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Apoptosis, or programmed cell death, plays a pivotal role in the elimination of unwanted, damaged, or infected cells in multicellular organisms and also in diverse biological processes, including development, cell differentiation, and proliferation. Apoptosis is a highly regulated form of cell death, and dysregulation of apoptosis results in pathological conditions including cancer, autoimmune and neurodegenerative diseases. The Bcl-2 family proteins are key regulators of apoptosis, which include both anti- and pro-apoptotic proteins, and a slight change in the dynamic balance of these proteins may result either in inhibition or promotion of cell death. Execution of apoptosis by various stimuli is initiated by activating either intrinsic or extrinsic pathways which lead to a series of downstream cascade of events, releasing of various apoptotic mediators from mitochondria and activation of caspases, important for the cell fate. In view of recent research advances about underlying mechanism of apoptosis, this review highlights the basics concept of apoptosis and its regulation by Bcl-2 family of protein. Furthermore, this review discusses the interplay of various apoptotic mediators and caspases to decide the fate of the cell. We expect that this review will add to the pool of basic information necessary to understand the mechanism of apoptosis which may implicate in designing better strategy to develop biomedical therapy to control apoptosis.  相似文献   

The ability to selectively induce apoptosis in tumor cells is the prime goal in cancer immunotherapy and aims at identifying potential molecular targets, regulating this process. Here we show that the sera from the animals which had spontaneously rejected the AK-5 tumor (a rat histiocytoma) had an effective and potent ability to counteract and kill tumor cells by inducing apoptosis, with a high degree of specificity. Apoptosis induced by the serum factor involved the activation of caspases and cytochrome c release to the cytosol. A reduction in mitochondrial transmembrane potential (Delta psi(m)) occurred considerably later than cytochrome c translocation. The anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-2 and the pancaspase inhibitor zVAD-fmk did not prevent cytochrome c release, but completely blocked the reduction in Delta psi(m), DNA fragmentation and apoptosis. Cyclosporin A (CsA), an inhibitor of the mitochondrial permeability transition (MPT) pore had no effect on cytochrome c release and apoptosis mediated by serum factor in AK-5 cells, suggesting that apoptosis was independent of MPT. Taken together these results suggest that the serum factor in conjunction with the immune cells may be participating in the efficient rejection of the tumor in syngeneic hosts and Delta psi(m) disruption but not cytochrome c release, is a critical and decisive event to trigger apoptotic cell death induced by the serum factor in AK-5 tumor cells.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance-visible mobile lipids (ML) have been reported to accumulate during cell apoptosis in vitro and in vivo. The biogenesis, biochemical nature and structure of these lipids are still under debate. In this study, a human lymphoblastoid cell line, HuT 78, was induced to apoptosis by exposure to anti-Fas monoclonal antibodies (alpha-Fas mAb) followed by incubation for different time intervals (1-24 h, hypodiploid cell fraction, H, varying from 1% to over 60%) either in the presence or in the absence of 5.0 microM Triacsin C (TRC), specific inhibitor of long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (ACS). The increase of ML in apoptotic cells correlated linearly with H and was associated with: (a) accumulation of intracellular lipid bodies, detected by confocal laser scanning microscopy in lipophilic dye-stained cells; (b) increases, detected by thin-layer chromatography in total lipid extracts, in the relative abundance of triacylglycerides (TAG) and cholesteryl esters (CE), with corresponding decreases of phospholipids (PL). TRC completely abolished both ML and lipid body formation in anti-Fas-treated apoptotic cells, with concomitant reversion of TAG, CE and PL to control levels, but did not alter cell viability nor did it inhibit apoptosis. ML signals detected during anti-Fas-induced apoptosis therefore appear to originate from neutral lipids assembled in intracellular lipid bodies, synthesised from cellular acyl-CoA pools.  相似文献   

The new chemotherapeutic agent, flavopiridol, presently in clinical trials, has been extensively studied yet little is known about its mechanism of action. In this study we show that the induction of apoptosis by flavopiridol is largely independent of Bcl-2. This is indicated by the observation that neither overexpression nor the antisense oligonucleotide-mediated down-regulation of Bcl-2 had any effect on flavopiridol-induced cell killing. Our results suggest that flavopiridol can induce apoptosis through different pathways of caspase activation with caspase 8 playing a pivotal role. In human lung carcinoma cells, which contain high levels of endogenous Bcl-2 and lack procaspase 8, flavopiridol treatment leads to mitochondrial depolarization in the absence of cytochrome c release, followed by the activation of caspase 3 and cell death. These results clearly differ from observations made with other anti-tumor drugs and might explain, at least in part, the unusual anti-tumor properties of flavopiridol.  相似文献   

We previously isolated a monoclonal antibody named PH2 that inhibits phosphatidylserine-mediated phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages. We report here the identification of the cognate antigen. A protein bound by PH2 in Western blotting was identified as the 170-kDa subunit of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 (eIF3 p170/eIF3a). When eIF3a was expressed in a culture cell line as a protein fused to green fluorescence protein, the fusion protein was detected at the cell surface only after the induction of apoptosis. The same phenomenon was seen when the localization of endogenous eIF3a was determined using anti-eIF3a antibody, and eIF3a seemed to be partially degraded during apoptosis. Furthermore, bacterially expressed N-terminal half of eIF3a fused to glutathione S-transferase bound to the surface of macrophages and inhibited phagocytosis of apoptotic cells by macrophages when it was added to phagocytosis reactions. These results collectively suggest that eIF3a translocates to the cell surface upon apoptosis, probably after partial degradation, and bridges apoptotic cells and macrophages to enhance phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Viruses carrying foreign genes are often used for the production of recombinant proteins in mammalian cells and other eukaryotic expression systems. Though high levels of gene expression are possible using viral vectors, the host cell generally responds to the infection by inducing apoptotic cell death within several days, abruptly ending protein production. It has recently been demonstrated, however, that apoptosis can be suppressed in virally infected cells using anti-apoptotic genes, such as bcl-2. In this study, stably transfected rat carcinomal cell lines, AT3-bcl2 and AT3-neo, were infected with a Sindbis virus carrying the gene for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) in an effort to determine the effect of bcl-2 on cell viability and recombinant protein production. Infected AT3-bcl2 cells consistently maintained viabilities close to 100% and a growth rate equivalent to that of uninfected cells (0.040 h-1). In contrast, the Sindbis viral vector induced apoptosis in the AT3-neo cells, which were all dead by three days post-infection. Though infected AT3-neo cells generated higher levels of heterologous protein, over 1000 mUnits per well, CAT activity fell to zero by two days post-infection. In contrast, chloramphenicol acetyltransferase was present in AT3-bcl2 cells for almost a week, reaching a maximum level of 580 mUnits per well. In addition, recombinant protein production in AT3-bcl2 cells was extended and amplified by the regular addition of virus to the culture medium, a process which resulted in expression for the duration of the cell culture process.Abbreviations BHK Baby Hamster Kidney - CAT chloramphenicol acetyltransferase - dsSV-CAT double subgenomic Sindbis viral vector containing the gene for CAT - MOI multiplicity of infection  相似文献   

BH3 mimetics have been proposed as new anticancer therapeutics. They target anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins, up-regulation of which has been implicated in the resistance of many cancer cells, particularly leukemia and lymphoma cells, to apoptosis. Using probabilistic computational modeling of the mitochondrial pathway of apoptosis, verified by single-cell experimental observations, we develop a model of Bcl-2 inhibition of apoptosis. Our results clarify how Bcl-2 imparts its anti-apoptotic role by increasing the time-to-death and cell-to-cell variability. We also show that although the commitment to death is highly impacted by differences in protein levels at the time of stimulation, inherent stochastic fluctuations in apoptotic signaling are sufficient to induce cell-to-cell variability and to allow single cells to escape death. This study suggests that intrinsic cell-to-cell stochastic variability in apoptotic signaling is sufficient to cause fractional killing of cancer cells after exposure to BH3 mimetics. This is an unanticipated facet of cancer chemoresistance.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, data have accumulated that support a role for chromatin structure in regulating the initiation of DNA replication and its timing during S-phase.(1-3) However, the mechanisms underlying how chromatin structure influences replication initiation are not always understood. For example, in Drosophila histone acetylation at the ACE3 and Ori-Ã?² sequences near one of the amplified chorion loci is correlated with ORC (origin recognition complex) binding and re-replication of this locus.(4, 5) Whether histone acetylation promotes ORC binding or some later step in replication is not known. In yeast, hypo-acetylated heterochromatin and telomeric regions replicate late in S-phase(6, 7) but the mechanisms that restrict the initiation of replication at these loci are not fully understood. Nonetheless, it seems likely that histone acetylation and other types of histone modification will significantly impact DNA replication. A recent study published in Molecular Cell(8) reveals a role for the conserved NAD+-dependent histone deacetylase, Sir2(9-13), in inhibiting the assembly of the multiprotein complex necessary for the selection and activation of yeast replication origins. Here, we highlight key conclusions from this study, place them in perspective with earlier work, and outline important future questions.  相似文献   

Survival of memory B lymphocytes is tightly linked to the integrity of the Bcl-2 protein and is regulated by a nerve growth factor (NGF) autocrine circuit. In factor-starved memory B cells, the addition of exogenous NGF promptly induced p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), but not c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK), dephosphorylation. Conversely, withdrawal of endogenous NGF was followed by p38 MAPK activation and translocation onto mitochondria, whereby it combined with and phosphorylated Bcl-2, as assessed by co-immunoprecipitation and kinase assays in vivo and in vitro. Mitochondria isolated from human memory B cells, then exposed to recombinant p38 MAPK, released cytochrome c, as did mitochondria from Bcl-2-negative MDCK cells loaded with recombinant Bcl-2. Apoptosis induced by NGF neutralization could be blocked by the specific p38 MAPK inhibitor SB203580 or by Bcl-2 mutations in Ser-87 or Thr-56. These data demonstrate that the molecular mechanisms underlying the survival factor function of NGF critically rely upon the continuous inactivation of p38 MAPK, a Bcl-2-modifying enzyme.  相似文献   

Interactions between microtubules and viruses play important roles in viral infection. The best-characterized examples involve transport of animal viruses by microtubules to the nucleus or other intracellular destinations. In plant viruses, most work to date has focused on interaction between viral movement proteins and the cytoskeleton, which is thought to be involved in viral cell-to-cell spread. We show here, in Cauliflower mosaic virus (CaMV)-infected plant cells, that viral electron-lucent inclusion bodies (ELIBs), whose only known function is vector transmission, require intact microtubules for their efficient formation. The kinetics of the formation of CaMV-related inclusion bodies in transfected protoplasts showed that ELIBs represent newly emerging structures, appearing at late stages of the intracellular viral life cycle. Viral proteins P2 and P3 are first produced in multiple electron-dense inclusion bodies, and are later specifically exported to transiently co-localize with microtubules, before concentrating in a single, massive ELIB in each infected cell. Treatments with cytoskeleton-affecting drugs suggested that P2 and P3 might be actively transported on microtubules, by as yet unknown motors. In addition to providing information on the intracellular life cycle of CaMV, our results show that specific interactions between host cell and virus may be dedicated to a later role in vector transmission. More generally, they indicate a new unexpected function for plant cell microtubules in the virus life cycle, demonstrating that microtubules act not only on immediate intracellular or intra-host phenomena, but also on processes ultimately controlling inter-host transmission.  相似文献   

Sphingolipid research has surged in the past two decades and has produced a wide variety of evidence supporting the role of this class of molecules in mediating cellular growth, differentiation, senescence, and apoptosis. Ceramides are a subgroup of sphingolipids (SLs) that are directly involved in the process of initiation of apoptosis. We, and others, have recently shown that ceramides are capable of the formation of protein-permeable channels in mitochondrial outer membranes under physiological conditions. These pores are indeed good candidates for the pathway of release of pro-apoptotic proteins from the mitochondrial intermembrane space (IMS) into the cytosol to initiate intrinsic apoptosis. Here, we review recent findings on the regulation of ceramide channel formation and disassembly, highlighting possible implications on the initiation of the intrinsic apoptotic pathway.  相似文献   

Bcl-2-family proteins and the role of mitochondria in apoptosis   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
Mitochondria are central to many forms of cell death, usually via the release of pro-apoptotic proteins from the mitochondrial intermembrane space. Some intermembrane space proteins, including cytochrome c, Smac/DIABLO, and Omi/Htra2, can induce or enhance caspase activation, whereas others, such as AIF and endonuclease G, might act in a caspase-independent manner. Intermembrane space protein release is often regulated by Bcl-2-family proteins. Recent evidence suggests that pro-apoptotic members of this family, by themselves, can permeabilize the outer mitochondrial membrane without otherwise damaging mitochondria. Mitochondria can contribute to cell death in other ways. For example, they can respond to calcium release from the endoplasmic reticulum by undergoing the mitochondrial permeability transition, which in turn causes outer membrane rupture and the release of intermembrane space proteins. Bcl-2-family proteins can influence the levels of releasable Ca(2+) in the endoplasmic reticulum, and thus determine whether the released Ca(2+) is sufficient to overload mitochondria and induce cell death.  相似文献   

The involvement and potential interdependence of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) receptors and Bcl-2 in the regulation of Ca2+ signaling is not clear. Here, we have explored the mechanism(s) of how Bcl-2 suppresses the IP3-sensitive Ca2+ release in MCF-7 cells focusing on the possible role of protein phosphatase 1 (PP1). We found that through influences on protein–protein interaction, Bcl-2 may alter the balance between the effects of phosphatase (PP1) and kinase (PKA) on the IP3 R1 signaling complex. Using various experimental approaches including phosphatase inhibition and RNAi, we show that Bcl-2 by competing with IP3R1 for the binding of PP1 can reduce the IP3-mediated calcium signal and protect cells from mitochondrial dysfunction and cell death. Liping Xu, Dejuan Kong - Equal contribution by these authors  相似文献   

闫琳  陈建  宁岩  韩春生 《生物工程学报》2023,39(10):4108-4122
减数分裂起始是配子发生的关键步骤。目前人们已经发现了一些减数分裂起始所必需的基因,但是对于该过程的调控基因及其作用机制还知之甚少。本实验室先前建立了精原干细胞(spermatogonial stem cells,SSCs)体外培养以及体外诱导减数分裂起始的技术体系,为更好地探究减数分裂起始调控基因及作用机理提供了良好的条件。实验室前期研究发现RNA结合蛋白RBFOX2可能调控减数分裂起始,然而RBFOX2在生殖细胞的减数分裂起始过程中的功能及作用机制还需深入研究。本研究利用慢病毒介导的转基因技术产生了RBFOX2敲降的精原干细胞系;发现RBFOX2敲降后,精原干细胞的自我更新、增殖以及分化未发生显著变化,但是减数分裂无法启动,分化型精原细胞发生明显凋亡。这一结果进一步显示了RNA结合蛋白在雄性动物减数分裂起始中的重要功能。  相似文献   

Eukaryotic protein synthesis initiation factor 2 (eIF-2) from rat liver has been resolved into two subfractions by anion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. One of these contained all three components (eIF-2 alpha, eIF-2 beta, eIF-2 gamma) characteristic of mammalian eIF-2, whilst the other fraction contained only two. By a number of criteria these were shown to be eIF-2 alpha and eIF-2 gamma. The absence of eIF-2 beta from this fraction was not due to its proteolytic degradation during purification since it was unaffected by the inclusion of a range of proteinase inhibitors in the isolation media. The properties of eIF-2 containing or lacking eIF-2 beta have been directly compared. It was found that eIF-2 beta was not required for the binding of guanine nucleotides to eIF-2 or for formation of ternary initiation complexes with GTP and the initiator tRNA. eIF-2 lacking eIF-2 beta was able to form 40 S initiation complexes and the presence of eIF-2 beta was also unnecessary for the stimulation of eIF-2 activity by the recycling factor, eIF-2B. Some of these findings are at variance with previous reports in which eIF-2 beta was removed proteolytically. The role of eIF-2 beta in the overall physiological function of eIF-2 remains to be elucidated.  相似文献   

How the Bcl-2 family of proteins interact to regulate apoptosis   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Commitment of cells to apoptosis is governed largely by protein-protein interactions between members of the Bcl-2 protein family. Its three sub-families have distinct roles: the BH3-only proteins trigger apoptosis by binding via their BH3 domain to pro-survival relatives, while the pro-apoptotic Bax and Bak have an essential downstream role involving disruption of organellar membranes and induction of caspase activation. The BH3-only proteins act as damage sensors, held inert until their activation by stress signals. Once activated, they were thought to bind promiscuously to pro-survival protein targets but unexpected selectivity has recently emerged from analysis of their interactions. Some BH3-only proteins also bind to Bax and Bak. Whether Bax and Bak are activated directly by these BH3-only proteins, or indirectly as a consequence of BH3-only proteins neutralizing their pro-survival targets is the subject of intense debate. Regardless of this, a detailed understanding of the interactions between family members, which are often selective, has notable implications for designing anti-cancer drugs to target the Bcl-2 family.  相似文献   

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