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Summary The variation in growth of the fine roots of blue gum (Eucalyptus globulus labill. ssp.globulus) in the 0–40 cm soil layer was studied from March 1982 to March 1983 at Quinta do Furaduoro, Óbidos, Portugal. A mesh bag method was used; bags of nylon net were inserted into a clay soil and a sandy soil and filled with root-free soil. They were resampled after 2, 4, 6 and 12 months in both places and, in a separate series in the sandy soil every second month throughout the year.The ingrowth of roots was high during the winter months but there was also a surprisingly high ingrowth during the spring-early summer period. There was also some root growth during the driest part of the yearviz. July–September.The amount of fine roots reached a maximum of about 260 g dw m–2 after about 6 months in the sandy soil, whereas it took at least 12 months to reach the somewhat higher level of 450 g dw m–2 in the clay soil. At that level the decomposition of dead roots was expected to equal the formation of new roots. Dead roots appeared after only 2 months. There was a higher proportion of dead roots in the clay soil than in the sandy soil, 35% as compared with 20% on an average, which indicates a slower decomposition or a higher mortality at equal decomposition rates in the clay than and in the sandy soil. The present data gives an indication of a minimum fine root production in mature Eucalyptus stands of at least 600 g dw m–2 yr–1.  相似文献   

Leaf decomposition of the exotic evergreen Eucalyptus globulus (eucalyptus), and three native deciduous tree species, Alnus glutinosa (alder), Castanea sativa (chestnut) and Quercus faginea (oak), was compared in a second order stream in Central Portugal. Changes in dry weight, nitrogen and polyphenolic compounds and microbial colonization were periodically assessed for three months.Negative exponential curves fit the leaf weight loss with time for all leaf species. Mass loss rate was in the order alder (K = 0.0161) > chestnut (K = 0.0079) > eucalyptus (K = 0.0068) > oak (K = 0.0037). Microbial colonization followed the same pattern as breakdown rates. Evidence of fungal colonization was observed in alder after 3 days in the stream, whereas it took 21 days in oak leaves to have fungal colonization. Fungal diversity was leaf species-dependent and increased with time. In all cases, percent nitrogen per unit leaf weight increased, at least, at the initial stages of decay while soluble polyphenolics (expressed as percentage per unit leaf weight) decreased rapidly in the first month of leaves immersion.Intrinsic factors such as nitrogen and polyphenolic content may explain differences in leaf decomposition. The possible incorporation of eucalyptus litter into secondary production in a reasonable time span is suggested, although community balance and structure might be affected by differences in allochthonous patterns determined by eucalyptus monocultures.  相似文献   

Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ssp. globulus is an important tree species for the pulp and paper industry, and several breeding programmes throughout the world are striving to improve key traits such as growth and wood density. This study aimed to detect quantitative trait loci (QTL) for growth, wood density, relative bark thickness and early flowering in a single full-sib E. globulus family grown across seven sites. Growth was measured a number of times over a 6-year period, enabling temporal stability of growth QTL to be studied. Ten putative QTL (LOD > 2.0) were detected in the single family, which was of moderate size. Based on permutations of the trait data, six of these QTL were significant at the experimentwise significance level of 0.1 for at least one of the four models implemented in analysis to remove site effects. For wood density, two putative QTL explained 20% of the variance for the trait, indicating that a small number of QTL might explain a reasonable proportion of the trait variance. One of these QTL was found to be independent of QTL for growth whereas the second QTL co-segregated with a QTL for relative incremental growth. The marker nearest to this QTL was associated with fast growth but low wood density. A putative growth QTL at year 6 was found to be relatively stable across ages. In addition, it was found that residuals from models based on measurements from across all families across all sites in the trial detected QTL with greater experimentwise significance.  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis whether afforestation with Eucalyptus globulus affects litter dynamics in streams and the structure of macroinvertebrate aquatic communities, we compared streams flowing through eucalyptus and deciduous forests, paying attention to: (i) litterfall dynamics, (ii) accumulation of organic matter, (iii) processing rates of two dominant leaf species: eucalyptus and chestnut, and (iv) macroinvertebrate community structure. The amount of allochthonous inputs was similar in both vegetation types, but the seasonality of litter inputs differed between eucalyptus and natural deciduous forests. Eucalyptus forest streams accumulated more organic matter than deciduous forest streams. Decomposition of both eucalyptus and chestnut leaf litter was higher in streams flowing through deciduous forests. The eucalyptus forest soils were highly hydrophobic resulting in strong seasonal fluctuations in discharge. In autumn the communities of benthic macroinvertebrates of the two stream types were significantly different. Deciduous forest streams contained higher numbers of invertebrates and more taxa than eucalyptus forest streams. Mixed forest streams (streams flowing through eucalyptus forests but bordered by deciduous vegetation) were intermediate between the two other vegetation types in all studied characteristics (accumulation of benthic organic matter, density and diversity of aquatic invertebrates). These results suggest that monocultures of eucalyptus affect low order stream communities. However, the impact may be attenuated if riparian corridors of original vegetation are kept in plantation forestry.  相似文献   

1. Single‐station diel oxygen curves were used to monitor the oxygen metabolism of an intermittent, forested third‐order stream (Fuirosos) in the Mediterranean area, over a period of 22 months. Ecosystem respiration (ER) and gross primary production (GPP) were estimated and related to organic matter inputs and photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) in order to understand the effect of the riparian forest on stream metabolism. 2. Annual ER was 1690 g O2 m?2 year?1 and annual GPP was 275 g O2 m?2 year?1. Fuirosos was therefore a heterotrophic stream, with P : R ratios averaging 0.16. 3. GPP rates were relatively low, ranging from 0.05 to 1.9 g O2 m?2 day?1. The maximum values of GPP occurred during a few weeks in spring, and ended when the riparian canopy was fully closed. The phenology of the riparian vegetation was an important determinant of light availability, and consequently, of GPP. 4. On a daily scale, light and temperature were the most important factors governing the shape of photosynthesis–irradiance (P–I) curves. Several patterns could be generalised in the P–I relationships. Hysteresis‐type curves were characteristic of late autumn and winter. Light saturation responses (that occurred at irradiances higher than 90 μE m?2 s?1) were characteristic of early spring. Linear responses occurred during late spring, summer and early autumn when there was no evidence of light saturation. 5. Rates of ER were high when compared with analogous streams, ranging from 0.4 to 32 g O2 m?2 day?1. ER was highest in autumn 2001, when organic matter accumulations on the streambed were extremely high. By contrast, the higher discharge in autumn 2002 prevented these accumulations and caused lower ER. The Mediterranean climate, and in its effect the hydrological regime, were mainly responsible for the temporal variation in benthic organic matter, and consequently of ER.  相似文献   

Madeira  M.  Araújo  M. C.  Pereira  J. S. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):287-295
A field experiment was initiated in March 1986 in central Portugal to evaluate the influence of water and nutrient supply on the productivity of E. globulus. The treatments applied were, irrigation plus fertiliser, irrigation and the application of fertilisers in rainfed plots. The control received neither fertilisers nor irrigation. The annual pattern litterfall was measured over a period of 5 years and the litter layer was quantified 6 years after planting. The amount of litterfall varied with the treatments. Simultaneous water and nutrient supply increased significantly litterfall, in respect to control. In rainfed conditions the timing of the maximum of litterfall was anticipated relative to the irrigated plots. However, the time of maximum litterfall did not coincide with the dry season but rather with period of maximum growth in each treatment. The N and P concentration was higher in the litterfall of the two fertilised treatments than in the others. The lowest concentrations of N and P in the leaf litter were coincident with the summer period in all treatments. The withdrawal of N and P ranged between 32 and 65% according to treatment and season. The deliverance of nutrients through litterfall was strongly increased by simultaneous water and nutrient supply. The supply of fertilisers in rainfed conditions promoted higher deliverance of nutrients than in the plots irrigated only. The mass of the litter layer was significantly increased by simultaneous water and nutrient supply. Application of fertilisers induced an increase in N and P concentration and a decrease in C/N ratio of the litter layer. Treatments and C/N values did not influence apparently the proportion of carbon, N and P released through mineralization from the litter layer. The non-fertilized treatments showed a more efficient N cycling than the others.  相似文献   

The distribution of tree biomass and the allocation of organic matter production were measured in an 11-yr-old Pinus caribaea plantation and a paired broadleaf secondary forest growing under the same climatic conditions. The pine plantation had significantly more mass aboveground than the secondary forest (94.9 vs 35.6 t ha-1 for biomass and 10.5 vs 5.0 t ha-1 for litter), whereas the secondary forest had significantly more fine roots (⩽2 mm diameter) than the pine plantation (10.5 and 1.0 t ha-1, respectively). Standing stock of dead fine roots was higher than aboveground litter in the secondary forest. In contrast, aboveground litter in pine was more than ten times higher than the dead root fraction. Both pine and secondary forests had similar total organic matter productions (19.2 and 19.4 t ha-1 yr-1, respectively) but structural allocation of that production was significantly different between the two forests; 44% of total production was allocated belowground in the secondary forest, whereas 94% was allocated aboveground in pine. The growth strategies represented by fast growth and large structural allocation aboveground, as for pine, and almost half the production allocated belowground, as for the secondary forest, illustrate equally successful, but contrasting growth strategies under the same climate, regardless of soil characteristics. The patterns of accumulation of organic matter in the soil profile indicated contrasting nutrient immobilization and mineralization sites and sources for soil organic matter formation.  相似文献   

The importance of allochthonous organic matter for low order streams is described. Oberer Seebach is a second order stream, draining an uninhabitated and densly forrested catchment. Because of flood control the channel is free of debris dams since more than a century. The study site is characterized. Main emphasis is laid on the riparian vegetation and the distribution of dry and overflown channel areas in space and time. Amounts of leaf material, deposited on the sediment surface of the channel are significantly larger during defoliation (20 days) and shortly afterwards (accumulation period, 6.64 (110 days) and 29.42 g m2 DW (133 days, mean of five years) for wet and dry areas, respectively) than during the rest of the year (intermediate period, 0.98 and 3.94 g m2 (mean of five years) for wet and dry areas, respectively). Woody debris is too scarce to increase the retention capacity. Deposition of leaf material depends on the interaction of input (wind-drift and bank run off, 124 and 85 g m2 for the accumulation- and intermediate period, respectively), discharge regime and the relationship between dry and wet channel areas. Periodically inundated areas increase the retention capacity of the stream channel and are comparable with the interrelationship between stream and floodplain.  相似文献   

氮沉降对杉木人工林土壤可溶性有机质数量和结构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
焦宏哲  李欢  陈惠  司友涛  鲍勇  孙颖  杨玉盛 《生态学报》2021,41(4):1593-1602
氮沉降作为现在乃至未来气候变化的趋势之一,其可能深刻影响土壤可溶性有机质的数量和结构。选取我国中亚热带杉木人工林不同深度土壤(0-10 cm和10-20 cm)进行氮沉降试验,利用光谱技术研究氮沉降对土壤可溶性有机质数量和结构的影响。试验设对照(CT,0 kg hm-2 a-1)、高氮(HN:80 kg hm-2 a-1)、低氮(LN:40 kg hm-2 a-1)3种处理。结果表明:(1)在0-10 cm和10-20 cm土层,HN、LN处理的土壤可溶性有机碳和可溶性有机氮含量显著高于CT。(2)在0-10 cm和10-20 cm土层,1月时HN、LN处理的芳香性指数和腐殖化程度都显著高于CT,而4月时HN、LN处理的芳香性指数和腐殖化程度都显著低于CT。除了氮含量的直接影响外,RDA (冗余分析)表明,两土层中土壤含水量、pH和土壤有机碳是驱动氮沉降对土壤DOM数量和结构的重要环境因子。因此,氮沉降对土壤DOM的影响是复杂的,未来尤其应该注重氮沉降对生态系统影响的季节模式。  相似文献   

1. Although dissolved nutrients and the quality of particulate organic matter (POM) influence microbial processes in aquatic systems, these factors have rarely been considered simultaneously. We manipulated dissolved nutrient concentrations and POM type in three contiguous reaches (reference, nitrogen, nitrogen + phosphorus) of a low nutrient, third‐order stream at Hubbard Brook Experimental Forest (U.S.A). In each reach we placed species of leaves (mean C : N of 68 and C : P of 2284) and wood (mean C : N of 721 and C : P of 60 654) that differed in elemental composition. We measured the respiration and biomass of microbes associated with this POM before and after nutrient addition. 2. Before nutrient addition, microbial respiration rates and biomass were higher for leaves than for wood. Respiration rates of microbes associated with wood showed a larger response to increased dissolved nutrient concentrations than respiration rates of microbes associated with leaves, suggesting that the response of microbes to increased dissolved nutrients was influenced by the quality of their substrate. 3. Overall, dissolved nutrients had strong positive effects on microbial respiration and fungal, but not bacterial, biomass, indicating that microbial respiration and fungi were nutrient limited. The concentration of nitrate in the enriched reaches was within the range of natural variation in forest streams, suggesting that natural variation in nitrate among forest streams influences carbon mineralisation and fungal biomass.  相似文献   

1. We investigated the effects of a flood on the fauna and physical habitat of the hyporheic zone of the Kye Burn, a fourth order gravel‐bed stream in New Zealand. 2. Freeze core hyporheic samples (to 50 cm depth) and benthic samples (to 10 cm) were taken, along with measurements of vertical hydrological gradient, before, 2 days after and 1 month after the flood (estimated return period: 1.5 years, estimated Qmax = 10.4 m3 s?1). 3. The composition of the hyporheos differed over the three sampling occasions with fewer taxa collected immediately postflood than preflood. The equitability of the community was higher on both postflood occasions, consistent with the reduced densities of two abundant taxa (Leptophlebiidae and Copepoda). 4. Total invertebrate abundance was lower on the postflood occasions than preflood in both benthic (0–10 cm) and hyporheic (10–50 cm) sediments. Several taxa, including asellotan isopods and amphipods, recovered within 1 month of the event. Hyporheic densities of larval Hydora and nematodes did not differ among the three sampling occasions, but the water mite Pseudotryssaturus was more abundant 1 month after the flood than preflood. There was no evidence of vertical movements (to 50 cm) by any taxa in response to the flood. 5. The proportion of fine sediments (<1 mm) in the subsurface sediments (10–50 cm) increased over the three sampling occasions and median particle size declined, but sediment porosity did not change. More particulate organic matter was found in the sediments after the flood. 6. Our study provides little evidence that the hyporheic zone (to 50 cm) acted as a significant refuge during the flood event, although movements to or recolonisation from sediments deeper than 50 cm could explain the recovery of many crustacean and mite taxa within 1 month.  相似文献   

In pots containing sandy soils at two levels (pH 5 and 7) to which 0.5 mg Se L-1 soil had been added, an increase in the proportion of clay soil or peat soil led to a decrease in the uptake of Se by spring wheat grain (Triticum aestivum L., var. Drabant) and winter rape plants (Brassica napus L., var. Emil). The effect was most pronounced for the smallest additions of clay and peat soils. Differences in Se uptake between the two pH levels were greatest in treatments where the additions of clay and peat soils were small. At the high pH, an increase in clay content from 7% to 39% resulted in a decrease in Se uptake of 79% for wheat and 70% for rape. At the low pH, the uptake decreased by 72% and 77%, respectively. At the higher pH, an increase in the content of organic matter from 1.4% to 39% resulted in decreases in Se uptake of 88% for wheat grain and 69% for rape. At the low pH, Se uptake decreased by 63% and 48%, respectively. Adding peat soil to clay soil had little effect on Se uptake. Among the limed, unmixed clay, sand and peat soils to which Se had not been added, uptake was highest from the sandy soil, i.e. 8.3 ng Se/g wheat grain and 42 ng Se/g rape. The lowest uptake rates were obtained in the clay soil, i.e. 3.0 ng Se/g for wheat grain and 9.0 ng Se/g for rape.  相似文献   

Decaying wood is an important structural and functional component of forests: it contributes to generate habitat diversity, acts as either sink or source of nutrients, and plays a preponderant role in soil formation. Thus, decaying wood might likely have measurable effects on chemical properties of the underlying soil. We hypothesized that decaying wood would have a stronger effect on soil as decomposition advances and that such effect would vary according to wood quality. Twenty logs from two species with contrasting wood properties (Dacryodes excelsa Vahl. and Swietenia macrophylla King) and at two different decay stages (6 and 15 years after falling) were selected, and soil under and 50 cm away from decaying logs was sampled for soil organic matter (SOM) fractions [NaOH-extractable and water-extractable organic matter -(WEOM)] and properties (WEOM aromaticity). NaOH-extractable C and WEOM were higher in the soil influenced by 15-year-old logs, while the degree of aromaticity of WEOM was higher in the soil influenced by the 6-year-old logs. Decaying logs did influence properties of the underlying soil with differing effects according to the species since there was more NaOH-extractable C in the soil associated to D. excelsa logs and more WEOM in the soil associated to S. macrophylla older logs. It is proposed that such effects occurred through changes in the relative quantity and quality of different SOM fractions, as influenced by species and advancement in decomposition. Through its effect on SOM and nutrient dynamics, decaying wood can contribute to the spatial heterogeneity of soil properties, and can affect process of soil formation and nutrient cycling. Responsible Editor: Barbara Wick.  相似文献   

Comparisons of litter standing-stocks in low-lying and higher areas of the floodplain and the effects of controlled flooding events on leaf litter decomposition and leaf litter nutrients were examined during autumn and winter in a southeastern Australian river red gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) floodplain forest. The mean mass of total litter and some litter components was significantly greater in autumn than in winter but there were few differences in litter mass between low-lying flood runners and higher sites (1.5 m) on the floodplain, regardless of season. Leaf decomposition was more rapid in flooded areas than in non-flooded areas and was significantly faster in autumn than in winter. In flooded leaves, concentrations of phosphorus and nitrogen dropped rapidly during the first 3 days of each experiment, increased to near original after 7–10 weeks and then decreased again. After 112 days of decomposition the C:N:P ratios of leaf litter increased, but this effect was most marked for flooded leaves. Simple models of leaf litter dynamics indicated that leaf litter standing-stocks in low-lying flood runners would be reduced by flooding, particularly during autumn. In contrast, models predicted a net gain in standing-stocks of leaf litter to be higher on the floodplain, particularly in autumn. Alteration to the seasonal timing of floods by river regulation has probably decreased litter standing-stocks and nutrients available in low-lying areas of the floodplain to support the production of macrophytes and biofilms during winter and spring floods.  相似文献   

Six  Johan  Carpentier  An  van Kessel  Chris  Merckx  Roel  Harris  David  Horwath  William R.  Lüscher  Andreas 《Plant and Soil》2001,234(1):27-36
Increasing global atmospheric CO2 concentration can potentially affect C cycling in terrestrial ecosystems. This study was conducted to assess the impact of elevated CO2 concentration on soil organic matter and aggregate dynamics in Lolium perenne and Trifolium repens pastures. Soil samples from a 6 year old `free air CO2 enrichment' (FACE) experiment were separated in four aggregate size classes (<53, 53–250, 250–2000, and > 2000 m). Free light fraction (i.e. particulate organic matter (POM) outside of aggregates; free LF) and intra-aggregate-POM (i.e. POM occluded within the aggregate structure; iPOM) were isolated. The distinct 13C-signature of the CO2 used to raise the ambient CO2 concentration in FACE allowed us to calculate proportions of recently incorporated C (< 6 yr) in the physically defined soil fractions. The proportion of new C increased with increasing aggregate size class, except the two largest aggregate size classes had a similar proportion of new C; this indicates a faster turnover of macroaggregates compared to microaggregates. In addition, higher proportions of new C in macroaggregates under T. repens compared to L. perenne indicate a faster macroaggregate turnover under T. repens. This faster macroaggregate turnover is hypothesized to be a result of the higher residue quality (C:N ratio) of T. repens compared to L. perenne and reduces the potential of sequestering C under elevated CO2. In the L. perenne soil, elevated CO2 did not significantly increase total C, but led to: (1) a 54% increase in aggregation and (2) a 40% increase in total iPOM-C. It is hypothesized that the sequestration of iPOM-C induced by elevated CO2 in the low residue quality, L. perenne treatment, resulted from an increase in the proportion of large macroaggregates with a slow turnover.  相似文献   

张政  蔡小真  唐偲頔  郭剑芬 《生态学报》2017,37(22):7660-7667
可溶性有机质(dissolved organic matter,DOM)是生态系统主要的可移动碳库及重要的养分库,它对森林土壤碳吸存的影响已引起高度关注,但DOM对森林土壤有机碳矿化的影响及机制仍不清楚。通过室内为期36 h的短期培养实验,利用~(13)C稳定同位素示踪技术,探究杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)凋落叶DOM、米槠(Castanopsis carlesii)凋落叶DOM、杉木死根DOM、米槠死根DOM输入对11年生杉木人工林表层(0—10 cm)土壤有机碳矿化的激发效应,以期揭示DOM在森林碳循环中的作用,对于完善森林碳循环模型有重要意义。研究结果表明:通过~(13)C标记区分不同来源CO_2后发现添加米槠凋落叶DOM和杉木凋落叶DOM处理中来自DOM的CO_2排放速率前期迅速升高,至12 h达到最大值,分别为第2小时的8.0和3.4倍,之后下降,第12小时分别为第36小时的4.6和7.0倍;来自土壤有机碳的CO_2排放速率同样在第12小时达到最大值,分别为同时间点对照的10.1倍和6.3倍。对不同来源CO_2累积排放量进行区分发现,土壤添加凋落叶DOM后来自DOM的CO_2累积排放量显著大于添加死根DOM的(P0.01),其中来自米槠凋落叶DOM的CO_2累积排放量显著大于来自杉木凋落叶DOM的(P0.05),这与添加不同来源DOM中DOC含量呈显著正相关(P0.001)。不同DOM添加对土壤有机碳矿化的激发效应强度不同,培养36h期间添加凋落叶DOM后土壤有机碳激发效应强度始终高于添加死根DOM的。添加米槠凋落叶DOM、杉木凋落叶DOM、米槠死根DOM、杉木死根DOM所引起的激发效应都在第5小时达到峰值,第36小时时添加杉木死根DOM出现负激发效应。可见,添加不同来源DOM对土壤原有有机碳矿化产生了不同的激发效应,这除了与不同来源DOM性质有关外,还可能与DOM添加后土壤微生物群落组成变化有关。有关DOM添加对土壤有机碳矿化影响的微生物学机制有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

王韦韦  吕茂奎  胥超  陈光水 《生态学报》2023,43(18):7474-7484
揭示亚热带森林土壤有机碳流失规律是制定相应措施以巩固和维持森林生态系统碳汇的关键。然而已有研究存在的监测对象单一、频率过低、时间过短等问题,导致对这一规律的认识仍然不足。选择亚热带典型的常绿阔叶林和杉木人工林为研究对象,每次降雨过后监测其径流量、泥沙量,分析径流和泥沙中的可溶性有机碳(Dissolved organic carbon,DOC)含量以及颗粒有机碳(Particle organic carbon,POC)含量。旨在比较两种森林DOC和POC流失量的差异,并分析二者与降雨量、降雨强度、5 min最大雨强和降雨侵蚀力四个降雨特征值的关联。拟验证以下两个问题:(1)杉木人工林的DOC和POC流失量是否高于常绿阔叶林;(2)降雨侵蚀力对DOC和POC的解释是否优于降雨量、降雨强度和5 min最大雨强。研究结果发现常绿阔叶林径流量、泥沙量、径流水中DOC浓度和POC浓度、DOC和POC流失量均显著高于杉木人工林。回归分析表明常绿阔叶林和杉木人工林DOC和POC流失量与降雨量、降雨强度和降雨侵蚀力呈显著的线性或幂函数相关,其中降雨量与DOC和POC流失量之间的拟合关系最优。常绿阔叶林产流和产沙量高于杉木人工林可能与前者的林下植被生物量较低有关,前者径流水中DOC浓度和POC浓度较高可归因于其较高的总生物量和土壤有机碳含量。在未来森林经营过程中应合理管理林下植被,尽量减少和避免林下植被的抚育伐,从而能够降低有机碳的水土流失,达到巩固和维持森林碳汇的目的。在未来气候变暖导致降水变化背景下,利用降雨量作为预测指标能够较好评估我国亚热带森林有机碳流失的风险。  相似文献   

1. We examined the absorption of solar radiation by phytoplankton and chromophoric dissolved organic matter (CDOM) taking into account riparian shading in the rivers, reservoirs, swamps of the Neuse River Estuary and its drainage basin. 2. In the streams, CDOM typically absorbed 55 and 64% of photons in the spectral range of 400–700 nm (photosynthetically active radiation, PAR) and 500–600 nm, respectively. The large proportion of photons absorbed by CDOM indicates high potential for abiotic photochemial reactions in the 500–600 nm region. 3. Despite the high concentration of nutrients, phytoplankton contributed little (2%) to the total absorption of PAR in the streams. Small (<30 m wide) streams typically received only 7% of incident PAR that impinged onto the more exposed reservoirs and estuary. Riparian shading and the low contribution of phytoplankton to the total absorption resulted in conditions where phytoplankton absorbed nearly two orders of magnitude less PAR in the streams than in the estuary and reservoirs. 4. The results indicated that riparian shading and non‐algal absorbing components can significantly restrict phytoplankton production in nutrient‐rich streams with a high concentration of CDOM flowing throughout forested catchments.  相似文献   

黄土高原小流域土壤pH、阳离子交换量和有机质分布特征   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
魏孝荣  邵明安 《应用生态学报》2009,20(11):2710-2715
通过野外调查采样和室内分析,研究了黄土高原小流域土壤pH、阳离子交换量(cation exchange capacity,CEC)和有机质的分布特征及其与土地利用方式、地形条件和土壤类型的关系.结果表明:黄土高原小流域土壤pH、CEC和有机质分别介于7.7~8.6、11.9~28.7 cmol·kg-1和3.0~27.9 g·kg-1,分别服从正态分布、对数正态分布和负二项分布.3种土壤性质随地形、土地利用方式和土壤类型的不同差异很大.不同土地利用方式下,土壤有机质和CEC以林地、草地和农田较高,果园较低;pH则以林地较低,其他利用方式较高;不同地形条件下,3种土壤性质均呈塬面和坡地大于沟道和梯田的趋势;不同类型土壤中,有机质和CEC以黑垆土和红土较高,pH则以黄绵土较高.整体上,土壤有机质和CEC呈现出相似的变化趋势,而pH的分布特征则与之相反.  相似文献   

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