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The central parenchyma in Oxyposthia praedator consists of multifunctional cells. These cells digest food material intracellularly, can effect extracellular digestion through release of digestive enzymes by cell lysis and clasmatosis, and synthesize reserve nutritional substances.  相似文献   

Present models of turbellarian evolution depict the organism with a frontal organ — a complex of glands whose necks emerge at the anterior tip of the body — and therefore imply that this organ is homologous throughout the Turbellaria. However, comparisons of representatives of the Acoela and Macrostomida, two putatively primitive orders of the Turbellaria, show that frontal organs in these two are not similar in ultrastructure or histochemistry. The acoel Convoluta pulchra had a prominent cluster of frontal mucous glands whose necks emerged together in a frontal pore at the exact apical pole of the organism, and an array of smaller glands of at least five other types opened at the anterior end, separately from and ventral to this pore. The frontal organs (Stirndrüsen) of two species of Macrostomum on the other hand, comprised an array of discretely emerging necks of at least two gland types including one with rhabdiform (rhammite) and one with globular mucous secretion granules neither of which emerge at the apical pole. In neither species did the organ appear to be sensory. Our findings indicate a low probability of homology between the frontal glands of the Acoela and Macrostomida.  相似文献   

Summary The rootlets of the kinetic cilia form patterns of different types in the different turbellarian subgroups (cf. Rieger 1981). In the Acoela a rather complex system of ciliary rootlets is found in the epidermis (Dorey 1965; Hendelberg & Hedlund 1973; Bedini & Papi 1974). In the acoel Childia groenlandica (Levinsen) the four rootlets of each cilium make contact with those of adjacent cilia at two levels (Hendelberg & Hedlund 1974). Distinct granules are found in the interior of the main rootlets (Hendelberg & Hedlund 1974; Bedini & Papi 1974, Fig. 16) and basal bodies (Silveira 1972; Hendelberg & Hedlund 1974) of the epidermal kinetic cilia of acoels. Similar granules, probably of identical structure, can be seen in nemertodermatids, in the same positions (Tyler & Rieger 1977, Figs. 3 & 6). Such granules were studied in C. groenlandica with histochemical methods adapted for electron microscopy. Like Silveira (1972) I found the granules of the basal bodies to be Thiéry-positive, and thus evidently to be made up of or at least to contain polysaccharide material. The granules of the main rootlets were also found to be Thiéry-positive (Hendelberg 1976). Digestion experiments (Hendelberg & Hellmén 1978 and unpublished results) strongly support the concept that the granules are glycogen beta-particles.We know that cilia can function as kinetic organelles without any rootlets. But we are still uncertain about the function of the rootlets when occurring. Most probably they form an anchorage, a function which may be favoured by branching rootlets making contact with each other. Another function which has been discussed is the transmittance of impulses regulating the ciliary beat. Glycogen granules represent an energy deposit. The functional implication of these granules in the interior of the ciliary rootlets and basal bodies is not clear. However, the observations raise the question of how energy is transmitted to the cilia. Are the ciliary rootlets, when occurring, involved? This question will be further discussed, with references, in a future full report on the digestion experiments (to be published elsewhere).  相似文献   

David A. Doe 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):157-163
The copulatory organ of Haplopharynx quadristimulus Ax, 1971 (Carolina form, Rieger, 1977) consists of a proximal prostatic vesicle and a distal stylet apparatus comprising a central tubular stylet and four to five peripheral accessory spines. By electron microscopy it could be seen that the stylet and spines were intracellular specializations. The copulatory organ can be interpreted as a specialization of an epithelial canal extending from the testes to the body wall. In the complex stylet apparatus, the epithelium was differentiated into six cell types. The stylet, which was formed in a matrix syncytium next to the prostatic vesicle, extended into the lumen of the stylet canal. The interior of the stylet apparatus contained one group of cells that had thick ciliary rootlets and another that had rootlet-like ribbons.The cells that contain the rootlets enveloped bundles of longitudinally arranged muscles. The accessory spines were formed in cells which lay peripheral to the muscle bundles. The spines, stylet, rootlet-like ribbons, and rootlets had similar patterns of periodic cross striations. The similarity in striation patterns suggests that the accessory spines and stylet are composed of modified ciliary rootlets.  相似文献   

Els E. Martens 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):165-173
The ultrastructure of male copulatory organs having a stylet has been studied in some genera of the Proseriata.Within the Monocelididae there was a variety of stylet-like hard structures. The stylet in Monocelis fusca was a differentiation of the basement membrane of the epithelium lining a penis-like muscular papilla. The penis papilla in Ectocotyla consisted of circular muscles surrounded by a thickened basement membrane and an epithelium. Archilopsis sp. and Archilina sp. with a duplex copulatory bulb, had a stylet within a spiny cirrus. The stylet in Archilopsis sp. was a cylindrical muscular protrusion with a thickened basement lamina that lined the cirrus lumen. The stylet structure in Archilina sp. was composed of four long spines which were derivatives of the basement membrane. In Ectocotyla multitesticulata and Dupliminona corsicana, the accessory prostatoid organ was provided with a hook-shaped stylet that was differentiated in the basement membrane and of which the material was continuous with the fibrous matrix between the muscles of the prostatic bulb. The stylet and needles in the Archimonocelis species were intracellular differentiations. The copulatory organ in Carenscoilia biforamen consisted of a tubiform stylet and four needles, all of which were also intracellular specializations.I consider copulatory hard structures in the Turbellaria to be taxonomically significant in terms of structure, differentiation, and location (whether subcellular, in the basement membrane, or intracellular).  相似文献   

Autoradiography has been applied to two acoel turbellarians, Convoluta convoluta and Oxyposthia praedator, to determine the distribution and fate of proliferative cells. In C. convoluta, mitotic figures and nuclei that labelled with [3H]thymidine could be observed in the peripheral parenchyma but not in the middle zone of the central parenchyma. The time required for regeneration of physiologically competent digestive cells was about 10–15 days. In O. praedator, mitotic figures (in metaphase and telophase) were observed in the peripheral parenchyma while none were found in the epidermis either in untreated animals or after treatment with colchicine. Mitotic figures were found only rarely in the central parenchyma and only in its marginal zone. Autoradiographs of O. praedator demonstrated [3H]thymidine incorporation into both the nuclei and the cytoplasm of peripheral parenchymal cells. In the central parenchyma, no nuclei with primary labelling were observed. The digestive parenchyma of the acoels is regarded as a unique histological system involving both specialized cells of the central parenchyma and stem cells located in the peripheral parenchyma.  相似文献   

Summary Urastoma cyprinae (Graff) is a microturbellarian which has been recorded both as a free-living organism by Westblad (1955) and Marcus (1951) and as a commensal in various lamellibranch molluscs (see Burt & Drinnan 1968). The material used in this study came from oysters, Crassostroea virginica, collected off the coast of Prince Edward Island, in which hosts it occurs in large numbers especially during the summer months when the oysters are spawning (Fleming et al. 1981). When U. cyprinae is exposed to light as happens, for example, when an oyster is opened, it shows a marked negative phototactic response.Preliminary work on the fine structure of the photoreceptors in U. cyprinae shows that the two eyes each consists of: (1) a single cup cell full of relatively large, electron-dense pigment granules; (2) a tripartite conical lens system; and (3) what appear to be two photosensitive rhabdomes. The pigment cup cell has a single, well defined nucleus situated basally and close to the membrane of the pigment cell furthest away from the rhabdomeres. The lens system consists of a cone made up of three, separate but equal, parts. Each part has two, flat inner surfaces which join at an angle of 120°, an outer rounded surface, and a rounded upper surface. When these three parts fit together, the cone-shaped lens is formed with the apex of the lens within the cup of the pigment cell and the rounded, convex, broad end of the cone lying more or less at the same level as the top of the pigment cup and below the epidermis layer. The rhabdomeres lie between the electron dense lenses and the inside of the pigment cup. They show connections to the visual cells which are bipolar: one extension joining the rhabdomeres; the other constituting the axon which extends into the centrally situated brain or into the longitudinal, lateral nerves. The axons that enter the brain, form connections with other axons from the other eye. The axons that extend posteriorly in a lateral position, presumably play a role in facilitating the avoidance reaction.The chemical nature of the unusual lens has not yet been determined. This is presently under investigation and will be reported later at which time our work will be discussed in relation to other types of rhabdomeric eyes in the Turbellaria.  相似文献   

Developmental characters — including oocyte and yolk cell structure, patterns of cleavage, and modes of gastrulation — are presented and examined in relation to the phylogeny of the Turbellaria. Eggshell granules, which have been demonstrated to occur in the oocytes of entolecithal eggs and the yolk cells of ectolecithal eggs, are compared among species, and their potential value as a taxonomic character is discussed. The quartet 4d spiral cleavage of the entolecithal egg of polyclads is described as reminiscent of the primitive pattern of early development for the Turbellaria. This is compared to duet spiral cleavage of acoels, and possible phylogenetic schemes involving the two types of spiral cleavage are reviewed. The link between the precise spiral cleavage, which characterizes development of most archoophorans, and blastomere separation (Blastomeren-Anarchie), which occurs in several neoophoran orders, is established by the occurrence of quartet 4d spiral cleavage in one neoophoran order, and of both quartet spiral cleavage and Blastomeren-Anarchie in different species of a second neoophoran order. The epibolic gastrulation of polyclads is described as primitive for the Turbellaria because of its similarity to that of other members of the Spiralia. Although no identical process occurs in neoophoran development, the earlier event of formation of the hull membrane in some neoophorans, and the later event of formation of the definitive epidermis in all neoophorans studied are presented as processes of possible homology to the epibolic gastrulation of polyclads. The lack of correspondence between polyclads and neoophorans in the relationship of the definitive body axes to the egg axis is discussed, and an hypothesis is advanced to account for the differences. The phylogenetic relationships indicated by known developmental phenomena differ only slightly from the scheme presented by Karling in 1974.  相似文献   

The notion that statocysts originated from an infolding of ectoderm lined by ciliated sensory cells has been challenged with evidence of capsule-limited, non-ciliary statocysts in several independent phyla. Statocysts in turbellarians primitively lack cilia and are embedded within or closely adjoined to the cerebral ganglion; they are likely to be derived from nervous tissue. We investigated the development of the simple statocyst in an acoel turbellarian, a statocyst consisting of three cells. Observations of serial TEM sections of embryos at different stages of development support the hypothesis of an inner (non-epithelial) origin of the statocyst. First, a three-cell complex is delimited by a basal lamina; it then undergoes cavitation by swelling, autophagy, and fluid secretion. The statocyst becomes discernible within the precursor ganglion cells while they still contain yolk inclusions. The two outer (parietal) cells, enclosed together by a 10-nm-thick basal lamina, arrange themselves in an ovoid of about 10 µm diameter and surround the inner statolith-forming cell. The statolith is formed later within vacuoles of the statolith-forming cell.  相似文献   

Philocelis cellata has a strengthened bursa mouthpiece which is arranged in front of the male copulatory organ. The main components of the bursa mouthpiece are numerous ring-shaped bursa mouthpiece cells whose central parts contain strengthened elements forming a tube around the sperm duct. Each of the peripheral areas of the bursa mouthpiece cells is separated by similarly ring-shaped gap cells. The end of the bursa mouthpiece towards the bursa is formed by a so-called sorting apparatus which consists of different cells; opposite the bursa the sperm duct ends in a globe-shaped sperm vestibule. The bursa mouthpiece is differentiated successively, beginning at the distal part at the bursa and proceeding proximally.  相似文献   

The Schlauchdrüsen or paracnids of Coelogynopora axi Sopott, 1972 consist of two components: a muscle cell and a secretory cell.The secretory cell is provided with a tube, which bears a border of microvilli. In the normal position the tube is situated in the interior of the secretory cell, and the microvilli stand at the inner side of the tube. After expulsion of the tube the microvilli are situated at its free surface.The evagination takes place in response to chemical stimuli and is effected by the contraction of the myofibrils of the muscle cell.The paracnids are supposed to be mechanisms of defense.However, conformities with nematocysts and spirocysts of the cnidarians do not exist.The paracnids in other species of the Coelogynoporidae, for example in Invenusta paracnida (Karling, 1966) and Carenscoilia bidentata Sopott, 1972 differ from those of C. axi in many details.Abbreviations bl- basement lamina - ep- epidermis - hd- hemidesmosomes - mc- muscle cell - mt- microtubules - mv- microvilli - nsc- nucleus of the secretory cell - sb- bowl containing secretion granules - sc- secretory cell - sd- septate desmosome-like structures - sg- secretion granules - t- tube - tf- tonofilaments  相似文献   

Summary The eyespots of Microstomum lineare were studied by electron microscopy, light microscopy, and fluorescence microscopy. Each eyespot consists of two ciliary photoreceptor cells shielded by pigment cells and additional sensory cells. The photoreceptor cells are characterized by a distal intracellular cavity lined with 50–100 interwoven cilia. The other sensory cells are of two ultrastructurally different types, one with long cilia predominating and the other with balloonlike cilia. The pigment cells, which envelop processes of the sensory cells, contain pigment vacuoles varying in size and content and give a bright red fluorescence by the Falck-Hillarp method. The eyespots are suggested to perform a dual function as photoreceptors and chemoreceptors. The evolutionary significance of ciliary photoreceptors in Turbellaria is discussed.  相似文献   

Viewed by SEM and TEM, sagittocysts of Convoluta bifoveolata Mamkaev, 1971, and needles of C. sagittifera Ivanov, 1952, have the same structure. Both are capsule-form extrusomes containing a protrusible needle. Only seven similar species of convolutimorph acoels symbiotic with green algae and C. sagittifera, without algae, possess extrusomes of this peculiar and complicated type. The sagittocyst is a clear synapomorphy of all these species. A sacciform ciliated antrum lacking a seminal vesicle is also characteristic of these species and also of three Japanese species of green (algae-symbiotic) convolutimorph acoels lacking sagittocysts. We suggest schemes of the possible evolution of male and female copulatory organs to provide a basis for better using such organs as phylogenetic characters. We regard the formation of a ciliated sacciform antrum as an independent evolutionary trend. This conclusion forms the basis for establishing the separate family Sagittiferidae. Species of this family seem to have originated in the West Pacific.  相似文献   

The nuchal organs of annelid Laonice bahusiensis (Spionidae) from northern Europe have been studied using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. L. bahusiensis is the first spionid species in which extensively developed, continuous nuchal organs are described. The nuchal organs of this genus are the longest known among polychaete annelids. They consist of paired double bands extending from the prostomium on a mid‐dorsal caruncle for about 24–30 setigers. Their microanatomy corresponds to the general structural plan of nuchal organs: there are ciliated supporting cells and bipolar sensory cells with sensory cilia traversing an olfactory chamber. The organs are overlaid by a secondary paving‐stone‐like cover and innervated by one pair of longitudinally elongated nuchal nerves. These findings clearly favor the hypothesis that the paired, extensively developed ciliated structures found in some Spionidae are homologous with the prostomial nuchal organs characteristic of polychaete annelids. J. Morphol. 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The epidermis and associated structures of adult and embryonic Paravortex cardii and Paravortex karlingi, internal parasites of Cerastoderma edule, have been examined using scanning and transmission electron microscopy. The cellular epidermis of adult Paravortex bears cilia and microvilli which differ in number and distribution between P. karlingi and P. cardii. Cellular organelles include mitochondria, lipid bodies, Golgi bodies, and ultrarhabdites. Epidermal nuclei are located in the proximal portion of the cells. The development of the tegument of embryo Paravortex has been described and a possible origin for the embryo capsule is suggested. These findings are discussed in relation to the phylogenetic status of the Turbellaria in relation to other Platyhelminthes and in the functional adaptation of the epidermis for a parasitic mode of life.Abbreviations bb- basal bodies - bl- basal lamella - c- cilia - cp- capsule - dc- dark cells - e- embryos - ep- epidermis - g- Golgi bodies - int- interdigitation (of cells) - l- lipid - lf- lamellar fold - mc- migrating cell - mf- membranous folds - mt- mitochondria - mv- microvilli - n- nucleus - nb- neoblasts - p- projections of epidermis - par- parenchyma of mother - pr- primary rootlet - rc- rhabditogen cells - sr- secondary rootlet - ur- ultrarhabdites - vt- vitelline material  相似文献   

Five specimens, presumably representing different developmental stages of the land planarian Kontikia mexicana (Hyman, 1939), were used to reconstruct the development of the copulatory apparatus in this species. The results support the notion that Kontikia differs from the closely related Caenoplana in its possession of a penis papilla. In the earliest stage available, a penis papilla was absent and other components were not differentiated. In a late-juvenile condition, the gonopore, seminal vesicle, and ejaculatory duct were present. The short penis papilla appeared to arise in this stage by elongation of the terminal tissue around the ejaculatory duct and its separation from the antral wall. The female canal was guarded by an epithelial fold and the glandular duct was present. In the mature condition, the penis papilla was more elongate, and the secretory (prostatic) region of the ejaculatory duct was functional. The female canal, guarded by an epithelial fold, was well-developed with enlarged glandular duct but lacking the posterior diverticulum and the sperm storage system associated with the ovovitelline ducts known in Kontikia orana Froehlich, 1955.  相似文献   

Isao Hori 《Hydrobiologia》1986,132(1):217-222
The earliest detectable change during regeneration of the gastrodermis in Dugesia japonica was an aggregation of regenerative cells underneath the gastrodermis remaining at the wound margin. The gastrodermal cells in experimental regenerates retained some of their original characters and presented no indication of cell dedifferentiation. The regenerative cells came into contact with the basal surface of gastrodermal cells, forming stratified cell layers. Differentiation of these cells into gastrodermal cells was initiated by the development of synthetic organelles within their cytoplasm. These differentiating cells gave rise to two different types of gastrodermal cells, namely phagocytic cells and sphere cells. In later stages, there was an apparent movement of differentiated gastrodermal cells towards the parenchyma.  相似文献   

Eggshell formation in polyclads (Turbellaria)   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Eggshell formation in polyclads was studied by means of transmission electron microscopy and histochemistry. Shell-forming granules (SFG) in the egg, as well as secretions of shell glands (SGS), play roles in eggshell formation. As the oocytes pass through the portion of the female tract where the shell glands open, they are surronded by a two-layered envelope of SGS. This envelope prevents the dispersion of SFGs discharged after oviposition, and its inner layer participates in eggshell formation with the SFGs. In Pseudostylochus sp., most SFGs consist of five parts. Similarities in staining between the parts of the SFGs and the parts of the eggshell indicate that discrete parts of the shell are derived from specific SFG components. Hardening of the eggshell and egg-plate matrix takes place through primary tanning of a sclerotin-like protein.  相似文献   

One of the main characters used in acoel taxonomy is the male copulatory organ. Despite this, ultrastructural studies of this structure are scarce. We studied the ultrastructure of the copulatory organ in eight species of acoels belonging to the taxon Childia. Members of Childia possess a well-developed conical or cylindrical stylet-like structure composed of needles. Immunogold cytochemistry of tubulin was used to determine the composition of the needles. Stylet-like structures of Childia species at the ultrastructural level are basically similar. Stylet needles show intracellular differentiations. As shown both by ultrastructural and immunocytochemical methods, the stylet needles, in all species studied, are composed of long, parallel microtubules, either tightly packed or polymerized. We report unusual polymerization of microtubules, resulting in formation of a honeycomb-like structure in cross section. Variations of ultrastructure among Childia species include numbers and arrangement of stylet needles, shape of needles, needle compactness, microtubule polymerization, direction of stylet growth, and presence/absence of different types of granules. The stylet-like structures are homologous within Childia, but are likely to prove nonhomologous with the other needle-like structures found in acoel copulatory organs. Stylets in Platyhelminthes are not homologous with stylet-like structures in acoels.  相似文献   

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