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The laminar nerve endings are distributed in the laryngeal mucosa, and described as sensory receptors evoked by laryngeal pressure changes. The present study aimed to determine detailed morphological characteristics of the laryngeal laminar endings of the rat. Immunohistochemistry for Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase, α(3) subunit, showed that laminar endings were distributed in the entire laryngeal surface of the epiglottis. The parent axons of the endings were thick in diameter, and they were branched and continued to the endings. In some cases, several endings from different parent axons fused into a large complex structure of 500 μm in width. The laminar endings were also immunoreactive for vesicular glutamate transporter 1 (vGLUT1) and vGLUT2, but not for P2X(3) purinoceptor. Around the laminar endings, terminal Schwann cells with immunoreactivity for S-100 protein were closely associated with axon terminals. Use of scanning electron microscopy with alkaline maceration method showed that the terminal Schwann cells consisted of a rounded perinuclear region and lamellar cytoplasmic processes. Ultrastructurally, axon terminals with numerous mitochondria were partly covered with Schwann cell sheath, and some terminals intruded into the epithelial layer. Clear vesicles of 50 nm in diameter were also observed especially in small cytoplasmic processes of 400 nm to 1 μm in size. The results in the present study suggested that the laminar endings in epiglottic mucosa have morphological characteristics of slowly adapting mechanoreceptors and contribute to sensation of laryngeal pressure via mucosal tension.  相似文献   

Extirpation of the anterior regions of the sympathetic ganglionated chain (all cervical ganglia and the four subsequent thoracic ganglia) has been carried out in the cat. Histological study of the esophagus wall has shown intraganglionic laminar endings (IGLEs) to suffer an alteration which, in time, reverts to normality. Since it is not a Wallerian degeneration as such, we conclude, contrary to what has previously been assessed by some authors, that these nerve apparatuses are not dependent either on nerve cells located in sympathetic ganglia or on nerve fibers coursing through the sympathetic trunk. Speculations are made as to why IGLEs undergo a transitory alteration after experimental destruction of nerve structures to which they are not directly related.  相似文献   

The hard palate of rodents is a mucous membrane covered by a keratinized epithelium that typically contains Merkel cell (MC)-neurite complexes. MCs have engendered considerable research activity because of their involvement in mechanoreception and possibly also Merkel cell carcinomas. MCs derive from the neural crest, differentiate under control of peripheral nerve factors, are enriched in large dense core vesicles, and secrete neuropeptides and other neuroactive molecules. Upon stimulation, MC-neurite complexes produce slowly adapting type I responses. Here we emphasize that the murine hard palate is a highly differentiated sensory region, as shown by intravital staining with a styryl dye and immunocytochemistry with antibodies to vesicular glutamate transporters (VGLUTs). The entire palate contained densities of sensory endings and MC-neurite complexes, that nearly paralleled in abundance the vibrissal pads. MCs were differentially distributed in the murine palate; clusters of MCs were most abundant in the antemolar and intermolar rugae, while individual MCs were particularly enriched in the rugae at the mid-portion of the palate and in the postrugal field. VGLUT1, VGLUT2 and VGLUT3 were expressed in MCs throughout, although immunostained MCs were most frequently encountered in intermolar than antemolar rugae. The same transporters were also present in corpuscular endings at the summit of the rugae and in intraepithelial free nerve endings throughout the palate. VGLUTs presumably load glutamate into large dense core vesicles in MCs and into small clear vesicles in corpuscular and free nerve endings. The data suggest that glutamate release, or co-release, is likely to represent an important functional aspect of palatine Merkel cells and neighboring corpuscular and free nerve endings.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity for calbindin was found in nerve endings with irregular laminar shapes in the rat esophagus. In the myenteric ganglia, laminar endings of a range of sizes formed a complex network and appeared to lie at the surface of the ganglion. The myenteric ganglia that contained nerve endings were most abundant in the upper portion of the eosphagus, their number decreasing orally to anally. Calbindin-immunoreactive nerve cell bodies were scattered throughout the esophagus. Laminar terminals were found in the connective tissue of the lamina propria immediately beneath the epithelium and in the muscularis mucosae. Occasional nerve branches formed a network of aborizing endings that surrounded part of the submucosal arterioles. Immunoreactive nerve endings in the mucosa and submucosa were present only in the upper part of the cervical esophagus. Unilateral vagotomy caused a remarkable decrease in the number of the myenteric ganglia containing the calbindin-immunoreactive laminar endings after 15 days or survival; in some of ganglia, the laminar structures disappeared and nerve endings showing weak immunoreactivity had an indistinct appearance, so that the outline of the ganglia became obscure. In operated rats at 24 days, the number of innervated ganglia was about half that in normal rats. However, there was no change in the morphology and the occurrence of the immunoreactive laminar structures in the mucosa and submucosa after denervation. The results show that many of the laminar endings that are immunoreactive for calbindin in the myenteric ganglia are derived from the vagus nerve. Thus, the calbindin-immunoreactive nerve endings with laminar expansions that are found in the rat eosphageal wall could be sensory receptors.  相似文献   

Yang X  Liu R  Brookes SJ 《生理学报》2006,58(2):171-176
电生理学研究发现迷走传入神经在胃肠道的特有结构——神经节内板状末梢(intraganglionic laminar endings,IGLEs)具有感受机械刺激的功能,推断其为迷走神经机械敏感性受体。但是电生理学方法不能将IGLEs的特异结构与其感受机械刺激的功能同时显示出来,而且IGLEs作为机械敏感性受体,其传导机械刺激的机制尚不清楚。本研究应用活性依赖性荧光染料 FM1-43结合牵拉刺激豚鼠食道显示激活的IGLEs结构,以期观察IGLEs是否对机械刺激敏感。同时用多种药物阻断或促进豚鼠食道IGLEs的激活以探讨IGLEs传导机械刺激的机制。应用神经顺行标记技术以验证FM1-43显示的特异结构是否为IGLEs。结果表明,牵拉刺激结合FM1-43染色显示的结构与神经顺行标记法一致,牵拉刺激组激活的IGLEs数目明显多于未牵拉组 [(90.4±9.5)%vs(10.7±2.1)%,P<0.05]。IGLEs对牵拉刺激的敏感性,表明IGLEs是迷走传入神经在胃肠道内感受机械刺激的受体。TTX,阿托品和钙离子对牵拉刺激激活IGLEs无明显影响,表明IGLEs对机械刺激的传导不需要神经递质以及动作电位的传导,而是直接通过机械门控离子通道实现的。多种TRP通道阻断剂包括SKF,gadolinium对IGLEs的激活无影响,而上皮钠离子通道阻断剂benzamil可以明显阻断IGLEs的激活,因此推断,IGLEs结构中传导机械刺激的离子通道可能属于上皮钠离子通道家族而非电压门控钠离子通道或TRP通道。  相似文献   

The developmental profile of cytosolic sialidase from the nerve ending and the nerve ending-free compartments of rat forebrain was studied from birth to 150 days. Soluble extracts containing the cytosol from nerve endings and nerve ending-free tissue were separately prepared; the recovery of cytosol in the two extracts was followed by assaying lactate-dehydrogenase. In both cytosolic extracts the content of sialidase and lactate-dehydrogenase had a marked and progressive enhancement from the 5th to the 20th day of life and then maintained a constant level through adult life. However the rate of lactate-dehydrogenase and sialidase increase in the two cytosolic compartments was different. Lactate-dehydrogenase increased at a very similar rate in the two cytosols. Instead the rate of sialidase increase was greater in the cytosol from nerve endings from the 5th to the 10th day of life, and, inversely, in the cytosol from nerve ending-free tissue from 10 to 20 days. Between the 5th and 10th day of life the nerve ending cytosol underwent an enrichment of sialidase which was several times higher than that of lactate-dehydrogenase; in the other periods of forebrain development sialidase and lactatedehydrogenase moved in parallel.The variations with age of cytosolic sialidase from the nerve ending-free tissue seemed to follow the overall process of brain development. The nerve ending soluble sialidase would more specifically reflect formation of synaptic junctions in some brain regions in a well defined period of brain maturation.  相似文献   

Summary Neural elements within the parenchyma of the sebaceous gland have not been reported previously. Nerve endings have been observed only in the connective tissue surrounding the gland or in close association with the undifferentiated basal cells.In this study, electron microscopy revealed the possible presence of nerve endings (or terminal portions of neural elements) in the suprabasal level of functional sebaceous glands of pinnae of white rats. Morphologically, there are two distinct types of nerve endings. Type 1 is bordered by a membrane of relatively irregular contour and contains a single mitochondrion, various-sized vesicles, numerous microtubules, fine neurofilament-like fibrils, and occasional ribosome-like granules. Type II is also bordered by a membrane, but its contour was relatively smooth and rounded. Moreover, Type II contains many mitochondria, varying in size, density, and the arrangement of cristae. While ribosome-like granules are scattered throughout the structure in relative abundance, there are scarcely any fine neurofilament-like fibrils or microtubules. Whether these two structures are sensory or autonomic fibers could not be determined by electron microscopic examination.  相似文献   

Summary The abdominal vagal paraganglia of the rat consist of small groups of cells, interspersed by blood vessels and nerve bundles and lying close to, or within, the vagus nerve or its branches. Each cell group consists of 2–10 Type I cells incompletely invested by 1–3 satellite cells. Type I cells are characterised by the presence of numerous dense-cored vesicles in their cytoplasm and may exhibit synaptic-like contact with each other.Small efferent nerve endings make synaptic contacts with Type I cells. Larger cup-shaped afferent nerve endings also make synaptic contacts of two kinds with Type I cells. Nerve-nerve synapses are often seen within or close to paraganglia.Attention is drawn to the close similarity of fine structure of abdominal vagal paraganglia, carotid body and small intensely fluorescent cells of the superior cervical ganglion in rats. Possible functional implications of this morphological similarity are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Axon profiles in thyroid glands obtained from adult male Wistar rats were studied electron-microscopically, using common and serial thin sections.Bouton profiles of nerve fibers, resembling the terminal or en passant type, often appeared closely associated with vascular smooth muscle cells via basement membranes. These structures are probably adrenergic, since they contained mainly small-core vesicles (mean diameter: 41.2 nm), in addition to a few large-core (mean diameter: 88.4 nm) and flattened vesicles.Nerve fibers containing microtubules and sometimes mitochondria and vesicles were seen lying between basement membranes and follicular cells. The incidence of nerve fiber contacts on profiles of follicular cells was 0.0177±0.0092 (S.D.). Using serial sections, follicles were seen to have up to two nerve endings, separated from the plasma membranes of the follicular cells by a gap of 22 nm. They contained mainly flattened vesicles and several large-core vesicles (mean diameter: 95.1 nm). Small-core vesicles were rarely seen in these nerve endings. Furthermore, subsurface cistern-like rough endoplasmic reticulum was found immediately under the plasma membranes of follicular cells facing membranes of nerve endings. These results suggest that the nerve fibers in contact with follicular cells are different from the adrenergic type.  相似文献   

The results of a stereological and morphometric analysis of rat carotid body type I cell nerve endings are described. 66.9% of endings possessed symmetrical junctions. Of the remaining endings, 3.6% were presynaptic and 26% were postsynaptic to type I cells; 3.6% of endings had a reciprocal configuration. Apart from membrane specialisations, no other ultrastructural criteria were found to distinguish the different types of endings. Ventilation with 100% and 10% oxygen showed that the hypoxic mixture reduced synaptic vesicle concentration in the nerve endings; this effect was independent of the innervation to the carotid body.  相似文献   

The peripheral chemoreceptors of the trigeminal system in the nasal cavity are presumed to be free nerve endings arising from Adelta and C fibers. These fibers appear to be scattered throughout the nasal epithelium, and arise from the nasopalatine and ethmoid branches of the trigeminal nerve. In the present study, the effects of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) blockers on ethmoid nerve responses to nicotine and cyclohexanone were examined. Multiunit neural recordings were obtained from the ethmoid nerve of Sprague-Dawley rats. Vapor-phase nicotine (12.5 p.p.m.) and cyclohexanone (450 p.p. m.) were delivered to the rats' nares via an air-dilution olfactometer. The magnitude of the response to nicotine decreased after the administration of the nAChR blockers dihydro-beta-erythroidine hydrobromide (DHBE) and mecamylamine hydrochloride. DHBE is a competitive nicotinic receptor antagonist specific for the alpha4beta2 receptor subtype and mecamylamine is known to bind alpha3beta4 and alpha4beta2 receptors. The nAChR blockers had no effect on ethmoid nerve responses to cyclohexanone. These results suggest that the mechanism by which at least one irritant stimulates nasal trigeminal nerve endings involves the binding of irritant with a specific receptor.  相似文献   

Summary The ontogenetic development of catecholamine (CA)-and LHRH-containing nerve endings in the median eminence of the rat was investigated by combining fluorescence histochemistry and immunohistochemistry in the same tissue section. LHRH-terminals appeared earlier than CA-terminals and were already detectable in the lateral part of the external layer of the central ME on the first day after birth. CA-nerve endings were first seen in a corresponding region of the ME on the seventh postnatal day. At this stage both types of terminals showed the earliest manifestation of a correlative pattern of their distribution. Subsequently the development of both types of nerve endings proceeded rapidly, and at 14 days their distribution pattern corresponded to that in adult animals. The authors conclude that at this stage the CA-neurons play a constant and significant role in the release of LHRH into the portal capillaries. The correlation between both types of nerve endings and the ontogenetic development of the capillary plexuses of the hypophysial portal system is discussed.This work was supported in part by a grant (No. 248093, 321426) from the Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Japan  相似文献   

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