions of North and South America (the amphitropical disjunctions). Both disjunct patterns have multiple times of origin. The amphitropical disjunctions have largely resulted from long‐distance dispersal, primarily from the Miocene to the Holocene, with available data indicating that most lineages dispersed from North to South America. Results of recent studies on the Mediterranean disjuncts between the deserts of Eurasia and western North America support the multiple modes of origin and are mostly consistent with hypotheses of long‐distance dispersal and the North Atlantic migration. Axelrod's Madrean–Tethyan hypothesis, which implies vicariance between the two regions in the early Tertiary, has been favored by a few studies. The Beringian migration corridor for semiarid taxa is also supported in some cases.  相似文献   

QIAN  HONG 《Annals of botany》1999,83(3):271-283
This paper reports: (1) patterns of taxonomic richness of vascularplants in North America (north of Mexico), an area accountingfor 16.6% of the total world land, in relation to latitudinaland longitudinal gradients; (2) floristic relationships betweendifferent latitudinal zones, longitudinal zones, and geographicregions of North America; and (3) floristic relationships betweenNorth America and Eurasia at various geographic scales. NorthAmerica was geographically divided into twelve regions, whichwere latitudinally grouped into four zones, each with threeregions, and longitudinally grouped into three zones, each withfour regions. The native vascular flora of North America consistsof 162 orders, 280 families, 1904 genera and 15352 species.Along the latitudinal gradient, species richness shows a strikingincrease with decreasing latitude (e.g. the northernmost latitudinalzone has only 11.7% of the number of species in the southernmostlatitudinal zone). However, about 63% of the species of thenorthernmost latitudinal zone are also present in the southernmostlatitudinal zone of North America. Among the three longitudinalzones, the zone on the Pacific coast has 1.48 and 1.64-timesas many species as the zones in the interior and on the Atlanticcoast, respectively. About 36% of the species in the zone ofthe Atlantic coast also occur in the Pacific coast zone. However,each of over 40% of the species in North America occupies lessthan 10% of the total land area of North America. Some 48% ofthe genera and 6.5% of the species of North America are alsonative to Eurasia. In general, the number of genera common toNorth America and Eurasia increased from the north to the southand from the west to the east of North America, whereas thenumber of species common to the two continents decreased alongthe same two geographic gradients.Copyright 1999 Annals of BotanyCompany Asia, biodiversity, Europe, floristic similarity, latitudinal and longitudinal gradients, North America, taxonomic richness.  相似文献   

The present paper reviews advances in the study of two major intercontinental disjunct biogeographic patterns: (i) between Eurasian and western North American deserts with the Mediterranean climate (the Madrean- Tethyan disjunctions); and (ii) between the temperate regions of North and South America (the amphitropical disjunctions). Both disjunct patterns have multiple times of origin. The amphitropical disjunctions have largely resulted from long-distance dispersal, primarily from the Miocene to the Holocene, with available data indicating that most lineages dispersed from North to South America. Results of recent studies on the Mediterranean disjuncts between the deserts of Eurasia and western North America support the multiple modes of origin and are mostly consistent with hypotheses of long-distance dispersal and the North Atlantic migration. Axelrod's Madrean-Tethyan hypothesis, which implies vicariance between the two regions in the early Tertiary, has been favored by a few studies. The Beringian migration corridor for semiarid taxa is also supported in some cases.  相似文献   

Aim Various data sets and methods of analysis were combined to produce the first comprehensive molecular phylogeny of the genus Tuber and to analyse its biogeography. Location Europe, North Africa, China, Asia, North America. Methods Phylogenetic relationships among Tuber species were reconstructed based on a data set of internal‐transcribed spacer (ITS) sequences and various phylogenetic inference methods, specifically maximum parsimony, Bayesian analysis and neighbour joining. Tajima’s relative rate test showed that Tuber 18S rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, 5.8S‐ITS2 rRNA and β‐tubulin sequences evolved in a clock‐like manner. These genes, combined or not, were employed for molecular clock estimates after construction of linearized trees using mega 3.1. We reconstructed ancestral areas in the Northern Hemisphere by means of a dispersal–vicariance analysis (diva 1.1) based on current distribution patterns of the genus Tuber determined from the literature. Results The resulting molecular phylogeny divided the genus Tuber into five distinct clades, in agreement with our previously published studies. The Puberulum, Melanosporum and Rufum groups were diversified in terms of species and geographical distribution. In contrast, the Aestivum and Excavatum groups were less diversified and were located only in Europe or North Africa. Using a global molecular clock analysis, we estimated the divergence times for the origin of the genus and for the origin of several groups. diva inferred nine dispersal events and suggested that the ancestor of Tuber was originally present in Europe or was widespread in Eurasia. Equally optimal distributions were obtained for several nodes, suggesting different possible biogeographical patterns. Main conclusions Our analyses identified several discrepancies with the classical taxonomy of the genus, and we propose a new phylogenetic classification. According to molecular clocks, the radiation of the genus Tuber could have started between 271 and 140 Ma. Used in combination with the results obtained from time divergence estimates, this allows us to propose two equally probable scenarios of intra‐ and inter‐continental diversification of the genus according to the geographic distribution of the most recent common ancestor in Europe or Eurasia. The biogeographical patterns imply intra‐continental dispersal events between Europe and Asia and inter‐continental dispersal events between North America and Europe or Asia, which are compatible with land connections during the Tertiary.  相似文献   

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