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Mutations in the tail of the cytoplasmic dynein molecule have been reported to cause neurodegenerative disease in mice. The mutant mouse strain Legs at odd angles (Loa) has impaired retrograde axonal transport, but the molecular deficiencies in the mutant dynein molecule, and how they contribute to neurodegeneration, are unknown. To address these questions, we purified dynein from wild-type mice and the Legs at odd angles mutant mice. Using biochemical, single-molecule, and live-cell-imaging techniques, we find a marked inhibition of motor run-length in vitro and in vivo, and significantly altered motor domain coordination in the dynein from mutant mice. These results suggest a potential role for the dynein tail in motor function, and provide direct evidence for a link between single-motor processivity and disease.  相似文献   

Sequence comparisons and structural analyses show that the dynein heavy chain motor subunit is related to the AAA family of chaperone-like ATPases. The core structure of the dynein motor unit derives from the assembly of six AAA domains into a hexameric ring. In dynein, the first four AAA domains contain consensus nucleotide triphosphate-binding motifs, or P-loops. The recent structural models of dynein heavy chain have fostered the hypothesis that the energy derived from hydrolysis at P-loop 1 acts through adjacent P-loop domains to effect changes in the attachment state of the microtubule-binding domain. However, to date, the functional significance of the P-loop domains adjacent to the ATP hydrolytic site has not been demonstrated. Our results provide a mutational analysis of P-loop function within the first and third AAA domains of the Drosophila cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain. Here we report the first evidence that P-loop-3 function is essential for dynein function. Significantly, our results further show that P-loop-3 function is required for the ATP-induced release of the dynein complex from microtubules. Mutation of P-loop-3 blocks ATP-mediated release of dynein from microtubules, but does not appear to block ATP binding and hydrolysis at P-loop 1. Combined with the recent recognition that dynein belongs to the family of AAA ATPases, the observations support current models in which the multiple AAA domains of the dynein heavy chain interact to support the translocation of the dynein motor down the microtubule lattice.  相似文献   

Although cyclophilin A (CyP-A) is a relatively abundant small immunophilin present in the cytoplasm of all mammalian cells, its general function(s) in the absence of the immunosuppressant drug cyclosporin A is not known. In contrast, the high molecular weight hsp90-binding immunophilins appear to play a role in protein trafficking in that they have been shown to link glucocorticoid receptor-hsp90 and p53.hsp90 complexes to the dynein motor protein for retrograde movement along microtubules. These immunophilins link to cytoplasmic dynein indirectly through the association of the immunophilin peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIase) domain with dynamitin, a component of the dynein-associated dynactin complex (Galigniana, M. D., Harrell, J. M., O'Hagen, H. M., Ljungman, M., and Pratt, W. B. (2004) J. Biol. Chem. 279, 22483-22489). Here, we show that CyP-A exists in native heterocomplexes containing cytoplasmic dynein that can be formed in cell-free systems. Prolyl isomerase activity is not required for forming the dynein complex, but the PPIase domain fragment of FKBP52 blocks complex formation and CyP-A binds to dynamitin in a PPIase domain-dependent manner. CyP-A heterocomplexes containing tubulin and dynein can be formed in cytosol prepared under microtubule-stabilizing conditions, and CyP-A colocalizes in mouse fibroblasts with microtubules. Colocalization with microtubules is disrupted by overexpression of the PPIase domain fragment. Thus, we conclude that CyP-A associates in vitro and in vivo with the dynein/dynactin motor protein complex and we suggest that CyP-A may perform a general function related to the binding of cargo for retrograde movement along microtubules.  相似文献   

Dyneins are molecular motors that translocate towards the minus ends of microtubules. In Chlamydomonas flagellar outer arm dynein, light chain 1 (LC1) associates with the nucleotide binding region within the gamma heavy chain motor domain and consists of a central leucine-rich repeat section that folds as a cylindrical right handed spiral formed from six beta-beta-alpha motifs. This central cylinder is flanked by terminal helical subdomains. The C-terminal helical domain juts out from the cylinder and is adjacent to a hydrophobic surface within the repeat region that is proposed to interact with the dynein heavy chain. The position of the C-terminal domain on LC1 and the unexpected structural similarity between LC1 and U2A' from the human spliceosome suggest that this domain interacts with the dynein motor domain.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein supports long-range intracellular movements of cargo in vivo but does not appear to be a processive motor protein by itself. We show here that the dynein activator, dynactin, binds microtubules and increases the average length of cytoplasmic-dynein-driven movements without affecting the velocity or microtubule-stimulated ATPase kinetics of cytoplasmic dynein. Enhancement of microtubule binding and motility by dynactin are both inhibited by an antibody to dynactin's microtubule-binding domain. These results indicate that dynactin acts as a processivity factor for cytoplasmic-dynein-based motility and provide the first evidence that cytoskeletal motor processivity can be affected by extrinsic factors.  相似文献   

Neurofilaments are synthesized in the cell body of neurons and transported outward along the axon via slow axonal transport. Direct observation of neurofilaments trafficking in live cells suggests that the slow outward rate of transport is due to the net effects of anterograde and retrograde microtubule motors pulling in opposition. Previous studies have suggested that cytoplasmic dynein is required for efficient neurofilament transport. In this study, we examine the interaction of neurofilaments with cytoplasmic dynein. We used fluid tapping mode atomic force microscopy to visualize single neurofilaments, microtubules, dynein/dynactin, and physical interactions between these neuronal components. AFM images suggest that neurofilaments act as cargo for dynein, associating with the base of the motor complex. Yeast two-hybrid and affinity chromatography assays confirm this hypothesis, indicating that neurofilament subunit M binds directly to dynein IC. This interaction is blocked by monoclonal antibodies directed either to NF-M or to dynein. Together these data suggest that a specific interaction between neurofilament subunit M and cytoplasmic dynein is involved in the saltatory bidirectional motility of neurofilaments undergoing axonal transport in the neuron.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin I are both unidirectional intracellular motors. Dynein moves cargo toward the cell center, and kinesin moves cargo toward the cell periphery. There is growing evidence that bi-directional motility is regulated in the cell, potentially through direct interactions between oppositely oriented motors. We have identified a direct interaction between cytoplasmic dynein and kinesin I. Using the yeast two-hybrid assay and affinity chromatography, we demonstrate that the intermediate chain of dynein binds to kinesin light chains 1 and 2. The interaction is both direct and specific. Co-immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate an interaction between endogenous proteins in rat brain cytosol. Double-label immunocytochemistry reveals a partial co-localization of vesicle-associated motor proteins. Together these observations suggest that soluble motors can interact, potentially allowing kinesin I to actively localize dynein to cellular sites of function. There is also a vesicle population with both dynein and kinesin I bound that may be capable of bi-directional motility along cellular microtubules.  相似文献   

Dyneins form one of the three major families of cytoskeleton-based motor proteins that together drive most of the visible forms of cell and organelle movement. We present here a 3D reconstruction of a cytoplasmic dynein motor domain obtained by electron microscopy, at 25 Angstrom resolution. This work demonstrates a basic motor architecture of a flat, slightly elliptical ring composed of seven densities arranged around a partially enclosed central cavity. We have used specific Fab tags to localize the microtubule-binding domain; the connecting stalk emerges at one end of the motor's long axis. Through proposed fitting of representative AAA domain structures, we show that the nucleotide catalytic P-1 domain is likely located at the opposite end of the motor. Thus mechanisms that couple nucleotide hydrolysis with microtubule binding must be propagated around a ring structure, in a manner clearly distinct from kinesin or myosin-mediated movements. Analysis of the Fab tagged datasets reveals classes of particles with stalks protruding at distinct angles from the motor. There is a approximately 40 degrees variation in microtubule-binding stalk angle that may reflect linkage to dynein's mechanochemical cycle. Overall, the work provides sufficient resolution to begin the mapping of landmark features onto a dynein motor, and provides a foundation for understanding the mechanics of dynein movement.  相似文献   

FKBP52 is a steroid receptor-associated immunophilin that binds via a tetratricopeptide repeat (TPR) domain to hsp90. FKBP52 has also been shown to interact either directly or indirectly via its peptidylprolyl isomerase (PPIase) domain with cytoplasmic dynein, a motor protein involved in retrograde transport of vesicles toward the nucleus. The functional role for the PPIase domain in receptor movement was demonstrated by showing that expression of the PPIase domain fragment of FKBP52 in 3T3 cells inhibits dexamethasone-dependent nuclear translocation of a green fluorescent protein-glucocorticoid receptor chimera. Here, we show that cytoplasmic dynein is co-immunoadsorbed with two other TPR domain proteins that bind hsp90 (the cyclophilin CyP-40 and the protein phosphatase PP5). Both proteins possess PPIase homology domains, and co-immunoadsorption of cytoplasmic dynein with each is blocked by the PPIase domain fragment of FKBP52. Using purified proteins, we show that FKBP52, PP5, and the PPIase domain fragment bind directly to the intermediate chain of cytoplasmic dynein. PP5 colocalizes with both cytoplasmic dynein and microtubules, and expression of the PPIase domain fragment of FKBP52 in 3T3 cells disrupts its cytoskeletal localization. We conclude that the PPIase domains of the hsp90-binding immunophilins interact directly with cytoplasmic dynein and that this interaction with the motor protein is responsible for the microtubular localization of PP5 in vivo.  相似文献   

The dyneins are a family of microtubule motor proteins. The motor domain, which represents the C-terminal 2/3 of the dynein heavy chain, exhibits homology to the AAA family of ATPases. It consists of a ring of six related but divergent AAA+ units, with two substantial sized protruding projections, the stem, or tail, which anchors the protein to diverse subcellular sites, and the stalk, which binds microtubules. This article reviews recent efforts to probe the mechanism by which the dyneins produce force, and work from the authors' lab regarding long-range conformational regulation of dynein enzymatic activity.  相似文献   

We report here the cloning and sequencing of a cytoplasmic dynein heavy chain gene from the cellular slime mold Dictyostelium discoideum. Using a combination of approaches, we have isolated 14,318 bp of DNA sequence which contains an open-reading frame of 4,725 amino acids. The deduced molecular weight of the polypeptide predicted by this reading frame is 538,482 D. Overall, the polypeptide sequence is 51% similar and 28% identical to the recently published sequences of the beta-dynein heavy chain from sea urchin flagella (Gibbons, I. R., B. H. Gibbons, G. Mocz, and D. J. Asai. 1991. Nature (Lond.). 352: 640-643; Ogawa, K. 1991. Nature (Lond.). 352:643-645). It contains four GXXXXGKT/S motifs that form part of a consensus sequence for ATP-binding domains; these motifs are clustered near the middle of the polypeptide. The distribution of the regions sharing sequence similarity between the Dictyostelium and sea urchin heavy chain polypeptides suggests that the amino termini of dyneins may contain domains that specify axonemal or cytoplasmic functions.  相似文献   

Because cytoplasmic dynein plays numerous critical roles in eukaryotic cells, determining the subunit composition and the organization and functions of the subunits within dynein are important goals. This has been difficult partly because of accessory polypeptide heterogeneity of dynein populations. The motor domain containing heavy chains of cytoplasmic dynein are associated with multiple intermediate, light intermediate, and light chain accessory polypeptides. We examined the organization of these subunits within cytoplasmic dynein by separating the molecule into two distinct subcomplexes. These subcomplexes were competent to reassemble into a molecule with dynein-like properties. One subcomplex was composed of the dynein heavy and light intermediate chains whereas the other subcomplex was composed of the intermediate and light chains. The intermediate and light chain subcomplex could be further separated into two pools, only one of which contained dynein light chains. The two pools had distinct intermediate chain compositions, suggesting that intermediate chain isoforms have different light chain-binding properties. When the two intermediate chain pools were characterized by analytical velocity sedimentation, at least four molecular components were seen: intermediate chain monomers, intermediate chain dimers, intermediate chain monomers with bound light chains, and a mixture of intermediate chain dimers with assorted bound light chains. These data provide new insights into the compositional heterogeneity and assembly of the cytoplasmic dynein complex and suggest that individual dynein molecules have distinct molecular compositions in vivo.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein is a force-transducing ATPase that powers the movement of cellular cargoes along microtubules. Two identical heavy chain polypeptides (> 500 kDa) of the cytoplasmic dynein complex contain motor domains that possess the ATPase and microtubule-binding activities required for force production [1]. It is of great interest to determine whether both heavy chains (DHCs) in the dynein complex are required for progression of the mechanochemical cycle and motility, as observed for other dimeric motors. We have used transgenic constructs to investigate cooperative interactions between the two motor domains of the Drosophila cytoplasmic dynein complex. We show that 138 kDa and 180 kDa amino-terminal fragments of DHC can assemble with full-length DHC to form heterodimeric complexes containing only a single motor domain. The single-headed dynein complexes can bind and hydrolyze ATP, yet do not show the ATP-induced detachment from microtubules that is characteristic of wild-type homodimeric dynein. These results suggest that cooperative interactions between the monomeric units of the dimer are required for efficient ATP-induced detachment of dynein and unidirectional movement along the microtubule.  相似文献   

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By making the hypothesis that the pattern of conserved sequence residues in the vicinity of the hydrolytic ATP-binding site of dynein would resemble that in myosins from a broad variety of sources, we designed degenerate oligonucleotide primers capable of amplifying this region of multiple dynein isoforms from sea urchin embryo poly(A)+ RNA. Quantification of the expression of two of these dynein isoforms has shown that the level of mRNA encoding for the beta-heavy chain, like that of tubulin, increases 2-3-fold after deciliation of the embryos, whereas the expression of the second dynein isoform, like that of actin, is essentially unaffected. This second isoform is believed to be the cytoplasmic dynein of sea urchin embryos.  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic dynein play an important role in transporting various intracellular cargos by coupling their ATP hydrolysis cycle with their conformational changes. Recent experimental results showed that the cytoplasmic dynein had a highly variable stepping pattern including “hand-over-hand”, “inchworm” and “nonalternating-inchworm”. Here, we developed a model to describe the coordinated stepping patterns of cytoplasmic dynein, based on its working cycle, construction and the interaction between its leading head and tailing head. The kinetic model showed how change in the distance between the two heads influences the rate of cytoplasmic dynein under different stepping patterns. Numerical simulations of the distribution of step size and striding rate are in good quantitative agreement with experimental observations. Hence, our coordinated stepping model for cytoplasmic dynein successfully explained its diverse stepping patterns as a molecular motor. The cooperative mechanism carried out by the two heads of cytoplasmic dynein shed light on the strategies adopted by the cytoplasmic dynein in executing various functions.  相似文献   

The dynein microtubule motor   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
Dyneins are large multi-component microtubule-based molecular motors involved in many fundamental cellular processes including vesicular transport, mitosis and ciliary/flagellar beating. In order to achieve useful work, these enzymes must contain motor, cargo-binding and regulatory components. The ATPase and microtubule motor domains are located within the very large dynein heavy chains that form the globular heads and stems of the complex. Cargo-binding activity involves the intermediate chains and several classes of light chain that associate in a subcomplex at the base of the soluble dynein particle. Regulatory control of dynein motor function is thought to involve the phosphorylation of various components as well as a series of light chain proteins that are directly associated with the heavy chains. These latter polypeptides have a variety of intriguing attributes, including redox-sensitive vicinal dithiols and Ca(2+)-binding, suggesting that the activity of individual dyneins may be subject to multiple regulatory inputs. Recent molecular, genetic and structural studies have revealed insight into the roles played by these various components and the mechanisms of dynein-based motility.  相似文献   

Force-induced bidirectional stepping of cytoplasmic dynein   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Cytoplasmic dynein is a minus-end-directed microtubule motor whose mechanism of movement remains poorly understood. Here, we use optical tweezers to examine the force-dependent stepping behavior of yeast cytoplasmic dynein. We find that dynein primarily advances in 8 nm increments but takes other sized steps (4-24 nm) as well. An opposing force induces more frequent backward stepping by dynein, and the motor walks backward toward the microtubule plus end at loads above its stall force of 7 pN. Remarkably, in the absence of ATP, dynein steps processively along microtubules under an external load, with less force required for minus-end- than for plus-end-directed movement. This nucleotide-independent walking reveals that force alone can drive repetitive microtubule detachment-attachment cycles of dynein's motor domains. These results suggest a model for how dynein's two motor domains coordinate their activities during normal processive motility and provide new clues for understanding dynein-based motility in living cells.  相似文献   

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