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Beehive fence deters crop-raiding elephants   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Previous work has shown that African elephants Loxodonta africana will avoid African honeybees Apis mellifera scutellata . Here we present results from a pilot study conducted to evaluate the concept of using beehives to mitigate elephant crop depredation. In Laikipia, Kenya, we deployed a 90-m fence-line of nine inter-connected hives, all empty, on two exposed sides of a square two-acre farm that was experiencing high levels of elephant crop depredation. Compared with a nearby control farm of similar status and size, our experimental farm experienced fewer raids and consequently had higher productivity. Socioeconomic indicators suggest that not only was the concept of a beehive fence popular and desired by the community but also that it can pay for its construction costs through the sale of honey and bee products. We are calling for experiments testing this concept of a 'guardian beehive-fence' to be conducted rigorously and scientifically in as wide a range of agricultural settings as possible to evaluate jointly its effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

Very little information exists on mineral nutrition of tropical, forest-dwelling species, yet minerals are critical to growth, reproduction, and survival. We examined the mineral resources available to and consumed by colobus in Kibale National Park, Uganda. We combined behavioral data on black-and-white (Colobus guereza) and red colobus (Piliocolobus tephrosceles) in a section of unlogged forest, a heavily logged area, and a forest fragment with mineral analysis of their foods to estimate the proportion of the diet containing specific minerals (mineral content). We compared mineral content of colobus foods (natural and crops) across plant parts and among plant species. Additionally, we estimated mineral intake of frugivorous primates in Kibale from published dietary data and our estimates of mineral content of foods. Dietary mineral content for all colobus groups and frugivorous species is similar despite significant differences in the mineral content of foods. Ripe and unripe fruits are lower in mineral content than most foods. Foods rarely consumed, such as bark, petioles, and caterpillars have high levels of some minerals. The mineral content of crops is low in comparison to that ofnatural foods. For all colobus groups of both species, sodium content of foods was extremely low and iron content was generally low, suggesting that intake isbelow suggested requirements, though current suggested iron requirements may overestimate physiological needs. Copper content was marginal and deficient seasonally for most colobus groups. Despite a sodium-limiting environment, only one of 8 colobus groups appeared to select sodium; however, this may be due to a lack of variation in sodium content among plant species and a positive correlation between high plant sodium content and secondary compounds. Despite the lack of selection for sodium by colobines, some behaviors point to a potential sodium deficiency, including urine drinking, consumption of high-sodium swamp plants, and use of mud-puddles.  相似文献   

In Africa, most protected forests are in densely human-dominated landscapes where human–wildlife conflict is intense. We documented farmer perceptions and responses to crop-raiding wildlife from Kibale National Park, Uganda. Crop raiding was mostly (95%) by baboons (Papio anubis) and elephants (Loxodonta africana). While the financial loss caused by baboons and elephants did not differ, elephants were perceived as more damaging. Guarding and trenches were perceived as the most effective deterrent strategies for baboons and elephants, respectively. Distance from the park boundary and household income were significantly associated with a greater likelihood of crop raiding. Distance from the park, household head age and the species that raided crops, influenced whether a household applied one or more deterrent strategies. Households headed by women or older adults were most vulnerable, experiencing greater losses to raiding. Patterns of human–wildlife conflict around Kibale forest are complex, but the extent of crop damage was mostly determined by distance from the park and farm socio-economic status and thus their ability to mitigate or deter raiding. Managing crop raiding requires collaboration between the park and affected farmers to ensure that mutually managed deterrent methods, such as trenching (elephants) and guarding (baboons), are effectively shared, applied and maintained.  相似文献   

Crop raiding around Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In areas around Lake Mburo National Park, large wild animals wander in close proximity to human settlements. This poses serious conflict in terms of crop damage. The integration of conservation with other land uses is difficult where densely settled agricultural land surrounds a protected area potentially containing problem animals, as is the case for several parks in Africa and Asia. The intensity of crop raiding was quantified through the use of random crop quadrants/plots and area estimation techniques in a portion of raided fields. The animal species concerned were documented from observations, footprints and any other marks left behind. Three variables were tested as predictors of damage: human population density, distance from the park boundary and season. In this study, data is presented regarding crop loss in the different seasons of the year, analysis of crop damage variation and animal species involved in crop loss. A diverse assemblage of animals foraged on subsistence crops and analysis of crop damage revealed significant crop depreciation by wildlife.  相似文献   

Breeding birds in the tropical rain forests of Kibale National Park, Uganda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A combination of trapping and foot surveys was used to assess the breeding status of birds in unlogged and logged sites in the tropical rain forest of Kibale National Park, Uganda. Breeding of forest edge and gap species was greatly enhanced by logging, whereas crevice and hole nesting specialist breeders were adversely affected. Egg‐laying periods corresponded to higher rainfall regimes at the nearby field station. The relevance of these findings to bird conservation is discussed.  相似文献   

Changes in species composition, stem abundance, and basal area of trees taller than or equal to 10 m in a medium altitude tropical rain forest at the Ngogo study area, Kibale National Park, Uganda are described for the period between 1975 and 1998 ( n  = 23 years). Two enumeration episodes were conducted in 263 plots of 5 m by 50 m during 1975–80 and 1997–98. During this period, species richness decreased by 3% (from 92 to 89). Species diversity (H') also declined slightly from 2.97 to 2.86. The number of trees recorded in the sample plots decreased by 8% (from 2545 to 2329), while basal area decreased from 49.48 m2 ha−1 to 48.68 m2 ha−1. However, stem abundance and basal area increased for some species.  相似文献   

The impact of fire on the foraging behaviour of impala (Aepyceros melampus), was studied in the Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda. Two indices of foraging efficiency were used to establish differences in feeding behaviour in burnt and unburnt control areas. These are acceptable grass/browse abundance (AGA/ABA), expressed in terms of feeding time achieved per 50 steps and food ingestion rate (FIR), expressed as the cumulative percentage. Accumulation of above ground grass biomass was also measured in burnt and control areas. After burning, the grazing efficiency remains constant throughout the dry season, while the browsing time achieved per 50 steps decreases drastically. In the control areas AGA decreased with increasing length of the dry season while ABA increased. When expressed in terms of cumulative percentage (FIR), the results show a significant increase of 31% in foraging time spent grazing and a 24% decrease in foraging time spent browsing, in burnt areas. The results confirm the classification of impalas as intermediate or mixed feeders with a distinct preference for grass. Impala foraging patterns after burning are discussed and compared with investigations on the effect of burning on the behaviour of impalas and Buffon's kob (Kobus kob kob) in other areas of Africa.  相似文献   

Processes of forest regeneration in two unlogged areas and in three areas that were logged nearly 25 years ago were quantified in Kibale National Park, Uganda. For forests to recover from logging, one would predict recruitment and growth processes to be accelerated in logged areas relative to unlogged areas, facilitating increased recruitment of trees into the adult size classes. We examined this prediction first by determining the growth of 4733 trees over a 51 to 56 month period and found that growth rates in the most heavily logged area were consistently slower than in the two unlogged areas. In contrast, the lightly logged forest had similar growth rates to unlogged areas in the small size classes, but trees in the 30 to 50 cm DBH size cohort exhibited elevated growth rates relative to the unlogged areas. Mortality was highest in the heavily logged areas, with many deaths occurring when healthy trees were knocked over by neighboring treefalls. We found no difference in the density or species richness of seedlings in the logged and unlogged forests. The number of seedlings that emerged from the disturbed soil (seed bank+seed rain) and initially seed-free soil (seed rain) was greater in the logged forest than in the unlogged forest. However, sapling density was lower in the heavily logged areas, suggesting that there is a high level of seedling mortality in logged areas. We suggest that the level of canopy opening created during logging, the lack of aggressive colonizing tree species, elephant activity that is concentrated in logged areas, and an aggressive herb community, all combine to delay vegetation recovery in Kibale Forest.  相似文献   

In the face of the continuing destruction of tropical rainforests, a major challenge is to understand the consequences of these habitat changes for biodiversity and the time scale at which biodiversity can recover after such disturbances. In this study, we assessed the patterns in communities of birds among forests of varying age consisting of clear-cuts of former coniferous plantations, selectively logged compartments and primary forests in Kibale National Park, Uganda. Birds were surveyed by 10-minute point counts at 174 randomly located points in nine forest areas during September–October 2011. A total of 2 688 birds representing 115 species were recorded. The species density, diversity and dominance of all birds, and dominance of forest specialists showed no differences between forest areas, whereas the species density and diversity of forest specialists differed significantly between forest areas. The composition of communities of all birds and of forest specialists varied significantly among the forest areas. Our results show that even after 19 and 43 years, respectively, communities of birds in clear-cuts of former coniferous plantations and selectively logged forests have not fully recovered from the disturbances of logging, highlighting the need to preserve primary forests for conservation of birds.  相似文献   

If specialization influences species presence, then high tropical tree and shrub diversity should correspond with high environmental heterogeneity. Such heterogeneity may be found among different successional communities (i.e., canopy types). We explore species associations in three forest-dominated canopy types, forest, gap, and edge, in Kibale National Park, Uganda and determine environmental, soil and light, differences among canopy types. To determine the strength of differences among forested canopy types, they are also compared to grasslands. Tree and shrub density and species richness using rarefaction analysis were determined based on data from 24 small plots (5 × 5 m) in all four canopy types and 16 large plots (10 × 50 m) in forest and grassland canopy types. Environmental variables were determined along 10 (20 m) transects in the four canopy types. Using analysis of variance and principal components analysis, we demonstrate that forest and gap environments had similar soils, but forest had lower light levels than gap. We also found that grassland and edge were more similar to one another than to forest and gap, but differed in a number of important biotic and abiotic factors controlling soil water availability (e.g., edge had higher root length density of small roots < 2 mm diameter in the top 20 cm than grassland). Using principal components analysis to assess similarities in community composition, we demonstrate that gap and forest had indistinguishable communities and that edge was similar to but distinct from both communities. Complete species turnover only occurred between grassland and the three forested canopy types. Even though overall community composition was similar in the three forested canopy types, in analyses of individual species using randomization tests, many common species were most frequently found in only one canopy type; these patterns held across size classes. These results suggest that despite differences among environments, community composition was similar among forested canopy types, which are likely intergrading into one another. Interestingly, individual species are more frequently found in a single canopy type, indicating species specialization.  相似文献   

Very few locomotor studies have been conducted on galagos. This is surprising given their interesting anatomy and ecology, as well as their increasing species diversity. In this study we investigated locomotion and postures in two sympatric galagos species (Galagoides thomasi and Galago matschiei) living in Kibale National Park, Uganda. G. thomasi uses arboreal quadrupedalism and leaping, while G. matschiei is more leaping-oriented. Both species utilize small oblique branches in the mid-canopy. These similarities in substrate use are most likely due to the similar body sizes and anatomies of the two species, as well as to the structure and availability of trees in Kibale National Park. Lastly, we compare the locomotor patterns of G. thomasi and G. matschiei with those observed in the few other quantitative locomotor studies available for galagos.  相似文献   

Baboons are the most successful and ubiquitous African primates, renowned for their behavioral and reproductive flexibility, which enable them to inhabit a wide variety of habitat types. Owing to a number of long‐term field studies, comparative behavioral, developmental, demographic, and life‐history data are available from several populations, but study sites show a heavy bias toward South and East African savannahs, with little research in West or Central Africa. Life‐history data from such areas are important if we are fully to understand the nature of the environmental factors that limit baboon distribution. Here, we present demographic data for olive baboons at Gashaka‐Gumti National Park (GGNP), Nigeria, collected from December 2000–February 2006, and use these data to test comparative models of baboon life‐history. The GGNP habitat, which includes large areas of rainforest, is an environment in which baboons are little studied, and rainfall is much higher than at previous study sites. GGNP troop size data are presented from censuses, as well as life‐history data for two troops, one of which is within the park and wild‐feeding (Kwano troop), whereas the other dwells at the park edge, and supplements its diet by crop‐raiding (Gamgam troop). Troop sizes at GGNP are small compared with other field sites, but fit within previously suggested ranges for baboons under these climatic conditions. Inter‐birth intervals in Kwano troop were long compared with most studied populations, and values were not as predicted by comparative models. Consistent with known effects of food enhancement, Gamgam troop experienced shorter inter‐birth intervals and lower infant mortality than Kwano troop. We indicate some possible factors that exclude baboons from true rainforest, and suggest that the clearing of forests in Central and West Africa for agricultural land may allow baboons to extend their range into regions from which they are currently excluded. Am. J. Primatol. 71:293–304, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Long‐term solutions to crop raiding by elephants (Loxodonta africana) should be based on an understanding of their behaviour and ecology. The real and perceived risks from humans have been shown to affect elephant behaviour. This is evidenced by elephants predominantly raiding crops at night, avoiding the height of human activity. If such human avoidance behaviours are apparent, it might also be expected that elephants avoid risks associated with higher visibility and increased human activity as may occur during the full moon. However, elephant nocturnal crop‐raiding behaviour in relation to lunar cycles has largely been a neglected factor in studies of human–elephant interactions. In this study around Mikumi National Park, Tanzania, we apply circular statistics in this context for the first time to show a significant decrease in crop raiding during the full moon and apply this method retrospectively to data from another site in West Africa with similar results. Additionally, a greater proportion of farms raided was guarded during the full moon than any other moon phase. Our results indicate that variations in crop raiding with lunar phase could be a general feature of elephant behaviour and thus could be used to design and time mitigation efforts.  相似文献   

Frequent hunting of red colobus monkeys (Procolobus rufomitratus) takes place at all long-term chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes) study sites where both species are present. Red colobus are the most commonly selected prey of chimpanzees even when other monkey species are more abundant. In particular, the chimpanzee community at Ngogo, Kibale National Park, Uganda, preys heavily on red colobus monkeys: the chimpanzee hunting success rate is extremely high, and chimpanzees kill many individuals per successful hunt. Census data had suggested that the red colobus population is declining and that predation by chimpanzees may be contributing to this decline. In this paper, I address the impact of hunting on the red colobus population at Ngogo. To test the hypothesis that chimpanzee hunting is sustainable, I am using demographic data collected on red colobus monkeys over a period of 3 years, as well as fecundity and mortality data from previous studies of this species. I apply matrix models and vortex analyses using a sensitivity analysis approach to project future population development. Results show that current rates of hunting are not sustainable, but that chimpanzees are neither more “noble”, nor more “savage” than humans are, but that they also hunt to ensure maximum benefit without regard for the consequences for the prey population.  相似文献   

Elephants and humans are increasingly coming into conflict because of the conversion of elephant habitat into agricultural areas. In order to identify trends that influence raiding behaviour, the nutritional makeup of food items consumed by crop‐raiding elephants over a 2‐year period were analysed and a trigger for crop raiding was identified. The point at which the quality of wild grasses declines below the quality of crop species corresponded to the movement of bull elephants out of a protected area and into fields. This finding may have wider implications for developing predictive models of elephant/human interactions.  相似文献   

Conflict of Interest Between People and Baboons: Crop Raiding in Uganda   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Much has been written about insect damage to standing crops, but an area that has received little attention within agricultural development, conservation, and primatological literature is that of primates and the potential damage they can cause to farmers' fields. This is likely to become an increasingly important issue for people interested in primates, as conservation projects adopt a more integrated approach to take account of local people's perspectives and needs. The aim of this paper is to examine the impact of crop raiding by primates, particularly baboons, on farmers living around the southern edge of the Budongo Forest Reserve, Uganda. I use data gathered during monthly farm surveys and informal discussion groups, along with time budget data, to demonstrate that 1) baboons can cause extensive damage to field crops, such as maize and cassava; 2) proximity of the farm to the forest edge and the presence or absence of neighboring farms affect the likelihood of any farm sustaining crop damage from baboons; and 3) in addition to the direct costs associated with crop losses attributed to baboon foraging activity, there are indirect costs of baboon crop raiding such as increased labor demands to protect crops from them and, occasionally, to replant crop stands badly damaged by baboons. These results have important implications for future primate conservation policy and practice.  相似文献   

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