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What mechanisms underlie aging? One theory, the wear-and-tear model, attributes aging to progressive deterioration in the molecular and cellular machinery which eventually lead to death through the disruption of physiological homeostasis. The second suggests that life span is genetically programmed, and aging may be derived from intrinsic processes which enforce a non-random, terminal time interval for the survivability of the organism. We are studying an organism that demonstrates both properties: the colonial ascidian, Botryllus schlosseri. Botryllus is a member of the Tunicata, the sister group to the vertebrates, and has a number of life history traits which make it an excellent model for studies on aging. First, Botryllus has a colonial life history, and grows by a process of asexual reproduction during which entire bodies, including all somatic and germline lineages, regenerate every week, resulting in a colony of genetically identical individuals. Second, previous studies of lifespan in genetically distinct Botryllus lineages suggest that a direct, heritable basis underlying mortality exists that is unlinked to reproductive effort and other life history traits. Here we will review recent efforts to take advantage of the unique life history traits of B. schlosseri and develop it into a robust model for aging research.  相似文献   

Eighteen compounds were identified by GC–MS of their trimethylsilyl derivatives in n-butanolic extract from the biomass of Botryllus schlosseri. Three of them, 5-oxoproline, 5-hydroxyhydantoin, and kinurenic acid, were found in marine invertebrates for the first time. In addition to cellulose, the biomass was also shown to contain complex water-soluble sulfated polysaccharides. These were extracted and fractionated, and sulfate content and monosaccharide composition were determined in the fractions; fucose, xylose, galactose, mannose, glucose, glucosamine, galactosamine, and uronic acids were found. Unlike several other tunicate species, Botryllus schlosseri does not seem to contain any simple galactan sulfate.  相似文献   

Summary The caudal musculature of the free-swimming tadpole of the ascidian, B. schlosseri consists of cylindrical mononucleated cells connected in longitudinal rows flanking the axial notochord. During resorption of the larval tail, which is apparently induced by the contraction of the epidermis, muscle cells are dissociated and pushed into the body cavity where most of them are rapidly engulfed by phagocytes. In the initial stages of tail withdrawal muscle cells display surface alterations due to the disruption of intercellular junctions and disarrangement of myofibrils. Extensive degenerative changes, with shrinkage of mitochondria and disintegration of the contractile material are subsequently observed. Lysosomes and autophagic vacuoles are rarely seen and appear to play a secondary role in the degradation of the muscle cells, which occurs predominantly within the phagocytes. Myofilaments and myofibrils have never been observed within autophagic vacuoles. Clumps of muscle fragments and degenerated phagocytes undergo eventual dissolution in the blood lacunae, concomitantly with the differentiation of the young oozooid.This investigation was supported in part by a grant from the Muscular Dystrophy Associations of America and by CNR contract No. 7100396/04115542 from the Istituto di Biologia del Mare, Venice. We gratefully acknowledge the skillful assistance of Mr. G. Gallian, Mr. M. Fabbri and Mr. G. Tognon. We also thank the staff of the Stazione Idrobiologica at Chioggia for collecting the colonies.  相似文献   

Summary Primary cultures of circulatory blood cells from the colonial tunicateBotryllus schlosseri were cultivated in 96-well plates for up to 3 mo. in a medium based on Dulbecco’s modified Eagle’s medium, supplemented with salts to the botryllid ascidian hemolymph osmolarity, HEPES buffer,l-glutamin, fetal bovine serum, and antibiotics. Intercellular bridges between granular pigment cells were established within 24 h. The viability of these cells decreased slowly, and most died within 1 mo. without any sign of cell proliferation. Other cell types remained in an arrested state and were subjected to a weekly medium exchange. Spontaneous cell proliferation was randomly recorded in 6 to 10% of the wells from 2 wk to 1 mo. This proliferation was followed by the formation of masses of cell clumps, from which uniform hemocytes (5 μm, lymphocytelike cells) migrated peripherally. Stress conditions, which included longer intervals between medium exchanges and partial medium replacement, increased the probability of cell proliferation. From each proliferating primary culture, we successfully performed up to 10 plating cycles over a period of 15 wk, during which the cells differentiate in size but are uniformly structured. This produced the firstBotryllus lymphocytelike cell line. From this stage, cell numbers remained constant for up to 6 mo. without increase in cell number. Several mitogenic factors were employed on primary cultures.Botryllus and sea cucumber hemolymphs and mixed interleukins were found to augment significantly proliferation of at least one specific cell size, whereas cells were not markedly responsive to lectins (Concavalin A, wheat germ agglutinin,Ulex europaeus agglutinin), insulin, and retinoic acid. The results are discussed with respect to future efforts in the development of tunicate blood cell cultures.  相似文献   

Summary The following five cell types have been recognized and defined on the basis of their fine structure in the gastric epithelium of B. schlosseri: vacuolated and zymogenic cells (described in a previous paper); ciliated mucous, endocrine and plicated cells. The ciliated mucous cells are distributed at the apex and the bottom of the gastric folds and along the dorsal groove. The mucus droplets appear to form from the Golgi complex as secretory granules of variable density and texture, which are released from the cell after fusion of their membranes with the apical plasma membrane. Holocrine or apocrine secretion has not been observed. The endocrine cells are scattered and are characterized by electron dense granules, especially numerous in the basal region of the cell. Finally, the plicated cells, present in the pyloric caecum, show rod-like microvilli, a well developed Golgi complex and abundant, deep infoldings of the basal plasma membrane, which are associated with numerous mitochondria. The possible role of the gastric cell types is discussed taking into account information concerning morphologically similar cells in other animals, as well as previously reported data on the biochemistry and physiology of digestion and excretion in ascidians.The authors are grateful to Mr. G. Tognon for technical help and to the Staff of the Stazione Idrobiologica di Chioggia for their assistance in collecting material. Work supported by a C.N.R. Grant from the Istituto di Biologia del Mare, Venezia, Contract n. 71.00396/04.115.542.  相似文献   

Aging is unmistakable and undeniable in mammals. Interestingly, mice develop cataracts, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes and cognitive deficits after just 2–3 postnatal years, while it takes seven or more decades for the same age-specific phenotypes to develop in humans. Thus, chronological age corresponds differently with biological age in metazoan species and although many theories exist, we do not understand what controls the rate of mammalian aging. One interesting idea is that species-specific rate of aging represents a ratio of tissue attrition to tissue regeneration. Furthermore, current findings suggest that the age-imposed biochemical changes in the niches of tissue stem cells inhibit performance of this regenerative pool, which leads to the decline of tissue maintenance and repair. If true, slowing down stem cell and niche aging, thereby promoting tissue regeneration, could slow down the process of tissue and organismal aging. In this regard, recent studies of heterochronic parabiosis provide important clues as to the mechanisms of stem cell aging and suggest novel strategies for enhancing tissue repair in the old. Here we review current literature on the relationship between the vigor of tissue stem cells and the process of aging, with an emphasis on the rejuvenation of old tissues by the extrinsic modifications of stem cell niches.  相似文献   

Aging is unmistakable and undeniable in mammals. Interestingly, mice develop cataracts, muscle atrophy, osteoporosis, obesity, diabetes and cognitive deficits after just 2–3 postnatal years, while it takes seven or more decades for the same age-specific phenotypes to develop in humans. Thus, chronological age corresponds differently with biological age in metazoan species and although many theories exist, we do not understand what controls the rate of mammalian aging. One interesting idea is that species-specific rate of aging represents a ratio of tissue attrition to tissue regeneration. Furthermore, current findings suggest that the age-imposed biochemical changes in the niches of tissue stem cells inhibit performance of this regenerative pool, which leads to the decline of tissue maintenance and repair. If true, slowing down stem cell and niche aging, thereby promoting tissue regeneration, could slow down the process of tissue and organismal aging. In this regard, recent studies of heterochronic parabiosis provide important clues as to the mechanisms of stem cell aging and suggest novel strategies for enhancing tissue repair in the old. Here we review current literature on the relationship between the vigor of tissue stem cells and the process of aging, with an emphasis on the rejuvenation of old tissues by the extrinsic modifications of stem cell niches.  相似文献   

Joint morphogenesis involves signaling pathways and growth factors that recur in the adult life with less redundancy to safeguard joint homeostasis. Loss of such homeostasis due to abnormal signaling networks as in aging could lead to diseases such as osteoarthritis. Stem cells are the cellular counterpart and targets of the morphogenetic signals, and they function to maintain the tissues by ensuring replacement of cells lost to physiological turnover, injury, aging, and disease. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are key players in regenerative medicine for their ability to differentiate toward multiple lineages such as cartilage and bone, but they age along the host body and senesce when serially passaged in culture. Understanding correlations between aging and its effects on MSCs is of the utmost importance to explain how aging happens and unravel the underlying mechanisms. The investigation of the MSC senescence in culture will help in developing more efficient and standardized cell culture methods for cellular therapies in skeletal regenerative medicine. An important area to explore in biomedical sciences is the role of endogenous stem cell niches in joint homeostasis, remodeling, and disease. It is anticipated that an understanding of the stem cell niches and related remodeling signals will allow the development of pharmacological interventions to support effective joint tissue regeneration, to restore joint homeostasis, and to prevent osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

Bone regeneration and stem cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This invited review covers research areas of central importance for orthopaedic and maxillofacial bone tissue repair, including normal fracture healing and healing problems, biomaterial scaffolds for tissue engineering, mesenchymal and foetal stem cells, effects of sex steroids on mesenchymal stem cells, use of platelet-rich plasma for tissue repair, osteogenesis and its molecular markers. A variety of cells in addition to stem cells, as well as advances in materials science to meet specific requirements for bone and soft tissue regeneration by addition of bioactive molecules, are discussed.  相似文献   

Myocardial regeneration with bone-marrow-derived stem cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Despite significant therapeutic advances, heart failure remains the predominant cause of mortality in the Western world. Ischaemic cardiomyopathy and myocardial infarction are typified by the irreversible loss of cardiac muscle (cardiomyocytes) and vasculature composed of endothelial cells and smooth muscle cells, which are essential for maintaining cardiac integrity and function. The recent identification of adult and embryonic stem cells has triggered attempts to directly repopulate these tissues by stem cell transplantation as a novel therapeutic option. Reports describing provocative and hopeful examples of myocardial regeneration with adult bone-marrow-derived stem and progenitor cells have increased the enthusiasm for the use of these cells, yet many questions remain regarding their therapeutic potential and the mechanisms responsible for the observed therapeutic effects. In this review article we discuss the current preclinical and clinical advances in bone-marrow-derived stem or progenitor cell therapies for regeneration or repair of the ischaemic myocardium and their multiple related mechanisms involved in myocardial repair and regeneration.  相似文献   

《Cell Stem Cell》2023,30(8):1028-1042.e7
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Human endometrial stem cells (EnSCs) have the potential to be ‘off the shelf’ clinical reagents for the treatment of heart failure. Here, using an immunocompetent rat model of myocardial infarction (MI), we provide evidence that the functional benefits of EnSC transplantation are principally and possibly exclusively through a paracrine effect. Human EnSCs were delivered by intramyocardial injection into rats 30 min. after coronary ligation. EnSC therapy significantly preserved viable myocardium in the infarct zone and improved cardiac function at 28 days. Despite increased viable myocardium and vascular density, there was scant evidence of differentiation of EnSCs into any cardiovascular cell type. Cultured human EnSCs expressed a distinctive profile of cytokines that enhanced the survival, proliferation and function of endothelial cells in vitro. When injected into the peri‐infarct zone, human EnSCs activated AKT, ERK1/2 and STAT3 and inhibited the p38 signalling pathway. EnSC therapy decreased apoptosis and promoted cell proliferation and c‐kit+ cell recruitment in vivo. Myocardial protection and enhanced post‐infarction regeneration by EnSCs is mediated primarily by paracrine effects conferred by secreted cytokines that activate survival pathways and recruit endogenous progenitor stem cells. Menstrual blood provides a potentially limitless source of biologically competent ‘off the shelf’ EnSCs for allogeneic myocardial regenerative medicine.  相似文献   

Aging refers to the physical and functional decline of the tissues over time that often leads to age-related degenerative diseases. Accumulating evidence implicates that the senescence of neural stem cells (NSCs) is of paramount importance to the aging of central neural system (CNS). However, exploration of the underlying molecular mechanisms has been hindered by the lack of proper aging models to allow the mechanistic examination within a reasonable time window. In the present study, we have utilized a hydroxyurea (HU) treatment protocol and effectively induced postnatal subventricle NSCs to undergo cellular senescence as determined by augmented senescence-associated-β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) staining, decreased proliferation and differentiation capacity, increased G0/G1 cell cycle arrest, elevated reactive oxygen species (ROS) level and diminished apoptosis. These phenotypic changes were accompanied by a significant increase in p16, p21 and p53 expression, as well as a decreased expression of key proteins in various DNA repair pathways such as xrcc2, xrcc3 and ku70. Further proteomic analysis suggests that multiple pathways are involved in the HU-induced NSC senescence, including genes related to DNA damage and repair, mitochondrial dysfunction and the increase of ROS level. Intriguingly, compensatory mechanisms may have also been initiated to interfere with apoptotic signaling pathways and to minimize the cell death by downregulating Bcl2-associated X protein (BAX) expression. Taken together, we have successfully established a cellular model that will be of broad utilities to the molecular exploration of NSC senescence and aging.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling in retinal stem cells and regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Injuries to the postnatal skeleton are naturally repaired through successive steps involving specific cell types in a process collectively termed “bone regeneration”. Although complex, bone regeneration occurs through a series of well-orchestrated stages wherein endogenous bone stem cells play a central role. In most situations, bone regeneration is successful; however, there are instances when it fails and creates non-healing injuries or fracture nonunion requiring surgical or therapeutic interventions. Transplantation of adult or mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) defined by the International Society for Cell and Gene Therapy (ISCT) as CD105+CD90+CD73+CD45-CD34-CD14orCD11b-CD79αorCD19-HLA-DR- is being investigated as an attractive therapy for bone regeneration throughout the world. MSCs isolated from adipose tissue, adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs), are gaining increasing attention since this is the most abundant source of adult stem cells and the isolation process for ADSCs is straightforward. Currently, there is not a single Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved ADSCs product for bone regeneration. Although the safety of ADSCs is established from their usage in numerous clinical trials, the bone-forming potential of ADSCs and MSCs, in general, is highly controversial. Growing evidence suggests that the ISCT defined phenotype may not represent bona fide osteoprogenitors. Transplantation of both ADSCs and the CD105- sub-population of ADSCs has been reported to induce bone regeneration. Most notably, cells expressing other markers such as CD146, AlphaV, CD200, PDPN, CD164, CXCR4, and PDGFRα have been shown to represent osteogenic sub-population within ADSCs. Amongst other strategies to improve the bone-forming ability of ADSCs, modulation of VEGF, TGF-β1 and BMP signaling pathways of ADSCs has shown promising results. The U.S. FDA reveals that 73% of Investigational New Drug applications for stem cell-based products rely on CD105 expression as the “positive” marker for adult stem cells. A concerted effort involving the scientific community, clinicians, industries, and regulatory bodies to redefine ADSCs using powerful selection markers and strategies to modulate signaling pathways of ADSCs will speed up the therapeutic use of ADSCs for bone regeneration.  相似文献   

Limb regeneration is a complex yet fascinating process observed to some extent in many animal species, though seen in its entirety in urodele amphibians. Accomplished by formation of a morphologically uniform intermediate, the blastema, scientists have long attempted to define the cellular constituents that enable regrowth of a functional appendage. Today, we know that the blastema consists of a variety of multipotent progenitor cells originating from a variety of tissues, and which contribute to limb tissue regeneration in a lineage-restricted manner. By continuing to dissect the role of stem cells in limb regeneration, we can hope to one day modulate the human response to limb amputation and facilitate regrowth of a working replacement.  相似文献   

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