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The conformations of known tryptic limited proteolytic sites have been analysed and compared to the structures of the binding regions of serine proteinase inhibitors, as they are found when complexed to a serine proteinase. Conformational parameters studied include main-chain torsion angles, root-mean-square fits, accessibility, mobility and protrusion indices. As observed before, the inhibitors share a common main-chain conformation at the binding loop from P3-P'3 (Schechter & Berger notation), which is maintained throughout all the serine proteinase inhibitor families for which X-ray data is available, despite lack of similarity in the rest of the protein. This canonical structure is not found amongst the limited proteolytic sites (or nicksites), which differ markedly from the inhibitor binding loop conformation, and also amongst themselves. The experimentally determined nicksites are in general both accessible and protruding; as are the inhibitor binding loops, as well as being typically flexible regions of structure, as denoted by elevated temperature factors from crystallographic determinations. For cleavage by serine proteinases these loops must radically alter their local conformations and a large motion of the loop relative to the structure, in some cases, would be required to orientate these sites for cleavage.  相似文献   

Mapping the active site of meprin-A with peptide substrates and inhibitors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
R L Wolz  R B Harris  J S Bond 《Biochemistry》1991,30(34):8488-8493
The extended substrate-binding site of meprin-A, a tetrameric metalloendopeptidase from brush border membranes of mouse kidney proximal tubules, was mapped with a series of peptide substrates. Previous studies led to the development of the chromogenic substrate Phe5(4-nitro)bradykinin for meprin-A. With this substrate, several biologically active peptides were screened as alternate substrate inhibitors, and, of these, bradykinin (RPPGFSPFR) was found to be the best substrate with a single cleavage site (Phe5-Ser6). Three types of bradykinin analogues were used for a systematic investigation of substrate specificity: (1) nonchromogenic bradykinin analogues with substitutions in the P3 to P3' subsites were used as alternative substrate inhibitors of nitrobradykinin hydrolysis, (2) analogues of nitrobradykinin with variations in the P1' position were tested as substrates, and (3) intramolecularly quenched fluorogenic bradykinin analogues with substitutions in the P1 to P3 sites were tested as substrates. A wide variety of substitutions in P1' had little effect on KM (174-339 microM) but markedly affected kcat (51.5 s-1 = A greater than S greater than R greater than F greater than K greater than T greater than E = 0). Substitutions in P1 had a greater effect on KM (366 microM-2.46 mM) and also strongly affected kcat (98.5 s-1 = A greater than F much greater than L greater than E greater than K = 2.4 s-1). The variety of allowed cleavages indicates that meprin-A does not have strict requirements for residues adjacent to the cleavage site. Substitutions farther from the scissle bond also affected binding and hydrolysis, demonstrating that multiple subsite interactions are involved in meprin-A action.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Androstenedione analogs containing 7-substituents have proven to be potent inhibitors of aromatase in human placental microsomes, in MCF-7 mammary cell cultures, and in JAr choriocarcinoma cells. Recent investigations have focused on the use of mechanism-based inhibitors, such as 7-substituted 1,4-androstadienediones, to biochemically probe the active site of aromatase. Inhibition kinetics were determined under initial velocity conditions using purified human placental cytochrome P450arom protein in a reconstituted system. Derivatives of 1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione and 1,4,6-androstatriene-3,17-dione exhibited high affinity in the purified enzyme system. 7-(4′-Amino)phenylthio-1,4-androstadiene-3,17-dione, abbreviated 7-APTADD, demonstrated rapid time-dependent, first-order inactivation of reconstituted aromatase activity only in the presence of NADPH. The apparent Kinact for 7-APTADD is 11.8 nM, the first-order rate of inactivation is 2.72 × 10−3 sec−1, and the half-time of inactivation at infinite inhibitor concentration is 4.25 min. The values for the rate constant and half-time of inactivation are similar to those observed in the placental microsomal assay system. Further studies were performed with radioiodinated 7-(4′-iodo)phenylthio-1,4-androstadienedione, 7-IPTADD, and the reconstituted aromatase system. Incubations with [125I]7-IPTADD were followed by protein precipitation, solvent extraction, and column chromatography. Analysis of the isolated cytochrome P450arom by gel elctrophoresis and autoradiography demonstrated the presence of only one radioactive band, which corresponded to the protein staining band for cytochrome P450arom. HPLC radiochromatographic analysis of the isolated cytochrome P50arom confirmed the presence of only one radioactive peak coeluting with the u.v. peak for cytochrome P50arom. Peptide mapping analysis by reverse-phase HPLC of digested inhibitor-cytochrome P450arom complex demonstrates that the radioactive inhibitor is covalently bound to a lipophilic fragment. In summary, these inhibitors produced enzyme-catalyzed inactivation of reconstituted aromatase activity, and radioiodinated 7-IPTAPP binds covalently to the cytochrome P450arom.  相似文献   

蛋白酶广泛存在于生物体中,参与分解蛋白质,维持生物体正常的生命活动.蛋白酶抑制剂通过与蛋白酶活性位点结合调控靶蛋白酶活性,从而影响蛋白质代谢.蛋白酶及其抑制剂关键氨基酸的突变,可以影响其生理功能、稳定性、催化活性、抑制特异性等.通过挖掘自然界蛋白酶及其抑制剂的各种突变体,分析它们的关键活性位点,并运用蛋白质工程手段改造...  相似文献   

Sortases anchor surface proteins to the cell wall of Gram-positive pathogens through recognition of specific motif sequences. Loss of sortase leads to large reductions in virulence, which identifies sortase as a target for the development of antibacterials. By screening 135,625 small molecules for inhibition, we report here that aryl (beta-amino)ethyl ketones inhibit sortase enzymes from staphylococci and bacilli. Inhibition of sortases occurs through an irreversible, covalent modification of their active site cysteine. Sortases specifically activate this class of molecules via beta-elimination, generating a reactive olefin intermediate that covalently modifies the cysteine thiol. Analysis of the three-dimensional structure of Bacillus anthracis sortase B with and without inhibitor provides insights into the mechanism of inhibition and reveals binding pockets that can be exploited for drug discovery.  相似文献   

Oxygen-oxygen bond formation and O2 generation occur from the S4 state of the oxygen-evolving complex (OEC). Several mechanistic possibilities have been proposed for water oxidation, depending on the formal oxidation state of the Mn atoms. All fall under two general classifications: the AB mechanism in which nucleophilic oxygen (base, B) attacks electrophilic oxygen (acid, A) of the Mn4Ca cluster or the RC mechanism in which radical-like oxygen species couple within OEC. The critical intermediate in either mechanism involves a metal oxo, though the nature of this oxo for AB and RC mechanisms is disparate. In the case of the AB mechanism, assembly of an even-electron count, high-valent metal-oxo proximate to a hydroxide is needed whereas, in an RC mechanism, two odd-electron count, high-valent metal oxos are required. Thus the two mechanisms give rise to very different design criteria for functional models of the OEC active site. This discussion presents the electron counts and ligand geometries that support metal oxos for AB and RC O-O bond-forming reactions. The construction of architectures that bring two oxygen functionalities together under the purview of the AB and RC scenarios are described.  相似文献   

The structurally related tetrapyrrolic pigments are a group of natural products that participate in many of the fundamental biosynthetic and catabolic processes of living organisms. Porphobilinogen synthase catalyzes a rate-limiting step for the biosyntheses of tetrapyrrolic natural products. In the present study, a variety of new substrate analogs and reaction intermediate analogs were synthesized, which were used as probes for studying the active site of rat porphobilinogen synthase. The compounds 1, 3, 6, 9, 14, 16, and 28 were found to be competitive inhibitors of rat porphobilinogen synthase with inhibition constants ranging from 0.96 to 73.04 mM. Compounds 7, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, and 26 were found to be irreversible enzyme inhibitors. For irreversible inhibitors, loose-binding inhibitors were found to give stronger inactivation. The amino group and carboxyl group of the analogs were found to be important for their binding to the enzyme. This study increased our understanding of the active site of porphobilinogen synthase.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of active site residues on ligand binding to the heme iron of mouse neuroglobin using steady-state and time-resolved visible spectroscopy. Absorption spectra of the native protein, mutants H64L and K67L and double mutant H64L/K67L were recorded for the ferric and ferrous states over a wide pH range (pH 4-11), which allowed us to identify a number of different species with different ligands at the sixth coordination, to characterize their spectroscopic properties, and to determine the pK values of active site residues. In flash photolysis experiments on CO-ligated samples, reaction intermediates and the competition of ligands for the sixth coordination were studied. These data provide insights into structural changes in the active site and the role of the key residues His64 and Lys67. His64 interferes with exogenous ligand access to the heme iron. Lys67 sequesters the distal pocket from the solvent. The heme iron is very reactive, as inferred from the fast ligand binding kinetics and the ability to bind water or hydroxyl ligands to the ferrous heme. Fast bond formation favors geminate rebinding; yet the large fraction of bimolecular rebinding observed in the kinetics implies that ligand escape from the distal pocket is highly efficient. Even slight pH variations cause pronounced changes in the association rate of exogenous ligands near physiological pH, which may be important in functional processes.  相似文献   

The idea of energy transduction realized by the enzyme was the objective of many studies during the last decades. This paper tries to analyze the possible effect of the transferral of energy from the environment to the active site through the enzyme-protein and the protein structure necessary to permit this kind of activity.  相似文献   

The localization of the amino acid residues involved in the serologic specificity of the HLA-A2 molecule has been investigated using a combination of site-directed mutagenesis, DNA-mediated gene transfer, indirect immunofluorescence and flow cytometry techniques. Synthetic oligonucleotides were designed to introduce individual and combined amino acid substitutions in both the alpha 1 (positions 9, 43, and the highly polymorphic cluster of residues from aa 62 to 83) and alpha 2 (positions 107, 152, and 156) domains to investigate the effect of the specific mutation on the recognition of the molecule at the surface of transfected human and mouse cell lines by a panel of mAb that recognize monomorphic or polymorphic determinants in MHC class I molecules. At least three non-overlapping serologic epitopes were identified. Mutations in the highly polymorphic region at aa 62 to 66 completely eliminated binding of mAb MA2.1 (A2/B17 cross-reactive). Mutation at position 107 resulted in complete loss of binding of the A2/Aw69-specific mAb PA2.1 and MA2.2 and partial loss of mAb BB7.2 binding. The recognition by other allotypic mAbs was not affected by these mutations and they therefore represent at least a third serologic epitope. Mutations at positions 152 and 156, known to be important for T cell recognition, did not affect serologic recognition. Introduction of residues of HLA-B7 origin in the polymorphic segment spanning aa 70 to 80 created a molecule carrying the -Bw6 supertypic determinant as demonstrated by mAb SFR8-B6 binding.  相似文献   

Acylpeptide hydrolase may be involved in N-terminal deacetylation of nascent polypeptide chains and of bioactive peptides. The activity of this enzyme from human erythrocytes is sensitive to anions such as chloride, nitrate, and fluoride. Furthermore, blocked amino acids act as competitive inhibitors of the enzyme. Acetyl leucine chloromethyl ketone has been employed to identify one active site residue as His-707. Diisopropylfluorophosphate has been used to identify a second active site residue as Ser-587. Chemical modification studies with a water-soluble carbodiimide implicate a carboxyl group in catalytic activity. These results and the sequence around these active site residues, especially near Ser-587, suggest that acylpeptide hydrolase contains a catalytic triad. The presence of a cysteine residue in the vicinity of the active site is suggested by the inactivation of the enzyme by sulfhydryl-modifying agents and also by a low amount of modification by the peptide chloromethyl ketone inhibitor. Ebelactone A, an inhibitor of the formyl aminopeptidase, the bacterial counterpart of eukaryotic acylpeptide hydrolase, was found to be an effective inhibitor of this enzyme. These findings suggest that acylpeptidase hydrolase is a member of a family of enzymes with extremely diverse functions.  相似文献   

The active site of nitric oxide reductase from Paracoccus denitrificans contains heme and non-heme iron and is evolutionarily related to heme-copper oxidases. The CO and NO dynamics in the active site were investigated using ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy. We find that, upon photodissociation from the active site heme, 20% of the CO rebinds in 170 ps, suggesting that not all the CO transiently binds to the non-heme iron. The remaining 80% does not rebind within 4 ns and likely migrates out of the active site without transient binding to the non-heme iron. Rebinding of NO to ferrous heme takes place in approximately 13 ps. Our results reveal that heme-ligand recombination in this enzyme is considerably faster than in heme-copper oxidases and are consistent with a more confined configuration of the active site.  相似文献   

Dear Editor, Vasopressin type 2 receptor(V2R)belongs to the vasopressin(VP)/oxytocin(OT)receptor subfamily of G protein-coupled receptors(GPCRs),which comprises...  相似文献   

The cholesterol esterase-catalyzed hydrolysis of the water-soluble substrate p-nitrophenyl butyrate occurs via an acylenzyme mechanism, and is competitively inhibited by boronic acid transition state analog inhibitors. Accordingly, we undertook to dimensionally map the enzyme's active site via synthesis and characterization of a series of n-alkyl boronic acid inhibitors. The most potent of these is n-hexaneboronic acid, with a Ki = 13 +/- 1 microM, since inhibitor potency declines for both longer and shorter boronic acids. No inhibition is observed for methaneboronic acid and n-octaneboronic acid inhibits poorly, with a Ki of 7 mM. These results indicate that the ability of the enzyme to form tight complexes with boron-containing transition state analog inhibitors is sensitive to alkyl chain length. The trend in inhibitor potency is discussed in terms of substrate specificity of and transition state stabilization by cholesterol esterase, and has important implications for the design of optimal reversible inhibitors of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Lee KW  Briggs JM 《Proteins》2004,54(4):693-704
Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) strictly discriminate their cognate amino acids. Some aaRSs accomplish this via proofreading and editing mechanisms. Mursinna and coworkers recently reported that substituting a highly conserved threonine (T252) with an alanine within the editing domain of Escherichia coli leucyl-tRNA synthetase (LeuRS) caused LeuRS to cleave its cognate aminoacylated leucine from tRNA(Leu) (Mursinna et al., Biochemistry 2001;40:5376-5381). To achieve atomic level insight into the role of T252 in LeuRS and the editing reaction of aaRSs, a series of molecular modeling studies including homology modeling and automated docking simulations were carried out. A 3D structure of E. coli LeuRS was constructed via homology modeling using the X-ray structure of Thermus thermophilus LeuRS as a template because the E. coli LeuRS structure is not available from X-ray or NMR studies. However, both the X-ray T. thermophilus and homology-modeled E. coli structures were used in our studies. Amino acid binding sites in the proposed editing domain, which is also called the connective polypeptide 1 (CP1) domain, were investigated by automated docking studies. The root mean square deviation (RMSD) for backbone atoms between the X-ray and homology-modeled structures was 1.18 A overall and 0.60 A for the editing (CP1) domain. Automated docking studies of a leucine ligand into the editing domain were performed for both structures: homology structure of E. coli LeuRS and X-ray structure of T. thermophilus LeuRS for comparison. The results of the docking studies suggested that there are two possible amino acid binding sites in the CP1 domain for both proteins. The first site lies near a threonine-rich region that includes the highly conserved T252 residue, which is important for amino acid discrimination. The second site is located in a flexible loop region surrounded by residues E292, A293, M295, A296, and M298. The important T252 residue is at the bottom of the first binding pocket.  相似文献   

Porphobilinogen synthase catalyzes the first committed step of the tetrapyrrole biosynthesis pathway. In an aldol-like condensation, two molecules of 5-aminolevulinic acid (ALA) form the first pyrrole, porphobilinogen. Newly synthesized analogues of a reaction intermediate of porphobilinogen synthase have been employed in studying the active site and the catalytic mechanism of this early enzyme of tetrapyrrole biosynthesis. This study combines structural and kinetic evaluation of the inhibition potency of these inhibitors. In addition, one of the determined protein structures provides for the first time structural evidence of a magnesium ion in the active site. From these results, we can corroborate an earlier postulated enzymatic mechanism that starts with formation of a C-C bond, linking C3 of the A-side ALA to C4 of the P-side ALA through an aldole addition. The obtained data are discussed with respect to the current literature.  相似文献   

P Blount  J P Merlie 《Neuron》1989,3(3):349-357
We have stably expressed in fibroblasts different pairs of alpha and non-alpha subunits of the mouse muscle nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (AChR). The gamma and delta, but not the beta, subunits associated efficiently with the alpha subunit, and they extensively modified its binding characteristics. The alpha gamma and alpha delta complexes formed distinctly different high affinity binding sites for the competitive antagonist d-tubocurarine that, together, completely accounted for the two nonequivalent antagonist binding sites in native AChR. The alpha delta complex and native AChR had similar affinities for the agonist carbamylcholine. In contrast, although the alpha gamma complex contains the higher affinity competitive antagonist binding site, it had an affinity for carbamylcholine that was an order of magnitude less than that of the alpha delta complex or the AChR. The comparatively low agonist affinity of the alpha gamma complex may represent an allosterically regulated binding site in the native AChR. These data support a model of two nonequivalent binding sites within the AChR and imply that the basis for this nonequivalence is the association of the alpha subunit with the gamma or delta subunit.  相似文献   

The binding to DNA of a mixed function ligand (NETGA) is described, in which a potential intercalating group, an acridine moiety, is incorporated at the carboxyl terminus of the minor groove binding oligopeptide netropsin skeleton. Scatchard analysis of absorption data provided evidence of two modes of binding to DNA with K1 = 9.1 x 10(5) M-1 at low r values (0.003-0.1), and a binding site size n = 10, indicative of binding of both moeities. At high binding ratios (greater than 0.1), K2 = 0.9 x 10(5) M-1 and n = 5 corresponding to external binding. Complementary strand MPE footprinting on a pBR322 restriction fragment showed NETGA binds to 5'-AAAT like netropsin. It causes enhanced cleavage by MPE, particularly at G-C rich sequences and remote from the preferred binding sites. Viscometry measurements provided evidence for biphasic modes of the two binding portions of NETGA. Fluorescence polarization and linear dichroism measurements were in accord with distinct modes of interaction of the acridine (intercalation) and oligopeptide (minor groove binding) portions of NETGA. LD measurements on NETGA indicate that the oligopeptide moiety (netropsin-like) has an orientation typical of minor groove binders, whereas the degree of intercalation of the acridine group is decreased by association of the oligopeptide moiety.  相似文献   

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