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A solid definition and comprehensive graphical representation of biological networks is essential for efficient and accurate dissemination of information on biological models. Several proposals have already been made toward this aim. The most well known representation of this kind is a molecular interaction map, or ‘Kohn Map’. However, although the molecular interaction map is a well-defined and compact notation, there are several drawbacks, such as difficulties in intuitive understanding of temporal changes of reactions and additional complexities arising from particular graphical representations. This article proposes several improvements to the molecular interaction map, as well as the use of the ‘process diagram’ to help understand temporal sequences of reactions.  相似文献   

The further understanding of the mechanisms of gene regulatory networks requires comprehensive tools for both the representation of complicated signal transduction pathways and the in silico identification of genomic signals that govern the regulation of gene expression. Consequently, sophisticated notation must be developed to represent the signal transduction pathways in a form that can be readily processed by both computers and humans. We propose the regulator–reaction equations combined with detailed attributes including the associated cellular component, molecular function, and biological process and present the simulation-directed graphical notation that is derived from modification of Kohn’s method. We have developed the software suite, CADLIVE (Computer-Aided Design of LIVing systEms), which features a graphical user interface (GUI) to edit large-scale maps of complicated signal transduction pathways using a conventional XML-based representation. The regulator–reaction equations represent not only mechanistic reactions, but also semantic models containing ambiguous and incomplete processes. In order to demonstrate the feasibility of CADLIVE, we constructed a detailed map of the budding yeast cell cycle, which consists of 184 molecules and 152 reactions, in a really compact space. CADLIVE enables one to look at the whole view of a large-scale map, to integrate postgenomic data into the map, and to computationally simulate the signal transduction pathways, which greatly facilitates exploring novel or unexpected interactions.  相似文献   

Mathematical modeling has become a standard technique to understand the dynamics of complex biochemical systems. To promote the modeling, we had developed the CADLIVE dynamic simulator that automatically converted a biochemical map into its associated mathematical model, simulated its dynamic behaviors and analyzed its robustness. To enhance the feasibility by CADLIVE and extend its functions, we propose the CADLIVE toolbox available for MATLAB, which implements not only the existing functions of the CADLIVE dynamic simulator, but also the latest tools including global parameter search methods with robustness analysis. The seamless, bottom-up processes consisting of biochemical network construction, automatic construction of its dynamic model, simulation, optimization, and S-system analysis greatly facilitate dynamic modeling, contributing to the research of systems biology and synthetic biology. This application can be freely downloaded from http://www.cadlive.jp/CADLIVE_MATLAB/ together with an instruction.  相似文献   



Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-Seq) is an emerging technology that has revolutionized the research of the tumor heterogeneity. However, the highly sparse data matrices generated by the technology have posed an obstacle to the analysis of differential gene regulatory networks.


Addressing the challenges, this study presents, as far as we know, the first bioinformatics tool for scRNA-Seq-based differential network analysis (scdNet). The tool features a sample size adjustment of gene-gene correlation, comparison of inter-state correlations, and construction of differential networks. A simulation analysis demonstrated the power of scdNet in the analyses of sparse scRNA-Seq data matrices, with low requirement on the sample size, high computation efficiency, and tolerance of sequencing noises. Applying the tool to analyze two datasets of single circulating tumor cells (CTCs) of prostate cancer and early mouse embryos, our data demonstrated that differential gene regulation plays crucial roles in anti-androgen resistance and early embryonic development.


Overall, the tool is widely applicable to datasets generated by the emerging technology to bring biological insights into tumor heterogeneity and other studies. MATLAB implementation of scdNet is available at https://github.com/ChenLabGCCRI/scdNet.

PURPOSE: The PathVisio-Validator plugin aims to simplify the task of producing biological pathway diagrams that follow graphical standardized notations, such as Molecular Interaction Maps or the Systems Biology Graphical Notation. This plugin assists in the creation of pathway diagrams by ensuring correct usage of a notation, and thereby reducing ambiguity when diagrams are shared among biologists. Rulesets, needed in the validation process, can be generated for any graphical notation that a developer desires, using either Schematron or Groovy. The plugin also provides support for filtering validation results, validating on a subset of rules, and distinguishing errors and warnings.  相似文献   

Large scale genomic studies are generating significant amounts of data on the structure of cellular networks. This is in contrast to kinetic data, which is frequently absent, unreliable or fragmentary. There is, therefore, a desire by many in the community to investigate the potential rewards of analyzing the more readily available topological data. This brief review is concerned with a particular property of biological networks, namely structural conservations (e.g. moiety conserved cycles). There has been much discussion in the literature on these cycles but a review on the computational issues related to conserved cycles has been missing. This review is concerned with the detection and characterization of conservation relations in arbitrary networks and related issues, which impinge on simulation simulation software writers. This review will not address flux balance constraints or small-world type analyses in any significant detail.  相似文献   

jSquid is a graph visualization tool for exploring graphs from protein-protein interaction or functional coupling networks. The tool was designed for the FunCoup web site, but can be used for any similar network exploring purpose. The program offers various visualization and graph manipulation techniques to increase the utility for the user. AVAILABILITY: jSquid is available for direct usage and download at http://jSquid.sbc.su.se including source code under the GPLv3 license, and input examples. It requires Java version 5 or higher to run properly. CONTACT: erik.sonnhammer@sbc.su.se SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.  相似文献   

The computer program LUDI for automated structure-based drug design is described. The program constructs possible new ligands for a given protein of known three-dimensional structure. This novel approach is based upon rules about energetically favourable non-bonded contact geometries between functional groups of the protein and the ligand which are derived from a statistical analysis of crystal packings of organic molecules. In a first step small fragments are docked into the protein binding site in such a way that hydrogen bonds and ionic interactions can be formed with the protein and hydrophobic pockets are filled with lipophilic groups of the ligands. The program can then append further fragments onto a previously positioned fragments or onto an already existing ligand (e.g., a lead structure that one seeks to improve). It is also possible to link several fragments together by bridge fragments to form a complete molecule. All putative ligands retrieved or constructed by LUDI are scored. We use a simple scoring function that was fitted to experimentally determined binding constants of protein–ligand complexes. LUCI is a very fast program with typical execution times of 1–5 min on a work station and is therefore suitable for interactive usage.  相似文献   

AraCyc is a database containing biochemical pathways of Arabidopsis, developed at The Arabidopsis Information Resource (http://www.arabidopsis.org). The aim of AraCyc is to represent Arabidopsis metabolism as completely as possible with a user-friendly Web-based interface. It presently features more than 170 pathways that include information on compounds, intermediates, cofactors, reactions, genes, proteins, and protein subcellular locations. The database uses Pathway Tools software, which allows the users to visualize a bird's eye view of all pathways in the database down to the individual chemical structures of the compounds. The database was built using Pathway Tools' Pathologic module with MetaCyc, a collection of pathways from more than 150 species, as a reference database. This initial build was manually refined and annotated. More than 20 plant-specific pathways, including carotenoid, brassinosteroid, and gibberellin biosyntheses have been added from the literature. A list of more than 40 plant pathways will be added in the coming months. The quality of the initial, automatic build of the database was compared with the manually improved version, and with EcoCyc, an Escherichia coli database using the same software system that has been manually annotated for many years. In addition, a Perl interface, PerlCyc, was developed that allows programmers to access Pathway Tools databases from the popular Perl language. AraCyc is available at the tools section of The Arabidopsis Information Resource Web site (http://www.arabidopsis.org/tools/aracyc).  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: There is an imperative need to integrate functional genomics data to obtain a more comprehensive systems-biology view of the results. We believe that this is best achieved through the visualization of data within the biological context of metabolic pathways. Accordingly, metabolic pathway reconstruction was used to predict the metabolic composition for Medicago truncatula and these pathways were engineered to enable the correlated visualization of integrated functional genomics data. Results: Metabolic pathway reconstruction was used to generate a pathway database for M. truncatula (MedicCyc), which currently features more than 250 pathways with related genes, enzymes and metabolites. MedicCyc was assembled from more than 225,000 M. truncatula ESTs (MtGI Release 8.0) and available genomic sequences using the Pathway Tools software and the MetaCyc database. The predicted pathways in MedicCyc were verified through comparison with other plant databases such as AraCyc and RiceCyc. The comparison with other plant databases provided crucial information concerning enzymes still missing from the ongoing, but currently incomplete M. truncatula genome sequencing project. MedicCyc was further manually curated to remove non-plant pathways, and Medicago-specific pathways including isoflavonoid, lignin and triterpene saponin biosynthesis were modified or added based upon available literature and in-house expertise. Additional metabolites identified in metabolic profiling experiments were also used for pathway predictions. Once the metabolic reconstruction was completed, MedicCyc was engineered to visualize M. truncatula functional genomics datasets within the biological context of metabolic pathways. Availability: freely accessible at http://www.noble.org/MedicCyc/  相似文献   

We developed PathAct, a novel method for pathway analysis to investigate the biological and clinical implications of the gene expression profiles. The advantage of PathAct in comparison with the conventional pathway analysis methods is that it can estimate pathway activity levels for individual patient quantitatively in the form of a pathway-by-sample matrix. This matrix can be used for further analysis such as hierarchical clustering and other analysis methods. To evaluate the feasibility of PathAct, comparison with frequently used gene-enrichment analysis methods was conducted using two public microarray datasets. The dataset #1 was that of breast cancer patients, and we investigated pathways associated with triple-negative breast cancer by PathAct, compared with those obtained by gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA). The dataset #2 was another breast cancer dataset with disease-free survival (DFS) of each patient. Contribution by each pathway to prognosis was investigated by our method as well as the Database for Annotation, Visualization and Integrated Discovery (DAVID) analysis. In the dataset #1, four out of the six pathways that satisfied p < 0.05 and FDR < 0.30 by GSEA were also included in those obtained by the PathAct method. For the dataset #2, two pathways (“Cell Cycle” and “DNA replication”) out of four pathways by PathAct were commonly identified by DAVID analysis. Thus, we confirmed a good degree of agreement among PathAct and conventional methods. Moreover, several applications of further statistical analyses such as hierarchical cluster analysis by pathway activity, correlation analysis and survival analysis between pathways were conducted.  相似文献   

In the heart, mitochondria form a regular lattice and function as a coordinated, nonlinear network to continuously produce ATP to meet the high-energy demand of the cardiomyocytes. Cardiac mitochondria also exhibit properties of an excitable system: electrical or chemical signals can spread within or among cells in the syncytium. The detailed mechanisms by which signals pass among individual elements (mitochondria) across the network are still not completely understood, although emerging studies suggest that network excitability might be mediated by the local diffusion and autocatalytic release of messenger molecules such as reactive oxygen species and/or Ca(2+). In this short review, we have attempted to described recent advances in the field of cardiac mitochondrial network excitability. Specifically, we have focused on how mitochondria communicate with each other through the diffusion and regeneration of messenger molecules to initiate and propagate waves or oscillations, as revealed by computational models of mitochondrial network.  相似文献   

GRASS (Graphical Representation and Analysis of Structures Server), a new web-based server, is described. GRASS exploits many of the features of the GRASP program and is designed to provide interactive molecular graphics and quantitative analysis tools with a simple interface over the World-Wide Web. Using GRASS, it is now possible to view many surface features of biological macromolecules on either standard workstations used in macromolecular analysis or personal computers. The result is a World-Wide Web-based, platform-independent, easily used tool for macromolecular visualization and structure analysis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A Boolean network is a simple computational model that may provide insight into the overall behavior of genetic networks and is represented by variables with two possible states (on/off), of the individual nodes/genes of the network. In this study, a Boolean network model has been used to simulate a molecular pathway between two neurotransmitter receptor, dopamine and glutamate receptor, systems in order to understand the consequence of using logic gate rules between nodes, which have two possible states (active and inactive). RESULTS: The dynamical properties of this Boolean network model of the biochemical pathway shows that, the pathway is stable and that, deletion/knockout of certain biologically important nodes cause significant perturbation to this network. The analysis clearly shows that in addition to the expected components dopamine and dopamine receptor 2 (DRD2), Ca(2+) ions play a critical role in maintaining stability of the pathway. CONCLUSION: So this method may be useful for the identification of potential genetic targets, whose loss of function in biochemical pathways may be responsible for disease onset. The molecular pathway considered in this study has been implicated with a complex disorder like schizophrenia, which has a complex multifactorial etiology.  相似文献   

SUMMARY: A-Cell is a tool for constructing models of complex and complicated biochemical reactions. An important feature of A-Cell is its graphical user interface for constructing biochemical reactions. In addition, it has a capability of importing previously constructed models, combining them, and constructing a comprehensive model. The simulation program for the model is automatically generated by A-cell.  相似文献   

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