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Ascidians have powerful capacities for regeneration but the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here we examine oral siphon regeneration in the solitary ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Following amputation, the oral siphon rapidly reforms oral pigment organs (OPO) at its distal margin prior to slower regeneration of proximal siphon parts. The early stages of oral siphon reformation include cell proliferation and re-growth of the siphon nerves, although the neural complex (adult brain and associated organs) is not required for regeneration. Young animals reform OPO more rapidly after amputation than old animals indicating that regeneration is age dependent. UV irradiation, microcautery, and cultured siphon explant experiments indicate that OPOs are replaced as independent units based on local differentiation of progenitor cells within the siphon, rather than by cell migration from a distant source in the body. The typical pattern of eight OPOs and siphon lobes is restored with fidelity after distal amputation of the oral siphon, but as many as 16 OPOs and lobes can be reformed following proximal amputation near the siphon base. Thus, the pattern of OPO regeneration is determined by cues positioned along the proximal distal axis of the oral siphon. A model is presented in which columns of siphon tissue along the proximal-distal axis below pre-existing OPO are responsible for reproducing the normal OPO pattern during regeneration. This study reveals previously unknown principles of oral siphon and OPO regeneration that will be important for developing Ciona as a regeneration model in urochordates, which may be the closest living relatives of vertebrates.  相似文献   

The widely held view that neurogenic placodes are vertebrate novelties has been challenged by morphological and molecular data from tunicates suggesting that placodes predate the vertebrate divergence. Here, we examine requirements for the development of the tunicate atrial siphon primordium, thought to share homology with the vertebrate otic placode. In vertebrates, FGF signaling is required for otic placode induction and for later events following placode invagination, including elaboration and patterning of the inner ear. We show that results from perturbation of the FGF pathway in the ascidian Ciona support a similar role for this pathway: inhibition with MEK or Fgfr inhibitor at tailbud stages in Ciona results in a larva which fails to form atrial placodes; inhibition during metamorphosis disrupts development of the atrial siphon and gill slits, structures which form where invaginated atrial siphon ectoderm apposes pharyngeal endoderm. We show that laser ablation of atrial primordium ectoderm also results in a failure to form gill slits in the underlying endoderm. Our data suggest interactions required for formation of the atrial siphon and highlight the role of atrial ectoderm during gill slit morphogenesis.  相似文献   

Regeneration has long been the focus of scientific interest for its potential to restore lost, damaged, or aged tissues and organs. A wide range of regenerative studies have been conducted on different vertebrate and invertebrate model organisms. Annelids are known for their regenerative capacities, and because of their relatively complex organ systems, they are an ideal organism for regeneration study. Our present work focused on the freshwater annelid Aeolosoma viride, an asexually reproducing annelid capable of regenerating both anteriorly and posteriorly. Even though regenerative ability has been documented in this animal in previous studies, detailed characterization of the process is still unavailable. The objective of this study was to evaluate the regenerative ability of A. viride. We described the sequential morphological events during the process of regeneration, such as wound healing and the formation of blastema, mouth, and pygidium. In order to clarify the capacity and type of regeneration, we conducted a series of observations and experiments using a cell proliferation assay. Massive proliferation and the absence of cell migration indicated that the animal regenerates primarily through epimorphosis. Our study of the epimorphic regenerative process of A. viride provides a clearer picture of the evolutionary origin of regeneration in annelids.  相似文献   

Ciona intestinalis (the common sea squirt) is the closest living chordate relative to vertebrates with cosmopolitan presence worldwide. It has a relatively simple nervous system and development, making it a widely studied alternative model system in neuroscience and developmental biology. The use of Ciona as a model organism has increased significantly after the draft genome was published. In this study, we describe the first proteome map of the neural complex of C. intestinalis. A total of 544 proteins were identified based on 1DE and 2DE FTMS/ITMSMS analyses. Proteins were annotated against the Ciona database and analyzed to predict their molecular functions, roles in biological processes, and position in constructed network pathways. The identified Ciona neural complex proteome was found to map onto vertebrate nervous system pathways, including cytoskeleton remodeling neurofilaments, cell adhesion through the histamine receptor signaling pathway, γ‐aminobutyric acid‐A receptor life cycle neurophysiological process, glycolysis, and amino acid metabolism. The proteome map of the Ciona neural complex is the first step toward a better understanding of several important processes, including the evolution and regeneration capacity of the Ciona nervous system.  相似文献   



Epimorphic regeneration is the process by which complete regeneration of a complex structure such as a limb occurs through production of a proliferating blastema. This type of regeneration is rare among vertebrates but does occur in the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis, traditionally a model organism for the study of early development. Xenopus tadpoles can regenerate their tails, limb buds and the lens of the eye, although the ability of the latter two organs to regenerate diminishes with advancing developmental stage. Using a heat shock inducible transgene that remains silent unless activated, we have established a stable line of transgenic Xenopus (strain N1) in which the BMP inhibitor Noggin can be over-expressed at any time during development. Activation of this transgene blocks regeneration of the tail and limb of Xenopus tadpoles.  相似文献   

The axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum, is used extensively for research in developmental biology, particularly for its ability to regenerate and restore lost organs, including in the nervous system, to full functionality. Regeneration in mammals typically depends on the healing process and scar formation with limited replacement of lost tissue. Other organisms, such as spiny mice (Acomys cahirinus), salamanders, and zebrafish, are able to regenerate some damaged body components. Blastema is a tissue that is formed after tissue injury in such organisms and is composed of progenitor cells or dedifferentiated cells that differentiate into various cell types during regeneration. Thus, identifying the molecules responsible for initiation of blastema formation is an important aspect for understanding regeneration. Introns, a major source of noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs), have characteristic sizes in the axolotl, particularly in genes associated with development. These ncRNAs, particularly microRNAs (miRNAs), exhibit dynamic regulation during regeneration. These miRNAs play an essential role in timing and control of gene expression to order and organize processes necessary for blastema creation. Master keys or molecules that underlie the remarkable regenerative abilities of the axolotl remain to be fully explored and exploited. Further and ongoing research on regeneration promises new knowledge that may allow improved repair and renewal of human tissues.  相似文献   

Blastema growth and functional maturation of the pharynx during regeneration in various planarian species were compared. The intensity of blastema growth was highest in Polycelis tenuis; the lowest, in Schmidtea mediterranea. In the sexual and asexual races of Girardia tigrina blastema growth differed inconsiderably. The function of the pharynx during the regeneration of caudal fragments lacking pharynx was manifested in G. tigrina in the usual amount of time, while in the regeneration of head fragments lacking pharynx, this function occured earlier. In other planarian species of the other two typed, the times of pharynx regeneration had no regular character and took longer compared to the same process in G. tigrina.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Während der Kopfregeneration vonLineus sanguineus lassen sich zwei Phasen unterscheiden. In derProliferationsphase wird die Schnittwunde durch Epithel verschlossen, danach kommt es durch Einwanderung von Blastocyten zum Aufbau des Blastems. Im Verlauf derDifferenzierungsphase treten Anlagen auf, die sich im weiteren zu den Kopforganen ausbilden. Epidermisproliferation, Blastembildung und Organdifferenzierung (Cerebralorgane, Vorderdarm und Rüssel) sind histochemisch in gleicher Weise charakterisiert: alle diese morphogenetischen Areale zeichnen sich zunächst durch einen hohen Glykogengehalt aus, der sich während der Weiterentwicklung des Regenerats bei zunehmender G-6-P-DH-Aktivität und Anstieg der RNS-Konzentration wieder verliert. Aus diesen Befunden ist abzuleiten, daß die in morphogenetischen Arealen durch Glykogenolyse bereitgestellte Glucose über den Pentose-Phosphat-Zyklus für die Nucleinsäuresynthese verwendet wird.
Chemomorphological data (glycogen, G-6-P-DH, RNA) in the regeneration blastema ofLineus sanguineus rathke (Nemertini)
Summary The head regeneration ofLineus sanguineus consists of two periods. During the phase ofproliferation the wounds are covered with epidermis, thereafter immigrating blastocytes build up the blastema. During the phase ofdifferentiation anlagen are discernible, which subsequently become the head organs. Proliferation of epidermis, the building of blastema and the differentiation of the organs (cerebral organs, foregut and proboscis) are histochemically characterized in the same way: in the beginning there is a high glycogen content in the morphogenetic areas, which decreases during further development with increasing G-6-P-DH activity and with growing RNA concentration. These results indicate that in morphogenetic areas the glucose resulting from glycogenolysis is metabolized by the pentose-phosphate-shunt and is utilized for the synthesis of nucleic acids.

Mit Unterstützung durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Wound closure of the siphon of Scrobicularia plana (da Costa), after amputation of the tip, is complete within 48 h. Once the lesion has been plugged by connective tissue new epithelial tissue begins to grow and is fully formed 96 h after wounding. As the epithelial cells are being formed, regeneration of the siphon commences at a rate of ≈ 6 mg per wk. When expressed in terms of percentage weight increase of the total siphon weight (20%) this rate is comparable with that calculated for other bivalves. The siphon continues to grow until the original size is attained. When small amounts of siphon are removed (15% of total siphon), regeneration is of little energetic cost, even when animals are starved. When greater amounts are, however, removed from unfed animals (e.g. 50% of the total siphon) regeneration takes place at the expense of the body condition, the animal using 0.6 kJ of body energy to replace 0.2 kJ of siphon.  相似文献   

A precise sequence of four morphological stages of head regeneration in the planarian Dugesia tigrina has been determined by light and electron microscopy. Each stage is identified by a particular morphogenetic process: I, wound healing; II, blastema development; III, growth; IV, differentiation. A wound epidermis consisting of a thin, sheet-like layer of cells, rapidly forms from undamaged epidermal cells at the wound margin. The early blastema is comprised of neoblasts which mature into regeneration cells. The maturational changes include the appearance of a nucleolus, nuclear pores, and perinuclear dense aggregates of granulofibrillar material in these cells. These elements are not evident in the neoblasts of the younger blastema. No mitotic cells are encountered in the blastema or wound epidermis. Cytoplasmic expansion of the regeneration cells is correlated with the formation of numerous microtubules radiating from a juxtanuclear centrosphere. During differentiation of muscle cells, distended, granule-studded cisternae, having moderately fibrillar contents, are regularly disposed adjacent to small patches of myofilaments. Presumptive epidermal cells are recognized by prominent “islands” of finely fibrillar cytoplasm. These cytoplasmic zones persist for a time during definitive differentiation when Golgi bodies, vacuoles, mucous droplets, and rhabdites become evident. The newly formed epidermal cells become inserted among the cells of the wound epidermis. Thus, cells of both the blastema and of the wound epidermis contribute to the reconstituted epidermis.  相似文献   

Annelids provide suitable models for studying regeneration. By now, comprehensive information is restricted to only a few taxa. For many other annelids, comparative data are scarce or even missing. Here, we describe the regeneration of a member of the Cirratulus cirratus species complex. Using phalloidin‐labeling and antibody‐stainings combined with subsequent confocal laser scanning microscopy, we provide data about the organization of body wall musculature and nervous system of intact specimens, as well as about anteriorly regenerating specimens. Our analyses show that C. cf. cirratus exhibits a prominent longitudinal muscle layer forming a dorsal muscle plate, two ventral muscle strands and a ventral‐median muscle fiber. The circular musculature forms closed rings which are interrupted in the area of parapodia. The nervous system of C. cf. cirratus shows a typical rope‐ladder like arrangement and the circumesophageal connectives exhibit two separate roots leading to the brain. During regeneration, the nervous system redevelops remarkably earlier than the musculature, first constituting a tripartite loop‐like structure which later become the circumesophageal connectives. Regeneration of longitudinal musculature starts with diffuse ingrowth and subsequent structuring into the blastema. In contrast, circular musculature develops independently inside the blastema. Our findings constitute the first analysis of regeneration for a member of the Cirratuliformia on a structural level. Summarizing the regeneration process in C. cf. cirratus, five main phases can be subdivided: 1) wound closure, 2) blastema formation, 3) blastema differentiation, 4) resegmentation, and 5) growth, respectively elongation. Additionally, the described tripartite loop‐like structure of the regenerating nervous system has not been reported for any other annelid taxon. In contrast, the regeneration of circular and longitudinal musculature originating from different groups of cells seems to be a general pattern in annelid regeneration. J. Morphol. 275:1418–1430, 2014. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the regeneration capacity of the spionid polychaete Marenzelleria viridis from Long Island, New York. In the field, ~7% of the worms exhibited regeneration of the anterior end. In the laboratory, worms were ablated at the 10th–50th chaetiger and their regeneration documented. Anterior morphogenesis was similar to that previously reported for spionids, with wound healing, blastema formation, differentiation of segments, and formation of feeding and sensory structures (mouth, palps, nuchal organs) occurring within 14 d. Unlike in some spionids, the segments do not appear to all form simultaneously from the blastema; rather, external differentiation of segments was observed from posterior to anterior on the regenerate. The number of segments replaced was equal to the number ablated for up to 10 segments. A maximum of 17 segments were replaced when 20–30 chaetigers were ablated, and the number replaced decreased to 14 when 40–50 chaetigers were ablated. Survival and normal growth of the worms decreased with more chaetigers ablated; a significantly higher number of worms died or grew abnormally with ≥30 chaetigers ablated, compared to worms with ≤20 chaetigers ablated. Members of M. viridis could be valuable model organisms in the study of the cellular mechanisms involved in regeneration, and further research on regeneration in the field should be completed.  相似文献   

Neoblasts are potentially totipotent stem cells and the only proliferating cells in adult Platyhelminthes. We have examined the cellular dynamics of neoblasts during the posterior regeneration of Macrostomum lignano. Double-labeling of neoblasts with bromodeoxyuridine and the anti-phospho histone H3 mitosis marker has revealed a complex cellular response in the first 48 h after amputation; this response is different from that known to occur during regeneration in triclad platyhelminths and in starvation/feeding experiments in M. lignano. Mitotic activity is reduced during the first 8 h of regeneration but, at 48 h after amputation, reaches almost twice the value of control animals. The total number of S-phase cells significantly increases after 1 day of regeneration. A subpopulation of fast-cycling neoblasts surprisingly shows the same dynamics during regeneration as those in control animals. Wound healing and regeneration are accompanied by the formation of a distinct blastema. These results present new insights, at the cellular level, into the early regeneration of rhabditophoran Platyhelminthes. This work was supported by FWF Grant (P16618; P.I. Rieger, Innsbruck).  相似文献   

The work presented in this study focuses on blastema formation in epimorphic regeneration. We describe the expression pattern of Sdf1a and Sdf1b (the chemokines stromal-cell-derived factor-1a and 1b) and their two receptors Cxcr4a and Cxcr4b during zebrafish fin regeneration. We demonstrate that Sdf1a/Cxcr4a plays a critical role in fin regeneration and more precisely in epidermal cell proliferation, an important process for blastema formation. In mammals, a single cxcr4 gene is involved both in chemotaxis and cell proliferation and survival; we discuss in this study a possible functional division of the two cxcr4 zebrafish genes.  相似文献   

Although some animals are capable of regenerating organs, the mechanisms by which this is achieved are poorly understood. In planarians, pluripotent somatic stem cells called neoblasts supply new cells for growth, replenish tissues in response to cellular turnover, and regenerate tissues after injury. For most tissues and organs, however, the spatiotemporal dynamics of stem cell differentiation and the fate of tissue that existed prior to injury have not been characterized systematically. Utilizing in vivo imaging and bromodeoxyuridine pulse-chase experiments, we have analyzed growth and regeneration of the planarian intestine, the organ responsible for digestion and nutrient distribution. During growth, we observe that new gut branches are added along the entire anteroposterior axis. We find that new enterocytes differentiate throughout the intestine rather than in specific growth zones, suggesting that branching morphogenesis is achieved primarily by remodeling of differentiated intestinal tissues. During regeneration, we also demonstrate a previously unappreciated degree of intestinal remodeling, in which pre-existing posterior gut tissue contributes extensively to the newly formed anterior gut, and vice versa. By contrast to growing animals, differentiation of new intestinal cells occurs at preferential locations, including within newly generated tissue (the blastema), and along pre-existing intestinal branches undergoing remodeling. Our results indicate that growth and regeneration of the planarian intestine are achieved by co-ordinated differentiation of stem cells and the remodeling of pre-existing tissues. Elucidation of the mechanisms by which these processes are integrated will be critical for understanding organogenesis in a post-embryonic context.  相似文献   

The effect of retinoic acid on regeneration of two species of asexual planarian races, Girardia tigrina and Schmidtea mediterranea, was studied. It was established that retinoic acids at physiological concentrations (10−7–10−10 M) inhibit the regeneration of the head part of planarians but have no effect on tail blastema growth. It is shown that regeneration of the head part is inhibited as a result of arrest of the cell cycle of neoblasts, proliferating stem cells, during the transition from the G 1/G 0 to the S phase. Thus, the morphogenetic role of retinoic acids in planarians, primitive bilaterally symmetrical animals, has been demonstrated.  相似文献   

Xenopus laevis can regenerate an amputated limb completely at early limb bud stages, but the metamorphosed froglet gradually loses this capacity and can regenerate only a spike-like structure. We show that the spike formation in a Xenopus froglet is nerve dependent as is limb regeneration in urodeles, since denervation concomitant with amputation is sufficient to inhibit the initiation of blastema formation and fgf8 expression in the epidermis. Furthermore, in order to determine the cause of the reduction in regenerative capacity, we examined the expression patterns of several key genes for limb patterning during the spike-like structure formation, and we compared them with those in developing and regenerating limb buds that produce a complete limb structure. We cloned Xenopus HoxA13, a marker of the prospective autopodium region, and the expression pattern suggested that the spike-like structure in froglets is accompanied by elongation and patterning along the proximodistal (PD) axis. On the other hand, shh expression was not detected in the froglet blastema, which expresses fgf8 and msx1. Thus, although the wound epidermis probably induces outgrowth of the froglet blastema, the polarizing activity that organizes the anteroposterior (AP) axis formation is likely to be absent there. Our results demonstrate that the lost region in froglet limbs is regenerated along the PD axis and that the failure of organization of the AP pattern gives rise to a spike-like incomplete structure in the froglet, suggesting a relationship between regenerative capacity and AP patterning. These findings lead us to conclude that the spike formation in postometamorphic Xenopus limbs is epimorphic regeneration.  相似文献   

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