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Many obligate intracellular pathogens and symbionts undergo genome degeneration during long-term association with eukaryotic hosts; however, very little is known about genome changes that occur in the initial stages of such intracellular associations. By focusing on a clade of bacteria that have recently established symbiotic associations with insect hosts, we have identified events that may contribute to the reduction and degeneration of symbiont genomes. Unlike virtually all other bacteria, the obligate symbionts of maize and rice weevils each display substantial sequence divergence between multiple copies of their rDNA genes, resulting from a reduction in the efficacy of recombinational gene conversion, coincident with the inactivation of the recombinational repair gene recF in the common ancestor of both symbionts. The maize weevil endosymbiont also lacks a functional recA, resulting in further reduction in the efficacy of gene conversion between paralogous rDNAs and in a novel IS-mediated deletion in a 23S rDNA gene. Similar events may be pervasive during the evolution of symbiosis because symbiont genomes typically lack recombinational repair genes and have reduced numbers of ribosomal operons.  相似文献   

Abstract Almost all aphids harbor prokaryotic intracellular symbionts in the cytoplasm of mycetocytes, huge cells in the abdomen specialized for this purpose. The aphids and their intracellular symbionts are in close mutualistic association and unable to live without their partner. The intracellular symbionts of various aphids are of a single origin; they are descendants of a prokaryote that was acquired by the common ancestor of the present aphids. The date of establishment of the symbiotic association is estimated to be 160–280 million years ago using 16S rRNA molecular clock calibrated by aphid fossils. Molecular phylogeny indicates that the intracellular symbiont belongs to a group of gut bacteria, suggesting the possibility that it was derived from a gut microbe of aphids. While the in-tracellular symbionts are universal and highly conserved amongst aphids, other types of symbiotic microorganisms are also present. In various aphids, bacterial “secondary” intracellular symbionts are found in addition to the standard symbionts. They are thought to be acquired many times in various lineages independently. Some Cerataphidini aphids do not have intracellular symbiotic system but harbor yeast-like extracellular symbionts in the hemocoel. In a lineage of this group, symbiont replacement from intracellular prokaryote to extracellular yeast must have occurred. The diversity of the endosymbiotic system of aphids illuminates a dynamic aspect of endosymbiotic evolution.  相似文献   

Symbiosis between insects and bacteria result in a variety of arrangements, genomic modifications, and metabolic interconnections. Here, we present genomic, phylogenetic, and morphological characteristics of a symbiotic system associated with Melophagus ovinus, a member of the blood-feeding family Hippoboscidae. The system comprises four unrelated bacteria representing different stages in symbiosis evolution, from typical obligate mutualists inhabiting bacteriomes to freely associated commensals and parasites. Interestingly, the whole system provides a remarkable analogy to the association between Glossina and its symbiotic bacteria. In both, the symbiotic systems are composed of an obligate symbiont and two facultative intracellular associates, Sodalis and Wolbachia. In addition, extracellular Bartonella resides in the gut of Melophagus. However, the phylogenetic origins of the two obligate mutualist symbionts differ. In Glossina, the mutualistic Wigglesworthia appears to be a relatively isolated symbiotic lineage, whereas in Melophagus, the obligate symbiont originated within the widely distributed Arsenophonus cluster. Although phylogenetically distant, the two obligate symbionts display several remarkably similar traits (e.g., transmission via the host''s “milk glands” or similar pattern of genome reduction). To obtain better insight into the biology and possible role of the M. ovinus obligate symbiont, “Candidatus Arsenophonus melophagi,” we performed several comparisons of its gene content based on assignments of the Cluster of Orthologous Genes (COG). Using this criterion, we show that within a set of 44 primary and secondary symbionts, “Ca. Arsenophonus melophagi” is most similar to Wigglesworthia. On the other hand, these two bacteria also display interesting differences, such as absence of flagellar genes in Arsenophonus and their presence in Wigglesworthia. This finding implies that a flagellum is not essential for bacterial transmission via milk glands.  相似文献   

Aphids are sap-feeding insects that host a range of bacterial endosymbionts including the obligate, nutritional mutualist Buchnera plus several bacteria that are not required for host survival. Among the latter, 'Candidatus Regiella insecticola' and 'Candidatus Hamiltonella defensa' are found in pea aphids and other hosts and have been shown to protect aphids from natural enemies. We have sequenced almost the entire genome of R. insecticola (2.07 Mbp) and compared it with the recently published genome of H.?defensa (2.11 Mbp). Despite being sister species the two genomes are highly rearranged and the genomes only have ~55% of genes in common. The functions encoded by the shared genes imply that the bacteria have similar metabolic capabilities, including only two essential amino acid biosynthetic pathways and active uptake mechanisms for the remaining eight, and similar capacities for host cell toxicity and invasion (type 3 secretion systems and RTX toxins). These observations, combined with high sequence divergence of orthologues, strongly suggest an ancient divergence after establishment of a symbiotic lifestyle. The divergence in gene sets and in genome architecture implies a history of rampant recombination and gene inactivation and the ongoing integration of mobile DNA (insertion sequence elements, prophage and plasmids).  相似文献   

Across animals and plants, numerous metabolic and defensive adaptations are a direct consequence of symbiotic associations with beneficial microbes. Explaining how these partnerships are maintained through evolutionary time remains one of the central challenges within the field of symbiosis research. While genome erosion and co-cladogenesis with the host are well-established features of symbionts exhibiting intracellular localization and transmission, the ecological and evolutionary consequences of an extracellular lifestyle have received little attention, despite a demonstrated prevalence and functional importance across many host taxa. Using insect–bacteria symbioses as a model, we highlight the diverse routes of extracellular symbiont transfer. Extracellular transmission routes are unified by the common ability of the bacterial partners to survive outside their hosts, thereby imposing different genomic, metabolic and morphological constraints than would be expected from a strictly intracellular lifestyle. We emphasize that the evolutionary implications of symbiont transmission routes (intracellular versus extracellular) do not necessarily correspond to those of the transmission mode (vertical versus horizontal), a distinction of vital significance when addressing the genomic and physiological consequences for both host and symbiont.  相似文献   

Commensal symbionts, thought to be intermediary amid obligate mutualists and facultative parasites, offer insight into forces driving the evolutionary transition into mutualism. Using macroarrays developed for a close relative, Escherichia coli, we utilized a heterologous array hybridization approach to infer the genomic compositions of a clade of bacteria that have recently established symbiotic associations: Sodalis glossinidius with the tsetse fly (Diptera, Glossina spp.) and Sitophilus oryzae primary endosymbiont (SOPE) with the rice weevil (Coleoptera, Sitophilus oryzae). Functional biologies within their hosts currently reflect different forms of symbiotic associations. Their hosts, members of distant insect taxa, occupy distinct ecological niches and have evolved to survive on restricted diets of blood for tsetse and cereal for the rice weevil. Comparison of genome contents between the two microbes indicates statistically significant differences in the retention of genes involved in carbon compound catabolism, energy metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, and transport. The greatest reductions have occurred in carbon catabolism, membrane proteins, and cell structure-related genes for Sodalis and in genes involved in cellular processes (i.e., adaptations towards cellular conditions) for SOPE. Modifications in metabolic pathways, in the form of functional losses complementing particularities in host physiology and ecology, may have occurred upon initial entry from a free-living to a symbiotic state. It is possible that these adaptations, streamlining genomes, act to make a free-living state no longer feasible for the harnessed microbe.  相似文献   

Here, we used data of complete genomes to study comparatively the metabolism of different species. We built phenetic trees based on the enzymatic functions present in different parts of metabolism. Seven broad metabolic classes, comprising a total of 69 metabolic pathways, were comparatively analyzed for 27 fully sequenced organisms of the domains Eukarya, Bacteria and Archaea. Phylogenetic profiles based on the presence/absence of enzymatic functions for each metabolic class were determined and distance matrices for all the organisms were then derived from the profiles. Unrooted phenetic trees based upon the matrices revealed the distribution of the organisms according to their metabolic capabilities, reflecting the ecological pressures and adaptations that those species underwent during their evolution. We found that organisms that are closely related in phylogenetic terms could be distantly related metabolically and that the opposite is also true. For example, obligate bacterial pathogens were usually grouped together in our metabolic trees, demonstrating that obligate pathogens share common metabolic features regardless of their diverse phylogenetic origins. The branching order of proteobacteria often did not match their classical phylogenetic classification and Gram-positive bacteria showed diverse metabolic affinities. Archaea were found to be metabolically as distant from free-living bacteria as from eukaryotes, and sometimes were placed close to the metabolically highly specialized group of obligate bacterial pathogens. Metabolic trees represent an integrative approach for the comparison of the evolution of the metabolism and its correlation with the evolution of the genome, helping to find new relationships in the tree of life.  相似文献   

Host-bacterial coevolution and the search for new drug targets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Understanding the coevolution between humans and our microbial symbionts and pathogens requires complementary approaches, ranging from community analysis to in-depth analysis of individual genomes. Here we review the evidence for coevolution between symbionts and their hosts, the role of horizontal gene transfer in coevolution, and genomic and metagenomic approaches to identify drug targets. Recent studies have shown that our symbiotic microbes confer many metabolic capabilities that our mammalian genomes lack, and that targeting mechanisms of horizontal gene transfer is a promising new direction for drug discovery. Gnotobiotic ('germ-free') mice are an especially exciting new tool for unraveling the function of microbes, whether individually or in the context of complex communities.  相似文献   

Acanthamoebae are ubiquitous free-living amoebae and important predators of microbial communities. They frequently contain obligate intracellular bacterial symbionts, which show a worldwide distribution. All Acanthamoeba spp. described so far harboured no or only a single specific endosymbiont phylotype, and in some cases evidence for coevolution between the symbiotic bacteria and the amoeba host has been reported. In this study we have isolated and characterized an Acanthamoeba sp. (strain OEW1) showing a stable symbiotic relationship with two morphologically different endosymbionts. 16S rRNA sequence analysis assigned these symbionts to the candidate genus Procabacter (Betaproteobacteria) and the genus Parachlamydia (Chlamydiae) respectively. Fluorescence in situ hybridization and transmission electron microscopy confirmed the affiliation of the endosymbionts and showed their co-occurrence in the amoeba host cells and their intracellular location within separate compartments enclosed by host-derived membranes. Further analysis of this stable relationship should provide novel insights into the complex interactions of intracellular multiple-partner associations.  相似文献   

Commensal symbionts, thought to be intermediary amid obligate mutualists and facultative parasites, offer insight into forces driving the evolutionary transition into mutualism. Using macroarrays developed for a close relative, Escherichia coli, we utilized a heterologous array hybridization approach to infer the genomic compositions of a clade of bacteria that have recently established symbiotic associations: Sodalis glossinidius with the tsetse fly (Diptera, Glossina spp.) and Sitophilus oryzae primary endosymbiont (SOPE) with the rice weevil (Coleoptera, Sitophilus oryzae). Functional biologies within their hosts currently reflect different forms of symbiotic associations. Their hosts, members of distant insect taxa, occupy distinct ecological niches and have evolved to survive on restricted diets of blood for tsetse and cereal for the rice weevil. Comparison of genome contents between the two microbes indicates statistically significant differences in the retention of genes involved in carbon compound catabolism, energy metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, and transport. The greatest reductions have occurred in carbon catabolism, membrane proteins, and cell structure-related genes for Sodalis and in genes involved in cellular processes (i.e., adaptations towards cellular conditions) for SOPE. Modifications in metabolic pathways, in the form of functional losses complementing particularities in host physiology and ecology, may have occurred upon initial entry from a free-living to a symbiotic state. It is possible that these adaptations, streamlining genomes, act to make a free-living state no longer feasible for the harnessed microbe.  相似文献   

蚜虫与体内布赫纳氏菌及其次生共生菌的相互关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李献辉  李保平 《昆虫知识》2006,43(4):443-447
对蚜虫与其内共生细菌共生关系的研究进展进行综述。布赫纳氏菌Buchnera普遍存在于蚜虫体内特殊的菌胞中,与蚜虫形成专性共生关系,为宿主蚜虫提供多种必需氨基酸和B族维生素。蚜虫体内的菌胞数量是一个动态变量,受蚜虫体内、外环境因子的影响。在某些蚜虫体内菌胞中还发现有若干种类次生共生细菌,其功能尚不完全清楚,可能与蚜虫的生态学特征有关。对蚜虫与其体内共生菌相互关系的研究提出一些新的问题。  相似文献   

Genome shrinkage is a common feature of most intracellular pathogens and symbionts. Reduction of genome sizes is among the best-characterized evolutionary ways of intracellular organisms to save and avoid maintaining expensive redundant biological processes. Endosymbiotic bacteria of insects are examples of biological economy taken to completion because their genomes are dramatically reduced. These bacteria are nonmotile, and their biochemical processes are intimately related to those of their host. Because of this relationship, many of the processes in these bacteria have been either lost or have suffered massive remodeling to adapt to the intracellular symbiotic lifestyle. An example of such changes is the flagellum structure that is essential for bacterial motility and infectivity. Our analysis indicates that genes responsible for flagellar assembly have been partially or totally lost in most intracellular symbionts of gamma-Proteobacteria. Comparative genomic analyses show that flagellar genes have been differentially lost in endosymbiotic bacteria of insects. Only proteins involved in protein export within the flagella assembly pathway (type III secretion system and the basal body) have been kept in most of the endosymbionts, whereas those involved in building the filament and hook of flagella have only in few instances been kept, indicating a change in the functional purpose of this pathway. In some endosymbionts, genes controlling protein-export switch and hook length have undergone functional divergence as shown through an analysis of their evolutionary dynamics. Based on our results, we suggest that genes of flagellum have diverged functionally as to specialize in the export of proteins from the bacterium to the host.  相似文献   

Transitions to obligate intracellular parasitism have occurred at numerous times in the evolutionary past. The genome sequences of two obligate intracellular parasites, Rickettsia prowazekii and Chlamydia trachomatis, were published last year. A comparative analysis of these two genomes has revealed examples of reductive convergent evolution, such as a massive loss of genes involved in biosynthetic functions. In addition, both genomes were found to encode transport systems for ATP and ADP, not otherwise found in bacteria. Here, we discuss adaptations to intracellular habitats by comparing the information obtained from the recently published genome sequences of R. prowazekii and C. trachomatis.  相似文献   

Sponges harbour exceptionally diverse microbial communities, whose members are largely uncultured. The class Gammaproteobacteria often dominates the microbial communities of various sponge species, but most of its diversity remains functional and taxonomically uncharacterised. Here we reconstructed and characterised 32 metagenome-assembled genomes (MAGs) derived from three sponge species. These MAGs represent ten novel species and belong to seven orders, of which one is new. We propose nomenclature for all these taxa. These new species comprise sponge-specific bacteria with varying levels of host specificity. Functional gene profiling highlights significant differences in metabolic capabilities across the ten species, though each also often exhibited a large degree of metabolic diversity involving various nitrogen- and sulfur-based compounds. The genomic features of the ten species suggest they have evolved to form symbiotic interaction with their hosts or are well-adapted to survive within the sponge environment. These Gammaproteobacteria are proposed to scavenge substrates from the host environment, including metabolites or cellular components of the sponge. Their diverse metabolic capabilities may allow for efficient cycling of organic matter in the sponge environment, potentially to the benefit of the host and other symbionts.  相似文献   

Symbioses among co‐evolving taxa are often marked by genome reductions such as a loss of protein‐coding genes in at least one of the partners as a means of reducing redundancy or intergenomic conflict. To explore this phenomenon in an iconic yet under‐studied group of obligate symbiotic organisms, mitochondrial genomes of 22 newly sequenced and annotated species of lichenized fungi were compared to 167 mitochondrial genomes of nonlichenized fungi. Our results demonstrate the first broad‐scale loss of atp9 from mitochondria of lichenized fungi. Despite key functions in mitochondrial energy production, we show that atp9 has been independently lost in three different lineages spanning 10 of the 22 studied species. A search for predicted, functional copies of atp9 among genomes of other symbionts involved in each lichen revealed the full‐length, presumably functional copies of atp9 in either the photosynthetic algal partner or in other symbiotic fungi in all 10 instances. Together, these data yield evidence of an obligate symbiotic relationship in which core genomic processes have been streamlined, likely due to co‐evolution.  相似文献   

Several factors can affect the density of mobile DNA in bacterial genomes including rates of exposure to novel gene pools, recombination, and reductive evolution. These traits are difficult to measure across a broad range of bacterial species, but the ecological niches occupied by an organism provide some indication of the relative magnitude of these forces. Here, by analyzing 384 bacterial genomes assigned to three ecological categories (obligate intracellular, facultative intracellular, and extracellular), we address two, related questions: How does the density of mobile DNA vary across the Bacteria? And is there a statistically supported relationship between ecological niche and mobile element gene density? We report three findings. First, the fraction of mobile element genes in bacterial genomes ranges from 0 to 21% and decreases significantly: facultative intracellular > extracellular > obligate intracellular bacteria. Results further show that the obligate intracellular bacteria that host switch have a higher mobile DNA gene density than the obligate intracellular bacteria that are vertically transmitted. Second, while bacteria from the three ecological niches differ in their average mobile DNA contents, the ranges of mobile DNA found in each category overlap a surprising extent, suggesting bacteria with different lifestyles can tolerate similar amounts of mobile DNA. Third, mobile DNA gene densities increase with genome size across the entire dataset, and the significance of this correlation is dependent on the obligate intracellular bacteria. Further, mobile DNA gene densities do not correlate with evolutionary relationships in a 16S rDNA phylogeny. These findings statistically support a compelling link between mobile element evolution and bacterial ecology.  相似文献   

Chemosynthetic symbiosis is one of the successful systems for adapting to a wide range of habitats including extreme environments, and the metabolic capabilities of symbionts enable host organisms to expand their habitat ranges. However, our understanding of the adaptive strategies that enable symbiotic organisms to expand their habitats is still fragmentary. Here, we report that a single-ribotype endosymbiont population in an individual of the host vent mussel, Bathymodiolus septemdierum has heterogeneous genomes with regard to the composition of key metabolic gene clusters for hydrogen oxidation and nitrate reduction. The host individual harbours heterogeneous symbiont subpopulations that either possess or lack the gene clusters encoding hydrogenase or nitrate reductase. The proportions of the different symbiont subpopulations in a host appeared to vary with the environment or with the host''s development. Furthermore, the symbiont subpopulations were distributed in patches to form a mosaic pattern in the gill. Genomic heterogeneity in an endosymbiont population may enable differential utilization of diverse substrates and confer metabolic flexibility. Our findings open a new chapter in our understanding of how symbiotic organisms alter their metabolic capabilities and expand their range of habitats.  相似文献   

Mutualistic intracellular symbiosis between bacteria and insects is a widespread phenomenon that has contributed to the global success of insects. The symbionts, by provisioning nutrients lacking from diets, allow various insects to occupy or dominate ecological niches that might otherwise be unavailable. One such insect is the glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca coagulata), which feeds on xylem fluid, a diet exceptionally poor in organic nutrients. Phylogenetic studies based on rRNA have shown two types of bacterial symbionts to be coevolving with sharpshooters: the gamma-proteobacterium Baumannia cicadellinicola and the Bacteroidetes species Sulcia muelleri. We report here the sequencing and analysis of the 686,192–base pair genome of B. cicadellinicola and approximately 150 kilobase pairs of the small genome of S. muelleri, both isolated from H. coagulata. Our study, which to our knowledge is the first genomic analysis of an obligate symbiosis involving multiple partners, suggests striking complementarity in the biosynthetic capabilities of the two symbionts: B. cicadellinicola devotes a substantial portion of its genome to the biosynthesis of vitamins and cofactors required by animals and lacks most amino acid biosynthetic pathways, whereas S. muelleri apparently produces most or all of the essential amino acids needed by its host. This finding, along with other results of our genome analysis, suggests the existence of metabolic codependency among the two unrelated endosymbionts and their insect host. This dual symbiosis provides a model case for studying correlated genome evolution and genome reduction involving multiple organisms in an intimate, obligate mutualistic relationship. In addition, our analysis provides insight for the first time into the differences in symbionts between insects (e.g., aphids) that feed on phloem versus those like H. coagulata that feed on xylem. Finally, the genomes of these two symbionts provide potential targets for controlling plant pathogens such as Xylella fastidiosa, a major agroeconomic problem, for which H. coagulata and other sharpshooters serve as vectors of transmission.  相似文献   

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