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We present data on the evolution of the Ac/Ds family of transposable elements in select grasses (Poaceae). A defective Ac-like element was cloned from a DNA library of the grass Pennisetum glaucum (pearl millet) and its entire 4531 bp sequence has been determined. When the pearl millet Ac-like sequence is aligned with the maize Ac sequence, it is found that there is approximately 70% DNA similarity in the central region spanning most of maize Ac exon II and all of exon III. In addition, there are two smaller regions of similarity at the Ac terminii. Besides these three major structural similarities, Pennisetum Ac has two large regions, one 5 and one 3, that show little similarity to Zea Ac. Furthermore, most of the sequences corresponding to intron II in maize Ac are absent in pearl millet Ac. Kimura's evolutionary distance between the central region of maize and pearl millet Ac sequences is estimated to be 0.429±0.020 nucleotide substitutions per site. This value is not significantly different from the average number of synonymous substitutions for coding regions of the Adh1 gene between maize and pearl millet, which is 0.395±0.051 nucleotide substitutions per site. If we assume Ac and Adh1 divergence times are equivalent between maize and pearl millet, then the above calculations suggest Ac-like sequences have probably not been strongly constrained by natural selection. Conserved DNA and amino acid sequence motifs are also examined. The level of DNA sequence divergence between maize and pearl millet Ac sequences, the estimated date when maize and pearl millet diverged (25–40 million years ago), coupled with their reproductive isolation/lack of current genetic exchange, all support the theory that Ac-like sequences have not been recently introduced into pearl millet from maize. Instead, Ac-like sequences were probably present in the progenitor of maize and pearl millet and have thus existed in the grasses for at least 25 million years.  相似文献   

Summary The single glucoamylase gene (SGA1) of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae is expressed exclusively during the sporulation phase of the life cycle. Enzymatic studies and nucleic acid sequence comparisons have shown that the SGA1 glucoamylase is closely related to the secreted enzymes of S. cerevisiae var. diastaticus. The latter are encoded by any of three unlinked STA genes, which have been proposed to derive from the ancestral SGA1 form by genomic rearrangement. We show that the regulation of SGA1 is distinct from that of the other members of the STA gene family. SGA1 expression did not respond to STA10, the primary determinant of glucoamylase expression from STA2. Unlike STA2, SGA1 was not regulated directly by the mating type locus. Expression of SGA1 depended on the function of the MAT products in supporting sporulation and not on the formation of haploid progeny spores or on the composition of the mating type locus per se. We conclude that the STA genes acquired regulation by STA10 and MAT by the genomic rearrangements that led to their formation. This regulation is thus distinct from that of the ancestral SGA1 gene.  相似文献   

The effect of Ac copy number on the frequency and timing of germinal transposition in tobacco was investigated using the streptomycin phosphotransferase gene (SPT) as an excision marker. The activity of one and two copies of the element was compared by selecting heterozygous and homozygous progeny of transformants carrying single SPT::Ac inserts. It was observed that increasing gene copy not only increases the transposition frequency, but also occasionally alters the timing of transposition such that earlier events are obtained. The result is that some homozygous plants generate multiple streptomycin resistant progeny carrying the same transposed Ac (trAc) element. We have also investigated the effect of modification of the sequence in the region around 82 bp downstream of the polyadenylation site and 177 bp from the 3 end of the element on germinal excision frequencies. Alteration of three bases to create a BglII site at this location caused a minor decrease in germinal excision events, but insertion of four bases to create a Cla I site caused a 10-fold decrease in the transposition activity of the Ac element.  相似文献   

Summary Somaclonal variation (tissue culture-induced mutations) may result, in some instances, from the activation of transposable elements. This study was conducted to determine whether somaclonal variants in the Zea maize L. inbred line FR27rhm were associated with movement of the transposable element Activator (Ac). Ten variants, seven of which from genetic analyses fit a single recessive gene model and three which did not due to a low number of mutant plants, were selected for analysis. Total DNA from these and from uncultured FR27rhm seedlings were examined by Southern blot analysis using the internal 1.6-kb Hind III fragment derived from the cloned Ac7 element as a probe. By using a restriction endonuclease which does not cut within the element, the number and distribution of the copies of Acrelated sequences in the FR27rhm genome could be determined. From the number of bands seen in the blots, we conclude that the FR27rhm inbred contains large numbers of Ac -related sequences. However, the pattern of bands seen in the ten variants and in the uncultured seedlings were identical, indicating that there had been no movement of any of the Acrelated sequences to cause the tissue culture-induced mutations.Contribution from Department of Agronomy, University of Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801, supported by funds from the Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station and Illinois Foundation Seeds  相似文献   

Summary To develop a transposon tagging system in an important cereal plant, rice (Oryza sativa L.), the maize transposable element Ac (Activator) was introduced into rice protoplasts by electroporation. We employed a phenotypic assay for excision of Ac from the selectable hph gene encoding resistance to hygromycin B. Southern blot analysis of hygromycin B-resistant calli showed that the Ac element can transpose from the introduced hph gene into the rice chromosomes. Sequence analysis of several Ac excision sites in the hph gene revealed sequence alterations characteristic of the excision sites of this plant transposable element. The Ac element appears to be active during development of transgenic rice plants from calli. Moreover, hybridization patterns of different leaves from the same plant indicated that some Ac elements are stable whereas others are able to transpose further during development of leaves. The results indicate that the introduced Ac element can transpose efficiently in transgenic rice plants.  相似文献   

Summary A mouse dihydrofolate reductase gene (DHFR), encoding an enzyme conferring methotrexate (MTX) resistance, under the control of the cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV) 35 S promoter, was inserted within a maize nonautonomous Ds transposable element. The presence of at least one element (Ds-DHFR) can easily be monitored using methotrexate selection in plants. This chimeric element is able to transpose at a frequency similar to its unmodified progenitor in transgenic tobacco callus containing an autonomous Ac element. The orientation of the selectable marker cassette in the Ds element does not affect relative excision frequencies. Approximately two-thirds of these elements can be detected after excision while the remaining one-third cannot. The Ds-DHFR element is useful in elucidating the mechanism by which Ac/Ds transposition occurs, and allows for a rapid identification of mutants in which methotrexate resistance cosegregates with a mutant phenotype.  相似文献   

Thirty-four accessions from Zea and 10 accessions from related genera were assayed for the presence of Bg, a transposable element originally found in maize (Zea mays ssp. mays). Bg-like sequences, identified as hybridizing bands on Southern blots, were visualized in all Zea accessions and were present in approximately equal numbers in teosinte and maize. With the exception of Tripsacum dactyloides, all accessions from related genera failed to hybridize with the Bg probes, even at reduced stringency. A comparison of the restriction patterns of related inbred lines revealed numerous common hybridizing fragments. An index of molecular similarity (MS) was used to determine the degree of similarity between pairs of inbred lines. Computed MS values endorse an inbred relationship and are in good agreement with published results of cluster analysis on these inbred lines.  相似文献   

Lazarow K  Du ML  Weimer R  Kunze R 《Genetics》2012,191(3):747-756
Activator/Dissociation (Ac/Ds) transposable elements from maize are widely used as insertional mutagenesis and gene isolation tools in plants and more recently also in medaka and zebrafish. They are particularly valuable for plant species that are transformation-recalcitrant and have long generation cycles or large genomes with low gene densities. Ac/Ds transposition frequencies vary widely, however, and in some species they are too low for large-scale mutagenesis. We discovered a hyperactive Ac transposase derivative, AcTPase(4x), that catalyzes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae 100-fold more frequent Ds excisions than the wild-type transposase, whereas the reintegration frequency of excised Ds elements is unchanged (57%). Comparable to the wild-type transposase in plants, AcTPase(4x) catalyzes Ds insertion preferentially into coding regions and to genetically linked sites, but the mutant protein apparently has lost the weak bias of the wild-type protein for insertion sites with elevated guanine-cytosine content and nonrandom protein-DNA twist. AcTPase(4x) exhibits hyperactivity also in Arabidopsis thaliana where it effects a more than sixfold increase in Ds excision relative to wild-type AcTPase and thus may be useful to facilitate Ac/Ds-based insertion mutagenesis approaches.  相似文献   

Summary A quiescent Uq transposable element has been activated in a maize plant treated with 5-aza-2-deoxycyti-dine. This activated Uq cosegregates with a heritable dominant miniature (Mn) kernel phenotype, indicating its physical association with a maize miniature locus (Mn:: Uq). The Mn:: Uq mutant is dominant in producing a miniature seed phenotype of variable size and in reducing seedling vigor in the early growth stage. Genetic experiments indicate that the Mn:: Uq mutant also affects the activity of the male gametophyte, whereby pollen germination is inhibited, thus lacking pollen tube growth resulting in the male nontransmissibility of this mutant. Proof for the Uq element in this mutant is derived by its ability to transactivate the standard a-ruq reporter allele to yield spotted aleurone tissue. However, the Mn:: Uq mutant does not transactivate a normally Uq-responsive c-ruq allele, suggesting a structural difference between the two ruq receptors at the A1 and C1 loci. It is anticipated that cloning of the Uq transposable element would facilitate the molecular cloning and characterization of the maize miniature gene.Journal Paper No. J-13425 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa 50011, USA, Project No. 2850  相似文献   

Summary The maize transposable element Ac has been introduced into potato via the T-DNA (transferred DNA) of Agrobacterium tumefaciens. Ac was inserted within the untranslated leader region of a neomycin phosphotransferase II (NPT-II) gene such that excision restored NPT-II activity. Two approaches to monitor Ac excision were used. (i) Using an Agrobacterium strain harbouring plasmid pGV3850::pKU3, leaf discs were selected on kanamycin (Km) after exposure to Agrobacterium. (ii) Using a strain containing plasmid pGV3850HPT::pKU3, the leaf discs were selected on hygromycin (Hm) and the resulting shoots were checked for NPT-II expression. Thirteen kanamycin resistant shoots transformed with pGV3850::pKU3 were isolated, suggesting that Ac had excised from the NPT-II gene. Out of 43 hygromycin resistant shoots transformed with pGV3850HPT::pKU3, 22 expressed the NPT-II gene, indicating that Ac had undergone excision in approximately 50% of the hygromycin resistant shoots. Southern analysis revealed that all kanamycin resistant plants contained the DNA restriction fragments expected when Ac excises from the NPT-II gene. The presence of Ac at new locations within the genomic DNA of several transformants was also detected.  相似文献   

Many of the systems currently employed for heterologous transposon tagging in plants rely on an excision assay to monitor transposon activity. We have used the streptomycin phosphotransferase (SPT) reporter system to assayAc activity inPetunia hybrida. In other species, such as tobacco orArabidopsis, excision ofAc from the SPT gene in sporogenous tissue gives rise to streptomycin-resistant seedlings in the following generation. The frequency of fully streptomycin-resistant seedlings in petunia was low (0.4%) but molecular analysis of these indicated that the actual excision frequency may be as low as 0.05%. This indicates that the SPT assay is not a reliable selection criterion for germinal excision in petunia. Extensive molecular screening for reinsertion ofAc was consistent with a low primary transposition frequency (0%–0.6%). In contrast to these findings, the progeny of confirmed germinal transpositions for three independent transformants showed frequent transposition to new sites (9.5%–17.0%). This suggests a high frequency of secondary transposition compared with primary transposition from the T-DNA. Segregation analysis indicates that the high transposition activity is closely associated with transposed copies ofAc. No evidence was found for an altered methylation state forAc following transposition. The implications of these results for heterologous transposon tagging in petunia are discussed in the context of the reliability of excision reporter systems in general.  相似文献   

A new transposable element of tobacco, Slide, was isolated from thetl mutant line, which shows somatic instability, after its transposition into a locus encoding nitrate reductase (NR). The Slide-124 element is 3733 bp long and its coding sequences show similarities with conserved domains of the transposases ofAc, Tam3 andhobo. Excision from the NR locus is detectable in somatic leaf tissues and Slide mobility is triggered by in vitro tissue culture. Slide excision events create footprints similar to those left byAc and Tam3. Tobacco lines derived from thetl mutant line seem characterized by unmethylated copies of a few members of the highly repetitive Slide family. Slide mobility was monitored in transient expression assays. In wild-type tobacco protoplasts, the complete Slide element, as well as a defective copy, is able to excise. The complete Slide element, but not the defective version, is able to excise in protoplasts of the heterologous species lettuce (Lactuca sativa). These results show that Slide carries the functions required for its own mobility, and represents the first autonomousAc-like element characterized inSolanaceae species.  相似文献   

Summary The unstable mutant bz-x3m arose in a plant subjected to X-irradiation. The element at the bronze locus is non-autonomous and recombination data indicate that an autonomous element is tightly linked. The autonomous element has been designated Mx (mobile element induced by X-rays) and the non-autonomous element, rMx (responder to Mx). Linkage data indicate that a second Mx lies near the end of the short arm of chromosome 9; in one plant, an Mx that is unlinked was detected. Distinguishing characteristics of bz-x3m are a large window of time in endosperm development during which somatic reversions can arise and a wide range in the frequency at which they occur; these features are heritable. With increasing doses of bz-x3m and Mx, the window expands and the frequency range increases. In kernels containing the bz-x3m allele and the tightly linked Mx, breakage occurs in chromosome 9 distal to the C locus, resulting in breakage-fusion-bridge patterns for endosperm markers that lie proximal to the break. The frequency of breaks and the developmental time at which they occur exhibit the same dosage effect as the somatic reversions of the bz-x3m allele. These observations suggest that an rMx (designated rMxBr) that causes chromosome breakage is positioned distal to the C locus. At the molecular level, the bz-x3m allele is associated with a 0.5 kb increase in fragment size in DNA samples digested with BglII, EcoRI, HindIII and PstI; in germinal revertants, the fragment size returns to that of the progenitor.  相似文献   

A new insertion sequence element designated ISLdl1 has been isolated and characterized from Lactobacillus delbrueckii subsp. lactis ATCC 15808. It is the first IS element of L. delbrueckii subsp. lactis described. ISLdl1 is a 1508 bp element flanked by 26 bp imperfect inverted repeats, and generates an 8 bp AT-rich target duplication upon insertion. It contains one ORF encoding a protein of 455 amino acids. This protein shows significant homology to the transposases of the ISL3 family and to other bacterial transposases and putative transposases, and no homology to other proteins. Based on these structural features, ISLdl1 belongs to the ISL3 family. ISLdl1 is present in about 10-12 copies in the genome of ATCC 15808 based on Southern hybridization analysis. Location sites of eight ISLdl1 copies have been determined in more detail by cloning and sequencing one or both of the flanking regions of each ISLdl1 copy. ISLdl1 or ISLdl1-like IS elements were found exclusively in Lactobacillus delbrueckii species and in all strains of subsp. lactis tested. The nucleotide sequence of ISLdl1 is deposited under the accession number AJ302652.  相似文献   

To evaluate the prospects for transposon mutagenesis in the autogamous diploid legume Lotus japonicus, the behaviour of the maize transposable element Ac was analysed in the progeny of 38 independent transgenic plants. The conditions for monitoring donor site excision using histochemical localization of -glucuronidase activity or the alternative spectinomycin resistance assay were established, and used to follow Ac mobility through two generations. Somatic excision was monitored as variegated cotyledons in the T2 generation and germinal excision events were scored in segregating T3 families as complete -glucuronidase-mediated staining of cotyledons or as a fully green spectinomycin-resistant phenotype. Using these assays an average germinal excision frequency of 12% was estimated in the T3 offspring from variegated plants. The fidelity of the excision assays was ascertained by comparing the frequency of germinal excision to the frequency of Ac reinsertion at new positions of the genome. Transposition of Ac in 42% of the plants and detection of the characteristic Ac insertion/excision footprints suggests that insertion mutagenesis with the autonomous maize Activator element is feasible in Lotus japonicus. Parameters influencing Ac behaviour, such as dosage, position effects and modification of the element itself, were also investigated comparing homozygous and hemizygous plants from the same family and by analysing different transformants.Abbreviations W white - V variegated - FG fully green - FB fully blue - aadA spectinomycin adenyltransferase  相似文献   

Summary In the progeny of an active Mutator plant, the number of Mu elements increases on self-pollination and maintains the average parental Mu content on outcrossing to a non-Mutator line; both patterns of transmission require an increase in the absolute number of Mu elements from one generation to the next. The same average copy number of Mu elements is transmitted through the male and female, but there is wide variation in the absolute copy number among the progeny. In inactive Mutator plants —defined both by the loss of somatic instability at a reporter gene (bronze2-mu1) and by modification of the HinfI sites in the terminal inverted repeat sequences of Mu elements —the absolute copy number of Mu elements is fixed in the parent. Thus, in outcrosses Mu element number is halved, and on self-pollination Mu copy number is constant. Reactivation of somatic mutability at cryptic bz2-mu1 alleles in inactive individuals by crossing to an active line seems not to involve an increase in Mu element copy number transmitted by the inactive individual. These and other results suggest that increases in Mu copy number occur late in plant development or in the gametophyte rather than after fertilization.  相似文献   

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