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Grzam A  Martin MN  Hell R  Meyer AJ 《FEBS letters》2007,581(17):3131-3138
The xenobiotic monochlorobimane is conjugated to glutathione in the cytosol of Arabidopsis thaliana, transported to the vacuole, and hydrolyzed to cysteine S-bimane [Grzam, A., Tennstedt, P., Clemens, S., Hell, R. and Meyer, A.J. (2006) Vacuolar sequestration of glutathione S-conjugates outcompetes a possible degradation of the glutathione moiety by phytochelatin synthase. FEBS Lett. 580, 6384-6390]. The work here identifies gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase 4 (At4g29210, GGT4) as the first step of vacuolar degradation of glutathione conjugates. Hydrolysis of glutathione S-bimane is blocked in ggt4 null mutants of A. thaliana. Accumulation of glutathione S-bimane in mutants and in wild-type plants treated with the high affinity GGT inhibitor acivicin shows that GGT4 is required to initiate the two step hydrolysis sequence. GGT4:green fluorescent protein fusions were used to demonstrate that GGT4 is localized in the lumen of the vacuole.  相似文献   

KMT2/Set1 is the catalytic subunit of the complex of proteins associated with Set1 (COMPASS) that is responsible for the methylation of lysine 4 of histone H3 (H3K4) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Whereas monomethylated H3K4 (H3K4me1) is found throughout the genome, di- (H3K4me2) and tri- (H3K4me3) methylated H3K4 are enriched at specific loci, which correlates with the promoter and 5′-ends of actively transcribed genes in the case of H3K4me3. The COMPASS subunits contain a number of domains that are conserved in homologous complexes in higher eukaryotes and are reported to interact with modified histones. However, the exact organization of these subunits and their role within the complex have not been elucidated. In this study we showed that: (1) subunits Swd1 and Swd3 form a stable heterodimer that dissociates upon binding to a modified H3K4me2 tail peptide, suggesting a regulatory role in COMPASS; (2) the affinity of the subunit Spp1 for modified histone H3 substrates is much higher than that of Swd1 and Swd3; (3) Spp1 has a preference for H3K4me2/3 methylation state; and (4) Spp1 contains a high-affinity DNA-binding domain in the previously uncharacterised C-terminal region. These data allow us to suggest a mechanism for the regulation of COMPASS activity at an actively transcribed gene.  相似文献   

Onchocerciasis or river blindness, caused by the filarial worm Onchocerca volvulus, is the world’s second leading infectious cause of blindness. In order to chronically infect the host, O. volvulus has evolved molecular strategies that influence and direct immune responses away from the modes most damaging to it. The O. volvulus GST1 (OvGST1) is a unique glutathione S-transferase (GST) in that it is a glycoprotein and possesses a signal peptide that is cleaved off in the process of maturation. The mature protein starts with a 25-amino-acid extension not present in other GSTs. In all life stages of the filarial worm, it is located directly at the parasite-host interface. Here, the OvGST1 functions as a highly specific glutathione-dependent prostaglandin D synthase (PGDS). The enzyme therefore has the potential to participate in the modulation of immune responses by contributing to the production of parasite-derived prostanoids and restraining the host’s effector responses, making it a tempting target for chemotherapy and vaccine development. Here, we report the crystal structure of the OvGST1 bound to its cofactor glutathione at 2.0 Å resolution. The structure reveals an overall structural homology to the haematopoietic PGDS from vertebrates but, surprisingly, also a large conformational change in the prostaglandin binding pocket. The observed differences reveal a different vicinity of the prostaglandin H2 binding pocket that demands another prostaglandin H2 binding mode to that proposed for the vertebrate PGDS. Finally, a putative substrate binding mode for prostaglandin H2 is postulated based on the observed structural insights.  相似文献   

Glutathione S:-transferase (GST) from Schistosoma japonicum has been prepared in both normal protiated (pGST) and fully deuteriated (dGST) form by recombinant DNA technology. Electrospray mass spectrometry showed that the level of deuteriation in dGST was 96% and was homogeneous across the sample. This result is attributed to the use of a deuterium-tolerant host Escherichia coli strain in the preparation of the protein. 10 heteroatom-bound deuteriums (in addition to the carbon-bound deuteriums) were resistant to exchange when dGST was incubated in protiated buffer. The physicochemical and biological properties of the two proteins were compared. dGST was relatively less stable to heat denaturation and to proteolytic cleavage than was pGST. The midpoint transition temperature for pGST was 54.9 degrees C, whereas that for dGST was 51.0 degrees C. Static light-scattering measurements revealed that the association behavior of dGST is also different from that of pGST. The perdeuteriated enzyme shows a tendency to associate into dimers of the fundamental dimer. This is in contrast with results that have been obtained for other perdeuteriated proteins in which perdeuteriation has been shown to promote dissociation of aggregates. dGST showed a similar K(m) to pGST; similar results had been obtained previously with bacterial alkaline phosphatase. However, whereas the alkaline phosphatase showed a reduced rate of catalysis on deuteriation, dGST exhibited a slightly higher rate of catalysis than pGST. It is clear that the bulk substitution of deuterium for protium has significant effects on the properties of proteins. Until many more examples have been studied, it will be difficult to predict these effects for any given protein. Nevertheless, deuteriation represents an intriguing method of preparing functional analogs of recombinant proteins.  相似文献   

During turnover, the catalytic tyrosine residue (Tyr10) of the sigma class Schistosoma haematobium wild-type glutathione-S-transferase is expected to switch alternately in and out of the reduced glutathione-binding site (G-site). The Tyrout10 conformer forms a pi-cation interaction with the guanidinium group of Arg21. As in other similar glutathione-S-transferases, the catalytic Tyr has a low pKa of 7.2. In order to investigate the catalytic role of Tyr10, and the structural and functional roles of Arg21, we carried out structural studies on two Arg21 mutants (R21L and R21Q) and a Tyr10 mutant, Y10F. Our crystallographic data for the two Arg21 mutants indicate that only the Tyrout10 conformation is populated, thereby excluding a role of Arg21 in the stabilisation of the out conformation. However, Arg21 was confirmed to be catalytically important and essential for the low pKa of Tyr10. Upon comparison with structural data generated for reduced glutathione-bound and inhibitor-bound wild-type enzymes, it was observed that the orientations of Tyr10 and Arg35 are concerted and that, upon ligand binding, minor rearrangements occur within conserved residues in the active site loop. These rearrangements are coupled to quaternary rigid-body movements at the dimer interface and alterations in the localisation and structural order of the C-terminal domain.  相似文献   

The maleylpyruvate isomerase NagL from Ralstonia sp. strain U2, which has been structurally characterized previously, catalyzes the isomerization of maleylpyruvate to fumarylpyruvate. It belongs to the class zeta glutathione S-transferases (GSTZs), part of the cytosolic GST family (cGSTs). In this study, site-directed mutagenesis was conducted to probe the functions of 13 putative active site residues. Steady-state kinetic information for mutants in the reduced glutathione (GSH) binding site, suggested that (a) Gln64 and Asp102 interact directly with the glutamyl moiety of glutathione, (b) Gln49 and Gln64 are involved in a potential electron-sharing network that influences the ionization of the GSH thiol. The information also suggests that (c) His38, Asn108 and Arg109 interact with the GSH glycine moiety, (d) His104 has a role in the ionization of the GSH sulfur and the stabilization of the maleyl terminal carboxyl group in the reaction intermediate and (e) Arg110 influences the electron distribution in the active site and therefore the ionization of the GSH thiolate. Kinetic data for mutants altered in the substrate-binding site imply that (a) Arg8 and Arg176 are critical for maleylpyruvate orientation and enolization, and (b) Arg109 (exclusive to NagL) participates in kcat regulation. Surprisingly, the T11A mutant had a decreased GSH Km value, whereas little impact on maleylpyruvate kinetics was observed, suggesting that this residue plays an important role in GSH binding. An evolutionary trend in this residue appears to have developed not only in prokaryotic and eukaryotic GSTZs, but also among the wider class of cGSTs.  相似文献   

Mutations in the transpeptidase domain of penicillin-binding protein 2x (PBP2x) of Streptococcus pneumoniae that reduce the affinity to beta-lactams are important determinants of resistance to these antibiotics. We have now analyzed in vitro and in vivo properties of PBP2x variants from cefotaxime-resistant laboratory mutants and a clinical isolate. The patterns of two to four resistance-specific mutations present in each of the proteins, all of which are placed between 6.6 and 24 Å around the active site, fall into three categories according to their positions in the three-dimensional structure. The first PBP2x group is characterized by mutations at the end of helix α11 and carries the well-known T550A change and/or one mutation on the surface of the penicillin-binding domain in close contact with the C-terminal domain. All group I proteins display very low acylation efficiencies, ≤ 1700 M− 1 s− 1, for cefotaxime. The second class represented by PBP2x of the mutant C505 shows acylation efficiencies below 100 M− 1 s− 1 for both cefotaxime and benzylpenicillin and contains the mutation L403F at a critical site close to the active serine. PBP2x of the clinical isolate 669 reveals a third mutational pathway where at least the two mutations Q552E and S389L are important for resistance, and acylation efficiency is reduced for both beta-lactams to around 10,000 M− 1 s− 1. In each group, at least one mutation is located in close vicinity to the active site and mediates a resistance phenotype in vivo alone, whereas other mutations might exhibit secondary effects only in context with other alterations.  相似文献   

Recently many researchers have proposed a protective role for morphine against tumor growth and metastasis, especially through induction of apoptosis in tumoral cells. These findings may lead to underestimation of cytotoxic effects of opioid drugs which are usually expected only at high doses. The present study was conducted to clarify whether repeated morphine administration, which is commonly used for relief from chronic pain, would interfere with liver antioxidant defence and hepatocytes vitality. Morphine was injected repeatedly at doses that have been reported to relieve cancer pain and reduce tumor spread in mice (5 and 10 mg/kg/day for nine consecutive days). The changes in hepatic glutathione concentration, its synthesis pathway and enzymatic antioxidant defense revealed the pro-oxidant effects of chronic morphine treatment on the liver. None of these changes were observed in those mice that were co-treated with naltrexone (opioid antagonist) and same doses of morphine. However induction of liver conjugating enzymes following morphine treatment was not receptor mediated. Moreover, chronic morphine treatment induced hepatocytes apoptosis. Interestingly, the apoptotic changes were antagonized by co-administration of either naltrexone or thiol antioxidant. In conclusion, although hepatotoxic effects of morphine at high doses have been reported previously, our findings propose that repeated morphine administration even at lower doses would induce oxidative stress in the liver, which may contribute to induction of apoptosis in hepatocytes. Since many of the observed adverse effects were mediated by opioid receptors, our results suggest that other opioid analgesics should also be used more cautiously.  相似文献   



Glutathione transferase (GST) catalyzes a major step in the xenobiotic detoxification pathway. We previously identified a novel, unclassified GST that is upregulated in an insecticide-resistant silkworm (Bombyx mori) upon insecticide exposure. Here, we sought to further characterize this GST, bmGSTu, by solving and refining its crystal structure and identifying its catalytic residues.


The structure of wild-type bmGSTu was determined with a resolution of 2.1 Å by synchrotron radiation and molecular modeling. Potential catalytic residues were mutated to alanine by means of site-directed mutagenesis, and kinetic data determined for wild-type and mutated bmGSTu.


We found that bmGSTu occurred as a dimer, and that, like other GSTs, each subunit displayed a G-site and an H-site in the active center. Bound glutathione could be localized at the G-site. Kinetic data of the mutated forms of bmGSTu show that Val55, Glu67, and Ser68 in the G-site are important for catalysis. Furthermore, the H-site showed some unique features.


This is the first study to our knowledge to elucidate the molecular conformation of this B. mori GST. Our results indicate that residues Val55, Glu67, and Ser68, as well as Tyr7 and Ser12, in the glutathione-binding region of bmGSTu are critical for catalytic function.

General Significance

Our results, together with our previous finding that bmGSTu was preferentially induced in an insecticide-resistant strain, support the idea that bmGSTu functions in the transformation of exogenous chemical agents. Furthermore, the unique features observed in bmGSTu may shed light on mechanisms of insecticide resistance.  相似文献   

Glutathione S-transferases (GSTs: EC2.5.1.18) are a superfamily of multifunctional dimeric enzymes that catalyze the conjugation of glutathione (GSH) to electrophilic chemicals. In most animals and in humans, GSTs are the principal enzymes responsible for detoxifying the mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and GST dysfunction is a known risk factor for susceptibility towards AFB1. Turkeys are one of the most susceptible animals known to AFB1, which is a common contaminant of poultry feeds. The extreme susceptibility of turkeys is associated with hepatic GSTs unable to detoxify the highly reactive and electrophilic metabolite exo-AFB1-8,9-epoxide (AFBO). In this study, comparative genomic approaches were used to amplify and identify the α-class tGST genes (tGSTA1.1, tGSTA1.2, tGSTA1.3, tGSTA2, tGSTA3 and tGSTA4) from turkey liver. The conserved GST domains and four α-class signature motifs in turkey GSTs (with the exception of tGSTA1.1 which lacked one motif) confirm the presence of hepatic α-class GSTs in the turkey. Four signature motifs and conserved residues found in α-class tGSTs are (1) xMExxxWLLAAAGVE, (2) YGKDxKERAxIDMYVxG, (3) PVxEKVLKxHGxxxL and (4) PxIKKFLXPGSxxKPxxx. A BAC clone containing the α-class GST gene cluster was isolated and sequenced. The turkey α-class GTS genes genetically map to chromosome MGA2 with synteny between turkey and human α-class GSTs and flanking genes. This study identifies the α-class tGST gene cluster and genetic markers (SNPs, single nucleotide polymorphisms) that can be used to further examine AFB1 susceptibility and resistance in turkeys. Functional characterization of heterologously expressed proteins from these genes is currently underway.  相似文献   

Malaria parasite glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) are postulated to be essential for parasite survival by protecting the parasite against oxidative stress and buffering the detoxification of heme-binding compounds; therefore, GSTs are considered potential targets for drug development. In this study, we identified a Plasmodium vivax gene encoding GST (PvGST) and characterized the biochemical properties of the recombinant enzyme. The PvGST contained 618 bp that encoded 205 amino acids and shared a significant degree of sequence identity with GSTs from other Plasmodium species. The recombinant homodimeric enzyme had an approximate molecular mass of 50kDa and exhibited GSH-conjugating and GSH-peroxidase activities towards various model substrates. The optimal pH for recombinant PvGST (rPvGST) activity was pH 8.0, and the enzyme was moderately unstable at 37 degrees C. The K(m) values of rPvGST with respect to GSH and CDNB were 0.17+/-0.09 and 2.1+/-0.4mM, respectively. The significant sequence homology and similar biochemical properties of PvGST and Plasmodium falciparum GST (PfGST) indicate that they may have similar molecular structures. This information may be useful for the design of specific inhibitors for plasmodial GSTs as potential antimalarial drugs.  相似文献   

The glutathione S-transferase from Plasmodium falciparum presents distinct features which are absent from mammalian GST isoenzyme counterparts. Most apparent among these are the ability to tetramerize and the presence of a flexible loop. The loop, situated between the 113–119 residues, has been reported necessary for the tetramerization process. In this article, we report that a residue outside of this loop, Asn112, is a key to the process — to the point where the single Asn112Leu mutation prevents tetramerization altogether. We propose that a structural pattern involving the interaction of the Asn112 and Lys117 residues from two neighboring subunits plays a role in keeping the tetramer structure stable. We also report that, for the tetramerization of the wild-type PfGST to occur, phosphate or pyrophosphate anions must be present. In other words, tetramerization is a phosphate- or pyrophosphate-induced process. Furthermore, the presence of magnesium reinforces this induction. We present experimental evidence for these claims as well as a preliminary calorimetric and kinetic study of the dimeric Asn112Leu PfGST mutant. We also propose a putative binding site for phosphate or pyrophosphate anions through a comparative structural analysis of PfGST and pyrophosphatases from several organisms. Our results highlight the differences between PfGST and the human isoenzymes, which make the parasite enzyme a suitable antimalarial target.  相似文献   

Ubiquitin-specific protease 7 (USP7) catalyzes the deubiquitination of several substrate proteins including p53 and Hdm2. We have previously shown that USP7, and more specifically its amino-terminal domain (USP7-NTD), interacts with distinct regions on p53 and Hdm2 containing P/AxxS motifs. The ability of USP7 to also deubiquitinate and control the turnover of HdmX was recently demonstrated. We utilized a combination of biochemistry and structural biology to identify which domain of USP7 interacts with HdmX as well as to identify regions of HdmX that interact with USP7. We showed that USP7-NTD recognized two of six P/AxxS motifs of HdmX (8AQCS11 and 398AHSS401). The crystal structure of the USP7-NTD:HdmXAHSS complex was determined providing the molecular basis of complex formation between USP7-NTD and the HdmXAHSS peptide. The HdmX peptide interacted within the same residues of USP7-NTD as previously demonstrated with p53, Hdm2, and EBNA1 peptides. We also identified an additional site on Hdm2 (397PSTS400) that interacts with USP7-NTD and determined the crystal structure of this complex. Finally, analysis of USP7-interacting peptides on filter arrays confirmed the importance of the serine residue at the fourth position for the USP7-NTD interaction and showed that phosphorylation of serines within the binding sequence prevents this interaction. These results lead to a better understanding of the mechanism of substrate recognition by USP7-NTD.  相似文献   

Plant glutathione transferases (GSTs) play a key role in the metabolism of various xenobiotics. In this report, the catalytic mechanism of the tau class GSTU4-4 isoenzyme from Glycine max (GmGSTU4-4) was investigated by site-directed mutagenesis and steady-state kinetic analysis. The catalytic properties of the wild-type enzyme and three mutants of strictly conserved residues (Ser13Ala, Asn48Ala and Pro49Ala) were studied in 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB) conjugation reaction. The results showed that the mutations significantly affect substrate binding and specificity. The effect of Ser13Ala mutation on the catalytic efficiency of the enzyme could be explained by assuming the direct involvement of Ser13 to the reaction chemistry and the correct positioning of GSH and CDNB in the ternary catalytic complex. Asn48 and Pro49 were found to have a direct role on the structural integrity of the GSH-binding site (G-site). Moreover, mutation of Asn48 and Pro49 residues may bring about secondary effects altering the thermal stability and the catalytic activity (kcat) of the enzyme without affecting the nature of the rate-limiting step of the catalytic reaction.  相似文献   

We found that glutathione (GSH) is involved in abscisic acid (ABA)-induced stomatal closure. Regulation of ABA signaling by GSH in guard cells was investigated using an Arabidopsis mutant, cad2-1, that is deficient in the first GSH biosynthesis enzyme, γ-glutamylcysteine synthetase, and a GSH-decreasing chemical, 1-chloro-2,4-dinitrobenzene (CDNB). Glutathione contents in guard cells decreased along with ABA-induced stomatal closure. Decreasing GSH by both the cad2-1 mutation and CDNB treatment enhanced ABA-induced stomatal closure. Glutathione monoethyl ester (GSHmee) restored the GSH level in cad2-1 guard cells and complemented the stomatal phenotype of the mutant. Depletion of GSH did not significantly increase ABA-induced production of reactive oxygen species in guard cells and GSH did not affect either activation of plasma membrane Ca2+-permeable channel currents by ABA or oscillation of the cytosolic free Ca2+ concentration induced by ABA. These results indicate that GSH negatively modulates a signal component other than ROS production and Ca2+ oscillation in ABA signal pathway of Arabidopsis guard cells.  相似文献   

Glutathione-S-transferase (GST) has been detected in the adult female Setaria cervi, a bovine filarial parasite. The role of S. cervi GST antigen in inducing immunity in the host against Brugia malayi microfilariae and infective larvae was studied by in vitro antibody dependent cell mediated reaction as well as in situ inoculation of filarial parasites within a microchamber in Mastomys. The immune sera from glutathione-S-transferase immunized Mastomys promoted the adherence of peritoneal exudate cells to B. malayi microfilariae and infective larvae in vitro inducing 80.7 and 77.6% cytotoxicity, respectively in 72 h. In the microchambers implanted in the immunized Mastomys host cells could migrate and adhere to the microfilariae and infective larvae and induced 77.8 and 75% cytotoxicity to B. malayi microfilariae and infective larvae in 72 h, respectively. These results suggest that native GST from S. cervi is effective in inducing protection against heterologous B. malayi filarial parasite and thus has potential in immunoprophylaxis.  相似文献   

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