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Two species of Leptographium were isolated from blue-stained sapwood of Pinus khasya and bark beetle galleries in pine trees near Chiang Mai, Thailand. Based on morphological observations, these two species were identified as L. pini-densiflorae and L. yunnanense. This is the first record of these fungi in Thailand. Leptographium yunnanense appeared to be associated with Polygraphus major. This is contribution No. 206, Laboratory of Plant Parasitic Mycology, Graduate School of Life & Environmental Sciences, University of Tsukuba  相似文献   

Two new species of the fungal genus Trichoderma, Trichoderma compactum and Trichoderma yunnanense, isolated from rhizosphere of tobacco in Yunnan Province, China are described based on morphological characters and phylogenetic analyses of nucleotide sequences. Our DNA sequences included the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the rDNA cluster (ITS1 and ITS2), and partial sequences of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1) and a fragment of the gene coding for endochitinase 42 (ech42). The analyses show that T. compactum belongs to the Harzianum clade, and T. yunnanense belongs to the Hamatum clade.  相似文献   

The teleomorph of Mycopappus quercus causing frosty mildew in Quercus acutissima is described as a new genus and species, Redheadia quercus, in the Sclerotiniaceae. Apothecia sprout from sclerotia on the fallen infected leaves kept for 10 months at 5°C and subsequent incubation at 15°C under diffused room light. Typical zonate lesions and multicellular propagules of M. quercus are produced on Q. acutissima, by mycelial inoculation using an isolate from a single ascospore, confirming the teleomorph–anamorphic connection. No significant differences are observed between cultured colonies of isolates from the ascospore and those from the propagule. Sclerotia and microconidia of the fungus are produced on culture media.  相似文献   

The mating systems operating in seven species of Marasmius collected recently in northern Thailand were determined. Marasmius cremeus belonging to sect. Sicci subsect. Siccini ser. Leonini, and Marasmius straminiceps belonging to sect. Marasmius subsect. Sicciformes are described as new species. Five members of sect. Marasmius were tetrapolar (bifactorial), viz. M. apatelius, M. guyanensis, M. nigrobrunneus, M. ruforotula, and M. straminiceps. Two members of sect. Sicci were bipolar (unifactorial), viz., M. corneri (syn. M. incarnatus) and M. cremeus. Our data support the hypothesis that the mating system is consistent within infrageneric taxa. The seven species that are herein described, illustrated, and compared with phenetically similar species represent the first reports for this genus in Thailand.  相似文献   

Evoxymetopon macrophthalmus sp. nov. is described on the basis of a single specimen collected off Okinawa Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Among the two valid species of Evoxymetopon, the new species is more similar to E. poeyi in having the first dorsal-fin spine enormously large, compressed, and sword shaped. It differs from E. poeyi in having the upper profile of head uniformly convex without a prominent sagittal crest (vs. with a prominent sagittal crest), tip of first anal pterygiophore connected to the last rib in the anterior part, while the first hemal spine is long and connected to the posterior margin of pterygiophore bone plate (vs. connected to the first hemal spine only), a larger eye, 4.5 times in head length (vs. 5.5–5.9 times), 15 externally visible anal-fin soft rays (vs. 20), 9 upper gill rakers of the first arch (vs. 4–6), and 60 caudal vertebrae (vs. 64).  相似文献   

Chaetosphaeria tortuosa is described as the newly discovered teleomorph of Menispora tortuosa, based on specimens from Canada and the Czech Republic, and single spore isolations from both morphs. The fungus produces superficial, more or less globose, papillate, dark brown to black smooth perithecia (200–)220–250 × (220–)230–260 μm. The asci are unitunicate, 8-spored, cylindrical-fusiform, (110–)120–133(–145) × 12–14 with a distinct apical, nonamyloid annulus 1–1.5 μm high, 3.5–4 μm wide. The ascospores are fusiform, 19–24 × 5–6 μm, hyaline, 3-septate, smooth, and 2-seriate in the ascus. The morphology of the teleomorph and anamorph are similar to that of C. ovoidea (anamorph: M. glauca), differing in dimensions of asci and ascospores, and in the disposition and morphology of the phialides of the anamorphs. The generic concept and phylogeny of Menispora is briefly discussed, and a key to the 11 species currently accepted in the genus is provided.  相似文献   

A new genus and new species of Scorpaenidae,Ursinoscorpaenopsis kitai, is described based on single specimen, 239.7 mm standard length, collected by bull trawl at the bottom, 132 m deep, in the East China Sea. The specimen had a paranuchal spine, supplemental spine on the last suborbital spine and non-fleshy, polyfurcate pectoral fin rays (all unique to the genus), in addition to an orange-reddish body, toothless palatine, swimbladder, supraneural and five unfused hypurals.Ursinoscorpaenopsis seems to be one of the more primitive genera among the Scorpaenidae.  相似文献   

A new cottid species, Icelus sekii, is described on the basis of six specimens collected from off Rausu and Urakawa, Hokkaido Island, Japan. This species is distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: supraocular and parietal spines absent; nuchal spine obscure; uppermost preopercular spine unbranched; no scales between dorsal scale row and lateral line scale row, and no scales below lateral line scale row; supraocular, parietal, and nuchal cirri present; five dark brown saddles dorsolaterally; anal fin rays 13; pectoral fin rays 15; vertebrae 12 + 24–25 = 36–37. Icelus sekii can be mature at the smallest size among the species of Icelus. As a secondary sexual character, the male holotype has unique ensiform flaps on the distal tips of the first dorsal fin.  相似文献   

A minute basidiomycete belonging to Flagelloscypha (Niaceae, Agaricales) was found on blighted leaves of Rodgersia podophylla in Aomori Prefecture, Japan. The fungus proved to be a new species and was named Flagelloscypha japonica based on its morphological characteristics.  相似文献   

Hemitriakis complicofasciata sp. nov. is described from 18 specimens from the waters of the Ryukyu Islands, southern Japan. This new species is distinguishable from other congeners by the following characters: higher vertebral counts (46–52 monospondylous vertebrae and 124–131 precaudal total vertebrae), presence of a developed posterior nasal flap, first dorsal fin origin anterior to free rear tips of pectoral fin, shorter snout length (snout tip to oral length less than 1.8 times internarial width), absence of an accessory cartilage at symphysial part of upper jaw, and dark complicated lines and rings on embryos and juveniles.  相似文献   

Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis, a new cyprinid species from a subterranean river in Donglan County in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of southern China, is described. It is distinguished from all congeners by the following combination of characteristics: a completely scaled body with well-developed eyes; a curved lateral line possessing 57–64 scales; pectoral fin not reaching pelvic fin origin and last unbranched ray of the dorsal fin clearly serrated along its posterior edge; 8–9 predorsal vertebrae; 8–9 gill rakers; joints of dentary-angulars not close to each other at the isthmus; and a slightly inferior mouth with the upper jaw (6.2–7.4% in standard length: SL) protruding slightly beyond the lower one (5.7–6.7% SL). Sinocyclocheilus donglanensis is sympatric with the peculiarly shaped, hunchbacked S. altishoulderus.  相似文献   

描述了产自贵州的竹亚科一新种:黎平玉山竹(Yushania lipingensis Z. X. Zhang, Y. H. TongZ. Yang)。本种形态上与显耳玉山竹(Y. auctiaurita T. P. Yi)接近,但区别在于该种箨鞘背面密被向上的黄褐色或紫色疣基刺毛,箨耳及叶耳明显弯曲呈镰刀形,鞘口繸毛发达,通常呈放射状,箨舌先端截平,不圆拱,边缘密生短纤毛,箨片腹面被微柔毛,叶片次脉通常5~6对。  相似文献   

The leaf blight and mummy fruit disease fungus of Prunus ssiori in northern Japan is newly named M. ssiori, as a fourth member in the M. padi group of section Disjunctoriae of the genus Monilinia (Sclerotiniaceae). It has been misidentified with Monilinia kusanoi, but recent studies show it is different from M. kusanoi as well as other related species on prunaceous hosts in respect to host relation, pathogenicity, morphology, and gene analysis.  相似文献   

Diaporthe kyushuensis sp. nov. is described and named as the teleomorph of causal fungus of grapevine swelling arm. The anamorph of the fungus isPhomopsis vitimegaspora.  相似文献   

A new shrimp-associated goby,Amblyeleotris melanocephala, is described on the basis of specimens from Okinoshima Island. Kochi Prefecture, and Okinawa Island, Okinawa Prefecture, Japan. The species is distinguished from other members of the genus by the following combination of characters: head dark brown, a few yellow spots on pectoral fin base and opercular margin, 13 second dorsal and 13 anal fin soft rays, 20 pectoral fin rays, longitudinal scales 92–101, proportional length of interpelvic connecting membrane relative to longest pelvic fin ray (CM-value) 0.46–0.55, presence of a ventral frenum, midline of nape naked, sides scaled above midpoint between preopercle and opercle.  相似文献   

Two species ofMenziesia, M. katsumatae andM. yakushimensis, are described as new to science. The former is characterized by having a long axis of the inflorescence with 15–20 bracts while the other species has a short axis with about ten bracts.M. katsumatae is restricted to the Hakusan range extending northward to Mt. Hōdatsuzan in the Noto Peninsula.M. yakushimensis has been considered asM. purpurea Maxim. in Kyūshū, but it is clearly distinguishable from the latter by the color and shape of the corolla and the presence of fasciculate glandular-hairs at the base of the corolla lobes. It is endemic to the higher altitudes of Yaku-shima Island, Kagoshima Prefecture.  相似文献   

A new lotic species of leptocerid caddisfly, Leptocerus fluminalis sp. nov., is described based on adult and immature stages from Japan. The habitat and gut contents of this species are noted.  相似文献   

首次发现并描述了中国广东省的绣球花科(Hydrangeaceae)常山属(Dichroa)一新种:广东常山(D.fistulosa)。该种具有空心的茎,这在常山属中是唯一的。该种与海南常山(D.mollissima)相似,但可以通过其叶上的毛被来区分。该种亦与菲律宾常山(D.philippinensis)相似,但其叶的形状及锯齿明显不同。  相似文献   

Eight new species of the genus Mycena (Agaricales) found on dead leaves or twigs in warm temperate lowland forests are described and illustrated from central Honshu, Japan: (1) Mycena fonticola sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (2) Mycena intersecta sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (3) Mycena lanuginosa sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (4) Mycena mustea sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); (5) Mycena multiplicata sp. nov. (section Mycena); (6) Mycena nidificata sp. nov. (section Hiemales); (7) Mycena fuscoaurantiaca sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes); and (8) Mycena clariviolacea sp. nov. (section Fragilipedes).  相似文献   

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