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The socio-sexual environment of a female is known to affect ovarian function. Increased male contact can enhance menstrual cycle regularity. Conversely, social deprivation constitutes a form of stress that often alters cyclicity and the secretion of reproductive hormones. The present study was carried out on captive female chimpanzees to examine possible interactions among housing conditions, menstrual cycle length, morphological changes in secondary sexual character expression and endocrine release patterns related to follicular and luteal function. Animals were housed over a period of 2 years either with a male conspecific or singly. Blood samples were collected over three cycles, and anogenital swelling changes registered to define menstrual cycle phases. Fecal sampling techniques were used to monitor cortisol as a measure of stress-load. Male presence seemed to affect female cyclicity. Females housed with a male had shorter and more regular cycles than singly housed females. Prolactin, gonadotropins and estradiol levels were generally higher in paired females during specific cycle phases. Group variation was not always significant. No differences were found in progesterone. Sexually cohabited females tended to have lower fecal cortisol metabolites immediately before and after maximum tumescence. We suggest that the close behavioral, physical and olfactory contact with a male conspecific can act as a sort of zeitgeber to modulate ovarian function by stabilizing the female cycle and, perhaps, enhancing folliculogenesis and ovulation.  相似文献   

Eight groups of rhesus monkeys each consisting of one male and four ovariectomized females were observed while two of the females were treated with hormones to produce artificial menstrual cycles. These were either synchronized or offset by 7-day increments. Sexually preferred females, defined by the numbers of ejaculations per test, received almost twice as many ejaculations as did non-preferred females during all synchronized and offset cycles and during all cycle phases. However, short-term changes in partner preference occurred when the midcycle phase of non-preferred females coincided with the middle or late progesterone phase of preferred females, suggesting a negative effect of progesterone on behavior during the menstrual cycle. There were highly significant differences between preferred and non-preferred partners for almost all of their sexual and social interactions, and preferred partners showed longer proximity and grooming times as well as higher levels of sexual activity. Partner preferences accounted for more of the behavioral variance between pairs than did female dominance, although males sought the proximity of dominant females independently of their partner preferences. Thus, in a setting uncomplicated by male mate competition, sexual preference by male rhesus monkeys is a robust phenomenon depending on complex interactions between dominance, hormonal status, and the individual behavior of female partners.  相似文献   

Women do not synchronize their menstrual cycles   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is widely believed that women who live together or who are close friends synchronize their menstrual cycles. We reexamined this phenomenon in two ways. First, we collected data on menstrual cycles from 186 Chinese women living in dorms for over a year. We found that women living in groups did not synchronize their cycles. Second, we reviewed the first study reporting menstrual synchrony. We found that group synchrony in that study was at the level of chance. We then show that cycle variability produces convergences and subsequent divergences of cycle onsets and may explain perceptions of synchrony. This study was supported by the Sichuan Youth Foundation of Science and Technology (Chuan Ke Ji [2001] 2) and NIH Grant No. 5R01MH065555-02. We thank Shuhuan Yang, Xia Xu, Jun Qu, Jing Zhu, Meijia Yu, & Chang Zhou for all their work in collecting the data. Without them, this study could never have been done. Zheng-Wei Yang is director and professor of the Morphometric Research Laboratory, North Sichuan Medical College, China. His main research interests are in spermatogenesis, morphometry, and stereology. Jeff Schank is associate professor of psychology at the University of California, Davis. His main research interests are in computational and biorobotic modeling of group behavior and the development of sensorimotor behavior in animals.  相似文献   

The Study of Women's Health Across the Nation (SWAN) is a multiethnic cohort study of middle-aged women enrolled at seven US sites. A subset of 848 women completed a substudy in which their urinary gonadotropins and sex steroid metabolites were assessed during one complete menstrual cycle or up to 50 consecutive days. Urine was analyzed for LH, FSH, estrone conjugates (E1c), and pregnanediol glucuronide (Pdg). To prepare for serial analysis of this large, longitudinal database in a population of reproductively aging women, we examined the performance of algorithms designed to identify features of the normal menstrual cycle in midreproductive life. Algorithms were based on existing methods and were compared with a "gold standard" of ratings of trained observers on a subset of 396 cycles from the first collection of Daily Hormone Substudy samples. In evaluating luteal status, overall agreement between and within raters was high. Only 17 of the 396 cycles evaluated were considered indeterminate. Of the 328 cycles rated as containing evidence of luteal activity (ELA), 320 were considered ELA by use of a Pdg threshold detection algorithm. Of 51 cycles that were rated as no evidence of luteal activity, only 2 were identified by this algorithm as ELA. Evaluation of the day of the luteal transition with methods that detected a change in the ratio of E1c to Pdg provided 85-92% agreement for day of the luteal transition within 3 days of the raters. Adding further conditions to the algorithm increased agreement only slightly, by 1-8%. We conclude that reliable, robust, and relatively simple objective methods of evaluation of the probability and timing of ovulation can be used with urinary hormonal assays in early perimenopausal women.  相似文献   

Although many studies have analyzed the causes and consequences of social relationships, few studies have explicitly assessed how measures of social relationships are affected by the choice of behaviors used to quantify them. The use of many behaviors to measure social relationships in primates has long been advocated, but it was analytically difficult to implement this framework into primatological work. However, recent advances in social network analysis (SNA) now allow the comparison of multiple networks created from different behaviors. Here we use our database of baboon social behavior (Papio anubis, Gashaka Gumti National Park, Nigeria) to investigate (i) to what extent social networks created from different behaviors overlap, (ii) to what extent individuals occupy similar social positions in these networks and (iii) how sex affects social network position in this population of baboons. We used data on grooming, aggression, displacement, mounting and presenting, which were collected over a 15-month period. We calculated network parameters separately for each behavior. Networks based on displacement, mounting and presenting were very similar to each other, whereas grooming and aggression networks differed both from each other and from mounting, displacement and presenting networks. Overall, individual network positions were strongly affected by sex. Individuals central in one network tended to be central in most other networks as well, whereas other measures such as clustering coefficient were found to vary depending on the behavior analyzed. Thus, our results suggest that a baboon's social environment is best described by a multiplex network based on affiliative, aggressive and sexual behavior. Modern SNA provides a number of useful tools that will help us to better understand animals' social environment. We also discuss potential caveats related to their use.  相似文献   

To establish the pattern of copper levels in cervical mucous, individual samples were taken from 10 normal women (aged 23-46), 2-3 times per week during the cycle. Analysis using a modification of the Stoner and Dasler wet ash microtechnique showed the lowest amounts of copper per 100 mg of dried ash (mean-3.2 mcg) in the ovulatory phase. The highest amount of copper was found in the secretory phase (mean 19.4 mcg). The copper level seemed to vary directly with the level of endogenous progesterone and inversely with the level of endogenous estrogen. No significant correlation between age and amount of copper secreted could be established because of the small size of the study.  相似文献   

Macaques (Macaca mulatta and M. assamensis) which had been maintained on a 12L :12D light cycle for the previous 4 years and had 25-35-day menstrual cycles were randomly assigned to two groups. Those in Group 1 were kept in 12L :12D for 13 months. Those in Group 2 were subjected to three successive 5-month periods of 20L :4D, 4L :20D and 20L :4D. There were no significant differences between the two groups in the frequency, duration and percentage of ovulatory menstrual cycles, suggesting that photoperiod is not the sole regulator of seasonal breeding in these animals.  相似文献   

We recently reported (Michael & Zumpe: American Journal of Primatology 15:157–170, 1988) evidence for the hypothesis that copulations by pairs of rhesus monkeys are linked more closely to the ovulatory phase of the female's menstrual cycle when a male has access to several females in different cycle phases rather than access to females in the same cycle phase. We have now used data from this earlier study to assess the role of female dominance. Artificial menstrual cycles were induced with hormone injections in two of four ovariectomized females in eight social groups (each consisting of one male and four females). The artificial cycles were either synchronized or offset by 7-day increments. There were differences in the behavioral interactions of the higher-ranking (dominant) and lower-ranking (subordinate) hormone-treated females in each group. The amount of male sexual activity received by dominant and subordinate females differed little, but dominant females initiated significantly more sexual activity (P<.0001) than did subordinate females. Dominant females were significantly more aggressive (P<.0001) toward other females and received more direct and redirected aggression from males. Males generally initiated and maintained more social contacts with dominant than with subordinate females, and dominant females were less active than subordinates in initiating and maintaining social interactions with males. The findings provide new evidence for both female mate competition and mate choice by males for higher-ranking females.  相似文献   

Female axillary secretions influence women''s menstrual cycles: A critique   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Preti, Cutler, Garcia, Huggins, and Lawley report (1986, Horm. Behav. 20, 474-482) that women's menstrual cycles can be modulated with applications of female-derived secretions. An experimental sample of 10 women who reported that they had 29.5 +/- 3 day menstrual cycles was treated on a 22- to 25-day cycle with an extract of axillary secretions from a group of female donors. After two menstrual cycles, the mean absolute difference between the women's menses onsets and the treatment applications decreased significantly. A control sample of 9 women similarly treated with blank/ethanol showed no significant change. Reanalysis of the data indicates that four subjects in the extract sample synchronized with the extract cycles because of "errors" in the extract applications and another four synchronized as a result of experimental design, mathematical properties of cocycling menses onsets, and chance variations. After these factors are accounted for, no evidence suggests that the cycles of the subjects in the extract sample were modulated by the female-derived axillary secretion.  相似文献   

W. B. Cutler et al. report in the December 1986 issue of Hormones and Behavior (20, 463-473), that women treated with axillary extract from male donors showed reduced variability in menstrual cycle lengths and a reduced proportion of aberrant cycles. The initial samples--seven subjects treated with the male extract and nine subjects treated with blank/ethanol--did not differ significantly in the frequency of aberrant and normal cycles. The cycles of four subjects who were having weekly coital activity were removed from the samples, since coital activity has been shown to be associated with normal-length cycles. The frequency differences of aberrant and normal cycles in the reduced extract and placebo samples were statistically significant. The experiment's conclusions are questionable because (1) the decision to remove the cycles of the four women who had weekly coital activity was not justified by the evidence from this experiment and (2) the researchers lacked an observed preexperimental data base from which to measure changes in the women's cycle lengths.  相似文献   

International Journal of Primatology -  相似文献   

We hypothesized that progesterone-mediated ventilatory stimulation during the midluteal phase of the menstrual cycle would increase exercise minute ventilation (VE; l/min) at sea level (SL) and with acute altitude (AA) exposure but would only increase arterial O2 saturation (SaO2, %) with AA exposure. We further hypothesized that an increased exercise SaO2 with AA exposure would enhance O2 transport and improve both peak O2 uptake (VO2 peak; ml x kg-1 x min-1) and submaximal exercise time to exhaustion (Exh; min) in the midluteal phase. Eight female lowlanders [33 +/- 3 (mean +/- SD) yr, 58 +/- 6 kg] completed a VO2 peak and Exh test at 70% of their altitude-specific VO2 peak at SL and with AA exposure to 4,300 m in a hypobaric chamber (446 mmHg) in their early follicular and midluteal phases. Progesterone levels increased (P < 0.05) approximately 20-fold from the early follicular to midluteal phase at SL and AA. Peak VE (101 +/- 17) and submaximal VE (55 +/- 9) were not affected by cycle phase or altitude. Submaximal SaO2 did not differ between cycle phases at SL, but it was 3% higher during the midluteal phase with AA exposure. Neither VO2 peak nor Exh time was affected by cycle phase at SL or AA. We conclude that, despite significantly increased progesterone levels in the midluteal phase, exercise VE is not increased at SL or AA. Moreover, neither maximal nor submaximal exercise performance is affected by menstrual cycle phase at SL or AA.  相似文献   

An initial group of 200 girls, 7-17 years old, was investigated longitudinally 4 times at 1.5-, 1.5- and 5-year intervals. The present study gives information of the impact of early menarche, a risk factor for breast cancer, on some physical and endocrine characteristics in these subjects. The frequency of ovulation depended significantly on both the time since menarche and the age at menarche. Early menarche was associated with early onset of ovulatory cycles. Even in early puberty, before menarche, the subjects who displayed early menarche during follow-up had higher serum FSH and estradiol concentrations than the girls whose menarche took place after the age of 13.0 years. Adrenal androgen secretion (dehydroepiandrosterone) was not influenced by age at menarche but it increased, as expected, on the basis of chronological age. The group with early menarche was characterized by high circulating estradiol concentrations also after menarche, even in the oldest subjects so far studied, 17-25 years of chronological age. At these ages, the differences in the frequencies of ovulatory cycles were disappearing between the groups formed on the basis of age at menarche. The present findings in pre- and postmenarcheal subjects suggest that the increased risk of breast cancer associated with early menarche is created over several years of exposure to high-level estrogen stimulus.  相似文献   

Zhang D  Lin X  Sowers M 《Biometrics》2000,56(1):31-39
We consider semiparametric regression for periodic longitudinal data. Parametric fixed effects are used to model the covariate effects and a periodic nonparametric smooth function is used to model the time effect. The within-subject correlation is modeled using subject-specific random effects and a random stochastic process with a periodic variance function. We use maximum penalized likelihood to estimate the regression coefficients and the periodic nonparametric time function, whose estimator is shown to be a periodic cubic smoothing spline. We use restricted maximum likelihood to simultaneously estimate the smoothing parameter and the variance components. We show that all model parameters can be easily obtained by fitting a linear mixed model. A common problem in the analysis of longitudinal data is to compare the time profiles of two groups, e.g., between treatment and placebo. We develop a scaled chi-squared test for the equality of two nonparametric time functions. The proposed model and the test are illustrated by analyzing hormone data collected during two consecutive menstrual cycles and their performance is evaluated through simulations.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed a critical gap in female health science, fueling anxiety, polarized views, and vaccine hesitancy. Although menstrual cycles feel like a niche topic for some, efforts to augment knowledge on the ‘fifth vital sign’ experienced by more than 300 million people on any given day worldwide are crucial to promote gender equity in health.  相似文献   

Recognition of conspecifics and mates is based on a variety of sensory cues that are specific to the species, sex and social status of each individual. The courtship and mating activity of Drosophila melanogaster flies is thought to depend on the olfactory perception of a male-specific volatile pheromone, cis-vaccenyl acetate (cVA), and the gustatory perception of cuticular hydrocarbons (CHs), some of which are sexually dimorphic. Using two complementary sampling methods (headspace Solid Phase Micro-Extraction [SPME] and solvent extraction) coupled with GC-MS analysis, we measured the dispersion of pheromonal CHs in the air and on the substrate around the fly. We also followed the variations in CHs that were induced by social and sexual interactions. We found that all CHs present on the fly body were deposited as a thin layer on the substrate, whereas only a few of these molecules were also detected in the air. Moreover, social experience during early adult development and in mature flies strongly affected male volatile CHs but not cVA, whereas sexual interaction only had a moderate influence on dispersed CHs. Our study suggests that, in addition to their role as contact cues, CHs can influence fly behavior at a distance and that volatile, deposited and body pheromonal CHs participate in a three-step recognition of the chemical identity and social status of insects.  相似文献   

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