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There are a number of statements that can be made about eye movements of monkeys during the learning of simple and complex discriminative problems that are probably applicable to a wide variety of visual tasks. There are systematic changes in eye movements as a function of practice. Some of these changes occur long after grosser measures of performance, such as frequency of correct choices, have reached an asymptote. Hence, short-term studies of visual information processing may be misleading. Duration of visual fixations and frequency of visual fixations are independent measures, reflecting different cognitive processes. Studies which measure only total looking time confound these two measures and, thus, may miss important information. Eye movements appear to be an important, if not essential, component of the chain of events constituting the cognitive processing underlying performance on visual tasks.  相似文献   

Rats were trained in a semi-automated Y maze to find food at the end of the lighted arm. Those treated with 10 μ g lysine vasopressin, 90 min before training learned the response to a 910 correct choice criterion significantly faster than saline treated animals. There was no difference in rate of forgetting between the treatment groups, as evidenced by a retention test, 3 weeks after training. There was no direct effect of vasopressin on retrieval, since animals treated before the retention test performed at the same level as non treated animals. Finally, vasopressin impaired reversal from light to dark. In a second experiment, the acquisition facilitation seen in Exp. I was replicated, but there was no effect of the treatment on animals trained to dark SD. However, the impairment seen in Exp. I when vasopressin treated animals, trained to light, were reversed to dark, was replicated in this experiment in animals trained to dark and reversed to light.Previous demonstrations of vasopressin facilitation of learning and memory have, with few exceptions, relied on shock avoidance tasks. The present experiments demonstrate a reliable facilitation of appetitive learning by vasopressin. The fact that vasopressin impairs reversal may be due to an increased tendency to perseverate.  相似文献   

Large-field trichromacy is a general feature of protanope and deuteranope humans, provided that the stimuli size extends to an 8 degrees visual angle. In this study we compared the performance of five male and three female tufted capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) in discriminating pairs of Munsell color papers. Human subjects were also studied in two-choice discrimination tests, using the same stimuli and apparatus employed for the monkeys. The results show that although the dichromatic humans showed improved discrimination with larger versions of the stimuli, the dichromatic monkeys exhibited the same performance for both stimuli sizes. Thus, Cebus apella apparently do not present large-field trichromacy-at least for the conditions in the present experiments.  相似文献   

The capture of flying insects by foraging dragonflies is a highly accurate, visually guided behavior. Rather than simply aiming at the prey’s position, the dragonfly aims at a point in front of the prey, so that the prey is intercepted with a relatively straight flight trajectory. To better understand the neural mechanisms underlying this behavior, we used high-speed video to quantify the head and body orientation of dragonflies (female Erythemis simplicicollis flying in an outdoor flight cage) relative to an artificial prey object before and during pursuit. The results of our frame-by-frame analysis showed that during prey pursuit, the dragonfly adjusts its head orientation to maintain the image of the prey centered on the “crosshairs” formed by the visual midline and the dorsal fovea, a high acuity streak that crosses midline at right angles about 60° above the horizon. The visual response latencies to drifting of the prey image are remarkably short, ca. 25 ms for the head and 30 ms for the wing responses. Our results imply that the control of the prey-interception flight must include a neural pathway that takes head position into account.  相似文献   

Spatial and non-spatial serial discrimination reversal performance was investigated in guinea pigs over eleven reversals. Difference in learning ability between albino and pigmented strains was not evident on spatial or non-spatial SDR tasks. The guinea pigs' ability to learn rapidly successive spatial and non-spatial reversals with increasing proficiency corresponds well with previous published findings using other mammalian species. These studies also demonstrated behavioural research with the guinea pig to require extended periods of intensive experimental management.  相似文献   

Since the demonstration of color vision in honey bees 100 years ago by Karl von Frisch, appetitive conditioning to color targets has been used as the principal way to access behavioral aspects of bee color vision. Yet, analyses on how conditioning parameters affect color perception remained scarce. Conclusions on bee color vision have often been made without referring them to the experimental context in which they were obtained, and thus presented as absolute facts instead of realizing that subtle variations in conditioning procedures might yield different results. Here, we review evidence showing that color learning and discrimination in bees are not governed by immutable properties of their visual system, but depend on how the insects are trained and thus learn a task. The use of absolute or differential conditioning protocols, the presence of aversive reinforcement in differential conditioning and the degrees of freedom of motor components determine dramatic variations in color discrimination. We, thus, suggest top-down attentional modulation of color vision to explain the changes in color learning and discrimination reviewed here. We discuss the possible neural mechanisms of this modulation and conclude that color vision experiments require a careful consideration of how training parameters shape behavioral responses.  相似文献   

A mathematical examination of retinal photochemistry leads to a hypothesis for Mach band phenomena based on eye movements. This retinal model suggests why minimally distinct borders fade under eye fixation and agrees qualitatively with subjective measures of border contrast as a function of overall field luminance.Deceased  相似文献   

The relationship of stereotyped suckling positions in artificially fed and sow-fed infant swine to the behaviour of adult animals was investigated. Suckling behaviour was observed, and four animals from each feeding condition exhibiting low suckling stereotypy and four from each feeding condition exhibiting high suckling stereotypy were selected. Animals were tested at five months of age in exploratory situations and on a two-window position discrimination and reversals.Low suckling stereotypy and artificially reared animals made fewer errors on the first discrimination reversals than high stereotypy and sow-fed animals. They were also less emotional on the first reversals. Over nine reversals artificially reared animals made significantly fewer errors than sow-fed subjects and low stereotype sow-fed animals made fewer errors than high stereotypy sow-reared animals. Low stereotypy subjects explored more objects and over a longer period of time than high stereotypy subjects. It was concluded that stereotyped suckling in piglets is related to behaviour exhibited by the adult in problem-solving situations.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the hypothesis that the simple set of rules used to explain the modulation of muscle activities during single-joint movements could also be applied for reversal movements of the shoulder and elbow joints. The muscle torques of both joints were characterized by a triphasic impulse. The first impulse of each joint accelerated the limb to the target and was generated by an initial burst of the muscles activated first (primary mover). The second impulse decelerated the limb to the target, reversed movement direction and accelerated the limb back to the initial position, and was generated by an initial burst of the muscles activated second (secondary movers). A third impulse, in each joint, decelerated the limb to the initial position due to the generation of a second burst of the primary movers. The first burst of the primary mover decreased abruptly, and the latency between the activation of the primary and secondary movers varied in proportion with target distances for the elbow, but not for the shoulder muscles. All impulses and bursts increased with target distances and were well coupled. Therefore, as predicted, the bursts of muscle activities were modulated to generate the appropriate level of muscle torque.  相似文献   

B E Beckwith  T P Tinius 《Peptides》1985,6(3):383-386
Male albino rats received vasopressin, vasotocin, pressinoic acid or placebo and were tested on an aversively motivated brightness discrimination task. Treatment with both vasopressin and vasotocin had no effect on acquisition but facilitated the reversal of the discrimination. Pressinoic acid had an inconsistent effect. The results are interpreted to show that the C terminal of the peptides vasopressin and vasotocin influence potency of these peptides. Furthermore, the results are interpreted as showing that both vasotocin and vasopressin influence selective attention during aversively motivated tasks.  相似文献   

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