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Development of a high-density SNP map and evaluation of QTL shed light on domestication events in tetraploid wheat and the potential utility of cultivated emmer wheat for durum wheat improvement.


Cultivated emmer wheat (Triticum turgidum ssp. dicoccum) is tetraploid and considered as one of the eight founder crops that spawned the Agricultural Revolution about 10,000 years ago. Cultivated emmer has non-free-threshing seed and a somewhat fragile rachis, but mutations in genes governing these and other agronomic traits occurred that led to the formation of today’s fully domesticated durum wheat (T. turgidum ssp. durum). Here, we evaluated a population of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between a cultivated emmer accession and a durum wheat variety. A high-density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based genetic linkage map consisting of 2,593 markers was developed for the identification of quantitative trait loci. The major domestication gene Q had profound effects on spike length and compactness, rachis fragility, and threshability as expected. The cultivated emmer parent contributed increased spikelets per spike, and the durum parent contributed higher kernel weight, which led to the identification of some RILs that had significantly higher grain weight per spike than either parent. Threshability was governed not only by the Q locus, but other loci as well including Tg-B1 on chromosome 2B and a putative Tg-A1 locus on chromosome 2A indicating that mutations in the Tg loci occurred during the transition of cultivated emmer to the fully domesticated tetraploid. These results not only shed light on the events that shaped wheat domestication, but also demonstrate that cultivated emmer is a useful source of genetic variation for the enhancement of durum varieties.  相似文献   

The relationship between linkage disequilibrium (LD) and recombination fraction can be used to infer the pattern of genetic variation and evolutionary process in humans and other systems. We described a computational framework to construct a linkage–LD map from commonly used biallelic, single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers for outcrossing plants by which the decline of LD is visualized with genetic distance. The framework was derived from an open-pollinated (OP) design composed of plants randomly sampled from a natural population and seeds from each sampled plant, enabling simultaneous estimation of the LD in the natural population and recombination fraction due to allelic co-segregation during meiosis. We modified the framework to infer evolutionary pasts of natural populations using those marker types that are segregating in a dominant manner, given their role in creating and maintaining population genetic diversity. A sophisticated two-level EM algorithm was implemented to estimate and retrieve the missing information of segregation characterized by dominant-segregating markers such as single methylation polymorphisms. The model was applied to study the relationship between linkage and LD for a non-model outcrossing species, a gymnosperm species, Torreya grandis, naturally distributed in mountains of the southeastern China. The linkage–LD map constructed from various types of molecular markers opens a powerful gateway for studying the history of plant evolution.  相似文献   

 A map with 246 markers (11 isozymes and 235 RFLPs) was constructed using an interspecific F2 population between almond (cv Texas) and peach (cv Earlygold). RFLPs were obtained using 213 probes from the genomic and cDNA libraries of different species (almond, peach, P. ferganensis, cherry, plum and apple), including 16 almond probes which correspond to known genes. All markers were distributed in eight linkage groups, the same as the basic chromosome number of the genus, covering a total distance of 491 cM. The average map density was 2.0 cM/marker and only four gaps of 10 cM or more were found; the two largest gaps were 12cM each. This map was compared with one constructed previously with an intraspecific almond population sharing 67 anchor loci. Locus order was nearly identical and distances were not significantly different. A large proportion of the mapped loci (46%) had skewed segregations; in approximately half of them, the distortion was due to an excess of heterozygotes. One of the distorted regions could be associated with the position of the self-incompatibility gene of almond. Received: 6 November 1997 / Accepted: 26 May 1998  相似文献   

Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) is a model cellulosic biofuel crop in the United States. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are valuable resources for genetic mapping and molecular breeding. A large number of expressed sequence tags (ESTs) of switchgrass are recently available in our sequencing project. The objectives of this study were to develop new SSR markers from the switchgrass EST sequences and to integrate them into an existing linkage map. More than 750 unique primer pairs (PPs) were designed from 243,600 EST contigs and tested for PCR amplifications, resulting in 538 PPs effectively producing amplicons of expected sizes. Of the effective PPs, 481 amplifying informative bands in NL94 were screened for polymorphisms in a panel consisting of NL94 and its seven first-generation selfed (S1) progeny. This led to the selection of 117 polymorphic EST–SSRs to genotype a mapping population encompassing 139 S1 individuals of NL94. Of 83 markers demonstrating clearly scorable alleles in the mapping population, 79 were integrated into a published linkage map, with three linked to accessory loci and one unlinked. The newly identified EST–SSR loci were distributed in 17 of 18 linkage groups with 27 (32.5 %) exhibiting distorted segregations. The integration of EST–SSRs aided in reducing the average marker interval (cM) to 3.7 from 4.2, and reduced the number of gaps (each >15 cM) to 10 from 23. Developing new EST–SSRs and constructing a higher density linkage map will facilitate quantitative trait locus mapping and provide a firm footing for marker-assisted breeding in switchgrass.  相似文献   

 We constructed a genetic map of a cross between the Swiss winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) variety Forno and the Swiss winter spelt (Triticum spelta L.) variety Oberkulmer. For the linkage analysis,176 polymorphic RFLP probes and nine microsatellites were tested on 204 F5 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Forno×Oberkulmer revealing 242 segregating marker loci. Thirty five percent of these loci showed significant (P>0.05) deviation from a 1 : 1 segregation, and the percentage of Forno alleles ranged from 21% to 83% for individual marker loci. Linkage analysis was performed with the program MAPMAKER using the Haldane mapping function. Using a LOD threshold of 10, we obtained 37 linkage groups. After finding the best order of marker loci within linkage groups by multi-point analysis we assembled the linkage groups into 23 larger units by lowering the LOD threshold. All except one of the 23 new linkage groups could be assigned to physical chromosomes or chromosome arms according to hybridisation patterns of nulli-tetrasomic lines of Chinese Spring and published wheat maps. This resulted in a genetic map comprising 230 marker loci and spanning 2469 cM. Since the analysed population is segregating for a wide range of agronomically important traits, this genetic map is an ideal basis for the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for these traits. Received: 3 August 1998 / Accepted: 28 November 1998  相似文献   



Until recently, only a small number of low- and mid-throughput methods have been used for single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) discovery and genotyping in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.). However, following completion of the sequence of the highly heterozygous genome of Pinot Noir, it has been possible to identify millions of electronic SNPs (eSNPs) thus providing a valuable source for high-throughput genotyping methods.


Herein we report the first application of the SNPlex? genotyping system in grapevine aiming at the anchoring of an eukaryotic genome. This approach combines robust SNP detection with automated assay readout and data analysis. 813 candidate eSNPs were developed from non-repetitive contigs of the assembled genome of Pinot Noir and tested in 90 progeny of Syrah × Pinot Noir cross. 563 new SNP-based markers were obtained and mapped. The efficiency rate of 69% was enhanced to 80% when multiple displacement amplification (MDA) methods were used for preparation of genomic DNA for the SNPlex assay.


Unlike other SNP genotyping methods used to investigate thousands of SNPs in a few genotypes, or a few SNPs in around a thousand genotypes, the SNPlex genotyping system represents a good compromise to investigate several hundred SNPs in a hundred or more samples simultaneously. Therefore, the use of the SNPlex assay, coupled with whole genome amplification (WGA), is a good solution for future applications in well-equipped laboratories.  相似文献   

The brown planthopper (BPH), Nilaparvata lugens Stål, is a significant insect pest of rice (Oryza sa-tiva L.). bph2 is one of the 12 major BPH resistance genes so far identified in several indica cultivars and two wild relatives. We have constructed a high-resolution linkage map as a foundation for map-based cloning of the bph2 locus. An advanced mapping population derived from a cross of ’Tsukushibare’ (a susceptible japonica cultivar) with ’Norin-PL4’ (an authentic bph2-introgression line) was used. Segregation analysis by the mass seedling test showed that bph2 behaved as a single dominant gene. Through bulked segregant analysis and linkage analysis, bph2 was located within a 3.2-cM region containing eight AFLP markers. One marker (KAM4) showed complete co-segregation with bph2, and bph2 was mapped within a 1.0-cM region delimited by KAM3 and KAM5, two flanking markers. KAM4 was converted into a PCR-based sequence-tagged-site (STS) marker and its co-segregation with bph2 was validated.  相似文献   

The cultivated strawberry, Fragaria × ananassa, is the most economically-important soft-fruit species, but few practical molecular tools for the purpose of marker assisted selection currently exist. As a precursor to the development of such tools, a genetic linkage map was developed from a F1 population comprising 174 seedlings derived from a cross between two F. × ananassa cultivars, ‘Redgauntlet’ × ‘Hapil’. The resultant map is composed of 315 molecular markers—218 microsatellites, 11 gene-specific markers and 86 AFLP and RAPD markers—and spans 3,116 cM. In total, 69 linkage group fragments were recovered, more than the 56 linkage groups expected for the cultivated strawberry, however, all fragments contained a transferable marker that could be associated with one of 56 linkage group scaffolds. The female (Redgauntlet) and male (Hapil) linkage maps are composed, respectively of 170 loci in 32 linkage groups covering 1,675.3 cM and 182 loci in 37 linkage groups covering 1,440.7 cM, with 37 markers common to both maps. The maximum number of markers in one linkage group was 15, the minimum was two. All linkage groups resolved contained at least one transferable marker (SSR or gene-specific) that had been mapped on the diploid Fragaria reference map (FV × FB), and therefore all linkage groups could be identified as homologous to one of the seven diploid Fragaria linkage groups. When marker order was compared to the diploid Fragaria reference map, effectively complete colinearity was observed. However, the occurrence of duplicated loci on homologues of linkage groups FG1 and FG6 provided evidence of a putative chromosomal duplication or translocation event in Fragaria. The development of this linkage map will facilitate the study and dissection of QTL associated with traits of economic importance such as disease resistance and fruit quality, and provides a foundation for the development of markers for the purpose of marker assisted breeding and selection in the cultivated strawberry, F. × ananassa.  相似文献   

A mapping strategy is described for the construction of a linkage map of a non-inbred species in which individual offspring genotypes are not amenable to marker analysis. After one extra generation of random mating, the segregating progeny was propagated, and bulked populations of offspring were analyzed. Although the resulting population structure is different from that of commonly used mapping populations, we show that the maximum likelihood formula for a normal F2 is applicable for the estimation of recombination. This “pseudo-F2” mapping strategy, in combination with the development of an AFLP assay for single cysts, facilitated the construction of a linkage map for the potato cyst nematode Globodera rostochiensis. Using 12 pre-selected AFLP primer combinations, a total of 66 segregating markers were identified, 62 of which were mapped to nine linkage groups. These 62 AFLP markers are randomly distributed and cover about 65% of the genome. An estimate of the physical size of the Globodera genome was obtained from comparisons of the number of AFLP fragments obtained with the values for Caenorhabditis elegans. The methodology presented here resulted in the first genomic map for a cyst nematode. The low value of the kilobase/centimorgan (kb/cM) ratio for the Globodera genome will facilitate map-based cloning of genes that mediate the interaction between the nematode and its host plant. Received: 7 January 1999 / Accepted: 16 April 1999  相似文献   

Recombination-based restrictionless, ligation-independent cloning has been proven to be advantageous over restriction digestion and ligation cloning. To utilize the recombination cloning and previously constructed two-hybrid cDNA libraries, a new Gateway yeast two-hybrid bait vector, pEZY202, and a new prey vector, pEZY45, were constructed. The two-hybrid vectors were generated by in vitro recombination using a protocol that can be easily adapted for the conversion of other existing vectors. The new vectors were used to assay the interaction between the WW domain of PQBP1 (PQBPww) and the WW domain binding protein WBP11. Both PQBPww and WBP11 were cloned into a Gateway donor vector by in vitro recombination. They were then subcloned into pEZY45 and pEZY202, respectively, by in vitro recombination. The binding between PQBPww and WBP11 was reported in a two-hybrid experiment using the new vectors. The results of testing the new vectors in combination with the original vectors indicated that the new bait vector could be used to screen cDNA libraries that are constructed using the original prey vectors.  相似文献   

As genome and cDNA sequencing projects progress, a tremendous amount of sequence information is becoming publicly available. These sequence resources can be exploited for gene discovery and marker development. Simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers are among the most useful because of their great variability, abundance, and ease of analysis. By in silico analysis of 10,232 non-redundant expressed sequence tags (ESTs) in pepper as a source of SSR markers, 1,201 SSRs were found, corresponding to one SSR in every 3.8 kb of the ESTs. Eighteen percent of the SSR–ESTs were dinucleotide repeats, 66.0% were trinucleotide, 7.7% tetranucleotide, and 8.2% pentanucleotide; AAG (14%) and AG (12.4%) motifs were the most abundant repeat types. Based on the flanking sequences of these 1,201 SSRs, 812 primer pairs that satisfied melting temperature conditions and PCR product sizes were designed. 513 SSRs (63.1%) were successfully amplified and 150 of them (29.2%) showed polymorphism between Capsicum annuum ‘TF68’ and C. chinense ‘Habanero’. Dinucleotide SSRs and EST–SSR markers containing AC-motifs were the most polymorphic. Polymorphism increased with repeat length and repeat number. The polymorphic EST–SSRs were mapped onto the previously generated pepper linkage map, using 107 F2 individuals from an interspecific cross of TF68 × Habanero. One-hundred and thirtynine EST–SSRs were located on the linkage map in addition to 41 previous SSRs and 63 RFLP markers, forming 14 linkage groups (LGs) and spanning 2,201.5 cM. The EST–SSR markers were distributed over all the LGs. This SSR-based map will be useful as a reference map in Capsicum and should facilitate the use of molecular markers in pepper breeding.Gibum Yi and Je Min Lee equally contributed to this work.  相似文献   

A genetic linkage map of tetraploid wheat was constructed based on a cross between durum wheat [Triticum turgidum ssp. durum (Desf.) MacKey] cultivar Langdon and wild emmer wheat [T. turgidum ssp. dicoccoides (K?rn.) Thell.] accession G18-16. One hundred and fifty-two single-seed descent derived F(6) recombinant inbred lines (RILs) were analyzed with a total of 690 loci, including 197 microsatellite and 493 DArT markers. Linkage analysis defined 14 linkage groups. Most markers were mapped to the B-genome (60%), with an average of 57 markers per chromosome and the remaining 40% mapped to the A-genome, with an average of 39 markers per chromosome. To construct a stabilized (skeleton) map, markers interfering with map stability were removed. The skeleton map consisted of 307 markers with a total length of 2,317 cM and average distance of 7.5 cM between adjacent markers. The length of individual chromosomes ranged between 112 cM for chromosome 4B to 217 cM for chromosome 3B. A fraction (30.1%) of the markers deviated significantly from the expected Mendelian ratios; clusters of loci showing distorted segregation were found on chromosomes 1A, 1BL, 2BS, 3B, and 4B. DArT markers showed high proportion of clustering, which may be indicative of gene-rich regions. Three hundred and fifty-two new DArT markers were mapped for the first time on the current map. This map provides a useful groundwork for further genetic analyses of important quantitative traits, positional cloning, and marker-assisted selection, as well as for genome comparative genomics and genome organization studies in wheat and other cereals.  相似文献   



Mixed-linkage (1→3),(1→4)-β-d-glucans (BG) reduce cholesterol level and insulin response in humans. Despite this, their role in human metabolism and a mode of action remains largely unknown.


To investigate the effects of three structurally different BG on human fecal metabolome in a full cross-over intervention using GC-MS metabolomics.


Over three weeks of intervention, young healthy adults received food supplemented with BG from oat, two different BG from barley or a non-fiber control in a full cross-over design. Untargeted metabolomics and short chain fatty acid analysis was performed on day three fecal samples. ANOVA-simultaneous component analysis was applied to partition the data variation according to the study design, and PLS-DA was used to select most discriminative metabolite markers.


Univariate and multivariate data analysis revealed a dominating effect of inter-individual variances followed by a gender effect. Weak effects of BG intake were identified including an increased level of gamma-amino-butyrate and palmitoleic acid in males and a decreased level of enterolactone in females. Barley and oat derived BG were found to influence the human fecal metabolome differently. Barley BG increased the relative level of formate in males and isobutyrate, isovalerate, 2-methylbutyrate in females. In total 15, 3 and 11 human fecal metabolites were significantly different between control vs. BG, control vs. oat BG, and barley BG vs. oat BG, respectively.


The study show that human fecal metabolome largely reflects individual (~28% variation) and gender (~15% variation) differences, whereas the treatment effect of the BG (~8% variation) only manifests in a few key metabolites (primarily by the metabolites: d-2-aminobutyric acid, palmitoleic acid, linoleic acid and 11-eicosenoic acid).

The effects of four indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) concentrations and two propagation methods were studied in a lowbush blueberry (Vaccinium angustifolium Ait.) clone collected from natural stands in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada. Lowbush blueberry cultures were established in vitro from nodal explants on a modified cranberry (V. macrocarpon Ait.) tissue culture medium containing zeatin (2 μM). Blueberry plants propagated by in vitro shoot proliferation (TC) and by conventional softwood cuttings (SC) were evaluated for growth and morphology. Significant interactions for morphological characteristics were observed among the treatments. The IBA concentration had an effect on morphology of propagated plants, increasing the concentration of IBA increased stem length and leaves per stem across propagation methods. Stems per plant increased with IBA concentration up to 20 μM in SC plants, but not in TC plants. Plant vigor was affected by neither IBA concentration nor propagation method. The TC plants produced longer and more stems with more leaves per stem than the conventional cuttings. In vitro culture on zeatin-containing nutrient medium apparently induces the juvenile branching characteristics that favored enhanced vegetative growth with more stems and leaf production. It is suggested that IBA may serve as a physiologically active form of auxin in contributing to increased stem and leaf production in lowbush blueberry SC plants but not in TC plants.  相似文献   

DNA marker maps based on single populations are the basis for gene, loci and genomic analyses. Individual maps can be integrated to produce composite maps with higher marker densities if shared marker orders are consistent. However, estimates of marker order in composite maps must include sets of markers that were not polymorphic in multiple populations. Often some of the pooled markers were not codominant, or were not correctly scored. The soybean composite map was composed of data from five separate populations based on northern US germplasm but does not yet include ‘Essex’ by ‘Forrest’ recombinant inbred line (RIL) population (E × F) or any southern US soybean cultivars. The objectives were, to update the E × F map with codominant markers, to compare marker orders among this map, the Forrest physical map and the composite soybean map and to compare QTL identified by composite interval maps to the earlier interval maps. Two hundred and thirty seven markers were used to construct the core of the E × F map. The majority of marker orders were consistent between the maps. However, 19 putative marker inversions were detected on 12 of 20 linkage groups (LG). Eleven marker distance compressions were also found. The number of inverted markers ranged from 1 to 2 per LG. Thus, marker order inversions may be common in southern compared to northern US germplasm. A total of 61 QTL among 37 measures of six traits were detected by composite interval maps, interval maps and single point analysis. Seventeen of the QTL found in composite intervals had previously been detected among the 29 QTL found in simple interval maps. The genomic locations of the known QTL were more closely delimited. A genome sequencing project to compare Southern and Northern US soybean cultivars would catalog and delimit inverted regions and the associated QTL. Gene introgression in cultivar development programs would be accelerated.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

Soybean BAC-based physical maps provide a useful platform for gene and QTL map-based cloning, EST mapping, marker development, genome sequencing, and comparative genomic research. Soybean physical maps for “Forrest” and “Williams 82” representing the southern and northern US soybean germplasm base, respectively, have been constructed with different fingerprinting methods. These physical maps are complementary for coverage of gaps on the 20 soybean linkage groups. More than 5,000 genetic markers have been anchored onto the Williams 82 physical map, but only a limited number of markers have been anchored to the Forrest physical map. A mapping population of Forrest × Williams 82 made up of 1,025 F8 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was used to construct a reference genetic map. A framework map with almost 1,000 genetic markers was constructed using a core set of these RILs. The core set of the population was evaluated with the theoretical population using equality, symmetry and representativeness tests. A high-resolution genetic map will allow integration and utilization of the physical maps to target QTL regions of interest, and to place a larger number of markers into a map in a more efficient way using a core set of RILs.  相似文献   

A resource family of pigs has been constructed by using a boar of Göttingen miniature pig and two sows of Meishan pig as parents. In the construction of the family, two F1 males and 18 F1 females were intercrossed to generate 143 F2 offspring. The members of the family were genotyped using 243 genetic markers including 26 markers developed in our laboratory in order to generate a linkage map of markers for use in detecting quantitative trait loci (QTLs) in the family. The markers consisted of 237 microsatellites, five PRE-1 markers, and one RFLP marker. The linkage map was revealed to cover all 18 autosomes and the X chromosome; and the total length of the sex-averaged linkage map was calculated to be 2561 ·9 c m . Four out of the 26 markers developed in our laboratory ex-ended the current linkage map at the termini of chromosomes 1p, 5p, 11p, and Xq. The linkage maps of all the chromosomes except for chromosome 1 were found to be longer in females than in males. Concerning chromosome 1, the length of the linkage map showed no difference between females and males, which was attributed to low recombination rates between markers localized in the centromeric region in females. The average ratio of female-to-male recombination was calculated to be 1 ·55.  相似文献   

We report a dense genetic linkage map of Heliconius erato, a neotropical butterfly that has undergone a remarkable adaptive radiation in warningly colored mimetic wing patterns. Our study exploited natural variation segregating in a cross between H. erato etylus and H. himera to localize wing color pattern loci on a dense linkage map containing amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP), microsatellites, and single-copy nuclear loci. We unambiguously identified all 20 autosomal linkage groups and the sex chromosome (Z). The map spanned a total of 1430 Haldane cM and linkage groups varied in size from 26.3 to 97.8 cM. The average distance between markers was 5.1 cM. Within this framework, we localized two major color pattern loci to narrow regions of the genome. The first gene, D, responsible for red/orange elements, had a most likely placement in a 6.7-cM region flanked by two AFLP markers on the end of a large 87.5-cM linkage group. The second locus, Sd, affects the melanic pattern on the forewing and was found within a 6.3-cM interval between flanking AFLP loci. This study complements recent linkage analysis of H. erato's comimic, H. melpomene, and forms the basis for marker-assisted physical mapping and for studies into the comparative genetic architecture of wing-pattern mimicry in Heliconius.  相似文献   

This study describes the first detailed linkage maps of two bermudagrass species, Cynodon dactylon (T89) and Cynodon transvaalensis (T574), based on single-dose restriction fragments (SDRFs). The mapping population consisted of 113 F1 progeny of a cross between the two parents. Loci were generated using 179 bermudagrass genomic clones and 50 heterologous cDNAs from Pennisetum and rice. The map of T89 is based on 155 SDRFs and 17 double-dose restriction fragments on 35 linkage groups, with an average marker spacing of 15.3 cM. The map of T574 is based on 77 SDRF loci on 18 linkage groups with an average marker spacing of 16.5 cM. About 16 T89 linkage groups were arranged into four complete and eight into four incomplete homologous sets, while 15 T574 linkage groups were arranged into seven complete homologous sets, all on the basis of multi-locus probes and repulsion linkages. Eleven T89 and three T574 linkage groups remain unassigned. In each parent consensus maps were built based on alignments of homologous linkage groups. Four ancestral chromosomes were inferred after aligning T89 and T574 parental consensus maps using multi-locus probes. The inferred ancestral marker orders were used in comparisons to a detailed Sorghum linkage map using 40 common probes, and to the rice genome sequence using 98 significant BLAST hits, to find regions of colinearity. Using these maps we have estimated the recombinational length of the T89 and T574 genomes at 3,012 and 1,569 cM, respectively, which are 61 and 62% covered by our maps. Electronic Supplementary Material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

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