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Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) are of conservation concern throughout their range. Many populations are dependent on fluvial habitats which have been increasingly impacted and fragmented by dams and human development. Although lake sturgeon were once abundant in the Ottawa River and its tributaries, historical commercial harvests and other anthropogenic factors caused severe declines and low contemporary numbers in lake sturgeon populations. Contemporary habitat fragmentation by dams may be increasing isolation among habitat patches and local rates of decline, raising concerns for persistence of local populations. We used microsatellite DNA markers to assess population structure and diversity of lake sturgeon in the Ottawa River, and analyzed samples from 10 sites that represent more than 500 km of riverine habitat. To test for evidence of anthropogenic fragmentation, patterns of genetic diversity and connectivity within and among river segments were tested for concordance with geographic location, separation by distance and obstacles to migration, considering both natural and artificial barriers as well as barrier age. Despite extensive habitat fragmentation throughout the Ottawa River, statistical analyses failed to refute panmixia of lake sturgeon in this system. Although the long generation time of lake sturgeon appears to have effectively guarded against the negative genetic impacts of habitat fragmentation and loss so far, evidence from demographic studies indicates that restoring connectivity among habitats is needed for the long-term conservation and management of this species throughout this river system.  相似文献   

The aquatic ecosystems are an integral part of the global environment and play a critical role in hydrogeological processes in the rivers. In recent decades, the external stressors on the aquatic species have significantly increased due to hydrologic alterations, human activities, and anthropogenic changes to their natural habitat. Global climate change has led to rivers' hydrological flow regime shifts, leading to unsuitable habitat conditions. It is, therefore, crucial to assess the potential implications of climate change on habitat suitability to ensure the long-term sustainability of freshwater species. In this direction, we investigated the association between endangered Gangetic dolphin populations and climate-driven hydrologic flow regime alterations in the Kulsi river, India. We developed a coupled eco-hydraulic framework comprising hydrological and hydrodynamic modeling to study the impact of past and projected climate change scenarios on the habitat suitability of target species. The framework was tested on a 15-km stretch of the Kulsi River, where the dolphin population has significantly declined in recent years. The temporal changes in the Weighted Usable Area (WUA) were analyzed using flow parameters and habitat suitability curves. Our findings suggest that the dolphin population decline coincided with a decrease in WUA, indicating a strong association between flow regimes and habitat suitability. Under climate change scenarios, multi-model climate projections and hydrological-hydrodynamic simulations show a rising trend in precipitation and streamflow in the basin, with substantial uncertainty. Higher flow depth and velocity would enhance WUA (habitat suitability). Still, the proposed river development projects in upstream regions could pose a serious threat to fragile dolphin communities by changing the seasonal flow patterns. The findings of this study can be included in conservation action plans and flow regulations strategies in upstream projects to ensure the long-term survival of endangered species.  相似文献   

Mediterranean ecosystems are among the highest in species richness and endemism globally and are also among the most sensitive to climate and land‐use change. Fire is an important driver of ecosystem processes in these systems; however, fire regimes have been substantially changed by human activities. Climate change is predicted to further alter fire regimes and species distributions, leading to habitat loss and threatening biodiversity. It is currently unknown what the population‐level effects of these landscape‐level changes will be. We linked a spatially explicit stochastic population model to dynamic bioclimate envelopes to investigate the effects of climate change, habitat loss and fragm entation and altered fire regime on population abundances of a long‐lived obligate seeding shrub, Ceanothus verrucosus, a rare endemic species of southern California. We tested a range of fire return intervals under the present and two future climate scenarios. We also assessed the impact of potential anthropogenic land‐use change by excluding land identified as developable by local governments. We found that the 35–50 year fire return interval resulted in the highest population abundances. Expected minimum population abundance (EMA) declined gradually as fire return interval increased, but declined dramatically for shorter fire intervals. Simulated future development resulted in a 33% decline in EMA, but relatively stable population trajectories over the time frame modeled. Relative changes in EMA for alternative fire intervals were similar for all climate and habitat loss scenarios, except under the more severe climate scenario which resulted in a change in the relative ranking of the fire scenarios. Our results show climate change to be the most serious threat facing obligate seeding shrubs embedded in urban landscapes, resulting in population decline and increased local extirpation, and that likely interactions with other threats increase risks to these species. Taking account of parameter uncertainty did not alter our conclusions.  相似文献   

Many species are shifting their ranges in response to the changing climate. In cases where such shifts lead to the colonization of a new ecosystem, it is critical to establish how the shifting species itself is impacted by novel environmental and biological interactions. Anthropogenic habitats that are analogous to the historic habitat of a shifting species may play a crucial role in the ability of that species to expand or persist in suboptimal colonized ecosystems. We tested if the anthropogenic habitat of docks, a likely mangrove analog, provides improved conditions for the range‐shifting mangrove tree crab Aratus pisonii within the colonized suboptimal salt marsh ecosystem. To test if docks provided an improved habitat, we compared the impact of the salt marsh and dock habitats on ecological and life history traits that influence the ability of this species to persist and expand into the salt marsh and compared these back to baselines in the historic mangrove ecosystem. Specifically, we examined behavior, physiology, foraging, and the thermal conditions of A. pisonii in each habitat. We found that docks provide a more favorable thermal and foraging habitat than the surrounding salt marsh, while their ability to provide conditions which improved behavior and physiology was mixed. Our study shows that anthropogenic habitats can act as analogs to historic ecosystems and enhance the habitat quality for range‐shifting species in colonized suboptimal ecosystems. If the patterns that we document are general across systems, then anthropogenic habitats may play an important facilitative role in the range shifts of species with continued climate change.  相似文献   

伊洛河流域外来草本植物分布格局   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
外来生物入侵及其防治已经成为生态学关注的重点和热点问题.目前的研究主要集中在外来入侵种上,然而入侵种仅占外来种中很少一部分,因此,研究外来种现有分布格局对研究生物入侵及其防治有重要意义.以伊洛河流域草本植物群落中的外来种为对象,沿河从河源地到入黄河口选取典型样地,在调查流域内草本植物群落中物种组成的基础上选取外来种,并对外来种种类组成及其分布格局进行研究.结果表明:流域内有外来草本植物27种,分属于15科,种类较多的科为菊科、苋科和豆科;引入方式以有意引种为主.流域横向不同生境间,河滩地在水流的养分富集、季节性洪水物理干扰及人为活动扰动作用下,呈现出受外来种分布较多,而受人类活动扰动最强且营养丰富的农田分布较小的分布格局;纵向环境梯度下,上游河源山地属于自然植被区,人为干扰较轻,且受外来种影响较小;中游丘陵区从自然生态系统向农业生态系统的过渡区域,人类活动的扰动有所加强;下游平原农业区,人类活动强烈,区域内以人工生态系统为主,群落物种组成简单但受外来种影响最大,受自然环境和人类活动的双重影响.不同物种在不同生境间差异明显,其中,小蓬草、钻叶紫菀和反枝苋广泛分布于3种生境中.总体上,伊洛河外来草本植物分布格局在自然因素的基础上强烈受人为因素的影响,呈现出从上游到下游逐渐增多的趋势.  相似文献   

Some species are expanding their ranges polewards during current climate warming. However, anthropogenic fragmentation of suitable habitat is affecting expansion rates and here we investigate interactions between range expansion, habitat fragmentation and genetic diversity. We examined three closely related Satyrinae butterflies, which differ in their habitat associations, from six sites along a transect in England from distribution core to expanding range margin. There was a significant decline in allozyme variation towards an expanding range margin in Pararge aegeria, which has the most restricted habitat availability, but not in Pyronia tithonus whose habitat is more widely available, or in a non-expanding 'control species' (Maniola jurtina). Moreover, data from another transect in Scotland indicated that declines in genetic diversity in P. aegeria were evident only on the transect in England, which had greater habitat fragmentation. Our results indicate that fragmentation of breeding habitats leads to more severe founder events during colonization, resulting in reduced diversity in marginal populations in more specialist species. The continued widespread loss of suitable habitats in the future may increase the likelihood of loss of genetic diversity in expanding species, which may affect whether or not species can adapt to future environmental change.  相似文献   

Extinction, colonization, and species occupancy in tidepool fishes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the increasing sophistication of ecological models with respect to the size and spatial arrangement of habitat, there is relatively little empirical documentation of how species dynamics change as a function of habitat size and the fraction of habitat occupied. In an assemblage of tidepool fishes, I used maximum-likelihood estimation to test whether models which included habitat size provided a better fit to empirical data on extinction and colonization probabilities than models that assumed constant probabilities over all habitats. I found species differences in how extinction and colonization probabilities scaled with habitat size (and hence local population size). However, there was little evidence for a relationship between extinction and colonization probabilities and the fraction of occupied tidepools, as assumed in simple metapopulation models. Instead, colonization and extinction were independent of the fraction of occupied tidepools, favoring a MacArthur-Wilson island-mainland model. When I incorporated declines in extinction probability with tidepool volume in a simple simulation model, I found that predicted occupancy could change greatly, especially when colonization was low. However, the predicted fraction of occupied patches in the simulation model changed little when I incorporated the range of values reported here for extinction and colonization and the rate at which they scale with habitat size. Quantifying extinction and colonization patterns of natural populations is fundamental to understanding how species are distributed spatially and whether metapopulation models of species occupancy provide explanatory power for field populations. Received: 14 March 1997 / Accepted: 21 September 1997  相似文献   

1. Most wild animal populations are subjected to many perturbations, including environmental forcing and anthropogenic mortality. How population size varies in response to these perturbations largely depends on life-history strategy and density regulation. 2. Using the mid-continent population of redhead Aythya americana (a North American diving duck), we investigated the population response to two major perturbations, changes in breeding habitat availability (number of ponds in the study landscape) and changes in harvest regulations directed at managing mortality patterns (bag limit). We used three types of data collected at the continental scale (capture-recovery, population surveys and age- and sex ratios in the harvest) and combined them into integrated population models to assess the interaction between density dependence and the effect of perturbations. 3. We observed a two-way interaction between the effects on fecundity of pond number and population density. Hatch-year female survival was also density dependent. Matrix modelling showed that population booms could occur after especially wet years. However, the effect of moderate variation in pond number was generally offset by density dependence the following year. 4. Mortality patterns were insensitive to changes in harvest regulations and, in males at least, insensitive to density dependence as well. We discuss potential mechanisms for compensation of hunting mortality as well as possible confounding factors. 5. Our results illustrate the interplay of density dependence and environmental variation both shaping population dynamics in a harvested species, which could be generalized to help guide the dual management of habitat and harvest regulations.  相似文献   

《Global Change Biology》2018,24(5):1904-1918
Anthropogenic activities have led to the biotic homogenization of many ecological communities, yet in coastal systems this phenomenon remains understudied. In particular, activities that locally affect marine habitat‐forming foundation species may perturb habitat and promote species with generalist, opportunistic traits, in turn affecting spatial patterns of biodiversity. Here, we quantified fish diversity in seagrass communities across 89 sites spanning 6° latitude along the Pacific coast of Canada, to test the hypothesis that anthropogenic disturbances homogenize (i.e., lower beta‐diversity) assemblages within coastal ecosystems. We test for patterns of biotic homogenization at sites within different anthropogenic disturbance categories (low, medium, and high) at two spatial scales (within and across regions) using both abundance‐ and incidence‐based beta‐diversity metrics. Our models provide clear evidence that fish communities in high anthropogenic disturbance seagrass areas are homogenized relative to those in low disturbance areas. These results were consistent across within‐region comparisons using abundance‐ and incidence‐based measures of beta‐diversity, and in across‐region comparisons using incidence‐based measures. Physical and biotic characteristics of seagrass meadows also influenced fish beta‐diversity. Biotic habitat characteristics including seagrass biomass and shoot density were more differentiated among high disturbance sites, potentially indicative of a perturbed environment. Indicator species and trait analyses revealed fishes associated with low disturbance sites had characteristics including stenotopy, lower swimming ability, and egg guarding behavior. Our study is the first to show biotic homogenization of fishes across seagrass meadows within areas of relatively high human impact. These results support the importance of targeting conservation efforts in low anthropogenic disturbance areas across land‐ and seascapes, as well as managing anthropogenic impacts in high activity areas.  相似文献   

陆生食肉动物(食肉目哺乳动物, 以下简称食肉动物)作为食物链与营养级的高位物种对维持生态系统结构与功能稳定性起到重要作用。过度人类干扰已在全球范围内造成食肉动物种群数量剧烈下降和栖息地质量显著退化, 探究食肉动物的区域共存机制对理解生物群落构建、濒危物种保护与管理具有重要意义。本文通过梳理100余篇有关食肉动物在空间、时间和营养3个生态位维度上相互作用的研究, 分析了体型大小、猎物组成、种群结构、环境差异、人类干扰和气候变化等因素对食肉动物种间关系和区域共存的影响, 并对今后食肉动物区域共存研究中亟需解决的问题进行了展望。食肉动物通过生态位分离达到共存并没有单一的理论解释, 猎物、栖息地和人类干扰等因素可以调节食肉动物相互作用关系并直接或间接地影响共存, 共同适应在食肉动物区域共存中具重要作用。食肉动物区域共存是经过长期演化形成的相对稳定状态, 需要以动态的眼光去审视。要明晰生态位重叠与区域共存机制的区别与联系, 在理解生态位分离的基础上, 结合生活史、家域和行为等对食肉动物共存进行综合分析。  相似文献   

There is a broad consensus that habitat disturbance and introduction of non-indigenous species may dramatically modify community structure, particularly in insular ecosystems. However, it is less clear whether emergent macroecological patterns are similarly affected. The positive interspecific abundance–occupancy relationship (IAOR) is one of the most pervasive macroecological patterns, yet has rarely been analyzed for oceanic island assemblages. We use an extensive dataset for arthropods from six islands within the Azorean archipelago to test: (1) whether indigenous and non-indigenous species are distributed differently within the IAOR; and (2) to the extent that they are, can differences can be attributed to two indices of disturbance. We implemented modeling averaged methods using five of the most common IAOR models to derive an averaged IAOR fit for each island. After testing if species colonization status (indigenous versus non-indigenous) may explain the residuals of the IAOR, we identified true negative and positive outliers and tested the effect of colonization status on the likelihood of a species being a positive or negative outlier. We found that the indigenous and non-indigenous species are randomly distributed on both sides of the overall IAOR. Only for Flores Island, were non-indigenous species more aggregated than indigenous species. We were unable to detect a meaningful relationship between deviation from the IAOR and disturbance, despite the undoubted impact of both severe habitat loss and non-indigenous species on these oceanic islands. Our results show that the non-indigenous species have been integrated alongside indigenous species in the contemporary Azorean arthropod communities such that they are mostly undetectable by the study of the IAOR.  相似文献   

As a clear consensus is emerging that habitat for many species will dramatically reduce or shift with climate change, attention is turning to adaptation strategies to address these impacts. Assisted colonization is one such strategy that has been predominantly discussed in terms of the costs of introducing potential competitors into new communities and the benefits of reducing extinction risk. However, the success or failure of assisted colonization will depend on a range of population‐level factors that have not yet been quantitatively evaluated – the quality of the recipient habitat, the number and life stages of translocated individuals, the establishment of translocated individuals in their new habitat and whether the recipient habitat is subject to ongoing threats all will play an important role in population persistence. In this article, we do not take one side or the other in the debate over whether assisted colonization is worthwhile. Rather, we focus on the likelihood that assisted colonization will promote population persistence in the face of climate‐induced distribution changes and altered fire regimes for a rare endemic species. We link a population model with species distribution models to investigate expected changes in populations with climate change, the impact of altered fire regimes on population persistence and how much assisted colonization is necessary to minimize risk of decline in populations of Tecate cypress, a rare endemic tree in the California Floristic Province, a biodiversity hotspot. We show that assisted colonization may be a risk‐minimizing adaptation strategy when there are large source populations that are declining dramatically due to habitat contractions, multiple nearby sites predicted to contain suitable habitat, minimal natural dispersal, high rates of establishment of translocated populations and the absence of nonclimatic threats such as altered disturbance regimes. However, when serious ongoing threats exist, assisted colonization is ineffective.  相似文献   

The iconic Grey Crowned Crane Balearica regulorum is facing an increase in threats to its wetland habitat and poaching for the captive trade market. This has resulted in an enduring long-term decline in population numbers, which led to the species being listed as Endangered in the IUCN Red List. In Rwanda, Grey Crowned Cranes are threatened by human factors often driven by conditions of poverty, livelihood disadvantage and lack of conservation awareness. Previous population estimates suggested there were fewer than 500 Grey Crowned Cranes left in Rwanda. The Rwanda Wildlife Conservation Association and its partners have been working to eliminate the illegal trade and boost the population numbers in Rwanda. In August 2017, the first national census of Grey Crowned Cranes in Rwanda was carried out to serve as a baseline and to increase the accuracy of previous estimations. The survey was conducted over three days using both aerial and ground survey techniques. The results show that at least 487 Grey Crowned Cranes occur in Rwanda and include details on distribution and habitat type. Challenges for Grey Crowned Crane conservation at different sites are discussed, such as wetland transformation for agriculture, and illegal activities in protected marshlands. To ensure the long-term viability of this species, there is a need for upscaling of conservation efforts in key crane areas, continued monitoring of the crane population including trans-boundary collaboration, and strategies to promote the sustainable use of wetlands.  相似文献   

Temporal turnover of common species in avian assemblages in North America   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Aim We examine patterns of temporal turnover of common species in avian assemblages in North America to test the hypothesis that changes in avian diversity structure observed in these assemblages were associated with the colonization of common species. Location The contiguous United States and southern Canada. Methods We measured temporal turnover from 1968 to 2003 for 547 avian species at 1673 North American Breeding Bird Survey (BBS) routes. We used the Euclidian distance between expected and observed presence/absence vectors and randomization tests to place species into two categories, common and not‐common, and into three categories for common species: (1) always common, (2) common and colonizing, and (3) common and extirpated. We used these categories to identify species experiencing extreme colonization and extirpation events and to examine changes in species composition at BBS routes. We also determined how these patterns were associated with changes in species richness and changes in similarity in species composition. Results Nine of the 547 species represented outliers, where the number of BBS routes colonized greatly exceeded the number extirpated; no species showed extreme values for extirpation. The nine species colonized BBS routes primarily in the upper Midwest and north‐eastern United States. Presence of the nine species at BBS routes was correlated with increasing net gain in common species (difference between common colonized and common extirpated), higher levels of species richness and increasing species richness over time, more similar species compositions and increasing similarity over time, and a greater prevalence of common species over not‐common species. The literature indicates that all nine species experienced some form of geographical range expansion during the time of the survey involving four elements: (1) introduction and invasion; (2) the ability to use human‐altered environments, including habitats associated with agricultural, suburban, or urban areas; (3) intensive management activities, including habitat improvements and reintroductions and (4) the ability to use habitats formed through forest regeneration. These factors in combination point to anthropogenic activities and related land use histories as the primary drivers of change. One of the nine species colonized regions well outside its historic geographical range and the remaining eight species were native within the regions they colonized. Main conclusions Our results suggest that a combination of anthropogenic activities promoted, within certain regions of North America, the geographical expansion of a limited number of common species that were native to those regions. These colonization events were correlated with changes in diversity structure, implying that large‐scale diversity patterns were being influenced by anthropogenic activities. These changes can be characterized primarily by gains in species richness, an increased prevalence of common species, and more similar species compositions. Thus, using simple large‐scale measures of diversity could be problematic if recent biogeographical patterns of species diversity are not considered. Specifically, using species richness or an indicator species to assess diversity could bias assessments towards common species whose populations have recently benefited through anthropogenic activities.  相似文献   

大型食肉动物对维持生态系统的结构和功能具有重要作用, 但大部分大型食肉动物处在持续的种群数量和分布面积下降之中, 面临着急迫的研究与保护需求。华北豹(Panthera pardus japonensis)是我国特有的豹亚种, 也是部分区域森林生态系统中仅存的大型食肉动物, 面临着生境破碎化等威胁。本研究使用红外相机调查了宁夏六盘山国家级自然保护区华北豹的分布, 通过构建占域模型分析了华北豹的栖息地利用, 预测了华北豹的适宜栖息地, 并评估了其生境破碎化格局。研究发现, 华北豹在六盘山的平均占域率约为0.135。华北豹偏好植被发育成熟、地势崎岖、温度较低、远离农田和公路的栖息地, 对于农田边缘和居民点等人类活动区域未显示出显著回避。研究识别的六盘山华北豹适宜栖息地主要沿六盘山东西两侧山脉分布, 55%的适宜栖息地斑块位于六盘山国家级自然保护区内。栖息地斑块面积平均为16 km2, 最大达214 km2, 约77%的栖息地斑块面积在10 km2以下。研究表明六盘山国家级自然保护区有效地保护了华北豹现有的适宜栖息地, 但仍存在栖息地破碎化和人类活动干扰等关键限制因素。建议通过栖息地改造、人类活动管理等方式增强六盘山华北豹适宜栖息地斑块连通性; 并通过推动华北豹跨省保护工作等举措促进华北豹种群扩散恢复。  相似文献   

Boronia deanei is one of many declared rare, and potentially threatened, species of the Australian flora that occur within freshwater swamps and riparian margins. However, a lack of knowledge regarding its ecological distribution and habitat requirements may result in vulnerability to current and planned anthropogenic activities. Identification of population boundaries, numbers and locations should be highly beneficial for developing appropriate conservation approaches. This study demonstrates (i) the potential of converging hyper‐resolution remote sensing imagery with targeted ground observations to identify individual population extents and densities and (ii) proposes methods of defining and mapping suitable habitat and potential extents for rare plant species in areas potentially exposed to multiple anthropogenic impacts.  相似文献   

Freshwater ecosystems are negatively impacted by a variety of anthropogenic stressors, with concomitant elevated rates of population decline for freshwater aquatic vertebrates. Because reductions in population size and extent can negatively impact genetic diversity and gene flow, which are vital for sustained local adaptation, it is important to measure these characteristics in threatened species that may yet be rescued from extinction. Across its native range, Bull Trout (Salvelinus confluentus) extent and abundance are in decline due to historic overharvest, invasive non‐native species, and habitat loss. In Alberta''s Eastern Slope region, populations at the range margin have progressively been lost, motivating us to better understand the amount and distribution of genetic variation in headwater habitats and some downstream sites where they continue to persist. Across this region, we sampled 431 Bull Trout from 20 sites in the Athabasca and Saskatchewan River basins and assayed 10 microsatellite loci to characterize within‐ and among‐population genetic variation. The Saskatchewan and Athabasca River basins contained similar levels of heterozygosity but were differentiated from one another. Within the Athabasca River basin, five genetically differentiated clusters were found. Despite the evidence for genetic differentiation, we did not observe significant isolation‐by‐distance patterns among these sites. Our findings of ample genetic diversity and no evidence for hybridization with non‐native Brook Trout in headwater habitats provide motivation to ameliorate downstream habitats and remove anthropogenic barriers to connectivity towards the goal of long‐term persistence of this species.  相似文献   

Jacups S  Warchot A  Whelan P 《EcoHealth》2012,9(2):183-194
Darwin, in the tropical north of Australia, is subject to high numbers of mosquitoes and several mosquito-borne diseases. Many of Darwin's residential areas were built in close proximity to tidally influenced swamps, where long-term storm-water run-off from nearby residences into these swamps has led to anthropogenic induced ecological change. When natural wet-dry cycles were disrupted, bare mud-flats and mangroves were transformed into perennial fresh to brackish-water reed swamps. Reed swamps provided year-round breeding habitat for many mosquito species, such that mosquito abundance was less predictable and seasonally dependent, but constant and often occurring in plague proportions. Drainage channels were constructed throughout the wetlands to reduce pooled water during dry-season months. This study assesses the impact of drainage interventions on vegetation and mosquito ecology in three salt-marshes in the Darwin area. Findings revealed a universal decline in dry-season mosquito abundance in each wetland system. However, some mosquito species increased in abundance during wet-season months. Due to the high expense and potentially detrimental environmental impacts of ecosystem and non-target species disturbance, large-scale modifications such as these are sparingly undertaken. However, our results indicate that some large scale environmental modification can assist the process of wetland restoration, as appears to be the case for these salt marsh systems. Drainage in all three systems has been restored to closer to their original salt-marsh ecosystems, while reducing mosquito abundances, thereby potentially lowering the risk of vector-borne disease transmission and mosquito pest biting problems.  相似文献   

We conducted three replicated field experiments to test the population response of two ecologically-divergent wolf spider species ( Hogna helluo and Pardosa milvina ) to three correlates of landscape fragmentation: area reduction, spatial subdivision, and increased edge to core ratio. We selected these two species because they differ in vagility and habitat selectivity. Hogna helluo is relatively large, averse to disturbed substrata, and has poor colonization abilities. Conversely, Pardosa is small, vagile, and will use barren, disturbed areas. In a test for the effect of area reduction on populations of the two wolf spiders, we destroyed 0%, 20% or 80% of randomly selected habitat islands in replicated experimental landscapes. We found that population densities of Hogna declined significantly, even at the lowest level of area reduction (20%), and that there was an increase in numbers of Pardosa . In a test for the response to an increase in landscape subdivision, we created four levels of habitat fragmentation in replicate plots. We found a significant decline in Hogna populations with increasing fragmentation. Pardosa populations did not respond to the fragmentation. In the third experiment we kept landscape area and subdivision constant, but manipulated the edge-to-core ratio. We found that populations of Hogna declined sharply with increasing edge, and that populations of Pardosa did not respond. These two syntopic wolf spiders have distinctly different responses to landscape fragmentation.  相似文献   

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