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In mammals, DNA methylation profiles vary substantially between tissues. Recent genome-scale studies report that blood displays a highly distinctive methylomic profile from other somatic tissues. In this study, we sought to understand why blood DNA methylation state is so different to the one found in other tissues. We found that whole blood contains approximately twice as many tissue-specific differentially methylated positions (tDMPs) than any other somatic tissue examined. Furthermore, a large subset of blood tDMPs showed much lower levels of methylation than tDMPs for other tissues. Surprisingly, these regions of low methylation in blood show no difference regarding genomic location, genomic content, evolutionary rates, or histone marks when compared to other tDMPs. Our results reveal why blood displays a distinctive methylation profile relative to other somatic tissues. In the future, it will be important to study how these blood specific tDMPs are mechanistically involved in blood-specific functions.  相似文献   

Chromosome ends, or telomeres, are maintained by telomerase. Work in selected vertebrates has implied that telomerase is often repressed in differentiated cells, and telomere erosion results in senescence of cultured cells. Tissues from mature Xenopus laevis frogs were examined for telomerase enzymatic activity with the TRAP (telomere repeat amplification protocol) assay. All tissues contained active telomerase, most abundantly in testis, spleen, liver, and embryos; activity was less abundant but still readily detectable with < 100 ng of protein extract from brain and muscle tissues. Activity in somatic tissues of the diploid Xenopus tropicalis suggests this condition is not limited to the polyploid members of the genus, and that extensive differentiation-linked telomerase repression does not occur in Xenopus.  相似文献   

The Xenopus laevis oocyte cortical granule lectin (XL35) has been studied in fertilization and embryonic development. Several nucleic acid sequences that predict proteins homologous to XL35 have since been reported in frog, human, mouse, lamprey, trout, ascidian worm. These proteins also showed high degrees of amino acid sequence homology to a common fibrinogen-like motif that may involve carbohydrate binding. Although their biological functions and carbohydrate binding specificities have not been studied in detail, this new family of lectins has common characteristics. Several independent studies on this new family of lectins strongly suggest that the lectins are expressed and stored in specialized vesicles that may be released upon the infection by pathogens. In addition, some family members have been shown to bind to oligosaccharides from bacterial pathogens. Therefore, this family of lectins likely participates in pathogen surveillance as part of the innate immune system. We propose the name X-lectin family for these homologs of XL35. Published in 2004.  相似文献   

A new approach to direct somatic embryogenesis in Medicago   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A highly efficient system for direct somatic embryogenesis is described. Leaf sections originating from young trifoliate leaves of Medicago falcata line 47/1–5 and Medicago sativa line No2/9R, directly produced embryos after cultivation in liquid B5IV induction medium. In comparison with indirect somatic embryogenesis the system omits the callus stage and thus allows shortening of the process of somatic embryogenesis in alfalfa by 35–40 days. It permits the avoidance of secondary changes occurring during the process of dedifferentiation. A modified B5/3H medium containing Polyethylene Glycol 6000 promoted embryo development from globular up to torpedo stage. It was clearly shown that 2.5% Polyethylene Glycol stimulated this process for both H. falcata 47/1–5 and M. sativa No 2/9R. Maturation of torpedo stage embryos was carried out on solidified or liquid abscisic acidcontaining medium. A 30M abscisic acid concentration was optimal in allowing one embryo to yield one plant. Somatic embryo conversion to plants and plant regeneration was performed on Murashige and Skoog medium. Regenerated plants showed a normal morphology.Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid - B5 Medium of Gamborg et al.(1968) - COT Cotyledone stage embryos - 2,4-D 2,4-dichlorphenoxyacetic acid - FW Fresh weight - GA3 Gibberellin A3 - MS Medium of Murashige and Skoog (1962) - PEG Polyethylene Glycol - POLY Polyembryos  相似文献   

In this study we examined homologies between 1,735 porcine microsatellites and human sequence. For 1,710 microsatellites we directly used the sequence flanking the repeat available in GenBank. For a set of 305 microsatellites, a BAC library was screened and end-sequencing provided 461 additional sequences. Altogether 2,171 porcine sequences were tentatively aligned with the sequence of the human genome using the fasta program. Human homologies were observed for 652 microsatellite loci and porcine chromosome assignments available for 623 microsatellites provide useful links in the human and pig comparative map. Moreover for 92 STS, a significant sequence similarity was detected using at least two sequences and in all cases corresponding human locations were consistent. The present study allowed the integration of anonymous markers and the porcine linkage map into the framework of the comparative data between human and porcine genomes (http://w3.toulouse.inra.fr/lgc/pig/msat/). Moreover all conserved syntenic segments were defined on human chromosomes.  相似文献   

Characterization of human autoantibodies specific for lamin A   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have characterized human autoimmune polyclonal antibodies reactive with lamin A, a 74 kDa peripheral protein of the nuclear envelope. Unlike other known antibodies to lamin A, the antibodies described here do not crossreact with the structurally related lamin C. These antibodies feature only chi light chains suggesting that their specificity is restricted to a limited number of epitopes. Based on the known amino acid sequence of human lamins A and C, the epitope(s) are most likely located in the 80 amino acid carboxyl tail of mature lamin A.  相似文献   

Binding of lamin A to polynucleosomes   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Morphological observations suggest a close association between heterochromatin and the nuclear lamina. To investigate the molecular aspects of this association, we have established a simple sedimentation assay employing purified lamin proteins, or their 125I-labeled derivatives, and polynucleosomal particles isolated from avian erythrocytes. We report here that purified, unlabeled lamin A and 125I-lamin A, but not 125I-lamin B or 125I-bovine serum albumin, bind to polynucleosomes in a saturable and specific fashion. The specific binding of 125I-lamin A is of high affinity (Kd = approximately 1 x 10(-9) M) and is distinctly temperature-dependent. This interaction is not affected by exogenous polyionic agents such as polylysine and DNA, but it can be abolished by protease digestion of the polynucleosomes. These data suggest that nuclear lamin A maintains a direct association with a proteinaceous constituent of interphase chromatin.  相似文献   

Protein prenylation is a posttranslational modification involving the covalent attachment of a prenyl lipid to a cysteine at or near the COOH terminus of a protein. It is required for membrane localization and efficient function of a number of cytoplasmic as well as nuclear proteins including the proto-oncogenic and activated forms of Ras. Farnesylation in conjunction with a nuclear localization signal has been shown to be necessary to target newly synthesized nuclear lamins to the inner nuclear envelope membrane. It is, however, not clear where in the cell isoprenylation of nuclear lamins takes place. In this study we describe in vivo and in vitro experiments on the isoprenylation of the Xenopus oocyte nuclear lamin B3. We show by kinetic analysis that newly synthesized lamins are isoprenylated in the cytosol of oocytes before uptake into the nucleus. From our data it can be concluded that isoprenylation of lamins in the nucleus, as it is observed under certain conditions of isoprene starvation, represents a default pathway rather than the physiological situation. We further analyzed the capacity of isolated nuclei to carry out isoprenylation of B3. Our results are in line with a dual localization of a protein farnesyltransferase in the cytosol and nuclei of amphibian oocytes. Implications for the possible functions of a nuclear protein farnesyltransferase as well as possible mechanisms of the selective inhibition of farnesylation of cytoplasmic proteins by peptidomimetics are discussed.  相似文献   

Biogenic amine receptors mediate wide-ranging hormonal and modulatory functions in vertebrates, but are largely unknown in primitive invertebrates. In a representative of the most basal multicellular animals possessing a nervous system, the cnidarian Renilla koellikeri, aminergic-like receptors were previously characterized pharmacologically and found to engender control of the animal's bioluminescent and peristaltic reactions. Using degenerate oligonucleotides in a RT-PCR strategy, we obtained a full-length cDNA encoding a polypeptide with typical G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) characteristics and which displayed a significant degree of sequence similarity (up to 45%) to biogenic amine receptors, particularly dopamine and adrenergic receptors. The new receptor, named Ren1, did not resemble any one specific type of amine GPCR and thus could not be identified on the basis of sequence. Ren1 was expressed transiently and stably in cultured mammalian cells, as demonstrated by immunocytochemistry and western blotting. Functional analysis of transfected HEK293, LTK- and COS-7 cells, based on both cAMP and Ca2+ signalling assays, revealed that Ren1 was not activated by any of the known biogenic amines tested and several related metabolites. The results indicated, however, that cells stably expressing Ren1 contained, on average, an 11-fold higher level of cAMP than the controls, in the absence of agonist stimulation. The high basal cAMP levels were shown to be specific for Ren1 and to vary proportionally with the level of Ren1 expressed in the transfected cells. Taken together, the data suggested that Ren1 was expressed as a constitutively active receptor. Its identification provides a basis for examination of the early evolutionary emergence of GPCRs and their functional properties.  相似文献   

A reliable new cell marker in Xenopus   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A new reliable and durable method for marking cells in Xenopus is described. It is based on the differential staining of the nuclei of different Xenopus species, e.g., X. laevis and X. borealis, with the fluorescent dye quinacrine. This method permits us to recognize with certainty each cell in mitosis and interphase of X. borealis origin in any tissue combination with most of the other Xenopus species tested so far. This holds for all stages of development following grafting experiments, including adult tissues. The method is applicable in smears and squash preparations as well as in microtome sections. The method is particularly useful for marking migrating cells which are difficult to track, for instance, in embryos and in the circulatory system.  相似文献   

The disposable soma hypothesis predicts that when reproduction is reduced, life span is increased because more nutrients are invested in the soma, increasing somatic repair. Rigorously testing the hypothesis requires tracking nutrients from ingestion to allocation to the soma or to reproduction. Fruit flies on life-extending dietary restriction increase allocation to the soma "relative" to reproduction, suggesting that allocation of nutrients can be associated with extension of life span. Here, we use stable isotopes to track ingested nutrients in ovariectomized grasshoppers during the first oviposition cycle. Previous work has shown that ovariectomy extends life span, but investment of protein in reproduction is not reduced until after the first clutch of eggs is laid. Because ovariectomy does not affect investment in reproduction at this age, the disposable soma hypothesis would predict that ovariectomy should also not affect investment in somatic tissues. We developed grasshopper diets with distinct signatures of 13C and 1?N, but that produced equivalent reproductive outputs. These diets are, therefore, appropriate for the reciprocal switches in diet needed for tracking ingested nutrients. Incorporation of stable isotopes into eggs showed that grasshoppers are income breeders, especially for carbon. Allocation to the fat body of nitrogen ingested as adults was slightly increased by ovariectomy; this was our only result that was not consistent with the disposable soma hypothesis. In contrast, ovariectomy did not affect allocation of nitrogen to femoral muscles. Further, allocation of carbon to the fat body or femoral muscles did not appear to be affected by ovariectomy. Total anti-oxidant activities in the hemolymph and femoral muscles were not affected by ovariectomy. These experiments showed that allocation of nutrients was altered little by ovariectomy in young grasshoppers. Additional studies on older individuals are needed to further test the disposable soma hypothesis.  相似文献   

A combination of somatic gene transfer with fusion protein technology has been developed, thus providing an innovative means of mapping muscle-motoneuronal connections in Xenopus tadpole spinal cord. We analyzed whether a neuronal tracer created by the fusion of the LacZ gene to the tetanus toxin C fragment (LacZ-TTC) could be produced from plasmid DNA injected into muscle, and whether it could be released and undergo retrograde transport into motoneurons. Plasmids encoding various fusion protein constructions, with or without a signal peptide, were injected into dorsal or caudal muscles of premetamorphic tadpoles. The marker was produced in the muscle at constantly high levels. At one month post-injection, the fusion protein passed the neuromuscular junction and underwent retrograde transport into motoneurons. Transfer into motoneurons was seen for every animal injected, emphasizing the high reproducibility and efficiency of the process. No uptake of beta-gal protein into motoneurons was observed in the absence of the TTC fragment. Furthermore, no enhancement was obtained by adding a signal peptide. These results provide the first demonstration of the synthesis and transport of a TTC fusion protein produced directly from exogenous DNA in a vertebrate system.  相似文献   

Alpen B  Güre AO  Scanlan MJ  Old LJ  Chen YT 《Gene》2002,289(1-2):141-149
Three single copy ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter encoding genes, designated MgAtr3, MgAtr4, and MgAtr5, were cloned and sequenced from the plant pathogenic fungus Mycosphaerella graminicola. The encoded ABC proteins all exhibit the [NBD-TMS(6)](2) configuration and can be classified as novel members of the pleiotropic drug resistance (PDR) class of ABC transporters. The three proteins are highly homologous to other fungal and yeast, ABC proteins involved in multidrug resistance or plant pathogenesis. MgAtr4 and MgAtr5 possess a conserved ABC motif at both the N- and C-terminal domain of the protein. In contrast, the Walker A motif in the N-terminal and the ABC signature in the C-terminal domain of MgAtr3, deviate significantly from the consensus sequence found in other members of the PDR class of ABC transporters. Expression of MgAtr3 could not be detected under any of the conditions tested. However, MgAtr4 and MgAtr5 displayed distinct expression profiles when treated with a range of compounds known to be either substrates or inducers of ABC transporters. These included synthetic fungitoxic compounds, such as imazalil and cyproconazole, natural toxic compounds, such as the plant defence compounds eugenol and psoralen, and the antibiotics cycloheximide and neomycin. The expression pattern of the genes was also dependent on the morphological state of the fungus. The findings suggest a role for MgAtr4 and MgAtr5 during plant pathogenesis and in protection against toxic compounds.  相似文献   

Although most CpG islands are generally thought to remain unmethylated in all adult somatic tissues, recent genome-wide approaches have found that some CpG islands have distinct methylation patterns in various tissues, with most differences being seen between germ cells and somatic tissues. Few studies have addressed this among human somatic tissues and fewer still have studied the same sets of tissues from multiple individuals. In the current study, we used Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning to study tissue specific methylation patterns in a set of 12 human tissues collected from multiple individuals. We identified 34 differentially methylated CpG islands among these tissues, many of which showed consistent patterns in multiple individuals. Of particular interest were striking differences in CpG island methylation, not only among brain regions, but also between white and grey matter of the same region. These findings were confirmed for selected loci by quantitative bisulfite sequencing. Cluster analysis of the RLGS data indicated that several tissues clustered together, but the strongest clustering was in brain. Tissues from different brain regions clustered together, and, as a group, brain tissues were distinct from either mesoderm or endoderm derived tissues which demonstrated limited clustering. These data demonstrate consistent tissue specific methylation for certain CpG islands, with clear differences between white and grey matter of the brain. Furthermore, there was an overall pattern of tissue specifically methylated CpG islands that distinguished neural tissues from non-neural.Key words: Tissue specific methylation, CpG island methylation, neural, brain tissue, grey matter, white matter  相似文献   

Although most CpG islands are generally thought to remain unmethylated in all adult somatic tissues, recent genome-wide approaches have found that some CpG islands have distinct methylation patterns in various tissues, with most differences being seen between germ cells and somatic tissues. Few studies have addressed this among human somatic tissues and fewer still have studied the same sets of tissues from multiple individuals. In the current study, we used Restriction Landmark Genomic Scanning to study tissue specific methylation patterns in a set of twelve human tissues collected from multiple individuals. We identified 34 differentially methylated CpG islands among these tissues, many of which showed consistent patterns in multiple individuals. Of particular interest were striking differences in CpG island methylation, not only among brain regions, but also between white and grey matter of the same region. These findings were confirmed for selected loci by quantitative bisulfite sequencing. Cluster analysis of the RLGS data indicated that several tissues clustered together, but the strongest clustering was in brain. Tissues from different brain regions clustered together, and, as a group, brain tissues were distinct from either mesoderm or endoderm derived tissues which demonstrated limited clustering. These data demonstrate consistent tissue specific methylation for certain CpG islands, with clear differences between white and grey matter of the brain. Furthermore, there was an overall pattern of tissue specifically methylated CpG islands that distinguished neural tissues from non-neural.  相似文献   

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