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There is a pressing need to develop a sound conservation strategy for pool-breeding amphibians, which includes gaining a better understanding of the habitat and landscape-scale characteristics associated with populations. To investigate relationships between amphibian species richness and characteristics of breeding pools and surrounding landscapes, we surveyed 85 pools in eastern Massachusetts (USA) in 1996 and 1997. A total of 11 species was detected, with most pools having 2–5 species. Pools were typically small, 77.6% were <0.2 ha, but most pools (72%) had hydroperiods that persisted at least into August in most years. Based on linear regression analyses, species richness was positively associated with three within-pool variables (pool surface area, hydroperiod, and the amount of emergent vegetation), and a landscape-level variable (presence of another breeding pool within 1 km), while one within-pool variable (tree canopy cover) exhibited a significant negative association with species richness. These within-pool habitat variables and connectivity to other breeding pools are important characteristics to consider when attempting to identify breeding sites that could provide core habitat in conservation reserves designed for the conservation of pool-breeding amphibian species richness. Conservation reserves for pool-breeding amphibian populations should include pool complexes functioning as habitat for metapopulations. Core pool habitats within such reserves should be large (0.5–1.0 ha), with seasonal hydroperiods that persist into August or that dry in some years, and with sufficient emergent vegetation to provide diverse microhabitats and refugia.  相似文献   

Temperate humid grasslands are known to be particularly vulnerable to invasion by alien plant species when grazed by domestic livestock. The Flooding Pampa grasslands in eastern Argentina represent a well-documented case of a regional flora that has been extensively modified by anthropogenic disturbances and massive invasions over recent centuries. Here, we synthesise evidence from region-wide vegetation surveys and long-term exclosure experiments in the Flooding Pampa to examine the response of exotic and native plant richness to environmental heterogeneity, and to evaluate grazing effects on species composition and diversity at landscape and local community scales. Total plant richness showed a unimodal distribution along a composite stress/fertility gradient ranging several plant community types. On average, more exotic species occurred in intermediate fertility habitats that also contained the highest richness of resident native plants. Exotic plant richness was thus positively correlated with native species richness across a broad range of flood-prone grasslands. The notion that native plant diversity decreases invasibility was supported only for a limited range of species-rich communities in habitats where soil salinity stress and flooding were unimportant. We found that grazing promoted exotic plant invasions and generally enhanced community richness, whereas it reduced the compositional and functional heterogeneity of vegetation at the landscape scale. Hence, grazing effects on plant heterogeneity were scale-dependent. In addition, our results show that environmental fluctuations and physical disturbances such as large floods in the pampas may constrain, rather than encourage, exotic species in grazed grasslands.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between soil pH/calcium content and species richness of vascular plants in seven broadly defined Central European vegetation types, using Ellenberg indicator values for soil reaction and a phytosociological data set of 11,041 vegetation sample plots from the Czech Republic. The vegetation types included (A) broad-leaved deciduous forests, (B) meadows, (C) dry grasslands, (D) reed-bed and tall-sedge vegetation, (E) fens and transitional mires, (F) perennial synanthropic vegetation and (G) annual synanthropic vegetation. Relationships between local species richness (alpha diversity) and pH/calcium were positive for vegetation types A and C, negative for D and G, unimodal for E, and insignificant for B and F. Ellenberg soil reaction values explained 37% of variation in local species richness for vegetation type E, 24% for A, 13% for D, but only less than 4% for the others. Species pool size, i.e., the number of species that can potentially occur in a given habitat, was calculated for each plot using Beals index of sociological favourability applied to a large phytosociological database. For most vegetation types, the relationships between species pool size and pH/calcium were similar to the relationships between local species richness and pH/calcium, with the exception of meadows (weak unimodal) and perennial synanthropic vegetation (weak negative).These patterns suggest that for those types of Central European vegetation that developed independently of human influence in the Pleistocene or early Holocene (dry grasslands, deciduous forests), there are larger pools of calcicole than calcifuge species. This pattern is also found at the level of local species richness, where it is, however, less clearly pronounced, possibly due to the predominance of a few widespread and generalist calcifuges in acidic habitats. The unimodal pattern found in mires may result from similar underlying mechanisms, but in high pH environments mineral-rich spring waters probably decrease species richness by having toxic effects on plant growth. By contrast, vegetation types developed under direct human influence (meadows, synathropic vegetation) show weak negative or no relationships of local species richness or species pool to pH/calcium gradient. These results support the hypothesis ofPärtel (Ecology 83: 2361–2366, 2002) andEwald (Folia Geobot. 38: 357–366, 2003), that the modern calcicole/calcifuge disparity in the species pool of Central European flora has resulted from historical and evolutionary processes that took place on high pH soils. In the Pleistocene, calcareous soils dominated both the dry continental landscapes of Central Europe and glacial refugia of temperate flora, which were mostly situated in southern European mountain ranges with abundant limestone and dolomite. The negative pattern of species richness along the pH/calcium gradient found in reed-bed and tall-sedge vegetation, however, is not consistent with this historical explanation.  相似文献   

Although Mediterranean temporary pools are of great value for conservation, they are in rapid decline under the impact of various forms of anthropogenic pressure. Their disappearance from the landscape may result in a weakening of the biological connections between pools due to increasing isolation and the impoverishment of their communities. In Western Morocco (province of Benslimane), temporary pools have undergone severe regression over the past decades. The quantification of these losses and the impact on the richness of plant communities remain, however, unstudied. Since this is of vital importance for the conservation of the biodiversity of these habitats, a study has been undertaken associating (1) an assessment of the pool losses (both in density and surface area) between 1955 and 2001 using remote sensing, (2) surveys of vegetation and water depth (in 2006) in 48 pools, and (3) an assessment of the density and surface area of pools occurring within a 3 km radius around each of the sampled pools. The results show a loss of 23% in number and 61% in surface area of pools in the province over a period of 47 years. This decline, promoted by their small size and shallowness, is probably related to socio-economic changes (intensification of agricultural practices and population growth). The richness in characteristic and rare species of the pools was related to both local (water depth) and regional features (land use, pool density and total water surface area in the surrounding landscape). The significant impact of the current density of pools and their total surface area on the conservation value of the studied pools suggests a weakening of the metacommunity dynamics between pools. Given the rapid socio-economic changes in the province and the current rate of pool disappearance (0.5% per year) we predict a continuing reduction in pool density with a high risk of the widespread loss of their unique flora in the long term.  相似文献   

Changes in weed species richness and beta-diversity are partly attributable to different types and intensity of disturbance and partly to broad-scale variation in environmental conditions. We compiled a data set of 434 vegetation plots of weed vegetation in root crop and cereal fields in Moravia (eastern Czech Republic) to compare the effects of environmental conditions and different disturbance regimes on species richness and beta-diversity. To detect changes in species richness, we related the variation in species richness to individual environmental conditions. To assess differences in beta-diversity between the vegetation of cereal and root crop fields, we used Whittaker's measure of beta-diversity. The relative importance of each environmental variable for the variation in species composition was evaluated using canonical correspondence analysis. All analyses were done for all vascular plant species and separately for native species, archaeophytes and neophytes. A comparison of weed vegetation of root crops and cereals showed a distinct dichotomy between these two types of weed vegetation. There was no significant difference in total species richness and native species richness; however, cereal fields were richer in archaeophytes and root crop fields were richer in neophytes. The beta-diversity of weed vegetation was higher in root crops. Environmental factors explained a significant part of the variability in richness of both natives and aliens. The richness of native species increased and beta-diversity decreased with increasing precipitation. The opposite relationship was found for archaeophytes, in both cereals and root crops. These results confirmed the importance of climatic factors and management practices for changes in weed species composition. They also showed a distinct pattern of species richness and beta-diversity of native and alien weed species.  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to test the hypotheses that the species composition of the vegetation of one pool in Morocco change continuously along with rainfall fluctuations, that among the vegetation can be recognized Pool species and Opportunistic species with distinct dynamics in time. We expected the Pool species to show lower inter-annual variation than the Opportunistic species. This hypothesis was tested in a 10-year study of the species composition of the vegetation along two permanent transects. The results showed high cumulative species richness (95 species) with large differences between years and a predominance of annual species (77). The proportion of Pool species during these 10 years was low (39%) when compared to opportunists (61%). In dry years the Opportunistic species were dominant and declined during wet years. The number of Pool species was correlated with the amount of rainfall. A large number of these species revealed a preference for wet years. No negative interaction between annuals/perennials and pools/non-pools species was found, suggesting that competition was not a major process during the survey. The intensity of the drought and flood stress, related to climate fluctuations, seems to be the main factors controlling the species composition of the vegetation of this unstable habitat. However, beyond the inter-annual fluctuation of the species composition of the vegetation a directional change was noticed. This directional change could result from a recovery process of the vegetation during the first years of the study after a severe flood which extirpated most of the Opportunistic species of the pool. In the last years this directional change of the species composition of the vegetation is less clear and random recruitment of the Opportunistic species from the surrounding forested habitats could contribute to explain inter-annual changes. The data collected over these 10 years led to the speculation of hypotheses on the consequences of climate change. The expected reduction of humid years and of rainfall regionally may lead to important changes in the species composition of the vegetation of the temporary pools in Morocco. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. Guest editors: B. Oertli, R. Cereghino, A. Hull & R. Miracle Pond Conservation: From Science to Practice. 3rd Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network, Valencia, Spain, 14–16 May 2008  相似文献   

Wetland seed banks comprise the propagules of plant species that have species-specific germination requirements for germination in either flooded or dry conditions. At the community level, wetland structure and succession during and after a seasonal flooding event depends upon the early life-history requirements of species, including germination under flooded and dry conditions. We examined the effects of simulated flood and post-flood scenarios on seedling emergence from a seed bank of seasonally flooded grassland in the Pantanal, Brazil. Field samplings were conducted in both wet and dry seasons, both of which were subject to flood and post-flood conditions. A total of 70 species emerged from the seed bank, dominated by Poaceae and Cyperaceae. Sixteen species were exclusive to the wet and one exclusive to the dry season. The richness of perennial species was higher under flood conditions, while the richness of annuals was greater post-flood. In general, the aquatic and amphibious species exhibited a significant germination response to flooding. Terrestrial species only germinated in post-flood conditions, with higher richness in the dry season. Four species had high seedling abundance in both treatments. The capacity of regeneration by seeds is high in these grasslands and can be increased by seasonal flooding and drawdown. In these seasonally flooded grasslands, we observed three main germination strategies: under flooded conditions, aquatic and amphibious species; post-flood conditions, an explosion of annual amphibious and terrestrial species; and in moist soil, perennial terrestrial species. The differential responses to flooding versus post-flood conditions help to maintain the structure and species richness in the community over time.  相似文献   

Nine pools were studied in an intermittent stream. They were close to each other but differed in size, substratum, amount of shade and duration of water presence. Initial conditions were set by wet season flooding, following which each pool developed its own character. Cluster analysis showed that communities changed substantially with time in both species composition and abundance, and that some initially similar communities diverged while some initially dissimilar ones converged.Principal Components Analysis showed that these community changes were due largely to the drying of the pools, and to seasonal effects. Specialised drying communities developed in the pools of longer duration (up to 8 months), but not in the short-lived pools (3–4 months). Apparently similar numerical responses in different pools were often caused by different suites of predominant species.The diversity of the fauna (total of 78 species) was high in comparison with similar habitats in non-tropical regions.The pattern of development of the pools' communities was much as expected from island biogeography theory, except that there was no relationship between species richness and duration and size of pools. The species complements were largely opportunistic, being governed by extreme environmental disturbance.  相似文献   

Human demands have led to an increased number of artificial ponds for irrigation of crops year-round. Certain insect species have established in these ponds, including dragonflies (Insecta: Odonata). There has been discussion around the value of artificial ponds for encouraging dragonfly diversity, with little work in biodiversity hotspots rich in rare and endemic species. We focus here on the Cape Floristic Region (CFR) global biodiversity hotspot, which has many endemic dragonfly species but has few natural ponds. Yet it has many artificial ponds mostly used for irrigation on local farms. This leads to an interesting question: to what extent do these artificial ponds provide habitats for dragonflies in this biologically rich, agriculturally fragmented landscape? To answer this, we recorded dragonfly species richness and abundances from 17 artificial ponds and 13 natural stream deposition pools as reference, in an area of the CFR where there are no local, natural, perennial ponds. Thirteen environmental and physical variables were recorded at the ponds and pools. We found that although ponds attracted no rare or threatened dragonfly species, they increased the area of occupancy and population sizes of many generalist species. These came from nearby natural deposition pools or from unknown sources elsewhere in the region, so providing refuges which otherwise would not be there. Interestingly, some CFR endemic species were also recorded at our artificial ponds. Overall dragonfly assemblages and those of true dragonflies (Anisoptera) and damselflies (Zygoptera) differed between artificial ponds and deposition pools, suggesting that artificial ponds are to some extent a novel ecosystem. Habitat type, elevation and temperature were significant drivers in structuring overall species assemblages. For the Anisoptera, riparian vegetation and level of landscape connectivity was important, while temperature was not. In contrast, Zygoptera species were most affected by river catchment, habitat type and temperature. In sum, these artificial ponds are stepping stone habitats across an increasingly fragmented landscape. Managing these ponds with perennial water, constant water levels, and maximum complexity and heterogeneity of habitats in terms of vegetation will conserve a wide range of generalists and some specialists.  相似文献   

Riparian habitats in arid landscapes are recognised for their structurally diverse vegetation and diverse bird species assemblages. In the extensive semi-arid and arid centre of Australia, riparian woodland habitats are impacted by pastoral land-use which may negatively influence vegetation structure and avian species composition. However, pastoralism has promoted the establishment of artificial water bodies, so that additional riparian vegetation may occur in the landscape. In this study, we surveyed the importance of different water regimes (i.e. artificial lakes, natural waterholes, desert sites) together with their associated vegetation on avian species richness in north-western New South Wales, Australia. Our results show that bird species richness was highest at water locations, in particular at artificial lakes. Avian species richness was negatively associated with distance to water bodies, both in desert vegetation types and in the riparian vegetation type along dry creeks. Moreover, riparian habitats supported larger avian assemblages and especially those of sedentary bird species compared to the surrounding shrub-steppe landscape. This indicates that artificial water bodies may be of significance for arid zone bird species and might gain in importance with changing water availabilities due to climatic changes.  相似文献   

Physical soil disturbance and the hydrology of temporary pools affect the biomass, species composition and richness of plant communities. Disturbance liberates sites for the random recruitment of new individuals. The addition of seeds modifies the structure of the communities. In order to verify these hypotheses concerning the vegetation of temporary pools, an experiment was carried out using 72 soil samples collected from a pool in Western Morocco and placed in containers. Three types of laboratory treatments were applied, each combined with control treatments: soil disturbance (control/disturbed), hydrology (flooded, saturated and dry) and seed addition (sowing/no sowing). The total biomass, the annual and perennial species richness were calculated for each sample to test the effects of disturbance, hydrology and seed addition on the biomass and species richness of the various plant communities. The results show that disturbance reduces the total biomass, especially of perennials, but without significantly increasing the richness of annuals. Seed addition does not affect the total biomass and reduces total richness only in saturated soil, where biomass production is high. The most extreme stress conditions (drought and flooding) limit the abundance of species and therefore competition. Guest editors: B. Oertli, R. Cereghino, A. Hull & R. Miracle Pond Conservation: From Science to Practice. 3rd Conference of the European Pond Conservation Network, Valencia, Spain, 14–16 May 2008  相似文献   

Grazing and browsing by sheep and goats has been an important anthropogenic influence on ecosystems in the Mediterranean region for centuries. This influence has changed significantly in recent decades, with a general shift from range grazing to the penning of animals. The intermediate disturbance hypothesis (IDH) proposes that perturbation - including anthropogenic disturbance - is the norm for Mediterranean ecosystems, and that higher species diversity is found under conditions of continuous, moderate disturbance. Here we test the IDH as it relates to grazing of scrub and open forest habitats in Cyprus, while also testing for the effects of fire. We carried out surveys of breeding birds and vegetation at 48 study sites in scrub and open woodland across Cyprus. We estimated relative grazing pressure (past and present) and fire history at these sites, and tested for associations between these factors, breeding bird species richness and perennial vegetation diversity. We found moderate current grazing reduces density of lower and middle level scrub, and a higher level of diversity of perennial vegetation at moderately over intensively grazed sites. We found that moderate historical grazing pressure had a positive influence on richness of breeding bird species in lower scrub habitat such as phrygana, but that this effect was weaker the taller and denser the habitat. By contrast, current grazing pressure had a negative effect on species richness in lower scrub, but species richness in grazed habitats was higher in denser, taller scrub habitat such as garrigue and maquis. Our study suggests grazing plays an important role in maintaining habitat heterogeneity but the impact on avian species richness depends on the density and height of the vegetation.  相似文献   

Morocco is rich in temporary pools which harbour numerous rare plant species. Long-term conservation of such threatened plant communities should be based on the understanding of their past dynamics. Despite conditions unfavourable to pollen preservation, surface sediments of acidic temporary pools are shown to contain pollen assemblages likely to allow vegetation reconstruction. Knowledge of the modern relationships between pollen and vegetation is, however, necessary for interpreting fossil data in terms of past vegetation. Surface pollen assemblages and floristic surveys of a temporary pool in Benslimane forest, western Morocco, are compared in order to evaluate the pollen record of the local hydrophytic vegetation. Floristic surveys were carried out for 12 years (1996-2008) along two crossing permanent transects. A set of 21 surface-sediment samples, taken along the same transects in 2007, were analysed for pollen. The spatial relationships between vegetation and pollen assemblages are explored by means of multivariate analyses, statistical tests and linear regressions. The calculation of representation indices moreover allows proposing quantitative ways for pollen-based plant-abundance reconstruction.Results reveal that the vegetation structure along the hydrological gradient is well recorded in the pollen assemblages, with: (1) a marginal zone characterised by terrestrial taxa and rare amphibious taxa (Elatine, Pilularia), (2) an intermediate zone of amphibious taxa (Alisma-type, Illecebrum/Paronychia, Isoetes velata-type), and (3) a central zone of aquatics (Myriophyllum alterniflorum, Ranunculus-type). The best correlation between the pollen record and total pool vegetation was found in the centre of the pool, which supports the reliability of the study of a single core from the centre of the pool for the reconstruction of the past dynamics of the local hydrophytic vegetation. Both the qualitative ‘community’ approach (representation indices and indicator pollen taxa) and the quantitative ‘taxa’ approach (correction factors) suggest that reconstructions of past populations can be achieved from a few taxa, namely Isoetes velata-type, Myriophyllum alterniflorum and Ranunculus-type. For these taxa, regression parameters (slope and y-intercept) have been calculated between pollen percentages and plant percentages in present vegetation, and between pollen influxes and plant abundances, respectively. These parameters can be extended to interpret fossil data from other temporary pools within the same region to reconstruct their relative and absolute past plant abundances.  相似文献   

Temporary water bodies exhibit a high level of biodiversity,much of which is unique tothese habitats.Studies of microturbellarian community ecology in temporary pools are scarce,eventhough turbellarians are potentially important in organizing community structure.Moreover,therehas been virtually no documentation of microturbellarians from Israel.We examined the re-lationships between several pool properties (surface area,water depth,permanence and sedimentdepth)and microturbellarian species richness among 52 temporary pools at a single site.A total of17 taxa of microturbellarians were identi ed,of which 14 were determined to genus or species level.Richness was positively related with surface area and with maximal sediment depth,togetherexplaining 54%of the variance.In more intensive sampling of a subset of 18 pools,surface areawas the only signi cant predictor,explaining 76%of the variance.Community dissimilarity waspositively related with di erences in both surface area and permanence.We identi ed three cate-gories of pool size,each characterized by di erent turbellarian species:large pools were dominatedbyCastrada viridis andGieysztoria cuspidata ,intermediate pools byDochmiotrema limicola ,and many of the small pools byGieysztoria ornata andOlisthanella obtusa .Large pools contributed themost to regional diversity,with 11 of the 17 observed taxa.However,some species were unique tosmall pools.Thus,in order to maintain maximal regional diversity of temporary water turbellar-ians,it is important to conserve habitats containing pools of various sizes.  相似文献   

Factors determining the invasibility of different types of anthropogenic vegetation were studied in the Czech Republic. A data set of 3420 vegetation plots recorded between 1945 and 2005, containing 913 species, was used. A set of climatic variables (mean annual temperature and precipitation, together with elevation), propagule pressure (substituted by human population density) and local habitat conditions (substituted by values of CSR life strategies and Ellenberg indicator values of native species) was obtained for each plot. All species were classified as native, archaeophytes (i.e. alien species introduced before 1500), and neophytes (i.e. aliens introduced after 1500) and their relative proportion was calculated for each plot. Regression tree models were used to determine the ecological characteristics of the most invasible man-made habitats in the Czech Republic. The plots contained on average 31.9% archaeophytes and 7.3% neophytes. Correlation between the proportions of archaeophytes and neophytes was positive and significant. Both archaeophytes and neophytes were found predominantly in strongly disturbed habitats with a high nutrient supply located at low elevations in warmer climatic areas of the Czech Republic. Archaeophytes are more influenced by local habitat conditions and preferentially colonize sunny and dry man-made habitats with higher soil reaction. Neophytes have no special preferences for local habitat conditions and their highest proportion was found mainly in disturbed habitats at low elevations. Our results show that for anthropogenic vegetation in the Czech Republic, ecological and habitat characteristics are more important factors for plant invasions than different land use in the surrounding area.  相似文献   

In order to reduce flood risk, river management policies advise floodplain restoration and the recreation of water retention areas. These measures may also offer opportunities for the restoration of species-rich floodplain habitats through rewetting and the restoration of flood dynamics. The potential to enhance biodiversity in such flood restoration areas is, however, still subject to debate. In this paper we investigate whether flooding along a small altered lowland river can contribute to the potential and realised species richness of semi-natural meadows. We compare the seed bank and vegetation composition of flooded and non-flooded semi-natural meadows and test the hypothesis that flooding contributes to an input of diaspores into the meadow seed banks, thereby promoting seed density and potential species richness. Furthermore we hypothesise that, where habitat conditions are suitable, flooding leads to a higher realised species richness. Results showed that seed densities in flooded meadows were significantly higher than in non-flooded meadows. The seed banks of flooded meadows also contained a higher proportion of exclusively hydrochorous species. However, the seed bank species richness, as well as the species richness realised in the vegetation did not differ significantly between flooded and non-flooded meadows. Finally, the seed bank and standing vegetation of flooded sites showed larger differences in species composition and Ellenberg nitrogen distribution than non-flooded sites. From these results we conclude that, although flooding does contribute to the density and composition of the seed bank, most imported seeds belong to only a few species. Therefore, it is unlikely that flooding substantially enhances the potential species richness. Furthermore, even if new species are imported as seeds into the seed bank, it seems unlikely that they would be able to establish in the standing vegetation. However, it is unclear which factors impede the establishment of imported species in the vegetation. The implications of our findings for flood meadow restoration are discussed.  相似文献   

Assemblages of diving beetles (Dytiscidae) and mosquito immatures (Culicidae) were studied during 1987–1988 in 40 small, more or less temporary, snowmelt pools in spruce swamp forest and clearings at the Arctic Circle in Sweden. Larger pools were warmer than smaller ones, and clearing pools were warmer than forest pools. Temperature differences between pools remained high until late July. Twenty-one dytiscid species, representing three guilds, occurred in the pools, and individual pools had 1–13 species. Ten species occurred in both habitats. A few stenotopic species of boreal swamp forests had in clearing pools apparently been replaced by some species with a preference for more productive, often man-made habitats. Six Aedes species were collected in the clearing pools. Five of these were found in the forest pools, of which three had no mosquito larvae. Dytiscid assemblages in both habitats and culicid assemblages in clearing pools showed strong nested patterns.Abundance and species richness of both culicids and dytiscids were higher in clearing than in forest pools with an area >2 m2 after that the effects of pool area had been accounted for (MANCOVA). In both habitats, abundance and species richness of both culicids and dytiscids were strongly and positively correlated with a linear combination of pool area, depth and temperature (Canonical Correlation). Increasing drought frequency of pools had a negative, less significant effect on the biota. In the clearing, the abiotic correlations with abundance were somewhat weakened chiefly by the relatively low abundance values from the largest pool.Distribution and mean abundance of individual dytiscid species were positively related in the clearing pools. Flying dytiscids were trapped in the larger (1.6 m2), but not in the smaller (0.07 m2) artificial pools, and the immigration rate was markedly higher on clearings than in forest. Dug pools were colonized faster on clearings than in forest. Even the flightless Hydroporus melanarius colonized dug pools during the first year.  相似文献   



Artificial coastal defence structures are proliferating in response to rising and stormier seas. These structures provide habitat for many species but generally support lower biodiversity than natural habitats. This is primarily due to the absence of environmental heterogeneity and water‐retaining features on artificial structures. We compared the epibiotic communities associated with artificial coastal defence structures and natural habitats to ask the following questions: (1) is species richness on emergent substrata greater in natural than artificial habitats and is the magnitude of this difference greater at mid than upper tidal levels; (2) is species richness greater in rock pools than emergent substrata and is the magnitude of this difference greater in artificial than natural habitats; and (3) in artificial habitats, is species richness in rock pools greater at mid than upper tidal levels?


British Isles.


Standard non‐destructive random sampling compared the effect of habitat type and tidal height on epibiota on natural rocky shores and artificial coastal defence structures.


Natural emergent substrata supported greater species richness than artificial substrata. Species richness was greater at mid than upper tidal levels, particularly in artificial habitats. Rock pools supported greater species richness than emergent substrata, and this difference was more pronounced in artificial than natural habitats. Rock pools in artificial habitats supported greater species richness at mid than upper tidal levels.

Main conclusions

Artificial structures support lower biodiversity than natural habitats. This is primarily due to the lack of habitat heterogeneity in artificial habitats. Artificial structures can be modified to provide rock pools that promote biodiversity. The effect of rock pool creation will be more pronounced at mid than upper tidal levels. The challenge now is to establish at what tidal height the effect of pools becomes negligible and to determine the rock pool dimensions for optimum habitat enhancement.

Aim Within a region, different habitat types are characterized by different species and some habitat types have higher species diversities than others. Different habitat types are also characterized by different phylogenetic clades. However, it is not known whether – within a given region – some habitat types have species pools that are more phylogenetically diversified than others. We investigated whether species pools in contemporary habitat types represent different levels of diversification of angiosperms and, if so, whether these differences correlate with particular environmental factors. We tested these relationships in a region of recent geological origin possessing a comparatively young flora, and compared the result with standard analyses of species diversity. Location The Netherlands. Methods We studied angiosperms across the full range of habitat types present in the Netherlands. We characterized levels of diversification represented in species pools within each of these habitat types with respect to (1) taxonomic diversification, i.e. the rate of increase of richness across taxonomic ranks (relative to a null expectation for a given species richness), and (2) cladogenic diversification, i.e. the average cladogenic distance of species from the root of a phylogenetic tree of the species pool within a given region. Results Species pools of different habitat types represented different levels of taxonomic and cladogenic diversification. These differences were strongly correlated with the environmental characteristics of the habitat type. Greater levels of taxonomic diversification were represented in the species pools of relatively dry and open habitat types. Greater levels of cladogenic diversification were represented in habitats with both dry and weakly acidic soils. The relationship between environmental factors and taxonomic and cladogenic diversification (r2 = 0.88 and 0.76, respectively) was stronger than that between environmental factors and species richness (r2 = 0.34). Main conclusions Within a region, species resulting from particularly high rates of diversification accumulated in particular habitat types. These habitat types represent specific contemporary abiotic environments and have a tighter relationship with levels of diversification than with species richness.  相似文献   

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