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In many coenagrionid damselflies, sexually mature females exhibit color polymorphisms, with some females resembling conspecific males. Although it has been suggested that the latter function as male mimics, this does not appear to be the case for those in the genus Enallagma. We found that sexually dimorphic coloration of the female abdomen and thorax are important cues for sexual recognition by males. We demonstrate for the first time in the Odonata, that males learn to recognize andromorphs as potential mates. After 2 days in an enclosure, sexually mature males exposed to only andromorphic females initiated more sexual interactions with tethered andromorphs than with heteromorphs, the majority morph in the natural population. Exposure to only heteromorphic females tended to decrease males' sexual responses to andromorphs, but not significantly so. Because the frequency of female morphs often varies within a population, learned mate recognition would be advantageous for males that search for mates. Our results lead to a novel, frequency-dependent hypothesis for the occurrence and maintenance of female-limited color polymorphisms.  相似文献   

We compared the age, movement, and time–activity budgets of male Calopteryx maculata damselflies occupying off-stream tree-fall gaps with those at stream sites within a 10-ha woodland. All males collected at off-stream sites were younger than males collected at stream sites—as indicated by their significantly higher wing transmittance. Thirty-three percent of teneral males marked at off-stream gaps moved to stream sites within 4 days (mean distance = 140 m), while mature males marked at stream sites never left the stream. In contrast to stream site males, off-stream males spent significantly more time capturing prey and never engaged in aggressive interactions with other males. Behavioral differences were not due to variations in the operative body temperature. However, malaise trapping revealed a greater frequency of suitable prey in forest light gaps. Our findings support the idea that teneral male Calopteryx leave their emergence sites along the stream for off-stream light gaps to forage without interference and build the energy reserves necessary to attain and hold streamside territories.  相似文献   

We defined patterns of habitat use and selection by female grizzly bears (Ursus arctos) in the Besa-Prophet watershed of northern British Columbia. We fitted 13 adult females with Geographic Positioning System (GPS) radio-collars and monitored them between 2001 and 2004. We examined patterns of habitat selection by grizzly bears relative to topographical attributes and 3 potential surrogates of food availability: land-cover class, vegetation biomass or quality (as measured by the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index), and selection value for prey species themselves (moose [Alces alces], elk [Cervus elaphus], woodland caribou [Rangifer tarandus], Stone's sheep [Ovis dalli stonei]). Although vegetation biomass and quality, and selection values for prey were important in seasonal selection by some individual bears, land-cover class, elevation, aspect, and vegetation diversity most influenced patterns of habitat selection across grizzly bears, which rely on availability of plant foods and encounters with ungulate prey. Grizzly bears as a group avoided conifer stands and areas of low vegetation diversity, and selected for burned land-cover classes and high vegetation diversity across seasons. They also selected mid elevations from what was available within seasonal ranges. Quantifying relative use of different attributes helped place selection patterns within the context of the landscape. Grizzly bears used higher elevations (1,595 ± 31 m SE) in spring and lower elevations (1,436 ± 27 m) in fall; the range of average elevations used among individuals was highest (500 m) during the summer. During all seasons, grizzly bears most frequented aspects with high solar gain. Use was distributed across 10 land-cover classes and depended on season. Management and conservation actions must maintain a diverse habitat matrix distributed across a large elevational gradient to ensure persistence of grizzly bears as levels of human access increase in the northern Rocky Mountains. © 2011 The Wildlife Society.  相似文献   

We investigated the mechanism underlying oviposition habitat selection (OHS) in the mosquito Culiseta longiareolata. The putative outcome of a trade‐off between the risk of predation and detrimental density dependence, OHS in this species presents an opportunity to test two competing alternatives: (1) a polymorphic scenario, in which a fixed proportion of females constantly avoid ‘predator pools’, while the remainder oviposits at random; and (2) a monomorphic scenario, in which all females oviposit in predator pools with a certain probability. We present a conceptual framework that demonstrates how a simple experimental design – whereby predator incidence in artificial pools is alternated between 0.25 and 0.75 – can distinguish between, or refute, the two scenarios. Given the proportional use, by ovipositing females, of predator‐free pools observed under each treatment, and a bootstrap estimate of the ratio of daily oviposition rates, we find the monomorphic scenario twice as likely as the polymorphic.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Most female Culiseta longiareolata (Diptera: Culicidae) avoid ovipositing in pools that contain the predatory backswimmer Notonecta maculata . Such oviposition habitat selection has been suggested to reflect a trade-off between the risk of predation on larvae and potential density-dependent fitness costs. This putative trade-off was examined. In particular, evidence was sought in support of direct female response to local heterogeneity in habitat quality.
2. Three habitat types were established using artificial outdoor pools: predator pools, and non-predator pools with either low or high densities of Culiseta larvae. During each experimental night, females were offered one of the three possible pair-wise treatment combinations.
3. The majority (≈88%) of females oviposited in low-density pools rather than in the predator- or high-density pools. Furthermore, a substantially higher proportion of females oviposited in predator pools when faced with the high-density alternative, however this was due largely to fewer females ovipositing in high- vs low-density pools.
4. Females of a second mosquito species ( Culex laticinctus ), the larvae of which are at a lower risk of predation, were predicted to exhibit weaker aversion to N. maculata ; this prediction was supported only weakly.
5. Oviposition habitat selection by female C. longiareolata does not appear to involve a behavioural response that is based on individual assessment of local heterogeneity in relative pool quality, at least not at the spatial scale examined here; alternative explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Ovipositing females should choose egg-laying sites which maximize the growth and survivorship of their offspring. Accordingly, they should avoid habitats with high densities of competitors and predators and should choose sites with adequate food. We tested experimentally the oviposition response of the mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata Macquart, to extra food and two species which are both potential competitors and predators of its offspring: conspecific larvae and green toad ( Bufo viridis ) tadpoles.
2. We conducted the experiment in outdoor artificial pools where wild C. longiareolata females were presented with choices of all combinations of the presence or absence of: (1) C.longiareolata larvae, (2) B.viridis tadpoles, and (3) extra food (a mixture of ground fish food and mouse chow).
3. Oviposition rates averaged approximately 4 times greater in response to extra food.
4. The presence of the tadpoles, particularly later in the experiment when they were larger, caused a significant reduction (approximately 50%) in oviposition rate.
5. We did not detect a statistically significant effect of conspecific larvae on oviposition habitat selection.
6. Our results indicate that Culiseta females choose habitats for oviposition based on food availability. They also tend to avoid habitats containing Bufo tadpoles, presumably to avoid predation and/or competition.  相似文献   

Larval damselflies frequently engage in aggressive interactions that may increase their risk of fish predation. To test this we analyzed the behavior of larval Ischnura verticalis exposed to both conspecifics and fish predators. Larvae in the presence of conspecifics oriented, struck, and swam more but crawled less compared to solitary larvae; the presence of fish reduced, or tended to reduce, all behaviors. Fish struck more at interacting larvae compared to noninteracting larvae. Increased attack rate by fish likely reflects the increase in the very active swimming behavior by larvae and suggests a conflict between antipredator behaviors. Swimming is an appropriate response to avoid predation by odonate larvae which normally ambush prey but is clearly dangerous when fast-swimming fish that cue in on movement are nearby.  相似文献   

  1. Freshwater species with complex life cycles face a trade-off between the risks of offspring mortality due to desiccation in temporary habitats and due to predators common in long-duration habitats, especially fish. In real-world conditions, intermediate-gradient areas that are highly suitable for some ecological specialists are often limited. I examined the relative significance of drivers of the permanence–predation gradient in habitat selection by pond-breeding anurans.
  2. Anuran oviposition was investigated at the community level in fish pond landscapes with only three types of habitat, permanent fish-containing ponds and highly desiccation-prone pools, either fishless or recently emptied of fish and with fish odour (fish cue). Altogether, 65 ponds/pools, interspersed in four clusters, were examined for the presence of egg masses.
  3. Bufo bufo was the only species preferring permanent ponds. Egg masses of Rana sp. (Rana arvalis/Rana temporaria) occurred in all fishless pools, and less frequently in the ponds. Bufotes viridis and long larval period species Pelobates fuscus and Hyla orientalis oviposited almost exclusively in fishless pools. Fish-cue pools were avoided by all species. Anuran richness was higher in fishless pools than in permanent ponds. Species distribution between the two habitats was nested, with both common and rare species occurring in fishless pools.
  4. The results indicate the primacy of offspring predation risk over hydroperiod constraints in oviposition decision-making by fish-intolerant anurans. The absence of some species from ponds and pools with fish or fish cues shows that non-consumptive interactions may better explain the scarcity of anuran larvae in waters dominated by fish than actual consumption. The strict avoidance of fish habitats despite their proximity to fishless patches indicates fine-scale assessment of predation risk. However, rigid habitat selection against fish predation on offspring may prove maladaptive if habitats with high desiccation risk are the main alternative and are indiscriminately preferred. Maintenance of fishless wetlands with a hydroperiod sufficient to allow completion of metamorphosis should be a conservation priority for anuran diversity in areas where fishless habitats are limited.

1. Females should choose to oviposit in habitats where risk of predation and competition are low. The ovipositional responses of a mosquito, Culiseta longiareolata, to a predator and to species sharing the same trophic level as this mosquito (controphic species) were assessed experimentally in outdoor artificial pools. 2. The predator, larval Anax imperator, which strongly reduced larval C. longiareolata survival, resulted in a 52% reduction of C. longiareolata egg rafts. The controphic species (primarily Daphnia magna), which had a small but statistically significant negative effect on the survival of C. longiareolata larvae, did not have a statistically significant influence on the number of egg rafts. 3. Laboratory trials indicated that only a small fraction of the reduced number of egg rafts seen in predator pools may be due to consumption of the egg rafts by A. imperator. 4. The experimental evidence indicates that the reduced number of C. longiareolata egg rafts found in the presence of A. imperator is due largely to oviposition habitat selection, i.e. C. longiareolata females choose pools with low risk of predation for their offspring.  相似文献   

1. Theory predicts that natural selection should favour females that are able to correctly assess the risk of predation and then use that information to avoid high‐risk oviposition sites to reduce the risk of offspring predation. Despite the potential significance of such behaviour on individual fitness, population dynamics and community structure, relatively few studies of oviposition behaviour connected to the risk of predation have been carried out. 2. However, some recent studies suggest that oviposition site selection in response to risk of predation may be a common phenomenon, at least among amphibians and mosquitoes. A vast majority of previous studies have, however, neglected to investigate how the offspring are affected, in terms of fitness related parameters, by the maternal oviposition site choice. 3. In an outdoor artificial pond experiment we tested the oviposition site selection of female aquatic beetles (Hydroporus spp.) in relation to the presence or absence of a predatory fish (Perca fluviatilis). In addition, we monitored how the oviposition site selection affected the behaviour, growth and food resource of the progeny. 4. We show that free‐flying females of the aquatic beetles Hydroporus incognitus and H. nigrita prefer to oviposit in waters without fish compared with waters with fish. Larval activity of Hydroporus spp. was unaffected by fish presence. Our results indicate that beetle larvae from females that do lay eggs in waters with fish show increased growth compared with larvae in waters without fish. We explain this difference in growth by a higher per‐capita food supply in the presence of a fish predator. This finding may have important implications for our understanding of how the variance of oviposition site selection in a population is sustained.  相似文献   

Winter climate at northern latitudes is a challenge to small-bodied ungulates, and they modify behaviour to save energy and to increase the likelihood of survival. Also, the ongoing expansion of large carnivores in several European countries can lead to the recovery of (potentially energetically costly) anti-predator behaviours. In an area recently recolonized by Eurasian lynx Lynx lynx , we snow-tracked radio-collared roe deer Capreolus capreolus in order to investigate their bedding and feeding behaviour during winter, and assess how environmental factors affect their habitat use. We also tested the prediction that roe deer use more open sites than locally available in areas with a stalking predator such as the lynx. Our results showed that both bed sites and foraging sites had more cover, compared with random sites. Most of the variation in canopy cover and in the distance and foraging sites between bed sites and foraging sites was explained by prevailing weather. As the winter progressed, the presumed depletion of fat reserves promoted the use of more canopy cover at foraging sites by night, less by day and a decrease in the distance between beds, foraging sites and human activities. Males used artificial feeding sites less often and bedded further from humans than females. The data fit the hypothesis of tighter energy budgets for family groups (females with fawns) or that males are more cautious towards humans. There was no support for the hypothesis that roe deer used more open habitat than locally available in order to reduce their vulnerability to lynx predation. Owing to severe winter conditions and the danger of starvation, roe deer seem to be forced to accept a high risk when predators are present, not changing their main pattern of habitat use from comparative areas where predators are absent.  相似文献   

The loss and degradation of mangrove forests have triggered global restoration efforts to support biodiversity and ecosystem services, including fish stock enhancement. As mangrove restoration accelerates, it is important to evaluate outcomes for species that play functional roles in ecosystems and support services, yet this remains a clear knowledge gap. There is remarkably little information, for example, about how fish use of mangroves varies as restored vegetation matures, hampering efforts to include fisheries benefits in natural capital assessments of restoration. We used unbaited underwater cameras within two distinct zones of mangrove forests—fringe and interior—at five pairs of restored-natural mangrove sites of increasing age from restoration in southeast Queensland, Australia. We used deep learning to automatically extract data for the four most common species: yellowfin bream (Acanthopagrus australis), sea mullet (Mugil cephalus), common toadfish (Tetractenos hamiltoni), and common silverbiddy (Gerres subfasciatus). The abundance of these species varied among sites and zones, but was equal or greater in restored sites compared to paired natural sites. Despite younger restored sites having dramatically lower structural vegetation complexity, abundances did not increase with restoration site maturity. Furthermore, while yellowfin bream and sea mullet were more abundant in the fringe zone, we observed similarities in how fish used fringe and interior zones across all sites. Our paired, space-for-time design provides a powerful test of restoration outcomes for fish, highlighting that even newly restored sites with immature vegetation are readily utilized by key fish species.  相似文献   

马尾松毛虫幼虫的捕食天敌及其捕食作用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
石根生  李典谟 《昆虫知识》1998,35(6):336-340
根据林间调查和室内观察资料,分析了江西省万年县不同松林中马尾松毛虫不同发生代别低龄幼虫期的主要捕食天敌种类及数量。结果表明低龄幼虫期捕食无敌有13科31种,其中以蜘蛛类最多,其次为蚂蚁类。不同林型中捕食天敌的种类和数量在年份间代别间均存在一定差异,数量差异尤其显著。在室内研究了几种主要捕食无敌对马尾松毛虫低龄幼虫的捕食作用及其功能反应,结果表明功能反应为S型,由此建立了它们的功能反应模型。  相似文献   

We utilise a volunteer survey recording roadkills between 2001 and 2011 to examine the factors affecting hedgehog Erinaceus europaeus abundance and decline. Hedgehogs were most abundant in the North and East of England and in Scotland, regions characterised by low badger numbers. Hedgehogs selected arable land and urban areas relative to their availability. Badger Meles meles and fox Vulpes vulpes abundance were negatively associated with hedgehog abundance at the 10 km2 scale. At the county level, foxes were positively associated with hedgehog numbers and badgers negatively associated. The mechanism behind the relationships between hedgehogs and badgers and foxes merits further investigation.  相似文献   

Males that search widely for females and perform conspicuous courtship displays run a high risk of being detected by their predators. Therefore, gains in reproductive success might be offset by increased mortality due to predation. Male brush‐legged wolf spiders (Schizocosa ocreata) with larger decorative traits (foreleg tufts) are preferred by females as mates, but are more readily detected by predators. However, predation risk may also be influenced by the interaction between components of signals and the environment in which signaling occurs. Courting male spiders were readily accepted as prey by a sympatric predator, the American toad (Anaxyrus americanus). We used video playback to tease apart the interactive effect between visual signals and the signaling environment on the ability of toads to detect courting spiders as a function of distance, background contrast, the presence or absence of male foreleg tufts, and behavioral activity. The response of toads to video sequences of male spiders was similar to their response to live male spiders. Toad response varied over distance toward spiders displayed against high contrast (sunny) vs. low contrast (shaded) backgrounds. Beyond 30 cm, more toads detected courting male spiders against light, ‘sunny’ backgrounds and detected them faster when compared to the same spider stimulus against darker, ‘shady’ backgrounds. In choice tests, toads oriented more often toward courting males with leg tufts than those without. Toad responses also varied with male spider behavior in that only videos of moving males were attacked. Latency to orient and detection by toads was significantly greater for walking males than courting males, and this effect was most evident at distances between 30 cm and 50 cm. Results supported that courting wolf spiders are at significant risk of predation by visually acute predators. Distance, background contrast, and the presence of foreleg decorations influence detection probability. Thus, the same complex visual signals that make males conspicuous and are preferred by females can make males more vulnerable as prey to toads.  相似文献   

1. Oviposition site selection was studied in three trichopteran species; an undescribed species of Hydatophylax (Limnephilidae), Onocosmoecus unicolor (Limnephilidae) and Neophylax rickeri (Uenoidae), in two Coastal Range streams in California, U.S.A. 2. Hydatophylax sp. egg masses were generally found at or above the water surface on substrata near the bank in pools, where undercut banks, overhanging vegetation and rocks shaded attachment sites and provided wind protection. Onocosmoecus unicolor females deposited their egg masses exclusively above the water on moist emergent wood. The egg masses of N. rickeri were almost exclusively found in high velocity areas of riffles, where females oviposited under water and attached their egg masses to the submersed undersides of unembedded, protruding stones with large emergent surfaces. 3. For Hydatophylax sp. and N. rickeri, a hierarchical selection scheme is proposed in which females use cues at three different spatial levels (stream, stream subunit, substratum) to choose oviposition sites. Females of O. unicolor seemed to choose at only two different levels of spatial resolution (stream, substratum). 4. The formation of large aggregations of egg masses in N. rickeri and O. unicolor suggests that females actively choose oviposition sites where conspecific egg masses are already attached. The clustering of egg masses may minimise the risk of predation through the dilution effect, because egg masses of N. rickeri and O. unicolor are both attacked by dipteran predators. 5. Females of the three Trichoptera species studied are able to make a clear choice of oviposition site in the heterogeneous stream environment. In comparison with other stream microhabitats, these are characterised by stable and relatively predictable environmental conditions during the time of egg development, which is seen as the main selective pressure leading to the observed egg‐laying behaviour.  相似文献   

The larvae of the pit‐making antlion Myrmeleon bore Tjeder live in open sand in riverbeds with a substratum consisting of various particle sizes. We analyzed the spatial distribution of their pits in a sandy floodplain to determine their larval and adult responses to the heterogeneous substrate. The spatial distribution pattern of their pits had an aggregated distribution, and there was a significant positive correlation between pit density and the ratio of medium‐size sand particles to total weight of sand. We examined the size of sand particles selected in the larval pit‐building behavior and the oviposition behavior of the adult. Both larvae and adults selected medium‐size sand particles. The larvae of M. bore are relatively sedentary predators and rarely move great distances. Thus, the present results suggest that habitat selection by adult females is a major factor causing the aggregative distribution of the pits.  相似文献   

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