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The preparation of Y. pestis capsular antigen F1, isolated from Y. pestis Fra-positive strain by Baker's method, has been shown to have a composition and contain three components: protein, glycoprotein and a lipid-containing component. Each of them equally reacts with antibodies to F1 and diagnostic preparations based on these antibodies. The synthesis of protein and glycoprotein is temperature-dependent and controlled by pYT (Caf). The synthesis of glycoprotein is constitutive and determined by chromosomal genes. Protein and glycoprotein have almost identical mol. wt., 18 and 17 kD respectively, but their localization is different: protein is secreted on the surface of bacterial cells and into the environment, while glycoprotein can be found inside the cells and is similar to intracellular glycoprotein of different enterobacteria, described in our earlier works and exhibiting F1 specificity. Different biological role of these F1-specific components is suggested.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry has been used to examine the subunit interactions in the capsular F1 antigen from Yersinia pestis, the causative agent of the plague. Introducing the sample using nanoflow electrospray from solution conditions in which the protein remains in its native state and applying collisional cooling to minimize the internal energy of the ions, multiple subunit interactions have been maintained. This methodology revealed assemblies of the F1 antigen that correspond in mass to both 7-mers and 14-mers, consistent with interaction of two seven-membered units. The difference between the calculated masses and those measured experimentally for these higher-order oligomers was found to increase proportionately with the size of the complex. This is consistent with a solvent-filled central cavity maintained on association of the 7-mer to the 14-mer. The charge states of the ions show that an average of one and four surface accessible basic side-chains are involved in maintaining the interactions between the 7-mer units and neighboring subunits, respectively. Taken together, these findings provide new information about the stoichiometry and packing of the subunits involved in the assembly of the capsular antigen structure. More generally, the data show that the symmetry and packing of macromolecular complexes can be determined solely from mass spectrometry, without any prior knowledge of higher order structure  相似文献   

鼠疫菌F1抗原是鼠疫亚单位新疫苗最重要的候选抗原,对其性质的充分认识,将有助于抗原制造工艺和新疫苗的开发。F1抗原的性质研究包括:微观结构,一级核苷酸、氨基酸序列,二级结构,高分子聚集形态,以及F1抗原的理化性质。  相似文献   

The F1 antigen of Yersinia pestis has been identified as one of the major protective antigens of this bacterium. The present study aims to delineate major and minor antigenic sites of F1 antigen. Using algorithmic predictions, five peptide sequences (P1, P2, P3, P4 and P5) spanning the C-terminal region were identified and synthesized. Antibodies were generated in mice against the peptides, native F1 protein and polymerized F1 antigen using liposomes as mode of immunization. Cross-reactivity between F1 antigen and peptides was tested using both solid and solution phase assays. Similar assays were done with rabbit anti-F1 sera. Competitive inhibition assays using a different combination of antisera and competing antigen identified P2 peptide FFVRSIGSKGGKLAAGKYTDAVTV (142-165) as the immunodominant sequence. The results indicate that this sequence appears to be exposed on the surface of F1 molecule. In a solid phase binding assay, P2 peptide was recognized even at high F1 antisera dilution. However, when antisera raised to different peptides were tested for binding to F1 antigen, antisera to P4 peptide showed maximal immunoreactivity. This implies more accessibility of this region during immobilization on solid surface. There was consistency in the results obtained for different strains of mice as well as for the rabbit antisera. Such a sequence of F1 antigen, which is recognized widely in animals of different genetic background, would be useful for diagnosis and subunit vaccine.  相似文献   

Most gram-negative pathogens express fibrous adhesive virulence organelles that mediate targeting to the sites of infection. The F1 capsular antigen from the plague pathogen Yersinia pestis consists of linear fibers of a single subunit (Caf1) and serves as a prototype for nonpilus organelles assembled via the chaperone/usher pathway. Genetic data together with high-resolution X-ray structures corresponding to snapshots of the assembly process reveal the structural basis of fiber formation. Comparison of chaperone bound Caf1 subunit with the subunit in the fiber reveals a novel type of conformational change involving the entire hydrophobic core of the protein. The observed conformational change suggests that the chaperone traps a high-energy folding intermediate of Caf1. A model is proposed in which release of the subunit allows folding to be completed, driving fiber formation.  相似文献   

Components of the capsule antigen (Baker), described early as F17, F18, F43, Flp, which positively reacts with commercial poly- and monoclonal antifractions plague diagnosticums were studied. Differences and their impacts on vaccine bacteria survival within peritoneal macrophages, guinea pigs and protection of white mice after immunization and fast protection against plague were shown. Hemolytic, cytolytic and hemo- and cytoagglutinations activities of lipoprotein (Flp) and capacity of glycoproteins F17 and F43 for induction of hemo- and cytoagglutinations were detected. Similarity of properties of enumerated components and lectins and their role in infection development and immunogenesis are discussed.  相似文献   

The F1-V vaccine antigen, protective against Yersinia pestis, exhibits a strong tendency to multimerize that affects larger-scale manufacture and characterization. In this work, the sole F1-V cysteine was replaced with serine by site-directed mutagenesis for characterization of F1-V non-covalent multimer interactions and protective potency without participation by disulfide-linkages. F1-V and F1-V(C424S) proteins were overexpressed in Escherichia coli, recovered using mechanical lysis/pH-modulation and purified from urea-solubilized soft inclusion bodies, using successive ion-exchange, ceramic hydroxyapatite, and size-exclusion chromatography. This purification method resulted in up to 2mg/g of cell paste of 95% pure, mono-disperse protein having < or =0.5 endotoxin units per mg by a kinetic chromogenic limulus amoebocyte lysate reactivity assay. Both F1-V and F1-V(C424S) were monomeric at pH 10.0 and progressively self-associated as pH conditions decreased to pH 6.0. Solution additives were screened for their ability to inhibit F1-V self-association at pH 6.5. An L-arginine buffer provided the greatest stabilizing effect. Conversion to >500-kDa multimers occurred between pH 6.0 and 5.0. Conditions for efficient F1-V adsorption to the cGMP-compatible alhydrogel adjuvant were optimized. Side-by-side evaluation for protective potency against subcutaneous plague infection in mice was conducted for F1-V(C424S) monomer; cysteine-capped F1-V monomer; cysteine-capped F1-V multimer; and a F1-V standard reported previously. After a two-dose vaccination with 2 x 20 microg of F1-V, respectively, 100%, 80%, 80%, and 70% of injected mice survived a subcutaneous lethal plague challenge with 10(8) LD(50)Y. pestis CO92. Thus, vaccination with F1-V monomer and multimeric forms resulted in significant, and essentially equivalent, protection.  相似文献   

目的对兰州生物制品研究所有限责任公司研制的鼠疫菌F1抗体酶联免疫诊断试剂盒和鼠疫菌F1抗原酶联免疫诊断试剂盒进行临床应用评价。方法采用双抗原/抗体夹心酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)、间接血球凝集试验(IHA)、胶体金免疫层析试验(GICA)3种方法的诊断试剂对比检测云南省地方病防治所中心实验室保藏的和现场采集的血清样品和脏器样品,对血清样品做鼠疫菌F1抗体检测,对脏器样品做鼠疫菌F1抗原检测。结果在358份血清样品中,ELISA试剂检出F1抗体阳性52份(14.52%),IHA试剂检出阳性37份(10.34%),GICA试剂检出阳性45份(12.57%)。ELISA与IHA试剂的符合率为95.23%,与GICA试剂的符合率为96.92%。经统计学χ2检验,ELISA试剂检出F1抗体阳性率高于IHA试剂(χ2=11.53,P=0.000 7),与GICA试剂检出的差异无统计学意义(χ2=3.27,P=0.070 4)。进一步分析滴度差值频数,ELISA试剂检测人血清的敏感性高于IHA试剂的样品占87.5%。在117份脏器样品中,3种试剂均检出F1抗原阳性15份(12.82%),符合率100%。滴度差值频数比较,ELISA试剂检测敏感性高于反向间接血球凝集试验(RIHA)试剂的样品为78.57%。结论兰州生物制品研究所有限责任公司研制的鼠疫菌F1抗体酶联免疫诊断试剂盒和鼠疫菌F1抗原酶联免疫诊断试剂盒性质特异,其敏感性优于IHA试剂盒和GICA试剂条,值得在鼠疫的监测和快速诊断中推广应用。  相似文献   

目的研究抗鼠疫耶尔森菌F1抗原单克隆抗体(单抗)被动免疫BALB/c小鼠后的抗鼠疫保护效果,确认鼠疫抗体治疗依据,探索鼠疫免疫学治疗的评价手段。方法将BALB/c小鼠随机分组,用不同剂量的抗鼠疫耶尔森菌F1抗原单抗4C6和2D2分别进行免疫,再分别用不同剂量的鼠疫强毒菌攻击,通过小鼠的存活率和存活时间,判定F1单抗免疫小鼠被动保护其抵抗鼠疫强毒菌攻击的有效性和剂量相关性。结果在14 d的观察期内,在100.0 MLD鼠疫强毒菌攻击下,4C6单抗400.0μg组、200.0μg组、100.0μg组、50.0μg组和25.0μg组小鼠的存活率分别为100%、83%、50%、50%和0%,平均存活时间分别为15.00 d、14.67 d、13.00 d、13.50 d和9.67 d;2D2单抗400.0μg组、200.0μg组、100.0μg组、50.0μg组、25.0μg组小鼠的存活率分别为83%、50%、50%、33%和0%,平均存活时间分别为14.83 d、13.33 d、12.67 d、12.33 d和8.00 d。在10.0 MLD鼠疫强毒菌攻击下,4C6单抗50.0μg组、25.0μg组和12.5μg组小鼠的存活率分别为83%、83%和17%,平均存活时间分别为14.17 d、14.50 d、9.83 d;2D2单抗50.0μg组、25.0μg组、12.5μg组小鼠的存活率分别为100%、33%和33%,平均存活时间分别为15.00 d、12.33d和11.67 d。2.0 MLD和1.0 MLD攻击的未免疫对照组小鼠全部死亡,平均存活时间分别为6.1 d和6.7 d。F1抗原单抗的免疫剂量与小鼠的平均存活时间和存活率有比较明显的相关性(P<0.05)。结论用抗鼠疫耶尔森菌F1抗原单抗被动免疫小鼠,在受到鼠疫强毒菌攻击时,对小鼠具有免疫保护作用。  相似文献   

Immunization with live plague vaccine has been shown to give no protection to thymectomized mice from subcutaneous challenge with Y. pestis virulent strain. Under the action of the vaccine or individual Y. pestis antigens (fraction I) the functional and morphological activation of thymocytes and macrophages is observed, more pronounced in C57BL/6 mice and less pronounced in CBA mice. Y. pestis antigenic preparations (fractions I and II, pesticin) act as T-cell mitogens and are thus capable of inducing the in vitro proliferation of thymocytes. At the same time the in vivo action of fraction II induces a decrease in the level of lymphocytes in the peripheral blood of mice and the destruction of lymphocytes in their thymus and spleen.  相似文献   

重组鼠疫菌F1抗原在大肠杆菌中的表达及免疫原性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用基因重组技术,用pET42(b+)质粒在大肠杆菌DE3中表达鼠疫菌F1抗原。经分析rF1抗原基因序列与天然F1抗原结构基因序列完全一致,电泳扫描测其表达量为25%:W estern B lot结果表明,rF1抗原可与F1特异性抗体相互作用,具有天然F1抗原的活性。用镍离子亲和层析纯化rF1抗原免疫BALB/c小鼠,在其血清中可检测到高滴度的抗F1抗体。  相似文献   

The Yersinia pestis (causative agent of plague) capsule antigen is a homopolymer of Caf1 protein. Export of the subunits is mediated by the periplasmic chaperone Caf1M. To study the mechanism of Caf1M activity, two hybrid genes including coding sequences for the Caf1 signal peptide, human granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) or interleukin-1 (IL-1) receptor antagonist, and mature Caf1 were constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli. We have shown that in the absence of Caf1M the majority of Caf1 moieties within the hybrid proteins undergo proteolysis in the periplasmic space, presumably by the DegP protease. The coexpression of a gene for chaperone Caf1M significantly increased the amount of full-size hybrid proteins in the periplasm, probably as a result of stabilization of the subunits spatial structure within the hybrid. This effect was not observed in JCB571 cells, which lack periplasmic disulfide isomerase DsbA, essential for Caf1M activity.  相似文献   

F1 antigen is an attractive candidate for the development of a subunit vaccine against plague. In previous study, the extraction of this antigen from Yersinia pestis is characterized by using organic solvents. In this work, a new purification strategy that produced high-purity F1 antigen from Y. pestis EV76 was developed by the substitution of physical disruption for organic solvent one, followed by a combination of ammonium sulfate fractionation and Sephacryl S-200HR column filtration chromatography. As revealed in this study, this purification procedure is simple and effective, and avoids potential adverse effect on the antigen by organic solvents. Highly purified F1 that adsorbed to 25% (v/v) Al(OH)3 adjuvant in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) induced very high titers of antibody to F1 in BALB/c mice and protected them (100% survival) against subcutaneous challenge with 10(4) CFU of Y. pestis virulent strain 141.  相似文献   

Some properties of the structure of Y. pestis capsular antigen macromolecules have been studied. The aminoacid composition of F1 protein, the aminoacid sequence of the N-terminal fragment of antigen polipeptide chain were determined. Some peculiarities in the dissociation of capsular antigen macromolecules have been studied. The formation of the product resulting from unterminated thermodissociation of F1 protein oligomeric form, consisting of four subunits, has been registered. The aspects of F1 protein association are discussed.  相似文献   

A rapid diagnostic dipstick test (RDT) that detects Yersinia pestis F1 antigen has been recently applied on 18 putative plague victims exhumed from four archaeological burial sites in southeastern France dating back to the 16(th), 17(th) and 18(th) centuries. The Y. pestis antigen F1 was detected in 12 ancient samples out of 18 (67%). Negative controls confirmed their negativity (100%). Our results emphasize that the detection threshold of the RDT for plague (0.5 ng/ml) is sufficient for a first retrospective diagnosis of Y. pestis infection in ancient remains, and confirm the high specificity and sensitivity of the assay. Double-blind analyses performed by using two different techniques (RDT and 'suicide PCR') led us to the identification of the Y. pestis F1 antigen and the Y. pestis pla and gplD genes. These data provide clear evidence of the presence of Y. pestis in the examined specimens.  相似文献   

The state of the functional activity of peritoneal leukocytes from different species of gerbils (Mongolian gerbils, Libyan jirds, as well as gerbils inhabiting the right and left banks of the Volga), exposed to the action of Y. pestis capsular antigen, has been found to correlate with the susceptibility of these animals to plague.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the structural and functional properties of recombinant Yersinia pestis Caf1 and human IL-1beta was performed. According to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and circular dichroism (CD) data, IL-1beta and Caf1 are typical beta-structural proteins. Neither protein interacts with the hydrophobic probe ANS (8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate) under physiological conditions. Specific binding of Caf1 [K(d) = (5.4 +/- 0.1) x 10(-10) M] to interleukin-1 receptors (IL-1Rs) on the surface of finite mouse fibroblasts (line NIH 3T3) was observed. Caf1 is able to inhibit high-affinity binding of (125)I-labeled IL-1beta to NIH 3T3 cells, and in the presence of Caf1, the binding of [(125)I]IL-1beta is characterized by a K(d) of (2.0 +/- 0.3) x 10(-9) M. Caf1 binding to IL-1R could reflect adhesive properties of the capsular subunits responsible for the contact of bacteria with the host immunocompetent cells. In its turn, this may represent a signal for the initiation of the expression and secretion of the proteins of Y. pestis Yop virulon. Thus, these results help to explain the importance of Caf1 in the interaction of Y. pestis with the host immune system.  相似文献   

We studied the mechanisms of antigen presentation of CD4 T cell epitopes of the capsular Caf1 antigen of Yersinia pestis using murine bone marrow macrophages as antigen presenting cells and T cell hybridomas specific for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II-restricted epitopes distributed throughout the Caf1 sequence. The data revealed diversity in the pathways used and the degrees of antigen processing required depending on the structural context of epitopes within the Caf1 molecule. Two epitopes in the carboxyl-terminal globular domain were presented by newly synthesized MHC class II after low pH-dependent lysosomal processing, whereas an epitope located in a flexible amino-terminal strand was presented by mature MHC class II independent of low pH and with no detectable requirement for proteolytic processing. A fourth epitope located between the two regions of Caf1 showed intermediate behavior. The data are consistent with progressive unfolding and cleavage of rCaf1 from the amino terminus as it traverses the endosomal pathway, the availability of epitopes determining which pool of MHC class II is preferentially loaded. The Caf1 capsular protein is a component of second generation plague vaccines and an understanding of the mechanisms and pathways of MHC class II-restricted presentation of multiple epitopes from this candidate vaccine antigen should inform the choice of delivery systems and adjuvants that target vaccines successfully to appropriate intracellular locations to induce protective immune responses against as wide a T cell repertoire as possible.  相似文献   

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