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Sensory information about the outside world is encoded by neurons in sequences of discrete, identical pulses termed action potentials or spikes. There is persistent controversy about the extent to which the precise timing of these spikes is relevant to the function of the brain. We revisit this issue, using the motion-sensitive neurons of the fly visual system as a test case. Our experimental methods allow us to deliver more nearly natural visual stimuli, comparable to those which flies encounter in free, acrobatic flight. New mathematical methods allow us to draw more reliable conclusions about the information content of neural responses even when the set of possible responses is very large. We find that significant amounts of visual information are represented by details of the spike train at millisecond and sub-millisecond precision, even though the sensory input has a correlation time of ~55 ms; different patterns of spike timing represent distinct motion trajectories, and the absolute timing of spikes points to particular features of these trajectories with high precision. Finally, the efficiency of our entropy estimator makes it possible to uncover features of neural coding relevant for natural visual stimuli: first, the system's information transmission rate varies with natural fluctuations in light intensity, resulting from varying cloud cover, such that marginal increases in information rate thus occur even when the individual photoreceptors are counting on the order of one million photons per second. Secondly, we see that the system exploits the relatively slow dynamics of the stimulus to remove coding redundancy and so generate a more efficient neural code.  相似文献   

This article reviews the nature of the neural code in non-human primate cortex and assesses the potential for neurons to carry two or more signals simultaneously. Neurophysiological recordings from visual and motor systems indicate that the evidence for a role for precisely timed spikes relative to other spike times (ca. 1-10 ms resolution) is inconclusive. This indicates that the visual system does not carry a signal that identifies whether the responses were elicited when the stimulus was attended or not. Simulations show that the absence of such a signal reduces, but does not eliminate, the increased discrimination between stimuli that are attended compared with when the stimuli are unattended. The increased accuracy asymptotes with increased gain control, indicating limited benefit from increasing attention. The absence of a signal identifying the attentional state under which stimuli were viewed can produce the greatest discrimination between attended and unattended stimuli. Furthermore, the greatest reduction in discrimination errors occurs for a limited range of gain control, again indicating that attention effects are limited. By contrast to precisely timed patterns of spikes where the timing is relative to other spikes, response latency provides a fine temporal resolution signal (ca. 10 ms resolution) that carries information that is unavailable from coarse temporal response measures. Changes in response latency and changes in response magnitude can give rise to different predictions for the patterns of reaction times. The predictions are verified, and it is shown that the standard method for distinguishing executive and slave processes is only valid if the representations of interest, as evidenced by the neural code, are known. Overall, the data indicate that the signalling evident in neural signals is restricted to the spike count and the precise times of spikes relative to stimulus onset (response latency). These coding issues have implications for our understanding of cognitive models of attention and the roles of executive and slave systems.  相似文献   

The precise timing of action potentials of sensory neurons relative to the time of stimulus presentation carries substantial sensory information that is lost or degraded when these responses are summed over longer time windows. However, it is unclear whether and how downstream networks can access information in precise time-varying neural responses. Here, we review approaches to test the hypothesis that the activity of neural populations provides the temporal reference frames needed to decode temporal spike patterns. These approaches are based on comparing the single-trial stimulus discriminability obtained from neural codes defined with respect to network-intrinsic reference frames to the discriminability obtained from codes defined relative to the experimenter''s computer clock. Application of this formalism to auditory, visual and somatosensory data shows that information carried by millisecond-scale spike times can be decoded robustly even with little or no independent external knowledge of stimulus time. In cortex, key components of such intrinsic temporal reference frames include dedicated neural populations that signal stimulus onset with reliable and precise latencies, and low-frequency oscillations that can serve as reference for partitioning extended neuronal responses into informative spike patterns.  相似文献   

Many neurons in primate inferotemporal (IT) cortex respond selectively to complex, often meaningful, stimuli such as faces and objects. An important unanswered question is whether such response selectivity, which is thought to arise from experience-dependent plasticity, is maintained from day to day, or whether the roles of individual cells are continually reassigned based on the diet of natural vision. We addressed this question using microwire electrodes that were chronically implanted in the temporal lobe of two monkeys, often allowing us to monitor activity of individual neurons across days. We found that neurons maintained their selectivity in both response magnitude and patterns of spike timing across a large set of visual images throughout periods of stable signal isolation from the same cell that sometimes exceeded two weeks. These results indicate that stimulus-selectivity of responses in IT is stable across days and weeks of visual experience.  相似文献   

Bacci A  Huguenard JR 《Neuron》2006,49(1):119-130
In vivo studies suggest that precise firing of neurons is important for correct sensory representation. Principal neocortical neurons fire imprecisely when repeatedly activated by fixed sensory stimuli or current depolarizations. Here we show that in contrast to pyramidal neurons, firing in neocortical GABAergic fast-spiking (FS) interneurons is quite precise. FS interneurons are self-innervated by powerful GABAergic autaptic connections reliably activated after each spike, suggesting that autapses strongly regulate FS-cell spike timing. Indeed, blockade of autaptic transmission degraded temporal precision in multiple ways. Under these conditions, realistic dynamic-clamp hyperpolarizing autapses restored precision of spike timing, even in the presence of synaptic noise. Furthermore, firing precision was increased in pyramidal neurons by artificial GABAergic autaptic conductances, suggesting that tightly coupled synaptic feedback inhibition regulates spike timing in principal cells. Thus, well-timed inhibition, whether autaptic or synaptic, facilitates precise spike timing and promotes synchronized cortical network oscillations relevant to several behaviors.  相似文献   

It is much debated on what time scale information is encoded by neuronal spike activity. With a phenomenological model that transforms time-dependent membrane potential fluctuations into spike trains, we investigate constraints for the timing of spikes and for synchronous activity of neurons with common input. The model of spike generation has a variable threshold that depends on the time elapsed since the previous action potential and on the preceding membrane potential changes. To ensure that the model operates in a biologically meaningful range, the model was adjusted to fit the responses of a fly visual interneuron to motion stimuli. The dependence of spike timing on the membrane potential dynamics was analyzed. Fast membrane potential fluctuations are needed to trigger spikes with a high temporal precision. Slow fluctuations lead to spike activity with a rate about proportional to the membrane potential. Thus, for a given level of stochastic input, the frequency range of membrane potential fluctuations induced by a stimulus determines whether a neuron can use a rate code or a temporal code. The relationship between the steepness of membrane potential fluctuations and the timing of spikes has also implications for synchronous activity in neurons with common input. Fast membrane potential changes must be shared by the neurons to produce synchronous activity.  相似文献   

Correlation between spike trains or neurons sometimes indicates certain neural coding rules in the visual system. In this paper, the relationship between spike timing correlation and pattern correlation is discussed, and their ability to represent stimulus features is compared to examine their coding strategies not only in individual neurons but also in population. Two kinds of stimuli, natural movies and checkerboard, are used to arouse firing activities in chicken retinal ganglion cells. The spike timing correlation and pattern correlation are calculated by cross-correlation function and Lempel–Ziv distance respectively. According to the correlation values, it is demonstrated that spike trains with similar spike patterns are not necessarily concerted in firing time. Moreover, spike pattern correlation values between individual neurons’ responses reflect the difference of natural movies and checkerboard; neurons cooperate with each other with higher pattern correlation values which represent spatiotemporal correlations during response to natural movies. Spike timing does not reflect stimulus features as obvious as spike patterns, caused by their particular coding properties or physiological foundation. As a result, separating the pattern correlation out of traditional timing correlation concept uncover additional insight in neural coding.  相似文献   

亮度(luminance)是最基本的视觉信息.与其他视觉特征相比,由于视神经元对亮度刺激的反应较弱,并且许多神经元对均匀亮度无反应,对亮度信息编码的神经机制知之甚少.初级视皮层部分神经元对亮度的反应要慢于对比度反应,被认为是由边界对比度诱导的亮度知觉(brightness)的神经基础.我们的研究表明,初级视皮层许多神经元的亮度反应要快于对比度反应,并且这些神经元偏好低的空间频率、高的时间频率和高的运动速度,提示皮层下具有低空间频率和高运动速度通路的信息输入对产生初级视皮层神经元的亮度反应有贡献.已经知道初级视皮层神经元对空间频率反应的时间过程是从低空间频率到高空间频率,我们发现的早期亮度反应是对极低空间频率的反应,与这一时间过程是一致的,是这一从粗到细的视觉信息加工过程的第一步,揭示了处理最早的粗的视觉信息的神经基础.另外,初级视皮层含有偏好亮度下降和高运动速度的神经元,这群神经元的活动有助于在光照差的环境中检测高速运动的低亮度物体.  相似文献   

Z Chi  D Margoliash 《Neuron》2001,32(5):899-910
In the zebra finch forebrain nucleus robustus archistriatalis (RA), neurons burst during singing. We showed that the internal structure of spike bursts was regulated with a precision of circa 0.2 ms, and yielded alignment of acoustic features of song with a precision of circa 1 ms. In addition, interburst intervals and corresponding syllable durations displayed systematic variation within song (average elongation 0.3 ms/s song), and slower "drift" across songs. Systematic variation on even a coarser time scale might be difficult to detect in other systems, but could affect the analysis of temporal patterning. The close relationship between precise timing of individual spikes and stereotypic behavior suggests that song is represented in RA by a temporal code.  相似文献   

Studies of the encoding of sensory stimuli by the brain often consider recorded neurons as a pool of identical units. Here, we report divergence in stimulus-encoding properties between subpopulations of cortical neurons that are classified based on spike timing and waveform features. Neurons in auditory cortex of the awake marmoset (Callithrix jacchus) encode temporal information with either stimulus-synchronized or nonsynchronized responses. When we classified single-unit recordings using either a criteria-based or an unsupervised classification method into regular-spiking, fast-spiking, and bursting units, a subset of intrinsically bursting neurons formed the most highly synchronized group, with strong phase-locking to sinusoidal amplitude modulation (SAM) that extended well above 20 Hz. In contrast with other unit types, these bursting neurons fired primarily on the rising phase of SAM or the onset of unmodulated stimuli, and preferred rapid stimulus onset rates. Such differentiating behavior has been previously reported in bursting neuron models and may reflect specializations for detection of acoustic edges. These units responded to natural stimuli (vocalizations) with brief and precise spiking at particular time points that could be decoded with high temporal stringency. Regular-spiking units better reflected the shape of slow modulations and responded more selectively to vocalizations with overall firing rate increases. Population decoding using time-binned neural activity found that decoding behavior differed substantially between regular-spiking and bursting units. A relatively small pool of bursting units was sufficient to identify the stimulus with high accuracy in a manner that relied on the temporal pattern of responses. These unit type differences may contribute to parallel and complementary neural codes.

Neurons in auditory cortex show highly diverse responses to sounds. This study suggests that neuronal type inferred from baseline firing properties accounts for much of this diversity, with a subpopulation of bursting units being specialized for precise temporal encoding.  相似文献   

Pairing-induced changes of orientation maps in cat visual cortex.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
S Schuett  T Bonhoeffer  M Hübener 《Neuron》2001,32(2):325-337
We have studied the precise temporal requirements for plasticity of orientation preference maps in kitten visual cortex. Pairing a brief visual stimulus with electrical stimulation in the cortex, we found that the relative timing determines the direction of plasticity: a shift in orientation preference toward the paired orientation occurs if the cortex is activated first visually and then electrically; the cortical response to the paired orientation is diminished if the sequence of visual and electrical activation is reversed. We furthermore show that pinwheel centers are less affected by the pairing than the pinwheel surround. Thus, plasticity is not uniformly distributed across the cortex, and, most importantly, the same spike time-dependent learning rules that have been found in single-cell in vitro studies are also valid on the level of cortical maps.  相似文献   

While sensory neurons carry behaviorally relevant information in responses that often extend over hundreds of milliseconds, the key units of neural information likely consist of much shorter and temporally precise spike patterns. The mechanisms and temporal reference frames by which sensory networks partition responses into these shorter units of information remain unknown. One hypothesis holds that slow oscillations provide a network-intrinsic reference to temporally partitioned spike trains without exploiting the millisecond-precise alignment of spikes to sensory stimuli. We tested this hypothesis on neural responses recorded in visual and auditory cortices of macaque monkeys in response to natural stimuli. Comparing different schemes for response partitioning revealed that theta band oscillations provide a temporal reference that permits extracting significantly more information than can be obtained from spike counts, and sometimes almost as much information as obtained by partitioning spike trains using precisely stimulus-locked time bins. We further tested the robustness of these partitioning schemes to temporal uncertainty in the decoding process and to noise in the sensory input. This revealed that partitioning using an oscillatory reference provides greater robustness than partitioning using precisely stimulus-locked time bins. Overall, these results provide a computational proof of concept for the hypothesis that slow rhythmic network activity may serve as internal reference frame for information coding in sensory cortices and they foster the notion that slow oscillations serve as key elements for the computations underlying perception.  相似文献   

This report addresses the nature of population coding in sensory cortex by applying information theoretic analysis to data recorded simultaneously from neuron pairs located in primary somatosensory cortex of anaesthetised rats. We studied how cortical spike trains code for the location of a whisker stimulus on the rat's snout. We found that substantially more information was conveyed by 10 ms precision spike timing compared with that conveyed by the number of spikes counted over a 40 ms response interval. Most of this information was accounted for by the timing of individual spikes. In particular, it was the first post-stimulus spikes that were crucial. Spike patterns within individual cells played a smaller role; spike patterns across cells were negligible. This pattern of results was robust both to the exact nature of the stimulus set and to the precision at which spikes were binned.  相似文献   

Distributed coding of sound locations in the auditory cortex   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Although the auditory cortex plays an important role in sound localization, that role is not well understood. In this paper, we examine the nature of spatial representation within the auditory cortex, focusing on three questions. First, are sound-source locations encoded by individual sharply tuned neurons or by activity distributed across larger neuronal populations? Second, do temporal features of neural responses carry information about sound-source location? Third, are any fields of the auditory cortex specialized for spatial processing? We present a brief review of recent work relevant to these questions along with the results of our investigations of spatial sensitivity in cat auditory cortex. Together, they strongly suggest that space is represented in a distributed manner, that response timing (notably first-spike latency) is a critical information-bearing feature of cortical responses, and that neurons in various cortical fields differ in both their degree of spatial sensitivity and their manner of spatial coding. The posterior auditory field (PAF), in particular, is well suited for the distributed coding of space and encodes sound-source locations partly by modulations of response latency. Studies of neurons recorded simultaneously from PAF and/or A1 reveal that spatial information can be decoded from the relative spike times of pairs of neurons - particularly when responses are compared between the two fields - thus partially compensating for the absence of an absolute reference to stimulus onset.  相似文献   

Lesion to the posterior parietal cortex in monkeys and humans produces spatial deficits in movement and perception. In recording experiments from area 7a, a cortical subdivision in the posterior parietal cortex in monkeys, we have found neurons whose responses are a function of both the retinal location of visual stimuli and the position of the eyes in the orbits. By combining these signals area 7 a neurons code the location of visual stimuli with respect to the head. However, these cells respond over only limited ranges of eye positions (eye-position-dependent coding). To code location in craniotopic space at all eye positions (eye-position-independent coding) an additional step in neural processing is required that uses information distributed across populations of area 7a neurons. We describe here a neural network model, based on back-propagation learning, that both demonstrates how spatial location could be derived from the population response of area 7a neurons and accurately accounts for the observed response properties of these neurons.  相似文献   

A train of action potentials (a spike train) can carry information in both the average firing rate and the pattern of spikes in the train. But can such a spike-pattern code be supported by cortical circuits? Neurons in vitro produce a spike pattern in response to the injection of a fluctuating current. However, cortical neurons in vivo are modulated by local oscillatory neuronal activity and by top-down inputs. In a cortical circuit, precise spike patterns thus reflect the interaction between internally generated activity and sensory information encoded by input spike trains. We review the evidence for precise and reliable spike timing in the cortex and discuss its computational role.  相似文献   

Dong C  Qin L  Liu Y  Zhang X  Sato Y 《PloS one》2011,6(10):e25895
Repeated acoustic events are ubiquitous temporal features of natural sounds. To reveal the neural representation of the sound repetition rate, a number of electrophysiological studies have been conducted on various mammals and it has been proposed that both the spike-time and firing rate of primary auditory cortex (A1) neurons encode the repetition rate. However, previous studies rarely examined how the experimental animals perceive the difference in the sound repetition rate, and a caveat to these experiments is that they compared physiological data obtained from animals with psychophysical data obtained from humans. In this study, for the first time, we directly investigated acoustic perception and the underlying neural mechanisms in the same experimental animal by examining spike activities in the A1 of free-moving cats while performing a Go/No-go task to discriminate the click-trains at different repetition rates (12.5-200 Hz). As reported by previous studies on passively listening animals, A1 neurons showed both synchronized and non-synchronized responses to the click-trains. We further found that the neural performance estimated from the precise temporal information of synchronized units was good enough to distinguish all 16.7-200 Hz from the 12.5 Hz repetition rate; however, the cats showed declining behavioral performance with the decrease of the target repetition rate, indicating an increase of difficulty in discriminating two slower click-trains. Such behavioral performance was well explained by the firing rate of some synchronized and non-synchronized units. Trial-by-trial analysis indicated that A1 activity was not affected by the cat's judgment of behavioral response. Our results suggest that the main function of A1 is to effectively represent temporal signals using both spike timing and firing rate, while the cats may read out the rate-coding information to perform the task in this experiment.  相似文献   

Correlation among neocortical neurons is thought to play an indispensable role in mediating sensory processing of external stimuli. The role of temporal precision in this correlation has been hypothesized to enhance information flow along sensory pathways. Its role in mediating the integration of information at the output of these pathways, however, remains poorly understood. Here, we examined spike timing correlation between simultaneously recorded layer V neurons within and across columns of the primary somatosensory cortex of anesthetized rats during unilateral whisker stimulation. We used bayesian statistics and information theory to quantify the causal influence between the recorded cells with millisecond precision. For each stimulated whisker, we inferred stable, whisker-specific, dynamic bayesian networks over many repeated trials, with network similarity of 83.3±6% within whisker, compared to only 50.3±18% across whiskers. These networks further provided information about whisker identity that was approximately 6 times higher than what was provided by the latency to first spike and 13 times higher than what was provided by the spike count of individual neurons examined separately. Furthermore, prediction of individual neurons' precise firing conditioned on knowledge of putative pre-synaptic cell firing was 3 times higher than predictions conditioned on stimulus onset alone. Taken together, these results suggest the presence of a temporally precise network coding mechanism that integrates information across neighboring columns within layer V about vibrissa position and whisking kinetics to mediate whisker movement by motor areas innervated by layer V.  相似文献   

The Possible Role of Spike Patterns in Cortical Information Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
When the same visual stimulus is presented across many trials, neurons in the visual cortex receive stimulus-related synaptic inputs that are reproducible across trials (S) and inputs that are not (N). The variability of spike trains recorded in the visual cortex and their apparent lack of spike-to-spike correlations beyond that implied by firing rate fluctuations, has been taken as evidence for a low S/N ratio. A recent re-analysis of in vivo cortical data revealed evidence for spike-to-spike correlations in the form of spike patterns. We examine neural dynamics at a higher S/N in order to determine what possible role spike patterns could play in cortical information processing. In vivo-like spike patterns were obtained in model simulations. Superpositions of multiple sinusoidal driving currents were especially effective in producing stable long-lasting patterns. By applying current pulses that were either short and strong or long and weak, neurons could be made to switch from one pattern to another. Cortical neurons with similar stimulus preferences are located near each other, have similar biophysical properties and receive a large number of common synaptic inputs. Hence, recordings of a single neuron across multiple trials are usually interpreted as the response of an ensemble of these neurons during one trial. In the presence of distinct spike patterns across trials there is ambiguity in what would be the corresponding ensemble, it could consist of the same spike pattern for each neuron or a set of patterns across neurons. We found that the spiking response of a neuron receiving these ensemble inputs was determined by the spike-pattern composition, which, in turn, could be modulated dynamically as a means for cortical information processing.  相似文献   

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