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While the immediate benefits accrued to females through multiple mating are well documented, the effect of sperm depletion for multiply mating males is rarely considered. We show that, in small mixed-sex laboratory aggregations, both male and female hide beetles, Dermestes maculatus (De Geer) mated multiply. There was considerable variation in the mating frequency of both sexes; however the skew in mating success was comparable for males and females. Several individuals that mated multiply also re-mated with a previous partner, but in a competitive environment no male copulated more than seven times. Mating success was unrelated to an individual's size, but males that had the most inter-sexual matings also engaged in the most intra-sexual mating attempts. In a second experiment, we show that, even in the absence of rivals, only a small number of males mated with all available virgin females. Moreover, even though males were mated twice to each female, males that copulated more than eight times failed to fertilize any eggs. We suggest that under natural conditions male hide beetles may refrain from mating either prior to, or at the point of, sperm depletion thereby reducing the selection pressure for females to discriminate against sperm depleted males. However, fecundity and fertilization success varied considerably across females and even those mating with sperm-replete males were unable to fertilize 100% of their egg batch. Thus, direct fertilization benefits accrued by females through mating more than once with the same male may play a key role in the maintenance of polyandry in this species.  相似文献   

In Drosophila species of the obscura group, males exhibit sperm-heteromorphism, simultaneously producing both long sperm, capable of fertilization, and short sperm that are not. The production of multiple sperm types calls into question whether mating system correlates, such as sperm length and number trade-offs and female remating behavior, are the same as previously described in sperm-monomorphic systems. We examine three obscura group species, D. pseudoobscura, D. persimilis, and D. affinis that differ significantly in the lengths of their long fertilizing sperm, to test predictions about the relationship between sperm length and four mating system characters: male age at sexual maturity; sperm number; female remating; and male reproductive output. In D. affinis, where males produce the longest fertilizing sperm, their sexual maturity is delayed and they produce fewer long sperm compared to the other two species, as predicted if long sperm are costly to produce. Female D. affinis, although they receive fewer sperm than females of the other two species, do not remate more frequently or produce fewer progeny from a single mating. Different responses between sperm-heteromorphic and sperm-monomorphic systems underscore the complex nature of the coevolution between male and female mating system characters.  相似文献   

Prior work has demonstrated significant phenotypic benefits to female promiscuity in the arctiid moth Utetheisa ornatrix. We were interested in determining whether U. ornatrix females also derive genetic benefits from mating multiply. We specifically tested whether, by mating with several males, females are able to exploit postcopulatory mechanisms that decrease the risk of fertilization by incompatible sperm. We show evidence that U. ornatrix females are not taking multiple mates as fertilization insurance because: (1) females that mate once are as fertile as those that mate three times; and (2) females that take three different mates are no more fertile than those that mate three times with the same male.  相似文献   

Models of age-related mate choice predict female preference for older males as they have proven survival ability. However, these models rarely address differences in sperm age and male mating history when evaluating the potential benefits to females from older partners. We used a novel experimental design to assess simultaneously the relative importance of these three parameters in the hide beetle, Dermestes maculatus. In a two-part experiment we first explored age-related male mating success and subsequently examined the consequences of male age, sperm age and male mating history on female fecundity and fertilization success. In a competitive mating environment, intermediate-age males gained significantly higher mating success than younger or older males. To test the consequences for females of aged-related male mating success, a second set of females were mated to males varying in age (young, intermediate-age and old), in numbers of matings and in timing of the most recent mating. We found that male age had a significant impact on female fecundity and fertilization success. Females mated to intermediate-age males laid more eggs and attained consistently higher levels of fertilization success than females with young and old mates. A male's previous mating history determined his current reproductive effort; virgin males spent longer in copula than males with prior mating opportunities. However, differences in copulation duration did not translate into increased fecundity or fertilization success. There was also little evidence to suggest that fertilization success was dependent on the age of a male's sperm. The experiment highlights the potential direct benefits accrued by females through mating with particular aged males. Such benefits are largely ignored by traditional viability models of age-related male mating success.  相似文献   

Mating rate and fitness in female bean weevils   总被引:10,自引:3,他引:7  
Females of most animal taxa mate with several males during theirlifespan. Yet our understanding of the ultimate causes of polyandryis incomplete. For example, it is not clear if and in what sensefemale mating rates are optimal. Most female insects are thoughtto maximize their fitness by mating at an intermediate rate,but it has been suggested that two alternative fitness peaksmay be observed if multiple costs and benefits interact in determiningthe relationship between mating rate and fitness. We studiedthe relationship between female fitness and mating rate in thebean weevil, Callosobruchus maculatus (Coleoptera: Bruchidae),a species in which several distinct direct effects of matingto females have been reported. Our results show that femalefitness, measured as lifetime offspring production, is lowestat an intermediate mating rate. We suggest that this patternis the result of multiple direct benefits to mating (e.g., spermreplenishment and hydration/nutrition effects) in combinationwith significant direct costs to mating (e.g., injury from malegenitalia). Females mating at low rates may efficiently minimizethe costs of mating, whereas females mating at high rates insteadmay maximize the benefits of mating. If common, the existenceof bimodal relationships between female mating rate and fitnessmay help explain the large intra- and interspecific variationin the degree of polyandry often seen in insects.  相似文献   

Abstract. We describe the genital system of the aeolid nudibranch gastropod Aeolidiella glauca as a basis for our ongoing analysis of the mating system of this hermaphroditic species. In addition we give a short account of its mating behavior. A. glauca has an androdiaulic genital system with a proximally situated semiserial seminal receptacle. There is no bursa copulatrix. After fertilization, eggs pass through six glands, i.e., the capsule gland and the female gland mass which is comprised of five histologically differentiated parts. The prostate is a long, glandular tube. The everted, unarmed penis is very large and bears a series of 3–4 hook-shaped lobes consisting only of a simple, ciliated epithelium on its ventral side. Their function is unknown. After courtship, which involves moving in circles followed by resting in a head-to-head position, reciprocally touching each other with the tentacles, the slugs glide into a position where the everted genital atria are in contact. The huge penes are protruded simultaneously shortly after this contact occurs. Each animal strokes its partner's back with the penis and deposits a spermatophore of undetermined shape onto the partner's notum. Sperm enter the recipient through histolysis. How the sperm find their way to the seminal receptacle is not known.  相似文献   

Numerous studies have reported that females benefit from mating with multiple males (polyandry) by minimizing the probability of fertilization by genetically incompatible sperm. Few, however, have directly attributed variation in female reproductive success to the fertilizing capacity of sperm. In this study we report on two experiments that investigated the benefits of polyandry and the interacting effects of males and females at fertilization in the free-spawning Australian sea urchin Heliocidaris erythrogramma. In the first experiment we used a paired (split clutch) experimental design and compared fertilization rates within female egg clutches under polyandry (eggs exposed to the sperm from two males simultaneously) and monandry (eggs from the same female exposed to sperm from each of the same two males separately). Our analysis revealed a significant fertilization benefit of polyandry and strong interacting effects of males and females at fertilization. Further analysis of these data strongly suggested that the higher rates of fertilization in the polyandry treatment were due to an overrepresentation of fertilizations due to the most compatible male. To further explore the interacting effects of males and females at fertilization we performed a second factorial experiment in which four males were crossed with two females (in all eight combinations). In addition to confirming that fertilization success is influenced by male x female interactions, this latter experiment revealed that both sexes contributed significant variance to the observed patterns of fertilization. Taken together, these findings highlight the importance of male x female interactions at fertilization and suggest that polyandry will enable females to reduce the cost of fertilization by incompatible gametes.  相似文献   

Sperm competition has been found to have a strong influence on the evolution of many male and female reproductive traits. Theoretical models have shown that, with increasing levels of sperm competition, males are predicted to increase ejaculate investment, and there is ample empirical evidence supporting this prediction. However, most theoretical models concern sperm number, and although the predictions are likely to apply to other sperm traits that will affect the sperm competitive ability of males, substantiated predictions are difficult unless the evolution of specific traits is explicitly modeled. Here I present a novel theoretical model aiming at predicting evolutionarily stable sperm viability in relation to female mating frequency in a mating system with internal fertilization. At odds with verbal arguments, this model demonstrates that sperm viability is expected to decrease with increasing female remating rates and thus to decrease with increasing levels of sperm competition. The major reason for this is that, with increasing female remating rates, the prospects of future fertilization success will decrease, which acts to reduce the benefit of long-lived viable sperm. An additional interesting result is that, as the cost of sperm viability increases, the overall energy investment in ejaculates will decrease. These novel results should have a strong impact on future sperm competition studies and will also have implications for our understanding of the evolution of female polyandry.  相似文献   

In the Australian redback spider, Latrodectus hasselti, males typically use their paired copulatory organs (palps) to copulate twice with a single female then sacrifice themselves to their cannibalistic mates in a strategy that increases their paternity in that one mating, but leads to death. This type of terminal investment in one mating is predicted only if the expected value of future matings is low for males relative to the value of repeated mating with the same female. In this laboratory study, we quantified the reproductive value of mating more than once with the same female (repeated mating) and mating with more than one female (multiple mating) for male redback spiders. We tested two natural selection hypotheses for repeated mating, sperm limitation and reproductive insurance, but found no support for either hypothesis. We show that, in the absence of sperm competition or cannibalism, male lifetime reproductive output is the same whether a male copulates once, twice, or several times with a given female. Repeated mating does not increase the probability of successful fertilization, nor does it increase the number of offspring produced in successful matings. Although male repeated mating is not favoured because of increased fertility of mates, other studies suggest it may be important in sperm competition. Here we show that the relative reproductive value of the first two copulations is very high for redback males because they are functionally sterile after each palp has been used once; nonvirgin males are unable to father offspring. Functional sterility and repeated mating by male redbacks may be favoured by the same factors that lead to male sacrifice behaviour: ecological constraints on multiple mating combined with competitive benefits of maximal investment in the first mating. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

Abstract This review article deals with the male function in agamospermous plants, which is still not fully recognized. Of particular interest are mating and paternity problems. Pollen of agamospermous donors may influence female fitness in early mating phases by contributing the recognition substances or inducing spontaneous seed development. Various interactions between the sperm cell(s) and the female gametophyte at later phases may include (1) occasional double fertilization, (2) occasional syngamy, (3) pseudogamy, and (4) hemigamy. In the first two processes the offspring are sired normally. In pseudogamy, the offspring is maternal, the male contribution being restricted to endosperm paternity. In hemigamy, male function may include induction of the egg cell development only (maternal offspring), or the induction of the egg cell development as well as independent participation of the sperm cell in the offspring development leading to the formation of chimeras. It is concluded that the sperm may be a limiting resource in at least some agamospermous plants. Possible directions of future research are briefly outlined.  相似文献   

In yellow mealworm beetles (Tenebrio molitor), females are sexually receptive throughout their adult lives. We examined how access to mates affected female fecundity by varying the number of matings per female and quantifying cumulative egg production. Also, we dissected females at successive intervals after a single mating to assess the relationship among time since mating, sperm supplies, egg load, and oviposition rate. Females that mated at intervals greater than 2 days did not produce as many eggs as females that mated every 2 days or were allowed to mate ad libitum. Dissections showed that the amount of sperm remaining in a female spermatheca was correlated with the number of eggs she had laid recently, which suggests sperm replenishment as the material benefit gained through multiple mating. However, females mate more frequently than necessary for sperm replenishment, and therefore material benefits alone may not fully explain the continuous receptivity of T. molitor females.  相似文献   

Within cubozoans, a few species have developed a sexual reproduction system including mating and internal fertilization. One species, Copula sivickisi, is found in a large area of the indo pacific. They have separate sexes and when mature males and females meet they entangle their tentacles and the males transfer a sperm package, a spermatozeugmata, which is ingested by the female fertilizing her eggs internally. After 2–3 days, the females lay an embryo strand that sticks to the substrate and after another 2–3 days, the fully developed larvae leave the strand. We have examined the ultrastructure of the gonads and spermatozeugmata to look for structural adaptations to this specialized way of reproduction and understand how the fertilization takes place. Surprisingly, we discovered that the male gonads were heavily packed with cnidocytes of the isorhiza type and that they are transferred to the spermatozeugmata. The spermatozeugmata does not dissolve in the female gastrovascular cavity but is attached to the female gonad probably using the isorhizas. Here, the sperm cells are partly digested and the nuclei are released. The actual fertilization seems to happen through phagocytosis of the released nuclei by the epithelial cells. The female gonads are likewise packed with cnidocytes but of the eurytele type. They do not mature inside the female and putatively serve to protect the developing larvae once the embryo strand is laid. This specialized way of fertilization is to our knowledge novel and so is this first account of cnidocytes being directly involved in cnidarian reproduction. J. Morphol. 276:1055–1064, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined which sex controls sperm transfer during copulation in scorpionflies. Therefore male scorpionflies were doubly mated to females of high and low fecundity to explore whether they allocate sperm according to female quality. While mating order had no effect males transferred sperm at higher rates when mating with low‐quality instead of high‐quality females. As there is no obvious benefit from providing low‐fecundity females with more sperm, we suggest a condition‐dependent female ability to counteract sperm transfer. Therefore, we disabled females at the beginning of copulations using the insecticide Propoxur which leads to total paralysis caused by tremors. While the provoked muscle contractions led to significantly smaller numbers of sperm transferred, Propoxur treatment had no effect on males. We suggest female counteracting of sperm transfer to be adaptive by decreasing the relative amount of sperm transferred by low‐quality males and increasing the proportion of offspring sired by high‐quality males.  相似文献   

In animals with separate sexes, male fitness usually increases with the number of matings, whereas female fitness more directly depends on the amount of accessible reproductive resources. In simultaneous hermaphrodites, such differences in fitness pay‐offs between male and female sexual function can result in a preference to copulate in one particular sex role, generating conflicts over mating roles if mates share the same preference. Sperm trading, i.e. the conditional exchange of sperm between mates as found in some hermaphrodites, is often considered a possible solution for the conflict over mating roles. Conditional sperm exchange has recently been demonstrated in Chelidonura hirundinina (Opisthobranchia, Aglajidae), but its functional causes remain obscure. Based on a detailed characterization of mating in this species, we here assess two potential benefits of sperm trading, the balancing of sperm exchange between partners, and the acquisition of information about the partner’s fecundity. We found that the number of sperm droplets exchanged between partners varied more between than within pairs, supporting the first hypothesis. Moreover, larger individuals donated more sperm droplets and are known to produce more eggs. As body size is tightly linked to fecundity, a sperm recipient may use the number of received sperm droplets as an honest signal of the female quality of the sperm donor. Our findings thus help to elucidate how sperm trading may contribute to optimizing the investment of costly sperm in response to partner quality.  相似文献   

Mated Redback Spider Females Re-Advertise Receptivity Months after Mating   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In many species, selection acts on males to recognize female reproductive status at a distance using pheromones. Unmated females may actively seek to attract males; however, mated females may become cryptic to avoid attracting additional males if multiple matings are costly. Although females of many species cease pheromone production after mating, it is often unclear whether this is a strategic part of a female reproductive strategy, or whether this is because of chemical manipulation by males. If variation in pheromone production is part of the female’s strategy, then we predicted mated females should eventually re‐advertise receptivity if the benefits of multiple mating increase with time since copulation (e.g. because of sperm depletion). Here, we tested this prediction in Australian redback spiders (Latrodectus hasselti). First, we replicated earlier results by showing that virgin males discriminate female maturity and mating status based exclusively on web‐borne chemicals. Our results show this difference must arise from a change in chemical deposition in the web as we controlled for web volume differences between mated and virgin females. Male activity on extracts from webs of virgin females exceeded activity on a solvent control and on extracts of webs of just‐mated females—confirming that female redbacks cease pheromone production immediately after mating. Second, we tested a new prediction that mated females might re‐advertise receptivity near the end of their normal breeding season to replenish diminished sperm stores prior to overwintering. Consistent with the prediction of strategic advertisement, we show that male activity on extracts from females’ webs increased significantly 3 mo after the female first mated (typical length of the breeding season). Thus, these females had begun to add pheromone to their web again. At this time, 26% of these females re‐mated with a second male. If females re‐advertise receptivity to ensure adequate sperm stores, then we predicted a positive relationship between female reproductive output during the 3‐mo interval after copulation and the subsequent intensity of male response to web extracts. However, differences in male activity time were not related to the total number of spiderlings or the number of egg sacs a female had produced during the 3‐mo interval after the first copulation. This result could arise if male chemical manipulation of female receptivity decreases with time after copulation, or if the testing interval used in our study was too long to reveal variation in sperm depletion in females. Thus, although our results are consistent with the idea that females strategically alter pheromonal advertisement, we cannot distinguish this from the hypothesis that female receptivity arises from chemical manipulation by males.  相似文献   

To understand how the diversity among male sexual traits is maintained despite directional female choice for attractive traits, it is important to study male reproductive success in each reproductive episode. Male reproductive success is indeed the comprehensive result of several processes such as mate choice, mating, and fertilization. In this study, male mating success was estimated in a wild guppy Poecilia reticulata population of Hiji River, Okinawa Island, in southern Japan. The mating success of males was estimated as the percentage of sperm transferred in relation to the total sperm reserve. In a preliminary experiment, it was confirmed that the sperm reserves of males were partly replenished after 12 h and fully replenished after 72 h, when all sperm were released. In addition, the results of investigation in the wild population revealed that approximately 20% of males had no sperm reserves at all, although their sperm reserves should have been replenished by sexual isolation. Male sexual traits such as body size or color pattern did not affect the percentage of sperm transferred. Results from this study provide important insights into male sperm transfer ability and sperm production in this population. However, the high frequency of male sperm-transfer success estimated in this study should to be taken with caution, and whether it is due to differences between wild and laboratory conditions, sex ratio or the rates of multiple matings by females in the wild population remain to be fully explored.  相似文献   

In nuptial gift-giving species females sometimes select their potential mates based on the presence and size of the gift. But in some species, such as the Neotropical polyandrous spider Paratrechalea ornate male gifts vary in quality, from nutritive to worthless, and this male strategy can be in conflict with female nutritional benefits. In this species, males without gifts experience a reduction in mating success and duration, while males that offer worthless or genuine nutritive gifts mate with similar frequencies and durations. The female apparently controls the duration of copulation. Thus, there is scope for females to favour males offering gifts and further if these are nutritious, via post-copulatory processes. We first tested whether females differentially store sperm from males that offer the highest nutritional benefits by experimentally presenting females with males that offer either nutritive or worthless gifts (uninterrupted matings). Second, we carried out another set of experiments to examine whether females can select sperm based only on gift presence. This time we interrupted matings after the first pedipalp insertion, thus matching number of insertions and mating duration for males that: offered and did not offer gift. Our results showed that the amount of sperm stored is positive related to mating duration in all groups, except in matings with worthless gifts. Gift presence itself did not affect the sperm stored by females, while they store similar number of sperm in matings with males offering either nutritive or worthless gifts. We discuss whether females prefer males with gifts regardless, if content, because it represents an attractive and/or reliable signal. Or alternatively, they prefer nutritive nuptial gifts, as they are an important source of food supply and/or signal of male donor ability.  相似文献   

When females mate multiple times it presents an intriguing problem for evolutionary biologists due to the high costs and not very apparent benefits. Yet, this behaviour must have higher benefits than costs to be maintained by natural selection. We studied possible benefits for multiple mating by female leaf beetles, Leptinotarsa decemlineata, both with multiple males (polyandry) and multiple times with the same male (repeated matings). For polyandry, we tested the material benefits hypothesis, as well as fertility insurance, by mating females to varying numbers of males and looking at sperm received and fecundity. Although there was a relationship between amount of stored sperm and number of matings, we did not find the predicted positive relationship between fecundity and number of matings. Thus, the material benefits hypothesis was not supported. For repeated matings, we tested the sperm and nonsperm material benefit hypotheses by mating females to a single male varying numbers of times on one mount. For this set of tests neither sperm number nor fecundity was positively correlated with number of matings, therefore neither hypothesis was supported. Interestingly, in both experiments, there was a significant decrease in hatch rate with an increase in matings, demonstrating a cost of polyandry. These findings, along with previous research, suggest a cost of multiple mating with a possible role of seminal fluids in the reduction in female fecundity.  相似文献   

Although classically thought to be rare, female polyandry is widespread and may entail significant fitness benefits. If females store sperm over extended periods of time, the consequences of polyandry will depend on the pattern of sperm storage, and some of the potential benefits of polyandry can only be realized if sperm from different males is mixed. Our study aimed to determine patterns and consequences of polyandry in an amphibian species, the fire salamander, under fully natural conditions. Fire salamanders are ideal study objects, because mating, fertilization and larval deposition are temporally decoupled, females store sperm for several months, and larvae are deposited in the order of fertilization. Based on 18 microsatellite loci, we conducted paternity analysis of 24 female‐offspring arrays with, in total, over 600 larvae fertilized under complete natural conditions. More than one‐third of females were polyandrous and up to four males were found as sires. Our data clearly show that sperm from multiple males is mixed in the female's spermatheca. Nevertheless, paternity is biased, and the most successful male sires on average 70% of the larvae, suggesting a ‘topping off’ mechanism with first‐male precedence. Female reproductive success increased with the number of sires, most probably because multiple mating ensured high fertilization success. In contrast, offspring number was unaffected by female condition and genetic characteristics, but surprisingly, it increased with the degree of genetic relatedness between females and their sires. Sires of polyandrous females tended to be genetically similar to each other, indicating a role for active female choice.  相似文献   

Age-related variation in sperm quality and quantity may have a dramatic impact on female fecundity and fertilization success. Despite this, the relationships between these parameters are rarely investigated. Moreover, studies exploring age-related variation in male mating success generally fail to consider the entire lifespan of an individual male; instead they restrict analyses to a small number of defined age classes. As a consequence they are unable to assess the impact of early and late life history components on male reproductive success. In this study, we explore these questions using the hide beetle, Dermestes maculatus , a model species for investigating age-related male mating success. We first employed a longitudinal design to explore whether patterns of sperm transfer and subsequent reproductive success varied over the reproductive lives of a cohort of males. Secondly, we investigated age-related variation in sperm viability, a surrogate measure of sperm quality. Finally, we combined these data and assessed whether the observed patterns of sperm transfer were correlated with fertilization success. We found that the quantity of sperm varied with male age: the amount of sperm transferred to a female increased with male age until 9 wk and then started to decline. Similarly, female fecundity and fertilization success were related to male age: females mating with males when they were relatively young (1 wk) or relatively old (13 wk) suffered reductions in fecundity and fertilization. Our data suggest that fertilization success is driven at least in part by the quantity of sperm transferred during mating.  相似文献   

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