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Immunity and the expression of a secondary sexual trait in a horned beetle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Resource-based trade-offs are known to be important in determininginvestment in both sexual ornamentation and immunity in insects.Because of the strict resource limitation experienced duringmetamorphosis, we predict that if insects are trading off ornamentsize and immunity this should be most apparent immediately aftereclosion and that the relationship between sexual ornament sizeand immunity should change with maturation feeding because ofthe changing patterns of resource availability during this process.We therefore present an investigation into the relationshipbetween morphology, sex, and two measures of immune response(phenoloxidase [PO] activity and encapsulation ability) in thehorned beetle Euoniticellus intermedius, immediately after eclosionand after maturation feeding. Both measures increased with maturation,with sex differences in PO activity becoming discernable aftermaturation feeding. PO activity was positively correlated withhorn length in male beetles both on eclosion and after maturationfeeding, and encapsulation ability was positively correlatedwith elytra length. We conclude that resource limitation inthe pupating insect does have effects on immunity but that thisresource limitation does not translate into a measurable trade-offbetween horn length and immunity. The correlation between hornlength and PO activity may arise because both horn length andPO activity are correlated with the same elements of the animal'sbiology that allow some animals both to grow a long horn andto sustain a higher level of PO activity.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in secondary sexual traits may be a useful indicator of either individual quality or environmental stress. We tested this concept using a series of analyses of FA in male antler size in a wild red deer (Cervus elaphus) population, using four measures of size repeated across successive years on the same individuals. We found no consistent evidence of correlations between traits in levels of FA, nor of any associations between known environmental or developmental conditions. None of the four measures of FA showed a significant heritability (average h2 = 0.041), nor was there any evidence of inbreeding depression. For three of the four traits, fluctuating asymmetry did not predict either annual or lifetime breeding success. However there were significant associations between breeding success and FA in antler length. Given the series of null results in our other tests, it seems likely that this was a direct mechanistic effect rather than because measures of FA were indicative of individual quality or condition.  相似文献   

Music is a human universal, which suggests a biological adaptation. Several evolutionary explanations have been proposed, covering the entire spectrum of natural, sexual, and group selection. Here we consider the hypothesis that musical behaviour constitutes a reliable or even costly signal of fitness, and thus may have evolved as a human trait through sexual selection. We experimentally tested how musical performance quality (MPQ), in improvisations on the drums, saxophone, and violin, affects mate values and mate preferences perceived by a prospective partner. Swedish student participants (27 of each sex) saw a face of a person of the opposite sex and heard a piece of improvised music being played. The music occurred in three levels of MPQ and the faces in three levels of facial attractiveness (FA). For each parametric combination of MPG and FA, the participants rated four mate value scales (intelligence, health, social status, and parenting skill) and four mate preference scales (date, intercourse, and short- and long term relationship). Consistent with sexual selection theory, mate value ratings were generally increased by MPQ for raters of both sexes. Consistent with more specific hypotheses that follow from combining sexual selection and parental investment theory, women’s but not men’s preference for a long-term, but not short-term, relationship was significantly increased by MPQ, MPQ generally affected women’s ratings more than men’s, FA generally affected men’s ratings more than women’s, and women’s ratings of intelligence were even more influenced by MPQ than by FA.  相似文献   

The external morphology and internal structure of the male sexual tube of the hermit crab Micropagurus acantholepis, a member of the family Paguridae from Australian waters, is described in detail using histological thick sectioning and scanning and transmission electron microscopy techniques. This is the first in-depth study of a sexual tube in the Paguroidea, a group where a remarkable number of genera (55.9% in the family Paguridae) with species having these intriguing sexual structures are known. In M. acantholepis a sexual tube is present on the left side, whereas only a gonopore is present on the right side. The tube is used for the delivery of spermatophores to the female and consists of a sheath of cuticular origin surrounding an internal, functional extension of the posterior vas deferens. Pedunculate spermatophores were observed within the lumen and partially extruding from the terminal opening of the tube in preserved specimens. The tube protrudes from the left coxa of the fifth pereopod as an elongate 3-mm-long, hollow, coiled structure with a terminal opening. Exteriorly the tube consists of a conspicuous thick chitinous cuticular ridge throughout its length, and a thin chitinous cuticle with sparse, regularly arranged simple setae. Interior to the cuticle, the tube contains loose connective tissue, secretory cells, oblique muscle, circular muscle, and epithelial cells. The latter cells line a central lumen that runs the length of the sexual tube. The morphology, cellular composition, and function of the tube are discussed.  相似文献   

Highly variable microsatellite loci were employed to study the mating system of the sexually dimorphic Gulf pipefish Syngnathus scovelli . In this species, like others in the family Syngnathidae, 'pregnant' males provide all parental care. Gulf pipefish were collected from one locale in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and internally carried broods of 40 pregnant males were analysed genetically. By comparing multilocus microsatellite fingerprints for the inferred mothers against expected genotypic distributions from the population sample, it was determined that: (i) only one male had received eggs from more than a single female; and (ii) on two separate occasions, two different males had received eggs from the same female. Given the high power to detect multiple matings by males, the first finding indicates that only rarely are individual males impregnated by multiple females during the course of a pregnancy. Conversely, given the lower power to detect multiple matings by females due to sampling constraints, the second finding suggests a high frequency of multiple successful matings by females. Thus, this population of Gulf pipefish displays a polyandrous genetic mating system. The relevance of these genetic findings is discussed with regard to the evolution of secondary sex traits in this species, and in other syngnathids.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Heritable genetic variation is crucial for selection to operate, yet there is a paucity of studies quantifying such variation in interactive male/female sexual traits, especially those of plants. Previous work on the annual plant Collinsia heterophylla, a mixed-mating species, suggests that delayed stigma receptivity is involved in a sexual conflict: pollen from certain donors fertilize ovules earlier than others at the expense of reduced maternal seed set and lower levels of pollen competition.


Parent–offspring regressions and sib analyses were performed to test for heritable genetic variation and co-variation in male and female interactive traits related to the sexual conflict.

Key Results

Some heritable variation and evolvability were found for the female trait (delayed stigma receptivity in presence of pollen), but no evidence was found for genetic variation in the male trait (ability to fertilize ovules early). The results further indicated a marginally significant correlation between a male''s ability to fertilize early and early stigma receptivity in offspring. However, despite potential indirect selection of these traits, antagonistic co-evolution may not occur given the lack of heritability of the male trait.


To our knowledge, this is the first study of a plant or any hermaphrodite that examines patterns of genetic correlation between two interactive sexual traits, and also the first to assess heritabilities of plant traits putatively involved in a sexual conflict. It is concluded that the ability to delay fertilization in presence of pollen can respond to selection, while the pollen trait has lower evolutionary potential.  相似文献   

Body condition is an important determinant of fitness in many natural populations. However, as for many fitness traits, the underlying genes that regulate body condition remain elusive. The dopamine receptor D4 gene (DRD4) is a promising candidate as dopamine is known to play an important role in the regulation of food intake and the metabolism of both glucose and lipids in vertebrates. In this study, we take advantage of a large data set of greater flamingos, Phoenicopterus roseus, to test whether DRD4 polymorphism predicts early body condition (EBC) while controlling for whole-genome effects of inbreeding and outbreeding using microsatellite multilocus heterozygosity (MLH). We typed 670 of these individuals for exon 3 of the homologue of the human DRD4 gene and 10 microsatellite markers. When controlling for the effects of yearly environmental variations and differences between sexes, we found strong evidence of an association between exon 3 DRD4 polymorphisms and EBC, with 2.2-2.3% of the variation being explained by DRD4 polymorphism, whereas there was only weak evidence that MLH predicts EBC. Because EBC is most likely a polygenic trait, this is a considerable amount of variation explained by a single gene. This is to our knowledge, the first study to show an association between exon 3 DRD4 polymorphism and body condition in non-human animals. We anticipate that the DRD4 gene as well as other genes coding for neurotransmitters and their receptors may play an important role in explaining variation in traits that affect fitness.  相似文献   

In salmonid fishes, life-history changes may often be coupled to early individual growth trajectories. We identified quantitative trait loci (QTL) for body weight (BW), condition factor (K) and age at sexual maturation (MT) in two full-sib families of Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus) to ascertain if QTL for MT were confounded with BW QTL intervals. Three significant QTL for BW, three QTL for MT and one significant QTL for K were identified. A BW QTL with major effect was localized to linkage group 8 (AC-8) and explained more than 34% of the phenotypic variation. Markers on AC-8 have previously been identified as being associated with variation in fork length and BW in this species. Similarly, a major QTL (PEV = 23%) with an influence on the female MT was localized to AC-23. Some of these regions are homologous to those in the genomes of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar), where similar QTL effects have been detected. Our results also suggest the conservation of MT QTL on the homeologous linkage group pair AC-3/24 in Arctic charr. We further identified chromosomal regions that harbor QTL for multiple traits. In particular, markers on AC-4, -20 and -36 had detectable QTL for all traits studied. Significant MT QTL detected on AC-23, -24, and -27 were autonomous of any BW QTL regions, suggesting that the regulation of MT may be more independent of BW control within this species than in other species of salmonids.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine if sexual swellings in mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) are a reflection of reproductive endocrine state. Urine samples were assayed using an enzyme immunoassay measuring pregnanediol‐3‐glucuronide (PdG) and estrone conjugates (E1C). Hormone patterns of ovarian cycles, pregnancy and lactation were characterized and compared with sexual swellings and copulations relative to menses and peak E1C. Cycle lengths averaging 28.7 days and pregnancy length of 181 days determined by hormonal and sexual swelling measures were similar to those reported in other Old World primate species. First day of copulation was observed during rising E1C concentrations and preceded observations of peak swelling by 1–2 days. Observations of peak sexual swellings occurred at or on the day after peak E1C and decreased following the ovulatory increase in PdG. Observations of menses and sexual swellings are a useful method to track mandrill ovarian cycles and can assist zoos in determining the reproductive state of females in their collections. Zoo Biol 27:320–330, 2008. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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