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The roles of the 70-kDa cytosolic heat shock protein (hsp70) in import of precursor proteins into the mitochondria were postulated to be related to (i) unfolding of precursor proteins in the cytosol, (ii) maintenance of the import-competent state, and (iii) unfolding and transport of precursor proteins through contact sites, in cooperation with matrix hsp70. We examined roles of cytosolic hsp70 family members in import of ornithine transcarbamylase precursor (pOTC) into rat liver mitochondria, using an in vitro import system and antibodies against hsp70. Immunoblot analysis using an hsc70 (70-kDa heat shock cognate protein)-specific monoclonal antibody and a polyclonal antibody that reacts with both hsc70 and hsp70 showed that hsc70 is the only or major form of hsp70 family members in the rabbit reticulocyte lysate. The hsc70 antibody did not inhibit pOTC import when added prior to import assay. However, when pOTC was synthesized in the presence of the antibody and then subjected to import assay, pOTC import was markedly decreased. pOTC import was also decreased when the precursor was synthesized in the lysate depleted for hsc70 by treatment with hsc70 antibody-conjugated Sepharose. This reduction was almost completely restored by readdition of purified mouse hsc70 during pOTC synthesis. The readdition of hsc70 after pOTC synthesis and only during the import assay was not effective. Thus, once import competence of pOTC was lost, hsc70 was ineffective for restoration. Newly synthesized pOTC lost import competence in the absence of hsc70 somewhat more rapidly than in its presence. These results indicate that hsc70 is required during pOTC synthesis and not during import into the mitochondria. hsc70 presumably binds to pOTC polypeptide and maintains it in an import-competent form.  相似文献   

Previously, we found that anti-DDDED antibodies strongly inhibited in vivo nuclear transport of nuclear proteins and that these antibodies recognized a protein of 69 kD (p69) from rat liver nuclear envelopes that showed specific binding activities to the nuclear location sequences (NLSs) of nucleoplasmin and SV-40 large T-antigen. Here we identified this protein as the 70-kD heat shock cognate protein (hsc70) based on its mass, isoelectric point, cellular localization, and partial amino acid sequences. Competition studies indicated that the recombinant hsc70 expressed in Escherichia coli binds to transport competent SV-40 T-antigen NLS more strongly than to the point mutated transport incompetent mutant NLS. To investigate the possible involvement of hsc70 in nuclear transport, we examined the effect of anti-hsc70 rabbit antibodies on the nuclear accumulation of karyophilic proteins. When injected into the cytoplasm of tissue culture cells, anti-hsc70 strongly inhibited the nuclear import of nucleoplasmin, SV-40 T-antigen NLS bearing BSA and histone H1. In contrast, anti-hsc70 IgG did not prevent the diffusion of lysozyme or 17.4-kD FITC-dextran into the nuclei. After injection of these antibodies, cells continued RNA synthesis and were viable. These results indicate that hsc70 interacts with NLS-containing proteins in the cytoplasm before their nuclear import.  相似文献   

Transport receptors of the importin beta family continuously shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm. We previously reported that the nuclear export of importin beta involves energy-requiring step(s) in living cells. Here, we show that the in vitro nuclear export of importin beta also requires energy input. Cytosol, depleted of ATP-binding proteins, did not support the sufficient nuclear export of importin beta. Further purification revealed that the active component in the absorbed fraction was a 70-kD heat shock cognate protein (hsc70). The addition of recombinant hsc70, but not an ATPase-deficient hsc70 mutant, to the depleted cytosol restored the export activity. In living cells, depletion of hsc70 caused the significant nuclear accumulation of importin beta. These effects of hsc70 were observed in the nuclear export of importin beta, but also for other import receptors, transportin and importin alpha. These results suggest that hsc70 broadly modulates nucleocytoplasmic transport systems by regulating the nuclear export of receptor proteins.  相似文献   

Precursor proteins made in the cytoplasm must be in an unfolded conformation during import into mitochondria. Some precursor proteins have tightly folded domains but are imported faster than they unfold spontaneously, implying that mitochondria can unfold proteins. We measured the import rates of artificial precursors containing presequences of varying length fused to either mouse dihydrofolate reductase or bacterial barnase, and found that unfolding of a precursor at the mitochondrial surface is dramatically accelerated when its presequence is long enough to span both membranes and to interact with mhsp70 in the mitochondrial matrix. If the presequence is too short, import is slow but can be strongly accelerated by urea-induced unfolding, suggesting that import of these 'short' precursors is limited by spontaneous unfolding at the mitochondrial surface. With precursors that have sufficiently long presequences, unfolding by the inner membrane import machinery can be orders of magnitude faster than spontaneous unfolding, suggesting that mhsp70 can act as an ATP-driven force-generating motor during protein import.  相似文献   

A hybrid precursor protein constructed by fusing the mitochondrial matrix-targeting signal of rat preornithine carbamyl transferase to murine cytosolic dihydrofolate reductase (designated pO-DHFR) was expressed in Escherichia coli. Following purification under denaturing conditions, pO-DHFR was capable of membrane translocation when diluted directly into import medium containing purified mitochondria but lacking cytosolic extracts. This import competence was lost with time, however, when the precursor was diluted and preincubated in medium lacking mitochondria, unless cytosolic proteins (provided by rabbit reticulocyte lysate) were present. Identical results were obtained for purified precursor made by in vitro translation. The ability of the cytosolic proteins to maintain the purified precursor in an import-competent state was sensitive to protease, N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), and was heat labile. Further, this activity appeared to be signal sequence dependent. ATP was not required for the maintenance of pO-DHFR competence, nor did purified 70-kDa heat shock protein (the constitutive form of Hsp70) substitute for this activity. Interestingly, however, purified Hsp70 prevented aggregation of the precursor in an ATP-dependent manner and, as well, retarded the apparent rate and extent of pO-DHFR folding. Partial purification of reticulocyte lysate proteins indicated that competence activity resides within a large mass protein fraction (200-250 kDa) that contains Hsp70. Sucrose density gradient analysis revealed that pO-DHFR reversibly interacts with components of this fraction. Pretreatment of the fraction with NEM, however, significantly stabilized the subsequent formation of a complex with the precursor. The results indicate that Hsp70 can retard precursor polypeptide folding and prevent precursor aggregation; however, by itself, Hsp70 cannot confer import competence to pO-DHFR. Maintenance of import competence correlates with interactions between the precursor and an NEM-sensitive cytosolic protein fraction. Efficient dissociation of the precursor from this complex appears to require a reactive thiol moiety on the cytosolic protein(s).  相似文献   

Antimony-containing drugs are still the drugs of choice in the treatment of infections caused by the parasite Leishmania. Resistance to antimony is now common in some parts of the world, and several mechanisms of resistance have been described. By transfecting cosmid banks and selecting with potassium antimonyl tartrate (SbIII), we have isolated a cosmid associated with resistance. This cosmid contains 2 copies of the heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) and 1 copy of the heat shock cognate protein 70 (HSC70). Several data linked HSP70 to antimony response and resistance. First, several Leishmania species, both as promastigotes and amastigotes, increased the expression of their HSP70 proteins when grown in the presence of 1 or 2 times the Effect Concentration 50% of SbIII. In several mutants selected for resistance to either SbIII or to the related metal arsenite, the HSP70 proteins were found to be overexpressed. This increase was also observed in revertant cells grown for several passages in the absence of SbIII, suggesting that this increased production of HSP70 is stable. Transfection of HSP70 or HSC70 in Leishmania cells does not confer resistance directly, though these transfectants were better able to tolerate a shock with SbIII. Our results are consistent with HSP70 and HSC70 being a first line of defense against SbIII until more specific and efficient resistance mechanisms take over.  相似文献   

The 70-kDa heat shock protein hsp70 and its constitutively expressed cognate, hsc70, are abundant proteins implicated in a number of cellular processes. When a permeabilized cell system for examining the transport of proteins into the nucleus is depleted of hsc70 and hsp70, either by affinity chromatography on ATP-agarose or with antibodies against these proteins, nuclear transport activity is lost. Full activity is restored by the addition of HeLa proteins that bind to ATP-agarose. hsc70 and hsp70 are the active factors, since activity is also fully restored by the addition of either recombinant hsc70 or hsp70 which has been bacterially expressed and highly purified. The restoration of activity is saturable. The transport system requires other cytosolic factors as well, including at least one protein that is sensitive to inactivation by N-ethylmaleimide, but neither hsc70 nor hsp70 is the sensitive protein.  相似文献   

The role of nucleoside triphosphates (NTPs) in the import of porin into the mitochondrial outer membrane was investigated with two forms of the porin precursor: the in vitro synthesized biosynthetic precursor (bs-porin) and a water-soluble form of porin (ws-porin) obtained by subjecting the membrane-derived porin to an acid-base treatment (exposure to trichloroacetic acid, followed by alkali and rapid neutralization). The import of ws-porin into mitochondria did not require NTPs, whereas the import of bs-porin required NTPs. In other characteristics, such as binding to a specific receptor protein on the mitochondrial surface, two-step insertion into the outer membrane, and formation of specific membrane channels, ws-porin was indistinguishable from bs-porin. Thus, the acid-base treatment applied in the preparation of ws-porin can substitute for the NTP-requiring step in mitochondrial protein import. We conclude that NTPs are required for unfolding mitochondrial precursor proteins ("translocation competent folding").  相似文献   

The protracted absence of muscle activation initiates complex cellular and molecular reactions aimed at restoring functional neuromuscular transmission and preventing degenerative processes. A central aspect of these reactions is the sprouting of intramuscular nerves in the vicinity of inactivated muscle fibers. Sprouts emerging from terminal nerve branches and nodes of Ranvier can reestablish functional contacts with inactive muscle fibers, and this is an essential restorative process in pathological conditions of the neuromuscular system. Due to their rapid upregulation in inactive skeletal muscle fibers and their ability to induce nerve sprouting in adult muscle, insulin-like growth factors (IGFs) are candidate signaling molecules to promote restorative reactions in the neuromuscular system. In this study we have exploited the high affinity and specificity of IGF-binding protein 4 (IGF-BP4) and IGF-BP5 for IGF1 and IGF2 to determine whether these growth factors are involved in the nerve sprouting reaction in paralyzed skeletal muscle. In tissue culture experiments with sensory- and motoneurons we demonstrate that the neurite promoting activity of IGF1 is blocked by IGF-BP4, and that a similar IGF-BP-sensitive activity is detected in muscle extracts from paralyzed, but not from control muscle. In in vivo experiments, we show that local delivery of IGF-BP4 to Botulinum toxin A-paralyzed skeletal muscle effectively prevents nerve sprouting in that muscle. Our findings indicate that muscle IGFs play an essential role in intramuscular nerve sprouting. In addition, these findings suggest that IGFs are major signaling factors from inactivated muscle to promote local restorative reactions, including interstitial cell proliferation and nerve sprouting.  相似文献   

Mitochondria contain approximately 1000 different proteins, which are located in four different compartments, outer membrane, inner membrane, intermembrane space and matrix. The vast majority of these proteins has to be imported from the cytosol. Therefore, sophisticated molecular machineries have evolved that mediate protein translocation across or insertion into mitochondrial membranes and subsequent assembly into multi-subunit complexes. While the initial entry of virtually all mitochondrial proteins is mediated by the general import pore of the outer membrane, at least four different downstream pathways are dedicated to import and assembly of proteins into a specific compartment.  相似文献   

The dbl oncogene product is the defining member of a family of onco-proteins known as Dbl guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs) that facilitate the activation of the small GTP-binding proteins Cdc42, Rac, and Rho. Oncogenic activation of proto-Dbl occurs through loss of the amino-terminal 497 residues, rendering the protein constitutively active. Because both onco- and proto-Dbl contain the structural elements required for GEF activity (i.e. the Dbl homology (DH) and pleckstrin homology (PH) domains), it is thought that the amino terminus of proto-Dbl somehow inhibits the biochemical activity of the protein. To better understand the molecular basis of this regulation, we set forth to identify cellular proteins that preferentially bind the proto-oncogenic form of Dbl. We identified the molecular chaperone heat shock cognate protein (Hsc70) as a binding partner that preferentially interacts with the proto-oncogenic form of Dbl. Dbl is complexed with Hsc70 in transfected cells, as well as in native mouse brain extracts. The interaction between Hsc70 and proto-Dbl is mediated by at least two regions in Dbl, the aminoterminal spectrin homology domain (residues 224-417) and the pleckstrin homology domain (residues 711-808). Overexpression of a dominant negative Hsc70 mutant leads to activation of proto-Dbl GEF activity, indicating that the chaperone negatively regulates proto-Dbl function in vivo. We propose that Hsc70 attenuates Dbl activity by maintaining an inactive conformation in which the amino terminus is "folded over" the catalytic DH-PH domain.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that 70-kD mitochondrial heat shock protein (mt- hsp70) has a dual role in membrane translocation of preproteins we screened preproteins in an attempt to find examples which required either only the unfoldase or only the translocase function of mt-hsp70. We found that a series of fusion proteins containing amino-terminal portions of the intermembrane space protein cytochrome b2 (cyt. b2) fused to dihydrofolate reductase (DHFR) were differentially imported into mitochondria containing mutant hsp70s. A fusion protein between the amino-terminal 167 residues of the precursor of cyt. b2 and DHFR was efficiently transported into mitochondria independently of both hsp70 functions. When the length of the cyt. b2 portion was increased and included the heme binding domain, the fusion protein became dependent on the unfoldase function of mt-hsp70, presumably caused by a conformational restriction of the heme-bound preprotein. In the absence of heme the noncovalent heme binding domain in the longer fusion proteins no longer conferred a dependence on the unfoldase function. When the cyt. b2 portion of the fusion protein was less than 167 residues, its import was still independent of mt-hsp70 function; however, deletion of the intermembrane space sorting signal resulted in preproteins that ended up in the matrix of wild-type mitochondria and whose translocation was strictly dependent on the translocase function of mt-hsp70. These findings provide strong evidence for a dual role of mt-hsp70 in membrane translocation and indicate that preproteins with an intermembrane space sorting signal can be correctly imported even in mutants with severely impaired hsp70 function.  相似文献   

Immunofluorescent studies with anti-2A antisera, raised specifically against a synthetic C-terminal peptide of native murine P70, the testes-specific cognate heat shock protein 70, demonstrated that the rat homologue of P70 is expressed on the surface of testicular cells. The murine hsp 70.2 gene, encoding P70, was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The recombinant P70 (rP70) protein with a 6Xhistidine affinity tag at its amino terminus was purified from E. coli via nickel affinity column chromatography. Monoclonal anti-hsp70 antisera and anti-2A antisera cross-reacted with purified rP70. Binding of rP70 was specific for sulfogalactosylceramide (SGC) and sulfogalactosyglycerolipid (SGG). Binding was not inhibited by the sugar, galactose 3′ sulfate, nor was binding observed to desulfated derivatives of SGC and SGG, to other negatively charged lipids or other sulfated lipids. Furthermore, rP70 bound to an SGC-column and was eluted only at high salt in combination with high pH. These results show rP70 to possess a specific sulfatide binding site. Since the biochemical properties and immunoreactivity of rP70 are indistinguishable from native P70 and SLIP1 (testicular sulfoglycolipid immobilized protein 1) rP70 can be employed to examine the role of hsp70-mediated sulfatide binding in fertilization. Abbreviations: PAGE, polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis; IPTG, isopropylthio-β-D-galactoside; X-gal, 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-β-D-galactoside; km, kanamycin; amp, ampicillin; kDa, kilodaltons; kb, kilobases; BHI, brain heart infusion; OPD, O-phenylenediamine dichloride peroxidase substrate; RT, room temperature; h, hours This revised version was published online in November 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Understanding the molecular basis of resistance to imatinib, a tyrosine kinase inhibitor used as front-line therapy in chronic myeloid leukemia, remains a challenge for successful treatment. In an attempt to identify new mechanisms of resistance, we performed a comparative proteomic analysis of an imatinib-resistant cell line generated from the erythroblastic cell line K562 (K562-r) for which no known mechanism of resistance has been detected. Bidimensional gel electrophoresis was carried out to compare the protein expression pattern of imatinib-sensitive and of imatinib-resistant K562 cells. Among the 400 matched spots on five pairs of gels, only 14 spots had a significantly increased or decreased expression leading to the identification of 24 proteins identified as scaffold proteins, metabolic enzymes, DNA translation and maturation, and chaperon proteins. Among the chaperon family, only Hsp70 and Hsc70 are overexpressed in K562-r, results confirmed by Western blotting. We recently reported the participation of Hsp70 overexpression in imatinib resistance whereas a role for Hsc70 has yet to be determined. Hsc70 is not involved in imatinib resistance as the inhibition of its expression by siRNA does not restore sensitivity to imatinib. In contrast, the induced decreased expression of Hsc70 was accompanied by a greater overexpression of Hsp70. This proteomic study therefore suggests opposing roles of Hsp70 and Hsc70 in imatinib resistance.  相似文献   

Heat shock proteins (hsp) are well recognized for their protein folding activity. Additionally, hsp expression is enhanced during stress conditions to preserve cellular homeostasis. Hsp are also detected outside cells, released by an active mechanism independent of cell death. Extracellular hsp appear to act as signaling molecules as part of a systemic response to stress. Extracellular hsp do not contain a consensus signal for their secretion via the classical ER-Golgi compartment. Therefore, they are likely exported by an alternative mechanism requiring translocation across the plasma membrane. Since Hsp70, the major inducible hsp, has been detected on surface of stressed cells, we propose that membrane interaction is the first step in the export process. The question that emerges is how does this charged cytosolic protein interact with lipid membranes? Prior studies have shown that Hsp70 formed ion conductance pathways within artificial lipid bilayers. These early observations have been extended herewith using a liposome insertion assay. We showed that Hsp70 selectively interacted with negatively charged phospholipids, particularly phosphatidyl serine (PS), within liposomes, which was followed by insertion into the lipid bilayer, forming high-molecular weight oligomers. Hsp70 displayed a preference for less fluid lipid environments and the region embedded into the lipid membrane was mapped toward the C-terminus end of the molecule. The results from our studies provide evidence of an unexpected ability of a large, charged protein to become inserted into a lipid membrane. This observation provides a new paradigm for the interaction of proteins with lipid environments. In addition, it may explain the export mechanism of an increasing number of proteins that lack the consensus secretory signals.  相似文献   

Using a yeast two-hybrid system with the 70-kDa heat shock cognate protein (hsc70) or its C-terminal 30-kDa domain as baits, we isolated several proteins interacting with hsc70, including Hip/p48 and p60/Hop. Both are known to interact with hsc70. Except for Hip/p48, all of the proteins that we isolated interact with the 30-kDa domain. Moreover, the EEVD motif at the C terminus of the 30-kDa domain appears essential for this interaction. Sequence analysis of these hsc70-interacting proteins reveals that they all contain tetratricopeptide repeats. Using deletion mutants of these proteins, we demonstrated either by two-hybrid or in vitro binding assays that the tetratricopeptide repeat domains in these proteins are necessary and sufficient for mediating the interaction with hsc70.  相似文献   

Apoptin, a protein from chicken anemia virus, selectively induces apoptosis of transformed or tumor cells, but not in normal cells. However, the mechanism of action of Apoptin is still not well understood. Using yeast two-hybrid and immunoprecipitation approaches, we found that Apoptin interacted with Heat shock cognate protein 70 (Hsc70). In vivo, Apoptin induced the translocation of endogenous Hsc70 from the cytoplasm to the nucleus, and both were co-localized in the nucleus. In addition, Apoptin induced Akt phosphorylation, which was markedly inhibited by Hsc70 knockdown, suggesting that Hsc70 may play a critical role in Apoptin-induced Akt phosphorylation. These findings help to further understand the molecular mechanism of Apoptin.  相似文献   

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