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The field of cholecystokinin (CCK) stimulation of exocrine pancreatic secretion has experienced major changes in the recent past. This review attempts to summarize the present status of the field. CCK production in the intestinal I cells, the molecular forms of CCK produced and subsequently circulated in the blood, the presence or absence of CCK receptors on the isolated pancreatic acinar cells and the associated signaling for acinar cell secretion, and the actual circuits and sites of action for CCK regulation of exocrine pancreatic secretion in vivo are reviewed in different animal species with an emphasis on birds, rodents, and humans. Clear differences in the relative importance of neural and direct modes of CCK action on pancreatic acinar cells were identified. Rodents seem to be endowed with both modes of action, whereas in humans the neural mode may predominate. In birds, such as duck, the direct mode needs further assistance from pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating peptide/VIP receptors. However, much further work needs to be directed to the neural mode to map out all sites of CCK action and details of the full circuits, and we foresee a major revival for this field of research in the near future.  相似文献   

Growth factors: a role in guiding axons?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A remarkable finding to emerge in recent years is that the early brain neuroepithelium is highly patterned before axonogenesis begins. Growth factors are among a variety of classes of molecules whose regionalized expression divides the early brain into molecularly distinct domains. Thus, when axons first grow to their synaptic targets, growth factor signalling may help them to navigate. This review discusses recent studies that reveal that growth factors can act as chemoattractants and repellents and that growth factor signalling is important for target entry. These new findings raise the compelling idea that growth factors play an active role in axon navigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To evaluate children''s and parents'' perceptions of hospital doctors'' attire. DESIGN--Questionnaire study asking children and parents to assign positive and negative attributes to five photographs of a male or female doctor dressed formally and informally. SETTING--Outpatient department, Children''s Hospital, Birmingham. SUBJECTS--203 consecutive child-parent pairs attending outpatient clinics over three months. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES--Children''s and parents'' preferences, assessed by comparing proportions. RESULTS--70% (286/406) of children and parents rated doctors'' dress as important; more children rated it "very important" (27% (54/203) v 14% (29/203), P < 0.01, 95% confidence interval for difference 5% to 21%). Of the 99 children responding, 44 regarded the man in white coat as most competent (44% v 20% expected by chance, P < 0.01, 34% to 54%) and most concerned (32% v 20%, P < 0.01, 23% to 41%). Children also regarded the woman in white coat as most competent; however, male and female doctors in white coats rated lower for friendliness. Asians and regular surgical attenders preferred doctors in white coats. The man in polo shirt and trousers was rated as most friendly (40% v 20% expected by chance, P < 0.01, 30% to 50%) and most gentle (37% v 20%, P < 0.01, 27% to 46%). The woman in tee shirt and slacks also rated most friendly and gentle; however, both casually dressed doctors rated lower for competence. Parents preferred more casual dress but expressed preferences less strongly, and they poorly predicted which outfits their children preferred. CONCLUSIONS--Children regard formally dressed doctors as competent but not friendly; they regard casual dress as friendly but not competent.  相似文献   

The mechanism of action of F(1)F(0)-ATP synthase is controversial. Some favor a tri-site mechanism, where substrate must fill all three catalytic sites for activity, others a bi-site mechanism, where one of the three sites is always unoccupied. New approaches were applied to examine this question. First, ITP was used as hydrolysis substrate; lower binding affinities of ITP versus ATP enable more accurate assessment of sites occupancy. Second, distributions of all eight possible enzyme species (with zero, one, two or three sites filled) as fraction of total enzyme population at each ITP concentration were calculated, and compared with measured ITPase activity. Confirming data were obtained with ATP as substrate. Third, we performed a theoretical analysis of possible bi-site mechanisms. The results argue convincingly that bi-site hydrolysis activity is negligible, and may not even exist. Effectively, tri-site hydrolysis is the only mechanism. We argue that only tri-site hydrolysis drives subunit rotation. Theoretical analyses of possible bi-site mechanisms reveal serious flaws, not previously recognized. One is that, in bi-site catalysis, the predicted direction of subunit rotation is the same for both ATP synthesis and hydrolysis; a second is that infrequently occurring enzyme species are required.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate if oesophagel acid stimulation (Bernstein test) had an influence on heart rate and blood prsure variability and baroreflex gain. We compared the cardiovascular responses in 10 patients with established gastro-esophageal reflux disease (Group 1) and 10 control subjects (Group 2) during esophageal saline and 0.1 mol/l hydrochloric acid instillation. Indices of heart rate and blood pressure variability and baroreflex gain (derived from linear spontaneous sequences and cross spectral analysis) were calculated. In Group 1 the standard deviation of RR intervals (SDRR: 46 ms vs 51 ms, p=0.030) and the root mean square of successive differences (RMSSD: 24 ms vs. 26 ms p=0.027) were significantly lower during acid infusions, than during saline. We found no significant difference in minimum, maximum and mean RR intervals and systolic blood pressures and in the percentage of RR intervals, which differed from adjacent cycles by more than 50 ms (PNN50). The power spectra of RR intervals in the high frequency band tended to be lower during acid infusion (p=0.055). There was no significant difference in blood pressure spectra, neither in low nor in high frequency band. In Group 2 there was no significant difference between any parameters measured during acid and saline. The baroreflex gain was not changed during the studied conditions in any group. Neither increased vagal tone, nor increased vagal variability occurred and the baroreflex gain was not altered during oesophageal acid simulation.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase Iγ (PIP5KIγ) is subject to extensive C-terminal splice variation, with four variants, PIP5KIγ_v1, 2, 4 and 5, described in humans Schill and Anderson (2009) [7]. Here firstly, we report a new rodent splice variant, which includes the exon that was previously unique to the rodent neuron-specific PIP5KIγ93 Giudici et al. (2006) [6], but which omits the C-terminal exon of PIP5KIγ93; this new variant shows a wide tissue expression pattern in mouse. Secondly, we show that in humans there is an alternative splicing site 78 nucleotides from the start of exon 16c, such that humans additionally express both PIP5KIγ93 (which we now call PIP5KIγ_v3) specifically in brain and, again expressed more widely, the new variant described here, which we now name PIP5KIγ_v6.  相似文献   

It has been shown that anti-cancer drug induces secretion of serotonin (5-HT) from small intestine which activates serotonin type 3 (5-HT3) receptor to cause nausea and vomiting. In general, antagonist for 5-HT3 receptor is used as anti-emetics during chemotherapy. However, we found that anti-cancer drug irinotecan itself inhibits 5-HT-gated current through the homomeric 5-HT3A and heteromeric 5-HT3AB receptor in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibitory effect of irinotecan on 5-HT3A receptor was more potent than that on 5-HT3AB receptor. On the other hand, SN-38, a metabolite of irinotecan, had no effect on the responsiveness. Our findings suggest that irinotecan itself could have anti-emetic activities through inhibition of the 5-HT3A and 5-HT3AB receptor.  相似文献   

The macrocyclic lactone ivermectin (Mectizan(R)) is widely used for the control of human filarial infections, particularly as a donated product for onchocerciasis and lymphatic filariasis. In the case of control of lymphatic filariasis in Africa, it is used in combination with donated albendazole. In areas co-endemic for Onchocerciasis and Loa loa, serious adverse reactions have been observed in patients with apparently high microfilaria counts of Loa loa. Recent findings suggest that the severe central nervous system side effects seen in various vertebrates following ivermectin treatment may be due to an absence of, or functional deficiency in P-glycoprotein. P-glycoprotein is expressed in the apical membrane of brain capillary epithelial cells and is responsible for limiting the brain penetration of a range of compounds. Toxicity of ivermectin in some collie dogs may be explained by a 4-bp deletion mutation of the mdr1 gene resulting in a frame shift, generating stop codons that prematurely terminate synthesis of P-glycoprotein. Additionally, sub-populations of CF-1 identified as expressing reduced levels of P-glycoprotein exhibit increased toxicity to substrates of this transporter. Furthermore, while the traditional view of drug-drug interactions is alteration in drug clearance mediated through a change in hepatic drug metabolism, some of these changes may arise through competition for binding sites on P-glycoprotein in the blood-brain barrier, resulting in reduced extracellular efflux and enhanced CNS toxicity. In conclusion, P-glycoprotein is an integral component of the human blood brain barrier and plays a central role in limiting drug uptake into the brain. Altered expression or function of p-glycoprotein could conceivably allow elevation of brain concentrations of ivermectin and produce severe neurotoxicity. This might arise through a genetic polymorphism in p-glycoprotein or co-administration of ivermectin with a drug or foodstuff that might inhibit this efflux transporter.  相似文献   

The geometries, energies, and electronic properties of the two possible configurations of bis-[dibenzo[a.i]fluorenylidene] were investigated theoretically by density functional theory DFT B3LYP at the UB3LYP/6-311?+?G(2d,p) // UB3LYP/6-31?+?G(d,p) level of theory. According to the performed calculations, it was found that the singlet is 3.4?kcal?mol-1 lower in energy compared to triplet state at room temperature. This gap is compared with those of other alkenes like ethylene, (61.9?kcal?mol-1) tetra-tert-butyethylene, (6.4?kcal?mol-1) and bis-fluorenylidene (19.5?kcal?mol-1). These results confirm the experimental findings of the paramagnetic properties determined by Franzen and Joschek. The low singlet-triplet gap in the case of bis-[dibenzo[a.i]fluorenylidene] is the result of a steric destabilization of the singlet due to strain and stabilization of the triplet electronic state by delocalization of each free electron within each aromatic moiety. This correlates with the special electronic structure of the triplet state of this compound, where facial interaction of two hydrogen atoms lying close to the lobes of each p-orbital occupied with a single electron at the distorted double bond in the triplet electronic state.
a) The singlet form of bis-dibenzo[a.i]fluorenylidene. b) The triplet form of bis-dibenzo[a.i]fluorenylidene. The central dihedral angle around the C=C double bond changes from 53.2° in the singlet electronic structure to 90.0° in the triplet electronic structure. Of great interest is the very low singlet-triplet gap of this electronic system which equals to 3.4 kcal/mol according to calculation by DFT UB3LYP/6-311+G(2d,p) // UB3LYP/6-31+G(d,p) level of theory.  相似文献   

To fulfill its preeminent function of regulating glucose metabolism, insulin secretion must not only be quantitatively appropriate but also have qualitative, dynamic properties that optimize insulin action on target tissues. This review focuses on the importance of the first-phase insulin secretion to glucose metabolism and attempts to illustrate the relationships between the first-phase insulin response to an intravenous glucose challenge and the early insulin response following glucose ingestion. A clear-cut first phase occurs only when the beta-cell is exposed to a rapidly changing glucose stimulus, like the one induced by a brisk intravenous glucose administration. In contrast, peripheral insulin concentration following glucose ingestion does not bear any clear sign of biphasic shape. Coupling data from the literature with the results of a beta-cell model simulation, a close relationship between the first-phase insulin response to intravenous glucose and the early insulin response to glucose ingestion emerges. It appears that the same ability of the beta-cell to produce a pronounced first phase in response to an intravenous glucose challenge can generate a rapidly increasing early phase in response to the blood glucose profile following glucose ingestion. This early insulin response to glucose is enhanced by the concomitant action of incretins and neural responses to nutrient ingestion. Thus, under physiological circumstances, the key feature of the early insulin response seems to be the ability to generate a rapidly increasing insulin profile. This notion is corroborated by recent experimental evidence that the early insulin response, when assessed at the portal level with a frequent sampling, displays a pulsatile nature. Thus, even though the classical first phase does not exist under physiological conditions, the oscillatory behavior identified at the portal level does serve the purpose of rapidly exposing the liver to elevated insulin levels that, also in virtue of their up-and-down pattern, are particularly effective in restraining hepatic glucose production.  相似文献   

In terrestrial endotherms, evaporation is a significant mechanism of water loss in hot environments. Although water is passively lost by evaporation, individuals can regulate it at different levels. Inhabiting a relatively stable environment characterized by mild ambient temperature (Ta) and high humidity can ensure a balanced water budget. Many fossorial rodents are well adapted to live in such conditions. In this study, evaporative water loss (EWL) of fossorial rodent species with different degree of adaptations to underground life (from strictly subterranean to those with regular surface activity) was evaluated. By measuring EWL, the specific contribution of either evaporative or non-evaporative components of heat loss can be determined. With the exception of the silvery mole-rat (Heliophobius argenteocinereus), in all tested rodents EWL is relatively stable below and within the thermoneutral zone (TNZ). As Tas increase above TNZ, EWL increases as does total thermal conductance, but conductance increases several times more than EWL. In addition, non-evaporative routes seem to be more important than evaporative heat loss in the analyzed species. No clear pattern of EWL in relation to a species degree of fossoriality or sociality was detected. In this context, atmosphere of burrows could affect EWL, since the high humidity found inside tunnels can establish limits on evaporation to favor water rather than thermal balance.  相似文献   

The majority of ectotherms mature at a larger size at lower rearing temperatures. Although this temperature-size rule is well established, a general explanation for this phenomenon has remained elusive. In this article, we address the problem by exploring the proximate and ultimate reasons for why a temperate grasshopper, Chorthippus brunneus, is an exception to the temperature-size rule. Using a complete set of life-history data to parameterize an established life-history model, we show that it is optimal for this species to mature at a larger size at higher temperatures. We also show that plasticity in adult size is determined by the relative difference between the minimum temperature thresholds for growth and development rates. The mechanism relates to aspects of the biophysical model of van der Have and de Jong. Ectotherms that obey the temperature-size rule are identified as having a higher temperature threshold for development rate than for growth rate; exceptions are identified as having a lower temperature threshold for development rate than for growth rate. The latter scenario may arise broadly in two ways. These are discussed in reference to the thermal biology of temperate grasshoppers and ectotherms in general.  相似文献   

Spermidine is a natural polyamine that stimulates cytoprotective macroautophagy/autophagy. External supplementation of spermidine extends lifespan and health span across species, including in yeast, nematodes, flies and mice. In humans, spermidine levels decline with aging, and a possible connection between reduced endogenous spermidine concentrations and age-related deterioration has been suggested. Recent epidemiological data support this notion, showing that an increased uptake of this polyamine with spermidine-rich food diminishes overall mortality associated with cardiovascular diseases and cancer. Here, we discuss nutritional and other possible routes to counteract the age-mediated decline of spermidine levels.  相似文献   

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