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Although, 1,3-butadiene is a known human carcinogen emitted from mobile sources, little is known about traffic-related human exposure to this toxicant. This pilot study was designed to characterize traffic-related environmental exposure to 1,3-butadiene and evaluate its urinary mercapturic acids as biomarkers of exposure in these settings. Personal air samples and multiple urine samples were collected on two separate occasions from three groups of individuals that differed by spatial proximity as well as intensity of traffic: (i) toll collectors, (ii) urban-weekday and (iii) suburban-weekend group. Air samples were analyzed using thermal desorption followed by GC/MS and urine samples were analyzed using isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (ID-LC-MS/MS) for two mercapturic acids of 1,3-butadiene: monohydroxy-3-butenyl mercapturic acid (MHBMA) and 1,2-dihydroxybutyl mercapturic acid (DHBMA). Exposure differed between groups (p<0.05) with median values of 2.38, 1.62 and 0.88 microg/m(3) for toll collectors, the urban-weekday group and the suburban-weekend group, respectively. A refined ID-LC-MS/MS method enabled detection of MHBMA, previously detected only in occupational settings, with high frequency. MHBMA and DHBMA were detected in 95 and 100% of urine samples at levels (mean+/-S.D.) of 9.7+/-9.5, 6.0+/-4.3 and 6.8+/-2.6 ng/mL for MHBMA and 378+/-196, 258+/-133 and 306+/-242 ng/mL for DHBMA for the three different groups, respectively. Mean biomarker levels were higher among the toll collectors compared to the other two groups, however, the differences were not statistically significant (p>0.05). This study is the first to evaluate 1,3-butadiene biomarkers for subtle differences in environmental exposures. However, additional research will be required to ascertain whether the lack of statistical association observed here is real or attributable to unexpectedly small differences in exposure between groups (<1 microg/m(3)), non-specificity of the biomarker at low exposure, and/or small sample size.  相似文献   

A method utilizing thermospray high-performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry for the separation and direct analysis of carnitine, acetylcarnitine, and propionylcarnitine is described. On-column analysis of mixtures of the acylcarnitines with their corresponding stable, isotope-labeled analogs at nanomolar concentrations has indicated that isotope dilution assays can be applied towards the analysis of carnitine and short-chain acylcarnitines present in biological samples.  相似文献   

Nanoscale liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry was used to identify the nature of the ligand that binds noncovalently to siderocalin (lipocalin 2). The folded state siderocalin-ligand complex was separated from free, unfolded siderocalin using reversed phase chromatography, and the molecular weight of the siderocalin ligand was then determined from the deconvoluted molecular weights of the complex and of the free protein. The ligand was identified as dihydroxybenzoyl-serine, a breakdown product of enterobactin, an iron-chelating compound ("siderophore") synthesized in bacteria. These results demonstrate that, in some cases, electrostatic noncovalent protein complexes can survive the denaturing conditions of reversed phase liquid chromatography and the gas phase transfer occurring during electrospray ionization.  相似文献   

We describe a liquid chromatography (LC) tandem mass spectrometry (MS-MS) method for the determination of 5-methyltetrahydrofolic acid (5-methylTHF) and folic acid concentrations and enrichments in human plasma. It was used to study absorption and initial metabolism in five volunteers with two simultaneously administered oral test doses ([(13)C(6)]folic acid in capsules and [(2)H(2)]folic acid in a drink). [(13)C(5)]5-methylTHF and [(2)H(4)]folic acid were used as internal standards. Plasma samples (2 ml) were purified using folate binding protein affinity columns, followed by a concentration step. After LC separation, folates were detected using positive electrospray ionization MS-MS under multiple reaction monitoring conditions. Calibrations were linear for 5-methylTHF over the range 1.2 x 10(-11) (=limit of detection) to 3.2 x 10(-7)mol/L and for folic acid over the range 5 x 10(-10) (=limit of detection) to 4.5 x 10(-8)mol/L. For 5-methylTHF concentration in plasma, intraassay coefficient of variation was within 8.6% (and for unlabeled 5-methylTHF it was within 2.8%) and interassay coefficient of variation was within 9.0%. For folic acid concentrations these coefficient of variations were within 7.5% and within 6.5%, respectively. The [(13)C(6)] and [(2)H(2)] isotopomers of folic acid and 5-methylTHF were measured in the plasma of each volunteer for 8h. After accounting for the time delay due to capsule opening, the modeling results showed no significant differences in absorption time, first pass effect, and elimination rate in the folic acid test doses in capsule or drink. We conclude that LC-MS-MS offers increased sensitivity for quantification of plasma concentrations and enrichments of 5-methylTHF and folic acid and is applicable to stable-isotope studies in humans.  相似文献   

We report the use of microbore reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography connected on-line to an electrospray mass spectrometer for the separation/detection of peptides derived by proteolytic digestion of proteins separated by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. A small fraction (typically 10% of the total) of the peptides eluting from the column was diverted through a flow-splitting device into the ion source of the mass spectrometer, whereas the majority of the peptide samples was collected for further analyses. We demonstrate the feasibility of obtaining reproducible peptide maps from submicrogram amounts of protein applied to the gel and good correlation of the signal detected by the mass spectrometer with peptide detection by UV absorbance. Furthermore, independently verifiable peptide masses were determined from subpicomole amounts of peptides directed into the mass spectrometer. The method was used to analyze the 265-kDa and the 280-kDa isoforms of the enzyme acetyl-CoA carboxylase isolated from rat liver. The results provide compelling evidence that the two enzyme isoforms are translation products of different genes and suggest that these approaches may be of general utility in the definitive comparison of protein isoforms. We furthermore illustrate that knowledge of peptide masses as determined by this technique provides a major advantage for error-free data interpretation in chemical high-sensitivity peptide sequence analysis.  相似文献   

Human saliva contains a large number of proteins and peptides (salivary proteome) that help maintain homeostasis in the oral cavity. Global analysis of human salivary proteome is important for understanding oral health and disease pathogenesis. In this study, large-scale identification of salivary proteins was demonstrated by using shotgun proteomics and two-dimensinal gel electrophoresis-mass spectrometry (2-DE-MS). For the shotgun approach, whole saliva proteins were prefractionated according to molecular weight. The smallest fraction, presumably containing salivary peptides, was directly separated by capillary liquid chromatography (LC). However, the large protein fractions were digested into peptides for subsequent LC separation. Separated peptides were analyzed by on-line electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) using a quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometer, and the obtained spectra were automatically processed to search human protein sequence database for protein identification. Additionally, 2-DE was used to map out the proteins in whole saliva. Protein spots 105 in number were excised and in-gel digested; and the resulting peptide fragments were measured by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry and sequenced by LC-MS/MS for protein identification. In total, we cataloged 309 proteins from human whole saliva by using these two proteomic approaches.  相似文献   

A rapid procedure for the determination of naphthalene and its metabolites in bile of rainbow trout and mice is described. The integrated analytical techniques combine high-performance liquid chromatography/ultraviolet fluorescence detection and plasma desotption/chemical ionization mass spectrometry for identification and quantitation. After separation by reverse-phase liquid chromatography, naphthalene and its metablolites are detected and quantitated by ultraviolet fluoresence spectometry. Identification of two metabolites is confirmed by mass spectometry. A direct insertion probe tip for a conventional chemical ionization mass spectometer was modified to obtain spectra of thermally labile compounds. A spectrum of less than 100 ng of naphthyl glucuronide, a labile glucuronic acid conjugate of 1-naphthol, was obtained with this system.  相似文献   

A method based on ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (UHPLC–MS/MS) for the simultaneous determination of benzimidazole residues in bovine milk has been optimized and validated. Rapid chromatographic separation of 13 analytes in 8 min was obtained by means of UHPLC. The samples were subject to Oasis MCX solid-phase extraction cartridges for extraction and clean-up. Matrix-matched calibration curves were performed to compensate for the matrix effect and loss in sample preparation. Mean recoveries ranged from 80% to 101% and inter-day precision was lower than 14%. Limit of detection and limit of quantification of the method ranged from 0.01 to 0.5 μg L−1 and from 0.1 to 1.0 μg L−1, respectively.  相似文献   

We applied the metabolomic analysis of comprehensive small-molecular metabolites using liquid chromatography/electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry (LC/ESI-MS/MS) and principal component analysis to identify uremic toxins accumulated in the serum of chronic renal failure (CRF) rats. CRF rats were produced by 5/6-nephrectomy. Indoxyl sulfate was demonstrated to be the first principal serum metabolite which differentiates CRF from normal, followed by phenyl sulfate, hippuric acid and p-cresyl sulfate. Then, we measured the serum levels of indoxyl sulfate, phenyl sulfate, hippuric acid and p-cresyl sulfate by the selected reaction monitoring (SRM) of LC/ESI-MS/MS, and demonstrated that these serum levels were markedly increased in CRF rats as compared with normal rats. As creatinine clearance decreased, the serum levels of the metabolites increased.  相似文献   

Because of the recognized inaccuracy and unreliability of currently available methods for the quantification of histamine in biological fluids, a method for quantification of urinary histamine by stable isotope dilution assay with negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry has been developed. Following the addition of [2H4]histamine to 1 ml of urine, histamine is extracted into butanol, back-extracted into HCl, derivatized to the pentafluorobenzyl derivative (CH2C6F5)3-histamine, extracted into methylene chloride, and then quantified with negative ion chemical ionization mass spectrometry by selected ion monitoring of the ratio of ions mz430434. Twenty samples can be assayed in 2 days. Precision of the assay is ±2.7% and the accuracy is 97.6%. Lower limits of sensitivity are approximately 100–500 fg injected on-column. This assay provides a very sensitive, accurate, and efficient method for the quantification of histamine in human urine.  相似文献   

In this study we systematically analyzed the elution condition of tryptic peptides and the characteristics of identified peptides in reverse phase liquid chromatography and electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (RPLC-MS/MS) analysis. Following protein digestion with trypsin, the peptide mixture was analyzed by on-line RPLC-MS/MS. Bovine serum albumin (BSA) was used to optimize acetonitrile (ACN) elution gradient for tryptic peptides, and Cytochrome C was used to retest the gradient and the sensitivity of LC-MS/MS. The characteristics of identified peptides were also analyzed. In our experiments, the suitable ACN gradient is 5% to 30% for tryptic peptide elution and the sensitivity of LC-MS/MS is 50 fmol.Analysis of the tryptic peptides demonstrated that longer (more than 10 amino acids) and multi-charge state ( 2, 3) peptides are likely to be identified, and the hydropathicity of the peptides might not be related to whether it is more likely to be identified or not. The number of identified peptides for a protein might be used to estimate its loading amount under the same sample background. Moreover, in this study the identified peptides present three types of redundancy, namely identification, charge, and sequence redundancy, which may repress low abundance protein identification.  相似文献   

Hydroperoxides of polyunsaturated fatty acids can be transformed to epoxyalcohols and keto fatty acids by metal enzymes, hematin, and various catalysts. In the current study, we used hematin to transform 9-hydroperoxy-10E,12Z-octadecadienoic acid and 13-hydroperoxy-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid to epoxyalcohols (with trans epoxide configuration) and to keto fatty acids. The products were separated by normal phase high-performance liquid chromatography (NP-HPLC) and analyzed using postcolumn addition of isopropanol/water and online negative ion electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (MS). The tandem MS (MS/MS) spectra were studied using analogs prepared from [9,10,12,13-2H4]linoleic acid (18:2n−6) and from α-linolenic acid (18:3n−3). We also studied the MS/MS spectra of epoxyalcohols formed from 11-hydroperoxy- and 8-hydroperoxy-9Z,12Z-octadecadienoic acids. Results were confirmed by MS/MS analysis of a series of authentic standards. MS/MS ions of 9-keto-10E,12Z-octadecadienoic acid and 13-keto-9Z,11E-octadecadienoic acid could be explained by keto-enol tautomerism. MS/MS spectra of regioisomeric allylic epoxyalcohols differed in relative intensities of characteristic ions. The MS/MS spectra of the epoxyalcohols with 1-hydroxy-2,3-epoxy-4Z-pentene or 3-hydroxy-1,2-epoxy-4Z-pentene elements were virtually identical and showed two characteristic ions that differed by 30 in m/z values (CH(OH)). The results suggested that epoxide migration (Payne rearrangement) occurred during collision-induced dissociation. We conclude that regioisomeric allylic epoxyalcohols can be identified by their MS/MS spectra, whereas regioisomeric epoxyalcohols can be identified by MS/MS in combination with their retention times on NP-HPLC.  相似文献   

A method is described for measurement of choline, N-aminodeanol, and their acetyl esters by gas chromatography mass spectrometry. The preparation of N-aminodeanol and its isotopic variants is also described. This method allows a thorough quantitative analysis of the replacement of true with false neurotransmitter in biological preparations.  相似文献   

The stability of amino acids derivatized with naphthalene-2,3-dicarboxaldehyde (NDA) was investigated using a combination of high-performance liquid chromatography, solid-phase extraction, photodiode array spectrophotometric detection, and mass spectrometric (MS) characterization. The degradation of amino acid derivatives, generated using beta-mercaptoethanol as a nucleophile, was characterized under a variety of environmental influences, with a focus on understanding the degradation kinetics and identifying the degradation products. The predominant degradation product observed under most reaction conditions was the nonfluorescent lactam form of the originally fluorescent isoindole derivative. First, the time-dependent degradation of the isoindole derivative L-serine-NDA-beta-mercaptoethanol was found to follow pseudo-first order kinetics with a half-life of 2.0 min at pH 9.2 and room temperature. The isoindole derivative was observed to react further with methanol to form a more stable fluorescent methoxy-isoindole, shedding new light on the basis for enhanced stability of these derivatives in methanol. Tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) experiments were used to demonstrate unimolecular degradation of the protonated isoindole in the absence of solvent or atmosphere, suggesting an intramolecular reaction mechanism involving the hydroxyethylthio group. Finally, in photobleaching studies, NDA derivatives rapidly degraded into a variety of products within the first 2 min of photobleaching versus timed controls, with the predominant product being the lactam. These results suggest that the degradation pathway for NDA derivatives is similar to the previously reported pathway for o-phthalaldehyde derivatives and clearly identifies the reaction and degradation products under a variety of conditions.  相似文献   

As research, development, and manufacturing of biosimilar protein therapeutics proliferates, there is great interest in the continued development of a portfolio of complementary analytical methods that can be used to efficiently and effectively characterize biosimilar candidate materials relative to the respective reference (i.e., originator) molecule. Liquid phase separation techniques such as liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis are powerful tools that can provide both qualitative and quantitative information about similarities and differences between reference and biosimilar materials, especially when coupled with mass spectrometry. However, the inherent complexity of these protein materials challenges even the most modern one-dimensional (1D) separation methods. Two-dimensional (2D) separations present a number of potential advantages over 1D methods, including increased peak capacity, 2D peak patterns that can facilitate unknown identification, and improvement in the compatibility of some separation methods with mass spectrometry. In this study, we demonstrate the use of comprehensive 2D-LC separations involving cation-exchange (CEX) and reversed-phase (RP) separations in the first and second dimensions to compare 3 reference/biosimilar pairs of monoclonal antibodies (cetuximab, trastuzumab and infliximab) that cover a range of similarity/disimilarity in a middle-up approach. The second dimension RP separations are coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometry, which enables direct identification of features in the chromatograms obtained from mAbs digested with the IdeS enzyme, or digestion with IdeS followed by reduction with dithiothreitol. As many as 23 chemically unique mAb fragments were detected in a single sample. Our results demonstrate that these rich datasets enable facile assesment of the degree of similarity between reference and biosimilar materials.  相似文献   

Ihling C  Sinz A 《Proteomics》2005,5(8):2029-2042
The basic problem of complexity poses a significant challenge for proteomic studies. To date two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) followed by enzymatic in-gel digestion of the peptides, and subsequent identification by mass spectrometry (MS) is the most commonly used method to analyze complex protein mixtures. However, 2-DE is a slow and labor-intensive technique, which is not able to resolve all proteins of a proteome. To overcome these limitations gel-free approaches are developed based on high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance mass spectrometry (FT-ICR MS). The high resolution and excellent mass accuracy of FT-ICR MS provides a basis for simultaneous analysis of numerous compounds. In the present study, a small protein subfraction of an Escherichia coli cell lysate was prepared by size-exclusion chromatography and proteins were analyzed using C4 reversed phase (RP)-HPLC for pre-separation followed by C18 RP nanoHPLC/nanoESI FT-ICR MS for analysis of the peptide mixtures after tryptic digestion of the protein fractions. We identified 231 proteins and thus demonstrated that a combination of two RP separation steps - one on the protein and one on the peptide level - in combination with high-resolution FT-ICR MS has the potential to become a powerful method for global proteomics studies.  相似文献   

Introduction: Neurological disorders encompass various pathologies which disrupt normal brain physiology and function. Poor understanding of their underlying molecular mechanisms and their societal burden argues for the necessity of novel prevention strategies, early diagnostic techniques and alternative treatment options to reduce the scale of their expected increase.

Areas covered: This review scrutinizes mass spectrometry based approaches used to investigate brain dynamics in various conditions, including neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders. Different proteomics workflows for isolation/enrichment of specific cell populations or brain regions, sample processing; mass spectrometry technologies, for differential proteome quantitation, analysis of post-translational modifications and imaging approaches in the brain are critically deliberated. Future directions, including analysis of cellular sub-compartments, targeted MS platforms (selected/parallel reaction monitoring) and use of mass cytometry are also discussed.

Expert commentary: Here, we summarize and evaluate current mass spectrometry based approaches for determining brain dynamics in health and diseases states, with a focus on neurological disorders. Furthermore, we provide insight on current trends and new MS technologies with potential to improve this analysis.  相似文献   

J Liu  Y Liu  M Gao  X Zhang 《Proteomics》2012,12(14):2258-2270
A facile proteomic quantification method, fluorescent labeling absolute quantification (FLAQ), was developed. Instead of using MS for quantification, the FLAQ method is a chromatography-based quantification in combination with MS for identification. Multidimensional liquid chromatography (MDLC) with laser-induced fluorescence (LIF) detection with high accuracy and tandem MS system were employed for FLAQ. Several requirements should be met for fluorescent labeling in MS identification: Labeling completeness, minimum side-reactions, simple MS spectra, and no extra tandem MS fragmentations for structure elucidations. A fluorescence dye, 5-iodoacetamidofluorescein, was finally chosen to label proteins on all cysteine residues. The fluorescent dye was compatible with the process of the trypsin digestion and MALDI MS identification. Quantitative labeling was achieved with optimization of reacting conditions. A synthesized peptide and model proteins, BSA (35 cysteines), OVA (five cysteines), were used for verifying the completeness of labeling. Proteins were separated through MDLC and quantified based on fluorescent intensities, followed by MS identification. High accuracy (RSD% < 1.58) and wide linearity of quantification (1-10(5) ) were achieved by LIF detection. The limit of quantitation for the model protein was as low as 0.34 amol. Parts of proteins in human liver proteome were quantified and demonstrated using FLAQ.  相似文献   

In vitro metabolic stability of dopamine D(3)/D(4) receptor antagonists and identification of their metabolites by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled with ion-trap mass spectrometry (ITMS) were assessed in rat liver microsomes. The compounds were divided into three cassette groups for rapid quantitative analysis of multiple drugs and simultaneous detection of their metabolites. The samples from incubation with rat liver microsomes were pooled into designed cassette groups and analyzed by HPLC/electrospray ITMS in full-scan mode. The metabolic stability of the drugs was determined by comparing their signals after incubation for 0 and for 30min. The metabolic stability of the examined dopamine receptor antagonists was in the range of 9.9-84.4%. In addition, the present cassette analysis allowed the simultaneous detection of metabolites formed during the same incubation without having to reanalyze the samples. The metabolites were first characterized by nominal mass measurement of the corresponding protonated molecules. Subsequent multistage tandem mass spectrometry on the ion-trap instrument allowed characterization of the structure of the detected metabolites. N,O-dealkylation and ring hydroxylation reactions were identified as major metabolic reactions in piperazinylalkylisoxazole derivatives. These results suggested that the present approach is useful for the rapid evaluation of metabolic stability and structural characterization of metabolites within a short period in new drug discovery.  相似文献   

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