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  • 1.1. The oxygen saturation (SO2) was determined of Sprague-Dawley rat blood having increased hemoglobin (Hb)-O2 affinity (P50 < 37mmHg) or capacity (Cmax) over a range of pH's.
  • 2.2. Rats were untreated (K), or had passed 14 d drinking 0.5% saline (C; ctrl) or NaOCN (N; chronically low P50 high Cmax), 5000m altitude acclimatization (H; high Cmax), or exchange transfusion with OCN-Hb red cell blood (X; acutely low P50).
  • 3.3. The P50 [mmHg], Hill's “n”, and Cmax [ml O2/100 ml], measured after tonometry, were 36.0, 2.60 and 20.6 (K), 32.6, 2.50 and 21.8 (C), 18.3, 2.35 and 23.9 (N), 36.0, 2.60 and 29.4 (H), and 24.9, 2.73 and 22.3 (X).
  • 4.4. Oxygen dissociation curves (ODC's), derived from simultaneous SO2 and PO2 measurements during deoxygenation (PO2: 100-0 mmHg) of blood (normal and acidified with CO2 or lactic acid), delivered Bohr coefficients (BCCO2, BCLac) each differing between groups (C vs N) above SO2 50%; within groups BCCO2 vs BCLac differed at SO2 10–90% (P < 0.05).
  • 5.5. Group-specific ODC's and pH-shifted curves (± 0.05, ± 0.10 and ±0.15 units from 7.4, relying on BCCO2) are plotted for direct reading of SO2 and, with Cmax, accurate data on blood O2 content are obtained; corrections for lactic acidosis are discussed.

Phosphofructokinase activity was measured in the sciatic nerve of streptozotocin-induced diabetic and nondiabetic rats. Average steady-state phosphofructokinase activity was obtained from three consecutive segments of the mid-femoral region in the left sciatic nerve in both diabetic (4 and 24 weeks) and nondiabetic, age-matched animals. Over time, phosphofructokinase activity significantly decreased (p less than 0.05) with diabetes, with no effect demonstrated within similar age-groups. The accumulation of phosphofructokinase activity was accomplished by ligating the mid-femoral region of the right sciatic nerve for 24 h. Anterograde and retrograde axonal transport of phosphofructokinase was measured in the 3-mm segment proximal and distal to the ligature, respectively. There was a trend (p = 0.0627) towards a decline in net proximal accumulation (mean proximal minus mean background) with age. Net distal (mean distal minus mean background) activity declined by 80% (p less than 0.05) in the control group between 4 and 24 weeks of the diabetic state. However, diabetic animals did not experience the same age-related decline in retrograde transport. The findings suggest that diabetes affects the age-associated evolution of retrograde transport, presumably a reflection of the neuropathy occurring in the distal axon branches, without altering anterograde transport to any appreciable extent.  相似文献   

Administration of growth hormone (GH) increases muscle mass in F344 x BN rats, but not in Sprague-Dawley (S-D) rats. S-D rats are insulin-resistant and insulin responsiveness is required for the anabolic actions of GH. We hypothesized that correction of insulin resistance with metformin might also restore anabolic effects of GH. Treatment with GH (0.25 or 1.0 mg/kg twice daily for 9 days) had limited anabolic effects, reducing weight gain by 14%, increasing muscle glycogen content by 40% and increasing exercise capacity by 24%, but failing to increase muscle mass or to reduce fat mass. GH also impaired insulin responsiveness and increased visceral fat TNF content of visceral fat by 77%. Metformin enhanced insulin responsiveness in skeletal muscle, but failed to enhance anabolic effects of GH. Rats aged 14 weeks were treated for 21 days with metformin (320 mg/kg/day) and for the last 9 days, with GH (0.25 mg/kg, twice daily). Metformin caused a 2.3-fold increase in insulin-stimulated muscle glucose transport and a 20% reduction in muscle fatty acid oxidation, indicating increased glucose utilization. However, metformin did not augment GH-induced weight reduction. Metformin decreased visceral fat by 22% and subcutaneous fat by 20%, but no decreases were observed in the GH/metformin group. GH increased muscle glycogen by 40%, but the effect was reversed by metformin. VO(2max) was increased 24% by GH and 17% by metformin, but was not elevated in the GH/metformin group. GH increased TNF in visceral fat and the effect was augmented by metformin (144% increase). We conclude that metformin enhances some aspects of insulin responsiveness, but does not enhance anabolic responses to GH. The latter may, in part, be explained by the failure of metformin to prevent GH-induced elevation of TNF in visceral fat.  相似文献   

Characteristics of open field behavior of Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Y Asano 《Jikken dobutsu》1986,35(4):505-508
The open field test (OFT) was carried out on Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats between the ages of 3 to 20 weeks. At that time, the behavior of each naive rat was observed for two 3-minute periods separated by an interval of 24 h (Day). The OFT scores varied depending on the day and the age. Comparatively higher activity was observed in the extent of ambulation and rearing at 5 weeks old, rearing and preening at 7 weeks old, and preening and defecation at 11 weeks old in the Sprague-Dawley rats compared with the Wistar rats.  相似文献   

Although lipid excess can impair beta-cell function in vitro, short-term high-fat feeding in normal rats produces insulin resistance but not hyperglycemia. This study examines the effect of long-term (10-mo) high polyunsaturated fat feeding on glucose tolerance in Wistar rats. The high fat-fed compared with the chow-fed group was 30% heavier and 60% fatter, with approximately doubled fasting hyperinsulinemia (P < 0.001) but only marginal fasting hyperglycemia (7.5 +/- 0.1 vs. 7.2 +/- 0.1 mmol/l, P < 0.01). Insulin sensitivity was approximately 67% lower in the high-fat group (P < 0.01). The acute insulin response to intravenous arginine was approximately double in the insulin-resistant high-fat group (P < 0.001), but that to intravenous glucose was similar in the two groups. After the intravenous glucose bolus, plasma glucose decline was slower in the high fat-fed group, confirming mild glucose intolerance. Therefore, despite severe insulin resistance, there was only a mildly elevated fasting glucose level and a relative deficiency in glucose-stimulated insulin secretion; this suggests that a genetic or congenital susceptibility to beta-cell impairment is required for overt hyperglycemia to develop in the presence of severe insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Brain aromatase cytochrome P450 converts androgens to estrogens that play a critical role in the development of sexually dimorphic neural structures, the modulation of neuroendocrine function(s), and the regulation of sexual behavior. We characterized the influence of surgical castration on brain aromatase in Norway Brown and Wistar adult rats and compared their responses to Sprague-Dawley rats that were surgically or biochemically castrated (with flutamide, a known androgen receptor blocker). Aromata enzyme activity was measured by the tritiated water release assay in the medial basal hypothalmus/preoptic area (MBH/POA) and amygdala brain regions. The present results demonstrate that independent of the rat strain examined, MBH/POA aromatase is regulated by androgens (in Sprague-Dawley, Norway Brown and Wistar males). However, intact Wistar animals displayed significantly higher MBH/POA aromatase levels compared to Sprague-Dawley control values. Conversely, in the amygdala region, there was an apparent lack of androgen hormone action upon aromatase enzyme activity in some of the rat strains tested. The importance of brain aromatase regulating estrogen biosynthesis and influencing brain development and function is covered.  相似文献   

Borst SE  Snellen HG 《Life sciences》2001,69(13):1497-1507
We assessed the effects of combined metformin treatment and exercise training on body composition, on insulin concentration following glucose loading, on insulin-stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle, and on muscle glycogen content. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were treated for 35 days with or without metformin (320 mg/kg/day) and/or treadmill exercise training (20 min at 20 m/min, 5 days/wk). Because metformin reduces food intake, pair-fed controls were included. Metformin, training, and pair-feeding all decreased food intake, body weight, and insulin concentration following glucose loading. Metformin and training reduced intra-abdominal fat, but pair feeding did not. In isolated strips derived from soleus, epitrochlearis and extensor carpi ulnaris muscles, metformin increased insulin-stimulated transport of [3H]-2-deoxyglucose by 90%, 89% and 125%, respectively (P < 0.02) and training increased [3H]-2-deoxyglucose transport in the extensor carpi ulnaris muscle only (66%, P < 0.05). Pair-feeding did not alter [3H]-2-deoxyglucose transport. Training increased gastrocnemius muscle glycogen by 100% (P < 0.001). Metformin and pair-feeding did not alter muscle glycogen. We conclude that metformin reverses the maturation-induced impairment of insulin responsiveness in Sprague-Dawley rats by increasing insulin-stimulated glucose transport in skeletal muscle and that this effect is not secondary to reduced food intake. We also conclude that metformin and exercise training may increase insulin sensitivity by different mechanisms, with training causing increased glucose transport only in some muscles and also causing increased muscle glycogen storage.  相似文献   

Aromatase, an estrogen synthase, exists in the gastric parietal cells of Wistar rats. The stomach synthesizes large amounts of estrogens and secretes them into the portal vein. We have been particularly studying gastric estrogen synthesis using Wistar rats. However, estrogen synthesis in the stomach of Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats, which are used as frequently as those of the Wistar strain, has not been clarified. We examined steroid synthesis in the stomach of SD rats using immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, Western blotting, real-time PCR, and LC-MS/MS. Aromatase also exists in the stomach of SD rats. Its distribution was not found to be different from that of Wistar rats. Results show that H+/K+-ATPase β-subunit and aromatase colocalized in double immunofluorescence staining. Each steroid synthase downstream from progesterone was present in the gastric mucosa. These results suggest that steroid hormones are synthesized in the parietal cells in the same pathway as Wistar rats. Although mRNA expression of steroid synthases were higher in SD, no significant difference was found in the amount of protein and each steroid hormone level in the portal vein. Although differences between strains might exist in steroid hormone synthesis, results show that SD rats are as useful as Wistar rats for gastric estrogen synthesis experimentation.  相似文献   

The technique of recording spinal cord withdrawal reflexes as single motor units (SMUs) does not require intense preparatory surgery and allows the study of the nociceptive system in physiological conditions. It has been used to show that the wind-up phenomenon depends on the level of excitability of spinal cord neurones, the integrity of the spinal cord and the parameters of the stimulation used. We have now used SMU recordings to assess whether wind-up is also an heterogeneous phenomenon depending on the muscle studied, and, if so, how the presence of hyperalgesia affects its generation. The experiments were performed in normal and carrageenan-induced inflammation in male Wistar rats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose. Wind-up was recorded in units from peroneus longus, tibialis anterior and extensor digitorum longus. The results showed that in normal animals, the curves of C-fibre mediated wind-up reached saturation at different times and the shape of the curves was different depending on the muscle studied and on the intensity of stimulation used. In inflammation, however, C-fibre mediated wind-up became very uniform in the muscles studied, with a similar shape and saturation point. A-fibre mediated wind-up was only observed in animals with inflammation and no differences were observed between muscles. We conclude that in the absence of preparatory surgery and inflammation, C-fibre wind-up is heterogeneous, and supports a modular organization of nociceptive spinal reflexes. In hyperalgesia, however, wind-up curves are similar in units from different muscles, confirming a loss of modular organization that also affects the generation of wind-up.  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod on dietary preference were examined using young growing Fischer 344 and Wistar rats, which are seasonal and nonseasonal breeders, respectively. Rats were provided a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet (LFD: 66/10/24% energy as carbohydrate/fat/protein) and high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet (HFD: 21/55/24% energy as carbohydrate/fat/protein) simultaneously under long- (LD: 16 h light/day) and short-day (SD: 8 h light/day) conditions for 3 wk. Fischer 344 rats preferred the LFD to the HFD under the LD condition, whereas preference for both diets was equivalent under the SD condition. Consequently, their body weight and total energy intake exhibited 11-15 and 10-13% increases, respectively, under the LD condition. Calculation of energy intake from macronutrients revealed that rats under the LD condition consumed 20-24 and 9-13% higher energy of carbohydrates and proteins, respectively, than those under the SD condition. In contrast, Wistar rats preferred the LFD to the HFD irrespective of photoperiod and exhibited no photoperiodic changes in any parameters examined. Next, Fischer 344 rats were provided either the LFD or HFD for 3 wk under LD or SD conditions. Calorie intake was 10% higher in the rats fed the LFD than those fed the HFD under SD condition. However, rats under LD condition exhibited 5-10, 14, and 64% increases in body weight, epididymal fat mass, and plasma leptin levels, respectively, compared with those under the SD condition irrespective of dietary composition. In conclusion, photoperiod regulates feeding and energy metabolism in young growing Fischer 344 rats via the interactions with dietary macronutrient composition.  相似文献   

Western blot analysis was used to probe the relationships between the multiple ubiquitin carrier proteins (E2 s) of rabbit reticulocytes and the 20-kDa E2 encoded by the RAD6 gene of the yeast S. cerevisiae. Reticulocyte E2-14K, E2-17K, and E2-25K each reacted with two or more polyclonal anti-RAD6 antibody preparations; E2-20K, E2-35K, and E2-230K did not cross-react. These results suggest that some, but not all, reticulocyte E2 s are members of a RAD6-like protein family which is conserved within and across species. RAD6 and E2-20K were also shown to multi-ubiquitinate histones by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Cytochrome P-450g was isolated from livers of adult male Sprague-Dawley (CD) rats. Antibody to P-450g cross-reacted with several proteins in Western blots of liver microsomes from male CD rats. An immunospecific antibody was prepared by adsorption over immunoaffinity columns of Sepharose-bound solubilized rat liver microsomes from female CD and male Fischer 344 rats containing little or no P-450g. The immunopurified antibody recognized a single protein on Western blots of liver microsomes from male CD rats with an electrophoretic mobility identical to that of P-450g. Using this antibody, P-450g was shown to be male specific in the CD rat and expressed at maturity. Adult male CD rats were shown to fall into two distinct populations, those expressing high levels of P-450g (+g) and those expressing low levels of P-450g (-g). The P-450g content of the two populations differed 10- to 20-fold. P-450g was low or absent in liver microsomes of both sexes of adult Fischer rats. Purified P-450g catalyzed the hydroxylation of testosterone and androstenedione principally at the 6 beta-position and progesterone at the 16 alpha- and 6 beta-positions in reconstituted systems. However, the hydroxylation of these steroids by liver microsomes from the (+g) phenotype did not differ from that of the (-g) phenotype. Translatable mRNA for P-450g could be detected in livers of adult male CD rats but not female rats. However, the level of P-450g mRNA in livers of adult male CD rats with the (+g) phenotype did not differ from that of (-g) phenotype. These data suggest that phenotypic differences in the expression of P-450g do not depend on differences in mRNA content. This study provides a clear example of a P-450 isozyme which is markedly variable in an outbred strain of rat and absent in an inbred strain. Such a marked variability in an enzyme involved in metabolism of endogenous and exogenous substrates could account for some of the strain differences in susceptibility to toxic chemicals.  相似文献   

1. Phase I and phase II biotransformation was compared in streptozotocin-induced hypoinsulinemic (STZ) and genetic hyperinsulinemic (WKY-fatty) rats. 2. Total cytochrome P-450 concentrations were reduced in both STZ and WKY, whereas styrene oxide hydrolase and benzphetamine N-demethylase activities were normal in STZ and reduced in WKY. 3. UDP-glucuronosyltransferase activity was decreased toward testosterone and 1-naphthol in STZ and WKY, and was increased toward estrone in the obese female WKY. 4. Glutathione S-transferase activity was decreased in STZ toward 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene, ethacrynic acid and sulfobromophthalein, but was similar to that in normal rats for WKY.  相似文献   

A spontaneous retinal dystrophy was found in 4 percent of Sprague-Dawley-derived rats examined. The lesion occurred both unilaterally and bilaterally in equal frequency, but the incidence in the females was 2 times greater than in males. Retinal change consisted of focal or diffuse absence of the outer layers of the retina, but frank degenerative changes or progression of the lesion was not observed. The cause of the dystrophy was not determined, but its increased occurrence with increasing age of the rats suggests an age-related lesion.  相似文献   

Sprague-Dawley rats are sensitive to the teratogenic action of AY 9944, an inhibitor of cholesterol synthesis, but the dose of inhibitor necessary to induce the same rate of characteristic malformations is twice as large for Sprague-Dawley as for Wistar rats. This variation is probably related to differences in levels of blood cholesterol in the strains and demonstrates a relationship between teratogenicity and metabolic disturbances.  相似文献   

We studied the role of the sympathetic nervous system in the augmented vasoconstrictor response of the newborn lamb, compared with the adult sheep, by producing a chemical sympathectomy with 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). Seven lambs, age 4-16 days, and five sheep, age 2 yr, were anesthetized and intubated with a double-lumen endotracheal tube, allowing ventilation of one lung with O2 to maintain systemic oxygenation while the contralateral lung was ventilated with N2 as a hypoxic challenge. Distribution of perfusion to each lung was evaluated using positron scintigraphy after inferior vena caval injections of 13N, a positron-emitting isotope. In the lambs, prior to 6-OHDA, distribution of perfusion to the test lung was 43 +/- 3% of total lung perfusion during bilateral O2 ventilation and fell with hypoxia to 24 +/- 2%, a reduction of 44 +/- 3% during N2 ventilation as compared with O2 ventilation. After 6-OHDA, hypoxic challenge reduced perfusion by only 22 +/- 2% (P less than 0.01 compared with pre-6-OHDA). In the adult sheep, hypoxic vasoconstriction reduced perfusion to the test lung by 28 +/- 2% but was unaffected by 6-OHDA. Absence of rise in pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) or femoral artery pressure (Pfa) in response to Tyramine infusions after 6-OHDA confirmed complete sympathectomy in lambs and sheep. Persistent increases in PVR and Pfa to infusions of prostaglandin F2 alpha before and after 6-OHDA showed that the loss of alveolar hypoxic vasoconstriction in the lamb was specific. Thus sympathetic innervation may contribute to the greater strength of alveolar hypoxic vasoconstriction found in lambs than in sheep.  相似文献   

A B Okey  G S Truant 《Life sciences》1975,17(7):1113-1117
Cannabis resin (54% THC) caused dose-related decreases in the development of testis, prostate and seminal vesicles when administered in the diet to immature male rats. Bioassays and estrogen-receptor studies showed no estrogenic activity in cannabis resin. Demasculinazation and possible feminization by cannabis are not due to simple estrogen-like action on male tissues.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance plays a role in the pathogenesis of diabetes, including gestational diabetes. The glucose clamp is considered the gold standard for determining in vivo insulin sensitivity, both in human and in animal models. However, the clamp is laborious, time consuming and, in animals, requires anesthesia and collection of multiple blood samples. In human studies, a number of simple indexes, derived from fasting glucose and insulin levels, have been obtained and validated against the glucose clamp. However, these indexes have not been validated in rats and their accuracy in predicting altered insulin sensitivity remains to be established. In the present study, we have evaluated whether indirect estimates based on fasting glucose and insulin levels are valid predictors of insulin sensitivity in nonpregnant and 20-day-pregnant Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats. We have analyzed the homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance (HOMA-IR), the quantitative insulin sensitivity check index (QUICKI), and the fasting glucose-to-insulin ratio (FGIR) by comparing them with the insulin sensitivity (SI(Clamp)) values obtained during the hyperinsulinemic-isoglycemic clamp. We have performed a calibration analysis to evaluate the ability of these indexes to accurately predict insulin sensitivity as determined by the reference glucose clamp. Finally, to assess the reliability of these indexes for the identification of animals with impaired insulin sensitivity, performance of the indexes was analyzed by receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves in Wistar and Sprague-Dawley rats. We found that HOMA-IR, QUICKI, and FGIR correlated significantly with SI(Clamp), exhibited good sensitivity and specificity, accurately predicted SI(Clamp), and yielded lower insulin sensitivity in pregnant than in nonpregnant rats. Together, our data demonstrate that these indexes provide an easy and accurate measure of insulin sensitivity during pregnancy in the rat.  相似文献   

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