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Flavonoid compounds from 36 of the 38 known taxa of the genusArceuthobium (dwarf mistletoes) were examined. The flavonoid chemistry of the genus is rather uniform, all taxa producing 3-O-glycosides of the flavonols quercetin and myricetin. No infraspecific chemical variation was encountered, and in those instances where subspecific taxa are recognized, their chemistry was uniform. At the subgeneric level, members of subgenusArceuthobium synthesize primarily glucosides, whereas galactosides are more common in subgenusVaginata. In two of the four Old World species of subgenusArceuthobium (A. juniperi- procerae andA. oxycedri) only myricetin 3-O-glucoside was detected. There are no absolute flavonoid differences between subgenera, sections, or series. On the other hand, flavonoids are useful in several instances at the species level. In several cases, chemical data lend support to the recognition of species which in the past have been considered doubtfully distinct on the basis of morphology.  相似文献   

The following new taxa have been described Bauhinia foraminifera var. falcata var. nov., B. kockiana var. angustifolia var. nov., B. kockiana var. bakoensis var. nov., B. kockiana var. beccarii var. nov., B. kockiana var. brevipedicellata var. nov., B. kockiana var. calcicola var. nov., B. merrilliana var. borneensis var. nov., B. pachyphylla var. wenzelii var. nov., B. semibifida var. acuminata var. nov., B. semibifida var. bruneiana var. nov., B. semibifida var. longebracfeata var. nov., B. stipularis var. brachystylus var. nov., B. wrayi var. blumeana var. nov., and B. wrayi var. borneensis var. nov.
The following new combinations have been made: Bauhinia ahemiana var. subglabra comb. nov., B. ampla var. schlechteri stat. nov., B. bidentata var. breviflora stat. nov., B. bidentata var. fraseri comb. nov., B. bidentata var. gracilipes stat. nov., B. bidentata var. monticola stat. nov., B. fabrilis comb. & stat. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. amoena comb. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. leptopus comb. nov., B. finlaysoniana var. montana comb. nov., B. integrifolia ssp. integrifolia var. nymphaeifolia comb. nov., B. kockiana var. scarlatina stat. nov., B. kockiana var. sericeinervia comb. nov., B. kockiana var. velutina comb. nov., B. lingua var. antipolana stat. nov., B. lingua var. riedelii stat. nov., B. semibifida var. perkinsae stat. nov., B. semibifda var. stenostachya comb, nov., B. wrayi var. cancellata comb. & stat. nov., B. wrayi var. cardiophylla comb, nov., and B. wrayi var. rubella comb. nov.  相似文献   

Gaultheria sclerophylla var.hirsuta Luteyn from Ecuador is described, illustrated, and discussed, and the following new combinations are validated:Gaultheria buxifolia var.elassantha (A. C. Smith) Luteyn,G. buxifolia var.secunda (E. J. Remy) Luteyn,G. lanigera var. rufolanata (Sleumer) Luteyn,G. strigosa var.revoluta (A. C. Smith) Luteyn,G. eriophylla var.mucronata (E. J. Remy) Luteyn,G. alnifolia var.grata (A. C. Smith) Luteyn,G. serrata (Vell. Conc.) Sleumer ex Kinoshita-Gouvêa.  相似文献   

Nomenclatural types for Cerastium fontanum Baumg. and infra-specific taxa occurring in the Nordic region are designated. Five new combinations (comb. nov. or stat. nov.) are made. — Flora Nordica Notes No. 29.  相似文献   

杜诚  刘军  叶文  廖帅 《生物多样性》2022,30(8):22207-229
2021年中国共发表高等植物新分类群342个, 其中新科1个, 新属11个, 新种289个, 新亚种3个, 新变种18个, 新变型20个。新发表的物种分别属于苔类植物门(5个新种)、藓类植物门(4个新种)、石松门(3个新种)、蕨类植物门(22个新种)、裸子植物门(2个新种)、被子植物门(253个新种)。其中111个新种同时提供了详细的分子证据, 76个在发表时就依据IUCN标准被评估处于受威胁的状态。云南、西藏、四川和广西等西南4省区发表的新种最多, 共占全国新种发表总数的63.3%; 新种发现密度最高的省级行政单位是台湾、海南、云南、浙江和广东等省区。2021年中国共发表植物新组合(等级) 134个, 新名称9个; 发表国家级新记录62个; 将92个名称处理为62个名称的异名; 对7个名称进行了应用订正; 重新承认了2个属和10个物种; 新指定后选(新)模式物种49个; 还新发现多年未曾发现的物种9个, 排除物种分布7个。2021年中国高等植物净新增364个分类群, 占全国植物总数的0.98%, 230个高等植物名称发生变动, 占全国植物总数的0.62%。  相似文献   

Summary  Taxonomic and phylogenetic studies of the Neotropical genus Lophostachys showed that it is congeneric with Lepidagathis. The following new combinations of species previously described under Lophostachys are proposed: Lepidagathis chiapensis (Acosta) Kameyama, L. cyanea (Leonard) Kameyama, L. guatemalensis (Donn. Sm.) Kameyama, L. laxifolia (Nees) Kameyama, L. montana (Nees) Kameyama, L. nemoralis (Mart. ex Nees) Kameyama, L. soconuscana (T. F. Daniel) Kameyama, and L. uxpanapensis (Acosta) Kameyama. Five new species are described: Lepidagathis callistachys, L. cuneiformis, L. meridionalis, L. paraensis and L. wasshausenii. Three lectotypes are also designated. A key to the Neotropical secundiflorous species is provided.  相似文献   

New nomenclatural combinations are proposed for species of the following genera:Acosta Adans. (37),Colymbada Hill em. Holub (44),Cyanus Mill. (2) andJacea Mill. (3), altogether 86 new combinations.  相似文献   

Jozef Somogyi 《Biologia》2006,61(4):381-385
Taxonomic, nomenclatural and chorological notes on several taxa of the genus Echinodorus are given. A new species E. maculatus is described. The name Alisma intermedium (basionym of the name E. intermedius) is lectotypified. Echinodorus major and E. martii should be treated as two distinct taxa. The name E. xinguensis was invalidly published. It is also confirmed that E. africanus, E. veronikae and E. viridis (all belonging to the E. uruguayensis group) do not originate from Africa. The name E. bleherae should be written with a female suffix (-ae); this name is considered here as a synonym of the earlier name E. grisebachii.  相似文献   

Diagnoses of three new species and three new subspecies of Anisotes are presented together with those of six subgeneric taxa.  相似文献   

We describe 11 new pteridophyte species belonging to various families from Bolivia: Dennstaedtiaceae:Hypolepis, scandens, Hypolepis minima; Pteridaceae:Cheilanthes glutinosa, Eriosorus angustus, E. ascendens, E. madidiensis; Tectariaceae:Tectaria jimenezii; and Woodsiaceae:Athyrium latinervatum. Diplazium bipinnatum, D. bolivianum, D. yuyoense. The following new combinations are proposed:Anemia australis, Diplazium andicola, D. andinum, andD. petiolulatum.Polystichum maximum is proposed as a new name forPolystichum giganteum.  相似文献   


The Old World syrphid genus Merodon Meigen 1803 is highly species-diverse and has a significant number of endemic species in the circum-Mediterranean area. The present study reports on taxonomic changes resulting from the examination of adult Merodon specimens collected in 15 Turkish provinces during the period 1992 to 2002, and provides new faunistic data. Merodon ilgazense n. sp. is described. Four species of Merodon new to Turkey are recorded: M. armipes Rondani 1843, M. auronites Hurkmans 1993, M. bessarabicus Paramonov 1924 and M. chalybeatus Sack 1913. Lectotypes are designated for two taxa: M. chalybeatus Sack 1913 and M. clunipes Sack 1913. Merodon italicus Rondani 1845 rev. stat. is reinstated as a valid species. Following a detailed study of the type material in different entomological collections, the status of 10 taxa is revised and five new synonymies are proposed: M. albonigrum Vuji Radenkovi &; S?imi 1996 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. chalybeatus Sack 1913); M. alexeji Paramonov 1925 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. serrulatus Wiedemann in Meigen 1822); M. aureotibia Hurkmans 1993 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. vandergooti Hurkmans 1993); M. kaloceros Hurkmans 1993 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. erivanicus Paramonov 1925); M. longicornis Sack 1913 n. syn. (=junior synonym of M. italicus Rondani 1845).  相似文献   

Roger W. Sanders 《Brittonia》1981,33(2):194-197
Diagnoses are given for the following new taxa:Agastache eplingiana, A. micrantha var.durangensis, A. pallida var.coriacea,A. pallidiflora var.gilensis andA. palmeri var.leonensis. Five new combinations are made.  相似文献   

As presently known, the genusSiphonoglossa can be divided into two “subgenera,” one of which is here divided into two sections,Pentaloba andSiphonoglossa. Two new species are described from a locality in Durango, Mexico :S. durangensis in sect.Siphonoglossa andS. linearifolia in sect.Pentaloba. Three other species are transferred intoSiphonoglossa:S. canbyi from northeastern Mexico;S. buchii from Haiti and the Dominican Republic andS. incerta from southern Baja California, Mexico.  相似文献   

47 names and combinations are published as new, chiefly from the elaboration ofAlchemilla byA. Plocek inL. Bertová (ed.), Flóra Slovenska 4/3, Bratislava (in press). The populations recognized as varieties and species new to science (12 and 29, respectively) come from the summits of W. Beskids (9 taxa), Belianske Tatry (12), other parts of Tatra (8), Fatra (5), elsewhere in the Central Carpathians in Slovakia (4), the Low Beskids in E. Slovakia (1), W. and E. Carpathians (1), N. Moravia (1). In addition, three epithets are published in a new combination, and the names for two new subseries and a new forma are proposed.  相似文献   

Four new genera, viz. Deccania Tirveng., Dioecrescis Tirveng., Fagerlindio Tirveng., Kailarsenia Tirveng., one new subgenus, viz. Aidia subgen. Lankaidia Tirveng., seven new species and thirty four of new combinations for South and South East Asia are published, pending the publication of the generic delimitation and revision of the Rubiaceae–Gardenieae in forthcoming flora treatments. New combinations are also included for a few taxa from Malesia, Indonesia and the Philippines.  相似文献   

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