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The efficacy of predators of the banana weevil was investigated under laboratory and field cage conditions for the different breeding sites of the pest viz. the growing banana sucker and the spent pseudostem and residual rhizome of the sucker after the harvest of the bunch. The indigenous Dactylosternum abdominale (Hydrophilidae) reduced weevil multiplication in suckers by up to 50% and in residual stumps of harvested suckers by 39%. In spent pseudostems D. abdominale reduced the multiplication by 40–90% at different predator population densities while Thyreocephalus interocularis (Staphylinidae) reduced it by 42%. Other predators were unimportant.  相似文献   

  • 1 The banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus Germar (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is a major pest in banana (Musa spp.) growing areas. The weevil is known to be relatively sedentary and closely associated with its host plant but little is known about the species' ability to migrate between banana fields and in nonhost habitats.
  • 2 Mark–recapture experiments were conducted to assess the weevils' migration potential, possible differences between the sexes, and the relative attractiveness of pseudostem and pheromone baits.
  • 3 One thousand two hundred marked weevils were released in the nonhost habitat at five distances (5, 10, 20, 40 and 70 m) from fresh pseudostem, and from pitfall traps baited with 45 mg of sordidin.
  • 4 Two hundred males and 200 females were marked and released at five distances (5, 10, 20, 40 and 70 m) from the pheromone traps.
  • 5 Distance and distance/bait interactions had a significant effect on recaptured weevils (binary logistic regression). The two baits were almost equally attractive to weevils in the range 0–10 m, whereas the pheromone was more attractive in the range 10–100 m.
  • 6 Distance, bait and distance/bait interactions had a significant effect on the time elapsed from release to recapture (regression with life data) but the pattern observed was not consistent.
  • 7 There was no significant difference between males and females with respect to distance or time elapsed from release to recapture.
  • 8 The results obtained in the present study show that the migration potential of the banana weevil is greater than previously reported. This should be taken into account when new banana fields are established with clean planting material.

A trial to determine yield losses in East African highland banana (cv. Atwalira) to banana weevil was run between 1994 and 2001 at the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture's Sendusu Farm in Namulonge, Uganda. Banana weevil adults were released into weevil‐infestation plots, while weevils were excluded from controls by trapping and later application of chlorpyrifos. Weevil migration and reproduction in control plots reduced treatment differences in damage during the first 3 yr. Thereafter, weevil damage was heavy in infested plots and negligible in controls. High levels of weevil attack resulted in reduced bunch weights, plant losses, mat disappearance and fewer harvested bunches, with estimated yield losses averaging 42% over the final 4 yr of the trial. The data confirm the importance of banana weevil as an important production constraint of highland banana and support farmer reports that banana weevil attack contributes to shortened plantation life.  相似文献   

Two exotic fungal isolates, one of Beauveria bassiana (268–86) and another of Metarhizium anisopliae (100–82), three local isolates of B. bassiana (isolates I, II, III) and one of the entomogenous bacteria Serratia marcescens, were tested for pathogenicity against the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus. All four isolates of B. bassiana and the one of M. anisopliae were found to be pathogenic to third—instar larvae of C. sordidus, causing mortalities of 98–100% by 9 days post—exposure to dry fungal spores. M. anisopliae was the least pathogenic to larvae with LT50 of 4.2 days, compared to 3.5, 3.3, 3.6 and 4.0 respectively for isolates I, II, III and 268–86. B. bassiana was also pathogenic to adult C. sordidus, causing mortalities varying from 63–97% by 35 days post—exposure depending on isolate. As for larvae M. anisopliae exhibited low pathogenicity for the adult C. sordidus. In general, all the fungi tested were less pathogenic to adult weevils (LT50 = 17.5; 12.5; 8.0 and 22.0 days) for isolates I, II, III and 268–86 respectively, while isolate 100–82 failed to kill 50% of adults even by 35 days post—exposure. Incubation of dead weevils in a moist environment led to development of surface mycelia starting from intersegmental junctions. Histopathology revealed extensive destruction of internal organs by hyphae which invaded most of the organs. The LT50 for S. marcescens against C. sordidus larvae was 2.8 days. However, the bacterium did not kill adult C. sordidus even at 10 times the concentration applied on larvae.  相似文献   

The general potential of plant cystatins for the development of insect‐resistant transgenic plants still remains to be established given the natural ability of several insects to compensate for the loss of digestive cysteine protease activities. Here we assessed the potential of cystatins for the development of banana lines resistant to the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus, a major pest of banana and plantain in Africa. Protease inhibitory assays were conducted with protein and methylcoumarin (MCA) peptide substrates to measure the inhibitory efficiency of different cystatins in vitro, followed by a diet assay with cystatin‐infiltrated banana stem disks to monitor the impact of two plant cystatins, oryzacystatin I (OC‐I, or OsCYS1) and papaya cystatin (CpCYS1), on the overall growth rate of weevil larvae. As observed earlier for other Coleoptera, banana weevils produce a variety of proteases for dietary protein digestion, including in particular Z‐Phe‐Arg‐MCA‐hydrolyzing (cathepsin L–like) and Z‐Arg‐Arg‐MCA‐hydrolyzing (cathepsin B–like) proteases active in mildly acidic conditions. Both enzyme populations were sensitive to the cysteine protease inhibitor E‐64 and to different plant cystatins including OsCYS1. In line with the broad inhibitory effects of cystatins, OsCYS1 and CpCYS1 caused an important growth delay in young larvae developing for 10 days in cystatin‐infiltrated banana stem disks. These promising results, which illustrate the susceptibility of C. sordidus to plant cystatins, are discussed in the light of recent hypotheses suggesting a key role for cathepsin B–like enzymes as a determinant for resistance or susceptibility to plant cystatins in Coleoptera. © 2009 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Nutrient composition, secondary plant substances and other host quality characteristics govern resistance and influence herbivore feeding. The current study was carried out to compare aspects of feeding behaviour and food utilization of banana weevil (Germar) (Coleptera: Curculionidae) larvae feeding on banana cultivars with different levels of resistance. In the first study, penetration times of larvae into tissue of seven banana cultivars (two susceptible, three intermediate and four resistant) were compared. Day‐old larvae were placed on corm or pseudostem tissue of these cultivars and time taken to penetrate the tissue was recorded. Larvae generally took longer to tunnel into resistant cultivars, although Yangambi Km5 (resistant) did not fit this pattern. In the second set of studies, food consumption and growth of larvae were compared on cultivars: (i) Kisubi (resistant) vs. Atwalira (susceptible); and (ii) Mbwazirume (intermediate) vs. Kayinja (resistant). Day‐old larvae were offered weighed pieces of corm that were changed every 4–7 days. At each corm change, weights of the larvae, corms and frass were measured. Changes in corm and larval weight were calculated to determine larval growth and amount of tissue consumed. Larvae feeding on resistant cultivars had lower consumption and growth rates and longer developmental duration. It was concluded that low food consumption rates contribute to delayed development of larvae feeding on resistant cultivars. Differences between resistant and susceptible cultivars in food utilization may be of limited consequence for the cultivars tested. This is one step in identifying the factors influencing weevil development rates in cultivars of different resistance levels. If these factors are identified, they can be targeted in breeding for resistance.  相似文献   

Candidate strains of Beauveria bassiana were identified for use in integrated pest management of the banana weevil Cosmopolites sordidus. Horizontal field transmission of B. bassiana between banana weevils using different delivery systems, including aggregation pheromones, was investigated. We observed that infected weevils could transmit the fungal pathogen to healthy individuals. Most dead weevils (52%) due to B. bassiana infection were found at the base of banana plants in the leaf sheath or in the soil near banana plants. Significantly more weevils died from the pathogen in plots where B. bassiana was applied in combination with the pheromone than where it was applied alone. Our data demonstrate that C. sordidus aggregation pheromone can be a valuable tool to enhance the dissemination of B. bassiana for the control of C. sordidus.  相似文献   

The burrowing nematode (Radopholus similis (Cobb) Thorne) and the banana weevil (Cosmopolites sordidus Germar, Coleoptera: Curculionidae) are major pests of banana (Musa spp.) in the Lake Victoria basin region of Uganda. Among biological options to control the two pests is the use of non-pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum Schltdl.: Fries endophytes of banana. We investigated the ability of endophytic F. oxysporum isolates Emb2.4o and V5w2 to control the banana weevil and the burrowing nematode, alone and in combination. Plant colonization by the endophytes was determined by inoculating their chemical-resistant mutants separately and in combination, onto banana roots. Plant growth promotion was determined by measuring plant height, girth, number of live roots and fresh root weight at harvest, and control of the nematode and weevil was determined by challenging endophyte-inoculated plants with the pests 8 weeks after endophyte inoculation. Endophytic root colonization was highest in plants inoculated with both endophytes, compared with those inoculated with only one of the endophytes. Root colonization was better for isolate V5w2 than Emb2.4o. Dually inoculated plants showed a significant increase in height, girth, fresh root weight and number of functional roots following nematode challenge. Nematode numbers in roots were reduced 12 weeks after challenge of 8-week-old endophyte-inoculated plants. Significant reductions in weevil damage were observed in the rhizome periphery, inner and outer rhizomes, compared with endophyte non-inoculated controls. We conclude that dual inoculation of bananas with endophytic isolates Emb2.4o and V5w2 increases root colonization by the endophytes, reduces nematode numbers and weevil damage, and enhances plant growth in the presence of nematode infestation.  相似文献   

Infestation of banana and plantain suckers by nematodes (Pratylenchus good-eyi, Radopholus similis and Helicotylenchus multicinctus) and weevils (Cosmopolites sordidus) increased with time from establishment in a field of eight different cultivars. There was a strong association between nematode and weevil infestation; suckers infested with nematodes were more than four times more likely to be infected by weevil than suckers without nematodes. Weevil damage, measured by percentage coefficient of infestation (PCI) at harvest of the bunch, was higher on a plantain (cv. Gonja) and on an east African highland cooking banana (cv. Lusumba) than on the sweet and multi-purpose cultivars. There was a correlation between numbers of male weevils caught in a plot and the mean PCI measured in the plot, but no correlation with female numbers.  相似文献   

采用固相微萃取技术提取新鲜假茎、腐烂未虫蛀假茎、虫蛀且腐烂假茎以及虫蛀未腐烂假茎4种生理状态的香蕉假茎挥发物,进行气质联用仪分析鉴定。结果表明:从香蕉新鲜假茎与虫蛀且腐烂假茎中分别鉴定出10种挥发性物质;腐烂未虫蛀假茎与虫蛀未腐烂假茎分别鉴定出11种挥发性物质;这些挥发物包括烃类、酯类、酮类、杂环类等,在不同生理状态的香蕉假茎中的相对含量各不相同。4种生理状态的香蕉假茎挥发性成分种类数及相对含量的变化与香蕉假茎象甲Odoiporus longicollis Olivier的为害有着密切关系,遭受香蕉徦茎象甲为害的香蕉假茎,其共同成分2,6-二甲基-2,4,6-辛三烯相对含量对应地减少。利用双重陷阱嗅觉仪测定了香蕉假茎象甲对香蕉假茎挥发物的行为反应,结果表明:4种生理状态的香蕉假茎挥发物均对香蕉假茎象甲有引诱作用,与新鲜假茎相比,香蕉假茎的虫蛀且腐烂状态可增强其对香蕉假茎象甲雌、雄虫的引诱作用。  相似文献   

Banana weevil females laid on an average 2.7 eggs/week in rhizome material and 0.7 eggs/week in pseudostem material in the laboratory. At extremely high weevil population densities the egg-laying activity declined. Under controlled field conditions 0.7 eggs/week were laid in banana suckers and 1.3 eggs/week in stumps of harvested suckers. 25% of the weevil stages found in suckers in the field were eggs of which 78% were laid in the rhizome and 22% in the pseudostem base. The majority of eggs was deposited in the crown area of the rhizome followed by the remaining surface area of the rhizome, the walls of abandoned larval tunnels in rhizome and pseudostem and the leaf sheaths. 58% of the eggs found were considered accessible to egg predators.  相似文献   

Abstract Three different bioassay methods to investigate the orientation behaviour of the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), to host plant volatiles and a synthetic pheromone (cosmolure+) were compared. A locomotion compensator was used to separately record walking tracks in response to three odour sources. The data show that C. sordidus uses odour‐conditioned anemotaxis in its orientation to the odour sources tested. Of the two olfactometers tested, a dual port olfactometer using a continuous airflow showed stronger discrimination by C. sordidus to the different odours compared with a double pitfall olfactometer. The results of all three bioassays indicate that C. sordidus responds in an additive way to the combination of fermentation plant volatiles and the synthetic pheromone.  相似文献   

The peel and pulp of the banana fruit and the pseudostem were examined for glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase (GOT), glutamate-pyruvate transaminase (GPT) and aldolase activities and protein, phenolics, chlorophyll and starch. The peel-pulp ratio at various stages of fruit development on the plant and in detached fruits showing incipient ripening were used as an index of the physiological age of the fruit. The enzymes exhibited maximum activity at a stage corresponding to the initiation of the climacteric. GPT level at this stage was higher than that of GOT. An initial increase in the protein content was followed by a decline in both peel and pulp, the level reaching a minimum in climacteric fruits. Astringency, measured in terms of total phenolics, decreased with development; in mature fruits, peel contained 4–5 × as much phenolics as pulp. Chlorophyll in mature fruits was 10 × higher than in young fruits and decreased in ripe fruits. The onset of ripening was attended with a pronounced decrease in the starch. The various analyses were carried out also on the pseudostem removed from the plant soon after flower formation.  相似文献   

Succinic dehydrogenase was the most susceptible among the TCA cycle enzymes to gamma irradiation in preclimacteric banana. Maximum inhibition occurred at the 3rd day after irradiation. Impairment of this activity did not affect operation of the TCA cycle, assessed from the incorporation pattern of acetate [2-14C] into the organic acids such as citric, malic and succinic. Nevertheless, incorporation into keto acids like glyoxylate, α-keto-glutarate and oxaloacetate showed a difference. The rate of labelling into α-ketoglutarate and oxaloacetate was reduced on the 3rd day while incorporation into glyoxylate was increased indicating the operation of glyoxylate shunt pathway. Studies on the individual enzymes of this pathway, isocitrate lyase and malate synthetase confirmed its operation. The reduction in oxalo-acetate has been attributed to the increased gluconeogenesis.  相似文献   

The banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar), is an important pest of bananas. Predatory ants are increasingly being viewed as possible biological control agents of this pest because they are capable of entering banana plants and soil in search of prey. We studied ant predation on banana weevil in Uganda in crop residues and live plants in both laboratory and field experiments. Field studies with live plants used chemical ant exclusion in some plots and ant enhancement via colony transfer in others to measure effects of Pheidole sp. 2 and Odontomachus troglodytes Santschi on plant damage and densities of immature banana weevils.In crop residues, an important pest breeding site, twice as many larvae were removed from ant-enhanced plots as in control plots. In young (2 month) potted suckers held in shade houses, ant ability to reduce densities of banana weevil life stages varied with the weevil inoculation rate. At the lowest density (2 female weevils per pot), densities of eggs, larvae, and pupae were reduced by ants. At higher rates there was no effect. In older suckers (5–11 months) grown in larger containers, banana weevil densities were not affected by ants, but damage levels were reduced. In a field trial lasting a full crop cycle (30 months), we found that the ants tested reduced the density of banana weevil eggs in suckers during the crop, but did not affect larval densities in the sampled suckers. However, most larvae occur in the main banana plants, rather than associated suckers. Nevertheless, levels of damage in mature plants at harvest did not differ between Amdro-treated and ant-enhanced plots, suggesting the ant species studied were not able to provide economic control of banana weevil under our test conditions.  相似文献   

The proteolytic enzymes in the gut of the banana weevil, Cosmopolites sordidus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), have been characterized. Both larvae and adults rely on a complex proteolytic system based on at least cathepsin D‐, cathepsin B‐, trypsin‐, chymotrypsin‐, leucine aminopeptidase‐, carboxypeptidase A‐, and carboxypeptidase B‐like activities. All endoproteolytic activities were higher in the anterior section of the gut, whereas the exopeptidases were evenly distributed in the anterior and middle sections, and almost no activity was detected in the posterior section. Gelatin‐containing gels confirmed the spatial organization of the proteolytic digestive process. According to this proteolytic profile, the STI (soybean Kunitz trypsin inhibitor) was tested in vivo to establish its potential as a resistance factor against C. sordidus. Newly hatched larvae fed on diets containing 0.2% (w/w) STI experience lower survival rates and display significant reductions in larval growth. Biochemical analysis carried out on guts of larvae reared on STI‐treated diet showed a reduction of trypsin‐like activity compared to that from larvae fed on control diet. This decrease was compensated with an induction of cathepsin B, whereas cathepsin D, chymotrypsin, and leucine aminopeptidase were not affected. These results are discussed as a basis for selecting appropriate inhibitors to obtain transgenic banana and plantain plants with enhanced resistance to this pest.  相似文献   

The aroma volatiles of raw, fermented and roasted cocoa beans were extracted and concentrated to valid essences using well-established techniques. Analysis by GC and GC/MS showed at least 84 components of which 13 were identified for the first time as cocoa volatiles. In total, ca 5,66 and 65 μg of aroma components were obtained per g of raw, fermented and roasted cocoa beans, respectively. The most abundant groups of volatiles from fermented beans were alcohols (ca40%w/w of the total volatiles) and esters (ca 32%), whilst those from roasted beans were pyrazines (ca 40%) and aldehydes (ca 23%). Trimethyl- and tetramethylpyrazine were also detected in fermented beans, and it is suggested that they contribute to the noticeable cocoa/chocolate aroma of fermented unroasted beans. Phenylacetonitrile, benzyl isothiocyanate and benzyl thiocyanate were all identified amongst cocoa volatiles, together showing the presence of precursor benzylglucosinolate in cocoa. Glucosinolate products were detected in roasted beans, and it seems likely that the enzyme thioglucoside glucohydrolase survived the conditions of roasting. Benzyl thiocyanate was detected only in raw beans, showing that the glucosinolate ‘thiocyanate–forming factor’ did not withstand conditions of fermentation  相似文献   

To examine the effect of early‐climacteric (postripening) 1‐methylcyclopropene (1‐MCP) exposure on the shelf‐life and quality of green Cavendish bananas (Musa acuminata cv. Williams) from the middle section of the bunch, bananas were harvested bimonthly and treated with 100 μL L?1 ethylene for 2 consecutive days prior to exposure to 0, 100, 300, 1000, 3000 or 10 000 nL L?1 1‐MCP for 24 h prior to storage at 22°C. 1‐MCP treatment at a concentration of 300 nL L?1 or above increased banana shelf‐life significantly compared with the control, regardless of the month in which fruit were harvested except March where a higher concentration was needed (3000 nL L?1). Fruit harvested in May were the most responsive with a greater than twofold increase in shelf‐life. To examine the effect of fruit position in the bunch on 1‐MCP efficacy, green fruit from the top or bottom of bunches were treated with 100 μL L?1 ethylene for 2 consecutive days prior to early‐climacteric 1‐MCP (300 nL L?1) exposure for 24 h at 22°C. In spring and autumn but not in summer, application of 1‐MCP to early‐climacteric fruit was more effective in fruit from the top than in those treated from the bottom of the bunch, increasing shelf‐life. Firmness of 1‐MCP‐treated fruit was up to 19% greater than that of the control across the year, except in fruit from the bottom of the bunch. Given that 1‐MCP is less effective in extending the shelf‐life of summer‐harvested fruit (particularly those from the bottom of the bunch), we conclude that preharvest conditions and fruit position in the bunch affect their responsiveness to ethylene and their behaviour during the ripening process.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of the boll weevil (BW), Anthonomus grandis Boheman, to Steinernema riobrave and other nematode species in petri dishes, soil (Hidalgo sandy clay loam), and cotton bolls and squares was investigated. Third instar weevils were susceptible to entomopathogenic nematode (EN) species and strains in petri dish bioassays at 30 degrees C. Lower LC(50)'s occurred with S. riobrave TX- 355 (2 nematodes per weevil), S. glaseri NC (3), Heterorhabditis indicus HOM-1 (5), and H. bacteriophora HbL (7) than H. bacteriophora IN (13), S. riobrave TX (14), and H. bacteriophora HP88 (21). When infective juveniles (IJs) of S. riobrave were applied to weevils on filter paper at 25 degrees C, the LC(50) of S. riobrave TX for first, second, and third instars, pupae, and 1-day-old and 10-days-old adult weevils were 4, 5, 4, 12, 13, and 11IJs per weevil, respectively. The mean time to death, from lowest to highest concentration, for the first instar (2.07 and 1.27days) and second instar (2.55 and 1.39days) weevils were faster than older weevil stages. But, at concentrations of 50 and 100IJs/weevil, the mean time to death for the third instar, pupa and adult weevils were similar (1.84 and 2.67days). One hundred percent weevil mortality (all weevil stages) occurred 3days after exposure to 100IJs per weevil. Invasion efficiency rankings for nematode concentration were inconsistent and changed with weevil stage from 15 to 100% when weevils were exposed to 100 and 1IJs/weevil, respectively. However, there was a consistent relationship between male:female nematode sex ratio (1:1.6) and nematode concentration in all infected weevil stages. Nematode production per weevil cadaver increased with increased nematode concentrations. The overall mean yield of nematodes per weevil was 7680IJs. In potted soil experiments (30 degrees C), nematode concentration and soil moisture greatly influenced the nematode efficacy. At the most effective concentrations of 200,000 and 400,000IJs/m(2) in buried bolls or squares, higher insect mortalities resulted in pots with 20% soil moisture either in bolls (94 and 97% parasitism) or squares (92 and 100% parasitism) than those of 10% soil moisture in bolls (44 and 58% parasitism) or squares (0 and 13% parasitism). Similar results were obtained when nematodes were sprayed on the bolls and squares on the soil surface. This paper presents the first data on the efficacy of S. riobrave against the boll weevil, establishes the potential of EN to control the BW inside abscised squares and bolls that lay on the ground or buried in the soil.  相似文献   

Banana Xanthomonas wilt (BXW), caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. musacearum (Xcm), is the most devastating disease of banana in east and central Africa. The spread of BXW threatens the livelihood of millions of African farmers who depend on banana for food security and income. There are no commercial chemicals, biocontrol agents or resistant cultivars available to control BXW. Here, we take advantage of the robust resistance conferred by the rice pattern‐recognition receptor (PRR), XA21, to the rice pathogen Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae (Xoo). We identified a set of genes required for activation of Xa21‐mediated immunity (rax) that were conserved in both Xoo and Xcm. Based on the conservation, we hypothesized that intergeneric transfer of Xa21 would confer resistance to Xcm. We evaluated 25 transgenic lines of the banana cultivar ‘Gonja manjaya’ (AAB) using a rapid bioassay and 12 transgenic lines in the glasshouse for resistance against Xcm. About 50% of the transgenic lines showed complete resistance to Xcm in both assays. In contrast, all of the nontransgenic control plants showed severe symptoms that progressed to complete wilting. These results indicate that the constitutive expression of the rice Xa21 gene in banana results in enhanced resistance against Xcm. Furthermore, this work demonstrates the feasibility of PRR gene transfer between monocotyledonous species and provides a valuable new tool for controlling the BXW pandemic of banana, a staple food for 100 million people in east Africa.  相似文献   

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