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7-Substituted-N(2)-(3,4-dichlorobenzyl)guanines potently and competitively inhibit DNA polymerases IIIC and IIIE from Gram(+) bacteria. Certain derivatives are also competitive inhibitors of DNA polymerase IIIE from Gram(-) bacteria.  相似文献   

Bacillus subtilis DNA polymerase III (pol III), an arylhydrazinopyrimidine-sensitive, replication-specific enzyme, was used to generate a non-precipitating rabbit antibody which specifically inhibited pol III activity in vitro. The antibody was used to examine structural relationships among several DNA polymerases, and it was linked covalently to agarose; the antibody:agarose was employed to develop a rapid, selective method of purification of catalytically active B. subtilis pol III.  相似文献   

Thermophilic eubacteria were screened for thermostability of DNA ligases and DNA polymerases. A total of 103 and 248 strains were screened respectively. The strains belonged to four distantly related genera of Thermus, Bacillus, Rhodothermus and Hydrogenobacter. Thermostable DNA ligases were found in 22% of the strains and thermostable DNA polymerase were found in 15% of the strains. Thermus strains gave the highest frequency of both heat tolerant enzymes.  相似文献   

Enterococcus faecalis (Ef) dnaE and polC, the respective genes encoding the DNA replication-specific DNA polymerase III E and DNA polymerase III C, were cloned and engineered for expression in Escherichia coli as hexahistidine (his6)-tagged recombinant proteins. Each gene expressed a catalytically active DNA polymerase of the expected molecular weight. The recombinant polymerases were purified and each was characterized with respect to catalytic properties, inhibitor sensitivity, and recognition by specific antibody raised against the corresponding DNA polymerase III of the model Gram-positive (Gr(+)) organism, Bacillus subtilis (Bs). In conclusion, the properties of each Enterococcus polymerase enzymes were similar to those of the respective B. subtilis enzymes.  相似文献   

Permina EA  Mironov AA  Gelfand MS 《Gene》2002,284(1-2):133-140
Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) is important for the virulence of Neisseria meningitidis, and is the target of immune responses. We took advantage of a monoclonal antibody (Mab B5) that recognises phosphoethanolamine (PEtn) attached to the inner core of meningococcal LPS to identify genes required for the addition of PEtn to LPS. Insertional mutants that lost Mab B5 reactivity were isolated and characterised, but failed to yield genes directly responsible for PEtn substitution. Subsequent genetic linkage analysis was used to define a region of DNA containing a single intact open reading frame which is sufficient to confer B5 reactivity to a B5 negative meningococcal isolate. The results provide an initial characterisation of the genetic basis of a key, immunodominant epitope of meningococcal LPS.  相似文献   

DNA-dependent DNA polymerases have been studied during chick embryo muscle differentiation in vitro. The total activity, extracted at both low and high ionic strengths, does not change throughout the differentiative process, although DNA synthesis stops at the moment of fusion. Analyses by glycerol gradient centrifugation of the extracts at low and high ionic strengths show two major DNA polymerase forms, one sedimenting at 7.5 S and another at 3-4 S. Both enzymes are present in similar amounts in duplicating myoblasts and in post-mitotic myotubes. These data suggest that the arrest of DNA synthesis which accompanies myoblast differentiation is not dependent on the disappearance or decrease of the major DNA polymerase activities described.  相似文献   

The 2-amino substituted derivatives of guanine, N2-(p-n-butylphenyl)guanine (BuPG) and N2-(3',4'-trimethylenephenyl) guanine (TMPG), were synthesized and found to selectively inhibit, respectively, HeLa cell DNA polymerase alpha (po1 alpha) and B. subtilis DNA polymerase III (po1 III). Both purines, like their corresponding uracil analogs, BuAu and TMAU (2,9), were specifically competitive with dGTP in their inhibitory action on their target polymerases. BuPG, the pol alpha-specific purine, was also toxic for HeLa cells in vivo, selectively inhibiting DNA synthesis. These N2-substituted purines, in contrast to the 6-substituted uracils, provide a structural basis for the synthesis of nucleosides and nucleotides with considerable potential as probes for the analysis of the structure of specific replicative DNA polymerases and their function in cellular DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

An amino acid motif was identified that consists of the sequence HisHydrHisHydrHydrHydr (Hydr--bulky hydrophobic residue) and is conserved in two vast classes of proteins, one of which is involved in initiation and termination of rolling circle DNA replication, or RCR (Rep proteins), and the other in mobilization (conjugal transfer) of plasmid DNA (Mob proteins). Based on analogies with metalloenzymes, it is hypothesized that the two conserved His residues in this motif may be involved in metal ion coordination required for the activity of the Rep and Mob proteins. Rep proteins contained two additional conserved motifs, one of which was located upstream, and the other downstream from the 'two His' motif. The C-terminal motif encompassed the Tyr residue(s) forming the covalent link with nicked DNA. Mob proteins were characterized by the opposite orientation of the conserved motifs, with the (putative) DNA-linking Tyr being located near their N-termini. Both Rep and Mob protein classes further split into several distinct families. Although it was not possible to find a motif or pattern that would be unique for the entire Rep or Mob class, unique patterns were derived for large subsets of the proteins of each class. These observations allowed the prediction of the amino acid residues involved in DNA nicking, which is required for the initiation of RCR or conjugal transfer of single-stranded (ss) DNA, in Rep and Mob proteins encoded by a number of replicons of highly diverse size, structure and origin. It is conjectured that recombination has played a major part in the dissemination of genes encoding related Rep or Mob proteins among the replicons exploiting RCR. It is speculated that the eucaryotic small ssDNA replicons encoding proteins with the conserved RCR motifs and replicating via RCR-related mechanisms, such as geminiviruses and parvoviruses, may have evolved from eubacterial replicons.  相似文献   

Sequence specificity of pausing by DNA polymerases   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have constructed recombinant M13 DNA templates containing stretches of oligo (purines) and oligo (pyrimidines). Each of these inserts hinders the advancement of the large fragment of E. coli Pol I during DNA synthesis. The pattern of blockage is independent of changes in KCl or Mg2+ concentrations and pausing is moderately alleviated at lower pH. Blockage is not affected by either the concentration of template or by the position of the DNA primer. The pattern of pause sites is similar for calf thymus DNA polymerase-alpha, implying that replicative barriers are determined by the structure of the DNA at its growing point. There is a lack of correlation between the position of pause sites with different inserts and known alternate DNA structures. Thus, the homo-oligomeric inserts may possess a different structure when complexed with DNA polymerase. This concept accounts for the appearance of unique new upstream and downstream pause sites that result from the insertion of each oligonucleotide.  相似文献   

We successively subcloned the dnaE gene of Escherichia coli into pBR322, resulting in a plasmid that contains 4.6 kilobases of E. coli DNA. This plasmid can complement a dnaE temperature-sensitive mutation. A restriction map of the dnaE gene and the surrounding 10.7-kilobase region of the E. coli chromosome was determined. A unique HindIII restriction endonuclease site within the cloned segment of DNA was identified as a site required for expression of the dnaE gene. By using the maxicell plasmid-directed protein synthesizing system, we demonstrated that dnaE codes for the alpha subunit of DNA polymerase III.  相似文献   

Deranged oxidative metabolism is a property of many tumour cells. Oxidation of the deoxynucleotide triphosphate (dNTP) pool, as well as DNA, is a major cause of genome instability. Here, we report that two Y-family DNA polymerases of the archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus strains P1 and P2 incorporate oxidized dNTPs into nascent DNA in an erroneous manner: the polymerases exclusively incorporate 8-OH-dGTP opposite adenine in the template, and incorporate 2-OH-dATP opposite guanine more efficiently than opposite thymine. The rate of extension of the nascent DNA chain following on from these incorporated analogues is only slightly reduced. These DNA polymerases have been shown to bypass a variety of DNA lesions. Thus, our results suggest that the Y-family DNA polymerases promote mutagenesis through the erroneous incorporation of oxidized dNTPs during DNA synthesis, in addition to facilitating translesion DNA synthesis. We also report that human DNA polymerase η, a human Y-family DNA polymerase, incorporates the oxidized dNTPs in a similar erroneous manner.  相似文献   

A genomic DNA library was made from the alkaliphilic cellulase-producing Bacillus agaradhaerans in order to prove our technologies for gene isolation prior to using them with samples of DNA isolated directly from environmental samples. Clones expressing a cellulase activity were identified and sequenced. A new cellulase gene was identified. Genomic DNA libraries were then made from DNA isolated directly from the Kenyan soda lakes, Lake Elmenteita and Crater Lake. Crater Lake clones expressing a cellulase activity and Lake Elmenteita clones expressing a lipase/esterase activity were identified and sequenced. These were encoded by novel genes as judged by DNA sequence comparisons. Genomic DNA libraries were also made from laboratory enrichment cultures of Lake Nakuru and Lake Elmenteita samples. Selective enrichment cultures were grown in the presence of carboxymethylcellulose (CMC) and olive oil. A number of new cellulase and lipase/esterase genes were discovered in these libraries. Cellulase-positive clones from Lake Nakuru were isolated at a frequency of 1 in 15,000 from a library made from a CMC enrichment as compared to 1 in 60,000 from a minimal medium enrichment. Esterase/lipase-positive clones from Lake Elmenteita were isolated with a frequency of 1 in 30,000 from a library made from an olive-oil enrichment as compared to 1 in 100,000 from an environmental library.Communicated by K. Horikoshi  相似文献   

Translesion synthesis by the UmuC family of DNA polymerases.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Z Wang 《Mutation research》2001,486(2):59-70
Translesion synthesis is an important cellular mechanism to overcome replication blockage by DNA damage. To copy damaged DNA templates during replication, specialized DNA polymerases are required. Translesion synthesis can be error-free or error-prone. From E. coli to humans, error-prone translesion synthesis constitutes a major mechanism of DNA damage-induced mutagenesis. As a response to DNA damage during replication, translesion synthesis contributes to cell survival and induced mutagenesis. During 1999-2000, the UmuC superfamily had emerged, which consists of the following prototypic members: the E. coli UmuC, the E. coli DinB, the yeast Rad30, the human RAD30B, and the yeast Rev1. The corresponding biochemical activities are DNA polymerases V, IV, eta, iota, and dCMP transferase, respectively. Recent studies of the UmuC superfamily are summarized and evidence is presented suggesting that this family of DNA polymerases is involved in translesion DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

Non-natural nucleotides with diverse functionalities are highly useful in many areas of basic research and practical applications. We have previously developed an efficient method for post-synthetic modifications of 2-amino-6-vinylpurine (AVP)-containing oligonucleotides, which permits conjugations of a variety of useful functional appendages to the AVP moiety in DNA. Here we report an investigation on the ability of various DNA polymerases to use 5′-triphosphate of 2′-deoxyribosyl-2-amino-6-(2-methylthioethyl)purine (a stable precursor of AVP) as the substrate for templated DNA synthesis.  相似文献   

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